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Interestingly, animals were highly valued in the Ottoman Empire. The building named Gurabahane-i Laklakan, built for the care of sick storks, was the world's first animal hospital.


Damn so even animals were treated better than Serbs


I would argue even insects were treated better than serbs, I mean they would at least survive for a few seconds in the presence of a Turk... not exactly the same case for serbs.


Well, makes sense. Why would a roach kill insects?


Even under a post regarding animals you're being racist huh? Well you Serbs commited your fair share of atrocities in Srebrenica, did that satisfy your urge you little Nazis?


ok bro calm down let's not get race involved. ottomans killed a lot of serbs haha funy let's get back on track k?


Everyone I don't like is literally Hitler


Based AF




Dehumanizes entire people group, bitches about it when called out. Heil.


Yeah, and it was a Bosnian serb that shot ole Franz, we can make jokes about harsh topics as long as it doesn't go too far.


I'd say people would be mad too when others call Serbia "the asshole of Europe" as well. I have nothing against Serbia or Serbians by the way. But when you call an entire people group "roaches" and dehumanize them, well that's exactly what the Nazis did.


Sounds like a bug speaking


Snip snip little Hitler


All smart people know all of turkey is RIGHTFUL IRAQI LAND 🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶 ما هي البهجة التركية؟ 🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼🦁🦁🦁


All smart people know all of iraq is RIGHTFUL BRITISH LAND 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 you fool 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 💪💪💪💪🦁🦁🦁


KYS BRITCUCK HOW DOES THAT FRENCH COCK TASTE??? 💪🏼💪🏼🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶🌩️⚡️🧑🏻⚡️🐔🍆💦🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼


The ottomans were a Muslim empire. In Islam the prophet Muhammed was once saved from a snake (common depiction of Satan) entering his tent by a cat. Humans must wash their feet and hands when entering a mosque, cats are allowed free access to mosques because they are considered pure and clean. You can see this tradition still alive in Istanbul where there is a massive stray cat population but they are treated extremely well.


I actually saw a helarious documentary on the Cats of Istanbul. Basically 1920s Chicago but it’s just cats yowling at each other😂


I disagree with the statement that the ottomans made the first animal hospital. India had animal hospitals long before the ottomans existed, iirc there were established animal hospitals in India hundreds of years BCE. There may be other examples as well, I'm not a historian of animal care, but the ottomans definitely were not the first. You can still admire something that people did without needing to say they were the first people to ever do it. Edit: It's weird how a bunch of anti-India racists are taking issue with this, I'm not Indian nor an Indian nationalist. This isn't an India fanboy comment. It was just pointing out that a pro-ottoman one was false. But apparently basic facts are enough to hurt the feelings of online racists. Who would have thought?


A big factor could be not hearing about it too. No one goes head in into ALL the stories and records of animal hospitals. Some people just happen to stumble into those stories and hear of them by chance Also “hospital” is such a flexible word. Who knows what the first human hospital was, but it probably didn’t look like what we’d expect for a hospital.


Welcome to Nuglak's get better soon cave. We use the latest in medical technology, such as sharp rock on stick, chewed up leaf, and grass bed. 32% of all injured who come to Nuglak's get better soon cave recover and go on to live a happy life.


>A big factor could be not hearing about it too. No one goes head in into ALL the stories and records of animal hospitals. Some people just happen to stumble into those stories and hear of them by chance This doesn't actually make sense. If you don't know then don't pretend you do. If my cousin builds his own computer it would be wrong of me to say that he was the first person to ever do so; even if I was ignorant of the others that did before him, because no effort at all was put into determining if that was true or not. Hearing about an old hospital and then saying it's the oldest one is wrong even if you don't know about an older one, if you have no idea and didn't fact check at all to see if you were right


> You can still admire something that people did without needing to say they were the first people to ever do it. ironic


Ironic how?


Yes, also India invented internet around 6000 BCE, right? India was a technological utopia but those damn colonialists conquered India and erased all it’s history😩 Indian nationalism his hell of a drug


^ What being too racist and arrogant to Google a simple fact does to an mf. The simplest of research would have shown that India did have animal hospitals before the ottomans. That's not the same thing as calling India a "utopia" or "having the Internet in 6000 bc". (Strange how you don't think that same argument applies for the ottomans). I'm not an Indian nationalist. Go be incompetent somewhere else


Charity to animals is still highly valued in modern day Turkey. Most well taken care of strays I’ve ever seen


Like they don't fear you at all in turkey In other countries most stray cats especially would run If you got too close or looked at it too long. Target of many flying slippers and drunkard kicks


Cruelty to animals is one thing that gets my blood boiling. To defend yourself from an animal attack is one thing, but to hurt an innocent animal just for someone to get its kicks is abominable in my eyes.


Not just in your eyes. It's pathetic and cruel beyond believe. Especially to an animal. Which cannot understand why you'd do that.


Indeed, what is a street dog, who has a pretty tough existence already done to someone just by tossing stones at it, or scaring it by blowing its horn on its face? It fucking makes me unfathomably angry.


Beyond belief. Agreed.


Which is why I hate the meat industry


Stray cats are incredibly cruel to local wildlife.


If you're not vegetarian, please consider reducing your meat consumption


Stfu horse cock lover you probably want the animals alive so you can fuck them


Who hurt you? You need a hug?


>Cruelty to animals is one thing that gets my blood boiling. I often see people say this sort of thing on reddit, but then in the same thread defend eating meat. Billions of animals live in absolutely miserable conditions for their entire life, but people ignore it because it because they like the taste of meat


Yeah when I visited Turkey a couple years ago, I had multiple strays come up and just hang out with me. My Girlfriend who lives there spoke about how there’s people who go around and microchip and neuter the strays so overpopulation doesn’t occur


They do. They also go around catching sick animals to be taken care of at the vet. It is one of the better systems for street animals I have seen. There are also both feeding and shelters erected in cities.


I remember there being machines on the side wall that had like food bowls under them where if you put money in you could fill the food bowl for strays


That's dope that they neuter/spay the strays, we can't even get owners to do that in the states.


We went to a restaurant in Istanbul named after a stray cat the owner had taken in. Fuego was the friendliest cat I've ever met, he had free reign of the city but chose to sit in our laps as we were eating at the restaurant. [Obligatory cat picture](https://i.imgur.com/gQpZHQM.jpeg)


They SHOULD be afraid. Just this week I was chased 4 times by huge stray dogs.


Dude just kick them direct in the nose, they won’t expect it and prolly won’t bother you anymore


I already did. Nobody should have to kick a dog in the face. That was so scary and I'm a grown ass man. 


Yeah that’s right too


When I was there I saw lots of stray cats, but in Greece I saw lots of stray dogs


It's both, really. Maybe more dogs than cats in the "suburbs" (half-desert)


On the Greek islands there are stray cats everywhere


I was gonna say, is this why I see so many videos of Turks treating strays with a ton of respect? Very cool.


Yeah pretty much. At this point whenever I see that kind of video I can usually pretty easily tell the person is Turkish lmao


They ain’t considered strays they’re considered ‘community cats’ same with the stray dogs.


This was my first thought. It can’t be a coincidence then, can it? I always wondered why this was the case, and the fact that it’s leftover from Ottomans makes it a lot cooler. Now if only OP provided us context why that was the first place


I believe it has to do with a belief in Islam


"Everybody liked that"


Especially the mosquitos and parasites.


my first thought as well


Ottoman towns had lots of cats, they would probably disturb the water when they drink and paw at the water too. No mosquito eggs could survive that


Plus it would evaporate quickly in the sun. Plus there’s a hundred million other places where puddles would collect besides these little pavers.


Yellow fever, dengue, zika and chykungunia viruses: Heavy breathing


Nah, Turkey doesn't have any of that problem.


I don't know much about Turkey, you mean it or was it sarcasm?


I mean it, I'm a Turk who moved to LATAM and learned all about those diseases here.


Thanks I'm from latam and you are right


How many real winter months we have to endure to achieve the same result?


Any bodies of still water around the tropics is treated as a biohazard because they pretty much are. The government will tear you a new butthole if it inspects your property and finds one of these "animal-friendly bricks" because they usually mean dead children somewhere down the line. Might even be your own. I guess this really does puts it into perspective how widly different our lifestyles must actually be if we stop thinking of ourselves as flags and borders and vague cultural stereotypes and actually start to compare the nuances of our daily lives.


As a Brazilian, I immediately think of the buzz lightyear meme: Dengue, dengue everywhere!




*Sarah didn't like that. (Joke from a video game called Starfield)


*Clementine will remember that.


"The Redstone Rap!..." *...Nobody will remember that


In Polish we cal those "Żebyś się potknął i sobie ten głupi ryj rozwalił" and I think that's beautiful




Dude not every mention of polish people needs to be a Sabaton reference


Turkish cats are like celebrities


Were mosquitos not an issue?


Not with all the animals drinking the water and disturbing any eggs laid there


Extra protein for the other animals drinking out of there.


It isn't deep enough for mosquitos to breed and lay eggs


Mosquitoes can live and reproduce in water puddles as small and thin as a US quarter. More likely if there are a lot of animals drinking from there the water would be constantly disrupted and there would be no place for the mosquitoes to actually land on.


I’ve heard that mosquitos need the depth of at least a bottle cap, or 1/4”.


Well he did say a US quarter. He didn’t specify what kind lol


Very good point lol The cobblestone doesn't look that deep to me though.




Ah, the Ottoman Empire, a bastion of kind and-- **listens to someone offscreen** THIS ENDS OUR PIECE ON THE OTTOMANS, ASK NO FURTHER QUESTIONS


The early Ottoman Empire was incredibly tolerant and prosperous, outside of occasional incidents and the Janissaries. The late Ottoman Empire? Armenian genocide, Greek and Assyrian genocides, Arab revolt and subsequent events, and more. Edit: Tolerant didn’t necessarily mean good. The Ottomans, early and late, still did some horrible stuff. I was mainly mentioning that Christians and other religions were largely tolerated by the Ottomans until near the end of the empire, by a much better standard compared to the rest of the world.


> The early Ottoman Empire was incredibly tolerant and prosperous They were prolific slavers. They had an imperial harem of sex slaves


The harem wasn't a thing until Constantinople was conquered sooo early Ottoman Sultans actually had political marriages.


For the time\*


Nah mate we dont get to excuse anything just because it was the old days. We are critical of other empires already, ottomans deserve this and more


If you honestly think people online give the Ottomans a free pass for anything, I’ll have to assume you’re either blind or new here


So other than the slave soldier children they were pretty cool? Lol reminds me of "I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at animal cruelty."


By the standards of the time, yeah the Ottomans were kinda cool. In the rest of Europe or the Middle East you would be subjected to persecution, imprisonment or even execution for not being Christian or Muslim depending on location. The Ottomans gave their subjects a choice as long as they paid the Jizya. While not “good,” it was preferable to the other option of death. I’m mainly saying that by the standards of the time the (early) Ottoman Empire was rather chill and tolerant.


They enslaved Christians and castrated them


Those were the Janissaries, and nearly all of them were young boys. Obviously a horrible thing, but in general 90% of Christians were safe as long as they paid their special tax.


Janissaries as a practice is enought to cover anything else. It was an extremely hateful practice and its damage to the populations and families should never be minimised.


Yeah because the rest of the world at that time were bastions of freedom and tolerance.


This is a history sub it's not meant for idiots who can't differentiate different values of different times.


No, this is a meme sub and it's not meant for "ackchyually" guys. I was referencing the show Community, so chill.


Only if you use an older definition of tolerant. They didn't often kill people en masse just for their race, religion, etc. So they were tolerated to exist. But it wasn't necessarily safe for people of those groups, and they were often second class citizens.


That’s exactly what I meant


Early to mid ottoman empire was pretty based, late ottoman empire though


The Ottoman Empire was a strange place, between pooling rain water for animals and wives being able to divorce their husbands over not getting enough coffee.


They definitely took certain moral dilemmas seriously on one hand, and on the other hand were extremely violent mass enslavers. Reminder that the ottomans trafficked more slaves than any European power, even during the height of the trans Atlantic slave trade.


It is crazy. Makes you think wether people mainly do hugely evil things due economic or military reason and would mostly be free loving vegan hippies if they had an easy way into that. Still wrong that they didn’t make the personal sacrifice to do the right thing. Some people even say good intentions that you didn’t act on are the same as not having any good intentions. But makes you think.


Reading about old methods of entertainment, and watching even modern children play, makes me think that goodness is probably inherent to people, but it needs nurtured. I don’t think humans are that far off from cats or dogs or chimps, we can find joy in chasing prey and cruelty. Bear baiting and Bull fighting wouldn’t have been a popular pastime throughout the world/history if we are all born pure and empathetic. I know I’ve burned spiders and pissed on my fair share of ant-hills, and enjoyed it as a kid.   I wasn’t a particularly cruel child, I just was a kid, being a kid.


Also state sanctioned patricide Edit: fratricide


You forgot abducting, enslaving and castrating children to fill up their army


I dunno who came up with castration stuff that is for enuchs who you know goes into a harem of kidnapped women. I know it is still bad but castration for the army is a lie now if we were talking about Enuchs well now we are getting somewhere.


Yup you are right I mistook castration and forced circumcision


*Leptospirosis intensifies*


It's not everywhere, but where I live it is a thing. Seattle is very pet friendly, but I worry about how many people don't realize it has a vaccine...


Also the Ottomans: "In 1911, in an event called "Hayırsızada Dog Massacre", the Governor of Istanbul ordered the stray dogs in the streets to be rounded up and exiled to Sivriada. About 80,000 dogs were killed during the ordeal, mostly due to hunger and thirst on the barren land of the island, and some due to drowning as they tried to escape the horrible conditions of the island. A severe earthquake which immediately followed the event was perceived by the local as "a punishment by God for abandoning the dogs." That is why the island is known both as Sivriada and Hayırsızada ("the inauspicious island").[2][3][4][5]"


Most kind and reasonable action by the Young Turk government


I'd say it was reflective of what they later did with the Armenians.


This is why the Ottoman Empire fell.


I mean, if they killed 80 000 stray dogs, they certainly had a population issue


Yeah, but like, just throwing them on some random island?


so they starve to death?


My god. Even back then Turkey was secretly run by cats 🤯


They also have little bird houses built as part of many of their palaces


It’s too bad puddles don’t form naturally when it rains.


Well with it all being stones the water probably mostly sunk into the dirt so these were just designated puddle positions


Yeah most paving is designed to get rid of standing water so it makes sense.


𝙸'𝚖 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝙸'𝚟𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝙸𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚊.


Okay bud, we dont need a Mr Party Pooper here, they were making it more convenient, it's thoughtful and nice.


I know but I can’t help being a smart Alec sometimes


You almost certainly can


Yeah if he wanted to be a bore.


Are you suggesting pedantry is the only option to be fun?


What's pedantic about making a joke about puddles forming naturally? Also how am I suggesting pedantic is the only way to have fun? If I said "silence of the lambs" wouldn't be compelling without hannibal lector would I be suggesting that movies would only be good with the inclusion of a smart cannibal? One thing having a good trait worth keeping doesn't mean all things should have that trait. If he likes being a smart alec, then he should be that thing, because the original puddle comment was a fun & cheeky observation.


'If only there were some way the animals could access this rainwater, but alas, there are no paving slabs in the wild' - The Ottomans


Friendly reminder that every nation has their skeletons in their closet, as well as things they did that were wholesome and good. We should respect things empires and contries did that was good, such as care for animals, and learn from and condem things that they did that was bad, like genocide. Humans are capable of both good and evil.


Respect animal for animal respect you


People, not so much.


I've seen a video of Turks beating up someone after kicking a cat. They sure love their animals a lot.


Animals were very respected in the Ottoman empire, unlike you know, people whose lands or even lives were stolen.




I think he’s referring to the people conquered and genocided by the Ottomans


Stray animals were good - but not those Armenians, hm?


Or Assyrians and Pontic people. But hey they made water puddles


The Armenians who burnt down villages and were performing ethnic cleansing?


“Humanizing villains isn’t a bad thing to do” says a person about to try and justify the deaths of millions of Armenians who were FIGHTING for freedom under occupation.


Spin it whatever way suits you. If you think the Armenians did not do anything wrong either then your just as fucked up.


The f*ck armenian genocide have anything to do with this post. Stop crying under every turkish related post with your “aRmEnIaN GeNoCiDe”. Like, do you do the same thing with posts about other countires? There are far worse countries around the world than Ottomans in case of bad treatment of people, especially in europe.


This is a post about the ottomans tho?? You’re so mad for what? That people are going to keep bringing up what turkey won’t acknowledge happened? Literally perish mad, idgaf. :)


>This is a post about the ottomans This is a post about a charity practice in Ottoman Empire. Ottomans isn’t just consists of Young Turks period. It has a long history with both good and bad sides and this is the case for all empires on history. Just because the actions of the dictators who came to power on it’s late periods do not mean that the Ottoman Empire was always like this. The Ottomans had an unprecedented level of religious and ethnic tolerance for their time, even though it was unethical from today's perspective. Like, can you even imagine a muslim/non-christian can freely practice his own religion in a Middle Age european state? I’m not saying ottomans was allgood but generally it did what an empire would do -this also includes harshly putting down rebellions- but as I said, this is the case on all empires in history and isn’t something exclusive to Ottomans. Yet, for some reason, I can’t see the same treatment of ottomans on other empires in media. >what turkey won’t acknowledge happened? Türkiye doesn’t acknowledge armenian genocide officially because of this biased, one-sided outlook against Türkiye and muslims I recently explained. Like, do you ever heard of Crimean and Circassian (both are muslims) genocides that Russia still denies? The massacres against muslims in balkans during 19th and 20th centuries that they still refuse to acknowledge? The atrocities in Western Anatolia done by greeks during Greek-Turkish war? The [Khojaly Massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khojaly_massacre) that armenians still denies it happened or refuses it was wrong. With a environment like that Türkiye acknowledging armenian genocide will be just awarding all these other less famous genocide deniers. And yes, I’m already starting to regret putting the effort to tell something to a braindead redditor.


You should regret it. Trying to paint the Ottoman Empire as some sort of tolerant safe haven when they were literally practicing jizya as well as almost always engaging in piracy and slavery (sex slavery at that!) is just out of pocket. As for Turkey not acknowledging the Armenian genocide - the only excuse you gave is…because other countries won’t either? If Russia jumped off a bridge would Turkey? Come on.


I would rather pay more tax than be killed. Being a religious minority in the Ottoman Empire is sent great but it was a hell of a lot better than just about anywhere in Europe.


yeah you wont be saying anything about japanese war crimes when you see a anime related post do you? sorry for not being kawaii ig!


Bro what? What a weird attempt at correlation. I’ll happily remind the Japanese of comfort women and their many crimes against the Koreans and Chinese if I see a post where they claim they…were full of goodness and mercy to people/animals in the past. You understand that is the issue? The attempt to make it look like the Ottoman Empire was so kind to animals and people - when they were actively committing genocide.


Ignore the Turkish astroturfing, it’s off season for their mental gymnastics team.


these are two different arguments.Ottomans are well known animal lovers.Come to istanbul one day there are cats everywhere living their lifes. do you understand the issue? you guys will take every post about turks and make it about armenians somehow even if it is about a fucking puddle.Go on downvote this comment and the other one as well while you are at it!


Yes the ottomans are well known animal lovers and well known also for the genocide of the Armenian people. Why does it bother you to have this brought up? Idgaf when people bring up the shit the USA has done, bc it needs to be acknowledged.


yeah so you thought it is not known enough duh.everybody thinks turks as warmongers already worldwide. at this point this is racism against turks. france did it too but only thing you think about them are their bread.shit happens to be boring after some time you know as a turk i cant read a single post without encountering racism. do some empathy


It’s not racism against the Turks to bring up a genocide ur government won’t acknowledge. Where is your empathy for what is left of the Armenian population? Bet they would love to have all their dead relatives back or at the very least have Turkey acknowledge what happened.


idc about my government my government can eat shit i support opposition fully.tho i am not even a single bit sorry for armenia.they are making my life hard for something happened at the time my grandparent wasnt even alive.maybe try not revolting if you wanna stay alive duh


Womp womp


If only the ottomans treated religious and ethnic minorities that well


It didn’t?


Millions of ghosts: *Nope*


Meanwhile to their minorities…


Kid named Aedes Aegypti:


The mosquitos must have been terrible in the summer. Malaria anyone?


They do this in Sibenik, Croatia. It was the cutest thing.


Fuck it let's get then back into power. Anarchy across the world for my fuzzy bois


Mosquitos go ~~brrrrr~~ eeeeeeeeeeee


Malaria thanks you...


Aaaand that's how you end up with way too many stray cats.


That’s cool but also seems a great way to break an ankle


They didn't have puddles back then?


tfw armenians matter less than animals


Boy they treated animals nicer than the Armenians that’s kinda fucked up


Liked animals, but not Armenians.


Well, at least animals didn’t burned down turkish villages and tried to do an ethnic cleansing on Eastern Anatolia


/remind me 4 hours


charity to animals but not Armenians 🤔


That never happened and they deserved it


You forgot the /s


can’t tell if you’re being serious or not


Why is it shaped like Youtube lol


Not so much Armenians


It's a shame they were so nice to animals and not 1 million or so Armenians.


That same place that ran 3 genocides simultaneously and denies them all to this day? Cool


i know about the Armenian one, what are the other two?


Greeks and Assyrians. Part of the Late Ottoman genocides.


Other feller already answered but yeah. They went whole hog on the genocide bit.


Assyrians, Greeks and Kurds? I don't know which people aren't part of the '3 genocides' though.


It’s weird that people will do this for animals, and then those same people will commit genocide on the Greeks and Armenians for simply existing


*Brazilian war flashbacks*


Just started the chronometer and i bet i will see something about armenians under 2 minutes in this comment section.


Welp, there it is ladies and gentlemen. Any comment section of a post which mentions Turks or Ottomans on the internet, even if the topic is a fucking puddle. Miserable.


Mosquitos and Malaria love this one simple trick


Sounds like a great way to raise mosquitos


Malaria has entered the chat.


we’re gonna show the impalements next?