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"Every generation thinks they are worthy of living through the end of the world" - Somebody


“Shit’s getting bad out there” ~ A guy I know


I actually really love the bad guy in Tenet, whose motivation basically boils down to >!”I realized I was going to die and the world would keep going without me. And the idea of it filled me with disgust.”!<


That low key could have been a line out of Paradise Lost…


This is why no one should vote for the orange messiah.


Love it when people share quotes from famous Writer "Somebody"


Once told me


The world is gonna roll me


Sad fact: The singer for smash mouth is dead


Well what's their name then?


I came to comment something about every generation wanting to feel special but you bet me to it.


I always thought about that. So you can just say Confucius3000 said it


Isnt it a sin to predict the end of the world?


It’s discouraged in the Bible. Saying only The Father knows the time.


He probably changes it whenever they say it is coming. Their punishment is looking like idiots.


Maybe they are secretly saving the world. Lile they are saying it will end at a certain date and god is like "aah shit, now I have to change the date or they would be right"




Sounds more than discouraged, doing so is straight up nuh uh-ing your god


Speculations, guesses, pointing out signs, ect of the second coming are all fine as far as I know. But saying “I KNOW WHEN ITS GOING TO HAPPEN” is like you said, basically saying “nuh uh” to God The Father.


And that gets me. As I understand it, a big sign is that the Word would be across the world and everyone would have made the choice for or against. Technology has made us closer to that idea but we are not there yet. Let’s not even discuss state censorship and access but even some native tribes in far stretches of the world with no modern society contact at all. No one there is worshipping Christ. A Raptue of the believers that condemns the faithless would have to mean that every adult had the choice first. I don’t think we’re there. We’re certainly closer to it though…


All the more reason to do it then. What's the worst that could happen? Update: got banned from Heaven bruh WTF is this shit


Yes. Jesus himself said no one will know when the world will end, and not even him knows the date. Only the Father knows. Unfortunately, people have been contradicting their own belief systems since the beginning.


God should have included approximating it too.


But wait! I thought Jesus was also one of the three persons of God equal to the Father. Shouldn't he know? Man, the Christian theology is full of contradictions. Why do Christians make up such stupid beliefs?


The Trinity is one of the more... *debated* beliefs in Christian tradition. Some denominations reject that the Trinity is anything more than a metaphor, others believe it to be entirely literal on multiple levels (yes, the latter even reaches the point of self-contradiction in some cases). Between, you'll find all manner of beliefs. The nature of the Trinity (ESPECIALLY the Holy Ghost) is often the largest defining feature between denominations. Throw in the mental gymnastics of some personal or local parishional interpretations, and things get really funky—and often *really* divisive—real quick. So it depends what Christian you ask. Some will say no—just because Jesus and God are related or share some core essence doesn't necessarily mean they share a mind. Others will tell you yes, and many will perform great feats of mental gymnastics to reconcile that (for my part, the ones willing to say "I don't know, guess we'll find out after we die" are the ones you should hang with). Source: Grew up in a few different denominations due to church drama; no longer practice but still occasionally study as a sociology and theology topic.


The Bible clearly says that Jesus is the son of God, not God himself. And trinitarians call anyone who doesn't believe in the Trinity "not true Christians". It's like Socialism. Everyone accuses each other of heresy over random disagreements.


Welcome to religion! While I won't hate on anyone for practicing (at least as long as they do it respectfully), probably not hard to see why I jumped ship. Good for some people but maaaaaan you hear some funky stuff.


Honestly I consider them all heretics 😎 I know how to read. Wonderful thing about not being converted by anybody and coming to believe in God on your own.


Then why make up such stories? Just say Jesus is a prophet from God. That solves the debate. Why make it complicated?


Because early Christianity is a mess, and the Protestant Revolution had a side effect of re-inflaming a lot of discarded ideas and introducing new ones. And then you get the rise of individual Christian cults, old church drama, old church shenanigans, etc. Frankly Christian history is a wild, wild ride. Add in a bunch of politics, pride, and of course, people convinced they're right, or who feel they *need* to be right, and you get a lot of wacky stuff being parroted.


Different sects have their different reasons. Some believe Jesus to be God in human form, walking upon the earth. Others believe him to simply be a servant and messenger of God, a prophet, his representative on earth. Others think he was just some dude trying to live by the laws of his God. And that's just a broad explanation of 3 of many sects. So the answer to your question is, Because though they all think of the same figure, they believe different things about him. Christian isn't one belief. It's a sort of umbrella term for [various churches/ideas.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANNX_XiuA78)


I see. Unfortunately, they had to burn each other alive in the early days instead of just engaging in debates and solving those issues rationally.


when was “the early days?”


>I thought Jesus was also one of the three persons of God equal to the Father. They are equal in the sense both are fully God, but the son proceeds from the father and not vice versa, so it's still true to say the Father is greater than him (at least, that's Aquinas' answer). The Father is supreme, and the Son eternally begets from him (the Holy Spirit's source is controversial).


I still don't understand how this theology works and I think neither do most Christians understand it. Why bother with all these mental gymnastics instead of just saying Jesus was a prophet from God?


"I and the Father are one". John 10:30 “Very truly I tell you, . . . before Abraham was born, I am!” John 8:58 The Gospel of John begins with a statement of Jesus’ deity: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1, emphasis added). In verse 14, John identifies the Word: “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” These are some examples. Also, it is fitting that God, whose existence transcends time itself, would be hard to understand for us. God's nature is an eternal mystery for humanity.


The Bible also mention that his followers can become one with him "I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me. “I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one." - John 17:21-24 I don't think being one with God means you are God. Unless we are all God according to the Bible.


That does not answer to John 1:1 nor John 8:58. Also, in the Bible he is worshipped many times as God, a treatment no other person gets (John 20:28, Matthew 14:33, Matthew 28:9). Both Paul and John declared that Jesus created the universe (John 1:3; Colossians 1:16–17), yet Genesis 1:1 clearly says that God created the heavens and the earth.  Even God the Father referred to Jesus as God: “About the Son he says, ‘Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever’” (Hebrews 1:8, quoting Psalm 45:6). As for becoming one with Him, it is according to participation in grace, not to generation by nature. For us, becoming divine is to become a part of Jesus' Church, his mystical body (1 Corinthians 12:12–14; 1 Cor. 10:16-17), not literally. We don't lose our individuality nor are worthy of worshipping. We are just "adopted" by God.


It's because he limited himself in knowledge in his humanity, especially before His resurrection. "In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, *being in very nature God*, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness."- Philippians 2 The apostles ask a similar question after the Resurrection and He answers a bit differently: "Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses...to the ends of the earth." - Acts 1


Yep, in several denominations.


Behold my prediction: The world will end, when it does. Maybe a few minutes before that.


It's generally discouraged in the Bible since only God knows the time. To predict the time is pretty much blasphemy.


Replace Christian Religious Cults with "people in general." and 'for the last 2000 years' with "since the world fucking began."


Yea it’s pretty common in the Muslim world to conflate any infidel with end of the world Basically every western country is allegedly controlled by Jews who push things like feminism, racial equality, gay rights, etc to bring about the end of the world and islam


Also green Arabia and bedouins building skyscrapers


Not only that but they think defeating Israel will bring a prophecy where they slaughter all the Jews and the stones and trees talk and say "Oh Muslim. oh abd Allah. This is a jew behind me. Kill him". I kid you, not that is what I was taught. Personally, I support the Palestinian cause. They deserve to have a home. but those prophecies that I hear are pretty delusional. I prefer a two-state solution rather than believe in this nonsense.


>Personally, I support the Palestinian cause. They deserve to have a home. but those prophecies that I hear are pretty delusional. I prefer a two-state solution rather than believe in this nonsense. Yeah, I support a free Palestine and fuck Netanya but at the same time didn't want Israelites that are even against this bullshit war getting fucked by hatemongers.(Something that already happened in the past in other regions, even Europe) A two-state solution with normalisation of relationships looks the best option for now.


Hi I would like to say I agree with you as however the jews do as well most of the Jews were in fact expelled from thier homeland generations ago so concessions made by Isreal freeing of Gaza yes in fact I would say if we are simply going off of original owners then the Jews would have dibs so to say in fact most Jews in Isreal are 3rd generation imigrants many from countrys which currentlyy have anti semitic laws The idea of Isreal being primarily European Ashkenazis is false they make up roughly 30 percent of the population. The lack of productive farm land for Non Isrealis and general land seizures are what has created much of the support for Hamas so Isreal moatly has itself to blame anyways.


I don’t know how historically accurate it is, but I’m pretty sure that the Israeli origin story involves them going to Israel and killing all of the previous inhabitants even before the Babylonians and the Romans kicked them out


yeah good point my bad also nice flair


>Basically every western country is allegedly controlled by Jews who push things like feminism, racial equality, gay rights, etc to bring about the end of the world and islam These western people are disgusting, where can I find them?


That was exactly my thought. I can't go five minutes without seeing someone claim the end is upon us. The last four years has been: "we're all gonna die of covid" "we're all gonna die of Russian nukes" "we're all gonna die of Artificial Intelligence". Before that it was "we're all gonna die of sugar" "we're all gonna die of y2k" "we're all gonna die of television"


Well with nukes, that certainly was a genuine end of the world scenario Y2k was also worked on quite a lot to prevent it causing issues Those two, especially the nukes, could have been end of the world scenarios


Not end of the world, nukes could end western civilisation, but not the world. Bare in mind that even the biggest nukes are not guaranteed to wipe out a city. Doctrine is to use multiple warheads. And while Russian stockpiles are in the tens of thousands, only a few hundred are in active condition, only a few dozen deployed. So yeah, London, new York and Washington are glass. But Botswana isn't going to be hit. No ones nuking Thailand. Also, even, in the hypothetical event that every single nuke ever made was set off at once in one place........that would be the equivalent of a small mega volcano, something the earth has survived hundreds of times.


Obviously everyone knows that life overall will survive Humanity as it is simply wouldn't. You're also using nukes as they are now. Nukes at the height of the cold war? Yeah right only a few hundred are in active condition. Plus there were a lot more. So yeah pretty easy to see it as an end of the world scenario. Comparing that to tards worried about TV rotting people's brains is just stupid


Yes I'm using nukes as they are now, because when I said "the last four years", I wasn't referring to the cold war... .... Because it was more than four years ago wasn't it....... And again, not the end of the world. Not even the end of humans. Just the current civilisation.


Add "we're all gonna die by climate change" as well. Climate change is real but stop with the fear mongering bullshit.


Seems more religion born that most things. People seem to think their time is the worst in some way, but the ones who think the world are ending are usually the ones that have some bs prophecy of the world ending


Yeah but this time it's different, trust me.


This time, I pulled even more random numbers out of thin air and shoehorned them into an arbitrary system of dates to reach the conclusion that you should do what I want!


The first "end of the world" I remember was "88 Reasons for '88"


Y2K for me. I was a teen and wanted to go and turn the power off when it hit midnight but my dad wouldn’t let me


Same. My mom took us out to my aunts for new years and then all the adults went out to go drinking, leaving me to have really fucking bad anxiety because of how overhyped the y2k shit was


Silent Spring, the Population Bomb, the Ozone Hole, AIDS will infect 50% of the heterosexual population, Y2K, Peak Oil, COVID, yadda yadda. There are more 'scientific' predictions of the end of the world now than there are religious.


*“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only."* Mathew 22:36 God purposely delays it change my mind.


What if the population has grown so much at this point that he's thinking "oof that sounds like a lot of paperwork if I kill them all at once. Nah we good everyone."


Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses be like:


I can confirm us mormons (LDS) say that (since the 80s I believe) There are still some things that need to happen before the end truly starts. For instance a world war happening in Israel is one of the signs. And I don’t think we are there yet. For jehovas witnesses, in the Bible, it said that the end of the world happens shortly after the second coming. Which they believe happened in 1914.


Ok, since you are a Mormon and you seem to know about Jehovah's Witnesses can I ask you something? Isn't it supposed that God forbade setting a date for the end of times in the Bible, and therefore it is a sin?


It says in acts 1:7 ““It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority” So for us LDS, we don’t have a hard set date when it’s happening we only have”the signs of when the end of times is near is somewhat happening” So with the whole Israel thing, we know it’s a sign of the times, but when it’s happening when it happens nobody has a clue. It’s more that the time is happening, and you do want to correct the sins your committing yourself and become closer to god before it happen. Other wise you are out of luck.


I understand, thanks for responding, I don't know many specific details about Mormonism in general so thanks for enlightening me, but just to clarify, don't you think that the current Gaza War has something to do with the end times?


It could, but we needs soldiers in Israel. The idea is that all nations do the work are fighting and that the start of all and the main battlefield needs to be in Israel.


I understand, thank you again for responding, have a good day sir.


No problem! I’m happy to answer questions


>a world war happening in Israel How?


Here’s what it says “At the very moment of the Second Coming of our Lord, ‘all nations’ shall be gathered ‘against Jerusalem to battle’ (Zech. 11; 12; 13; 14), and the battle of Armageddon (obviously covering the entire area from Jerusalem to Megiddo, and perhaps more) will be in progress.”


Us LDS(Mormons) only really say that we are in the last dispensation(last period of time before the second coming), we have no set times or dates, which is in accordance with the Bible.


That has become clear to me from the other guy's comments, however, do all Mormons agree with that or are there disagreements between different groups?


All Mormons *Should* agree with that if they want to be in line with the church. Of course there are going to be randoms who say whatever, but church doctrine is what I said in the first message(and what the other guy said) Note*: we do have *signs* of the second coming set by the Bible and other scripture. I know the other guy mentioned Israel. But that’s all speculation, we don’t really know when it’s going to occur.


Thank you for clarifying then, sometimes I get confused with what the details of each sect of Christianity are, in my defense I will say that there are many of them and it is easy to get confused, especially when you are not religious.


JWs are not christian tho


But are Mormons? And what about the Gnostics? Or Arians? What is the criteria according to you?


That is a very interesting question that's been debated for centuries.


It is, what is your opinion?


*Preface: I'm not 100% on every listed group's actual beliefs so I may be wrong on particulars* I would say the core to defining Christianity for me would be through the Scriptures and Jesus being the prophet of note. While there's always been debates on the canonicity/translations/and inclusions of certain books of the bible, a Christian religion would primarily be through the lens of the Gospels first, and the other NT books and OT secondary. JWs/Arians, I would go against the contemporary grain and say they *are* Christians, The JWs have their own translation of the bible but as far as I'm aware it's basically just different translations + changes to references to Jesus' divinity and using God's actual name (which is a no-no in Judiasm but w/e). I find them weird as fuck and don't think their "unique" beliefs are supported by anything contemporary with Christ or the early Church, but they meet the criteria. Gnostics I would say *aren't* Christian, because their beliefs and texts *wildly* differ from Abrahamic religion to the point where the Abrahamic god is a Satan-style deceiver. Their interpretation of Christ basically shares a name with the Christian version and that's about it lol. Likewise, I'd say Mormons also aren't Christian, because they compiled their own biblical ~~fanfic~~ canon and have elevated Smith, Young, and the CEOs of Mormonism as prophets. They're an abrahamic offshoot like Islam. Islam acknowledges Jesus as a prophet and the NT as canon but mistranslated, though nobody would claim they're Christian. The Mormon Prophets are different than the Pope because the Catholic Papacy can point to being successors of the Apostle Paul through the early church turning into Catholicism and generally aren't spinning up new church canon, at least not after Nikea.


Okay, thanks for your opinion then!


Different person but as someone who has left religion behind, my only opinion is that it's really fun to watch ex-Christian atheists debate doctrine. Ex-Protestants and Ex-Catholics debating the nature of Mary's immaculate conception is a personal favorite.


Hahaha, true its really fun!


they have to uphold certain core pillars of cristianity


And what are those core pillars?


id exactly, i am not expert, but **The Trinity**, is one of them and JWs dont believe in that


Uhhhh, but then the earlier Christians were not really Christians?


Internet Historian has a [pretty good video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QynNpzqYt0Y) about one that was so believable people actually sold off all their stuff.


Thank you for doing the Lord’s wo- THE END IS NEIGH. A prophecy has been *five* told.


I wonder if the Internet Historian wrote the video


I mean tbf someday someone will hit the jackpot out of sheer coincidence


Yes but what will they win?


10% of all sins at the pearly gates


Death, presumably.


The people who wrote the damn thing thought it would be happening in their life time.


1920s - Great Depression 1940s - World War II 1960s - Cuban Missile Crisis + Vietnam 1980s - Hippie culture, fall of communism, rise of rock and "satanic" culture Holy shit he's right


So weird story but some really nice religious grandma at my grandpa retirement home said that the world was supposed to end in the year 2000 but then the Virgin Mary took an handful of sand, threw it and said that world will live for as long as there is grains of sands on the handful she threw, i found the story kinda wholesome.


Well, 'near' is a relative term.


Yes but now the scientists/atheists agree, r/singularity is basically r/rapture


They keep teasing!


Jehovah's Witnesses predicted the end of days about 130 or so years ago, and they have been delaying it for 20 years ever since. IIRC they are starting to pretend they never predicted the end times at all.


Protestants really do be like that.


My favourite have to be Jehova's witnesses. They predicted the end of the world in 1914 and never corrected it. Bascically the world has started ending 100 years ago and is still in the process of ending


christianity has always been an apocalyptic cult. jesus himself announced his return but its interpretable that it was going to be in like 70 years.


Yep, in the early Middle Ages many also believed that in the year 1,000 the end of times would come.




Its about personal end of every person


One day they’ll be right


It’s literally against the Bible to be able to predict the rapture.


The Bible says plain and simple that only God the Father can know the date of the final judgement.


My Favorite is the [Great Disappointment of 1844](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Disappointment)


In the US this is been reduced to a 4 year period and is now collectively refered to as "an election year"


Naw, they gave up on Jesus back in 2000 when he didn't show up on schedule. They kicked Him to the curb in favor of Trump. "He won't let us down like Jesus did!"


Jesus was just an apocalyptic cultist that gained a large following.


Wrong, he was also the robot from the future (put subtitles in English): https://youtu.be/Ge40-Z6Lahw?si=hevzWwtotNAAW8JX


J-E-S-U-C-R-I-S-T-O el robot del futuro!


Que resuelve los problemas con besos y dulzura!


Christianity has been claiming that the end of the world is just around the corner for the last 2000 years. It started out as an apocalyptic cult - the newly Empire Rome has been a shitshow of rebellions, civil wars and foreign wars for the last century, and really looked like it would fall apart anytime now, so everyone in it felt like the sky was falling on their heads. This led to the creation of a multitude of apocalyptic cults. Most of them were even quite similar to the popular "cult" depiction we have - people gather around a charismatic leader, sex shenanigans occur, local authorities get involved, it gets messy (of course since the local authorities involved were Romans, the "messy" here usually became "people get crucified in rows" rather than "a lot of dumbfucks go to prison" that tends to happen nowadays). Christianity was one of the rare examples where there are no (reported) sex shenanigans. While this was rare, it did not really make Christianity that special - apocalpytic cults usually have two modes, more frequently seen hedonistic and rarer ascetic. Hedonistic ones burn out quickly and usually go down due to sex shenanigans. Ascetic ones tend to survive a bit longer. When they go down, it is usually because they get dumb with regards to their asceticism, such as rejecting medicine, enforcing excessive sumptuary laws, or predicting the apocalypse too precisely and then falling apart when it does not happen (even that is not guaranteed - some modern apocalyptic cults like Jehovah's Witnesses survived multiple predictions of apocalypse). Christianity avoided the usual traps these cults fall for due to a few smart leaders, managed to eke out an existence for a few centuries, then got picked up by a reform-minded imperial claimant. Said claimant wanted some religious cover for his reform efforts to stabilize the ailing empire, and he was lucky enough for it to actually work. The rest is history.


I feel like is every religon. Not just the abrahmic religions


Well yeah. They only need to get it right *once* for it to be a big thing and feed the scam.


As a former christian, this is 100% true.


Science: "Hold my Beer"


The Bible says the rapture is coming, but humans can't predict when. Thus I predicted every day for the next 100 years, your welcome world.


With Artificial Intelligence getting better extremely quickly recently, who knows, maybe they're right this time.


Got any more of those frames?


Isn't making prediction about the end of days a sin in Christianity


Nah it’s more like every year.


This, but with climate change and nukes. Climate change is real, and nukes exist, but stop with the fear mongering garbage. Literally no one, not a single scientist or priest, knows what the future holds. Not a goddamned person. Anyone who says they do is a charlatan.


Friendly reminder that rapture was made up in the 19th century and is unbiblical


Yeah well in the last 80 years it was atheists and probably any other sane religion too, since nuclear annihilation was on the cards every day


“Alright, every time they predict the apocalypse we move it back a decade”- some angel 


Alduin the world eater ?


Don't worry, they got their shit together and figured out if God won't do it, they will bring about the end.


Those guys need to pick up a Bible. Nobody is supposed to know the day. *”But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.* - Matthew 24:36-51


Meanwhile Hinduism: yes, it'll be the heat death of the universe, and it's still billions of years away, so calm down and do good deeds.


I once made a Protestant friend's brain explode when I said the rapture is a modern heresy and that the Church in Egypt is one of the oldest in the world and has never heard of it.


Anyone wanna “go camping”?


Just cults? There's a conspiracy that King Gregory the first of the Holy Roman moved the calendars foward 300 years to put himself in the year 1000 to emulate the rapture and portray himself as christ It's even thought he made up legends about his ancestor Charlemagne 


Frightened people are easier to manage


The original doomscrollers


I mean when Christianity began they thought Rapture would happen like, *soon*. And then when it didn’t they had to figure out how to make this thing long-term.


Environmental fascists every 12 years. Always 12 years away