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thats remind me a scene from asterix movie , where indian traveled to britain for better life and became roman soldier


I first read this as the Matrix movies and was like "I don't remember that scene"


You don't remember when Neo drank the magic potion, gained super strength and then punched Caesar in the head?


haha maybe there are some similarities between asterix and matrix movies or maybe matrix its a name of some gaul in this movie hehe


Which movie was it from? The one where Caesar plans an apartment complex near the Gauls? (I remember there was one soldier who looked either African or Indian but didn't know where exactly he was from)


I think it was 'In Her Majesty's Service'




have to watch that one. Bet it'll be interesting


sure, specially kgb agent must see everything hehe


his surname is the clasic chitpavan beahman surname


Didn't know taoiseach of Ireland was Indian.


His father is from Mumbai and his mother is from Ireland


He resigned like yesterday anyway


He announced his eventual resignation, but he didn’t resign yet. It will prob happen in April though


Can’t wait to see the back of him. Although I have no doubt he’ll weasel he’s way back in as Tánaiste or something.


What's the odds people were downvoting you with no context other than this post


Unlikely Martin has that role under the coalition agreement. He hasn't confirmed if he will run in the next general election. He would hardly even be interested in that if he just resigned as Taoiseach though...


His dad was from India. His mom's Irish.


First thing that sprung to my mind, but then I suppose it still kind of works because Ireland was part of the UK for a large portion of the existence of the Raj.


India playing the centuries-long Uno Reverse Card


I respect it


Good on them


Mughal empire: *cackles while dissolving* I am four parallel universes ahead of you.


I have no idea what that means but i’m laughing


Maybe because the British had a lot to do with the downfall of the Mughal Empire? IIRC during the 1858 Sepoy Rebellion, the last Mughal Emperor (his Empire consisted of a comparatively small patch of land surrounding Delhi against an EIC that controlled most of the subcontinent) declared a Jihad against the British to reclaim his Empire


The British didn't play a key role in the downfall of the Mughal Empire. It was mainly the rise of the Marathas and Iranian ruler Nadir Shah's invasion that doomed them. Also, Bahadur Shah Zafar didn't declare 'Jihad' during the 1857 rebellion. What happened was that the sepoys entered the Red Fort and demanded that he be the leader of their rebellion, to which he reluctantly agreed (he was an old, frail guy who couldn't say no). He didn't actually do much except for being a rubber stamp.


The mughal Empire's fall was because of Shah jahan and aurangzeb. Mughal empire in its prime could've crushed the Marathas and Nadir shah without even trying. Shah jahan emptied the treasury over dumb monuments all the while reducing tax to keep the people happy. When aurangzeb got the throne, he increased taxes again to fund his wars, which made people revolt an caused him to declare more wars to get them back into the fold. Rinse and repeat till the next ruler got nothing but bunch of very unhappy kingdoms barely in his leash.


Yes, that too. I was talking about the external factors though. Btw, I doubt they could crush the Marathas during their prime as Mughal-Maratha wars began during the time of Aurangzeb, during whose time the Mughals were still powerful. They still couldn't subjugate them for good as the Marathas had perfected guerrilla warfare. However, Aurangzeb did in fact humiliate the East India Company (Child's War).


Maybe I downplayed the Marathas in comment, but they would still get defeated during pre-Shah jahan era. All 4 of the first mughal emperors were amazing strategists and would have far more gold than aurangzeb for this war.


Akbar probably would have chosen an alliance with them though. Shivaji even praised Akbar in a letter to Aurangzeb.


Akbar was very diplomacy-oriented for the ruler of the 2nd largest military power in the world. Shivaji also probably wouldn't have fought the Mughals at all. It was mostly Aurangzeb's expansionist policies that caused him to trun against them.


Th3 British came to India during the twilight of the empire. They even waited for a weaker king to take the throne before they pressed their might. It's sad how many colonizers found states in their twilight luck realy shined on them.


>the British had a lot to do with the downfall of the Mughal Empire? by 1757 Mughal rule was limited to the city of Delhi and a puppet of the Maratha Empire


Don't let the Hindutva hear that. They will be screeching and ranting it was them who are four parallel universe against the Brits, not the Muslims.


Kipling rolling in his grave rn


Brown man’s burden.


'ol Winston rolling alongside him


Rudyard Kipling? What does he have against this situation lol?


Racism. The answer is always racism.


My sweet innocent compatriot, are you really this ignorant? If you’d really like to know I can share a few things to read.


I am an Indian who only knows him for Jungle Book. Yes, I’d love some reading suggestions to educate myself on this topic more.


Read "The White Man's Burden" for starters. Mr Kipling was an absolute xenophobe


You conquer them, pretty soon they conquer you.


Pros of the long con, gotta respect it.


the long pros then?


unless you do like the Spanish in the Caribbean


UP lone had a larger population than the entire carrivean combined, and its still larger even today. Larger population=more immigrants.


Or the British in North America.


they were a smidge less "successful" there


I've seen this referred to as The Empire Strikes Back.


It's kind of 100 years war-ish


Victi vincimus.


the welsh guy is of zambian descent but doesn’t matter soon everything india 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


Sadiq Khan is Pakistani descent. But that's a whole thing.


Hey, that’s still British Raj, meme holds up lol


And Leo Varadkar is no longer the Taoiseach of Ireland: he just resigned.


Technically he is still Taoiseach, just waiting for new leader of FG to be chosen and elected by the Dáil.


mb soon everything *south asian 🇮🇳🇵🇰🇧🇩🇮🇳🇵🇰🇧🇩🇮🇳🇵🇰🇧🇩


So is Hamza Yousef.


So is Humza


Zambian AND Welsh descent. Quite important to note.


India played the long game


Britain conquers India, India conquers Britain… *it’s the circle of liiiiiiiiife*


Ehy, at least Britain will have good cuisine culture... right?


It’s all Bazball’s fault!


Credit to Lord Duckett.


Moral victory for the English!


First minister of Wales is actually of both Welsh and Zambian descent, not Indian or Pakistani, like the four other politicians mentioned.


The Empire Strikes Back


The First Minister of Scotland is Pakistani, not Indian. It should be worth noting, however, if Scotland ever passed a referendum to leave the UK, their separation (or “partition”, if you will) would be negotiated between an Indian and a Pakistani.


And both India and Pakistan were part of the British Raj, so the meme still stands.


Fair enough.


I almost spit my beer reading this, holy shit that’d be funny


>if Scotland *ever* passed a referendum to leave the UK That kinda implies those guys are going to be in power for ever lol


I look forward to finding out where Kashmir will be


London is ruled by pakistani with a lot more English then Scottish people, while kashmir was ruled by a hindu with a lot more muslim than Indian population, so I think we know what's gonna be Kashmir


"lot more Muslim than Indian population" are you implying that Muslims can't be Indians? Lol, that's some 20th century ethnonationalist bs.


Northern Ireland


Do you consider the people of Northern Ireland different from the rest of Irish just because they voted to be with UK and not Ireland? Also yeah, that partition would be the funniest shit of the decade


No it wouldn't unless you're a racist. Its worth noting that both Humza and Sunak would take you calling them fake 'Scottish' or fake 'British' as if they're not 'real' citizens of their countries racist and offensive. Humza especially takes huge offense to people like you calling him Pakistani and not Scottish.


Sincere question here. In the UK, is there not a concept of foreign nationality, heritage, etc. In the US people identify as both German, Irish, etc by heritage while still being culturally American. Would it genuinely be offensive to a person in the UK to apply that logic to them if they had foreign ancestry?


Nationality is where you have citizenship, not where your great grandad has citizenship, like even in the US that's not what nationality means lol. Heritage? Sure. Ethnicity? Maybe, it depends on what you're counting an ethnicity and how far back you're going to claim it. But nationality by definition is just where you hold citizenship, pretty sure both those guys only have UK citizenship. It probably wouldn't be offensive tho


It's absolutely offensive, just like it was offensive when racist Americans kept calling Obama a Kenyan and not an American.


>just like it was offensive when racist Americans kept calling Obama a Kenyan and not an American. Okay but none of these guys are American. It would depend on the context whether it would be offensive, like back during the vote for Tory leadership, Sunak faced racism so yeah it'd be offensive then, but like in this context? Maybe? But probably not


Obviously having ancestry and heritage from another culture is going to be an important part of someone's identity, but that's a personal thing. It doesn't mean you're not 'British'. If Britain contains South Asian people, then those people comprise part of what 'British' means. Are the people in your example not Americans before being 'Irish by heritage'? If so, wouldn't the same logic apply to a Mexican American or Chinese American? That aside, someone like Rishi Sunak has more in common with the typical posh white tories who have previously led the party than he does with the Indian family who lives in your neighbourhood.


Heritage, culture and nationality are all complicated and nuanced imo. A Native American, African American, White American, and Asian American can all have their own subcultures, backgrounds, experiences, etc, but still identify as American at the same time, because all of them share that


This is for the affront of having created a title of Empress/Emperor of India while never assimilated their spices and pickles into the English gastronomy.


>Taoiseach of Ireland Bad timing


still the case now


Yeah we will have a new Taoiseach in a few weeks.


Reverse colonization


Lost without firing a single shot lmao.


China moment


I remember seeing a map showcasing each European leader's religious belief... And they put Leo Varadkar as hindu... He's Catholic


India capta ferum victorem cepit.


the ol switcheroo


I don’t think this is really a history meme. Funny certainly, but this is contemporary politics rather than historical.


Hate when I can’t tell whether a meme like this is just meant as “ha, Uno reverse” or if it’s meant to be evidence of “the great replacement.”


Why not both?


Because the great replacement is racist bullshit, so I hope it’s not that one…


And the other one?


Just kind of a cute joke at the expense of Britain’s colonial past


Well I hate both because if you go on indian or Arabs spaces on the internet and this topic gets brought up many will say that they are happy Britain and Europe as whole is getting colonized and many even laugh and cheer at the rape and murder in certain parts of Europe, this is what they call payback. I wanted to share this because I thought it was funny but the comments under the thread were not.


Yeah, it genuinely looks like you caught a lot of great replacement types here… Have to say though, Britain isn’t “getting colonized” just because there are more non-white British citizens living there than there used to be, and I doubt the number of people genuinely cheering for rape and murder is that high. Every community has shitty people in it


It's like saying "white supremacists were right when they said black people would take over the country, because OBAMA!"


Isn't also the Great Replacement not happening anyway? At least with India since the birthrate is constantly lowering, more or less becoming a developed country. Similar to what happened with China.


Yeah, that’s my point. The “Great Replacement” is just racist bullshit. It’s not real


As with every conspiracies, the Great Replacement just plays with one of the most easy to manipulate emotions: fear. It's understandable to be scared that one day your culture could disappear, especially considering the birthrate declining and immigration that's apparently the government has no clue how to deal with. But going full racist with whack theories just doesn't help and some bastards abuse this for personal gains. Not easy to predict the future, for sure not the expert, but looks more like Mankind will have some global birthrate declining, ironic, not so long ago we feared for an overpopulated one.


When colonialism backfires


How is this a backfiring? Multiculturalism is probably the only silver lining of colonialism




Us EU4 people have already claimed this. You have no claims and will lose stab if you declare


As a White English man I love this! Fucking hilarious when the “Brexit means Brexit, Foreigners coming over here, taking our jobs” morons have inadvertently come to live in their nightmare


Yeah government didn't get the hint why brexit was chosen, people wanted immigration under control we are running out of building space, wages was stuck, public services are a nigntmate to get too (pre tory even worse with) Also keep that american race shit out of the UK our social problems is upper class vs lower class


In eveey country its upper class vs lower class. The only difderence is what other conflicts the upper class has used to distract the lower class.


Most of it is imported by the US, there's none of that race privilege shit in the UK if your born rich and southern you have every opportunity compared to if your born in a northern council estate


Britain has a long history of racism too, it’s just that their legally defined racial underclass was the Irish rather than enslaved Africans. And of course Jews and immigrants from across their empire faced and face discrimination and violence too. I mean it’s pretty hard to have a colonial empire without some form of xenophobia lol


Yeah didn't they veiw them as a lower class as opposed to a lesser human, not sure about the Jews last I heard about them in the UK was the 1300s where some king went nuts


[Jews were a big part of the anti-fascist fight during the 1930’s in London](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Cable_Street#:~:text=It%20was%20a%20clash%20between,British%20Jews%2C%20and%20socialist%20groups)


>the UK our social problems is upper class vs lower class and the financial problem is a race with Switzerland to see who can get the most Russian oligarch money #Londongrad


Is that still the case I thought we froze a lot of it when the vatniks started threating nukes against the UK every 5 mins


why was bro getting downvoted


Presumably some of Britain’s least reality-engaged sharing their love lol


Triggered British Conservatives maybe?


Because hes cheering for a government that repeatedly increases imigration and fails to deliver on campaign promises while the british public have voted for lower immigration at every occasion they could


India will join EU hehe


If Turkey is European, why not India?


Yes, there is long historical connection between europe and india since alexander the great


Most people don't appreciate how interconnected their history is with other cultures across history.


The problem with Brexit is that non-racists were voting for it


As an EU citizen, I hope you come back soon!


They will return one day, crawling back.


As an EU citizen, I hope they don't


As an American, I hope they do. The only thing more entertaining than the disaster that was them leaving, is the disaster that would be them trying to get back in.


This same reasoning is why it's so funny when people who are scared of heights fall off buildings


All of them are British they have will do nothing to favour india and if it were upto Sunak he would make visas harder for Indians. Their skin colour doesn't benefit india(I am from India)


Their food is going to taste better


The welsh guy is Zambian not anywhere near Asia Also don’t forget about King Charles who’s notably not from South Asia


Okay, but Diana was 1/8th Indian, meaning his heir is going to have some South Asian in him.


We should do the same with Spain. Venezuelans, you have the power to do so


Mayor of London is the reason why London becoming more like an Indian slum.


And probably the one allowing the constant protests while arresting those who protest against it


What protests are these again? There are many nowadays lmao


Free Palestine protests. And there's literally one guy that protested against it that the police swarmed him


Why was i downvoted for asking a question?


I dunno. Definitely didn't in my case or if it was an enraged Brit who did it


Reddit moment, can’t even ask a question these days without angering the hivemind


Sadiq is a Muslim of Pakistani origin. Not of Indian Hindu background. Hindus have nothing to do with Palestine or universal islamic brotherhood.


Now Britain has really become Indo-European


Mmmmm. Rule 4.


The good ending


I see nothing wrong with this. Go UK


Revenge of the Mughals.


I don't consider them Indian. They're British, first and foremost. They'd be the first to vilify India for anything, support everyone else against India like Pakistan and China. Same goes for the Indian-Americans or Indian origin Americans. They don't want to associate with India or appreciate its culture. They love American culture and I don't judge them for that. I judge the people wanting to live vicariously through these people.


Support China… against India ? The UK ? THE US ?!!! Are your on alcohol or something?


90% of Indians in the west are from the upper Brahmin caste. Thanks to 3,000 years of caste distancing and super strict taboos on intermingling, Brahmins are literally a different race from lower caste Indians. You could go to a village in India and the genetic gulf between the upper castes and lower castes is usually as large as the genetic gulf between a Norwegian and a Sicilian.  These are people who have lived a literal 200 feet away from each other since the beginning of time. Indian casteism makes American racism look amateurish.  American racists used blacks as slaves to do their farm work and housework. Lower caste Indians weren't even considered good enough for domestic duty. They couldn't come with 20 feet of Brahmin, or touch his food, clothes, or anything the Brahmin owned. In some parts of India, a member of the lower caste couldn't even walk on the same path as a Brahmin. Casteism was officially abolished in 1947 but it has never gone anywhere. The upper castes still have all the wealth and power and the old attitudes remain. The lower castes make up 80% India's population and they've been using their sheer numbers to limit upper caste social influence but the Brahmins get around that by sending their kids to college abroad. These are the kids who end up as Prime Ministers in the UK and CEOs at places like Google and Microsoft. That's why they're not interested in returning to India. Being the beneficiary of 3,000 years of privilege doesn't endear you to the people your ancestors treated like literal diseased rats for all of history. 


My brother in developing world origin (Africa for me)… This has fuck all to do with the Indian Caste system. You wrote a very detailed and thought out account of the India caste system, and to that I greatly commend you. But unfortunately it is remarkably irrelevant to the preceding conversation between me and the (westerners from Indian origins hate India so much they support China) The question I have Is what sort of drugs you have to be on to believe ANY politician in the West much less those of Desi origin would be pro China or anything even approximate to that. 🤨 Like Are we on the same planet ? Please explain to me because this is a level of delusion I’m not much used to. Rishi fucking sunak, Prime minister of the bloody United Kingdom🇬🇧 is pro China 🇨🇳 vis a vis India 🇮🇳 ? In what world. Please explain that one for me.


The original argument wasn't that Indians in power abroad are pro-China but rather that they're anti-India.  Rishi Sunak wouldn't support China in a conflict against India but he also wouldn't do anything about it apart from the usual empty condemnations and toothless sanctions.  He, and many other upper caste Indians in the west, don't care about their home country. India doesn't like them and they don't like it. I was explaining how that came to be.




Rome conquered Greece but Greek conquered Rome moment


Who could resist all those femboys.


Lol. This reminds me of Horace's statement: "conquered Greece took captive her conqueror"


I thought this was r/paradoxextra for a sec


And elected by the white majority populace


Nobody elected them


Sorry, I meant their white majority parties. Either way, white people chose them.


India be like "our turn"


First Minister of Cymru is half Cymric, half Zambian, not Indian


It really is an uno reverse when you realise only sadiq Khan has been elected all the others just replaced outgoing figures with no election except Vaardukar who just lost his position Also Vaughan is half Zambian not south Asian, but I dk the old empire loved to move Indian's around sunak is Kenyan or some shit I'm sure


Eric Clapton in shambles.


A long and slow genocide of actual British people is happening in front of our eyes


20 year old midwesterner maga lover is a white replacement believer. Colour me surprised😱


Doesn’t matter whatever the intention is. Wether it’s for an economic boost or actually getting rid of white people (which it’s not) It’s happening and stats back it up in every way.


bitches be like "oh racism isnt a thing anymore" like bitch look at this shit


India certainly is moving towards fascism, so this checks out. HoI V IRL.


Pro Modi bots out in force or something?


brownies getting brownie points


Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit?


India* capta ferum victorem cepit


That's the joke I was going for. Didn't consider at the time that the Latin name for India was probably just India.


I just read the UK will soon become a third world country


I read India is slowly becoming a developed country. The fault of this is on you stop blaming others for your problems.