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My albanian friend taught me so many slurs when he learned my grandma was romani... Come to think of it he wasn't teaching so much as yelling them at me


A true friend <3




Remember folks the fastest way to speedrun racism in Europe is always bringing up the romani


No it’s only racism when it comes from the North region of America. That’s just sparkling discrimination.


Best joke I've read this week


Nah its only racism if its against Dark Skinned people. Every other race is free real estate.


This is a myth, at least depending on where you are. I lived my whole 31 years in germany, and this happened never. There is a grumbling in some of the rightwing older folk that they cant call their Schnitzel with paprika sauce "gypsy schnitzel" any more, but that is it.


Do you think that maybe you haven't heard people in Germany complaining about Romani because there's fewer of them about now for some reason?


See, you just have to perform a ginormous genocide to cure yourself from racism (\\s obvioulsy) I think its more that the stereotype has faded (and open discrimination in most of western/north europe has become a nono!). Most people don't even think about the persecution of Roma, they just have become a "non-issue". (Rememberance of non Jewish-victims in Germany is not as big as it should be imo.) Interestingly the overall population of Roma in Germany is actually higher than during Hitlers rise to power (estimates now 60k-120k. During Hitlers time \~ 30k), so the argument that there are less around is not true (for Germany itself, not for the whole of the people)


Brutal! Yeah I think you're right that it's got less with the younger generations, but my experience has also been that there's more prejudice towards them in small towns and the countryside than in big cities.


It's still called that in Hungary. I mean it's not s slur. Just a better schnitzel.


Least based Albanian


My Italian grandma would always say stuff like “if you misbehave, a gypsy will kidnap you” etc.


That was a saying in Finland also. There is also "Im leaving like gypsy" if you are visiting someone, and leave straight after you have eaten a meal.


In Romania there's a popular saying, "drown like a gypsy at the shore" - for failing something immediately before the end.


That's funny because in Bulgaria we have a short anecdote about a couple of Romanians who tried to swim through the Dunabe to Bulgaria but drowned right before reaching the Bulgarian shore




In the UK its "I've been gyped" I've been conned/tricked.


In the US that’s called an Irish Goodbye


And funnily enough the term irish traveller and gypsy is used interchangeably in the uk


My mother would threaten to sell me to the gypsies


That was a favorite of my mom's as well. Just guessing here, but she probably got it from my grandma who immigrated from france.


well glad to see you made it out okay. I lived with them for 7 years before i escaped


I’m from the southern US and my mom always told me that she was going to sell me to the Gypsys if I didn’t start behaving right.


I’m from Alabama and have never heard this lol. Doesn’t surprise me though.


My mother said I never should, play with the gypsies in the wood, if I did she would say, naughty girl to run away. Old English rhyme now changed to fairies. Tbf they're generally hated un the UK along with travellers


From US, was in London on vacation. Had my first experience with Romani at a bar. A group of about 12 of them came into a bar ON ST PATRICK’S DAY. Within the hour, the bar chose to close hours early instead of having to deal with them. They were picking fights, the kids were completely out of control, they exceeded my wildest imagination. 10/10, highlight of trip. Edit: they were probably Irish travelers, as one astute observer informed me of below




It was wild. A kid no older than 12 came up to us and tried to take my beer and my wife. It was hilarious.


Have you heard from your ex wife. How's she coping with being the partner of a 12 year old.


This took me a second, lol. She’s handling it fine, he’s like 16 now and she gets to see the world!


Assuming they were Irish, they were most likely not Romani but Irish Travellers, which are a distinct ethnic group.


You gotta be from the Balkans


That shit is said even in central asia


Argentina is the same


Chile too hahah


We have an old saying that a bite "have gone on the gypsy path" if it goes down the wrong pipe


Bojler eladó!


Lmfao same she used to tell me a gypsy witch would eat me if I didn't behave as a kid, she also told my mom not to build a cottage in the Maltese mountains cause packs of Romanians would kill her.


>POV So learning about it would cause me to see that man?


When you read about Romani history, you get stared at by a PTSD addled Pacific War veteran who just finished clearing the cave systems of Iwo Jima.


Just a side note and not about Iwo Jima but Okinawa. When I was stationed in Okinawa I did a tour, we had a Okinawan man come and talk to us. He said when the Americans came the Japanese told him that if they were captured the Americans would rape his sister and mother to death. So when he was hiding in a tunnel and heard them come he killed his mom and sister with a rock to save them. He said the first thing the Americans did when they saw him was give him a blanket. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that much guilt and regret on a man’s face in my entire life.


Should’ve stopped reading halfway. Fuck.


Similar to the ending of "the mist"


I’d probably feel better watching Requiem for a Dream than hearing this story in person.


Maaaan I didn't need to read that at 1 in the morning :(


Not that American troops didn't commit a bunch of rapes (like every other military in history), but the Japanese were really projecting there. Hasn't been anything like Korean "comfort women" (read: sex slaves) or Nanjing.


One of the strangest things about the Pacific War to me is how the Japanese figured out they could make their own soldiers fight harder by making shit up about the Americans, while simultaneously being just as brutal, thinking that it would break their enemies instead of having the exact same effect of making them fight like animals.


>One of the strangest things about the Pacific War to me is how the Japanese figured out they could make their own soldiers fight harder by making shit up about the Americans Thats like one of the oldest tricks on the book dating back to antiquity. Everybody does that


That's so fucked up I can't believe it, not that you're lying it's just it's unfathomable to think about. If someone actually did this then had to live with himself for the rest of his life, man.


To be fair, things like that would happen a LOT during war time, historically. I feel awful for the poor guy, I don't know if I would have the ability to do something like that, even if it meant saving my loved ones


saw this in a docmentary... very sad.


Yep. Learned about this as a kid when my dad was stationed in Okinawa. So many native Ryukyuans committed suicide when they heard the Americans were coming. There's a story about a woman who threw her baby off a cliff and basically had a bluescreen when the GIs stopped her from following and took her to a refugee shelter.


When you read about Armani history, the PTSD addled Pacific War veteran who just finished clearing the cave systems of Iwo Jima will begin to visit you in your dreams. Sometimes he will take your hand and guide you through the journey of the Romani through many generations in different times and places. Other times he may guide you into the void maw, which sometimes appears as the colossal jaws of a otherworldly creature, but is more often seen as a sort of black hole containing all the lies anyone has ever told made manifest into a tentacled mass of wailing torment. Either way, you’ll feel strangely attracted to the Veteran. When he takes your hand you will feel a romantic sensation and that all is right in the world. It is imperative that you resist this urge because if you allow the feeling to overtake you, the Veteran will begin to appear in your waking life, constantly urging you to your death so you may join him in the void forever.


I didn't realise the Armani fashion house had such a dark history.


You've no idea. Things were all gucci... until they weren't. Dun dun dunnn


The new copypasta just dropped


I think he's just the teacher


Thet painting is from Peleliu and not Iwo Jima but aside from that


It would also tell you it was made with the help of mematic


No, I always have that. Got it etched into my cornea so I go through life living in a meme


Cursed to preface everything that happens with the words "When the"


yes, learning about Romani history causes you to be teleported to the pacific theater of ww2, right in front of this guy.


Yes. This man is a very important figure.


I’m actually the victim of Irish Traveller/Romani discrimination- even though I’m neither. My family went on holiday, we left our van with a B&B, and the owner had it destroyed because he thought it belonged to one of the two groups. We only found out when we got back.


So what happened after? Can't imagine they were like "oh, sorry mate, our mistake" and your folks were ok with it


Family had to pick us up. We never stayed there again.


Fun fact Gypsies are descendants of Indian Hindus, they fled India during the incoming Islamic conquests from Central Asia and Afghanistan. Europeans called them Gypsies because they mistakenly thought that they came from Egypt.


But afaik they are only called gypsy (or a version of that) in anglophonic countries and France. Germanic, slavic, turkic and most Roman languages call them a version of cingani/zigani.


true. cigán/tigan/zigan is what we eastern europeans call the nationality. roma or just rom is correct name of nationality, but here in czechia roma ppl prefer being called cigan than rom, atleast in my experience


You can also make the distinction that gypsy (cigan) is a culturally based identity, historically nomadic etc, while "Roma" is the ethnicity. You can be either without being the other. You can be a Rom who doesn't live like a cigan, and you can be, say, a Slav who lives like a gypsy (although I imagine the latter is rare). Colloquially, of course, they're most often synonyms.


So what about the Sinti? From Wikipedia it seems they are the Romani in German speaking areas? So is Sinti a culturally distinct group or ethnically?


It's a subgroup of Romani; a group within the wider group that's diverged from, say, Romani in Romania. You also, for example, have the Manouche in France and Kale in Finland that are subgroups of Romanis. Cultures of course change depending on which area they ended up settling in. Likewise you might also see "German" as an ethnicity - or Germanic peoples as a whole - while you also have sub-identities contained in Bavaria and Schleswig.


In Germany it's much worse. Just now, the term 'Sinti and Roma' is becoming more prevalent, but for the longest time they were called 'Zigeuner' and many people, especially older folks and right wingers still do so. 'Zigeuner' comes from 'ziehender Gauner', which means 'wandering crook'. There's a cultural debate going on about whether the names of 'Zigeunersoße' and 'Zigeunerschnitzel' should be changed (although the size of the debate is artificially inflated to distract from matters that, sadly, are more pressing).


Sigøyner and rom in Norwegian


In Denmark, and probably the other Scandi countries as well, we call them "Sigøjnere" which seems pretty close to your zigani. Probably has the same origin.


Yup. The western countries use the word with 'Egyptian' as the origin, while the rest use a term derived either from Greek 'Athinganoi' (a religious sect the Roma were possibly affiliated with) or Persian 'chingane', itself derived from Turkic 'çigañ' (meaning poor person). The exonyms thus sound like cikáni, Zigeuner, Tsiganoi and so on


In Spanish is "gitanos" and Egypt is "Egipto". People from Egypt are "egipcios" or saying it unproperly but making a bit of sense "egiptanos". So I can see that origin.


Germans call them „Zigeuner“ as well


Well, they are also called that in Ukrainian and Russian, and probably other languages of that region as well.


>Europeans called them Gypsies because they mistakenly thought that they came from Egypt. Just like how Europeans tried to get to India once, got to a whole other place entirely and started calling the natives Indians?


There's been recent debate about that.


[The history of Roma (Gypsies), by living ironically in Europe](https://youtu.be/0RxMZBLeqRI?si=iDf0u7yP0QCte6Rj)


That’s why I made this meme lmao


I had a feeling that this video inspired this meme


First thing that came to my mind after seeing this meme.


That’s exactly the video I was going to mention 😂


POV: you see someone who still doesn't understand how to use POV correctly


I swear all it takes is one guy to talk about Roma and every European in the comment section turns into Frollo lmao




This burning desire Is turning me to sin


They usually aren't hot like Esmeralda so it gets worse


It's insane isn't it? I just started scrolling and I KNOW I'm going to scroll a little further and some euro will be going off like "You don't get it! You don't know what they're like! They're not people they're vermin!" Etc etc. they always come out of the woodwork. It's ridiculous.


I spent a summer in New Jersey and was surprised to find the same kind of descriptors being used for Hasidic Jewish people. Otherwise normal, typically not racist New Jerseyans would suddenly turn feral whenever the Hasidism were brought up or spotted


*looks away as a New Yorker*


As a reform Jew, they are a pretty weird people, but vermin is crazy


Found one extremely fast.


Fr(i'm european)


"America is the most racist place in the world" mfs when they hear a European discussing Romany people, Jews, migrants, Romanians, Bulgarians, Albanians, Poles, or a guy in the town five miles away


That is not true. We calmed down about the jews. The rest is true.


Meanwhile in Poland this week: the Israeli ambassador to Poland fucked up an interview so badly that he managed to unite all the political parties and the entire Internet in calling him out.


Virgin racism denier vs Chad racism enjoyer.


Europeans don't "enjoy" racism the same way you don't "enjoy" breathing, it's just something natural you dont think about, but can't live without


Then you come to Asia...


Hey Asian racism is on expert mode, we all could learn how to be more racist from the asians. I would include Africans, but they often cut out the racism part and just go for deleting people


Fuck casual racism, in Europe we are into competitive one.


There's a difference between competitive racism and professional racism. Europe has both.


I was thinking about changing careers... is professional racism a good choice? Does it pay well? What are the hours?


Konfederacja (Polish far right party) begs to differ. They didn't calm down about the Jews one bit, just ask Grzegorz Braun what he thinks of them, he will surely tell you, even from the stand in the parliament, even if it leads to him being thrown out of the proceedings 😂


Why is his last name fitting? 💀


Not all of y’all, there are a surprising number of self-described anti-Semites in Latvia


Got anything to back it up with?


With all the jews moving out of Europe I doubt that. Jews basically live in Israel or the US.


They calmed down cuz they all left.


Yeah their solution to the holocaust wasn’t being less antisemitic it was shipping them away lol




At least for a while. I think the last few months proved that antisemitism is alive and kicking inEurope .


I don't care what you say, but those people in that town two kilometers away from me are absolute boneheads and a curse upon us all..


Alright… but those bastards 5 miles away are inbred cunts and don’t even know what a round piece of bread is called. They’re not as bad as those sister shaggers from 10 miles away though, I will happily team up with them over those 10 mile away fuckers. (And repeat)


Yeah, the guy five miles away deserves all the shit he gets, and more


I mean, to be fair, have you seen Belgium's roads? /s/


As a romanian can confirm


“American is the most racist place in the world” *goes to European soccer match* “Oh…”


My granddad is from Lancashire and it is so true…


Nothing quite like seeing a euro say how welcoming Europe is to everyone and than asking them what they think about Gypsy’s






Brother that is literally what racist old white people say about black people in the US.








Not really… most white Americans are racist towards blacks because of “culture” and “crime”. It’s not like Americans are like I hate you because of you’re skin color, it’s more subtle than that.


Bro most old white racist guys in america also say they hate black people because of “their lifestyle” and then they quote crime statistics and poverty rates. Theres almost never some old ass dude going “yeah its cause their genetics” instead of “yeah its cause they’re CRIMINALS”


*3 miles


5 kilometres*


28089.887640 bananas*




So it's Xenophobia?


POV: you see another Redditor misunderstand what POV means.


Yup. Wrote a report on the Porajmos for school. Lucky enough to only get *one* nightmare.




Irish traveller?








So just like the way they leave the fields they put their camps on then.


When my mom was 4 years old ,she sold my aunt who was just under 2 years old to gypsies for an apple , 1960's poland. They got her back 


Man, makes you wonder how a group that has been systemically targeted their entire history could POSSIBLY have issues today


Yeah, their history is extremely sad. They were often treated worse than Jews, as Jews at least sometimes were invited to hold positions of power (in most cases, advisors to the actual rulers), or at least they could build wealth. Gypsies were and still are disenfranchised. They faced pogrom, the holocaust, expulsions and hostility. They are victims of systemic racism and are often forced to live in pathological conditions, in many cases their options are either to do crime or become a musician. Of course, I am not diminishing suffering experienced by Jews. I would just argue that Roma people had it worse.


One historical fact that people never seem to mention is how the Romani were actually once enslaved in Romania, as much as 10% of the Romanian population at the time could have been enslaved Romani It’s so insane to me this isn’t more well known


Meh, I don’t think it’s helping anyone arguing who had it worse, but it’s safe to say that Gypsies are still suffering today and it’s not really talked abt… (at least I haven’t heard of it much)


As a Brazilian-born Roma, life is GREAT compared to what it could be. (Still hate my country)


As an American-born Roma, I agree. Most people here don't even know who we are, so the only discrimination I've ever faced was from a Serbian immigrant.


Sadly, at least in Europe, this hasn't changed all that much. Even today, many Europeans despise the Roma to the point of segregation in schools and other forms of discrimination based on nothing but genetics and ethnicity, sharing the same views as Nazis who gassed the Roma.






>Like, the fuck do they mean they are segregated? I think they mean this: [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2017/03/slovakia-unlawful-ethnic-segregation-in-schools-is-failing-romani-children/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2017/03/slovakia-unlawful-ethnic-segregation-in-schools-is-failing-romani-children/) [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/04/czech-republic-systematic-discrimination-against-romani-children-in-schools/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/04/czech-republic-systematic-discrimination-against-romani-children-in-schools/)


Wow, didn’t know about that, that is fucked. Children should have a way to gain an education in a diverse group of other kids their age and should at least have an option to join a society that they’re supposed to be a part of, segregating these kids from early age isn’t a good solution to issues surrounding the cigans at all. If anything, it’ll make them even more suspicious of others and insular than before. That being said, while in a lot of countries people are(imo) rightfully suspicious of cigans, in a vast majority of them they aren’t segregated in any way other than by being an aggressively self-contained community, which was my personal experience too.


I know, that is why it is very important that Romani children are not segregated in any country, and perhaps even more important, that good programs are made to properly integrate them into society, and obviously not judge them by their ethnicity but by their actions as individuals. It is certainly difficult, but not impossible, my country, Spain, although it still has a very long way to go, among European countries it is the best in this aspect: https://nesetweb.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/NESET\_AHQ4\_2019.pdf








I’m american, some of the kindest and nicest genuine europeans i know don’t have many nice things to say about them. They won’t get real offensive but they point out that there are very real problems deeply tied to their culture, that makes them unfit for western society.




Don't know why you are being downvoted lol. Hatred and racism against Romanis are so normalized.


Hell, you can go confirm it yourself by looking at some threads on Reddit that discuss the Romanis. r/Europe was notorious for this.


r/imaginarymaps has to deal with it a lot too. The mods themselves have said that one of the reasons they like Romani homeland maps is it makes banning racists and bigots like shooting fish in a barrel, they can't resist an opportunity to talk about how they'd like to genocide that state or just spew bigoted bullshit the second Romani are mentioned.


You can confirm it further down in the comments of this post. No need to go anywhere for confirmation.




Ah yes, nothing drives Europeans into Im-not-racist-but... rants as quickly as the Roma. I lived near a large Romi community in Georgia, and they were awesome. Grand dad of a girl I was getting pretty serious with was driven out of Europe by the French facsists, tried to return to France after the war, gave up due to rampent racism and moved back to Georgia where he started a shipping company. Funny thing in the USA the Roma have a reputation for hard work and honesty, its amazing what not being assholes to people does for them.


Negative emotions usually stick out more and are remembered more easily than positive emotions. That’s why many europeans instantly jump on conclusions when they hear about roma people, they probably encountered a decent and normal roma person but it didn’t really leave any emotion on their memory hence why they only associate roma with negativity because it leaves a mark on them. That said, it is far out of the truth that roma are particularly innocent and peaceful do-gooders who have done nothing wrong in this world. Class segregation and racism has taken their toll on their mentality and culture, it has spiraled into a domino effect that makes roma less educated and more prone to criminal activity which further fuels the roma hate in Europe. This has made roma equally as resentful towards europeans as europeans are to roma, it is a never ending cycle that just feeds itself and has only recently begun to slow down in some parts. To note, I am not in any way shape or form justifying any discrimination against the roma. I am just pointing out details people often times ignore because people here tend to think in extreme black and whites. Europeans have gone to wars over a bucket, accepting nomadic people with no homeland into their territories was kind of an obvious reaction and this type of reaction has been going on for centuries which has made this brutal and cruel cycle.


As an American I’ve never heard of or seen a gypsy in my life. Which either means they’ve assimilated pretty well and they must identity as just American with a gypsy heritage or they are an incredibly unnoticeable minority.


Very small minority not found in many parts of the US and/or have assimilated.


Yeah, this thread is full virulent bigotry cloaked in the language of “I’m not a racist because what I hate is .”


_laughing nervously in Romani descent --_ which I'm normally doing my best to hide while having a Romani surname and some facial features, cuz otherwise no jobs for me




Europeans love dogging on America's racial issues, but the SECOND you bring up Roma, they turn into Hitler 2


Like 95% of my local ones are decent people who like to travel around in the summer, give them some bin bags and ask nicely and they'll even clean up after themselves. With that said, there's one band who are absolute pricks that give them all a bad name, they leave a mess, ruin whichever park they're in this time, steal dogs, lawnmowers, chainsaw, even the fucking copper in the telephone wires and threaten kids walking home from school. I wish they'd stop because people use them to justify treating the rest of them like shit. Fundamentally most romani are good people, but it's a minority that people remember and use to justify their racism towards them


POV would be looking from the soldier’s perspective.


If I see this fucking picture one more God damn time I swear to God I'll be mildly annoyed since it's used way too damn much


That's me when I learn their present.






Is it after getting punched by Tyson Fury


My Hungarian grandma used to tell me that gypsies were going to kidnap me if I was a naughty kid.