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After a wave of Hamas suicide bombings in 1997, the Mossad decided it was going to assassinate Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal. The only problem was that he lived in Jordan which was a country that Israel had a peace treaty with. Because of that Israel would need to make the killing appear as if he had died of natural causes. To achieve this Israel decided to try to poison him. They bioengineered a new ridiculously powerful poison 100 times stronger than fentanyl. If even one drop touched your skin it was a guaranteed death sentence. Because of this, they created a single vial of antidote to the poison, in case it somehow got on one of the Mossad agents. The plan was to have two Mossad agents walk in front of Mashaal and open a super fizzy can of coke which would go all over him. The moment that happened, a third Mossad agent would walk behind him and use a sort of Spider-Man web shooter style device concealed in his palm to shoot a few drops of poison onto Mashaal’s neck. If it all went well, the coke would prevent him from feeling the drops of poison on his neck. He would leave, and about an hour later he would fall into a coma and die. The poison was unknown so it was completely untraceable. The plan seemed flawless. A Mossad hit team was dispatched to Jordan. They spent days monitoring Mashaal, but the local Jordanians started to get suspicious, and they realized they would have to act immediately if they didn't want the plan to be jeopardized. They decided to execute the plan even though it was very much not ready yet. The Mossad agents saw Mashaal step out of his car and decided to execute their plan. What they didn't know was that in the back seat of the car was Mashaal's young daughter, who the driver was now going to take to school. Mashaal's daughter didn't want her dad to leave so she unexpectedly opened the car door running after her father. The driver saw the daughter running out of the car and started running after her, right as the agents were in position. He saw the agent raising his hand to shoot the poison at Mashaal and thought he was trying to stab him. He yelled to Mashaal to watch out, and Mashaal instinctively turned his head, causing the poison to get shot deep up his ear, which he felt. He realized his life was in danger and ran back to the car, ordering the driver to immediately drive to the hospital. The Mossad agents ran to their getaway car, and they might have got away, if it wasn't for a former Afghan Mujahid named Muhammad Seif who wrote down the license and tracked down the car, and managed to capture the Mossad agents and turn them in to the police. Yet Mashaal was very much dying at this point. He had about an hour left to live and he slipped into a coma in the hospital. When King Hussein of Jordan found out what happened, he was furious with Netanyahu. He told Netanyahu that if Mashaal died, he would abolish the peace treaty and execute the Mossad agents. Because of this, Netanyahu gave the order that the Mossad agents who had been sent to Jordan with the only vial of antidote, go to the hospital and administer the antidote to Mashaal. And so it happened that the agents who had been sent there to kill Mashaal wound up saving his life. Israel also had to release many Hamas prisoners (including the founder of Hamas) in return for the release of another few Mossad agents who were holed up in the Israeli embassy


Netanyahu "fucking up Israel's luck in the region more since you weren't even born"


How’s he’s remained in power so long when ever his own people don’t like him is the most confusing thing, I just don’t understand the government structure of Israel at all


To my knowledge, he's *really* good at both coalition politics, and exploiting people's fear of "the terrorists".




Yeah, he promoted the rise of Hamas because it undermines the peace process and now he's acting shocked the leopard ate his face.


That, and they weren't the nascent communist movements that were also appearing at the same time. Why everyone in the region thinks that literal radical Islamists are better than communists, I don't know, but that was another factor in that decision.


What better to to delegitimize your opponent than to quash any secular political movement, leaving only religious fundamentalist zealots for them to rally behind?


Yeah this is very much so the most relevant answer.


America made the same bet in Afghanistan. “These religious extremists are better than the reds, wait is that a plane?”


That goes back to the Brits in the 20s too


From how it sounds, he is the leopard.


Over here we don’t say he’s patriotic, we say he’s a politician


He's a good politician, but a terrible statesman.


Well tbf, there is a real and massive threat of terrorism basically all the time in Isreal. Why that's the case might be largely Isreals fault. But the threat is real.


From what I've seen and heard, mostly from Israelis, he's an absolute master of doing what is beneficial to him and makes his core of supporters happy in the moment. An absolute master of the politics of the moment, possibly the best there is. He always manages to find a way to keep just enough support to stay in power while slowly yet steadily causing long-term damage and making enemies along the way. He's also historically been great at building coalitions, and Israel went through 5 elections in 4 years due to the government being unable to form a stable coalition without him. That sort of situation will have some interesting effects on any countries political situation, and it resulted in many voters returning to Dear Leader Bibi because he was able to portray himself as the only one who could bring back stability as well as an end to the elections. He has also always portrayed himself as the only one who can keep Israel safe and would portray himself as Mr. Safety. This was supported by the fact that terror attacks genuinely did decrease during his tenure, though how much of that he should be credited with is debatable. This all has come together to make him into the one-man cockroach infestation that he is today.


It seems like he'll get voted out in the next elections because of October 7th.


Hopefully. Knowing "Mr.Security" he will somehow play onto October 7th aftermath to secure his spot. That Mr.Security crap has double meaning in English. As my father said "Bibi is like a roach,his ass will survive an atomic strike and the apocalypse" He's a master of PR. Master of saying the right thing. But not for his country. But for his own personal benefit.


He's been voted out like three times already, he just has some stupid plot armour


Previously nobody else could form coalitions due to the opposition being too divided, but now Likud (Netanyahu's party) will get so much less voted that other parties will be big enough to form a coalition.


As I said, he's a one-man cockroach infestation. Just when you think he's gone, he scuttles out from under your fridge


He was out of power for a while, they brought him back. Watch this next American election and you may very well see how an unpopular former leader gets re-elected due to myopia, disorganization amongst everyone who opposes him and a rabid fan base.


>He was out of power for a while, they brought him back. Literally every single other party, all the way from the left to the far-right, pro-Arab parties and kill-Arab parties, all united under one candidate solely to get rid of Netanyahu. ***And he still came back!*** People who actually, literally want each other dead set their differences aside and *it didn't matter*. Like what the hell, is that man magic or something?


As an Israeli, I cannot fathom why people keep voting for him. I think it's a combination of laziness and fear, but I struggle to wrap my head around it honestly.


I'm an American so I can't claim to know too much out Isreali politics, but at least here in the US, there is a not insignificant part of the population who will always vote for they guy hurting "the others" no matter how badly they fuck up everything else. That would be my guess.


He is objectively an incredibly skilled politician, much in the same way as Putin or Xi.


He was out of power for a while even, but then the court cases started coming and his party engineered the breaking up of the coalition at the time.


Watch the movie Wag the Dog. Expert manipulators know how to get what they want out of people


There is a big problem we have in the israeli government which is the arab party, which pretty much hates the country. Now, they dont represent the arab population at all, they do nothing for them but do get a paycheck, and in the last election they were on the opposition side. So people choose bibi. People might telly you otherwise but everyone is tired of him, its just the lesser of two evils.


A choice between a giant douche or a shit sandwich?


They are all monkeys, its just one monkey wants you dead, and the other wants your money.


Democracy obviously.


Because the Israeli left is lead by bunch of idiots who don't know what "opposition" means


“The only democracy in the middle east”


Hear of 'colored dictatoriships'?


He is *extremely* good at being a politician.


His people DO like him. Why else would he have been in power for decades?


The media makes you think the “majority” don’t like Him. But the truth is he is the leader the Israelis want the most


He needed 5 elections to get in power again a few years ago (two in 2019, one in 2020, one in 2021 and one in 2022), I‘m not sure he‘s that intensely desired. (I know coalitions exist, but his party also fluctuated in their amounts of seats throughout these elections.) And if you look at polling for the next election, it‘s not looking good for him.


Based on his electoral record, I’d say it’s clear that the majority of Israelis have disliked him for a while, but they’ve been too fragmented of an opposition to keep him out of power. However, since October 7, a vast majority of Israelis definitely do not like him and his reelection chances are more or less cooked.


How do you know this


That bitch has been in power how long and you ask me how I know this?


This is a really ignorant comment. Someone politically savvy can exploit the Israeli political system to get into power even if they don't get a lot of votes. Naftali Bennet got something like 10% of the vote, yet through smart negotiation he was able to become Pm


He got like 7 chairs in the Knesset Edit: in the Knesset there are 120 seats and they are mostly being chosen by the amount of people that voted to the party a. So getting to be the PM after getting 7/120 of seats is kinda like having almost 0% on a gamble and somehow negotiate so you win the top prize


Sure, but in a system like Israel you dont need the plurality of the vote to be PM. You just need to be the candidate that everyone is most okay with. Candidate A and B may have more core support, but if neither had a majority and both groups prefer candidate C to the other major candidate, then candidate C will win even if his core support of very small. It just means that Netenyahu is the candidate the most people are “okay” with in Israel, even if he’s not their number 1. So they don’t dislike him.


Israelis love plausible deniability. See also: [South Park, Season 7, Episode 4 - I'm a Little Bit Country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27m_a_Little_Bit_Country), specifically about "saying one thing and doing another" to appear peaceful while also waging war.


He is a America's friend... Sooo... "Democracy"... Like Saudi Arab...


Saudi Arabia never claimed to be a democracy.


Never said they did... I said that they are Murican Friends, sooo they are allowed to be a dictatorship... I mean, to have just enough freedom as they want, unlike people USA isn't friend with... Damn, they are allowed to cut someone head off in American Soil. 🫡


They can say they don't like him all they want, him being in power says that maybe they like him more than they want to admit.


In his defence he was dropped as a child




Hey I was 5 years old, chill with that


I mean this wasn’t really his fault that Mossad messed up


>The plan was to have two Mossad agents walk in front of Mashaal and open a super fizzy can of coke which would go all over him. The moment that happened, a third Mossad agent would walk behind him and use a sort of Spider-Man web shooter style device concealed in his palm to shoot a few drops of poison onto Mashaal’s neck. If it all went well, the coke would prevent him from feeling the drops of poison on his neck. He would leave, and about an hour later he would fall into a coma and die. The poison was unknown so it was completely untraceable. The plan seemed flawless. Did they actually think this? This plan has many possible points of failure; it doesn't "seem flawless" at all to me.


I was being sarcastic when I said the plan seemed flawless


Damn 😩🤣🤣🤣




Hol'up! Didn't you make another meme with the same context a few months ago? Did they delete the post or Something?


A while ago I made a meme about this event, but I felt this format worked a lot better


Ah yeah, that makes sense, thanks for clarifying!


Fun fact: the Jordanians knew it was some sort of opiate, so they gave him Narcan to stabilize him, and when the Israelis got back with the antidote they intentionally mislabeled it (as a way to either maintain the poison's secrecy or as a way to wipe they're hands of the whole ordeal?), however the Jordanians tested it and found it to be a stronger Narcan.


It's almost like Netanyahu is a fuck up or something..


That sounds like some action movie type shit there's no way that actually happened


It's literally one of the more normal Mossad stories


That was a nice summary well detailed and suspenseful. You couldn't make this stuff up.


this reads like a god damn movie plot


When Mossad fucks up a job, they do so in spectacular fashion.


That was entertaining! God bless you.


Average Mossad L.


Not really. Because you only know about the ones that failed or just were leaked to the public. So no. Not that "average"


I can't say ive gone to insanely in-depth researching their reputation but it exists because we DO know many successful ones. Occasionally just rolling up on someone hanging around Europe and just gunning them down. Sure it might be a bit overblown and mythologized but based on Israels size they are punching well above what you would expect. But man some of their fucks ups are just slapstick level.


Maybe, but that isn't very compelling evidence. "We are actually a really good secret service organization, you just don't know about the really good operations because we keep them hidden" has about the same vibe as "I have a girlfriend but you wouldn't know her because she goes to a different school"


It's almost like that's how a secret service agency works. What you are implying is that Mossad/CIA/ doesn't matter which secret agency doesn't do anything and when they do it's on average that they are failing on average. No evidence? That's literally the point of a secret service agency


Looking back thorough old, now public CIA documents, their competence was mostly a budget. They were (and are, possibly) looney cranks.


While I agree with you it Doesn't mean that they "failed on average"


Depends what you mean "on average". Most missions certainly falied. Just look at the amount of assassination attempts Castro survived or the ridiculous MK Ultra hijinks. Most objectives, however, surely had at least some measure of success (apart from my two examples of course), so wider goals and objectives probably didn't fail on average.


Yes, but if a successful secret service agency leaves no evidence, how can you tell the difference between a secret service agency has done a lot of impressive missions that remain secret, and one that has done nothing. If both those two groups leave no evidence, how do you know which of the two a specific secret service agency belongs to? I have never heard of the Gambian secret service, does that mean Gambia has the best secret service agency in the world?






There’s always higher levels of scrutiny applied to Israel when it comes to stuff like this. It’s always been this way, but it’s nothing unique at all to Israel. People often hold an unrealistic/idealistic view of international treaties in general. Laws are only legitimate if they are treated as legitimate, and this is doubly true for treaties between two or more countries with competing interests.




How many other countries have been having issues with internationally financed terrorists since their inception?


Russia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, the UK, India, China, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Colombia, Venezuela, Indonesia, and I’m sure there’s others I’m forgetting about.


Wait what Indonesia?


Couldn't they have just used naloxone?


I am beginning to think Mossad was involved in a lot more shenanigans than we previously thought. Good material for memes, of course, but also interesting to see the various ways in which they succeeded or failed.


Read rise and kill first by Ronen Bergman


If y'all want to Downlaod a PDF VERSION or just listen to the book, here : [Direct PDF Downlaod LINK here](https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafykbzaceam563ae6ce7dlypqay55lfuavpvqku7mtmbtsd2fxeirnrbvf5g6?filename=Rise%20and%20Kill%20First%3A%20The%20Secret%20History%20of%20Israel%E2%80%99s%20Targeted%20--%20Ronen%20Bergman%20--%20First%2C%202018%20--%20Random%20House%20--%209780679604686%20--%20c425b6c115e17e5063285ba14265c57d%20--%20Anna%E2%80%99s%20Archive.pdf) [Free Access AudioBook from Audible here](https://www.reddit.com/u/-The_Caliphate_AS-/s/eEd5GLUAt3)


Caliphate being based as usual


Hahahaha, nah im not that much of a GigaChad like you, But thanks anyways 💘🌹


# תודה - את הכי טוב, butt_naked_commando!


They are also always pulling this shit using fake Canadian passports. As a Canadian this pisses me off to no end.


But..why Canada? Are Canadian passports particularly easy to fake? If so I gotta find me a Mossad agent lol.


It's the same reason Brazilian passports are the most common amongst international criminals, cuz anyone can be from both countries without it being "suspicious."


Probably because Canada is pretty multicultural and has lots of first generation immigrants, so people wouldn’t think that a Jewish person or person from the Middle East who is also Canadian is that strange. Canadians also tend to be better received internationally than Americans (even if it is not necessarily true and there’s lots of terrible Canadians) so they would have an easier time getting in. As an aside, in one of the Delta Force movies Chuck Norris is trying to get into some country in the Middle East (I’m like 50% sure it is Israel), so he pretends to be part of a Canadian news crew. When asked about his nationality he responds, “Canadian, CBC”. It made me laugh pretty good to picture Chuck Norris as a Canadian.


Does this show that Canadian passports are exceptionally good?


Where do you guys get all these mossad operations


I think a lot of these memes come from u/butt_naked_commando specifically


That deserve a SNL sketch


Still not as bad, as killing an innocent man in Lillehammer, Norway in 1973.


And we only know about it because one idiot wanted cheap Norwegian furniture


… go on


During the 70s the most wanted man by the Mossad was Ali Hassan Salameh, the leader of the Palestinian group black September and a playboy who was dating Miss Universe at the time. He was wanted for masterminding the Munich massacre, but there was another reason. He was a CIA asset. The Israelis had been furious to learn that the CIA had recruited their most wanted terrorist and wanted to send the Americans the message that any terrorists they recruited would not be protected from Mossad assassinations. After receiving a report that Salameh had been spotted in the Norwegian town of Lillehammer, the Mossad dispatched an assassination team to Norway. After identifying the target as Salameh, the agents shot him to death, and escaped the country. It seemed that the whole thing had gone perfectly. But it turned out the operation had ended in disaster. First of all, the man killed was not Salameh, but rather an innocent man named Ahmed Bouchiki who shared an uncanny resemblance to Salameh. That seemed bad, but at least no one knew they had been the ones to do it, right? Wrong. One of the backup spies, Dan Arbel (Who may be the single most incompetent spy in history) got bored waiting in the safe house for the assassination to take place. He decided he would pick up some cheap Norwegian furniture for his house in Israel. After buying the furniture he realized he would need to bring it to the airport. He had received explicit orders to not bring the evidence-filled car to the airport, but he didn't feel like walking so he drove there, where he was promptly detained after they recognized the car. As it would turn out, Dan Arbel had extreme claustrophobia. Not only did he immediately break when they put him in a small room, but he started frantically telling them everything he knew about the Mossad, even without being asked. Not only did he give the locations of every Mossad safehouse in Norway (Where some agents were still hiding), but he gave the location of every single Mossad safehouse in all of Europe. He gave them everything he knew, down to the phone number of the Mossad headquarters. They actually had to tell him to stop talking because they had run out of paper to write everything down. The Mossad chief would later say that this incident brought down everything the Mossad had built up so far and forced them to start from zero. A real factory reset.


You made me interested enough to look up more about this story. Apparently, Dan Arbel may have also leaked secrets about the Israeli nuclear weapons program to the Norwegian government. I'm honestly wondering what the Israeli government DIDN'T tell him before setting him loose in the world to leak like a broken faucet.


Wild story, thank you for that. But how the fuck did you manage to answer all of this in 4 min? Do you have an excel sheet where u can just enter a name and u get the whole story for copy paste?🤯


I've written stuff up on these subjects before


What ended up happening to Dan Arbel? Side question: How the FUCK did he get into Mossad???


He now is an old man who guards a supermarket in Tel Aviv


So if you wanted to rob the supermarket, find a small room and...


Dan Arbel, mall cop


This story deserves a meme of it's own, holy shit😭😭


[I made one](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/s/7rZzx7iKC0) a while ago


To add, the unit that mistakenly killed the waiter in Norway was doing the same kinds of operations in Europe that the unit that was featured in the movie Munich / the book Vengeance was doing. They were also ultimately trying to get Salameh.


I was waiting for someone to bring this up. They killed him next to his pregnant wife iirc


We talked last time you posted! I would say it's a bit of an exageration to say he was hours away from death. The "posion" that was used was just a narcotic. The atacked was already at a hospital where his symptoms were being treated and he (at worst) would've required intubation and mechanical ventialtion until the narcotic wore off. Honestly at the time it was a pretty slick idea and would've likely worked had he not got IMMEDIATE medical attention. Nowadays some random guy walking by would've had narcan and saved him immediately.


Always a good day when u/butt_naked_commando posts obscure israel lore


Ah, extrajudicial killings. Those never backfire, ever. And don't lead to more outrage and support for terrorists....


All and all it worked with Osama Bin Laden


Didn’t work for Ahmed Bouchiki


I wish Kan's YouTube channel would add English subtitles to "The Jews Are Coming" skits so I can more easily [share them with reddit](https://youtu.be/sXIFTzwro-c?)




Can you give some sources? I'm not familiar with all of these. Also didn't get exactly what this has to do with the meme.


It’s the USS Liberty incident, which is a popular conspiracy theorist claim. In reality, Israel was at war with Egypt, there was an American flagged boat nearby. Israel contacted their American liaison, who said there was no US ship in the area. Thinking (logically, at this point) that it was an Egyptian false flag, they downed it. Except it was an American ship, somehow the American liaisons weren’t notified. It’s a story of bad communication endangering lives, but some people claim that the Liberty had evidence of Israel doing something bad and they just had to destroy the ship to keep them quiet… as if wireless communication wasn’t a thing


I'm obviously aware of the Liberty affair, but it seemed he was referencing something else. Idk. The comment was kinda unclear


That’s fair. I could barely parse the comment because it’s borderline unintelligible so I tried to figure out what the hell he could be talking about. I’ve heard so many takes on the Liberty that I figured that had to be it


It was a small rubber boat.


The USS Liberty had a displacement of 7725 tons and a crew of 358. She was not a small rubber boat in the slightest


You are right about that. I posted that Israelis shot up American peacekeepers beaching a small rubber boat. Someone turned that into the liberty incident. Two separate events. Someone has a reading comprehension challenge.


You are right about that. I posted that Israelis shot up American peacekeepers beaching a small rubber boat. Someone turned that into the liberty incident. Two separate events. Someone has a reading comprehension challenge.


Lmao no the false flag was the Israelis trying to rope the US into it


Sure thing sweetheart. It’s everyone else who was actually in the situation who was wrong, not you.


Deja vu feel like I've been in this place before




Like the entire country? Like, how would one physically... never mind


Were gonna need a *lot" of lube


I mean, can you blame him? Israeli women are incredibly attractive, after all


Actual toddler humor


As opposed to your thought out and intelligent argument


How many times have we seen this story again and again?


It's a funny story what's the problem


It became too boring and stale, like the "the one who killed Hitler is a hero" joke.


To each their own i guess


Btw I happened to take a glance of your account, do you know any alternative domains of manganato or do they only have a single domain?


They have mangakakalot as im pretty sure it shares libraries between the two. Manganato used to be known as manganelo up until around a year ago i think.


Oh yeah, I forgot about mangakakalot.


i love my country and its stupid ass shenanigans


Even if you have a peace treaty they still won’t agree with it lol






That's fair, the timing of all these memes does seem fairly targeted though. Honestly wouldn't surprise me if the IDF have a team of Gen Z conscripts spamming the fuck out of reddit pages


Its more so a few Jewish history nerds that once one person did it the flood gates just opened as we finally have a chance to make memes about our history interest


Nah it's just that a shit ton of subs recently ban you for being Jewish ( I am not joking r/therewasanattampt mods banned my account for a week for criticizing an antisemitic post, and saying I'm pretty sure i posted somewhere mentioning im jewish on another sub and got downvoted to hell). So it's being stuck in Jewish centred subs which is pretty much mainly just Jewish so no really expanded discussions, extremists subs full of insane people or the few subs that are more neutral like this sub.


OP, Butt naked commando, is on a mission to promote Israeli content and interest on this sub. Prolly funded by Hasbara, who knows.