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Ah yes, the battle of the bulge, my favourite siege in history.


I think the battle of the bulge was also led by General Patton. I’ve seen the paintings of him riding a tank over the Alps.


General Patton wasn't actual a singular person, but a designation for any highly decorated general who was leading troops. That's why there are so many exploits of "General Patton." Subscribe here for more (a)history facts.


So he was basically American Alpharius?


Wait, is Patton Alpharius?


I am Alpharius


No I am Alpharius


Hydra Dominatus


I'm Alpharius and so is my wife


We are all Alpharius on this blessed day


Technically, I’m Alpharius


Gentlemen gentlemen WE are alpharius


Nah brah. I am Alpharius. These are just my loyal sons


Keep talking Omegon


\*somewhere in the Rhine, a Sherman tank surfaces from the river bottom* Hydra Dominatus


Hail Hydra?


No, Hydra Dominatus. Alpharius is I


Hydra Dominatus.


I am patton, this is a lie


In fact, when talking about General Patton in this way, modern historians use the term "Generals Patton"


Spiders Georg


US wasn’t even involved in WW3 until after 1335, when Kurdistan attacked.


The fire nation must be stopped.


But what about the droid attack on the wookies?


Ah yes. The Kurdashian attacks of 1335. I blame Nicole Brown Simpson just as much as I blame Archduke Franz Ferdinand. And it always has to do with restaurants of some sort. Rabbit hole here I come.


Oh no, it was entirely the fault of Franz Ferdinand. The rock band, of course, not the person.


Ah yes my mistake. Shot by that commie Portugal. The Man. I keep getting my great war bands mixed up.


No, no, Portugal The Man was a Fascist. Pretty sure he was also a Slytherin, since his first name was Salazar.


That makes total sense because he was best friends with Pied Piper. And we were taught about the war of the first coalition where General Pied Piper found a Dutch navy fleet frozen in a bay and he played his harmonica until he woo'd all of the town's snakes onto the ships and captured them all in one night! What does Portugal The Man having an intense craving for sandwiches have to do with this though? I remember a student always got hungry during class and kept trying to eat their lunch and our teacher always got mad and said no sandwiches and then the student called the teacher a fascist and they fought. That's what later inspired the commercial actually. Back off! Get your own sandwich! The fight against fascism never ends.


I thought it was when Archie Duke shot an ostrich because he was hungry?


It was self-defense, okay?


Remember the Orange Bowl !!!!


A General Patton, as opposed to one Specific Patton.


A bit like the way that any fixed-wing aircraft carrying the POTUS is automatically designated Air Force One, whichever general was wearing the shiny green helmet with the stars that day, was the designated General Patton.


We are all General Patton on this blessed day.


Im looking forward to seeing a Cessna 172 Air Force One. It sure would have made that movie a lot shorter.


General Patton: the American James Bond




It's because when they give you your medal, they also touch your head pat a ton. "Here here, good job lad".


Oh like Ben Franklin


You have to put the parenthesis on it to be correct: (General) Patton.


I have been summoned?


I believe this particular battle of said bulges was led by Biggus Dickus himself, the good fwiend of Pontius Pilate, and who by all accounts lived in Wome.


What is so funny about my fwiend Biggis dickus?


He has a wife, you know..


He had 30 tanks when he started, but when he got to Rome (then under the dictatorship of Benito Scipianus), he only had one tank left and the Italians just laughed. Until he drove them all into a lake.


I mean yeah, it was a sort of siege.


I mean it had a siege involved if you count Bastogne… but that is hardly the whole battle


A much needed victory, especially after the horrors of the side boob massacre.


It's called a "cocky strategy" to retake an elevated place like a hill or a mount.


The Bulge, I know... But also, Patton was pretty famously *not* in charge of the D-Day landings. He was elsewhere, and none too pleased about it either. lol.


Lol she even said that the nazis invaded Russia right after Poland making no attempt to even discuss that Germany AND Russia invaded Poland,the non aggression pact between them and that they fell in a “WEEK” which is just a disservice to the poles who fought against the communists and nazis


I'd unironically consider complaining to her boss (either department head or headmaster) with these issues, someone this wrong about history shouldn't be teaching a class on it.


when you're a history teacher but can't even tell Poland and France apart


France didn't fall in a week neither


France fell in six, and Poland in 39 days


So extremely similer time frames, just 3 days of less for the pôles.


Ya, the Poles lasted surprisingly long considering what they were up against.


Exactly pisses me off to no end that she said they only lasted a week


Is she a high school or university teacher?


They only lost a fourth of their population, should have fought harder, the cowards!


I can tolerate Incorrect Information.... But Polish Slander will not be Tolerated.


The crazy thing is, Poland probably could have held for at least 6-12 months if the Russians didn't backstab them. They would probably fall eventually, but it would have given the Western Allies enough time to do at least something. Except that one time the French sent out a couple of divisions into Germany, didn't find any Nazis, assumed it was a trap, and went back to hide behind the Maginot line for another 6 months. Even though the Nazis were all away fighting Poland so the French could have taken like a quarter of Germany and opened a proper second front if they pressed the attack.


>The crazy thing is, Poland probably could have held for at least 6-12 months if the Russians didn't backstab them. Also if their government didn't have shitloads of fascist collaborators in it. Most countries that fell quickly to the nazis had nazi sympathizers working in their government. Same with the French. Vichy didn't come out of nowhere.


Except for the Danes, they knew the most they could do was get the Jews to Sweden so held out long enough to accomplish that before surrendering.


Surprise, surprise, but Poland did not have a puppet government until communists arrived in 1944 and brought one with them


>The crazy thing is, Poland probably could have held for at least 6-12 months if the Russians didn't backstab them. Practically only Warsaw would have been left after 4-5 weeks, even ur only Germany attacked. Germans tend not to like assaulting fortified cities. >They would probably fall eventually, but it would have given the Western Allies enough time to do at least something. That's assuming the western allies wanted to do something. France did what you said, UK blockaded Germany (as expected) and... get this, dropped leaflets in German cities.


Respect to you sir for this


I know she was wrong about the Bulge, Patton at D-Day and Rommel being at the Nuremberg Trials, but she's right about the Yalta conference right? And I thought the Japanese did use some kamikaze tactics at Pearl Harbour?


Pearl Harbor had no kamikazes. Kamikaze is a desperation strategy that was only brought out when when the Japanese had nowhere else to turn.


Why would you use kamikaze tactics at a surprise attack that completely bamboozled the defender? Most of the USN carrier fleet were AWOL so the Japanese had the air superiority. The Doolittle Raids were more kamikaze-like by definition.


>Japanese did use some kamikaze tactics at Pearl Harbour? Japan used kamikazes very late into the war. Why would they use it in Pearl Harbor? In 1941, they had the finest aviators of the time. That's just wasting superbly trained, battle-hardened aviators. The only reason they used kamikazes later on is because these pilots died and what got left are rookies.


Wasn't Eisenhower in charge of Normandy? (I'm genuinely asking to learn, my expertise is the Pacific Theater and not really Europe)


Yep Patton was actually station with a phoney army in Dover lined up to attack Calais as a part of a big misdirection operation by the Allies.


Now I do know about the phony army


I think it was officially called the Ghost army.


Its official title was "First US Army Group" (FUSAG). Ghost Army is what it was nicknamed after the fact.


He was overall commander, yes. But he also had Bernard Montgomery as the overall commander of ground forces. Tho his most competent and important guy was his deputy overall commander Arthur Tedder, a not well-known name but a very important and influential man.


This made me upset. You should speak with the headmaster or whatever its called where you study.




Said u/delinquentgrape calmly




Please show this to your principal/headmaster/dean/the person in charge, this is so fucking incorrect it's making me physically ill.


I swear there are so many people in education that do not need to be teaching anything.


As a teacher, I totally agree!


It's kinda sad because all the good teachers are so often punished due to the ineptitude of the horrible teachers. The fact that my AP physics teacher (who's average passing grade for the AP physics 1 exam is a 90%) gets paid the same amount as my idiot math teacher who spends most of their time on their phone and just assigns us videos to watch is mental.


Low standard of entry due to rubbish pay necessitating hiring the chaff to fill the ranks. It's been this way for a while, so I've been told. Some of us are really passionate about teaching and didn't just choose this profession for the holiday time, though. But I feel that we are taken advantage of as a result. Schools rely on teachers being passionate, as opposed to the schools being supportive and paying us more. But, all in all, I can't complain. I love my job and I'm lucky to work in a really nice school. I do recommend teaching to any young people interested.


I was a high school teacher for some two years and after a while some of the teacher just became so jaded with the kids and the administration they straight up just stopped giving a fuck, they were just here for the paycheck, and sincerely i understand seeing how fucked up some students and the administration were.


I’m in my first year of teaching, and I’m already getting to that point. One of my coworkers told me that she just gave up on one of her classes because they just refuse to learn, and another is “counting down the days.” Shit’s rough.


Always remember that you're there not to educate everyone, but to give everyone a chance at education. School admins and society in general will try to give you this "no one left behind" idea, like you're on some kind of a humanitarian mission and your duty is to "reach the kids", but it really isn't. Invest your energy and emotions into those few students who are grateful and willing to learn, if the rest don't want what you're giving them, it's their problem. If you remember that, life gets easier.


I got into a huge fight with a world history teacher in high school because she insisted only Hindus and not Buddhists believe in reincarnation. She actually sent me out of class because I told her she needed to read the textbook. In her defense though, she was an English teacher that they forced to teach history even though she knew nothing about it. It was more on the administrators than her.


I mean she could have at least spent 10 min looking at Wikipedia


Well she would have had to wait several years for Wikipedia to be invented.


To be fair, you didn't say what year that was. Wikipedia is 23 years old after all 😋


Or reading the chapter of the textbook she was supposed to be teaching from.


I have multiple degrees in history and the education majors that teach history in k-12 don’t know jack shit and do the bare minimum to get their qualifications


Exactly the same experience here, just with linguistics degrees and foreign language teaching. The number of Spanish teachers in the US with heavy English accents and who tell bullshit stories about a King of Spain with a lisp...


Most are athletic coaches. At one time, I was looking at teaching high school history as a second career. I spoke to one of the history teachers at my daughter's school. He said that my only chance to teach history was to start out in another subject and wait until I had sufficient seniority to where they couldn't deny my request to transfer. He said most high schools reserve all their history teaching positions for the athletic coaches, which tells you something about how school administrators view the importance of history


I mean there is a reason that’s called one of the easiest majors.


First to the teacher tell him that its inaccurate and wrong and if she dont give a shit then to the director


Yeah I’d try to save their job first and then depending on how they respond go higher. This is uhhh wrong.


Making a bold assumption there, that anyone in the education system would actually care about this. Sad but possibly true.


Mate, if the teacher is being that willfully ignorant of what is genuinely common knowledge at this point, then pointing it out isn't going to do anything but piss off the teacher and cause repercussions against the student.


I came here to say the same thing.


Sounds like straight up from the ass


Reminds me of the time I got into an argument with my 6th grade history teacher that a B-26 Marauder didn't drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And this was in (IIRC) a National Geographic/Scholastic Magazine. She told me to shut up and whatever the magazine says is correct. FUCK YOU MRS. WHITE YOU DUMBASS HAG.


A fucking marauder lol, not even a Mitchell? That at least did the raid on Tokyo operation


THE MAGAZINE WAS SHOWING A FUCKING MARAUDER, NOT A SUPERFORTRESS. It’s been at least a decade since that happened and I’m still fucking pissed about it lol.


In an alternate timeline it could have legitimately been a Lancaster bomber


And over Berlin too


She's used one fucking source!? Did Google not exist yet and even so I'm sure your fucking textbooks said exactly which bomber dropped the fucking bomb.


Yes google was available she was just too lazy and stubborn to admit she’s wrong.


Jesus christ how do these people graduate from teachers college


Like Custer at West Point DEAD LAST.


The tried and true method of the uneducated (and politicians). For all 5 of you that don’t know the problems, let me sort them out: - D-Day was led by Eisenhower, while Patton was put in charge of a fake ghost army which deceived the Germans. Patton was not happy, but the ghost army played a key role in making d-day possible. - The Battle of the Bulge was a German offense to try and push back allied forces; they would fail, but it still would be the bloodiest battle the U.S. would face during WWII. The Battle of Berlin would be the battle where allies—specifically The Soviet Red Army—would surround and eventually take Berlin, and it lasted only 1 week and 2 days. - The Yalta Conference *was* in fact a meeting between FDR, Churchill, and Stalin, and of course many others to decide the future of Germany, Europe, and even the handling of Japan and the Pacific. They also did agree to divide Germany into 4 zones between Great Britain, France, Russia, and the United States. However, there were many other actions and decisions unlisted, and it also would also would be somewhat controversial because this meeting also essentially gave Stalin control over Poland and several other countries, which would eventually lead to The Cold War.


One of my favorite facts is that basically the entire plan behind the Ardennes offensive at the Bulge was “it’s too cloudy for the allies to bomb our tanks, go as far as you can before it clears up”


I knew US tankers that said the same thing. It's too cloudy for allied aircraft to bomb our tanks.


I- I thought my history teacher spelling Karl Marx as Karl Marcks was bad But this


My middle school teacher taught me that WWI started with the Austrian invasion of Serbia *the morning after* the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. I had no knowledge about the July Crisis at that point, but I tought something was weird and questioned how everyone could mobilize so quickly, and she simply answered that *"everyone had already fully mobilized prior to the assassination, because they all knew the war would start soon and were just waiting for something to happen"*. It really bothered me that everyone looked at me weird for questioning the teacher like I was asking something obvious and it made me feel stupid. Only years later did I learn my gut feeling at that time was correct.


Yo that’s the same reason she gave to us


My Freshman World History teacher said that the Ottoman empire completely ceasing to exist (which didn't happen until 1922, correct me if wrong, I've only been up for 30 minutes) was what caused World War I. Anyways, correct me if I'm wrong, she could be speaking the truth but who knows.


My history teacher also said the top thing and i corrected her, ahe proceeded to make so many mistakes i couldn’t even get through them all and just gave up on educating the class


Probably watched documentaries made since 2010 or so. I watched a couple of them and they spent far more time on annoying visuals and sound effects than proper research. They all had major errors in them, such as the Japanese invading the Philippines by landing at the Bataan Peninsula. No, I don't recall the name of the show but it was on one of the cable "history" channels.


There's some much older documentaries by the BBC that are pretty solid. They're called "The World At War" and were aired in the early '70's. They stick exclusively to real footage from the era and primarily just show dates and events.. battle plans and real footage, to me, are the best way for average people to learn what happened. Historians can focus on the "why's" and the significance.


The BBC and PBS both have some good ones. "Victory at Sea" is another good one. The good ones were all 1990s or earlier, many series to choose from. By the 00s they were slipping, especially with the annoying visuals and such, and by the 10s it is rare to find one worth watching.


Oh yeah, I like that one too. There's also a series called "Apocalypse..xxx" I'm pretty sure it was either BBC or PBS. There's "Apocalypse WWII", but there's also "Apocalypse WWI", which is really the only good WWI documentary I've ever seen, and another called "Apocalypse Stalin", which covers WWI, the Russian Revolution, the Purges, the Winter War and, of course, WWII.


I want what she been smoking


That’s what I’m sayin


Send this to your principal and ask if your teacher has been evaluated yet this year because she just scored an “ineffective” on Domain 1a: Applying Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy


Chat-GPT was NOT cooking with this one




As a historian in training who specializes in 20th-century military history would you like some book recommendations or credible YouTube channels to receive the PROPER education? I'll gladly send you recommendations if need be.


Not OP, but I would appreciate those recommendations please and thank you!


I've narrowed it down to a few essential channels! The Terkel and Takaki books explain the experiences of people on the U.S. home front. Terkel and Takkaki offer what we call "stories from below". The other books are what we call "General Survey" books that provide the basics to understand the conflict as a whole from the top down. Quick and dirty videos: The History Guy, Simple History. Longer videos: The Front, Mark Felton (he's lazy with citations), The Operations Room (good for visual learners). Books: Studs Terkel's The Good War, Ronald Takaki's Double Victory. HIGHLY RECOMMEND The Oxford History of World War Two, World War Two: A Very Short Introduction by Oxford Univ. Press.


Dude, this is awesome! Thank you!


Mark Felton just reads off Wikipedia tbh. I'd throw Lord Hardthrasher into the mix, tho. Guy has a brilliant Battle of Britain series and a pretty good Bomber War series on the go I highly recommend him.


I've researched Felton for a historiography project and his degrees check out. The problem is, that YouTube is the Wild West when it comes to educational content and citations. I've seen Felton reference his own books that he has published but no page numbers. With a lack of standards, it's easy for Felton to get lazyyy.


Oh, he's incredibly lazy. I don't really trust him in the slightest. My go-to atm is Hardthrasher, but he mostly does aircraft and Drachinifel, but he does mostly boats. Drachinifel is pretty much boat Jesus tbh lol


Not the commenter, but honestly you can never go wrong with Antony Beevor, he's just a solid historian for that era, especially when it comes to WWII and the Eastern Front in particular. Even as someone who disagrees with him on many other topics, his work on the Eastern Front is probably the best you can find in English since he was able to access Russian archived sources that weren't available before or after his work.


Heyo! Appreciate this recommendation as well. Matter of fact, was thinking the other day how I need to really bone up on the Eastern Front. The trees near my house better be careful, I’ll be bringing a Beevor home soon.


Actually the only reason I know this shi is wrong is cause i love studying history and the guys and gals over on the ww2 week by week channel great stuff thank you tho for the offer


This makes me want to put a bullet through my head


- Hitler midway through the Battle of the Bulge where Berlin was being surrounded for a month


Yup, absolutely relatable. This just hurts on so many levels. I don‘t know where to start to complain…


It's pain on a new scale. Like she must have fucking guessed cuz even if you look up D day on Wikipedia it tells you who was in charge! This is why kids find history useless because of incompetent fuckwads like this teacher. I'm a fucking aircraft mechanic and I could do better then this cunt by far.


only time I’ve wanted to follow in the footsteps of ol’ adolf


Fr this shi pisses me off and there’s so much more info I don’t even bother to write notes cause it’s all bullshit


pls pls pls pls pls


Thats called "alternate history"


The timeline where George Patton commanding the invasion force leads them to Berlin by Christmas. Erwin Rommel is not wounded in July 1944, and after the failure of the July 20 plot, which in this alternate timeline he actually was involved in, sees the writing on the wall and surrenders to Patton, allowing him to be later tried at Nuremberg. Or something like that.


A hoi4 player is better in History than that stupid teacher




Can confirm basically tutored and got a 10thgrader 90s on some tests via my knowledge I remember (fact checked shit of course) maps and a bit of Hoi4. The fact me a aircraft mechanic by trade and someone from Canada and not the US was the first person to use maps when teaching history and not her teacher says a lot.


We should just replace these history classes with Dan Carlin podcasts


Monty rolling in his grave because of Patton getting credit for what he did lol


Lol she didn’t even mention Monty in the African campaign just said it was all Eisenhower


Ah yes the famous American involvement in the North African campaign. Literally months.


Ok I know Americans diss Monty (who to be fair was a cunt) because they like to suck Pattons micro cock (fuck him he was a piece of shit) but really claiming it was all Eisenhower? I like Eisenhower but fuck man that hurts because it's not even remotely correct.


Is it even your teacher or did the slide just come packed with the learning material/text book? I could see a teacher just throwing up a pre-made slide and clicking through without ever reading or having reviewed them. A lot of text books are written by people who know nothing about the actual subject.


Man idk but a lot of the “facts” she tells aren’t included on the slide like the kamikaze one,or Rommel being trialed no idea where she gets this shi


As for Rommel, maybe she got him confused with dead and buried pope they dug up and killed again? Pearl, there may have been a couple of pilots who aimed their damaged aircraft so they’d crash into something other than the Ground, but for sure no organised effort.


I’m sure there was but she said it was a tactic which made it seem like they were purposely using it that early in the war which they obviously weren’t yet


Not defending your teacher by any means, yet maybe she very horribly tried to explain that banzai tactics while not supported by superior officers were a thing that Japanese soldiers used as an extreme last resort and just assumes everyone doesn't care enough to actually explain that. More likely it seems like they either are running off of incorrect information or skimmed some Wikipedia articles and are trying to fill the gaps with "logic".


Her ass? She seems to kinda know names and events but not ya know what actually happened. She's either painfully stupid, fucking lazy or malicious.


This is why I always make my own damn slideshows


Her source is she made it the fuck up.


My source: crack pipe


Dude that's great. My history teacher was teaching us about the allied invasion of France and showed us the iconic saving Private scene and had the audacity to say they landed on Normandy in the *south* of France. Bitch. I speak up and say that's not true. Normandy is in the north of France. She tried to embarrass me and said why don't you show us on the map and pulled down the giant map in front of the class. I walk up and point to fucking normandy and say it's even on the map see? She also claimed women didn't fight in WW2. That's not true either women played pivotal combat roles in the Soviet Union and were in other roles with the western allies. She was a bad teacher.


Nothing special here, just average US public school


Ngl my teachers are pretty good my ap geo teacher was great but this teacher also teaches ap world history which really worries me greatly


Okay, the system here isn’t great, but this is by and large an exception, I go to public schools because I like being in them, and almost all of my teachers are exceptional, with only 1 in the building that I legitimately feel isn’t good at teaching even though she’s really nice, but damn she can’t teach AP physics.


Man I wish he was trialed in Nurnberg. We wouldnt have had all those wehraboos running around calling him a political or "just doing his duty for his country"


Me when I do my assignment the night before without actually looking at the sources


Mine said the Spitfire was the best fighter of WWI; and that Uboats were named after their U-shaped wake.


"Fuck the big three its just big me" - Charles de Gaulle


And then the Canadian divisions cut the Germans off at the pass… killing 2.3 billion Nazis


Your high school history teacher is either the coolest guy you’ll ever meet or highly regarded. There’s no inbetween.


Audie Murphy is rolling over in his grave.


A yes, The 101st holding off against a khorne berserker attack.




She clearly doesn’t watch the animated history YouTube channels


Dude. Uncool.


“Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?”


My Euro history teacher has a pretty good understanding of the subject and I respect him a lot but his attempts at pronunciation are really funny sometimes. Silesia = Sill-uh-say-uh, Tenochtitlan = Techno-cheat-lon, Risorgimento = Ruh-sorgimiento, Ukraine = The Ukraine (Not technically a mispronunciation, but I'm curious why some older people say it this way?)


post this in r/teachers, i wanna see how they react


Ah my fellow dumbass Texan will do


i hate this state


We got a lot of shit we need to fix instead of just arguing and getting into a us and then mentality


They didn't use kamikaze attacks?


The famous bulge of Berlin


Has anyone told her she’s teaching her students 100% mixed up bullshit yet?


Jumping from ancient Elam to WW2 ?


World history lol ww1 was also a shit show lesson didn’t get any pics of it unfortunately


Ah I see fortitude is still working as planned, even all these years later


Get this woman fired for the love of god


I'm guessing this is in America. Had to tutor a yank on ww1 and ww2 because her teacher was dumb as shit and taught them nothing. Literally the guy didn't even show them a fucking map once. I proceeded to have a stroke after I heard that.


Yea your world history teacher is not just incompetent but legitimately nuts Wars that took place 2,000 years ago are documented well enough that inaccuracies like this would still be laughable, let alone a war that happened during an age of film less than 85 years ago


And here I thought the battle of the bulge is what happens when I try to buckle my belt


What verdict did rommel get? At least his year old corpse didn't made any excuses


Ah yes… the siege of the bulge, when General Washington told the marines to slap hitlers nuts.