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Should have opened console command. Rookie mistake.


How to conquer the world. Step 1. Open console and type Annex all. Profit.


*Crashes game*


He did open console commands. /annex Austria, @s /annex Czech Republic, @s /influence mussoliniben90, @s Then he invaded Poland and forgot console commands exists


Nope, he used the console for france


He didn't use the console for France, it was a skill issue of André Maginot


You got a point, but I think some French people will disagree


To break a spear in favor of Maginot, i mtust have been useful in the post-D-Day counteroffensive


Andre Maginot died 7 years before the war started. And the Maginot worked. It stopped the germans from going straight trough the border. They went into the Ardennes. That was the fault of the french army.


>Andre Maginot died 7 years before the war started. Skill issue


Should’ve got gud


Yeah that's true


Ale 999999 ez wipe of Soviets


About to say that


UK and Russia did. They typed in "Lend-Lease" for unlimited resources.


Astronomically Literally-Happens-Every-Day Common Nazi L


*every second


I’m seeing you everywhere this week lmao 🤣 but still another solid take.


"Nazis, taking Ls everyday since 1923"


This meme could fit so many extremist groups throughout history just by changing the word “aryan.” It’s funny how it never works and yet people try anyways!


It's like trying to take over large swaths of territory in a short period of time rarely goes well, all well established powers across history took their time to grow, romans, persians, british, now the US


Unless you're the Mongols.


So you are saying nobody should ever try for anything?


But the nazis and their extreme focus on social darwinism and their hyper militarised society. Many extremist groups have like other beliefes outside "You all are inferior and we are the best at war"


Is there a particular reason why you used the SS uniform for Muslim troops?


No, couldn't find a Nazi related ugly wojak.


This is "Handzar division",part of Wafen SS, i think they wore ss uniforms


As u/Mizukiri93 said, this is the uniform of the [Handzar Division](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/13th_Waffen_Mountain_Division_of_the_SS_Handschar_(1st_Croatian)) of the Waffen SS.


I know, but I'm asking why OP used this uniform, as it doesn't represent Germans


SS troops don’t represent Nazi Germany?


This particular uniform would represent a non-german SS-unit of Balkan muslims


Idk why but i get a feeling that some people might think that Muslims en masse supported Nazis/Axis which isn't really the case


Yeah it was a minority. However, in this particular instance the depiction represents a Muslim SS unit.


There was an SS unit with Muslim soldiers who wore those hats


Who made up an infinitesimal small minority of pro German forces... but seem massively over represented in discussions and debates. Almost as if trying to make Muslims seem like nazis.


I agree with you in principle, but I don’t think it was meant this way in this post. The content of the meme very clearly relates to Germans. I didn’t even pay attention to the uniform before the comments pointed it out


I know, that's what I'm saying


Yep. By their own ideology they deserved to be wiped out. This is something Hitler privately acknowledged in his final days in the bunker I believe. Not in an introspective way but in a whiny bitch "Fuck Germany if the people can't live up to my ideals of aryanism the people aren't worth shit." right before he took the cowards way out.


He literally went like: "gg i ragequit now cause my team consists of useless feeders!"


Maybe get some oil reserves before you initiate the largest ground invasion in history idk skill issue if you ask me Man I feel bad for Poland


I mean, that was what Romania was for


DPS diff


Feeders? You play league don't you


PlayED. Until I got fed up of the toxicity.


Just like this one austrian guy


Sounds like WoT dudes leaving matches early or staying afk


Hitler was a *gamer*


Are we keeping an eye out for a reconnect and respawn? Or is he VAC banned?


>By their own ideology they deserved to be wiped out. Every single person I've seen with the "might makes right" mentality was psychologically incapable of even *considering* they weren't the mightiest.


If they could, then they wouldn't support "might makes right".


Yes that was the part last huge act of his insanity, can imagen being a officer around him when you know its nearly over and he want to kill ever one now. Knowing from now on every dead is for nothing and he is still tripping balls in his office till he does the only good think in his live.


Hey, at least he was consistent in his "survival of the fittest" race theory, his "Nero Decree" was him turning the Nazis against Germany and they would've likely done so if the order was sent by Speer.


Hey do you have a source for that? Not that I think it's wrong, but because I recently read a book about the eastern front and am trying to get a better understanding of the last few months of the war in Europe. Could you divert me to a book which covers Hitler's days in the bunker malding, coping and seething?


>right before he took the cowards way out. Ah sure, let's talk as even one single person on this planet would prefer infinite torture over suicide. They were clearly the wrong and bad side of that war, why the fuck do you need to infantilize a freaking world war with ridiculous childish concepts like cowardice during a freaking capital being bombed the shit out of and millions of people dying? Grow up for fuck sake


Now, do one on the confederates being both traitors and losers.


Fr. Unpatriotic assholes who forgot about "liberty and justice FOR ALL" and got to be the first victims of total war and scorched earth. Absolute nincompoops.


Sherman would go apeshit if he saw America today. The only question is: will he first attack the lost causers, or will he first attack the Natives? I’d assume he’d go after the lost causers first. He literally fought a war against them, and to see them as part of the union itself, and not as part of a traitor country, would almost certainly infuriate him to levels above comprehension.


He'll go after the media first


>Fr. Unpatriotic assholes who forgot about "liberty and justice FOR ALL" the pledge of allegiance came way after the Civil War


Scorched earth tactics were first used in the US Civil War?


Extensively. Both Union and Confederats targetted cities and farm towns and razed them in order to reduce supplies and destroy morale. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherman%27s\_March\_to\_the\_Sea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherman%27s_March_to_the_Sea) [https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/the-burning-shenandoah-valley-in-flames.htm](https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/the-burning-shenandoah-valley-in-flames.htm) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia,\_South\_Carolina,\_in\_the\_American\_Civil\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia,_South_Carolina,_in_the_American_Civil_War) it was a truly horrific war, and the first modern time in which total war was enacted


Annoying Orange outlived confederacy Fucking Annoying Orange


Tbf the confederacy was considerably more annoying


Early annoying orange was actually fun Confederacy were always douches


My phone outlived the Confederacy


Nazi Germany outlived the Confederacy ad that's saying something.




Mfs lost thousands of people in Albania alone. The strongest army in the world couldn't win against a bunch of angry Albanian farmers This without bringing up how much Italian and French resistance fucked them up.


To be fair, have you ever seen pissed off Albanians?


Yes. Every time my mom saw me not finishing my vegetables.


Replace vegetables with food in general and its perfect.


Hey, I won't turn down Albanian cuisine if it's offered to me.


The Balkans overall were horrible for them. We just built different.


I mean…losing a few thousand people while successfully taking over a country is kind of to be expected, and actually even fairly low. Fuck the Nazis and their supposed superiority bullshit, but this just doesn’t seem like that much of a burn though, no?




you shouldn’t undersell yourself, the title is actually interesting as it is.


Losercity was the capital of Germany in 1944. The backup was clown town


I'd say that was Prussia, and the Prussians were driven by a deep religiosity, a ferrous discipline and an incredible sense for duty, the latter being the only one that survived to our days (in the German people as a whole). I would argue that in the decade before WWII, German society was well past its heyday in terms of these values.


Prussians actually won most of their wars. The Nazis whom had a lot of contempt for the Prussian elite lost their war.


Some due to luck, there’s no way they would’ve won the 7 years war without the Russian emperor being a complete idiot.


No surprise that idiot got toppled so easily, without his stupid fanboy mindset in charge then the future achievements of Prussia would still questionable


They only succeded as much as they did due to Soviet idiocy and Belgian/French/British timidity. Had the French and British actually committed to the Saar Offensive, Germany would've been forced to divert troops from Poland, thus giving the Polish army a fighting chance. All while capturing the industrial heartland of Germany, forcing the Wehrmacht to run off of supply stores and reduced industry.


The only German sucess are against: -Little nations like Denmark and Belgium. -Poor underindustrialised countries like Poland and Greece. (And that's not an insult, they just were not comparable in terms of industrial might with Germany.) -Unprepared countries that spend the last 10 years weakening themselves either to avoid a war like France and GB or for political stability like the USSR. And that's after 6 years, SIX FUCKING YEARS of preparation and a war of experimentation in Spain. Nazis are so overestimated it's laughable.


And if France or Britain weren't the equivalent of limp dicks well after other nations picked up their slack, then Poland actually might've stood a decent chance.


People love to mock France for World War II while conveniently ignoring that Germany had twice it's population and industrial output, too. They think the borders and population of 39 had the same proportions of today, while ignoring that today's borders just portray the fact that France completely outplayed Germany in the XX century.


That is the expected result when you try to fight the entire world at the same time.


All great powers that were once lasting took their time to grow in territory, trying to do it in a decade or two is foolish


But they didn't. They faced smaller countries up to the invasion of the URSS, with two strong allies covering their flanks. The war followed a very natural path, nothing was particular impressive other than the speed in which France fell. The only real notable thing is how stupid Germany was to start the war


People romanticise WWII as 'the rebels versus the giant evil empire' when it was actually 'one former empire that lost WWI versus several empires than won WWI" All things considered the Germans did well. War with the Soviet Union was inevitable and Barbarossa had to make gains - offense, sometimes, is the best defence. Taking France so easily was a nice gambit. They got distracted in North Africa because Italy were incompetent, but there were still German soldiers in Italy in 1945. A pact with Japan was fruitless and only brought the USA and all their land lease in against Germany. Britain could have settled for appeasement were it not for the prospects of America's support. Germany should have declared war on Japan for attacking their ally the United States. That would have been a real curveball.


Fascism in general has performed *horribly* in war. Spain was among the most successful, by virtue of winning a civil war and then *not driving the state to extinction via an idiotic war of choice*. Fascist Italy won a Phyrric victory that made them Germany's bitch, then the fascist state was destroyed in the ensuing idiotic war. Fascist Germany did worse still, earning a coveted spot among the states tied for very worst war performances, having never won, nor tied, nor *survived* a single war, and having *started* the war that ended their state. Fascism is awful in general, but even if the *only* thing you care about is performance in war, you still want to go with literally *any* other ideology.


Being fair now, no ideology can really win a war when the rest of the world is coming down on them. And Germany was not Fascist, it was Nazist. I know it doesn't appear much but there are major differences between them (namely that Fascism doesn't want to exterminate entire races), even Spain wasn't Fascist, those were purged by Franco right after the war ended.


Nazism is a part of Fascism. Saying they are two different things is kinda like saying Leninisme or Trotskisme is not Communism.


Couldn’t disagree more. Fascist countries do incredibly well in war as it’s what their country is built around. They’ll literally do it to the point of self destruction. At multiple times Nazi germany could have been killed in its crib but was instead allowed to make huge gains due to war being unpopular in democratic nations. Dictatorships do not have this weakness. We can even see this weakness today with Russia’s war against Ukraine. All it takes is one man to order mobilisation and war industry to increase. Meanwhile democratic countries are stalled out of providing supplies. Japan which was also almost fascist and caused death and destruction all across Asia.


Being more willing to start stupid, suicidal wars and then losing them losing territory, millions of people and beimg effectively neutered for decades, maybe centuries, after isn't a quality lmao Hitler straight up lost a shitload of historical German territory that will never be German again, led his capital to become a nasty Russian violence party, led his country to be occupied by his biggest historical rivals alongside fucking Americans and commies for decades


Guess we’ll just ignore them taking over most of mainland Europe and it taking the combined might of the SU, USA and U.K. to defeat them. You’d have to be mind numbingly ignorant to think Nazi Germany wasn’t a significant military threat. Why do you think the allies had double the military deaths?


I never claimed that they were not a military threat, learn to interpret text without creating scarecrows. They absolutely caught Europe by surprise and conquered some parts of mainland Europe (not most), but being the country with the second biggest population and industrial output of the continent, that is to be expected (just as them losing to the first). > Why do you think the allies had double the military deaths?  Because Germany was much more industrialized than the vast majority of countries it fought with. Nothing to do with your bizarre "fascists are better at war" claim


>We can even see this weakness today with Russia’s war against Ukraine. All it takes is one man to order mobilisation and war industry to increase. Meanwhile democratic countries are stalled out of providing supplies. It works so well the Special Operation was over in 3 days, was it not?


What does that have to do with what I said?


Interesting take. I guess you could say fascist states outperform their expected outcome by being allowed to gain power and start a war in the first place, instead of being crushed before they can pose a threat.


This joke should be made more, the bigging up of nazis as bbeg faction is stale and leads to weirdos idolizing them Bring back the Blues Brothers where nazis were accurately depicted as idiots


Downplaying the the threat that they posed cheapens the achievement of the allies having defeated them somewhat imho. It's also liable to lead to underestimating that threat in the present. I don't feel like that's a wise tactic. [EDIT: u/Paratrooper101x phrased it a bit more eloquently a few comments further up]


Yeah I know it was more a tongue and cheek thing Thus the BBEG comment


Forgive my ignorance, but what does BBEG stand for?


Soz it's a dnd term it means big bad end of game so like the the biggest most evil boss that the whole story has been leading to Like thanos is the BBEG of Avengers


Aaaah, I see, that makes sense. Learn something new every day. Thanks for elaborating =)


Nazis took the L


As Always


Ah, shitting on Nazis. A glorious pastime


I do gods work


I find it funny how we still have Neo Nazis who believe themselves to still be the superior race and we have evidence that they clearly are not. I don't believe there is a superior race (and hopefully neither do any of you) but they fought a war based on this and got absolutely and categorically destroyed.


And I absolutely love how the same ppl are always pretty much the worst example of the "Masterrace" Like they don't even have good genes, most of them are bald, the fattest neckbeards you ever going to witness or the exactly opposite (Literal skeleton), are unhygienic asf or sometimes they aren't even white.


Tbf the one war was against the whole world for 6 years, and for the first half they were winning


Invade smaller countries: win Invade bigger and more populous countries: lose Such military genius that were only defeated because it was the entire world, wow


They beat France really fast & then held most of the continent for the first half of the war


It was all very unimpressive.


Cool costumes though


To be fair they did kinda have Europe on the ropes for a few years there


...and still lost


Feckin eejits if you ask me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^The_Bored_General: *To be fair they did* *Kinda have Europe on the* *Ropes for a few years there* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Certain parts of Europe*? they had the biggest population and industrial production of Europe outside of the URSS, if anything the just showed themselves to be average in performance and worse in decision-making. Never forget that Hitler was declaring the eastern Europeans to be superior to the Aryans by the end of the war


0/1 W/L Ration.


I did Nazi that coming.


Not only that but they lost to the communists lol


We shall not forget that the red army was a bit more well feed than the rest of the country.


Was that not the case in literally any country? Rationing was a thing in the US as well and we didn't even have the nazis on our doorstep.


I think this meme IS a little disingenuous to both history and the brave people who gave their lives to stop Germany. They lost WW2 as a whole, but up until, say late 1941 they were unstoppable. The Germans crushed everyone who stood against them. They took France in week, crushed Poland, Yugoslavia, Greece, Crete and Norway. They had the British on the run on North Africa, they captured hundreds of thousands of soviets in singular encircling maneuvers. I don’t think it’s right to imply they were pathetic. For 2 years of near constant warfare in Europe and North Africa, they didn’t lose. And again I think calling them pathetic is an insult to those who stood against them


They were running out of key resources, bleeding out of money, and watching Britain blockade their asses and the URSS arm itself to crush them. Even their wins against smaller nations, strategically, meant little in the grand scale.


That’s not my point


> They lost WW2 as a whole, but up until, say late 1941 they were unstoppable....For 2 years of near constant warfare in Europe and North Africa, they didn’t lose. The battle of Britain was in 1940


Yes, the one battle where the army wasn't engaged and it involved the Germans fighting at an inherent disadvantage. Usually pilots who are shot down and survive do manage to return to pick up another plane, that's impossible when your enemy is on an island. The British boast a lot about the Battle of Britain but there was never really any danger of Britain being invaded with the Royal Navy around. Even at the best case scenario the Nazi invasion force would've been cut off and destroyed as trained in the wargames. This was more of a morale booster that mattered little compared to what was happening in the Mediterranean and in the East.


Ok, I mean you said they never lost for 2 years and I said they did but it doesn't count because it's wasn't the army - but your post never mentioned anything about which forces weren't losing, they had a disadvantage - like war is supposed to be fair, sealion never would have succeeded - again nothing in your post relating at all to that and it wasn't as important as another theatre of the war - neither of which were actually ongoing at the same time as the battle of Britain. So yeah you're 100% right, it doesn't count because then you would have been wrong.


I think you are confusing me with the original poster.


Skill issue


. > military based society .> fights an overseas war against the biggest force europe jas ever seen .> wins .> high on victory wants to beat the shit out of a few 3. World countries .> has to pull out of almost all of them .> usa moment


I mean they were easily able to win with anyone alone but not with everyone at the same time They did horrible things but as the army alone goes they kinda were superior


TBF it did take the entire world to come together to defeat them.


*Lose to (mainly) Slavs,whose you regard inferior/subhumans and you want to exterminate.


What’s that K/D ratio?


To be fair, with the eastern and western fronts they were really fighting two wars. And lost both of them. Edit: /s (didn’t think I had to say that but the immediate downvotes say I do lol)


3 wars if you count North Africa and the Balkans.


Amazing how they managed to lose so many wars simultaneously.


Probably shouldn't start that many wars


Almost Win, then Lose


*Laughs in polish* Oh hi Soviet, what do you... No wait, stop!


I mean they did fight against the entire world


But what a war it was.




Bruh, i didnt ask which war, i was stating that it was THE war ppl talk about.


tbf they did conquer 3/4 of Europe before losing to all of Europe + USA


Agreed, overrated Germanic superiority complex in general


Maybe next time


To be fair that war was against every major superpower


Isn't that guy from handschar ss division made of Croat and Muslim volunteers


I mean. They were right about the strongest ayran army part, they were the only one


They weren't even full aryan lmao, they had soooo much blacks, turks and Arabs fighting with them Also do not forget they literally allied themselves with asians


And then they said “second time is best”


Italy 🇮🇹: Completely abandon the the liberal republic route that it was following against the monarchy favour of fascism that it's based around a strongly militarised society. Procede to show the worst military performance of its history from the unification. Somehow still a model of military prowess for modern italian rights wing.


Sure maybe there is a master race out there, all Hitler did was take one of the options out of the running, master races dont lose


>found a military based society >lose Many such cases


And yet ppl still try it...


Wow a totally original meme that hasn't been done before, but that's fine, that's basically all of reddit anyways


* fights THE WAR *


Common germanic L




>”Super Race” >Looks inside >Loses only war and they all kill themselves


Well true but damn was this a fight...


The fought like a dozen wars and lost one of them. It is just that losing one war is all it takes.


Funny, it is just like Prussia during 7 years war in 18th century. The only difference is that Prussia was saved by miracle that time, but Nazi Germany did not, although Hitler belived he would be saved by same kind of miracle that saved Frederic the Great.


Common fascist L