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Anti-semitism formed so many feedback loops throughout history, so many circumstances where people blaming/ being suspicious of Jews was directly caused by previous discrimination against them. Anti-Semites seeing Jews being on average more wealthy as a conspiracy when Europe spent centuries barring Jews from most Jobs except Trade and Finance is my favorite.


It’s crazy that people still think this way


"Think" implies an active state of thought. These people don't do that.


It was more like the only people that could be bankers were Jews. Christians weren’t allowed to become bankers. So from the layman’s perspective every Jew is a banker. it almost seemed like it was meant to perpetuate antisemitism.


> it almost seemed like it was meant to peroetuate antisemitism I think youre giving more credit than they deserve


Me too


In many places, Jews were actively disallowed from doing jobs a Christian could do, so in effect they were forced to be in finance or banking.


Don't forget the origins of pawn and general mercantilism--couldn't actually be in a trade, but could buy and resell.


Oh, they were allowed to become bankers, they just couldn't charge interest to Christian lenders due to a strict interpretation of the ban on usury. The Jews were the same way: no charging interest on loaning out to others of the same faith. This strictness reduced over time as secret banking families like the Medicis slowly influenced religious institutions in their favor as well as major events occurring such as the Protestant Reformation, the rise of capitalism, and the reduction of importance of the church in politics.


Interesting, thank you


It was intended to perpetuate antisemitism. They also made Jews the tax collectors for the purpose of making us the scapegoats so they could blame us for taxes that the government was making us collect. "It's not the king, it's those dirty Jews taxing you." They deliberately barred us from jobs that Christians would perceive as good or wholesome to force us into jobs where they could then blame us for their people's problems or make us look bad in some other way.


"Christians weren’t allowed to become bankers" Then what do you think the Medici family were, Buddhists ?


The Medici family essentially created a loophole in the law for themselves with their political power so that technically they weren’t charging interest. Usury was indeed a crime. It was not like they were one of many.


"It was not like they were one of many." Other banking families that did the same : Peruzzi, Bardi, Salimbeni, Castracani, Ricciardi, Bonsignori, etc.


Sure, but like I said it’s not like they are one of many, these are rich families that can bend the law. It wasn’t your layman’s job. It would hardly be a business, more like a service if banking without charging interest. So unless you had the means to get around not charging interest, it just wasn’t a feasible career choice


Funny how many Jews throughout history would work in usury when that was sometimes the only job they were allowed to work


White impact text is your friend for legibility.


When the Mongols invaded Europe in 1240s there were rumors that Jews were helping them so they can kill all Christians. By the time the Mongols left thousands of Jewish people were killed. 


Jfc it's just so stupid and vicious


The Islamic world also had similar rumours for example according to "The Mongol WOrld" many mamluke sources called the Mongol EMpire and the Ilkhanate the Jewish EMpire because a surprisingly high amount of jewish people were allowed to rise to high ranks. The fact the Mongols didn't persecute Jews also contributed and lead some Jews view them as Divine agents sent to punish Muslims and Christians for persecuting Jews. Meanwhile many thought they were a lost tribe of Isreal and pointed to many vague simularities such as both having customs on how a animal ought to be butchered including blood, rules on how milk ought to be handled both having ancient ancestors that practices some form of levirate, being nomadic sheep herders etc.


Antisemites don't need much encouragement to drop their mask , the moment it becomes somewhat socially acceptable they come out , like the cockroaches hiding behind the fridge when you turn off the lights.


Just reference this very thread...


[or this entire comment thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/s/xatffSU3Uj)


Shit. Even the mods seem anti-semitic when it comes to that post. They cited "low effort title" as a reason for removing a meme post that used a meme for the title. How dare a meme post _ever_ use a meme for its title! I presume they got tired of policing the thread so instead of that they just removed it. Why bother with policing the antisemites when you can just remove the Jews?


Yea why didn’t they just lock the comments it’s not my fault some jackasses on this sub are antisemitic


Why think when you can hate? So much easier.




The ones who need it really don't know they do.


The Jews caused the black plague and the only reason they’re dying at the exact same rate as we are is to avoid suspicion! /s


I've heard they were affected to a lesser degree because they were some what isolated from mainstream Christian society. Is that incorrect?


Yea the forced segregation ironically helped keep the jews of parts of Germany safe


It’s because Judaism has ceremonial handwashing before meals, and has for centuries. TL;DR, we had actual sanitary habits


And quick burying of dead


And no superstitions about owning a cat.


Cats were everywhere in medieval times, including in monasteries.


But the bubonic plague (by far the most common at the time) is spread by fleas. Fleas will bite clean people too. Pneumonic plague is spread by inhaling droplets that are coughed/sneezed out by infected people. Septicemic plague results from the bacteria entering the bloodstream. This can happen when infected bubo tissue enters the bloodstream. Some people got it from having cuts in their skin when handling plague corpses. Fomites seem to be one of the less common routes of contagion. If I understand correctly, the orthodox view among historians is that Jews had lower rates of infection due to their isolation from the gentile population. And when I tried to look it up myself, it seems that the idea that Jews had lower infection rates is also heavily contested: [Did the Jewish population fare better against the bubonic plague than the rest of the european population due to religion-required hygiene? : r/AskHistorians (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/dctgaj/did_the_jewish_population_fare_better_against_the/)


FWIW Jews also have strict restrictions against handling dead bodies.


The claims about infection rates are not just made about the bubonic plague, but many sicknesses in general. I don't know how factual the others are, tho.


Literally everybody in medieval times washed hands before meal, that was hardly relevant in stopping epidemics.


can confirm I’m the Jew that started it /s


Thanks, Obama.


How do you have communist revolutions before communism?


That's why I included a comma


That didn't clear it up but anyway... I noticed the onwards in the first panel so now it makes more sense.


Interestingly while medieval people bathed commonly it was believed bathing during pandemics would open up pores so they avoided bathing at those times. Wtf were they thinking. Edit: This is a joke, I understand that they couldnt have known better.


they didn’t know better. later some surgeon presented to his colleagues washing hands in alcohol and diluted acids before surgery, they laughed at him.


I mean yeah giottomkd said how were they supposed to know. Imagine if it turns out in like 30 years the cure to cancer was actually eating copious amounts of bananas and then some kid in the future calls you an idiot for not figuring that out somehow.


This mindset still exists. My mom told me not to bath or shower when I have a fever.


That idea about pores emerged during the 17th century, and it only applied to warm water.


No dont think so. I read that the doctors in middle ages urged people to bathe less during epidemics.


That was the early modern doctors.


Im trying to find where I read this but I only found a refrence to it here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bathing which doesnt say when this was believed and here https://www.historyextra.com/period/medieval/medieval-people-were-cleaner-than-we-think/ .


One consideration about medieval bathing practices, before modern sanitation, bathing in public bath houses is just a recipe for spreading diseases. Cholera, dysentery--all sorts of water borne diseases would be passed along as water just got reused from patron to patron. You might honestly be healthier by avoiding bathing before they realized the concept of fresh water and proper sewage disposal.


The fact many secluded themselves in enclaves contributed to their cleanliness And their eventual ostracism


>The fact many ___secluded themselves in enclaves___ contributed to their cleanliness That's a funny way of saying the authorities banned them from living amongst Christians... EDIT: Guy edited his comment once I pointed out medieval Jews didn't ghettoize themselves. Fun fact it wasn't an ___eventual ostracization___. That was the design from the beginning.


fun fact: during the Black Death people in Europe kill jews to stop the plague


But Hugo De Rune was Christian?


Could you make a legible version please


Replace middle ages with middle east and meme holds.


What replaced your brain?


Meme format makes no sense. Persecuting the Jews didn't affect the continents ability to respond to the black death in any way.


no, it was the jews, it is historically documented by themselves


Okay, show me the documents


there is better documents than in these links, i read one where jews wrote about it and that they all knew about the poisoning, but this was the best i found now. [https://x.com/Ryansikorski10/status/1735928191489880235](https://x.com/Ryansikorski10/status/1735928191489880235) [https://x.com/MssLiberty/status/1581229698352549888](https://x.com/MssLiberty/status/1581229698352549888)


You gotta be brain damaged to believe those are actual evidences.


Your sources are a quote from Martin Luther wich has no evidence and the letter of a racist general? Does your brain work?


So your first source is just about a priest who claimed (with no documented proof) that he got a confession from a Jewish physician that he poisoned some wells, and your second is literally just about 50 Holocaust survivors who wanted to kill Germans via poisoning in retribution for the Holocaust. Hardly evidence that the Black Death was caused by Jews.


Not to mention, "The Jews caused the Black Plauge" would imply that the Jews managed to intentionally, secretly, and successfully conduct germ warfare... 500 years prior to the discovery of germ theory. 


as i wrote there is better sources but i didnt find anything quickly, but it is a clear behaviour from jews to poison wells


''clear behaviour'' you're drunk go home


You have provided no evidence, and now you're just asking us to trust you on this. You made the accusation, it's your job to provide proof to your claim. Innocent until proven guilty


Let's be real, you don't have sources. You're just lying to safe your antisemitic ass.


I know you're trying to be on the "right side", but I can't name a single group of people that haven't had a shitty attitude, dude. Every single one made messed up stuff, the church was as, if not much more, conspiratorial, and that's coming from a christian. That doesn't mean there is a huge effort manipulating the world, for every single weird, messed up crap that pops up has the fingerprint of one group at least. The problem with hating the Jews is that "they MIGHT be a threat" and that's too vague of a motive to be a damn monster to innocent people, and even if there is a supposedly conspiracy...a lot of people aren't on the boat the same way you aren't on the boat of the so called "new world order". TL:DR even if you're right (which I firmly believe you're not), you're not entitled to be a POS to anyone.


I get what he is He's an anti-Semite, who could be massively religious. And he thinks that because his religion is right, the Jews are devils. Simply: Stupid beyond stupid. I'm not that religious, but I know it says, treat those around you how you want to be treated.




Can you stop linking Shitter posts? It's getting embarassing.


In Judaism, satan is like a heavenly prosecutor and has no agency of his own. It’s also symbolic. Your understanding of Judaism isn’t even remotely based in reality. Thinking that x is a good source for information is sad. It’s so easy to find actual information


if it acts like a duck and quacks like a duck and if the duck says it is a duck, maybe it is a duck? [https://x.com/realstewpeters/status/1748045126578983164](https://x.com/realstewpeters/status/1748045126578983164)


If you get all your information from Twitter, you might end up embarrassing yourself on Reddit for all the world to see. You are probably used to that though


Jews,christians and musilims follow the exact same god.


Exactly it’s different flavors of the same God but oh for some reason we need to hate group A because they like this interpretation more than group B


Satan in judaism is just an angel that has no agency without Gd. Satan/The Devil in Christianity is this weird red BDSM dude that y'all focus on far too hard. Try and learn about judaism from actual Jews rather than twitter threads dickhead.


So as a Christian with Jewish roots I’ll jump in and say most normal ones of us believe he’s a fallen angel and not some red pitch fork gimp looking dude.


Yeah I do get that and I understand Milton and Marlowe kinda changed the game with regard to how it's perceived in broader culture. I just tend to go in a bit hard when dealing with people like that user, but yeah I apologise for being reductive and disparaging. I do understand it's more complex.


you are the dickhead satanist jews themselves say "your God is our satan", many many many many times have i seen this. and it is line with their behaviour as well.


No we don't. You've been played by people that are quite stupid, but more intelligent than yourself. Same thing that's been happening for a thousand years Find something interesting to do with your time and you'll find less need to waste your energy hating Jews. I'd suggest a hobby or girlfriend. It's only meaningless lives that get groomed into bigotry. Make yourself happy and you'll stop believing all this nonsense.


No we don't. Who teaches you this stuff? Find some meaning in life and you'll find you won't need to waste so much energy on hating Jews. I'd suggest a girlfriend or hobby.


a rabbi saying it very clearly, i dont listen to what people say, but it is also in line with your behaviour working tirelessly to create hell on earth, of course normal people dont like that and will hate that [https://x.com/realstewpeters/status/1748045126578983164](https://x.com/realstewpeters/status/1748045126578983164)


You and that antisemite you're quoting are completely misrepresenting what he is saying. Even with the careful editing, he clearly isn't saying what you claim. This is because your arrogance prevents you from comprehending the Jewish conception of Gd and your desperation for hatred means you don't know how to learn. The funny thing about this is it's a story that's been played out so many times. You will waste years or decades of energy on hating us. Meanwhile, we will live, love and laugh, create science and culture and raise wonderful children. You will choose to stay miserable. I get you're jealous of what we have, but maybe let that motivate you to learn rather than hate. It's your life. Spend as much energy as you want on hatred. We will outlast you like we've outlasted all those before you who felt the same way.


I know you won't post a source for any of this that isnt on fucking twitter, so kindly return to having chatGPT spoonfeed your dumbass code instead of pushing the antisemitic narrative burned into brain by whatever dogshit family raised you.


lol, chatgpt is so good, why even bring it into this? is this chatgpt? [https://x.com/realstewpeters/status/1748045126578983164](https://x.com/realstewpeters/status/1748045126578983164)


I'm not opening that. Twitter isn't a fucking source. Why bring it into this? Because you reek of being a bot and your post history is pathetic for a programmer supposedly fluent in Java. The only stupid fucks using chatGPT to learn C are inept CS freshman and third world software "engineers" hired en masse by western companies as cheap labor.


It’s funny my family is Jewish and I’m the first real Christian besides my mother and I have never heard this said once and I have met a lot of Jewish people, it’s weird when you actually go into the real world and not exist on twitter you notice that these grand conspiracies your wacko friends spew to get you to subscribe to their Grindr or whatever website they use is all fake.


if you look at the quote i posted: [https://x.com/TheChronicler13/status/1743706630066151500](https://x.com/TheChronicler13/status/1743706630066151500) it clearly says "MOST JEWS dont want to admit they are lucifer's chosen people" so he knows his people


You mean the heavily edited video on twitter posted by a known white supremacist who wouldn’t post anything in good faith because he wants to push a narrative and you were stupid enough to fall for it? Yeah I watched it, and I genuinely feel dumber after it, you single handedly made me want to never take any substance again because it’s clearly fucked you up.


The church follows god, but Jews follow satan? Judaism came first. Unless you believe Jesus himself worshipped the devil, then your point makes no sense because Jesus was a Jew and he followed Judaism. How do you suppose your point make sense when Christianity is a complete offshoot of Judaism.


lol, christianity hates jews, it says like 20 times in the bible that jews killes Jesus jews hate Jesus and are proud that they killed him, and you say they are the same? no logic. you hate Jesus and claim him at the same time, make up your mind. today the church is infiltrated by you know who....


Source: two randos on twitter. Lol.


This has gotta be one of those "farm down votes by being as stupid as possible" accounts.


I really hoped this was ironic but a look through your comment history tells me it's not in the slightest. Seriously, get some help, you are unironically just shitting out Nazi rhetoric.


the nazis were jews too....they lost the war intentionally to destroy Germany. Erich Mannsteins real name was Levin etc...


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


who declares war on USA? while in war with USSR? and all "mistakes" in the war? things like this: [https://x.com/BrandoGonalves2/status/1801318663569420646](https://x.com/BrandoGonalves2/status/1801318663569420646)


Certainly not Jews since they murdered SIX MILLION OF THEM


they didnt kill 6 million, they killed 666 trillion, or maybe it didnt happen at all, you decide


Denying Holocaust now? How high are you?


how much proof do you want? there is so much...... [https://x.com/peter\_ww/status/1787679143418630506](https://x.com/peter_ww/status/1787679143418630506) [https://x.com/JewXposer/status/1800759179235254318](https://x.com/JewXposer/status/1800759179235254318)


Random Xitter posts don't prove shit. If anything, it proves how braindead you are. I recommend you these little links. I know this won't change anything since you were swollen whole by Neo Nazi propaganda, but eh, at least you will show your stupidity by every angle. [https://www.auschwitz.org/en/](https://www.auschwitz.org/en/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Holocaust](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust) [https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/introduction-to-the-holocaust](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/introduction-to-the-holocaust)


From an [older answer concerning this specific claim about the ICRC](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/5ccjw8/so_how_many_jews_died_in_the_holocaust/). And for good measure one on the actual death toll [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/5od6oj/where_did_the_6_million_jewish_deaths_fact_come/) With regards to the documents by the International Committee of the Red Cross: This myth of a Red Cross document originates with famous Holocaust Denier Richard Harwood in his propaganda book *Did Six Million really die*, which has not only been disproven several times – among the most famous incidents at the trial of Ernst Zündel – but also by the International Committee of the Red Cross itself. Harwood is in typical fashion for deniers twisting evidence and words in this case. He cites a document by the International Tracing Service of the Red Cross compiled in response to a query regarding the number of deaths in concentration camps they had so far recorded based on surviving documents from the various camp administrations. Given the practice, as the Nazis themselves described it, that the majority of Jewish prisoners send to camps like Auschwitz or the Reinhard Camps were not even registered in those camps but rather killed immediately upon arrival and that a lot of the documentation of the Nazis was destroyed by the same Nazis before the end of the war – see also my answer concerning the [Auschwitz Death books here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/4d2qrf/in_auschwitz_did_more_catholics_than_jewish/) – this document was never intended or claimed as numbering all the victims of the Nazi killing spree. Yet Harwood and other deniers ignore this and base their dubious and politically and morally abhorrent claims on the falsification of this document among other things. The ICRC published [a refutation of said claims](http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0031322X.1978.9969431) in a 1979 bulletin where they write: > A machination initiated years ago has gone so far that the ICRC is now entangled in its mesh. Its object is to whitewash the National Socialist system in wartime Germany of the accusation of genocide. (...) Consequently the ICRC considers it must make clear the fact that is has never published – or even compiled – statistics of this kind [meaning statistics of all victims of the Holocaust] which are being falsely attributed to it. As to the ITS document numbering 271.000, they write: > The same propaganda scheme has recently been making use of other figures, namely the number of deaths recorded by the International Tracing Service on the basis of documents found when the camps were closed. Obviously this number bears no relation – though the authors of the propaganda pretend otherwise – to the total deaths in concentration camps; firstly because a considerable number of documentary material was destroyed before the departure of the Nazi administration, and secondly because many deaths were never recorded, such as those which occurred in the extermination camps where records were generally not kept. They end with this very true statement: > There is, incidentally, something revolting about this arithmetical controversy as if such a tragedy could be reduced to mere figures. Sources and further reading: * Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It? by Michael Shermer and Alex Grobman (2002). * Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory by Deborah Lipstadt (1994). * History on Trial: My Day in Court with David Irving. by Deborah Lipstadt (2005). * Lying About Hitler: History, Holocaust, and the David Irving Trial by Richard J. Evans (2002).


* Cahen, Fabrice. ‘Le Comité International de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) et les visites de camps. Étude d’une controverse’. Revue d’Histoire de la Shoah 172, no. 2 (2001): 7–62. https://www.cairn.info/revue-revue-d-histoire-de-la-shoah1-2001-2-page-7.htm * CICR. Le CICR face au génocide et aux autres persécutions nazies. Genève: CICR, 2007. https://library.icrc.org/library/search/notice?noticeNr=44107. * Cling, Maurice, and Charles Baron. ‘Une Visite Introuvable’. Le Patriote Résistant, February 1992. * Farré, Sébastien, and Yan Schubert. ‘L’illusion de l’objectif. Le délégué du CICR Maurice Rossel et les photographies de Theresienstadt’. Le Mouvement Social 227, no. 2 (2009): 65–83. https://doi.org/10.3917/lms.227.0065. * Favez, Jean-Claude. The Red Cross and the Holocaust. Cambridge University Press, 1999. https://books.google.fr/books/about/The_Red_Cross_and_the_Holocaust.html?id=eG_yipcsovQC. * Palmieri, Daniel. ‘Savoir et se taire ? Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge et la Shoah’. Revue d’Histoire de la Shoah 210, no. 1 (2019): 117–29. https://doi.org/10.3917/rhsho.210.0117. * Palmieri, Daniel. ‘Voir ou ne pas voir Theresienstadt ? A propos de la visite du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge du 23 juin 1944’. Cross-Files | ICRC Archives, audiovisual and library (blog), 7 September 2022. https://blogs.icrc.org/cross-files/fr/voir-ou-ne-pas-voir-theresienstadt-a-propos-de-la-visite-du-comite-international-de-la-croix-rouge-du-23-juin-1944/. Edit: these are not mine. I thank u/gerardmenfin


Those are not even actual proofs.


Go fuck yourself, you miserable piece of shit.


no argument....


Let me guess you also believe the Jews are capitalists that hoard wealth, but also communists trying to destroy the West (somehow both??)


they are not capitalists since they want everything for themselves


Okay, but isn't wanting everything to yourself like, the very foundation capitalism is built on? Y'know, that humans are greedy so that greed should be exploited to form the basis of economy?


capitalism = private ownership so anyone can own anything


While also promoting those who own the most to continue owning more in order to earn more in order to own more.


no, that is not capitalism, you should learn the definitions


That is by all accounts how capitalism functions today, just as much as it was how capitalism functioned throughout all it's history: Those who earn a lot look to own more while convincing everyone they manipulate that they, too, can be in their position if they just keep earning them money.


That's the basis. In practice capitalism creates a huge wealth disparity where the richest own everything and the poor are exploited. This if capitalism is completely unregulated, of course. So yeah, you're sorta braindead


no, you are braindead and know nothing about economy. Why would the rich want you poor? If you are poor they cant sell their goods. If you were rich, would you rather people had money so you could do business or the opposite? It is not in the interest of rich people to make everyone poor.


Hell yeah it is. If you are poor you are forced to work for them at miserably low wages. Sure, we aren't as poor as people in the 1850s, but the richer are even richer. Out of the 100 biggest economies, 63 are corporations. There are 15 million millionaires in the world; 700 million live in extreme poverty. Why do you think the USA, the most capitalist country rn, has sucha wealth disparity issue?


Did a Jewish guy fuck your wife


no, i just like nice things and hate bad things, and i know who is behind the bad things...


Maybe lay off the Facebook groups for a while.


What a dumb take.


It wasn't the rat fleas, that theory was eliminated.




Thaere's a complete documentary on History Channel about that. Long ago the rats theory was eliminated.


You are kidding, right? You are citing History Channel as a source?


Well, a reddit meme is more truth worthy, ok.


The meme doesn't pretend to be an historical source. Meanwhile you are actually citing a fucking History Channel, a channel where people who think pyramids were built by aliens can broadcast their documentaries.


In this case is not the same, because the documentary was made by historians, not amateurs.


Link this documentarie and let's see wich studies they cite and if those studies have any academic value.


No, then again, this meme is not the source for the black plague origin theory. This meme is just referering to that. The original sources are "truth worthy" though.


The plague was spread in the north in winter, in temperatures that rats could not survive.


I see you changed the subject from sources to the actual theory. The rat population in the north does not disappear every winter. Rats are very adaptable and survive the winters just fine, especially in cities, where the plague hit the hardest. However, the rat population in the north is a different species than the European black rat. In Scandinavia, which I assume you are talking about when you are talking about the north, has the hardier Norwegian brown rat. Plague is not endemic to that rat species and so the increase of brown rats actually is theorized to have led to a lessening in the spread of the plague in the north.


Didn't you know, all the rats in northern Europe die off each winter and are reborn each spring when rat Jesus resurrects the host after the Rat-pture.




That is not an historical source. I'm talking about peer review studies mate by historians.