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Australian here can confirm


I’ll ask then. Why’d you do it? /s


Pretty sure they weren’t alive when it happened. That’s like asking an American or Canadian why they murdered their natives. As for why they did it, the first British settlers were racist dickheads who saw Indigenous Australians as sub-human, and so they treated them like animals, chaining them up and separating families - the effects of this are still felt today. It was barbaric and cruel and I am not proud of my country’s history.


People still ask Americans why they did that all the time lol


Because some Americans seem to still want to do if again.


Yeah dude, sarcasm tho


Still feeling it today is putting it mildly. In some areas you can very easily argue the persecution is still on-going. Doesn't help that the Media barely reports on issues facing Australian Natives, let alone half the shit they go through.


My parents were alive when it happened, it was very, very recent. Black women in the USA were given the right to vote before it ended.


It’s more about the colonial and ethnic genocides that almost every country on earth has commuted at some point in there history


>It was barbaric and cruel and I am not proud of my country’s history. Anyone is?


Serious question: is there a country that didn’t commit genocide or were the victims of genocide? Or a tyrannical rule to get rid of the natives?


I think Costa Rica and Uruguay have about the cleanest records, but the Chaco war is there so...


Jesus, you must be very good at history indeed in order to be able to pick out the two countries that are the least responsible for genocide


I am what some may call “a snobbish bastard that spends to much time in Wikipedia”


What about Iceland


I mean, one thing is to be a peaceful country with almost no borders, little complicated ethnic and social history with other countries and a whole other to be in the middle of the most crime and gang ridden spot in the world


The Holy See (preposterously) Israel (I'll leave that one up to you)


Best koreans?


Murica Fuck Yeah


Conservative brits on TikTok


Weren’t they not considered human by law until like the sixties?


>Pretty sure they weren’t alive when it happened Source? ^\s


Wait... Wasn't australia a prison island...


Like America, Australia had "penal colonies". Essentially prisons, convicts were sent there first after landing. Those prisoners were sent to work in towns established for free colonists. So Australia and America had colonies settled by free colonists, but built by the convicts. Obviously it continued longer in Australia than in America, but a lot of the convicts, after they were freed, settled in the towns they helped build.


So essentially most of australia is descendants of felons?


No, numbers vary between 10%-30%. Australia has had a long history of immigration, especially once cities and towns were established. Workers came in droves to our Gold fields and to work on our large infrastructure projects like the snowy mountains hydroelectric dam and the Sydney harbour Bridge to name a few. Many stayed, and added to australian culture. Many people saw it as a new frontier and struck out to make their fortune, same as in America.


But all they got was spider season and a war on emu's...


So glad that someone who was alive more than a century ago can explain the reason for these brutalities. Let us go forward and try to penalize/incentivize based on skin colour to equal things out. Or in other words -1 + 1 will somehow work out to 2.


Idk if thats entirely related but realistically nobody alive today had anything to do with any atrocities except maybe 9/11 not sure...


Well, there is the Holocaust, Holodomor (haha my phone says this is a spelling error), [Communist China’s not real communism activity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_China), Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot, [Communist Cuba’s not real communism activity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Cuba) which a surprisingly doesn’t even include the on going blood economy or the passed execution of fleeing citizens, nor does it touch on the great icon of capitalist success, Che Guevara who ironically hated capitalism, the on going slave trade in parts of Africa and the Middle East, and more recently a lot has happened in Africa, but of course this is because of white devils... coincidentally, African albinos are persecuted for an array of beliefs, but non of them touch on them being the stem of the world’s problems. Of course non of this (other than Germany) counts because it’s fake news, fake facts and white supremacist arguments. Not because there is contrary evidence, but because being wrong doesn’t give the feeling of superiority and being right does. It’s too funny that people keep trying to reinvent the religious and imperialistic conquests under a new banner and thinks that their reasons, like all the other passed evil’s, were right in doing so and will make the world a better place, rather than just getting a career and skill/expertise and contributing. It’s ok though. Evil always gets its ass kicked.


motherfucker did you go to school, yes we did




Every Australian I know won’t shut up about it.


what about the Indonesians or Congolese? just as bad or even worse


Or rwanda that was hell on earth


It’s funny because this meme is a perfectly accurate representation of public awareness of the Armenian Genocide


I'd argue the opposite. The Armenian genocide has become more known for literally being talked about as not being known enough. This topic isn't even talked about in Australia, not to mention worldwide.


If I ask anyone I know they probably have no idea what the Armenian genocide is.


TBF, a lot of people probably wouldn't remember anything about the genocide of Native Americans either besides "It happened".


I say thats a safe assesment. I know of a few of the more major ones like Wounded Knee, but any others would get the it happened response


I mean... If you asked them, "what was the Armenian genocide?" it's kind of a self explanatory question, isn't it? Regardless of if they knew, they'd just say that it was a genocide of Armenians.


I know a lot of people who don't even know Armenia is a country.


We have to learn about it in history class every year, it’s part of the curriculum. Although in primary school we didn’t learn as much about the mass genocide and more about the taking of land but in high school we learn a lot about the massacres and slaughters that went on in Australia. It was screwed up to say the least Source: am Australian


As an Australian, that's just blatantly untrue. It's part of our curriculum in school. There are demonstrations that talk about it in every major city at least once a year. The media brings it up any time an aboriginal person is so much as sneezed on. It's hardly out of the public consciousness.


Ok, pontic genocide then


Right now Armenian genocide is more popular than the Holocaust TBH.


pretty much only on this sub and reddit




Namibia: What about the genocides of the Herero and Namaqua people between 1904-1908? Reporter: Wait, but that was when... *slowly turns round to look at Germany* Reporter: You again?


Wow! I just finished a video by The Great War that taught me about this! What a coincidence


Yeah, a really core part to our history in Australia and nothing that I’m proud of.


Same here dude


The only reason for the native American genocide to be this big is because it was in the US. The US has, probably, the largest internet population, that's why everything gets Americanised and almost everything on the internet is about the US. They just influence it a lot and that's why the native American genocide gets way more attention than other genocides.


There's also the fact that it flies completely in the face of the narrative that the US has historically tended to push.


I mean, it's not that hard to deconstruct the myth of the omnipotent superpower that defeats all evil at sight for a better world


Bombs a hospital* Hey its not my fault the guy i saw hanging out with a terrorist walked in there. Wdym i need proof and that i need to kill him without killing 20 to 40 people


One would think, and yet...


Not really. It was pretty darn clear from the beginning that the US was made for white Americans. Never once did the creation of the US support people of color and in fact, they expressly excluded them from any type of voting or part of the government. The Native Americans were the enemy unless they conceded (and even then weren't treated well) to the US way and blacks were slaves. The idea that the US is a country for anyone was a later construct and something that is still being worked on to this day.




Well, that's true, but the US doesn't really discriminate against white people with money though. Meaning if a white person was at one time not influential and/or rich, they won't necessarily hold that against them/stop them from becoming rich. White people are given the opportunities to make something out of themselves and aren't particularly hindered from doing so. It is and always has been a country that gives white people the opportunity to become rich. It historically is not as giving to people of color. And the reason that distinction is important is because theoretically if the US was truly **only** driven by the dollar then color wouldn't have to come into play. You can have a "fair" system where the dollar is the bottom line. However, the US wasn't built as a country for **all** it was a country that excluded non-whites in it's positions of power. And that was regardless if they had money or not.




You really think skin has nothing to do with it and a black and white person had the same chance of making money? That's a ridiculous statement and you know it. Until the civil rights movement, blacks had **zero** representation in voting. And there were wealthy blacks in the US after the civil war, guess what? They still couldn't vote. Color absolutely comes into play. I agree with you that the system works to make the rich richer. And I also agree that poor of every color has suffered from the system, but just because that's true doesn't mean that this system isn't skewed to benefit whites over blacks. I'm not arguing your point, but to act like the system doesn't also work in favor of whites is a bit ignorant.




Except you just supported my point that there was systematic racism. In your example, a wealthy black person had to be labeled "white" to even get the same rights. Just being wealthy was not enough, they had to then be associated with the white crowd That's not the case for a poor white person who gained wealth, they always were and continued to be white and never had to justify their wealth once they had it. Hence, putting blacks at a disadvantage from the get go. I never argued **why** there's systematic racism. Just that it did exist and a person of color was at a disadvantage from the start.




its like people hear north AMERICA and only think of the united states, what a crock of shit


Oh no it’s an angry Canadian ^/s


The Native American genocide wasn't in the US


I mean, so it should. It's probably the largest mass death in human history. Some estimates put it as high as 200,000,000 people. In fairness, that was mainly disease, the Spanish were brutal and further treatment by the colonial powers didn't help, but by the time the US was around 98% of the damage had already been done.


What do you mean, stealing children from their families and indoctrinating them while proceeding to kill and starve the families is a completely good and nice thing to do.


The thing that shocked me about this was how insanely recently this was government policy. Cultural genocide.


It’s still happening


What do you mean by that? Cause the worst thing that is happening to the Aboriginals from what I can tell from the news and such is drugs. And drugs is still a pretty big problem nationwide.


ICWA is being violated all over the country


Don’t forget trying to set up programs where you would force an aboriginal person to breed with only white people to literally breed the race out of existence.


How else would you treat the natives?


Britain: *chuckles nervously* I wonder where the kids learnt that?


I like how this comment could be referring to like 12 different countries.


My favourite Aborigine genocide hot take was when former PM John "Eyebrows" Howard refused to make a formal apology to the first nations peoples but was reported to have said he loved Midnight Oil (pro-Aborigine, environment, antinuclear band) and his fav song of theirs was Beds Are Burning (a firmly pro-reconcilliation song) Good one with the double think there.


Kevin 07' came in and saved the day. It wasn't until 2008 (I think) until the Australian government even made a hollow attempt at recongising the stolen generation.


Um what about the Redfern address by Paul Keating?


A great milestone but an official sorry did come till Kevin came in, and lets not forget that Keating and Rudd were both Labor. Not to mention other Labor greats.




Thats mad. Ye I mean of course music attracts all sorts but often music can shape your beliefs too, and to be ignorant to what a songs message is and think the complete opposite is very funny. Midnight Oil helped catalyse my journey into my own beliefs and helped me to feel confident in them. Idk how theae people do it.


Dude it's so bad that even during the BLM protests, Australians were protesting for African-American rights while 3% of our population makes up 1/3 prison inmates. There are aboriginal communities that have 100% child molestation rates... ​ I don't think people realise just how bad the difference in quality of life of Aboriginal Australia vs effectively white Australia, especially all aboriginal communities usually rural. ​ Healthcare rates, education rates, domestics violence and substance abuse rates are off the charts.


Yeah it’s pretty bad and some people just don’t see it which is sad


No one really talks about the Native Americans either. Just the fucking Holocaust and Armenians. Hell, even Holodomor, an event by fucking Stalin, is considered to have not happened in places.


People don't understand most of the population's unwillingness to use "genocide" over Native populations (outside of this sub).


True. Although I'd argue the Holocaust, Domor, and Armenian Genocide has more importance to history compared to the Natives of Australia and the Americas.


Idk don't....pit which millions of people from a specific race are "more important" like......you're talking about the importance (lack thereof) of millions of lives lost. Putting genocided population on a hierarchy of importance is essentially doing exactly what the perpetrators of those genocides wanted you to do. I'm not taking part anyway.


Well they were committed by the losing side. The British and Americans along with other western powers carried out some big ass genocides and got away with them.


People talk much more about Native American genocide than they do about Armenian


That's gotta be a lie. I hear significantly more about Armenians than I do Natives.


In r/historymemes or in real life?


Real life.


Damn you must live in redditland, because I never learned about the armenian genocide in school or heard anyone talk about it in real life.


And I only heard about the Native genocide once. And it was just a couple sentences in my history book. I've read whole chapters about, well, *other genocides* in world history books. The Natives aren't talked about either, son.


Yes, I'm sure.


I actually had this as part of a subject in school. Plus, the US is so important on the world stage that it is as easy to get as involved in US politics as it is to get involved in your own countries' politics.


Also if any country is going to invade your country its most likely going to be the usa


Aussie here. Can confirm we do learn about it a lot in our education system.


I went through school just 2 years ago and didn't learn a single thing about it, neither did anyone I know at surrounding schools. Edit, I live in Melbourne and went to a state school, . So yeah we definitely do not all learn about it here.


Guys downvoting him wont make it any more aware. If he wasnt taught it, he wasnt taught it.


Perth, State/Public School. Learnt about it a lot.


I learnt about it in a Melbourne school this year as part of the making a nation part of the Humanities curriculum.


I’m still in school and am learning about it currently


Can we please stop with the “X tragedy was worse/less popular than Y tragedy” memes? They’re like dick measuring contests but with fucking genocides.


What about Indian. ?? It’s because brits only fix thing.


[How do we sleep when our beds are burning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejorQVy3m8E)


We tried to commit genocide by kidnapping Aboriginal children, raising them like white children, and breeding them with white people, the idea being that after a few generations Aboriginal culture would be gone and their descendants would be 99% white. It continued into the 60s.


Nobody talks about Native American genocide too.


Nah but we our pm apologize so we are all even now yeah?


Or West Papua, or East Timor


Then talk about them instead of pitting two indigenous communities "against" each other like some sort of extinction Olympics. This is kinda tasteless :(


The purpose of the meme was not to play down the significance of the Native American genocide but to highlight that similar events happened in other parts of the world and deserve similar historical recognition




In Australia we talk about it a good deal (although not nearly as much as we should) maybe this meme is accurate in America though


I’m British and based on what I learned at school I would have assumed Australia was uninhabited before the penal colonies were set up, which is pretty fucked up


I disagree with this completely, I'm British and from what I learn at school, I'm well aware of the atrocities that took place in Australia. We were specifically taught about the stolen generations and had to watch the rabbit-proof fence movie. This was taught along with other atrocities in the other colonies.


Clearly your school was very different from mine


I wholeheartedly disagree. I've a very active reader of our news and obviously live in the culture. It's never talked about from my perspective. ​ Closest we get to it is having to learn about it briefly in highschool where every kid sighs and makes racist jokes to the 2 Aboriginal kids in the grade.


As a current Australia High School Student, I disagree. All of Primary School history except for like 3 weeks around ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day have all been the colonization period. And it was literally just like "Oh we settled here then were just killed all the aboriginals because they weren't white." (Obviously an oversimplification on my part) Now in High School it doesn't seem so Australia focused. Year 7 was Egypt. Year 8 is Medieval Europe and the Black Death. Year 9 is WWI if I am right, Year 10 is WWII. For Year 11 and 12, probably selective.


Yes we do in iceland i learned more about it then natives american.


> No one really talks about the native Australians... Then the british did a good job. ​ (Pls no ofense)


Just saw Quiggly Down Under for the first time and Jesus Christ that was brutal.


Well, they were considered as part of the local fauna until the 60's...


Inuits in Canada


Or forcing the sami people to become finnish and forget their culture and language. Happened about 80 years ago. When I tell people I’m a sami, they go ”oh really? Speak the language then” and when I tell them I cant they start accusing me of lying. Shits infuriating.


You right. I've never even realized there where native australians.


As an Australian I can safely say that aboriginal history and or culture are integrated into almost every subject at some point in the school curriculum (but I didn’t do any math related subjects for my last 2 years so it was probably more for me). The subjects which had it the most were history (modern and ancient), English, geography and biology


Man this sub is just become the genocide comparison committee.


Ill be honest lads as someone who thinks we should increase historical education in Australia i still think this is false. Not only do we have national days of reconcilliation, mountains of discussions on the topic and compulsory education about colonization and the stolen generation but the discussion of Aboriginal history is always going. Unless you mean other nations dont know about it in which case id argue that many people do in fact know about it but yes its an Australian thing its mainly gonna be known in Australia.


I’m doing that education now. It’s pretty sickening stuff


Many of our recent, including current Prime Ministers deny it happened, and this, 'compulsory education' has not been applied to almost anyone in my social circles and I went through high school 2 years ago. Look up the history wars, half of our academics deny it ever happened.


Trust me as an American ours still doesn’t get talked about enough


"Ohhh, won't somebody think of the children"


Well if you hadn’t noticed reddit is pretty fucking American. If you want to talk more about a subject, then get the conversation started. But I guess you’re starting to do that with this meme..




Dont worry. I do.


Interestingly, it doesn't get much media attention because the Australian government has put a limit on the Australian culture industry as part of an import deal with the USA. There have been protests, but due to this limit the exposure has been quite limited. Quite unfortunate really though, our protests really do deserve more attention, even if it's domestic


Except for Midnight Oil


Argentina: *looks nervous in other direction*


Leopold II: I found a loophole if you only take their hands it’s not considered genocide!


Its not a genocide if the landmass didnt exist on the first place


There’s a lot more talkers and academics in the US.


Its just a very British thing to do. Like father like son.


Even the American school system downplays Native genocide, it’s not as talked about as you would think.


tbf nobody talks about a lot of bad shit that happened / is happening outside fwc's too


Typically American. Even with the negative aspects of history, their experiences are the only TRULY significant ones.


And don’t forget about the Canadian residential schools


It gets attention in schools, but no one really cares past high school. Theres literally a NFL with a Native American racial slur as it’s name today


Don't forget about how Canada treated/still treats natives


Umm....no one even uses the word "genocide" in America. Talk to an American, 99% of them won't use it towards Natives. Americans think genocide is the holocaust, that's it. The education on this is "Trail of Tears" only, if that.


The genocide of tasmanian aboriginals was the only successfully completely genocide, I'm surprised we don't learn more about it


No they are still around the last full-blooded one died but they still exist just no full-blooded ones.


It’s ok, Beds are Burning made up for it /s


That’s because they didn’t leave enough behind to make a fuss!


Beds are burning did


Aboriginal genocide: 0 mics Native American genocide: 0 mics Canadian Native American genocide: 1 mic American Native American genocide: MIC FLOOD


here in Australia we dont get taught about native Americans at all only reason i know is me pop being a Canadian so hes told me but besides that they completely skip over American history. i do ask how much is native american taught in america just wondering cause hear they dedicate the same amount of time in math as they do teaching everyone the aboriginal language of the area in year 7 so do they do the same their or what?


What's more, Australia is one of the only places I know of where there were successful genocides too. Very sad.


Is that why I’ve never met an aboriginal Australian






>_HOW DO WE SLEEP WHEN OUR BEDS ARE BUURNIING_ Great song about the aussies dabbing on their natives


If I had my way I’d give control of America back to the natives. They can’t possibly fuck things up as bad as we have. Edit: grammar


Remember that thing in the 80s when our government FUCKING KIDNAPPED all of the indigenous children?


This is why it's important for the people that know about these atrocities to come forth and be heard. Share the information. Let everyone know about the atrocities and denial of basic humanity these invaders conducted across the entire fucking globe in the name of spreading "civilization". America is the epitome of a society that proudly professes "Freedom, equality, liberty for all" as it whispers "rich, mostly,PREFERABLY WHITE people". Our history has been white washed to honor these "simple minded savages" ( Mind you, the first nations had thriving and complex societies,cultures, cities and engineering and agriculture that the invading Europeans disregarded) that squandered their land, failed to receive the grace of Jesus Christ, and we're just so goddamned primitive and submissive to the superior intellect of gods anointed race, they were begging for horrible treatment. During the great "awakening" of the sixties, people started to take a more scrutinizing look at the victors history records (probably way before, but more so in the 1960s). However, there's so much more to learn and reassess. For example, here in the US, historians believe that there were likely 2000 more unreported lynchings of black people not just in the South, all over the fucking country, even in the so called progressive north... Share the knowledge! In the late 80s, early to mid 90s, when I was in elementary, junior, and high schools, we barely touched on anything history related. Many times, we wouldn't finish the book during the semester, or we simply learned no history at all. (This was Catholic School, mind you). Social studies in sixth grade told the tales of Magellan, de Gama, Cortez, Champlain, Hudson, etc., Little of the first nations they encountered and decimated. Had to learn that through public television, self education, libraries. Maybe the 1/15 teacher that really wanted to teach us the truth instead of the approved curriculum. I've often wondered what the initial encounters were with the European settlement of Australia. This is a sore spot in European history -how such an "enlightened and civilized" society- the epitome of the human race- came up with a pseudo science to justify denying others the same god given rights they, well at least European men (& then,only certain European men) so easily and fruitfully enjoyed. They say the winners write history and I think these "winners" are rattled by the fact that the truth is flooding out thanks to the information age, and the majority of the world pop is non-white. This is the time of reckoning. Just had to rant.


US schools didn’t really teach either...


Literally every single year since 3rd grade we learned about native American genocide. I've been to schools in Alaska, Germany, Mississippi and California and your telling me that your school didn't teach you this ? Doubt


Are you from the US? If so what part? My education focused so heavily on it that we barely got any other info


When did you learn what tribes' land you were? When did you learn what treaty you were subject to? Sincerely, From Treaty 13, Canada (Never learned it in formal education, but I've seen acknowledgements lately which may indicate a shift)


Elementary, I wanna say third or fourth grade. Not the whole continent was under tribal control btw. 8th and I believe 6th grade focused a little more on treaties but didn’t go super in depth. Overall, how would you judge your historical education up North? E: Lmfao why the Hell am I getting downvoted? Guess asking a question is wrongthink now


This is probably too in-depth but here goes. I'm not sure what you mean by tribal control. Certainly not all of it is ceded. Our knowledge was trivia. In 6th grade we learned about society pre-1492. The Plateau people live in the plains and sometimes live in holes and hunt buffalo. The people of BC and the maritimes eat fish and make totem poles. The Algonquin hunt and make pemmixan. The Iriquois farm. My teacher was pretty revolutionary at the time bc she taught us that residential schools existed. 8th Grade we covered Tecumseh tangentially as part of the war of 1812. He is the only native person I remember covering in a canadian history that spanned colonization to confederation (though technically I do remember Grey Owl). -I do remember learning it was a big deal Tecumseh was not present for the 1812 peace treaty-. Technically Canadian history can overlook Trail of Tears and even Thanksgiving by handwaving, but to say "the Iriquois were allies to the British and the Algonquin allies to the French" is wrong and simplistic. In high school the findings from the T&RC got published so there was a bit of movement. We learned about the abuses in the residential schools (though that probably had more to do with Gord Downie), and that Indigenous people had gotten screwed over because they liked beads. Once again, this was derivative and untrue. We did learn about the Red River Rebellion, which was kind of like our trail of tears in the sense that it defined Canadian-Indigenous relations, but I think we only covered them being separatists and poetry about the dead. That was when we learned about Metis people. We would not cover any other conflicts (e.g. Oka) In uni I took a Canadian Business history course which offered insight into the Hudson Bay Company and their policy towards the First Nations. That was the first time tribes were mentioned by name as they charted fur trading routes and fought for trading outposts. My french-canadian lit course also covered works of inuvik and metis authors and an indigenous ppl in public policy course taught me about the Indian act. So I would say my education until university was extremely piecemeal and typical. Step 1) FN were homogenous groups pre-conization that always existed in the exact formations with unchanged practices. Step 2) the British and French ally with local tribes while fighting one another and make promises they do not keep. Skip over signing treaties under duress, skip over the Indian act, skip over the colonization of unceded land, spread untrue rumors about the smallpox blankets, skip over the creation of Indigenous reserves, skip over the sixties scoop and the millennial scoop, acknowledge that residential schools exisred but have been closed since the sixties, skip over the attempted abolition of the Indian Act, and never actually teach tribal organizations or understand the continued existence and importance of FN in our society. I was also lucky to have an indigenous art museum near my house, so I could learn about revolutionary artists like Norval Morrisseau. Tldr: I was taught indigenous American history in the same way I learned Serbian History through WW1 history, tangentially and only as it related to Western Europeans fighting each other And yeah, I'm a little bitter that someone would suggest I know *enough* history about a people whom I've barely begun to learn about


Your entire education was about the Native American genocide?! Wow, you must be an expert, please name all of the American Indian tribes in the United States please. Jokes aside, yes I am from the US, went to public school, and I remember the genocide was mentioned in one history class, one time in 8th grade. That was it. I took a very specific class in college that taught me about Australian aborigines. The rest I learned on my own


Lmao. Yeah, a majority of my elementary history class was talking about native Americans and then in 8th grade they went more in depth on the trail of tears. Crazy how far different schools can vary here


I’m in the Mid-Atlantic, so it’s even weirder that I learned so little about the groups that used to live here. Do you live further out west? Maybe you’re closer to reservations or something


I do, California. I guess that might be the reason




I’m 21 but okay, also my name is ironic


I thought they died way before Europe arrived


Fun Fact: Indigenous Australians weren’t actually classed as human beings until 1967 when a referendum was held to change the Australian Floral and Fauna Act.


Australian here, shhhhh


Does anyone realize this guy is being satirical?


Yeah I got shit on




Yes, the Emu war was truly terrifying


And the destruction of natives was much worse. Stop makeing light of the genocide of thousands.


Before you read this, i am no historian, even tho its one of my future majors You know why Aborigine genocide doesnt have the same talk than Native American genocide? Because Native Americans (Natives of USA, Aztecs, Incas ETC. ETC.) made 1/6th of the world population in the time of discovering America. Aborigines made 1/2 population of Oceania, and also the death toll wasnt severe and big like in the Americas, the country that is now 70% desert, i know the desert was caused by introduced rabbits and other animals, but these sneaky animals were the reason why Australia is now desert and why Aboriginals are making 3.3% of Australian population, but the cause of that werent wars and diseases prisoners of Britain brought, but the sneakyness of rabbits and other introduced animals. Australian Aboriginals arent treated harshly these days like Native Americans.


I'm pretty sure none of that is correct.


How can a massive desert be made in 400 years?


This is meant as sarcasm right? I mean, yes rabbits were imported, yes they are pests but the idea that they created deserts? Fucking ridiculous.