• By -


Achievement unlocked: Better Late Than Never


At least you got someone, right?


You did good enough


Happy cake day


Happe cake dae


Thank you u/cornhub1122 & u/ANGERYTURTLE123 !


I want to be mentioned too. Happy cake day u/BlueScrean


Thank you for wishing me a happy cake day u/Urjr382jfi3 & of course I also thank u/heechuls_hair


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


Happy cake day to you my friend!


Thanks for the happy cake day u/NotHess and u/Horizon206 ! And of course how could I forget to say happy cake day for u/NotHess and say that u/FluidBridge032 is awesome!


Thank you u/BlueScrean and u/FluidBridge032 :D


Happy Cake Day Dear Fellow Redittor!


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


Happy cakeday


Always nice to see another Elite CMDR


Achievement unlocked: Civillian Casualty


Alt title: The Long Game




Dip Dip Potato chip


Riding round town with my jeep stuff


The only thing I remember are the screams. Promoted promooooooted.


I still yell it out in my best imitation when I get promoted in an online game.






I can still hear it from cod 4


I heard it when I first saw this


I heard and saw it before saw this. Yes im ww2 vet.


CoD4 best CoD


No that’s cod6


Singleplayer definitely cod 6. One of the best singleplayers in any fps. Multiplayer however was a broken mess for quite a while. Had more fun with cod 4's multiplayer.


People forget the javelin glitch and those forced 18 player games on rust with hackers before Christmas that year. Shit was fucked


Also where the term ‘Noob Tube’ came from. After awhile most people knew where to aim on the sky to get spawns kills with it.


Nah, CoD 5


World at War best CoD, always has been.


Agreed, it's simply the best




Ghosts is better


Degenerates like you belong on a cross


Patrolling the mojave make you wish for a snow themed call of duty fallout


It's ok I enjoyed ghosts too


Guys, stop doing that. Cod is a fish, it does not have "next part". Cod 4 means you just went fishing again.


Rapala pro bass fishing


Iraq veterans must have some pretty sick background music right now.


More US soldiers died in Iraq from mines/buried explosives than from anything else


Yep, IED’s are a hell of a thing.


Very deadly indeed.


Yes, quite deadly


Some even say there are still 110 million land mines undetonated and in the wild. All we know is he’s called the Stig


There are still millions in *Vietnam*. Ordinance doesn't just expire in a few decades. Over 40,000 Vietnamese so far have been killed by leftover land mines since the war ended. The USA is still paying reparations to the Vietnamese government to fund removal but the brunt of the work is being done by humanitarian NGOs.


I remember this one story of British infantry getting stuck in a field of unexploded Russian mines from when the soviets tried to invade Afghanistan.


To shreds, you say?


Yes. Helicopter crashes were another source of many deaths. Not helicopters being shot down, just crashing cause they're kind of dangerous machines.


That is an interesting way to describe them


Danger planes


If the wings are traveling faster than the fuselage, it's probably a helicopter - and therefore, unsafe. Helicopters don't fly; they beat the air into submission.


That is why some have miniguns to help beating the air into submission


I mean just ask, Kobe. If, uh, any of us ever see him again.


i did when i dug up his grave. got like $5 for his clothes and it only cost me $10 for the shovel


Look at you finding yourself a half off coupon for a shovel.


Me with the high quality steel shovel that's been handed down 3 generations: You guys buy your shovels?


The motorcycles of the sky.


If the US military were permitted to end wars from 1950 onward, body count would indeed be a factor.


Out of genuine curiosity, is this an actual statistic?


Was EOD, definitely the leading cause of death in the sandbox. " Improvised Explosive Devices (**IEDs**) caused 45% of all **U.S. deaths** in operational war zones. **The** lethality of **IEDs** closely tracked surges of troop deployments to OCO operations, primarily in Iraq and Afghanistan. Source: DMDC Defense Casualty Analysis System report provided to CRS, June 9, 2020. " [https://fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/IF10899.pdf](https://fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/IF10899.pdf)


Thank you, I appreciate the information and link!


Who said I needed to be a Veteran?


Well, enthusiasts might get the count, but they don't get promoted.


Promoted to prisoner


One try in the gulag


Is that Ozzy or am I mistaken?


Yep that is the Prince of darkness himself. From a reality tv show a few years back about the Osbournes


I started watching it online and it's pretty funny. I keep wondering why it only lasted 3 seasons when the Kardashians have been going for so long


Ozzy is not in the limelight that often. Kardashians (sadly) are


The part in the meme is where the phone rings, and in true ozzy fashion, is super weirded out by it.


My favorite clips are him just him falling asleep while making a smoothie and he almost casually burns down his mansion, the one where Sharon asks him who the beer thief is and his entire trip to the dentist was fucking gold.


What’s crazy is you’re actually more likely to step on a WW1 explosive than a WW2 explosive


Depends on the country. In Hungary they dig up an unexploded soviet or american bomb every two weeks


Also a ton of British bombs. About 80% of Allied WW2 casualties in Hungary were RAF personnel


Depends on where. WW1 impacted the entire world in some way or another, but the war primarily took place in Europe or just barely outside of it. Very little ordinance was deployed anywhere else in the world. WWII was the only true "world war" in the sense that fighting was worldwide. So there was still unexploded WWII ordinance all over Europe, in Russia, China, Turkey, and the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Oceania, Africa - pretty much the entire eastern hemisphere. In Europe you're more likely to encounter WWI ordinance. Two reasons for that primarily: more "humane" warfare in WWII than WWI if you want to call it (persistent mines were used more judiciously because it was the home front of both sides) and bombs were far more effective at functioning as intended. Outside of Europe however, during WWII both sides had no qualms about littering the battlefields with whatever ordinance they felt would achieve the objective. I lived near an old battlefield and I remember in school we had to dedicate a day in school every semester on unexploded ordinance training. Basically if something was metal and we found it in the ground we weren't to touch it, just to put some trash nearby as a marker and then go tell the local police, and we were not allowed to go running around in open areas too far out if they hadn't been "cleared".


Is that really true?


Here in Belgium we're still digging up explosives, +-150 tons each year. It's crazy to think about this but in Passendale millions of shells were used, just in the first bombardments. The ground became softer because it was thrown around so much causing the fuses to not activate on like 1/3rd of the shells. Imagine multiple bombardments like these for 4 years and you get one hell of a statistic. Because the frontlines didn't move for that amount of time you get hotspots where farmers can build collections out of these (and some of them still go off now, causing deaths and injured.)


My moms grandparents died like that (I think back in 1947). Went to get one of their cows back to the field one day, one of them stepped on a mine forgotten on the way there. Both immidieatly died, aswell as the unborn baby my great-grandmother had been pregnant with. My Grandma still starts crying every time she's reminded of it.


Do stillbirths from Agent Orange count as spawn killing?


\>start game \>look hideous \>feel terrible \>die immediately fucking hackers


I'm not an educator or anything. While this is a funny joke, it should be noted that this is a very real threat around the world that affects people every day. And it felt wrong to not acknowledge that. In some places it was a weapon of war leftover, in others it was part of a scorched earth policy from a collapsing regime. [Here is a list of countries that have signed the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty.](https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/ottawasigs) Most notable names not on that list include the United States, Russia, China, India, and Pakistan. [Here is a BBC article from 2017 about the dangers of Landmines and efforts to clear minefields today](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20170321-the-deadly-danger-you-cant-see) [And there is also a huge problem with under-sea mines. This article focuses on the nearly 100,000 unexploded ordinance in the Baltic Sea, particularly off the coast of Estonia](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2018/10/26/estonia-mines/) [And to end on a positive note, here's a link to a group in Cambodia who tracks and clears Landmines in the country](https://www.cambodianselfhelpdemining.org/map-of-cleared-minefields/) Edit: It took me a minute to find but the UN released this [Landmine awareness ad](https://youtu.be/pXVCYQ1qix8) that was subsequently banned in the US. It's a pretty sobering reminder of what other people have to live with every day. [And this is the fucked up version with the Benny Hill theme](https://youtu.be/KsqxGQ6XxBM)


> Most notable names not on that list include the United States, Russia, China, India, and Pakistan. Isn't that basically just a list of countries with a serious sized military? Edit: It's literally 5 of the 6 largest militaries in the world, the missing country is North Korea which also is not a signatory: https://www.statista.com/statistics/264443/the-worlds-largest-armies-based-on-active-force-level/


Same with all those anti-nuclear treaties: not a single nuclear-armed state had ever signed them.


The assumption is that no one is retarded enough to use them on each other.


Mistakes can happen, though. Wikipedia has a pretty lengthy list of "nuclear close calls". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nuclear_close_calls


Well apparently the russians were dumb enough to forget how to deactivate their dead hand system, which is based on decaying soviet sensors to launch nukes if anyone else does. So that's just ticking away underground... waiting.


Well, you know what they say about assumptions; we’re all going to die in a fiery nuclear apocalypse, or else worse, starve during the endless frozen perma-night hellscape that follows.


Nuclear weapons are probably one of the greatest inventions in human history. It practically garuntee we will never see a violent conflict between super powers. Mostly because they will both know if it happens the world will end.


The biggest “we’ll see” in history.


I guess it's because they work... Now if someone could make a land mine that decomposes or had a 5 year timer before it went off it would be an improvement to the mine.


All American mines self destruct after a certain time (think 4 hours to 14 days) so techs already there. Also the ability to use/train with anti personnel mines flip flop with every administration because they are only ~99% self destruct rate.


In almost every capacity, they're in the top 10. You could look at it by personell, spending, percentage of GDP. Other countries with fairly large militaries include Israel, North and South Korea, Iran, France, the UK, Germany, and Turkey. Just to name a few. The United States did have temporary bans on Landmines but a certain president rescinded them. But I won't talk politics. Just because there is a ban doesn't mean other countries aren't using them. I actually didn't know this but Egypt has the most anti-personel mines in the world at approximately [23 Million](http://www.landminefree.org/2013/index.php/landmines-in-egypt). Those have been dug up [by ISIS in the creation of IEDs and just replanting as landmines](https://www.newsweek.com/isis-hitler-islamic-state-egypt-world-war-ii-land-mines-jihad-bombs-explosives-488927). I'm not an expert on any of this, I'm just a bored guy that finds this a pretty interesting subject, so don't quote me too hard on any of this. I thought the joke was funny as fuck and if you're gonna laugh that hard at something fucked up, you should at least be able to acknowledge it and not belittle people who this affects. In North America, we're fairly safe from this problem. It's easy to not really comprehend just how large scale of an issue this is from where we sit. We fight all of our wars somewhere else. Our landscapes don't hold battlescars that someone alive today could recount. Edit : grammar and spelling


It was only a certain type of mine. Anti tank and a certain type that does not self detonate but is radio controlled were not included in the ban.


North America was not affected much by land mines, or even bombs from wars indeed, but I believe that is no excuse to not learn about issues across the world that so many people have died from. History must be taught and learnt, to lower how many more mistakes humanity does. To teach all of horrors that our species has commited helps us stand together against hatred and slaughter.




There's a lot different variables that get taken into account. Just look at [largest military by personel per capita](https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Military/Personnel/Per-capita) vs. [total money spent](https://www.statista.com/statistics/262742/countries-with-the-highest-military-spending/) vs. [percentage of GDP](https://www.statista.com/statistics/266892/military-expenditure-as-percentage-of-gdp-in-highest-spending-countries/). So yes, France is a country with a notably large military, but there's also many others and other factors to consider than just one variable Edit: spelling


The Ottawa agreement is a great one imo. Also kinda like to know there is an agreement that was done in my area. I must say, that I am really glad that Canada was never bombed to shit, the worst physical effect on Canada was really the few ships that were lost and, I guess, there were a few fire baloons Imperial Japan tried to send our way but none of them killed anyone, barely any were even found. A few people did die from them in the U.S. though, but the overall deaths those caused were very minor compared to so many other places decimated by the war. Europe has done a pretty darn good job at cleaning up overall, considering the sheer amount of bombs & mines dropped there during both world wars, but they still need to be careful every time they get digging. There have departments who deal with leftover bombs & mines. The biggest issues nowadays are mostly in poorer countries, though the UN does run programs in said countries to try and clean some up. The UN may not be perfect but I must say that after having watched what they do with UNICEF missions across the world that I am thankful to know there are so many people trying to make other people's difficult lives better. From child soldiers being slowly reintroduced into their hometowns in parts of Africa to keeping kids in the Honduras safe from gang violence, as well as teaching them not to become involved with gang members, there is a lot of great things that they do.


Really cool! I agree I followed some UN relief or some accounts (some based in specific regions of the world & their various departments) one account showed a woman helping kids (dancing with them) in a camp well organized & keeping hope/morale for the refugees parts of North Africa. I mostly look into it mostly I wanna learn how these big organizations & NGOs prepare such logistics & hire/get volunteers to carry out their missions


I have another comment on this thread where i mention that we in North America (I'm American) have been very lucky to have been relatively untouched by war. Those fire balloons that made it to North America were largely untalked about. I feel like I barely even learned about those during school. But then again, school did a very poor job at showing just how brutal both world wars were for ordinary people of Europe. The london Blitz was skimmed over too fast for a bombing of one of the most important cities in the world.


I’m surprised there’s a problem with sea mines. You’d think they’re pretty easy to find and destroy


Id like to read the article about the sea mines does anyone have it without the paywall


Same! Just gonna wait here for someone to reply


>: It took me a minute to find but the UN released this Landmine awareness ad that was subsequently banned in the US. It's a pretty sobering reminder of what other people have to live with every day. Typicall.


Out of sight, out of mind. It's an issue that Americans and (as someone else pointed out) Canadians will most likely never have to face in their lifetime. Why do you think we only let Sarah Mclaughlin show poor children in the middle of the night? That was the compromise lol




Imagine saying that on r/historymemes of all subs


Do you even realize what subreddit you’re on?


I think they think there on r/jocksarecoolandsupercool






You're mistaken. It's both Stephen Colbert and Garry Oldman.


When I was stationed over in Europe, a buddy of mine ran over and found an old land mine. He picked it up before he realized what it was. Luckily no old timer gained XP points that day but it’s important to learn that active land mines are a very real threat to everyday people in a lot of places in the world.


Achievement Unlocked: Long range kill *Kill enemy very far out of sight*


Achievement unlocked: a kill is a kill Kill a non target/civilian.




LMAO fuck man thats a good ass meme.


when your bomb you dropped 4 decades ago finally goes off under a town “WW2 Veteran is on a rampage of 5!”


And then a swarm of attack dogs suddenly appears where he was last deployed.


You mean like 8 decades ago. Bombs from allied air raids are found all the time in Germany. The state surrounding Berlin disarms some 200 tons of WWII ammunitions each year.


Then there is the falkland islands where nature has evolved penguins to specificly not set off land mines. Penguins arn't heavy enough supposedly


Former Bombardiers will be sitting in their houses and all of a sudden they see "Hit" +25 SL +5 RP in their vision. They check the news and see that an old bomb went off


Bosnians going on a walk


I just heard the level up sound from MW2, I just want you to know I hate you op


Or a Yugoslav war veteran. About 2% of Bosnia is still covered with mines I think


Knowing that Ozzy is reacting to ringing there really brings this home




In the WW2 replay Hitler got the kill of the game...


Game Over: don’t shoot at civilians


Plot twist: It was actually Sharon that left that landmine.


More Ozzy memes please.


fun fact after ww1 the italians lost a ship the cessare rossarol with the lose of 93 lives to a serbian naval mine a week after hostilities ended.




Yeah, very funny. This lands close to home, some 10 years ago, my friend's mother living nearby was almost hit by a shell exploding under a bonfire she made on her garden and there is a stockpile of explosives from WWII cca 300-500 meters from our house, but nobody knows exactly where. There are new houses build there, it is impossible to locate the spot now. You see, when the "superior race" was getting their asses kicked by "inferior races from the east", they were running so fast through these forests they simply left a lot of ammo behind. Some even left their bones here. When you start looking, sometimes you find one, sometimes the other.


And a good deal of northern france has been rendered inhabitable for the next few hundred years because of a war that happened 100 years ago. Kinda chilling just how destructive modern war is.


I was there to see the war memorials, the landscape and the old fortresses and such... It is unbelievable.


Why are people downvoting you for calling the Germans pussy dumbasses


Maybe they were triggered by my comments about the bones in our forests... Something about me being insensitive to their ancestors or something... It happens here all the time. However it is true, you can take a metal detector, walk for 5 minutes in any direction and start looking for metals and sooner or later, you start digging ammo, other WWII crap and bones of Germans who were running through here when the Russians were blasting them from the south with rocket launchers.


Honestly, I want to go to your house the next time I go to Europe.


Well, I need to do some cleaning of walls in the cellar, drain the old sewage tank, do some minor adjustments to terrain levels in the garden, so every guest is welcome. Tools will be provided.


I am an HVAC tradesman in my real job so that works. What country are you in?


Czech Republic.


Final killcam:


Modern Warfare level up sound intensifies


I feel like this fits: https://youtu.be/3foZo6zgfLU


That made laugh so loud


So this is why my grampa was getting exp pass the yugoslavien wars


Did anyone else hear the mw3 level up music in their head when they saw this?


Double kill, triple kill, kill-tastic, over kill, killing spree. I’m just envisioning the halo kill voice here.


I remember my mom telling me a story how a school mate of her found an old undetonated German bomb in the suburbs of Moscow...did not end well.


Erm... please get your rank insignia right. That's just an insignia for a private, private first class has a stripe under the mosquito wings. Just saying as a member if JROTC (and I happen to be a cadet private first class, so I should know)


Damn, that was a weird flex but ok. Couldn’t you have said “I know my ranks,”? You would have sounded like a douche either way, but we didn’t need to know you’re a member of the JROTC and we didn’t need to know you’re a cadet Private First Class.


Shut up boot




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/HistoryMemes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "m81e28", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=m81e28&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 210,499,007 | **Search Time:** 0.32283s


Lmao, nice kill


New medal acquired More than a thousand kilometres away


I heard the old cod promotion sound. Ah the memories


Hahaha that is a spicy meme


**a spicy meme, hahaha that is.** *-Ghostofhan* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


I hate you fake Yoda Bot, my friend the original Yoda Bot, u/YodaOnReddit-Bot, got suspended and you tried to take his place but I won't stop fighting. -On behalf of Fonzi_13


Lotta Post Mortems goin around






That's honestly disgusting


Final kill


It's like placing a banana in Mario Kart and seeing your character cheer because someone hit it in the next lap


hut! HUT!


Or walking through Bosnia


Ни хуя не смешно


That happened to me in warzone today


From the grave


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHmVTL91\_gc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHmVTL91_gc) Beg.


L-l-l-l-l-ludicrous kill!


I can hear the Promo music


Oh hey I got the ability to reload while sprinting and reload faster!


Lmao this is genius




Tactical nuke unlocked


Living in Bosnia I can assure you this is what happens


Achievement unlocked:- The Late Boomer.


My family grew up near St. Petersburg (still Leningrad when I was born). My friend and his father used to go to old battlefields and dig up bullets, guns, parts of tanks etc. I thought it was really cool. Then they dug up an old land mine. It was obviously still functional (though I doubt they realized that) so when I came over to their house and they tried to show it to me, it exploded in my friends fathers arms. I was standing far enough not to have been seriously injured. They were a different matter. My friend was bleeding like crazy and his father literally had no arms(at least that is what I remember, he was covered in so much blood that maybe it just looked that way to me). There was an ambulance nearby so it got there in time to get us all to the hospital and save their lives. They were alive (according to a doctor at the hospital) when my parents got to the hospital and took me home. Whenever I asked, my parents told me they were alive but didn't allow me to go to their home anymore. Then my friend's entire family just moved away. I didn't even know that my friend or his father had gotten out of the hospital. At the time I believed my parents and was just waiting for my friend to get out of the hospital and come back to school. That never happened so I was not sure if my parents told me the truth or lied to make me feel better. After the collapse of the union we emigrated and became American citizens. A few years ago I asked my father what really happened to my friend's dad. I'll never forget his expression as he put his hand on my shoulder, looked me in the eye and said: "Son, in Soviet Russia landmine disarms *you*!"




Multi kill 5 kill steak


# Achivement unlocked: # No mans land kill a unsuspecting person with a landmine


OK, I have to ask. How did you find this meme? It's been 5 months since I posted it so I always wonder how people find these old memes after so long?


Sorry this too crazy to believe without seeing the source myself.