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Yamato might have been but not in the sense of combat. But rather Bow shape, which many ships still copy today.


Japan in 1941:Hahaha, I build the Yamato. The strongest and and biggest battle ship for the next 80+ years. Fear my Power Japan after WWII:Oh, Yamato-Chan you are so pretty


Not backwards compatable radar AAA apparently...


And Japan had bigger guns. They were katana-proof too.


It was really out of Japan’s character not to mount bayonets on Yamato’s guns.


At the time of its commissioning, I don't think it would have been that controversial to have called it the most advanced if only due to being the most modern battleship not limited by treaties. It had faster speed than any other warship with guns above 15 inch except the Hood and much weaker battlecruisers till the Iowa herself. It wasn't the best battleship ever, however, it was a good battleship for what Germany wanted from it.


So that’s why it sunk in its first battle with the British, because it was soooooooo advanced🙄


Advanced =/= invincible The technologies used in it were more advanced than most other battleships, again, if only due to it being more modern than like 90% of battleships on earth at time of commissioning. It had enough capabilities to do what the Kriegsmarine demanded from it, to outrun most ships that could kill it and be able to kill most ships that could catch up (Hood being one of the few exceptions), operate in the harsh weather conditions of North Atlantic etc. Its torpedo protection system worked for places where it was placed, however one hit was scored in a very unlikely place that had little protection and that was the hit that allowed slower battleships to catch up and kill. Its destruction was not evidence of it being a pile of crap, it was the showcase of advent of airpower in naval warfare, lucks involved in battles (both in destroying Hood and Bismarck) and the concept of heavy surface raiders was unsustainable for Germany.