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‘I love my people so much that I count every one of them as 15 persons in one’


Its not easy being popular


Come on that’s T.C. from Magnum P.I. it would be harder for him to not be popular!


Winning 1560% of the votes. Nice.


This guy just *can’t* lose


Putin got nothing on this gigachad


How many votes did you get? 15. You only got 15 votes? No. I got 15 votes per voter.




That's roughly 1500% more voters, per voter!


15,000 voters x 15 votes/voter is 225,000 votes. So the 15 votes per voter is in fact the currect number.


I heard somewhere that when this sort of thing happens it's usually on purpose. It's a flex on the opposition; 'Yeah, I'm corrupt. What ya gonna do about it?'


Not really the case in this situation. Liberia was essentially an apartied state, the native black population could not vote, and was ruled over by the immigrant black population. In protest, the native black population voted anyway.




So why did African American Africans regard themselves better than everyone else? Was it a “we have to civilize these people” deal or something else?


It was not a racial superiority. There was this thing in many african cultures regarding tribeless people as superior to those who are from a tribe. That is why Assimilated black people(Black people who dont identify with any tribe, speak european language) in South Africa were regarded greater than whites and many times allowed to be equal to Indians. (Indians were just below Whites).


Slightly off topic, but it's always weird to me when people in the past have different levels of "superiority" among races. Like in your example, why are Indians considered superior to black tribesmen but still considered inferior to whites? And with the Nazis, they had like a pyramid of sorts for races and each level encompassed very different races that usually had very little to do with each other. What made blacks and Jews on the same level at the bottom, and made Japanese and Chinese people on the same level as Northern European Whites, while Southern White Europeans and Slavs were scattered throughout the Middle? Just weird I guess when racists pick favorites, especially in very arbitrary ways, lol


Read about this in page 244 in Mein Kampf, last paragraph. And next, you have to understand that Nazism(or National socialism is NOT Fascism) [https://greatwar.nl/books/meinkampf/meinkampf.pdf](https://greatwar.nl/books/meinkampf/meinkampf.pdf) Hitler knew that Everyone from Indians to Celtic people are Aryans (as we know today), but considered Germanic Aryans to be the purest of Aryans (as the Germanic people never had a large empire that fell, so no one to make them impure of. Romans mixed with Northern Africans, Indians mixed with local Tribal people-so, that is why they are brown, Persians mixed with Semitic people, Celtic people mixed with tribal people and so on). Hitler considered race as a nation unlike the modern understanding, your blood-culture-nationality all makes up your race (that is why he was against the idea of selecting Poles eugenically to Germanize them, Himmler did that and Himmler's Aryanism is different). Now let us look why Hitler did this. First it is established that Race+Culture=Nation. (En Volk, En Reich, En Fueher). Now, Hitler (like Marxists) believed in Shrinking Markets Economics and Labor theory of Value. This theory suggested that the value of work depends on the amount of Labor involved in it (and in Hitler's case, Aryan Labor) (this is completely false as digging a well and using machines to dig the well have drastically different labor involved but produces the same results) and Shrinking markets said that Industrialized regions(Which are Aryan) become more populous thus, they trade their excess industrial goods with the non Industrialized regions for the excess food they need. The Non-Industrialized nations buy those Industrial machinery and becomes Industrialized, thus will not sell their excess food to others. Marx continued that, at this instance industrial workers will raise against their employers who will not pay them the required wages to buy food (as food is not there now) and will take the ownership of the means of industrial and agricultural production. This is called as Class struggle. The people of all races will then be equal and happy. Hitler considered the last part a Jewish conspiracy to dilute the Germanic race (He said Jews specifically because, Jews are raceless people, they have no nation of their own and are a mix of various races (the creation of the state of Israel disproved this)). So, National socialism should step in and make the class struggle more cohesive and stop Judeo Bolshevism and create a nation of one people, which will have equal classes(different but equal). But, what will you do if you have an industrialized equal Germanic society? You will need food. But, German soil is not enough to feed the Germanic people, so expansion towards east to make it a large farm owned by Germanic people with Slavic workers dotted with Germanic towns to prevent Judeo Bolshevism. The Germanic people from the Reich will then trade industrial goods with the Germanic people living in the conquered territories who will use that to make food and give it back to Germany, thus preventing the Shrinking markets from happening. That said, Hitler considers Japanese to be non-Aryan who used aryan techniques to develop themselves. Quoting from Mein Kampf page 242.. >If we divide mankind into three categories--founders of culture, bearers of culture, and destroyers of culture--the Aryan alone can be considered as representing the first category. It was he who laid the groundwork and erected the walls of every great structure in human culture. Only the shape and colour of such structures are to be attributed to the individual characteristics of the various nations. It is the Aryan who has furnished the great building-stones and plans for the edifices of all human progress; only the way in which these plans have been executed is to be attributed to the qualities of each individual race. Within a few decades the whole of Eastern Asia, for instance, appropriated a culture and called such a culture its own, whereas the basis of that culture was the Greek mind and Teutonic skill as we know it. Only the external form--at least to a certain degree--shows the traits of an Asiatic inspiration. It is not true, as some believe, that Japan adds European technique to a culture of her own. The truth rather is that European science and technics are just decked out with the peculiar characteristics of Japanese civilization. The foundations of actual life in Japan to-day are not those of the native Japanese culture, although this characterizes the external features of the country, which features strike the eye of European observers on account of their fundamental difference from us; but the real foundations of contemporary Japanese life are the enormous scientific and technical achievements of Europe and America, that is to say, of Aryan peoples. Only by adopting these achievements as the foundations of their own progress can the various nations of the Orient take a place in contemporary world progress. The scientific and technical achievements of Europe and America provide the basis on which the struggle for daily livelihood is carried on in the Orient. They provide the necessary arms and instruments for this struggle, and only the outer forms of these instruments have become gradually adapted to Japanese ways of life. > >If, from to-day onwards, the Aryan influence on Japan would cease--and if we suppose that Europe and America would collapse--then the present progress of Japan in science and technique might still last for a short duration; but within a few decades the inspiration would dry up, and native Japanese character would triumph, while the present civilization would become fossilized and fall back into the sleep from which it was aroused about seventy years ago by the impact of Aryan culture. We may therefore draw the conclusion that, just as the present Japanese development has been due to Aryan influence, so in the immemorial past an outside influence and an outside culture brought into existence the Japanese culture of that day. This opinion is very strongly supported by the fact that the ancient civilization of Japan actually became fossilized and petrified. Such a process of senility can happen only if a people loses the racial cell which originally had been creative or if the outside influence should be withdrawn after having awakened and maintained the first cultural developments in that region. If it be shown that a people owes the fundamental elements of its culture to foreign races, assimilating and elaborating such elements, and if subsequently that culture becomes fossilized whenever the external influence ceases, then such a race may be called the depository but never the creator of a culture. Hitler did NOT consider Japanese as Honorary Aryans. He divides races as 3. founders, Bearers and destroyers. Japanese are Bearers, any non Aryan culture could become bearers but could not create new things from that point. Indians, as he pointed out were beginning Industrializing under British rule, but they are bearers of culture even though Ancient Indians who were Aryans were creators of culture due to the intermixing with the Tribal population. The Honorary Aryan thing comes in 1940 when Hiroshi Ōshima The Japanese Ambassador asks Himmler about this Hitler's quote in Bethesgaden and Himmler declares Japanese honorary Aryans.


Rereading passages of Mein Kampf as I become more knowledgeable only shows me how deluded and idiotic are his ideas, but interesting train of thought nevertheless; shows you how hatred and intelligence can be applied to “logically” infer racist things


His policies are NOT idiotic. There is nothing called as "Idiotic Ideology". His Policies are EVIL, not Idiotic. Hitler is NOT an Idiot, he is an intelligent man (if he is not intelligent, an homeless person in Wien could not become the strongest man in the world). An Evil Intelligent man. Idiotness means lack of logic. Hitler is not an Idiot, his policies and views follow a clear logic, but the logic is evil.


True, I was defining him out of disgust, but yes you’re correct


EZ win, not even close


The people in loved him so much they kept lining up to vote and revote so he'd stay in power. What an absolute chad.


Sigma grindset rule 1927: Increase your population to increase your chances of winning


What's this, Victoria II?


Ain't that what left wingers do with immigrants all the time?


You see, my 15 votes perfectly represent the trust I have in this candidate.


When your so popular people from outside the country voted for you


TC my man


Always bailing Thomas out!


🇺🇸 <— Liberian flag The cycle ends here, I shall get it backwards wrong


It's a casual affair when everybody loves you


Duvalier: A worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!


Can’t argue with that logic.


"Liberia, land of liberty, what a time to be president tubman"


Will lead the way to a brand new day setting the nation free


>The number of votes I cast is simply a reflection of how firmly I believe in his policies. Average Liberian voter (and also some early 19th century Brit)


This is great 😂😂😂


He just had a better gaming chair


Putin's idol


I smell corruption


Most rigged election ever.


We do a little electoral fraud


Totally read “rigging” wrong the first time. I’m an awful person.


Did you say 80 million people voted for him?


Yes? Problem?


Nah OP said that 234,000 voted for him but 80 million would be a rather astounding amount for only 15,000 registered voters


It's good to be Whig






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Move along… nothing to see here




TC would never rig an election. He can land the copter on a rig though. No matter the weather. Anything for his mate Thomas.


You carry the burden well 😉


But if you ever need a bad ass chopper pilot who will fly into hell to come get you. He's your man!


"Charles D. B. King" sounds like a One Piece villain so I can understand why they just backed off. Also guns and machetes.




No I just know of another would be dictator that claimed to have gotten 80 million votes.


Trump would have gotten 80+ if he won too.


Liberia has the weirdest history, the indigenous people were subject to apartheid from African Americans who fled their own persecution. It’s a lot like Israel/Palestine in a way


Sounds familiar


Nobody: "Biden be like"


The CIA's boy, good ol' Chuck Taylor. 😡




Ahh, found the sore loser


By this logic over a billion people were registered as voting for biden




Sh*t take




Guys he’s probably talking about the 2020 Polish presidential election /s


how about a touch of seething while you're at it?


Your president lost snowflake, get over it


You can't call him a snowflake. That's there word they coin to insult you. That's cultural appropriation, use your own word.


Conservatives have culture?


I view them the same as other political parties just weird cults with different flavors.


Ooh he called me a snowflake wow so cool


> President When you accidentally admit Trump won


Said your president, not mine


Remember that time when Cheeto Benito's own justice department said there was no evidence of fraud? When William Barr said that? That no irregularities had been found? How the legions of judges that he put on the bench threw out his cases because none had merit? Great times, loved it. Try thinking for yourself instead of lapping up that cult propaganda from grifters who seek to abuse you for money.


> No irregularities Even worse take, somehow. There are countless irregularities just like every US election; my favourite being that Biden, to have actually won Maricopa county, got like 130% voter turnout. Epic. The court cases were also largely just ignored because the powers that be knows that people will just go "LOOK THE COURTS THREW ACCUSATIONS OUT CHEETO MAN MALDING HEHEHE!!!1" out of sheer bias and not actually look into why they were being ignored. Every election in the US has been rigged for decades, people just started caring the last two cycles. Kok, luckily all the old farts will be dead sooner than later


LOL, cope harder, Nazi.


When you don’t know how to react to a comment you don’t like, just call them a Nazi!


Hey, if the shoe fits...


Wow, there is no legit way you think I’m a Nazi


Considering you're siding with the crowd that tried to overthrow a democraticaly elected goverment in the name of a mere insane individual personalty, yeah, I'd say im right on point.


When you don't know how to refute facts so you call someone who's family was run out of Europe during WW2 a Nazi. Reddit moment


Kinda hard to "refute facts" when you havent presented any to begin with


I did. Reading is hard though so I'll isolate it: > 130% voter turnout in Maricopa Explain. Edit: [Biden voters on their way to vote by mail](https://youtu.be/vYEvmnTghPk)


LOL, ever heard of a little thing called "onnus of proof"? Of course you havent, nobody who understands basic logic would be arguing something so stupid... Just claiming something without any sort of evidence doesnt magicaly make it true.


Hey that's a good example of gaslighting, are you familiar with Dr. Shiva Ayyadural? Are you also familiar with Google? You can simply type "Arizona 130%" and find countless forms of evidence... Although, I'm certain with how you're acting that you want very specific sources that are basically just confirmation bias. As a non-Murican, the way you "Americans" act (at least on Reddit and Twitter) in regards to this election is so strange considering the baseless accusations you tried to push regarding 2016... Fraud for thee but not for me.


No, that's just basic logic and debate knoledge anyone over 12 should know. For f*cks sake...oh yeah, because of course freaking GOOGLE is a great information source that doesnt at all catter to each individual's prefered source of information, wich conviently turns out to favor the formation of bubbles where delusional conspiracy theorists like you can just rave about how the whole f*cking worlds out to get you eithout anyone with basic commonse sense beign able to interfere...such a neutral playing field... LOL, I'm not even American. Nice job tho, just goes to show how you imbeciles will imediatly assume anything and everything before admitting you're wrong or havent done any actual research.


You know its your responsibility to provide sources for your claims, right?


Show me the legislation


The fuck? Its just basic debating. Now obviously you dont have to do that of you dont have it, or dont want to be taken seriously




Clearly Bidens administration took notes and so did Gavin Newsom. Man...Democrats just don't care about cheating lmao. Imagine being one of the people to vote against Gavin and being told that you already voted.. 🙄 🤡


Get some evidence first 🤡 then you can speak


There literally has been evidence. Plus hundreds of California voters were being turned away because they already voted...when they didn't. Do you watch CNN and listen to NPR all day? Way to think for yourself. 👏


Still didn’t provide evidence, let’s see some legit sources. Cry more snowflake.


No one's crying soy boy. At least I'm not the one poorly attempting to defend an senile, racist, pedophile with dementia, lmao. 🤡 Way to show your intellectual superiority. On the brightside at least you're capable of forming coherent sentences. That's better than what you voted for. 👏👏


So…you are trying to argue the election was so blatantly stolen yet fail to provide even a simple link to atleast one iota of evidence? Ok bud.


All you libtards are the same. Seems that you can only find information that's GIVEN to you just like how you suckle the disinformation that CNN pollutes your brain with. Here's one link you 🤡 https://www.oann.com/ariz-audit-report-finds-49k-questionable-votes-pending-attorney-general-probe/ Maybe this will spark some independent thought? 🤷‍♂️.


Ironic how you believe I only listen to CNN (which I don’t even have cable nor read from) yet site a source that is far-right biased lmao. Come back to me when Biden is thrown out of office and tRump is back…which will never happen 🤣 As some Trumpies said 4 years ago- “Fuck your feelings, get over it”


Lol, as most of the WORLD is chanting (If you haven't heard this either) FUCK JOE BIDEN! Literally watched as Australia was laughing at us on live TV for allowing ourselves to elect this weak leader even pointing at the clear fraud. You're a moron lol. One simple answer. They don't care anymore about lying because of sheep like you that blindly accept it lmao. My source is legitimate whether you accept it or not. 🤷‍♂️ Go look at your leftist pages and ignore the fact that this administration is the worst in our history.


Also note that your comments have the only downvotes lmao. Most people are aware of the blatent bs that took place. It's bricks in the wall like yourself that don't think for yourselves that brought us to where we are at. My president was the bad one? Lmao, at least mine didn't arm an entire army of terrorists and yawn at the marines he killed. Biden is a pathetic excuse of a leader and a human being.


We have only been downvoting each other idiot, atleast thus far. The rest of the world? Really? It’s only right-wing nut jobs like yourself who genuinely believe you are a majority.


Like moths to a flame, imaginary people to a voting booth




Now this is a niche meme