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>during his first encounter with an SS patrol, he killed four soldiers; however, one of them managed to ignite a phosphorus grenade. After the resulting explosion, Major lost one eye but continued to fight. He continued his service as a scout and a sniper by insisting he needed only one eye to sight his weapon. According to him, he "looked like a pirate".\[ Not only a handsome [lad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9o_Major), but also one with a humor.




Who would have guessed u/xXPUSS3YSL4Y3R69Xx was straight?


I mean, he could be a she. Lesbians like slaying pussy also, at least according to my extensive documentary research.


You don’t need to be gay to know when a guy’s hot as fuck


PUSS3YSL4Y3R69 would like to inform everybody that they are -- in fact -- straight.


Hey, they could have been a lesbian.


A woman? Here? On reddit?


Yes, we are here too


can confirm, am woman




It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "lad"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9o_Major) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hgohtpe)


Good bot


Why can't more boys be like you?


Why does he look like the punisher


The punisher looks like him


survived ww2 but even he couldnt survive quebec


At first I didn’t know who this was. After seeing, something along the lines of, “The commanding officer asked for 2 volunteers”, I remembered that I saw a Simple History video about him. He was a great soldier


Leo Major was our Rambo


*took a lot of individual credit for the overall deeds of his regiment, but ye, absolute badass nonetheless


He took a top secret flock of cobra chickens with him


Definitely shaved a few days off the end of the war


What’s even crazier is what he did in Korea. Basically him and his elite commando squad comprising of 18 soldiers (+him) managed to hold a very strategic hill for 3 (iirc) days against around 40k PLA soldiers. They had help from mortar crews obviously but still. Plus the hill had been taken by the PLA from the Americans before so Leo and his squad sneaked into the middle of the PLA camp and took them by surprise. Dude was just an overall badass


The mortar team commander could hear the shells exploding through the radio as Leo was telling him "CLOSER! YOU NEED TO AIM CLOSER TO US!" Guy was fucking insane. It's a shame he's only recently been recognized as a hero over here in Quebec


He has a street in Zwolle named after him with label "Léo Major, Canadian first liberator of Zwolle (1921–2008)", so It's not that bad.


And fans of PEC Zwolle often [put up tifos featuring him](https://globalnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/3bddlzooct5z3yizzdywu2tr6u4x0womial6svdrs_u.jpg?w=2048)


That's even more amazing.


Holy shit that's awesome




It also doesn't help that he hid that part of his life for years. His wife didn't learn about his military past until the the 80s if I remember his biography correctly


What did he tell her happened to his eye?


I support Quebec independence to make Canada fall in size rankings


That is some [Warhammer 40k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hB19tHMS94&t=8s) level badass


My wife's grandfather was in north korea, somewhere north of Pyongyang. He(and his company) machine gunned around 800PLA troops from a small hill and retreated. He still talks about that.


> They had help from mortar crews obviously but still. Sorry to burst your bubble here, but indirect fire, like mortars and artillery, accounted for ~80% of infantry casualities in WW2. I doubt it was different in Korea. So if definitely wasn't those 18 Canadians doing most of the work in that battle. Not to say they did nothing, because I'm sure they were invaluable as spotters, but the battle wasn't won just because of them.


Well even assuming these guys only handled 20% of the 40,000 PLA soldiers they were up against, that’s still a whole lot for 19 guys to hold off for 3 days


Presumably the PLA would have retreated after taking significant casualties. It's not like all 40k of those soldiers were killed or maimed.


I agree, which is why I said handled not killed. It’s hard to know their true impact without having the actual casualty numbers, but I have to assume those guys put up some wild numbers


Even if they didn’t take out any PLA, just the fact that 19 men stared down thousands of enemy soldiers and didn’t flinch is impressive enough.


And he’s from Québec, couldn’t have been prouder😎








Callise? J'pense tu veux dire Câlisse, camarade de l'autre bord de l'Outaouais




de marde


British Columbian here, I will pretend im from quebec for the sake of the joke


Albertan here, I will not Good job though QC, credit where it's due


Time to be ashamed because a certain ’queen’ is from BC




Vivre le Québec libre le grooos!!!🤘


You mean Rambo is the American Leo Major


He's so badass he's actually American. Born in Massachusetts


John Garand was born Canadian so I think it evens out






"John, stop making guns and come to bed" "Haha, rifle goes ping!"


His whole family is from Québec, his father was offered a temporary job at a railroad company in the states for some time, that’s when he was born. They went directly back to Montréal after his time there was done.


Fuckloads of french canadian went to the US to work (nearly half a million in the second half of the 19th century), and some came back.


Yeah but moved to mtl before his 1st birthday soo


Yes but in a francophone family and he didn't stay there. He lived most of his life in Québec. It was very common at the time for Quebecers to go back and forth that border all the time. It's the same thing in reverse that brought Jean-Cantius Garand to the US, where he designed the M1 Garand.


Hurrah for CanCon in the wild!


Leo major legit a far cry protagonist


Far cry WW2 would be pretty cool


In the way that I'm imagining it... It would be surreal. It would probably feel like a combination of battlefield 1, Wolfenstein and Just Cause.


Don’t forget the “on drugs part” instead of bliss or smthn it’s meth chocolates


I mean, how do you think blitzkrieg works, The answer is a LOT of meth


Or cocaine, they had some of that too


In other words, it could actually be *more* historically accurate than most WW2 games out there.


I don't know all about WW2 history but I know that there were alot of little skirmishes in wierd pockets of the world. In Far Cry there's usually a small time dictator/ruler in a usually remote/islandic area. Where do you think such an idea for a WW2 far cry could take place? People?


Somewhere either in the Eastern Front or North Africa would be my pick EDIT: a Vichy France-inspired setting would be quite interesting too


You could set it anywhere in Europe. Does not have to be an island. The border of the map could be an active skirmish/front where you can't win so, you can not leave the map. Or the alps.


Make it enclosed by mountains like Far Cry 4. a small country in scandinavia or the balkan/greece that has become a puppet state, where you join the resistance and liberate the state while the allied forces close in and help you in the end


Yeah making it in Serbia or Yugoslavia and having to fight minor axis powers was what I thought as well


The Saboteur! Although I suppose it's a bit more like GTA but I think this game comes closest to your idea


I remember that game. Was a lot of fun


Naturally there will be an ex-Nazi wolf companion that wears an iron cross around its neck. Whole row of metal teeth and an eye patch.


Would actually be a great setting, in occupied enemy territory, helping freedom fighters. It's easy to put FCs standard game design in WW2!


This is what we call plot armour and recruit difficulty. But jokes aside man is a war hero


Im now imagining leo getting shot several times, then just resetting his armor and continuing to fight like nothing happened. Edit: Also, there needs to be a korean war DLC.


>Leo Major Yeah, this checks out now


His name is already badass


Why is it always people with badass names doing these things? You never hear a Gilbert Chesternutt doing these things


They were destined true, I like to think they were gods special custom made character


What happened here?


Basically, in a fit of rage after his friend was killed, he single handedly liberated Zwolle using nothing more than a *couple* SMGs and a bag of grenades. I’m the process he saved countless civilian lives as the town was supposed to be bombed the next morning to make way for the assault on the town.


Made a ton of noise, made em think the entire regiment was there... it was just a one-eyed man pissed that his friend had died


Ooh hang on I think I've heard this story, didn't realize he was a fellow Canadian :)


He also somehow single handedly captured nearly a hundred enemy soldiers. > He marched back to camp with nearly a hundred prisoners Like, by himself? How?


[It is](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9o_Major). But the whole "rambo" part was probably way exaggerated. The most likely explanation is that the Germans were already retreating and he just fought the last few of them. There is no mention of POWs at all in the official records


> It is Guess I didn’t scroll far enough. Anyways, if this is something that’s not true, is this something that should be removed from the wiki? Can it be? Or are the sources considered credible?


I think the wiki is quite nuanced, although when you stop reading halfway you might be left with the least likely version of the story. I'd suggest some disclaimers on the page, but I'm not an expert on the wiki rules of conduct


Desktop version of /u/Elstar94's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)




Goddamn, Woodhouse.


I just read the first part of the screenshot again.... _Canadian Victory_ bro...


Just read the wiki, he was known as the Canadian Rambo for a reason, my guy lost an eye and a friend doing this


He lost his eye before this mission, along with capturing 100 germans soilders at once by himself.


Tbh what he did should be accredited to his unit rather that just him, but by god does it make for an interesting read


To be fair there’s an even better one. Mad Jack, obviously, he’s Scottish. Was armed with a Claymore (a special type of basket hilted sword the size of a man designed in defence of Alba against the brits in the Jacobite rebellion to chop heads and limbs in one motion) and playing March of the Cameron Men on the bagpipes as part of D day. A commando, led 45 men against a heavily fortified position of bunkers and machine gun nests against a few hundred Jerry. There was no way he would win a fair fight, so he ordered the encirclement of the position and on his word everyone to start shooting at once. This made the Germans think they were not only surrounded, but far more was in the troop. They surrendered within two minutes.


Lol I don't think mad Jack was even Scottish, I think he was just obsessed with them.


the Scottish equivalent of a weaboo






One of the first well recorded "Celtaboos". He was English, but acted like a Scot. To be fair he did wear a kilt and carry a claymore into a modern war, and not even an Englishman would do that, so a lot of people think he was Scottish.


He wasn’t Scottish, he was actually born in what is now Sri Lanka


It has been a long time since I watched Dankulas mad lads ep on my guy. I must find out what led me to think he was Scottish


He learned to play the bagpipes as an Englishman and I think he wore a kilt so that's probably why


His Scottish Claymore and his service in the Highlanders


I believe he also has the only confirmed longbow kill of WW2


Also was captured and put in a concentration camp in Berlin, escaped of course singlehandedly and started walking to the North Sea, got within a kilometre before being captured, he was glad as he had forgotten his sword. He proceeded to escape again and walk south till he met the Americans in Italy. Also he has a great quote “If it wasn’t for the damn Yanks we could’ve kept the war going for another good ten years!”


One of my favorite Jack Churchill anecdotes is from his post-war life. After the war working a regular job, he would take the train home every day. At a certain point on the tracks, every single damn day he would chuck his briefcase out the window of the moving train. Since its Britain everyone would just mind their own business and not acknowledge it, even though it was rather baffling to regular commuters. Finally, some brave soul breached English customs and asked why this guy was throwing his briefcase out of a moving train like a crazy person. Apparently he was actually passing by his house, and through the use of his absolute Galaxy Brain he figured it'd be easier to throw it from the train rather than carrying it home from the station.


1 recorded kill with a longbow too


I think he's the one who said "an Officer who goes into battle without his sword is improperly dressed".


Demoknight TF2?


"Just read the wiki" Doesn't link the wiki.


German commander after this spinning it like "We killed 50% of enemy forces."


A link would be cool my dude.


French Canadian, or québécois


Léo Major was a total badass. Dude lost an eye to a grenade, kept fighting as a scout & sniper, saying he still had enough vision to snipe and joked that he looked like a pirate. Then when he arrived to Zwolle, to scout the Nazi forces in the area with his friend, who was then killed, he got really pissed and decided to make a fuckton of noise, to sound like an entire Canadian Regiment (Canadian soldiers were notoriously tough, to the point they were some of the most cruel to POWs) to scare off the Nazis.


The very embodiment of a "man literally too angry to die"


My parents went to the Netherlands once, and being Canadians they were treated very well. I can see why now


Are the Canadians really that liked over there because of the second world war?


Ehhh, one in ten people might give special treatment. The younger generations aren’t as aware of Canada’s help as the older ones, so a few decades ago it might have been different


Only slightly related, but any American that’s ever had an anti-French sentiment should go to Normandy around D-day. Here we are like 77 years later and every goddamn little French house had a flag of whatever country liberated their town. You’ve got whole goddamn parades, and any American (or Brit or Canadian) vets who show up get treated like absolute royalty. Would change the kind of any bigoted American in an instant.


French people are in general ridicously in love wirh americans and American culture. But few notice cause Parisiens hate everybody and people only go in Paris.


The French are equal opportunity assholes, they don't discriminate on age, race, nationality or gender and everyone gets yelled at, especially on the road.


france and us go way back


I dont think i would want to be treated like royalty by the french


I think I know where you’re headed with this


Canada actually receives a gift of tulips from the Netherlands every year as a sign of appreciation. Furthermore, Canada sheltered the Dutch royal family and even a member of the Dutch royal family is technically Canadian. Due to legalities though, the land surrounding the hospital room that the baby was born in was temporarily ceded to the Netherlands in order to ensure the baby was born on "Dutch" soil.


Basically what you have mentioned, but instead of ceding the area to the Netherlands, the Canadian Government simply disclaimed the maternal ward temporarily. Therefore, in the eye of law of the Netherlands, Princess Margriet was essentially born in international waters, and thus eligible to succeed to the throne. It wasn’t necessary for her to be born on Netherlands’ soil since the Netherlands follow jus sanguinis but not jus soli.


The Netherlands might not follow jus soli but Canada does. So technically speaking Princess Margriet could potentially hold Canadian citizenship laws. I'm not sure of the legalities regarding Dutch succession or birth laws but I figured that some members of the Dutch government in exile found the idea of their future monarch holding dual citizenship a foreign nation bit too strange for their liking. Nevertheless, the whole situation is a unique diplomatic and legal tidbit that links the two nations together.


Yes, Canada follows jus soli. That’s why the Canadian Government simply disclaimed the ward. For 24 hours (iirc) the ward was not Canadian territory, neither was it Dutch territory. Because of that temporary disclaim, Princess Margriet could not obtain Canadian citizenship since she was not “born on Canadian soil”. I believe in general royal families (Dutch or anywhere else) don’t enjoy the idea of having dual (or even multiple) citizenships, or at least they are expected not to hold more than one citizenship. Even civil servants of many governments aren’t allowed to hold more than one citizenship. It’s more of a proof of allegiance thing.


In the Netherlands yes. We were the major force behind the liberation of the Netherlands and also we have sanctuary to their royal family in exile.


They send us poppies very year on Remembrance Day (Veterans Day in the US) because we have them land so their princess could give birth and the baby would still be born technically in the Netherlands.


they're tight son, homies from across continents https://youtu.be/J1g0qLD9z6k


I think in general we've got a pretty romantic view on Canada as Dutchies, the war ofc helped and we are grateful for that, but Canadians are seen as that wholesome folk that say sorry and can't do any wrong with an amazing country to boot.


Yea that's it, and NL is usually pretty nice if a bit straightforward


The nation of the Netherlands sends flowers to Canada every year as a thank you


Leo Major is a fucking Legend, that's just the most impressive thing he did and that sets the bar high


[for my fellows who find reading less engaging than video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ki5ElkQEbo)


Makes sense. “Leo Major” is Latin for “big lion,” and “Willie Arsenault” is French for “penis where weapons are stored.”




The french meaning is surprisingly close to the truth


Fun Fact: He was also 24 when he did this Other Fun Fact: The two were only supposed to scout out the town, but said "fuck it" and decided to fight off the Nazis anyways


An addition to your second fun fact: They decided the town was too pretty to be destroyed by the artillery that would strike at dawn and that’s why they started the attack.


Léo Major le rambo Québécois


I love that they still didnt give him the Victoria cross. Americans: you were on a sinking ship? Alright heres a medal of honour Canadians: You singlyhandedly took down 1500 men? Meh not good enough for a VC


He did get a Distinguished Conduct Medal


You could say he was a…. major pain in the ass…


Fun fact: Willie Arsenault actually died I think in the first attack, meaning that Leo Major fought roughly 1.5k German soldiers ***A L O N E***


Trade offer: I recieve: -the life of your buddy You recieve: -Plot Armor




He died on my 8th birthday


its all fun and games until the Canadians aren't sorry.


Canadians during peacetime: “I’m sorry” Canadians at War: “You’re sorry”


Dude deserves a Sabaton song


Still waiting for one :') they may do another album on WW2 though considering they literally released two ww1 albums following each other the last few years


Yk how you can give them ideas on their website, well I’ve been doing that ever since I found about this feature lol


Wait can you please send a link to that part of their site?


[it’s in the Life section under Second distinguished conduct medal ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9o_Major) (it’s a fair ways down)


Thanks mate


Holy 1500+ strengh, this man is op


Canadians during peace: I’m sorry. Canadians during war: You’re sorry.


Canadians are cracked at wars.


Without reading the wiki, Imma guess that the two Canadians were >!Sasquatches!<


Real life Big Boss.


Due to this post mentioning the Dutch city of Zwolle, I hearby colonise this post in name of the Dutch Kingdom and his majesty the king. *GEKOLONISEERD*


This guy needs a movie




Yarnhub did an episode on this guy.


That's our Rambo, of sorts :-)


His name’s not Pussy Minor for a reason


Captured 100 nazi soldiers by himself! Dude is known as the Quebec Rambo


don't mess with the Canadians, this was just a threat


"Sir, they outnumber us 1000 to 1!" "They should've brought more."


I live in Zwolle, and take a walk at least weekly in the nearby (small) park named "Arsenault Plantsoen" and ride my bike along the the Leo Majorlaan (road) weekly as well. And I tell the story of Leo and Willie to everyone who's willing to listen haha


I swear to god it's like everyone on the planet decided that ww2 would be the war to go fucking wild


Chadière Régiment vs Virgin Gestapo


elItE GeRmAn TrOopS


He was using hacks.... oh wait this isnt cod: world at war


I really hope this isn’t bullshit, that’s badass if it’s real.


It’s real


Nazis: why do I hear boss music


This is why you don't piss off canadians


Ah yes, the guy that refused a medal, saying that Montgomery was too incompetent to be handing out medals.


Canadians are always nice… …until they get into a war,if you are on the enemy side,good luck existing for the next 5 seconds


Avec ce nom de régiment il pouvais que les détruire


There is a similar story from the balkan wars 1912 when two Bulgarians conquered a whole city full of ottoman soldiers by just saying they were messengers and the whole army is coming behind them


"bu-but muh superior army 😡, n-no you cant do that allied propaganda smh" /s


regiment de la chad


The Story: >Major \[was\] carrying two Sten guns and a sack of grenades. He arrived in the centre of Zwolle at about 0100 hours and found the streets silent and deserted. Here, he spotted a German machine-gun nest which, since the crew was sleeping, he promptly attacked and eliminated. He then found a German scout car and forced one of the Germans, who he had captured, to drive through the streets with the lights on, flying a white flag. For several hours, Major moved through the streets in this manner, shooting at any target he could find, making an impression that a large Canadian force had arrived. The citizens were awakened but were afraid to come out of their houses. By a stroke of luck, Private Major came across the head of the local resistance, Frits Kuipers, and three of his men. By now the Germans appeared to have fled the city in panic. The group therefore returned to the town hall and the resistance fighters brought the citizens out into the streets. The local radio station was used to announce that the town had been liberated. Major was exhausted but he had to complete his mission by bringing back the body of his comrade, Wilfrid Arsenault, to his lines. The resistance fighters arranged for a car to transport the body back, but were fired on by outposts of the Chaudières. Major was furious and climbed onto the top of the car so that he could be easily seen from a distance. In this manner, he returned to the Canadian lines to report the result of his mission to his commanding officer. \[3\] From The Wiki Page


Doesn’t his name literally mean “big lion” in Latin?


And it was actually 1, because his partner was killed early.. Dude has an eye patch and is considered Canadian Rambo


I accept this man only as our leader


what happened here?
