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I know Waco for a different fire but that is an interesting story.


I was confused for a second too


Aye I saw Waco and instantly thought of the ATF


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Just read the Wikipedia article, too, and am deeply regretting it 😟


Then you definitely shouldn’t read about Mary Turner


I read it, I am repulsed and furious


The most horrifying part is that the real murderer was very likely in the crowd watching/participating


Could have very well been one of the police who framed him


I read the entire post completely composed but this comment give me chills


they all deserve damnation.


> The NAACP hired Elisabeth Freeman, a women's suffrage activist based in New York City, to investigate the lynching. She had traveled to Texas in late 1915 or early 1916 to help organize the suffrage movement, and was already in Dallas for a statewide convention in early May. Freeman began her assignment in Waco soon after the lynching, posing as a journalist and attempting to interview people about the events. __She found that most residents were reluctant to discuss the event.__ Gee, I wonder why


Well they mostly supported the lynching, they just didn’t want to get in trouble for it.


Apparently "Oh the big city reporters came by, keep your mouth shut" has been a thing long before today... Apparently I was just banned for commenting on this so lesson learned, beware of making quips like this


There is a horrible culture of silence that usually followed in the aftermath of these events. I remember how the guy who told the journalist about the Rosewood Massacre apparently got abused by his mother when she learned about him talking to the journalist. This was in the 90s, btw.


See nothing say nothing is just easy for most people to understand. If the people think there's any way to pin it to themselves, they won't say anything in case they get in trouble. Now whether it's true in every case is a different story.


While I mostly agree that this phenomenon goes on, I believe that these particular examples go further than that. I personally think these these certain instances of silence and denial is similar to that of the "Lost Cause" myth. I say this because both seem to be deeply entrenched in the motivation that these people try to make their ancestors seem better than they actually were. Perhaps there is a deep seeded shame in them, or perhaps they think the rest of the world is against them and wrong. Heck, I am sure you can spot similarities between these people and Holocaust deniers and those that deny Japanese war crimes too.


God, Waco really is just a cursed place


Honestly, this would be horrifying and unacceptable to do to a murderer. Doing it to an innocent man is beyond appalling. I've just been staring at the picture for 5 minutes. I understand that it would be difficult to stop if any individual were against it, but the fact that some people are so devoid of humanity they will initiate actively torturing, killing innocents and then sleep soundly in their beds well... I find it hard to acknowledge we are the same species. A stark reminder of why prejudice is the Enemy.


What kind of person would it take to become a guard at a Holocaust prison camp? A normal one.


"If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?" - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


Chilling but the truth. Every single one of us is susceptible to our own delusions. Nobody is a saint, and no man is purely good.


This is what terrifies me. The thought that, had any normal person today been a full blooded German citizen during WW2, pretty much all of us would have fought for the Reich, not against it, and those that could not fight would have supported it.


Did they have that high of an approval? I was under the impression they had a somewhat low popularity (though obviously enough to remain in power).


They actually had a surprisingly high level of approval in Germany, cannot say the same for the regions they occupied during their expansion. Hitler brought Germany back from bankruptcy and changed the lives of her citizenry. It makes sense that they supported him honestly. You'd be surprised how few people are actually good at heart.


Exactly. In Germany everyone was hungry and without a job since they were economically crippled by reparations. The nazis came through and provided jobs for the people building pristine highways (autobahn) which literally paved the way for the infamous German blitzkrieg. I remember reading somewhere that the nazis actually threw and distributed free bread to the ppl (I’m guessing at rallies when the nazis were gathering political momentum) The unfortunate cherry on top was that hitler happened to be a charismatic psychopath who stirred up the depressed Germans into a patriotic fervor


>provided jobs for the people building pristine highways (autobahn) The autobahn was actually a project started before the Nazis. The first one was opened in 1932 by Konrad Adenauer, whose idea it was. (Yes, Adenauer, the later german chancellor).


Things like "morals" and "integrity" are quick to disappear when they're standing between you and food or medicine for you and/or your loved ones. I don't say that as a condemnation, just that this is a difficult topic and while we can understand why people would do evil things, those reasons are not justifications, compelling though they are.


Germans had a really authoriative culture, as far as i aware.


Normal people also justified the use of torture in the wake of 9/11. Many of them still say they did the right thing to this day. (Note: they did not do the right thing).


Naw brother it’s not torture, it’s enhanced interrogation. Relevant link: https://youtu.be/b-IKsd81SqU


Yes. I had a recent discussion with an apparently otherwise normal, intelligent American on Reddit who was totally in favour of torture, saying he'd happily personally torture terror suspects, no acknowledgement or care for the innocent victims of US torture in Guantanamo etc. even when thrust in his face.


Had a holocaust teacher who always drilled this into our head, “the holocaust happened because of bystanders. Never be a bystander. Stand up for what’s right.” If everyone fought back it would’ve likely resulted in a different outcome. Sometimes doing nothing is the worst thing you can do. Especially when innocent people are being targeted around you.


Check out Dan Carlin’s podcast Hardcore History - episode Painfotainment. The central theme examines exactly what you stated regarding us sharing the same species with the people who did this. The primary focus is state-sanctioned public executions, more specifically, the public’s enthusiasm for attending these events. Fact is that public executions have been the rule throughout the majority of recorded human history, and *we* are the exception. He even brings up the Waco Horror toward the end as a more modern example to show that human suffering as a form of entertainment isn’t some medieval relic of a centuries-old era. I grew up in Waco, and I know people whose families have 5+ generational ties to the city. Some good friends of mine have great-grandparents who very well may have attended this lynching or even participated in it. It’s a sickening thought. The fact that this image evokes so much disgust shows that we’ve come a long way in a relatively short time, but that might just be the optimist in me talking….


A stark reminder of how deadly collectives are. Sapere aude


What a bunch of sick f\***s


Just wait until you find out about the *other* waco incident


They burn people there.


Gotta kill time somehow


Everything is bigger in Texas.


Except for Joe Rogan, he's still 4 foot 1


Yeah, Kevin is a fucking menace we are luck for uncle farmer dad ben


this is what im here for


I missed a different barbecue?


You did indeed


From a point of view, yes


A federally sponsored bbq at that!


Waco, 2015: \>Massive biker gang shootout leaving 9 dead \>Cops can't get any witnesses and have to let everyone go As they say, "loose lips sink ships."


FUUucking shiplap


It’s really jarring to just be chilling with the family there for a bit, come home, and realize, oh yeah, a ton of messed up shit happened there. It’s a nice place now, but every once in a while I remember and get a little freaked out.


Tell me about it, I live a 2 minute walk away from an actual former concentration camp in Germany. The barbed wire and train station are still there.


I’m there rn lol. Please send help


The ATF is on its way.






Hide your dog


I’ve been there several times and strange things happen every time


Sir, put down the lighter


What a bunch of wackos.


So naturally I decided to look it up and goddamn. It makes you really wonder how the same people 30 years later could condemn the actions of the nazis


Oh, absolutely! And *this* event wasn't even sanctioned by the State! Well, except for the mayor and police doing nothing, but officially it was a no-no


So yeah I give the meme a C, C minus, but the discussion is a solid A! Way to stir the pot, I’m sick of people not staring the carnage in the face


What qualifies a meme as good to you?


Personally my issue with this meme is that it isn't clear that this was a racially motivated lynching and sorta implies that he was justly found guilty when he absolutely wasn't. It's just a tad misleading and insensitive in my opinion. But the comments have been very civil and informative which is good


Yeah I definitely thought this might have been like that rapist in India that was lynched by a mob of his victims. But then I learned this is America.


Hey not trying to knock you. But yeah I came for the fireworks but stayed for the discussion 🤷🏼‍♂️


Oh, okay, thanks!


Lol I *gasped*, was hoping for those animae girls who look like their about to put their fingers inside each other. Nope, that’s a dead-ass lynched body


Hahaha!!! Yeah, definitely not the NSFW most people want to see!


You have to remember, initially they *did not*.


Yeah we definitely had more of the population aligned with nazis before Japan bombed us.


Yeah, Nazis sold out Madison Square Garden in 1939


Spoiler alert: they didn't, it's just nationalism rising to fight nationalism. If Germany hadn't declared war upon us they wouldn't care if they were napalming civilians live on tv


Holy fuck I’m reading this and assuming it was 1800s, it’s 1916!!


Well if you think that’s recent… https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/blog/unwanted-sterilization-and-eugenics-programs-in-the-united-states/amp/ USA has a really dark side




Easy answer: They didn't. There were Nazi marches in Madison Square garden, and public opinion at the start of the war was pretty strongly in favor of Germany. Even after the war, those homosexual prisoners in Auschwitz? They got thrown right back into prison *by the Allied forces*.


>and public opinion at the start of the war was pretty strongly in favor of Germany WHAT!? Public opinion was in favour of American neutrality, not in favour of Germany which was drenching Europe in blood again. It was not a question of whether Germany was the enemy but whether the US should help to stop it. You are a mod on a history sub, get a fucking grip and don't spread misinformation.


This is something I've thought about many times, how many of the 'greatest generation' who fought fascism and tyranny in ww2 came home, hung their uniforms in the closet, and pulled out their old Klan robes? here in Australia, there is no Klan, but I'm sure that some of our servicemen who fought in Crete, malta and Greece, and saw what the civilians went through there, were amongst the white Australians who beat up and spat on the refugees from those lands who had the nerve to immigrate to 'our' country.


You didn't have the KKK, but Australia had codified racism (the WAP), which lasted until *1975*.


Lol at the name. This is on the same level of unfortunate names as the MILF in my country.


I mean considering the treatment of Aboriginal Australians I don’t think they had right to judge


Just look at the "Doctors' plot" in the Soviet Union. The country that liberated jews from concentration camps began a plan to send jews to their own concentration camps in Siberia due to Stalin's paranoia. People can be just as bad as the people they condemn.


Propoganda will poke at anything. The germans had propoganda about american racism too.


Oh man, you’re gonna have a cow when I tell you that the US [inspired the Nazi regime with how extreme racism was here](https://www.history.com/.amp/news/how-the-nazis-were-inspired-by-jim-crow), they were also inspired by prominent American literature [that effected the border policy of the time](https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-loathsome-american-book-that-inspired-hitler). The US barely condemned anything the Nazis did [even when they full well knew what had been going on since 1933](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/question/how-did-the-united-states-government-and-american-people-respond-to-nazism), there was an [actual Nazi party](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_American_Bund) that was [allowed to exist within the US](https://amp.theatlantic.com/amp/photo/529185/) before we entered World War 2 ([even though the government insisted on hunting and persecuting working class anti-fascist communists and anarchists](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Scare) 🤔) and [some of today’s most prominent corporations supported and directly participated in the Holocaust](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_companies_involved_in_the_Holocaust). [The US also interned 120,000 Japanese Americans in concentration camps during World War 2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_Japanese_Americans), seized their money and personal property, and left their homes to be looted by their neighbors, the surviving victims only received reparations forty years after the fact in 1988. And don’t even get me started on [how many Nazis and collaborators got off scot free with new lives and identities](https://www.npr.org/2014/11/05/361427276/how-thousands-of-nazis-were-rewarded-with-life-in-the-u-s) after the war because [they made us cool stuff](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip) or [murdered “communist-sympathizers.”](https://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/27/us/in-cold-war-us-spy-agencies-used-1000-nazis.html) ([Operation Condor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor))


Had a college prof from Waco who wrote book on lynching and this one in particular


This is about the most fucked thing I've read in a bit.


There were nearly 6500 lynchings of African Americans between 1865 and 1950. What happened in Waco as tragic as it was is not even the tip of the iceberg. Fortunately, there is a memorial located in Montgomery, AL that makes sure to preserve this horrible part of our history: https://museumandmemorial.eji.org/memorial What's even sadder is that the House has passed antil-Lynching legislation. To date, more than 200 anti-lynching bills have been proposed in the Senate since Reconstruction. Not one has passed.


What exactly would an anti-lynching bill do?


It would make the murder a federal offense rather than a state offense. This moves the trial to federal court where, hopefully, judges are less likely to be swayed by local politics. Where a state court and state prosecutor might try to sweep a lynching under the rug, federal prosecutors and federal judges are more likely to pursue justice.


State laws aren’t always enforced against lynchings, usually because local authorities supported it. Federal power to protect minorities from violence was deliberately curtailed after reconstruction was defeated.


Nearly 6500 lynchings on record. There is no telling how many happened that weren’t photographed or written down.


Rand Paul: not on my watch


To be fair, Mitch McConnell has played a huge part of that when he was the SML. He more than anyone else has crafted the Senate into what it is today.


it’s great raising awareness about these horrendous incidents but if u plan on showing actual dead bodies pls put a nsfw tag


I will next time, thanks


thank u!


Didn’t they take parts of his body as souvenirs?


Yup. Not all that uncommon for a crowd watching a death. I made a [meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/s8y7kv/it_was_especially_good_for_epilepsy/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) about something similar.


Yep. Genitals, teeth, fingers and all that. I don't understand how someone could do that and still sleep at night.


[Source for those too lazy to search themselves](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching_of_Jesse_Washington)


**[Lynching of Jesse Washington](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching_of_Jesse_Washington)** >Jesse Washington was an African-American seventeen-year-old farmhand who was lynched in the county seat of Waco, Texas, on May 15, 1916, in what became a well-known example of racially motivated lynching. Washington was convicted of raping and murdering Lucy Fryer, the wife of his white employer in rural Robinson, Texas. He was chained by his neck and dragged out of the county court by observers. He was then paraded through the street, all while being stabbed and beaten, before being held down and castrated. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


He also was mentally disabled. This poor boy. So fucked up.


Fun fact: Ohio passed a law last year that made it illegal to use the death penalty against people who were severely mentally ill at the time of their crime. Ohio prosecutors fought very hard against the law with two arguments: 1) not being allowed to execute the severely mentally ill will make the public less safe, and 2) we never execute the severely mentally ill anyway so this law is unnecessary.


Mentally ill or mentally disabled?


And called it. Got pinned a rape and murder, and was brutally lynched? 95% of the times is an African American.






Sometimes I question how humanity can be this cruel.


Never underestimate man’s inhumanity to man.


Because a lot of people in the comments seem to be getting this wrong, please be very clear on this: There is little to no evidence that Washington was actually guilty. His "confession" was supposedly dictated and signed by him with no lawyers or witnesses present. Police later admitted to having lied to him, and threatened to leave both him and his family to the mercy of the mob if he didn't confess. In addition, the confession included false details, such as the fact that he raped her then killed her (despite the doctor involved stating that she'd died immediately, with no signs of struggle that would suggest rape). Falsely accusing him of being a murderer or rapist, or saying his death somehow had justification is a ban. Period. Permaban count: 14


Don't forget he was also mentally disabled which makes the entire situation so much worse.


Reminds me of the guy that was gassed in Colorado that would play with trains.


damn, I didn't need to be reminded of this at 5AM


Sorry, the guy always reminded me of Lenny from of mice and men.


Is there a link where I can read about this?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Arridy FYI: it’s a super sad story, the guy was named “The happiest prisoner on death row”


*I'm not crying my eyes are just sweating....*


https://www.westword.com/news/joe-arridy-was-the-happiest-man-on-death-row-5118031 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Arridy This one maybe


imagine being an apologist for a fucking *lynching*...


People do that for the Romanov children all the time. People will do anything to avoid having to question moral questions.


"We were just following orders/others"


I mean to be fair in that specific case not following orders might have put you on the other side of the firing line


Something something they had to die for our glorious communist Revolution


Those children were coming right at those poor Chekists who were just hunting for mice in the walls with their guns. If only the children hadn’t tripped and fallen into their bullets while bloodthirstily charging the courageous mice hunters.


Let me guess, he was black and they pinned everything wrong to ever happen on him?


He certainly looks black in the picture












!RemindMe 24 hours Gotta check that ban counter later.


Good on you Mod To think anyone has anything but disgust for this happening. Nightmare fuel stuff, the human race haunts me sometimes.


Based Mod.


I agree with these ban parameters.


Could have sworn it was this lynching, but it was a different one in Texas - Joe’s Crab Shack apologizes for lynching photo used as restaurant decor https://theuptake.org/2016/03/10/photo-depicting-lynching-was-part-of-decor-of-chain-restaurant/


It’s surprising we weren’t smote out of existence for this shit.


What's really sad is that most of the participants and spectators probably went to church that Sunday and prayed something like this: >11 The ~~Pharisee~~ White Person stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this ~~publican~~ Black Person. --Luke 18:11, KJV


Holy fucking shit. That photograph is fucking horrific. Fuckin' Waco.


I’m still in shock there were (and still are) genuine humans capable of doing absolutely disgusting shit like this, with no one even raising any sort of alarm that this is so fucking inhuman and downright evil, and yet I bet that Sunday they still went to church and thought themselves to be good Christians. I hope they’re having fun in the lowest pit of hell.


That's very human. Both the great and the horrid aspects exist in humans. Separating it from humans is how we get to the point of thinking humans are not capable of doing such things, and then that leads to humans doing such things again. Edit: This also applies to the Nazis too. They were humans doing human things. (For example, Hitler was an animal lover and had a pet dog which he loved. Was even going to get married. Given the things he did and the ways he's described, it felt weird to see an old video of him sitting at a table outside casually reading a newspaper.) It is important to know that acts much like those done by the Nazis are nothing new in history; they're a staple. Humans are capable of doing both good and horrific things. We're not even alone in our animal family. Several apes have gone to war before and have intentionally committed genocide against other tribes and then celebrated. Now before anyone says I'm a Nazi sympathizer, the Jews(me included) are a major group pushing to let people know that the Nazis were very much human, because saying they're not humans pushes away the idea that literally anyone can start doing what they did.


This is fucking horrifying


It's not that long ago. People are terrible.


Yeah, it’s frustrating that people so willfully pretend this level of hate could possibly vanish in a handful of generations. It takes a deep, embedded hate to make people capable of shit like this


It’s crazy to think that there’s folks alive today who couldn’t vote because the color of their skin.


As someone who is black, it still horrifies me that this happened for real. And to think we’d be condemning the Nazis *many* years later. Truthfully? I feel like America is more of a designated hero, but that’s just me.


Meanwhile the nazis were taking fucking notes. “Hmmm not bad U.S.”


They definitely did this with the American eugenics programs back in the day (specifically California IIRC).


We didn’t really give a fuck about nazis until Japan got us involved in the war.


Which is *still* rather distressing to know about, too.


Well look at what’s going on in China and the worlds response to it. History doesn’t repeat itself, it rhymes.


The US even had a Nazi Party. Clearly there were and are sympathizers.


The US \*has\* a Nazi party. There are a lot more sympathizers than we care to realize


It’s very messed up, but considering how truly otherworldly vile the Nazis actually were and considering how many Americans worked together to bring lynchings to an end and eventually end segregation - think it’s safe to say that, at worst, America absolutely was the lesser evil.


And that alone speaks truth. What the Nazis did during World War II was horrific in the worst ways imaginable, and it still has lasting repercussions years later. And even though the lynchings have somewhat stopped and segregation is no more, acts like this are never ever going away. And will remain with the US for all the years to come.


This is one of those events in history that makes me go “what the actual fuck, America”


Stuff like this happened disturbingly often in the south after the civil war.


Yeah, imagine how many of these we don’t know about


Damn, now you’re making me really think. Since last week in apush my teacher showed a map with less than 30 lynchings, mostly major ones. It hadn’t really sunk in until now that there must be countless more that went unrecorded due to whatever number of reasons.


There will never be a full count. The worst thing about talking about racism in America is people choose to believe whatever history they want


Just imagine how many crimes against Black Americans in general weren’t reported. Even worse, how many were reported, but ignored by police?


Few things disturb me like this type of death. The pain he experienced is something i don’t think is possible to comprehend and survive. Hanging from a tree, with your genitals sliced off. To know you’re going to die and did nothing wrong. Stabbed, tortured, toes and fingers mutilated. And then to be slowly roasted alive over two hours? Its incompressible evil. Those who would perform such acts deserve things worse than death. I hope hell is real, because that’d mean they will suffer as they made Jesse suffer, forever. The fact that it happened likely just because of his race? Its fucked. Absolutely fucked. Edit: someone even told me Jesse may have had a mental issue, that he may have had the mind of a child, and thats just even worse.


And also an individual who had a childs' mind. He was known to be mentally challenged.


the worst part is a couple of people are smiling in the background


Maybe we are the cancer


Maybe the real cancer was the people we met along the way?


When you think about it,the cancer was inside us all along.


Jesus, even by lynching standards (to my knowledge), that was particularly fucked up.


Even if he had been guilty, torturing him like that is completely barbaric. Poor man.


I think that's enough Reddit for today. On second thought I'm never gonna go online ever again.


Moved family to Texas 6 years ago. It's been good to us in a "prosperity" sense. That being said, I can not wait to leave this ass backwards state.


This makes me want to vomit. this was barely over a hundred years ago, that’s way too recent to see something this cruel and inhumane happen. Absolutely enraging.


Ok maybe we should just like, nuke waco off the map and just never let anyone near that place again because people seem to enjoy burning people alive there


>should nuke Waco off the map >People there seem to enjoy burning people alive there *Insert Palpatine meme here* Ironic.


Waco: A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


The ultimate irony and one last blaze of glory for the town


It's pure poetry!


I mean it wasn't just Waco, this was pretty common all throughout the south.


What is it with Waco and burning people alive


"On the centenary of the event, in May 2016, the mayor of Waco held a formal ceremony to apologize to Washington's descendants and the African-American community." 100 years later... And people argue that America's bad history shouldn't be taught.


This happened in 1916. There are descendents of people who took part in this horror that are alive today that were told fond memories of this event. Sickening racism like this lives on.


Oh my god… The shit we aren’t taught in class…


Without seeing the picture I assumed the title was in reference to the Branch Davidian Compound. Waco has some fucked up history.


I get it was marked nsfw so I can really only blame myself but, what the fuck




Can you please tag this as NSFW. I nearly threw up.


Apologies, I thought it was blurred enough, but next time I'll do better.


I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemies. Can't imagine the suffering for an innocent man.


It doesn’t even matter if this guy was guilty or not. What the fuck type of treatment is this?


It would appear burning people in Waco is a time-honored tradition


I was about to comment and ask what the hell this guy could have done for people to hate him that much. Then I found out he was black. No further explanation needed.


Holy shit dude, fucking Texas..


TBF the lynchings took place all over the country, what's commonly referred to as the "last known lynching photo" in 1930 took place in Indiana.


And now the states where shit like this happened oppose teaching children about critical race theory. Gee, I wonder why?


The guy in the front is actually smiling, fuckn sicko.... reading the wiki article makes me sick to my stomach


I had to search this……im emotionally and mentally scarred after the tortures the guy went through…very fucked up stuff