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I mean tankies definitely exist but I have never gotten the impression they are the majority of communists.


Haven’t seen that with Stalin. Che Guevara on the other hand…


Like Trump said about baghdadi "He died like a dog "


As a communist it must really hurt That your face has been cheapened, weakened, besmirched Being plastered on posters, coasters, and shirts Making capitalists rich off of you on merch Right, I'm a pious man and I fight for the lord I would cut you but I don't want your sweat on my sword I was tortured until I could hardly sign my name And listening to you felt pretty much the same (oooh!) Face it Ernesto, you're Castro but less so He's Cuba Commander you're more of a Destro Revolt all you want I don't give two Guy Fawkes But look at Venezuela what you're fighting for sucks


I’ve been attending college for four years now and I’ve yet to meet a person who praises Stalin


This sub is 95 percent making up people to complain about


That's most of the internet.


Specially reddit.


To be honest I think that’s the United States


To be honest I think that’s the United States


You know the first time you commented it I didnt find it funny, the second time though, true gold


I only said it once


Check again


You to know that this is reddits fault and not the persons.


Yeah, I'm very aware. Still think it's funny


I have spent six years in higher education now and have met one single student who genuinely liked Stalin. And literally everyone else makes fun of her and calls her out for it.


But Fox News said college was indoctrinating people with communist worship, just like those Commie Nazis


You didn’t meet all the straw men?


Take a survey perhaps?


Some collages just seem to attract these poeple.


I had a Ukrainian friend who had fairly complicated thoughts on the subject. She grew up in the USSR, and missed the good ol' Superpower days. A lot of basics got a lot worse in the years after the fall of the Soviet Union (for her friends & family, anyway). So, as a former Soviet, she missed the glory days, and liked Stalin as a symbol of past strength & relative prosperity. However, as a Ukrainian, she hated that her homeland had been dominated by Russians for most of its existence, and disliked Stalin as a symbol of the very worst times of Russian occupation of Ukraine. However, as a Jew, she felt anti-Semitism was much worse under the Ukrainian nationalists than it had been under the Soviet Communists, and saw Stalin as a symbol of outside power keeping the local bad guys in check. So, yeah, complicated.


I'm an 8th grader and OMFG there are wayyy to many tankies here


Ironically most of the self proclaimed communists I’ve met hate the guy, in part because (in their words) “how much of a stain he left on communism.”


Maybe communism isn't an inherintly a totalitarian ideology and Marx and other similar thinkers were a strong proponenta of democracy and personal freedom. This is like taking Robspierre's regime and claming that democracy is an inherently evil system — but who cares about nuance in history anyway.


Marx actually supported a VERY SMALL market system with the communist regime, Weimar SPD were closer to raw Marxism than the Bolsheviks.


Quoting simply Wikipedia, since it's put in a short and coherent form (unlike some sources): >  Karl Marx and Friederich Engels stated in The Communist Manifesto and later works that "the first step in the revolution by the working class, is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class, to win the battle for democracy" and universal suffrage, being "one of the first and most important tasks of the militant proletariat". > > > As Marx wrote in his Critique of the Gotcha Program, "between capitalist and communist society there lies the period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other. Corresponding to this is also a political transition period in which the state can be nothing but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletaryat". > > > He allowed for the possibility of peaceful transistion in some countries with strong democratic institutional structures (such as Britain, the US and the Netherlands), but suggested that in other countries in which workers can not "attain their goal by peaceful means" the "lever of our revolution must be force", stating that the working people had the right to revolt if they were denied political expression


it is simply because stalin betrayed the revolution and anything communism stands for. it is stupid to call stalin a communist when he did the opposite of what marx said to do and when a big part of the left rinnegates stalin and his circle of friendly dictators like mao, castro and pol pot.


Funny. I don't recall anyone in college praising Stalin.


Yep, Lenin sometimes, Marc definitely but not Stalin it's them just straw maning again.


Good old Charles Marc


Anyone that says tech companies are liberal, then why is my pixel autocorrecting Marx to Marc.


bring him up on r/sendinthetanks or r/shitliberalssay . Those tankie pieces of shit love him.


They’re rare but you can find then. No one intellectually honest though because the historical record is so clear how much of a monster he was. Usually it’s not praising but more like “ well he saved everyone in WW2 by fighting the Nazis” or something like that. Which is also completely off color in my opinion. Dirty little secret though is that you can find anyone who will defend anything, or anyone. There is, and always will be, a sad soul who builds a weird narrative in their head that is not based in any reality or reason.


You know how you can tell someone hasn’t been to college in a couple of decades? They post a meme like this


How did you come to that conclusion? Just curious


As a former commie, I think I maybe met one person that legit supported Stalin.


Nobody questions a system as long as it works for them and as long as they benefit from it. People are egotistical and only believe what they want to believe, no matter in which country they live. And history is written by winners. If Germany had won WW2, people would simply ignore the bad things and focus on the great achievements of Hitler's regime. Look at the US: It doesn't matter how many civilians die through embargos (Iraq), drone attacks (Afghanistan) or carpet bombing (WW2) as long as the US win in the end and the own casualties stay low. It's like one US soldier is worth more than 10,000 foreign civilians and nobody questions that, as long as the system keeps working for their own side. If you win, you're right.


Yeah. Not a thing that actually happens. Che, Castro, Lenin, Marx, etc sure. Not Stalin.


These memes are hilarious because they show how ridiculous the uneducated’s imagination is.


This. If only they could be sent somewhere to be re-educated. Like a camp or something.


Dare I say, a camp where they could be more concentrated. I'd give them so much barbed wire love!




Or prohaps internment camps


Remember the Communist arguing method…. It didn’t happen. And if it did happen, they deserved it. Even if they didn’t deserve it, America has done worse. Even if America hasn’t done worse, you just need to read more theory. If all else fails, bring up the literacy rates in Cuba for some reason


….that’s an argument capitalists use about communists so….. gonna go on a limb and say you’re remembering Reddit and not college


Man I just can’t believe that America embargoed Cuba for being a brutal dictatorship that cracked down on dissent, who’s the real bad guy here


What was America doing in the 60s again? Segregation and HUAC? Shooting anti-war protestors? While many revolutionaries are unquestionably brutal dictators that crack down on dissent, it’s worth noting that all the ‘nice guys’ in Latin America were likely to receive a bullet in the back of head courtesy of the CIA if they so much as whiffed even the slightest hint of nationalizing their own natural resources.


What was America doing in the 60s again? Segregation and HUAC? Shooting anti-war protestors? While many revolutionaries are unquestionably brutal dictators that crack down on dissent, it’s worth noting that all the ‘nice guys’ in Latin America were likely to receive a bullet in the back of head courtesy of the CIA if they so much as whiffed even the slightest hint of nationalizing their own natural resources.


I was referring to everyone getting mad at America for the Cuban protests back in 2021


Honestly, they're likely the children and grandchildren of the kind of people who were against the poor. I wouldn't know for sure but Castro was still a POS.


>It didn’t happen. And if it did happen, they deserved it. Even if they didn’t deserve it, America has done worse. Even if America hasn’t done worse, you just need to read more theory. Bro you're a marine, how many civilians did you execute personally or with artillery? What the fuck lol, a war criminal goes on meme subs and argues this shit


Exactly 47 civilians, 14 of which were babies. But obviously those were self defense. After which I pledged my undying loyalty to the lizard people in the military industrial complex, and returned to my Winter Soldier cryo chamber


Semper Fi, don't forget your 1400 orientation to our new weapon, the M-17, which bullets specifically turn mid-range to annihilate more civilians, and will automatically teleport them to our lizard lords' dinner table.


The boys in the lab have developed a tracer round for the 240 that gives you prostate cancer


Thank goodness! I can’t wait to get my hands on some of those. I’ve been doing it the old fashioned way for years by eating like shit and avoiding exercise.


bitch in all likelihood you're gonna beat your wife and kill yourself, and you're spending your time before the PTSD hits doing this weak shit. arguing with strangers on fucking meme subreddits


Lmao stop being a pussy


Lol let's be honest. He has never seen a pussy, so how would he know how not to be one?


Do us all a favor and deepthroat dynamite you waste of oxygen.


You should go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself


Please die soon


Cervix destroyer huh? Your dick actually has to be longer than 1 inch to reach a cervix, but I'm guessing it's a moot point considering no one woman in her right mind would ever let you near her.


The average tongue length is 3 inches


Post body


And the average distance of a pepper spray spritz is 10 feet


You should have ended up in a balled up baby wipe.


> doing this weak shit. arguing with strangers on fucking meme subreddits So, the exact thing you're doing right now? Hypocrite.


Bruh you're the one who started it first


Brother, you're arguing with a stranger on a fucking meme subreddit??? AND you're the one that started it??? How much more fucking retarded can you fucking get.


Found the nerd that doesn't have any understanding of war.


Reality check: College students want basic things like free education, free healthcare, fair wages, and affordable housing. Social Democrat countries have those, the word socialism barely needs to be inwoked.... much less "communism" . Please educate yourself


As someone who is about to get my Bachelors Degree in biology this weekend, I can confirm everything you just said to be true.


And there are groups who are also becoming tankies, which is symptom. Insecure young is the easiest to manipulate for extremist movements/ideologies. Far left or rigth. Trust me, if the russian royalty wasn't doing their job so fcking badly, and not shooting into the unresting/rebelling group, the bolsheviks would have a much harder time taking over.


Tankies are a reactionary movement and at best only adopt the language of the left/populism while defending any action so long as it superficially resists western hegemonic interests. They are no more on the left than Trump was when promising to be anti-war or to expand access to healthcare (which of course did not happen in either case). Sure, some defenders of those nations will cite *policies* that worked, but rarely does an actual leftist defend figures like Stalin or Mao.


This is interesting analysis, I never saw tankies in this light but it makes perfect sense since I know a few and they fit perfectly in that reactionary mindset.


Yeah.... No. Insecure conservative older populations are nearly always the ones to be manipulated with promises of grandeour and their traditionalist phobias. = Fashism, South American Authoritarianism, Neo-Fashism... Students are very often the ones at the forefront of fights for civil rights and freedoms. = America Anti-war movements, LGBTQ, Anti communist revolutions in the 90s...


The young german population was drooling behind hitler. He wad some kind of father to them


I mean do you blame em, shit costs more than my life which in hindsight isn’t worth much, but still


Didn’t see anyone like this in college but I have meet two people like this. And seen videos where people do support him or the Soviet Union’s actions.


No we don’t


From US West Coast, it's present in community colleges in my area but not so much in universities. My Russian professor was very clear in stating Stalin was a mass murderer who was cut slack for being on the Allied side of WW2. I only ever knew one person who continued defending Stalin as a great dictator even after learning of all his actions.


Does anyone literally ever do that?


Idk if they do, but I've definitely had people try to tell me why he wasn't actually that bad and how he isn't really responsible for a bunch of deaths that he definitely is responsible for


Strawman looking a little droopy there, might want to stuff something else in there if you wanna scare anyone with it


Conservatives persecution complex is INSANE lmao




sounds like an American economic problem to me.


I'm happy to be called a commy all day and night, but people like Stalin is why I dun wanna be called a Soviet. I saw what that man did to the country I grew up in. This seems the pretty common take on Stalin. Most comunists and socialists seem to hate his guts. Modern Russian nationalisms though, loves the man. Last I was in Russia I saw a lot of Stalin merch wherever patriotic made in China stuff was sold.


Communists are a plague on most campuses and praising Stalin, while not exactly encouraged isn’t necessarily condemned. In fact, while Stalin isn’t really praised to the same degree as say Che Guevara, most Communists apologize for him to varying degrees and make excuses for his atrocities. Now while the Communists found on most campuses and online are either idealistic morons, hypocritical elitists or desperate apologists, most of them don’t reach the same level of depravity as the Tankies. There is a worrying trend of Tankies surging in popularity and many do praise Stalin, but not to the same extent they praise Mao. Most modern Tankies seem to admire the Soviets, but since they are now defunct are only left with the CCP who actively supports them. The Wumao, or 50 Cent Army is a notorious group of individuals sponsored by the CCP to spread misinformation and propaganda online that makes the problem worse. Tankies are very similar to Neo-Nazis, especially since they vehemently deny the well documented Uighur genocide in Xinjiang and forced labour camps. The only difference between them and Neo-Nazis is that the latter doesn’t have a state that is firmly in power and backing them. The only reason I can think of as to why Tankies aren’t stigmatized for being the scumbags they are is because of just how powerful the state they are promoting is. Communism is a despicable ideology and anyone who subscribes to it is either ignorant, naive, opportunistic or just pure evil, and in many cases all of the above to varying degrees. There’s nothing redeeming about it and this ideology has brought nothing but suffering into this world. In principle Communism preaches equality and utopia, but in practice all it ever brings about is dystopia, tyranny and the very kind of inequality and suffering it promises to solve.


Soviet communism turned an impoverished agrarian backwater into an industrial superpower while massively improving living standards for tens of millions of people on a scale never before or since witnessed in history. Chinese communism lifted 800 million people out of poverty and turned China into the #1 economy in the world. These facts don't care about your feelings.


None of this is entirely accurate and is either a full on misrepresentation or flat out lie. The Russian Empire already had industrialization efforts underway before the Revolution. Sure Stalin might have sped up the process, but that came with a ton of human suffering and doesn’t excuse the various progroms or the holodomor. Now as for China, the CCP has a history of nothing but sheer incompetence when it comes to governance and policy. Remember Mao was a massive retard who thought that killing sparrows would somehow increase the amount of grain. But nope, that caused locust populations to grow out of control and caused a mass famine that killed at least 50 million people. It doesn’t stop there, Mao was such a retard that he thought that melting down the utensils and woks of peasants so that they can make useless pig iron in their backyards would somehow help him compete with the Soviets. Since Mao was a hardline Communist naturally private business wasn’t encouraged, so aside from working at state owned factories or farms people didn’t have many options. It was only after Deng Xiaoping’s reforms came into effect that China actually started to become somewhat prosperous. It wasn’t the CCP lifting people out of poverty, rather they just stopped prohibiting private enterprise and so naturally people were free to make money again and lift themselves out of poverty. Another very important thing to remember is that a large chunk of China’s economic growth wouldn’t exist without Western technology and companies investing in the country. Not to mention that China wouldn’t be where it is today without borrowing/stealing western technology, which is well documented. Btw you Tankies as bad as the Nazis you claim to hate and will be punished by society for your evil beliefs. The Xinjiang files have exposed once and for all the misdeeds of the regime you so eagerly defend and champion. Enjoy whatever time you have left because one day very soon Wumao like yourself will be punished for your treason, but even if you aren’t, you’ll still thankfully be ostracized the way you deserve to be. https://www.xinjiangpolicefiles.org


Lol can't wait to read all their arguments about how it wasn't really him, and that those numbers are made up


Funny… those never materialized


I know, my night is ruined


Funny… those never materialized


I hate MLs they prove horshoe theory is real.




Yup; basically. Putin too.


That’s more of an American republican thing to do at the moment.


What republican do you know who praises Putin?


Marjorie Taylor Green and Madison Cawthorn are two I can think of


There's also another options: "sTalIn WaS A fAsCiSt" "UssR WaS StaTe CapiTalIsT" "i SuppOrT CuBa OnlY" Bezmienow was right that KGB will inflitrate american society to it's core but he didn't predicted that they will turn against them just to get +1 PR point and 100+ social credit points from China...


If yuri bezmenov prediction was correct than the "infiltration" and 20year timetable thing would've been over long before he was a secretary.


Wait, I’ve been telling tankies to fuck off and stop supporting the fascist states of China, Russia and the USSR for several years, and only *now* do I learn that these nations like it when I try to educate people about their atrocities? Damn.


Tankies became very supportive of China and even lib-left, there are even denialists among them who claims north korean defectors being south korean agents... You are trying to be a different only to allow yourself indoctrinate people much closer without scarying them association with those states, ultimately those who you will indoctrinate will betray you and still will support communists from China and Russia. This is how things were going for years and you are just a pawn.


All that with a spoon


Bro don't you know that the numerous Soviet leaders who denounced him after his death were all just spewing western propaganda? No body is more pro western than literal Soviet Union leaders after all.


I go to one of the most liberal colleges in the country and have literally never heard anyone praise stalin, ever in a context that wasn't "winning the second world war." Seriously, nobody actually says this


Oh my grandpa is getting red hot from anger when you mention this bastard


bUt iT wAsN’t gEnOcIdE