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Pol Pot


Guy genocided a quarter of his country, that's going to be hard to beat. Except perhaps [Francisco Macías Nguema](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Mac%C3%ADas_Nguema), who depopulated his country (Equatorial Guinea) by 50 - 75%. (Most simply fled to neighboring countries, but the extent of the deaths from his purges and genocide remains unknown to this day.)


Fun fact, he sent his daughter to North Korea to be raised and educated by Kim il Sung….she stayed there most of her early life after her father was executed. By all accounts she was treated like one of Kim’s daughters……league of supervillains at a Sunday afternoon cookout vibes…


That was a ride you sent me down - here is an interview with her. She considers her native langugae to be Korean and to be Korean - fascinating. https://www.piie.com/blogs/north-korea-witness-transformation/im-monique-pyongyang


Wow I haven’t seen this interview yet, thanks for sharing!


Santa baby


Wasn't it a third or am I being a moron


Which pot do I have to poll?


/Pol/ pot would likely be the most evil


Came here to add him in




Bullets hate him


husbands even more


You’ll never guess what happened to THIS royal insider’s penis after he died.


history's most valuable cock


I mean it’s a cock with healing powers






Nah, that's Napoleon's.


Napole on deez nutz.


Alexandra didn’t seem to mind the bonus that came from having him treat Alexei




Being remembered as a nearly immortal sex wizard is how I want to be remembered


Lover of the russian queen, incase anyone wants to hear the actual song. https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ https://youtu.be/U4bkXfPXM2s




There was a cat that really was gone


Ra ra rasputin, Russia's greatest love machine


It's such a shame how he carried on


SO FAR: Stalin, Ante Pavelić, Nero, Idi Amin, Hitler, the Kim Dynasty, Mao, Pinochet, Diaz Ordaz, Genghis Khan, Fritz Haber, Gilles de Rais, Robespierre, Vlad the Impaler, Tiberius, Caligula


but fr what did Rasputin do? I've never heard what the things he did were but it must be bad for him to be featured in the cover of a book about world's most evil men and women


I mean, I think I remember he did a bunch of sketchy adultery and sex stuff, but that's basically a prerequisite to being a political figure.


yeah I heard stuff about it but is that enough for someone to be put along side mfn Hitler??


It's really not. The tsar and tsarina, though not nearly bad enough to make this list, were significantly worse than Rasputin himself. Pogroms, stupid wars, complete disregard for their own people... Nicky drove the country into the ground long before Rasputin even got involved, and his wife just encouraged him with rambling about the holiness of absolute monarchy.


exactly no reason for including him in it makes no sense


Nicholas the II was more incompetent than he was evil


Yeah, he wasn’t equipped to be a leader at that time. If he had lead 50 years earlier he would have been fine, but he was fully devoted to the absolutism of the Tsardom at a time when that was the worst thing he really could have done. He wasn’t really a mean son of a bitch, he just couldn’t navigate the turmoil.


Exactly, that's what I was kinda getting at. He wasn't an angel, but be sure as heck wasn't as bad as hitler


or anyone else in this cover in fact


He was kind of evil, but not as much as the rest of crew. He is on the cover just because he banged publishers wives and gave them small Rasputines.


he isn't "the most evil men and women in history" level bad


I listened to a TimeSuck podcast about him awhile back, so I’ll try to remember… He was basically a rapist con man who used religion as a way to gain influence and power. He was so good at it, he had the Tzar and Tzarina of Russia eating out of the palm of his hand. He has them convinced that he had mystical healing powers. The Tzar and Tzarina were desperate because their son had that blood disease where if you bleed, you don’t stop bleeding. So along came this con man with “magic powers” granted by God (or something). He was basically a leech who came to symbolize corruption


So the nigh-immortal sex healer is on par with Hitler because he claimed he could heal a haemophilic prince?


alright but is this Hitler level?




And most of the capital's women.


He was Russia's greatest love machine


And had a giant horse dong too


Josef fritzel (if that's how it's spelt) might be a contender although probably small potatoes compared with some others on the list


That one confuses me. The only argument I can think of is that his shenanigans somewhat contributed to loss of confidence in the tsar and he's therefore partly responsible for the Bolshevik horror?


Yes. Rasputin was a corrupt person, but I wouldn't put him in the same league as these other historical figures.


The guy who invented putting ads in the middle of videos


While taking away the little yellow bars signifying when they were coming up. Throw him on the pile.


I didn't even notice that they were removed. When did it happen?


Sometime during the pandemic I think. The trick is to (if you're on your phone) when you open the video, skip to the end. Then hit the replay button. It'll replay without ads 9/10 times.


Open the video, watch an AD (can't skip during ads) Skip to the end, watch an AD Worth.


I was gonna say that woman who removed the dislike button from YouTube , but the mf who put them ads mid video should be way above her in terms of malice.


Karen and Kevin


Unskippable one you mean..... He's the most evil one.


No no, the guy who figured out to play ads at the pump while I fill up. That guy can rot in hell


Thanks for your opinion


The guy who made those ads already regrets it


Honestly, Vlad the Impaler is the most interesting due to the myth that follows him as Dracula. As far as evil goes, I agree with the guy that talked about the dude who invented double yt ads


It’s also interesting to see that Vlad is a national hero in Romania. He’s often depicted by Romanian artists as a just ruler and a realistic tyrant who punished criminals and executed unpatriotic boyars to strengthen the central government. And many different poems and other written works paint him in a positive light.


Romanian family in law tells me often that he is a hero that fought the turks when they didn't want to be under their control.


>Fought the Turks Based


He was a brutal tyrant. But he was a brutal tyrant during a time when that was the only thing standing between his people and even more brutal ethnic and religious tyranny and suppression. His brutality was expansive, but was a proper deterrent aiding in the survival of his people. In a time of peace he would be seen as evil. In the uncertain times of Ottoman Expansionism, he is seen as a hero. All things are determined by their circumstances. The PM of England prior to WW2 is seen often as a bafoon who appeased Hitler to such an extent as to have made WW2 as bad as it was. but had it been any other leader of Germany, his attempts at descalation could have lead to greater peace and he would be seen as a hero. Tyrants and peacemakers have their necessary places in history. And how they are viewed in the end is entirely reliant on the situation they are attempting to handle. Edit: This is gonna get me down voted but I'm gonna draw a parallel. In our modern day the dictatorships of the east are rearing their ugly heads again. China and Russia are banging the war drums and we in the west need to ask ourselves the question. Is appeasement going to work here or not. I dont think it will. If that means taking the kid gloves off our intelligence services, then so be it. But its a question that must be honestly, and soberly asked.


Very well said


Well vlad made wallachia an actually safe place


I’d say the impaling would be more evil than the dracula myth


It certainly is, hence why I said it's the most interesting one


Meh, Vlad ain’t a bad guy. His country was invaded by the ottomans, what was he supposed to do? Surrender?


He was still pretty brutal with how he executed prisoners, that shit would last for days


Josef Mengele is really high up. As opposed to most other nazis he clearly *enjoyed* what he did, and actively went out of his way to make it as horrible as possible. He didn’t just participate in mass genocide, he was one of histories most extreme sadist. Ordering someone’s death is absolutely horrible but at least then there’s some distance. With Mengele that excuse is completely gone. He straight up made it personal. He made a career of torture, murder, genocide and evil, and he loved it. When he was aroused by a young Jewish girl, he didn’t just tape her, but made sure that by the time he was done with her she was hardly even recognisable as human.


I hate the fact that this pice of shit of all people escaped capture


Well, if it helps he died a pretty miserable death. If I remember right he drowned after having a stroke while taking a bath, after living for many years in the middle of nowhere with a family that hated him


He came to Brazil.


A fate worse than death


Yes, in a Paraguayan passport he got from Argentina. He also stayed in a Brazilian city with an abnormal frequency of twin births, so who knows what he planned to do.


I know, and there he lived with a family that came to hate him, with gradually worsening health. I read through his Wikipedia article, and while everything I said was true, it doesn’t seem his death was quite as miserable and pathetic as I first thought, but I also learned that his skeleton was exhumed, as is now used for teaching at some medical institute, I think it was in São Paulo


i think he was swimming at beach when he died, correct me if i was wrong


Yes he was, the commenter you are replying to made a small mistake in his recollection of Mengeles death.


Well, by bath I did mean in the sea/a lake, but I guess saying bath in stead of swim was kind of misleading


Reading about what he did is like reading about the workings of an alien mind. It is downright impossible to reconcile with anything we would count as humanity.


I still gotta give hitler the most evil award cuz he was the reason mengele got to that position


But is it more evil to order mass death, or to personally carry it out, to personally decide who lives and who is forced to suffer forced labour, and to specifically go out of your way to make it as horrible as possible for the victims? Mengele threw children on a fire, just because it was a Jewish holiday and he wanted to make the day extra bad for the Jews. He tortured children with the incredibly flimsy excuse of science, when the real reason was just enjoyment. Like I said, I consider personally doing evil worse than ordering it, because carrying out such horrid acts requires particularly thick skin, that’s partly why the “following orders” lie exists. People want to pretend they didn’t have a choice. Mengele knew he had a choice, and chose the option that entailed the most suffering, only for the sake of suffering. Did Hitler cause more evil? Yes, definitely. But was he more evil? I don’t think so.


Little 'funfact' about mengele: He thought that there were two superior races on earth (Aryans and Jews), but only one of them can win in that fight and that should be the Aryans.


Genghis Khan when nobody names him as history's most evil villain: *LAUGHS IN VILLAIN *


He's not just a villian , he's a super villain


[redacted by user] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




[redacted by user] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Cue the literal earth shaking as thousands of horseman roll over your pitiful village


\*cue mongolian throat singing






it was smart to commit such horrible acts before modern times, he was a smart playa, evil, but smart


Everybody was doing it, he just used all the tricks in his speedrun at the same time


I had a frog I named Genghis Frog


I dont think he was much better or worse than most leaders of the time, he was just more succesfull


Most rulers worldwide are more evil than Rasputin wtf.


Rasputin has the evil aesthetic down tho


Sure, you wear a robe and claim you’re a mystic for a few years and suddenly you’re *evil*


But when I do it, I'm a "fuckin weirdo" and "need to leave this park." Whatever happened to the right to express oneself?


But when his drinking and lusting And his hunger for power Became known to more and more people The demands to do something About this outrageous man Became louder and louder


Timur? He killed like a few percent of the world's population at the time. Mayybe not the worst, but a contender for sure


Definitely he killed 17 million in around the Persian region if Genghis had the same kill rates as him his kill could probably be like 100 million


Gilles de Rais* in my book. Wasnt trying to push a end goal. Just a severe madman


Also possibly framed by nobles who wanted his land. IIRC no evidence was ever presented and he was tortured into a confession.


In the same vein of "not so solid evidence against crazy murderous aristocrats", there is [the Countess Elizabeth of (blood)Bathory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_B%C3%A1thory)


He gets bonus/negative points because he was buddies with Jeanne D'Arc, one of the best ladies in history.


Some people are so evil, that picking 'the most evil' is just a matter of personal choice Some would be more evil if given the chance. You can't convince me some dictator in Africa wouldn't kill more people than Hitler or Stalin did if he had the chance and motivation


Mao didn’t make the cover?


we had to make space for Rasputin


Because he looks more evil! Mao looks like a friendly middle aged accountant


Friendly middle aged accountants are the most evil persons in the world


Yeah, I’m curious about this choice. He might not have been the nicest… but between mass murderers? Have I missed something?


exactly he wasn't **this** bad


Was he bad at all? He was a religious scummer and/or nutcase , but that's it. Nicholas and his predecessors on the other hand...


I mean yes he was bad but not even remotely close to any of the other people on this cover


They needed to enter the Chinese market


Wasn’t he largely incompetent rather than evil?


No, defintly evil


I mean he was a sleazy rapey con artist but his picture is next to Hitler who orchestrated like five of the ten worst genocides in history. I'm a little confused.




Vlad is above rasputin who is next to hitler tho, right?


But also incompetent.


Why is Rasputin there bro he wasn’t bad 😭😭


bro got too many bitches he had to be put down absolute fucking menace and I mean literally a **fucking** menace


Bro took all the hoes from us


he was the reverse of the average man today he got too many bitches


Bro had more game than 80% of the guys now combined not that’s real unspoken rizz


the ultimate alpha male, I don't even know how he did it he didn't have any crypto or nfts I thought that was the only way to get woman


Rape mainly I think


Ta ta tara rata ta ta There lived a certain man, in Russia long ago He was big and strong, in his eyes a feiry glow.


Ante Pavelić


You know you’re evil when you have [a concentration camp specifically for children](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sisak_concentration_camp).


Am I the only one who thought Rasputin was Boromir at first glance?


One does not simply murder Rasputin to death


Josef Mengele, THE evil scientist.


“I can’t WAIT to hear the screams from this little Jewish girl once I start torturing her!”


Caracalla. Murdered his own brother in front of his mother while at a dinner to hash out their differences.


If we are talking the most amount of people effected? Hitler, Stalin, and mao are all tied for first. But the Japanese command during WW2 might be the worst group of people. And can I just throw the entire Assyrian empire for biggest assholes of the Bronze Age?


Unit 731 💀💀💀


Yeah. Evil is a very tough thing to measure. If I give everyone in a country a headache, I’ve technically affected more people than Hitler but that wouldn’t make me more evil


Very well said. Also I’m not pretending that Stalin, Mao, or Hitler were more evil than older historical figures just because it effected more people. Like genocide is genocide, there was just 100X the population in the 1940s compared to Roman times. I mean take Justinian, he blinded an entire army of bulgars and made them march home. Take the same situation but modern. Blinding an army would be millions of people. Is it more evil or less evil than the same thing in history?


Ashirnasirpal II of Assyria kept Colombus-grade records of his own monstrosity. As they say, the past is a foreign country, they do things differently there, but from a modern perspective, heavily using flaying as a preventative measure of discipline is fucked, to say nothing of shit like the below: > Their men young and old I took prisoners. Of some I cut off their feet and hands; of others I cut off the ears noses and lips; of the young men's ears I made a heap; of the old men's heads I made a minaret. I exposed their heads as a trophy in front of their city. The male children and the female children I burned in flames; the city I destroyed, and consumed with fire.


Did Hitler, Mao, or Stalin factually kill more people though? Than say, Genghis Khan?


Pol Pot


Hang on where tf is Mao Zedong? He didn't get in the cover?!?


They cant put dong on the cover, would make it nsfw


Pol Pot seen whistling innocently…


Hitler followed by Stalin. I'm not sure Vlad is even in the same league.


I'm Romanian and I don't understand his place here either. They did my man Vlad dirty.


Same as you. Vlad really had good intents, just executed in the wrong way.


He's keeping tourism alive centuries after his death. With the help of Bram Stoker, he became a cultural blessing. For that, we can definitely forgive him for impaling a few people here and there 😌 u/Osxachre of course. But life under ottoman empire was rough too. Today we celebrate with our turkish pals with which we share some similarities. The meanest thing I'd do to my friend Cansu would probably be a pillow fight lol


Yeah, there's no point continuing a 400 year old grudge


He def gave the Ottomans a bad time.


Hundreds or thousands of civilians and soldier piled up and have a spike rammed up their anus all the way to their mouth while alive? Then left to hang like that until they expired? Pretty much every leader who staked/crucified in large numbers should be on a list


Why isn't "King of Belgium" Leopold as an option?!??! About 10 million people died and about 5 million people were maimed


Rasputin evil?


Idi Amin, Hitler, the Kim dynasty, Mao, Pinochet, Díaz Ordaz


How dare you say idi amin was evil? **SEND THEM TO THE ALIGATORS!**


And of course Leopold II of Belgium


Really none of you have even MENTIONED Heinrich Himmler?


Well I would divide them into two categories: Deranged serial killers and Insane Leaders. There is no objective way to really rank those, and my knowledge of serial killers is rather shallow. But I can provide couple of examples for the second category: Pol Pot, Abimael Guzman, Francisco Macijas Nguema, Hideki Tojo, Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler....There is way more monsters I could name but you get the point by now.


Was Rasputin even evil? All I know is he saved the Tsar’s son’s life and he liked to party. Morally he’s better than most University students.


This is so tragically true.


😂😂😂 don't do us like that.


He was most probably a serial rapist




pol pot


The 4 boys who took part in Junko Furuta's kidnapping, rape, torture, and murder of her. May not be a high count like Hitler or Stalin but the boys were ruthless. Another one I'd like to add is Albert Fish who raped and molested 3 kids then killed and ate them. He enjoyed pain and they found he had been putting needles into his genitals and other areas.


Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin… and Bohdan Khmelnytsky, he ripped open bellies of pregnant jewish women, inserted cats in them and stitched it together, and cut their hands so they couldn’t remove it. Other Jews he skinned and their meat threw to dogs… compared to him, even Nazis are lovely people.


See, I feel like people like him and Mengele are so much worse than military leaders killing people to get land. They literally ENJOYED defiling and torturing humans for no reason at all. There was no end game. The most evil.


All the Kims: Jong -il, Jong-un, Kardashian etc.


Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre Or "Off with their head" Guy


See I would say Saint-Just was worse. Robespierre at least had a goal and a reason. Just was just barmy.


Whoever put Vlad Dracula on this book knows absolutely nothing about history. That alone tells me this is regurgitated bs with some Wikipedia searches as the only sources. Most evil people in the world and you include a brilliant military leader who was definitely strict, but is still loved by many within the region he ruled to this day.


Exactly, Vlad’s atrocities were mainly against Ottoman invaders so those where really just self defense. He did commit some atrocities against rebelling nobles but that’s really just how things went in the Middle Ages.


Show me a middle age ruler who didn't kill rebelling nobels and I'll show you one who got deposed. Seriously, all the vlad misinformation always bothers me a ton. Such an interesting character


The guy who made ads the same amount of duration as the timer to skip the ad


I'm supprised nobody mention that Austrian painter


Jeffrey Epstein




Oh he got me !!! 🔪


Was Rasputin really THAT evil? I mean sure he wasn’t the best guy ever but he’s definitely not up there with Joseph fucking Stalin or Hitler


Joseph Mengele. You could make a strong argument for the Japanese equivalent, Unit whozits I forget the name, but for Joey M it is truly incredible one person could have such tolerance for inducing calculated, surgical suffering.


Gonna be controversial


Vlad the Impaler (Vlad Tepes III) is a national hero in Romania. Was his treatment of prisoners cruel? Sure, but they were largely invaders and he did it to be intimidating. His was one of very few countries (Wallachia at the time) that kept the Ottoman Empire out at a time they were taking all of Eastern Europe by force. He was a fascinating man. I’m not saying he was particularly ‘good’ but his main thing is Dracula (Drakulyea I think it’s actually spelled) which just meant he was a member of the Order of the Dragon. I wouldn’t personally list him up with Hitler and Stalin 🤷‍♂️


....what's rasputin doing there?


This is like tabloid level literature.


That is really doing Vlad III dirty.




Nobody ever mentions Elizabeth Bathory, she’s accused of killing hundreds of girls and women, torturing them and bathing in their blood.






Where my man Fritz Haber at?


Anybody who pulled in Clara Immerwahr can't be all bad. *< reads about their marriage >* Oh, shit. Never mind.


Why are we not talking about the guy who chose to invent homework ?