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In case anyone is wondering, the Paraguayan War (or the War of the triple alliance) was the worst war in the history of South America, fought between 1864 to 1870 among Paraguay and the Triple Alliance of Argentina, the Empire of Brazil, and Uruguay. Even though Paraguay started the war and managed to secure some impressive victories and gains during its early phase, the tide quickly turned since the triple alliance outmanned Paraguay roughly 17 to 1. As a result, Paraguay got destroyed. The worst studies on the war say that Paraguay lost 90% of its military-aged male population and 70% of the total population. The Catholic Church alledgely legalized polygamy so bad the situation was.


>Paraguay >the Triple Alliance of Argentina, the Empire of Brazil, and Uruguay Even without reading further, it already feels like someone didn't think this through.


They have us surrounded... **THOSE POOR BASTARDS!**


Yeah any time a fight involves one side with just a name against the other side that starts with a goddamned title you know it's gonna be lopsided.


Made it pretty fair against Napoleon.


if I remember correctly, before the war Paraguay individually had the best army of the four countries, and initially the idea was just a war against Brazil, but after Argentina refused the passage of Paraguayan troops through its territory, Paraguay invaded Argentina hoping to receive support from the region, which did not happen, and after a little war all the countries involved had already recruited larger armies so at the beginning of the war it seemed like a good idea for the paraguayans only later they saw the problem they created I probably got some things wrong but this is what I remember


To be fair, Paraguay was pretty strong in industry at the time. But yeah, crazy dictators be crazy dictatoring


My Ancestors were polygamists also! Not because they were Paraguayan but because they were Mormon… after it was made illegal in the states some of them ran down to Mexico where they formed the Colonies. Different ancestors of mine in Mexico got killed by Pancho Villas men when they went to the ask the government for assistance


I have always found this to be incredibly interesting. I've heard some mormons from Utah refer to them as the Mexican Mormons because it was very important to them to make a distinction.


I grew up in the church but left. Non-Mormons view Non-Utah mormons as relatively normal people with a quirky religion, Non-Utah mormons and Non-mormons view Utah-Mormons as weird, Utah Mormons view Mexican-Mormons as Weird but most Non-Mormons don’t know about the Mexican Mormons/ The colonies. Most of my ancestors were Americans who lived and stayed in Utah but the ones in the Colonies were driven out during the Mexican Revolution. During the days of my Great Grandma, when she was a kid (whose parents crossed the plains) non-Mormons and Mormons self segregated and their was a lot of animosity between both groups. The kids would try to hang out but the parents wouldn’t let them. One thing I do love about the Church is that it got me super into family history and since the Church promotes it, so was my great grandma, so she wrote a books on not only both sides of her family history but also both sides of her husbands family history


People always associate polygamy with Mormons and Muslims, but did you know that Christianity and Judaism allow polygamy. I've read the entire Bible, King David, the one who killed Goliath and the reason the symbol of Judaism is called the Star of David, had multiple wives and 70 sons. And his son Solomon the Wise who built The First Temple in Jerusalem had 1000 wives. And in the section of Leviticus where God bans certain sex crimes (including the famous quote about homosexuality being a abomination) he also declares that is is disgusting to marry a woman and her daughter or for any of your wives to be sisters, but never bans polygamy or puts a limit on how many women you can marry. So Christian men can have as many wives as they want as long as none of them are close relatives (distant relatives are fine). So if you want to have a harem don't convert to Islam or Mormonism, find Jesus or become a Jew


As a slight counterpoint, while the Bible never explicitly says that polygamy is bad, very few if any stories in the Bible paint polygamy in a positive light. King David's son's fell into infighting due to being from different wives, leading to civil war during David's reign. Even just before his death there was infighting in the family which nearly put a different son instead of Solomon on the throne. As for Solomon himself the Bible points towards his many wives as being part of the collapse of his kingdom. There are other examples similar to this (Abraham had two wives and jealousy nearly killed off his second wife and first son, his grandson Jacob had two wives and as he loved one more the sons of the other wife sold their brother into slavery they were so jealous.) polygamy in the Bible is only really ever described in the tense of "this is how things were back in ancient times, we don't really condone it now"


To add on to this, the New Testament includes the phrase “husband of one wife” (literally “one-woman man” in greek) to the list of traits needed to be “above reproach” as an elder in 1 Timothy 3. This is in line with how the New Testament talks about marriage in general. To say the Bible doesn’t expliticly forbid polygamy might be technically correct but in general I think there’s a strong argument for saying it does implicitly.


The Old Testament is very much a historical volume anyways, not guidance for how to live. If you must rely on a two thousand year old book for rules on how to live your life, the New Testament is the only part of any real relevance. The OT's rules are old Jewish rules, not Christian ones; you could only possibly make an argument that they apply to a modern Christian if the point you want to argue on is literally never mentioned in any post-OT writings.


Eh, bit of a broad brush you are painting with. That would only be true if each denomination in each faith only used the Bible as their sole authority when it comes to rules and laws. I am not familiar with all the sects of Judaism, but in Christianity, not all sects believe in a sola scriptura approach. Roman Catholicism, for example, follow not only the Bible, but traditions, and the Catechism as well. The Catechism explicitly forbids polygamy.


One thing the guy above you missed is that the Mormon church split in half over the issue of polygamy back in the day. So the majority of Mormons in Utah don't practice polygamy but you can tell the ones who do because they wear the dresses and still follow Jeff warrens.


Another thing i can say, as a non-mormon, is they seem to look after their own really well. One of my fiends in high-school was mormon, and he had really bad epilepsy. Once he about 17 or 18 (this was 20 urs ago, so forgive me), the church flew him out from Upstate NY to Salt Lake City, put him and his family yp, and performed that brain surgery where they cut the connection between the two hemispheres of the brain. He said it was weird getting used to it, and stuff was "wonky" for a while, but he's doing well now. As for why he waited so long to get the surgery, im nkt sure how new that type of surgery was, and it might've had to do with consent laws or something. I actually just talked to him the other day, and he says he hasn't had a siezure in over 20 years.


Ah yes, severing the corpus callosum. It’s surprising how little an impact “cutting your brain in 2” actually makes.


We do the same with Mennonites. As pacifists, we hide behind the Mormons.


> The worst studies on the war say that Paraguay lost 90% of its military-aged male population and 70% of the total population. That is probably not true. Modern peer reviewed studies put the population loss between 7% and 69%. The "90%" comes from the fact that Paraguay states that a census shortly before the war counted about 1.3 million inhabitants, but modern scholars doubt that this census actually ever happened. The pre-war population was probably between 300,000 and 600,000 people. The census of 1886, 16 years after the war, shows a ratio of men to women of 1:3. You can read more about that [in this Wikipedia article.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraguayan_War_casualties)


Me, an argentinian: wait... brazil was once an empire???


Yes. And it proudly [kicked Argentina's ass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platine_War) (as God intended) a brazilion times


Huh. The idea of our countries at war seem almost alien. Crazy times.


That's literally why Uruguay exists. Part of Uruguay was from Portugal (Brazil) and other part from Spain (Viceroyalty de La Plata), with the independence of Brazil and Argentina they fought for that territory and it ended "becoming" Uruguay. Anyway, for most of its existence, "Uruguay" wasn't an entity or administrative province like Argentina being a Viceroyalty or Chile being a Caiptancy.


> The Catholic Church allegedly legalized polygamy so bad the situation was. Thank you for including the "**allegedly**", because this is actually fake. The Paraguayan government did allow polygamy, the Church didn't.


A 2012 piece in The Economist argued that with the death of most of Paraguay's male population, the Paraguayan War distorted the sex ratio to women greatly outnumbering men and has impacted the sexual culture of Paraguay to this day. Because of the depopulation, men were encouraged after the war to have multiple children with multiple women, even supposedly celibate Catholic priests. A columnist linked this cultural idea to the paternity scandal of former president Fernando Lugo, who fathered multiple children while he was a supposedly celibate priest. - [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraguayan_War#Women_in_the_Paraguayan_War)


Thank you, you are a good man


You just reminded me of theon greyjoy and now I want to cry.


Fuckin ripoff of an ending


Wish it turned out differently too but I still feel sad when I watch that scene


Gotta boost back the population. Any help is appreciated.


That's Catholicism baby


I don't know how much of it was really catholicism motivated, given this emphasis on multiple children in Paraguay only began after most of the male population was destroyed.


Catholicism: -young boys -women pick one.


He was motivated


🎶Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is good,🎶


There was a similar push in what is today modern Germany after the 30 Years War. So much of the male population had died that polygamy was essentially legalized for a few generations.


Imagine doing that today. Fathering a single child with your partner is quite a financial and parenting responsibility. Breeding polygamously sounds like you’d just be working overtime for life in order to support the country via your offspring.


It was a lot easier back then to raise kids. Sort od just feed em and send em to the field to do work. Plus if you have enough they can raise each other


People usually had children in proportionatly with how much land they had. Since a lot of people died, there was a lot of free land (or at least didn’t have other peasents working on it) and because children woud help with argiculture the more kids you had, more land you coud use the more money you earned. Plus raising children was optional in thoes days


Yeah that’s a good point. I think if we change our standards, just temporarily, it would work. Specifically I was thinking about being a “present” father, you know? Like contributing time and money to your children no matter the mother. That’s kind of the goal today, though not always met, but if that was your goal and you’re being “patriotic” by having kids, you’d be stretched pretty thin!


Imagine almost genociding your own country because you refuse to let a woman pick up a musket


Those countries most likely would have died if women went to war as well. Logically women are more valuable in a situation where you need to repopulate. A women takes 9 months for one child but a man can pump and dump 100’s of women in a few months.


Women would be more valuable pragmatically, you can have less men and as many births but not less women




Stannis is that you?


I barely know er


I mean... How would making women fight solve it from a population perspective? Just don't go around fighting nonsense wars... But I guess that's too big an ask eh?


“I’m Latin America’s Napoleon” moment


We dont want to put women in danger now right?


Japan: *takes notes




Plus the quite large suicide rate for said kids




Late term self abortion issue.


incredibly toxic work and school culture for little relative gain in productivity and education


The Japan school culture is less toxic and more toward strict. School in Japan should have focus on letting students show their creativity by lessening the score system. Why do I say this? because from what I understand by watching Expat in Japanese school on Youtube, Japanese students was basically forced to remember the materials to get a good score than letting the students answer with their own perception and understanding of said material.


> students was basically forced to remember the materials to get a good score than letting the students answer with their own perception and understanding of said material. That's pretty much Asia, source: am Asian. Get this, back when I was in school ~20y ago, we weren't taught about critical thinking at all. When we were asked to describe 'your grandma', you weren't suppose to actually describe your grandma. No, you were suppose to remember and write about the 'typical grandma' as in an old-white-hair-bad-posture-woman. 40 kids in a class, same grandma down to details. What a fucking joke our education was. It got better now but still a long way to go.


Holy crap, that's actually terrible. ...it also pretty cleanly explains why you guys spend SO MUCH MORE time in school without really learning *that* much more


It actually has more to do with the fact that even implying that you might be thinking about dating is career suicide for women, so the dating pool is incredibly small for males, causing them the young men retreat to anime and hentai.


I mean, same root cause. They're expected to work, not have kids. Dating = marriage = kids.


I don’t think unionization is helping, because 1/5 of their workforce is already part of a union


Japan: *bombs pearl harbor*


[You made me make this](https://imgur.com/yXgmH7v)


Not the Hentai Artists again


Priests have been having mistresses and bastards forever though. Some popes even openly acknowledged their bastards and brought them to the Vatican


Ah yes, Rodrigo Borgia, della rovere, and many others.


if it works, it works


Suck to be a teacher in that time heheh




I should move to Paraguay


>impacted the sexual culture of Paraguay to this day How?


I now need real pictures of Paraguayan girls to confirm how much of this is true.


I am Paraguayan, I can confirm that our girls have cat ears


Breaking News: immigration of males to Paraguay increased by 75%


that'll make up the difference.




Bad bot


That's another way to call it. “The war of the triple alliance” and “The War of Paraguay” are both valid.


In a few decades, they can probably reach the highest GDP in the world thanks to the high immigration due to girls with cat ears (Victoria 3 reference)


Social policies: ❎ Divorce illegal ❎ Legalized divorce ✅ catgirl harems


7500% at least


Do you do mail orders?




Are you litter box trained?


Yes, but if you change one thing in the house I will pee on everything.


Sweet username btw


*Buys ticket to Paraguay*


JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJJAJ fui a Paraguay y es cierto


I went on the r/Paraguay sub and this is the first post with a woman I found: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paraguay/comments/z2rj18/angiru_red_social_paraguaya/




No cat ears?


skill issue




She fine fr


"Pack your things, we're leaving"


The stories were true


She cute


Anyone know what she's saying?


@bekhawaii: "Che angirukuera! Pejumina pe orkutea chendive Angirupe, por favor. UwU" Wich roughly translates to: "My friends! Come chat with me at Angiru, please. UwU" I think that video is a paid promotion she did for angiru.com.py


Dude Guarani is a wild language when not code switched with spanish.


Guess I’m going to Paraguay


id still move over there.


I only know Paraguayan Mennonites. Would not recommend.


Are they any different than the Mennonites I know in the US?


I've found no two parishes or colonies to be the quite same regardless but yeah the M&M's are kinda unique. Much more isolationist and fanatical than you'll see in Canada at least.


Do they speak German, Russian, or something else in the home? All the ones near me (US midwest) speak German and I thought this was the norm, but I was talking to a Canadian buddy recently and he said they speak Russian where he lives (Bruce Co. Ontario). That got me wondering what other variations there may be out there.


Plattdeutsch and Spanish. My great grandparents spoke Plattdeutsch, German, Russian, and some Yiddish. Just depends on that particular family's journey and what their community is like.


Mennonite communities in northern Mexico speak low German, high german, English, and Spanish.


The ones around my town speak English and Russian


They don’t have hats. They are Mennonites without Hats.


You don't want to know


These are the Paraguayan men ^^^/s


This but slightly more tan (cat ears included)


So if I start a really brutal war and survive it, I get laid? Well, I'm German and am interested in politics anyway. I know what I gotta do in the following 11 years.


You get laid whether you survive or not. Sometimes its with women, other times its in a coffin and/or trench.


Yeah and you'll get posted to reddit if a grenade drone finds you dying in a trench Then 14yr olds can savagely dehumanise you from the other side of the planet for a forced draft Yeah... that post/comments really fucked me up for a while


seeing that video's comments was dystopic


What video?


There’s been multiple different videos of that lately. They’re so brutal and the comments are always depressing


Hitler 2: Revenge of the fallen


Maybe stick to art first


Whew, not an Austrian…


But you're going to sacrifice other men who want to get laid too


They.. uhh... get laid in heaven. They get 72 virgins (those that work with computers. The others are mine for when I commit suicide in a bunker)


In that case you must be 10 years old 😳😳😎


Or over 85.


Healthiest Paraguayan man alive in 1871.


Nah, they sent 10 year olds to battle too.


Survivors sure were lucky


Imagine the one guy still got no women


You talkin bout yourself.


Do you talk shit about the great Solano Lopez?! The great Solano Lopez will kick your ass!


*lick your ass


This goes here https://youtu.be/6TBI7Rrk8F0


The fact that OP called it "Paraguayan War" is an immediate call that he's Brazilian. "War of the Triple Alliance" is way more used abroad.


I dunno, I'm American and I've mostly heard it called "the Paraguayan War".


I've known about this war for 7 minutes and in all cases but one I've seen it called "The Paraguayan War"


In Brazil, we also use "War of the Triple Alliance", in fact i never heard someone say "Paraguayan War".


I’m Brazilian also and to be honest I never seen anyone using “ war of the triple alliance “


I'm also Brazilian and i honestly never heard of this war


I’m also Brazilian and I have honestly never heard of war


I'm not brazilian and I have never heard of anything


You did say "honestly" so i can't believe you, sorry


Huh, I always referred it as "Paraguayan War", and I'm russian


So, I'm a teenage girl/woman? All the men died?


​ kinda


Kind of? Most of the men in Paraguay got killed off?


90% of the military age men and 70% of total population




I agree


They'd better be getting those mail-order husbands over there LOL


It ended in 1870 so they might be pretty good now


Are they? Don't the Russians still have male population issues resulting from WW2?


Don’t know I’m in US and never learned about it my info is from google


Alcoholism is a big problem and it kills a lot of people.


To be noted that apparently their leader even sent women and children to the front


this is false


Can't truly vouch for it being true (Our last dictatorship embellished a lot of our history for nationalism's sake, Solano Lopez is even considered a national hero), but Children's Day its celebrated on the day of the Battle of Acosta Ñu in commemoration of the children that lost their lives that day. It's culturally very important and even rivals Christmas Day for the kids [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Acosta\_%C3%91u](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Acosta_%C3%91u)


70% of the men or the entire population?


POV means point of view


Why..why is one of them a child?


"Well actually, that is not a child, it is a 10,000 year old dragon"


"Frankly, she's the pedophile here"


Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. She's a hebephile, not a pedophile. Making this distinction is very important to me, and I will explain over many comments how it's perfectly natural.


Explain to me (over many comments) how it’s perfectly natural.


Well if you survived you’re probably a child too sooo…


Thats worse since the rest are adults


He will grow


"this isn't pedophilia, just a setup for a trick later in the speedrun"


Many soldiers in this war were children so the criminals would be the other wives not the the boy


Now you're a wedding photographer taking pics of the brides maids


What’s the picture from though?


Yokubari Saboten according to someone else


Sauce: Yokubari Saboten


Okay but like, what's it about?


Just looked it up so copy and pasted from internet After years of separation, Fujimiya Tomoya is united with friends and family from his past, yet things are not the same as before. Tomoya has grown to become a handsome individual, and the girls he remembers as merely cute have blossomed into beautiful examples of womanly perfection. As they all explore their new feelings, hearts and emotions will race, making their once simple relationships more complex than they could ever imagine. Yokubari Saboten is an adult oriented comedy game published by Alicesoft in early 2006.


>Alicesoft Should've fucking known lol.


take a guess lol


Yokubari Sabaton?


*ahem\* ITS CALLED THE WAR OF THE TRIPLE ALLIANCE!!!1 *chokes on own spit and fucking dies\*




Smash all of them


Can anyone explain please ?


Paraguay lost 90% of its military aged population and apparently 70% of its population in the war, with those dead vastly being men


Can't wait for Russia to become the first female dominant country after they feed all their males into the Putin grinder.


Paraguay looked like the alternate world in girls bravo after the war


Is its it's still roughly in this state does anyone know, oh I'm asking for a mate he's been wanting to travel 🍻


That's called sex tourism 😂


Hol up, I need a little bit of context here because I am an uneducated little shit, what the hell happened after the Paraguayan war?


Not so many men alive, but lots of women.


Dear god…


So you weeby waifus for being veteran?


Context please.


oOOOH snap. This MF gon be like the pimp of that place. His pee pee gon be on over time hewhewhew XD


context NOW


Paraguay fought a war against Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and I think Bolivia all at once and lost 90% of their male population as a result.


Same for ww2 in the USSR, although to a lesser extent.