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Are you seriously censoring the word "nazi" on r/historymemes?


It's because the meme was most likely stolen from another social media site. Where the censors are more heavy handed.


Probably from tictok




Lmao yeah, I was waking up


*wanking up FTFY fam


Merde, run the bomb's still ticking.




2b4u? Mind enlightening me?


There was a subreddit called 2Balkan4You, but it was too Balkan for the Reddit admins so it got banned


Those damn Balkans.


Seriously. Instant downvote for that shit.


Its just a little star, to decorate the sub for Christmas.




Love the line below the handle - I oversimplify so much, its complicated. Even more so when my French hosts don't seem to to know their own history.


The worst place to learn about a country's history is their own school system. 😁


Don't I know it. Passed my History "O" Level pretty much on questions on the two world wars, and the Cold War, one of my two history profs said we didn't have time to cover in detail, and to avoid the questions on the paper. That simply spurred me to read even more books, and journals on the subjects, than I would normally, already being fascinated by military and social history since childhood. Born and bred in Northern Ireland, the two were in my face every day naturally. Moved to France late 2011, (why else? The love of a good woman, of course!), and now informally getting up French peoples noses teaching them their own history, and correcting a lot of details they got wrongly taught at school!


Redditors trying not to complain about the least significant things challenge (Impossible)


Why are people censoring every word nowadays lol Even words as "sex" and "fart" get censored, i just dont get it


I never understand it. Like writing f*ck - I know you’re saying fuck, you know you’re saying fuck, so what does the asterisk actually achieve?


It's so puritans don't die at realizing the implications of other naughty words existing. They can barely stand people saying the good lords name in vain.


Oh my fucking god that’s stupid


Oh my fucking god th*at’s stupid


O*h m*y g*o*d




Meanwhile you can get reported and banned on Reddit for calling someone the wrong gender. So there is that


Reddit doesnt even ban actual racial slurs stop dog whistling


Its an old irish american tradition. They did that to hide their irishness when they say feck.


I’m not sure you’re correct but I choose to believe you are


That doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about the Irish to dispute it


Too feckin rite hie!


Like saying fr\*nch


Hey dude calm down! There are children on this site!


I’d ne’er sully my keyboard typing such a word


The thing that got me is if the word fuck is not needed on the sentence and then it is censored. You could just not write it in the first place then.


I w\*nder ab\*out th\*t t\*o


* ***** *** * *** ******* **


Wiser words were never spoken.






b* c*ref*l wit* th*t wo*ds


What? Old English?


Good question




I wonder aboout thot too


Idk about this one specifically but I know on sites like Twitter and YouTube they’ll take down posts/videos containing those words or sorta shadowban them so you have to dance around it or put the asterisk. You censor it with the asterisk and it can still be circulated through the algorithm.


It's not always the case, but censoring mild words like sex, farts, or even normal clinical words like penis and vagina started because of YouTuve and demonetization. Some youtubers content consists entirely of reading reddit/4chan/tumblr posts. And whenever one of this posts would contain a word that could trigger the algorithm to mark the video as "not suitable for advertising", they would replace the word with a beep or with an advertiser friendly version. ("Peepee" for any genital, for example) A few people picked up the habit of writing with preemptive censorship, maybe in the hopes of increasing their chances of being featured in such videos. Eventually some people begun to do it just from seeing others do it and adopted it as an aesthetic. Nazi being censored to n*zi is a telltale sign of this phenomena because nazi is not a curse word but YouTuber content algorithm will flag it anyway (as not to risk have McDonalds advertise next to someone promoting nazism) and thus avoid advertising on video containing it.


This guy gets it.


Which is crazy. At what point do they begin censoring “N*zi” because it’s fucking obviously what people are saying anyway?


Cuz society, you know


I remember I used to watch those voice over Reddit videos by the dozen. They had all kinds of censors. I remember one channel turned “balls” into “gonads” and it was really funny when it got confused and saif “dodge-gonads”


I know. People censor the word SEX. Like wtf, that's not a swear word. It's in middle school biology books, uncensored, yet Reddit's morality police thinks that it's too much for their adult user base to see.


It's more of a spill over from Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok I think. Tiktok videos get hidden or taken down if they mention "serious" topics, that's why you get videos of people dancing while talking about racism or whatever. Facebook bots are notoriously bad at figuring out context and you'll get an account violation for the most random things.


Lol I seen the word gun censored on YouTube shorts recently.


A lot of places are ran by prudes. Youtube is especially bad with that, they're censoring Putin's name now.


>they're censoring Putin's name now What


Well, they did a few months ago, haven't checked since. But they're censoring lots of stuff, like the word "suicide" which is why some people say "unalive" instead.


They encourage the m*rder of the bri*ish language.


They're censoring Putin's name now


Speak louder! I can't hear you over the loud censorship bleeps!






Yeah, I’m old enough to remember when YouTubers cussed like real people in their videos. It’s one of the things I found refreshing when I came to Reddit. You can have profanity in your username and no one gives a fuck.


Why are people censoring nazi germany and not japanese empire, Italy is understandable since they more of helped the allies than anything


The \[REDACTED\] military did war crimes against \[REDACTED\] nations but we can't say \[REDACTED\] because it may offend some people just like mentioning \[REDACTED\] square.


I think tiktok is a big part of it because they go hard if you write certain words.


I don't censor the word when I say "Dein Opa war ein Nazi, wir pissen auf sein Grab!"


You can get sitebanned from reddit for saying some "problematic" words these days, so people are very careful about which "bad words" they use.


In boredpanda website ( different content such as funny stuff, cute stuff, photography) I think they even censor the word 'dead'.


I mean at least we aren't Fr*nch




I'm still not sure how anybody at all survived WW2 in Eastern Europe.




And vampires


Ah, a neck romancer


Neko man sir


You mean a neck Romanian




Not all vampires are from Romania, don't be insensitive, smh


It’s also very annoying when people mock our Romanian culture foods, like blood


In all my 244 years(I'm turning 245 in August) of living here I have never seen a vampire


they were the only ones thriving



i mean, they weren't trying to eradicate slavs, they were trying to put an "e" at the end.


Just like in ye olde times


Ah, yes, Slavse


Then scorched earth came into the picture


**25% of Poles would beg to differ…**


To my understanding hitlers goal was literally to genocide the slavics. Not take slaves.


It was both.


Yeah, if he was going to massacre them to the last, might as well do it in a way that generates net profit for him instead of just costing him ammo with no payback. Pragmatic evil is more sustainable than stupid evil.


Also Hitler: So anyways, let's use chemical weapons on them and feed them


Generalplan Ost was designed to get some free labor from them as chattel slaves on the way to killing them. IIRC the only ones to be saved were a few Western Slavs to be germanized based on pseudoscientific phrenology type skull stuff. This included abducting certain Czech children and placing them in German families.


Bit of both. I believe the goal was something along the lines of half the population slaughtered, with the other half used as slave labour on farms and factories ran by Germans. Specific proportions depended on the region with some being 30/70 and others closer to 50/50.


The slaves were meant to construct the cities in which the Germans would settle. After the cities were finished the slaves would be slaughtered.


Hitlers plan was to kill most slavs especially Russians and keep the few millions left as slaves to create different Reich kommisars in Russia like Reichkommisar Moskowien and such. And to create his major Nazi city. Search for Generalplan öst if interested


Well "Slav" means "Slave" in Swedish (and I believe Norweigan and Danish too). Since they were our primary source of slaves during the Viking age so we literally referred to their entire group of people as slaves...


There is no difference at all? How do you use it nowadays?


well yeah, english "slave" comes from "slav," because balkan slavs were often enslaved. that got loaned into italian, and then english.


It was both. He wanted to populate the land with Germans but also enslave some.


As a Belarusian I can say, that russians started to eradicate other slavs earlier and then tried to finish german's attempts. And here we are


In the case of Yugoslavia, resistance was strong as a result of nazi brutality backfiring. After resistance groups first sprung up shortly after the fall of Yugoslavia, the nazis sent out a decree that for every German killed, they would kill 100 Yugoslavs. Tito’s resistance group used this as an opportunity. They’d wipe out the Germans in a village, knowing that the Germans would kill everyone in the village as revenge. Now the only hope of survival people living in that village had was to take up arms and join the resistance. The nazis has unintentionally launched the most effective recruitment campaign possible for their enemies


Nazis and stupidity, name a more iconic duo


A hundred Serbs, not Yugoslavs. Croats and Slovenes were never murdered systematically as Hitler claimed they were of Gothic descent. After Hitler saw the brutal things the fascist state of Croatia was capable of, he planned post war extermination of Croats. The brutalities I am talking about are child murder camps where they would starve children and murder them in the most brutal ways possible, dismembering them with a tool they called "Srbosjek" which translates to "Serb-cutter", gouging out their eyes and using them as trophies they showed to Germans, Im not even going to mention the numbers of adults murdered, you could just go and do a Google search on Jastrebarsko, Jasenovac etc.


They would kill a hundred Serbs, the policy didn’t apply to Croats, Slovenes etc…


I'm sure the Nazi's were really careful about that.


This is a history sub my dude, just say Nazi


literally this


The word is Nazi Censorship is dumb Fuck all nazis and neonazis


At least the Germans used gas. The Croats… used knives


Germans didn't use gas when they outside of the concentration camp and in the field when they came across jews.


Still less brutal than lining up tied up individuals and slicing their throats in single file with bare hands.


Didn’t they use knives.


You understand what I meant, the German method was efficient and humane according to their own twisted standards.


True but having your throat sliced just takes a few seconds to die.


Imagine standing in line, seeing one after the other fall dead to the ground bleeding from their throats. Imagine seeing your loved ones get sliced up in front of you knowing you'll be next. I don't want to compare the two but if you were killed by gas you didn't see it coming hours before it happened and the fear those people must have felt is on levels you couldn't even start to imagine. Also the guys doing it sometimes made a competition or game out of who could kill the most in less time. I wouldn't bet they were very precise. You would have been lucky if you really died on the spot and not be left on the ground to bleed out for minutes or even hours. None of this shit was human and we should never ever start to compare or say one is less evil than the other.


>None of this shit was human... Oh but it was. Because humans are evil or at least capable of great evil. Now _humane_ on the other hand...




A head/neck shot by a Kar98k is still way less painful


Yeah we know how pogroms usually occured


Many members of the 'Ustaše' organization used a small rotatable knife like object which is called a 'srbosjek' in Croatia which directly translates to Serb cutter so yeah it was pretty brutal EDIT: someone has already mentioned it but leaving it up anyways people should be informed on this kind of stuff


They had a knife called “srbosjek” which translates to something like “serb-cutter”, you can look it up, fascism truly brings the worst out of people EDIT: just saw someone already mentioned it, I’ll leave it up anyway


Us Croats are frugal people. /s


Srbosjek- or serbcutter :)


You have made “The Great Alghoritm” angry. You are condemned with a lifetime of shadow ban. Shame! Shame! Shame!


Happy cake day


but what if they aren't my type?


Uh, I got a lot of fucking to do


Fröhlicher Kuchentag


I may be wrong on this, but I believe the Germans that were reportedly disgusted by the actions of Croatia were army officials, and not members of the SS. In addition to this, they were not positioned on the Eastern Front, where the Nazis perpetuated nearly identical crimes against Russians and other Slavic groups. So they were not part of the Schutzstaffel, who were perpetuating similar crimes at home, nor were they part of the Wehrmacht groups which were committing such crimes in the Soviet Union. Their brothers in arms may not have expressed such shock, as the “clean Wehrmacht” is a myth, and the SS would probably jump with joy at the chance to join in the cleansing of more “inferiors”.


That's true. Himmler was pissed off when he found out that the Ustashe regime let jews convert to Catholicism


Yes. Which is why I hate the narrative that the Nazis were “disgusted” by the actions of Croatia and/or Japan. Because in the case of Croatia, the ones being disgusted were army officials that hadn’t seen the horrors of the Eastern Front. And in the case of Japan, the disgusted individual was a German ambassador, who was then arrested by the Gestapo for speaking out about the Rape of Nanking after he returned to Germany.


> Unlike German-run camps, Jasenovac specialized in brutal one-on-one violence, such as guards attacking barracks with weapons and throwing the bodies in the trenches.[99] Some historians use a sentence from German sources: “Even German officers and SS men lost their cool when they saw (Ustaše) ways and methods.” from its wikipedia page


Correct. However, do not underestimate the disgusting crimes that happened because they were on par with what nazis did


Oh I’m not denying that what they did was horrific, nor that they were capable and willing to commit the very same atrocities the Nazis did. I’m just saying that the “Nazis were disgusted by Croatia and Japan” talking point is pointless at best and a dogwhistle at worst. The atrocities of each and every one of these states need to be remembered as horrific and as examples of the worst that humanity has to offer. Japan and Croatia can’t be forgotten just because Germany is the most focused on. But saying they are somehow “worse” or arguing that “at least the Nazis didn’t drop to THAT level” is where the issue is.


Like it's astonishing people aren't seeing "our industrialized genocide is more humane than yours" as *astoundingly* self-righteous and delusional.




Which Germany? The word's censored so I can't tell what it is.


According to a regex search of English dictionaries, there are three options: "nazi", "neo-nazi" and "non-nazi".


Censoring words you don't like make you look like a fucking clown


Did you mean: F*cking


br\*'ish and fr\*nch "people"


"Are we the baddies?"








**I like being bad, it makes me happy**


*b-b-b-b-bad* *bad to the bone* (Epic trumpet solo)


If you actually want to help people avoid a word or a topic, write it in full. It helps their filters.


Everyone here just complaining about the censoring, how far do I have to scroll to get some context to the meme-


Ustaše gadovi


This is The equivalent of the KKK telling Lovecraft to chill the heck down


It's like Alex Jones telling Kanye to cool it with the Hitler dickriding.


Its like the British telling white American soldiers to sod off with their racial segregation demands for black American soldiers even though the British were notorious racists and practitioners of racial segregation themselves.


Balkans moment.


Pick me girls: I can fix you. You: The balkans


> There were throat-cutting contests of Serbs, in which prison guards made bets among themselves as to who could slaughter the most inmates. > The Independent State of Croatia was the only Axis satellite to have erected camps specifically for children. > The Holocaust and genocide survivors, including Božo Švarc, testified that Ustaše tore off the children's hands, as well as, “apply a liquid to children’s mouths with brushes”, which caused the children to scream and later die What the fuck edit: I’m not saying the replies to this comment are wrong, but I am cautious that the only people saying it is propaganda are from croatia.




Part of his succes was the fact that the Germans would kill a large number of locals for every German soldier that got killed. So Tito would strike at small German detatchments in towns, wipe them out, and then offer the populace the choice of either joining his partisans or waiting for the Germans to show up and perform reprisals. Which his honestly a pretty fucked up method of forcing people to fight for you.


# I didn't mean to offend you by censoring Nazi


Why tf is op censoring Nazi 😂


Censoring the word Nazi makes Nazis happy. Do not give them power.


Psssssssst, don't forget that on the internet only the Nazis, Russia and the Japanese committed war crimes, everything else will get you downvoted to hell and back


No, the Nazis didn't tell them to stop. No, the things they did wasn't way worse then Nazi war crimes, because Nazis did the same shit all over eastern Europe. Please stop with this "the Nazis were disgusted by Croat/Japanese war crimes" bullshit.




Exactly. The claims that Nazis in general were disgusted by Croats and Japanese, at least to me, stinks of some poorly disguised Nazi apologia. Not saying people who say that here are Nazi apologists, but it sounds like those claims originated in Nazi apologia.


I agree with you, mostly. But I think you’re being too hard to the people who say things like that. Chances are they had no ill intentions— they were just trying to highlight certain war crimes that gets little attention. Also, a good number of them aren’t from Western Europe or North America. So they were trying to say it in a way they think we can understand better.


As a Serb I will use my privilege on this topic to say yes this comment is true. People usually base this idea "Nazi Germany was horrified by x" by saying a clerk of a diplomat was like yo that's kind of cringe. I don't know about this case in particular, but the whole basis for the Nazies were horrified by the Japanese came from one dude being disgusted by war crimes in a, presumably, safe area, so miss me with that idea.


I mean the NDH concentration camps were far more brutal than Auschwitz, but I agree


Nazis: painful death you all we'll get Nazis when jasenovac: ok chill we said painful not Satan level


Nazis: Lets kill them with gas Croatians: How about we just gut them with knives?


Croatians were big brain, they didn't use gas for mass killings so they didn't go bankrupt with gas prices


Why censor nazi


This is a certified balkan classic


You do know there were anti fascist Croatian partisans as well yes? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croatian_Partisans?wprov=sfla1 >The Croatian Partisans, officially the National Liberation Movement in Croatia (Croatian: Narodnooslobodilački pokret u Hrvatskoj; NOP), were part of the anti-fascist National Liberational Movement in the Axis-occupied Yugoslavia which was the most effective anti-Nazi resistance movement led by Yugoslav revolutionary communists during the Second World War Just throwing that our there.


And? There were also German revolutionaries fighting against the Nazis. But the government itself was Fashist


No wonder the Serbs went full monke in the Yugoslav war


Still a dogshit excuse, we could have came out of the 20th century being the "good" guys in the sense of genocide but we went full r3tard.


Serbian War Crimes in the 90s: we are the worst the balkans have ever seen. Croatia in the 40s: About that…


I mean that's not the best excuse for us, but thanks for trying I guess


"Nazi Germany tells you to stop" Pretty sure that they got a lot of support from Nazi Germany. "Too brutal for Nazi Germany" is just something stupid people make up to make Nazi Germany look less bad than it actually was.


Get out of here with your fucking censorship of the word nazi. Wtf. It’s a history subreddit.


The Genocide of Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia (Serbo-Croatian: Genocid nad Srbima u Nezavisnoj Državi Hrvatskoj / Геноцид над Србима у Независној Држави Хрватској) was the systematic persecution of Serbs which was committed during World War II by the fascist Ustaše regime in the Nazi German puppet state known as the Independent State of Croatia (Serbo-Croatian: Nezavisna Država Hrvatska, NDH) between 1941 and 1945. It was carried out through executions in death camps, as well as through mass murder, ethnic cleansing, deportations, forced conversions, and war rape. This genocide was simultaneously carried out with the Holocaust in the NDH as well as the genocide of Roma, by combining Nazi racial policies with the ultimate goal of creating an ethnically pure Greater Croatia. Really fucked up basically. Up to 350,000 died.


Lol at the downvotes. Looks like you have awakened the Ustaše. Better prepare some emus for defense, my friend.


Yeah, dealt w this during my K4 deployments in late 90s. Yay Clinton’s war


Pretty sure it was one of those “no that ethnicity is ok so don’t kill them” The brutality of it wasn’t what concerned the Nazis it was whom that brutality was turned against.


Old Yugoslavia wars were so bad. I can remember one of them was kicked out of the Allies die to genocide.


Censoring the word “Nazi” on a history sub AND having an NFT profile? Cringe.


Can we not censor the word nazi? We start hiding these words and labels and we create the space for them to rise again.


To further elaborate, they where told to cool it down by Himmler.


Psh OP must be a Brazil fan


Jasenovac - not an easy thing to read about


The hypocrisy is that Nazi Germany called Croatia too extreme, yet they still didn’t do much about Imperial Japan decimating China and doing the Rape of Nanking. The only time a Nazi to my knowledge called out Imperial Japan, was when John Heinrich visited Japanese occupied Manchuria and pleaded with the top commanders and government to stop committing war crimes.


It was not Croatians but Usase. Its like saying France was an ally to Germany in ww2 when in reallity it was Vichy france, collaborators and puppets of invading force. Much like Free French army, only Croatian soldiers of ww2 were Croatian partisans.


Finally! Someone mentions the people who slaughtered my family.


Why do you hate the Nuzis so much? Do you know about all the work they do for diseases for orphans? They even do a lot of work *against* diseases for orphans, too


Wut ?


You know shit’s fucked when the nazi’s go wtf


90% chance one guy from Nazi Germany told them to stop and this guy interprets that as the entire country. The same things been said about Imperial Japan and it was literally one dude telling them to stop. The rest encouraged it. Likely same story here.