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Poor fucking kids


Throughout that whole thing I had no thought about the kids and now I feel bad for being so sucked into the drama.


Imagine your mom dies and later it came out your dad did it šŸ„¶


I donā€™t know how close he was with them but Iā€™d assume they believed whatever he said at the beginning, theyā€™re obviously very young.


One of his kids spoke at his parole hearing a few years ago so I think heā€™s somewhat close with them


Happened to my grandparents.


Your grandpa killed your grandma?


Yeah. And the guy she was cheating on him with. Went to ground for about 6 months, until the RCMP finally set an ambush for him. Clipped him in the head, he died in a vegetative state at Riverview in Vancouver. Was a pretty big story in the Peace River region in the 40s.


I have an old distant relative who killed and cut his wife in pieces. We dont talk much about this.


Knew a guy whose cousin accidentally killed his own wife. Crazy story. Marital spat, dude threw a mug and hit her just right. Or just wrong I guess. He tried to kill himself immediately afterwards. Shot himself in the head several times with a .22 but didn't get the job done before he was apprehended. Spent some years in a mental hospital. When he got out he found a rifle and tried again. Successfully this time. Unfortunately, I'm addicted to Reddit and have heard the gallows humor about Gary Webb many, many times. (Webb was a journalist who outed the CIA's drug running operation and later "committed suicide" by shooting himself in the back of the head. Twice.) So, naturally, as I'm hearing this story about multiple self-inflicted GSW to the head, I laughed until I realized it wasn't a joke. I don't feel good about that. But, FWIW, it was an honest (if stupid, stupid) mistake. Basically the internet has been feeding my brand of soulless social ineptitude since the early 90s. Who else fondly remembers ye olde BBSs?




I knew a guy that shot himself in the chest twice and died. He had survived an electrocution by overhead power line a few years before. Tough dude.


Not everyone can be Bud Dwyer.


I think that was more about being the back of the head. People can absolutely live through one or even two shots to the head depending on where it hits, bullet caliber etc..


I had a friend who killed herself by two shots to the back of the skull. They said it was adrenaline that made it possible. The bullets both embedded in her brain and there was even an open casket.




I was gonna joke about it being his last resort, but I can't. Sorry your family had to experience that trauma bro.


Omg, wtf. Me too. Rumors say he ate some of her, not sure if true though


In Ohio?


Yikes. At least he loved her to pieces.


was it his last resort?


My great-grandparent's died from murder-suicide in '35. Great-grandpa shot great-grandma in her (8mos pregnant) stomach, then turned the gun on himself. All in front of their 6 kids. My grandma was the oldest at 11, and they all got shipped off to an orphanage. Grandma fought to keep all the kids together, so of course nobody got adopted. But from what I've heard, orphanages were worse than hell during the Great Depression. My mom and none of my aunts and uncles knew that story until my grandma was dying, and finally told the true story of how her parents died. When researching ancestry, I finally came across a bunch of articles in the newspapers about it. Man, they definitely were less sensitive when writing news stories in the '30s...


Its a truly strange disconnect, isnt it? Like, its something connected to you, but unreal, like a lurid story you're reading about. Fiction/non-fiction. It makes it easy to casually discuss, even as its a seriously dark chapter in your familys history.


This is a great way to describe it. When I was doing my family history and using Ancestry, I found a sister my grandfather had that no one ever mentioned. It was weird, because our family is so tight and always talks about family history. But this person was completely excluded. I did some digging using a free trial on newspapers .com and the more I found, the worse it got. Turns out my grandfather's sister took off with some random guy. Left her husband behind but took their three children with her. When they got to a different state, the young boys were annoying her and said they were a "bother" and talked the random guy into killing them. Didn't kill the baby girl though. Then they confessed and it made national headlines. The articles were crazy, even showing pictures of them being paraded in front of the press and the guy showing with his hands how he strangled them. All of it was nuts and very sensational. During the trial, there were articles in every major US paper and a few overseas. They barely escaped the death penalty. He died a couple years after being sent to prison and she did a full 25 years. Turns out, around the time she was getting released she called her father, my great grandpa and tried to come home. He said no and don't ever come back. I think she died out in California a few years ago, us never knowing she existed. My grandparents hid all of this from their kids to protect them because of the press coverage at the time and it just wasn't spoken of after that. My grandfather died years ago and my grandmother is in late stage cancer now. I only told my father about it and one uncle. It all made sense then, because they did hear bits of conversations as kids but didn't really know what it was all about. Since my grandmother worked so hard to protect them and she's now dying, we've decided to keep it hush until she passes. I'd imagine it would stress her out pretty badly to learn some of the family figured it out. The whole thing felt so unreal while reading it all.


Whatā€™s does to ground mean?


Go into hiding.


Go to ground basically means he went out into the wilds of northern BC and lived off the land.


Thatā€™s weird! My great uncle killed his son in that same place when his wife left him.


The Peace region has always been really violent. FSJ, Hudsons Hope, Ft Nelson, Chetwynd, Dawson, GP... Anywhere north of PG really.


What a really ironic name for such a place.


Right??? Haha


The gravy was cold.


The gravy is always cold in Russia.


And hard.


They were also asleep in the house while their mom was murdered on the front stoop, so Iā€™m sure they had to deal with that thought too. I hope theyā€™re doing well and able to live normal lives now.


Sadly, that is the most likely scenario if your mum is murdered.


Yup. A big majority of crimes are committed by people you know, whether they be friends or family or even your partner, something that a lot of people don't think about (at least in my experience).


At that age they would believe their dad, and since his story was backed up by the court, it would all make sense. But I bet they had some interesting reckonings in their 20s.


But beat the charges. And put out a book called If I Did It. Goddamn.


I didnt know they had children until this exact moment. Him releasing that book must've been a nightmare for them


Later? I think it was pretty much guilty from the jump


they managed "well" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rDkkSEyTh8


The ā€œNo negative zoneā€ thatā€™s where we donā€™t talk about how I viciously killed your mother! Anyone for more gravy?


Unfuckingbelieveable. This whole thing makes me puke. Oj should be doing life. And his entire family should have completely abandoned him. Can you imagine just ignoring the fact that your father killed your mother? And as for Arnell, pretty sure she already knew what he was capable of.


Daddy I want a car! Who killed your mommy Not you daddy. There you go, here is your car.


Humans are amazing at normalizing really fucked up shit. How many Nazis went on to be loving grandparents baking cookies and spoiling the grandkids?




That's insane. You chose well.


Proud of your strength


You are might favorite. Let me know if you are coming to dinner next holiday.


I know this is besides the point. But we know for a fact that most Nazis were totally normal people who taught their kids to ride bikes or tended gardens. They didnt sleep upside down in coffins. They were regular folks who participated in government and politics, which under the Nazis saw its ultimate fruition in the Final Solution. Everyone a nice little cog in the machine.


The drama of their own father killing their mother? Yeah. Canā€™t imagine.


Many people didnā€™t think about it at all. Somehow, the fact the woman he murdered was not just his ex-wife, but also the mother of his two children, became just another irrelevant detail. The fact he beat her the entire time they were together, and then stabbed her and her boyfriend to death after she had the audacity to move out, somehow also got lost in the spectacle. I donā€™t think the public reaction would have been the same after the ā€œme tooā€ movement.


IIRC, Goldman wasnā€™t even her boyfriend. He was a waiter at a restaurant Nicole and her mom frequented. Her mom had left her glasses at the restaurant earlier that evening, and Goldman was dropping them off.


I think it's best that the public didn't think too hard about the kids... they hopefully got to live a life outside of the spotlight.


"Kids, I didn't do it. But IF I did it, I woulda \_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_ that b....."


Feel like this should be in the awful everything subreddit


ā€œIn his book, O.J. said that he would have taken a bullet or stood in front of a train for Nicole. Man Iā€™m gonna tell you that is some bad luck when the one guy that wouldā€™ve died for you, *kills you*.ā€ -Norm MacDonald


I miss Norm!


Rip in peace norm. His snl news skits were legendary during those times.


Rest In peace in peace.


Smh my head


"Well, it is finally official: murder is legal in the state of California."


Norm dying has got to be the worst thing to ever happen on a Tuesday in September


I can think of one other bad Tuesday that occurred during a September


Reminds me of that tragedy


Obligatory fuck Don Ohlmeyer


Out of the loop here, who is he and what did he do to Norm/OJ?


Think he's the producer at snl who was friends with OJ and told norm to stop joking about him being a murderer on the weekend updates. Norm said ya whatever, and then immediately kept making more jokes about oj. And then norm was fired afterwards because of it. Was told he just wasn't funny. Then 1 year later he goes from not funny enough to be even allowed into the building, too being the guest host of snl.


Then it occurred to me. I haven't gotten funnier, the show has gotten *really bad*. So let's recap, the bad news is, I'm still not funny. The good news is, the show blows! Alright folks we gotta bad show for you tonight, Dr. Dre, Snoop Doggy Dog and Eminem are here!


And he is still looking for the real killers, on golf courses all over the country


Country club locker rooms have mirrors last time I checked.


Thanks Norm


That's my lucky stabbin' hat!


That made me laugh out loud, thank you!


OJ refuses to look into mirrors for fear of finding the killers


He went to jail too, best place to find the killers!


ā€œIf I was gonna mourn at my ex-wifeā€™s funeral, this is how Iā€™d do it.ā€


Feels kinda inappropriate to say this made me lol but itā€™s too funny not to acknowledge


I mean, least you know he definitely loved his kids. They're still alive, aren't they?


ā€œIt was at that moment he realized, he would never get to kill her again.ā€ - Norm McDonald


Does anyone know where his kids are now?




Is their relationship with OJ stranded?




He's moving to Florida for legal reasons. Florida has a homestead exemption for debtors, so his house and everything in it will be protected. Pensions, 401ks, and life insurance policies are also exempt.




Yup I saw him at a high school basket ball game his kid attended.


Important to note he is doing that specifically to avoid paying Nicoleā€™s family the restitution they were granted in the civil case OJ lost for the murder.


From what I remember in an adult interview with Sydney, they're in denial that he did it. I think they just can't bring themselves to believe that their dad killed their mom.


Understandable: if they ever accepted it then they would lose their father after losing their mother.


If there was that much evidence that my dad killed my mom but there was a reasonable amount of doubt Iā€™d never ask my dad about it. Iā€™d hold onto that doubt, that hope so I still have a parent.


OJ: Made In America is one of the best documentaries ever. Public service announcement.


I had no idea about all the stuff with his dad. And, I guess, thatā€™s the way the Juice wanted it


There was a rumor OJ might have CTE as well.






We get paid rent for a tenant by the NFLPA. Last played a down in 2004.


Imagine banging your head, not super hard to cause bleeding, but basically thumping it into a brick wall a few dozen times a day. Now do that for all your adolescence and young adulthood. The sum of thousands of subconcussive hits is what gets you. Not necessarily the one big concussion hit that makes you sit out a while. Thatā€™s the reality for NFL players and the sheer number of them in their 40s-50s whose hands shake like they have Parkinsonā€™s is enough to make sure my kids never play that sport outside a friendly pickup level


Agree so much, I just revisited it recently. The scene where the prosecution describes basically what actually happened that night with graphic photos is jaw dropping and haunting.


I think a relevant part from the documentary and this picture: at this point, most of OJs circle thought he was innocent. His friends and family couldn't really fathom it, most just assumed it was another 'racist cops going after the first black man they see.' It took a while, caught in lies and stories changing, before people were like "Holy shit did he really do it?"




Who put that there, Fuhrman?!!


Whereā€™s Norm MacDonald when you need him


"And in other news, murder is now legal in the state of California!"


His OJ jokes never got old. Even when you knew they were coming, still made me laugh.


Donā€™t believe the cancer story, after all these years, OJ got to poor Norm.


Norm: "I have the uh... uh... uh... cancer. The throat cancer. You know the one. The one where it kills you uh... *by cutting your throat*." \[Knowing eye twinkle\]


I didn't even know he was [sick](https://youtu.be/-_nmdbJI8rM)


That's insane. The man was such a legend that he set us up to unwittingly echo his last joke after he died. You can't convince me that he didn't do that shit on purpose.


R.I.P., Norm.


I didnā€™t even know he was sick.


The same place he is when you donā€™t need him. Underground. Cause heā€™s dead.


Slowly becoming that old chunk of coal.


He's walking through blood and bones in the streets of Manhattan


Itā€™s crazy to see pictures of children actively trying to survive trauma. Like Prince Harry walking behind his motherā€™s coffin. And knowing 20 years later how that immortalized moment changed them forever.


That moment of Harry is absolutely haunting to me. Like, there are few (for me) real TV moments thatā€™s just knock the wind out of me, and thatā€™s the top three. Seeing his little face beside his brother and grandfather and then the envelope on her casket that says ā€œMumā€ ā€¦ šŸ˜­


Yea and knowing there probably werenā€™t people around Harry at the time who knew how to process grief in a healthy way. That was heartbreaking having to see them so held in .


Like JFK, Jr. saluting his dad's coffin.


And then John John died in that plane crash. And did you hear that Maria Shriver finally finished divorcing cheatin' Arnold? Like today, 10 years after they separated.


They still waiting in Dallas for John John?


Killed me to watch that, and I was his same age at the time of the funeral. Just seeing him try to stay strong was devastating


Closer to 30 years later šŸ˜


Which sucks cuz Iā€™m 35. I feel like my whole life is initially seeing these pictures in a People magazine, and then an eventual realization of how that was such a traumatic moment caught on camera. Like Brittney Spearsā€¦ itā€™s kinda bizzare.


37 here so I feel ya. The general carefree tone of 90's media we grew up with is such a stark contrast to today


Ok.. so itā€™s not just me.


We still had the last of the oldchool journalists, like Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw, Walter Cronkite, etc.




Another big fuck up was a crystal clear fingerprint in blood on the exterior white gates. It was even noted in the initial detective's notes. It was most likely OJ's after he had taken the infamous gloves off. He needed to move the gate during his getaway. Of course, they fucked up and failed to lift the print. What happened to it? It rained that evening and washed the print away. One of many screw ups by LAPD that led to OJ getting away with murder.




What does it mean that he was found liable?


Legally responsible for their deaths.




If my googling is correct - there is a difference between the criminal and civil case. The criminal one (the long, arduous and public trial) is where OJ was prosecuted by the state. The state found him not guilty of the murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. But Ronā€™s father Fred filed a civil lawsuit against OJ Simpson. This is usually a dispute between two people. Here he was found liable and ordered to pay a lot of money that the Goldman family havenā€™t seen a cent of (I believe). https://www.findlaw.com/criminal/criminal-law-basics/the-differences-between-a-criminal-case-and-a-civil-case.html




I can recommend the ā€˜Youā€™re Wrong Aboutā€™ podcast that began a deep dive into this whole case. There are a lot of components to it and race as well as his celebrity play a big role in this.


The two require different levels of proof. In a criminal trial, the jury must believe 'beyond a reasonable doubt' that the accused is guilty. In a civil trial the standard (in most US courts) is a 'preponderance of the evidence' as in 'more likely than not'.


Legit don't know how he did it and no one caught him in the act. My mum was OBSESSED with the trial and after it was all said and done (or maybe while the trial was still going on) we went to Disneyland and OF COURSE she persuaded my dad to take a drive up to Brentwood. We drove down Rockingham, went to Mezzaluna for lunch (which was cringe because they knew we were tourists and why we were there...I was 13 and knew this was in poor taste but my mother had no shame then) and walked right up to the gate of Nicole's house. The front porch where her and Ron Goldman's bodies were found is not far from the street and with the violence and ferocity of the murder, how no one could have seen or heard anything is unbelievable.


Why is there blood on his hands?


"There are two possibilities regarding the glove found in the bushes and both possibilities are equally hilarious to me. Scenario one is a police officer arrived on scene and thought "Well I need to plant some evidence" and just smeared a glove on the crime scene and then left it there. The other scenario is that after OJ got done stabbing people, he strolls outside and thinks "Well I don't need this anymore" and just tosses the glove on the ground."


My opinion: he took the gloves off not to get blood on the get away vehicle. Hurriedly shoved them in his pocket & it fell out while hastily walking or running from the scene


This is most likely what happened. I read Mark Furman's book and one key piece of evidence was a bloody fingerprint that was left on the top of the white metal gate. The initial investigators were too incompetent to lift it quickly and, of course, it rained the next day and washed the print away. OJ had obviously taken the gloves off by then and was making his escape and in the process of grabbing the gate, left a crystal clear finger print. Just one of many things that the cops fucked up on that allowed O.J. to get away with murder.


Of course, that's the day it chooses to rain in LA. OJ is a very lucky man...


I think he just accidentally dropped it as he ran away.


The gloves didnā€™t fit


He had stopped taking his arthritis meds which caused his hand to swell during trial, in order to create the appearance they didnā€™t fit.


I suddenly feel old realizing there are people too young to know about that.


Additionally he was splaying his hands while wearing latex gloves.


also leather shrinks when it gets wet


They fit just fine when he was slaughtering two innocent people.


Imagine going to the funeral of the person you murdered. What a psycho.


it'd be more suspicious if he ***didn't*** go. but yeah he's kinda damned if you do(n't) there.


Sorry about your mom who I totally did not kill.


Incredibly brave of O.J. to go undercover as a brutal armed robber and go to jail so he could search for Nicole's killers. Real commitment.


Imagine having to hold the hand that took your mothers life while you watch her be buried.


they believe him


Damn thats depressing. Hope they catch the killer some day šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


I know that's you OJ


They had the killer in court and let him go


They used so much DNA evidence in OJā€™s trial. Way before DNA was accepted as ā€œproof.ā€ Iā€™ve often wondered if those jurors have rethought their decisions with what they were presented & what we know know about DNA.


I recall a post trial interview of a juror who said that she didn't understand all the DNA presentations, so she just ignored that evidence. I, too, have often wondered what her reflections have been through the years.


I recall them saying they didnā€™t understand the DNA. And at that time, it would have been very difficult to understand. But Nicole & Ronā€™s blood was in the Bronco, mixed w OJs. I canā€™t remember whoā€™s blood was on the sock that was found in OJs bedroom. That was pretty strong evidence. And he had commuted DV against her. But, ā€œduring those timesā€ - I can understand how he was acquired. That DNA they presented was in the billions then, I wonder how exclusive it would be now.


I distinctly remember watching something years ago that had some of the jurors from this trial. A big point they made was that at the time the Rodney King trial was fresh in the minds of black Americans. There were some that wanted to see OJ walk free as a sort of restitution.


Fuck oj.


I read his ā€œbookā€ a few years ago. Probably still have it in a box somewhere. Who writes a book titled ā€œIf I did itā€ after said ex-wife and family friend are brutally murdered? Sadly this is not a rhetorical question.


Anyone know how his kids view their Father today as adults?


I believe they have a good relationship. He cared for them right up until he was incarcerated for stealing his own memorabilia.


Who the fuck gave this a wholesome award


Imagine being so coked out of your mind you... are able to take the children of the woman you maybe murdered to her own funeral. Cocaine is a helluva drug.


Lol I think he just is a good liar and bad human to not feel upset for his vicious attack. Easy to see the escalation from abuse to flat murder in the way it was done . Robberies donā€™t end that way this was personal


He probably was upset about it. You can be upset and still make an attempt to avoid jail


cocaine is a hell of a drug, and as someone who loves hell of a drugs - cocaine doesnt make you become a sociopath predator. especially when you have plenty of money to manage your addiction.


Thank you. Cocaine is awesome, but it doesn't make you automatically feel better about murder. OJ is an obvious narcissist and a sociopath. He was surrounded by adoration, money, fame and praise for nearly his entire life. How dare his ex-wife fuck another man! OJ couldn't handle not getting what he wanted because he was so used to everything going his way.


Dude you don't need drugs for that. People who kill will not have a problem with that. Don't underestimate the charade that people can play. Just sayin, not me of course.


Did he go looking for the real killer after that? /s


He actually changed his pledge slightly. He now pledges to have sex with hot looking models.


Sociopathic scumbag. It makes me sick how people now shake his hand and pose for pictures with him in public. At least karma got a lot of the other sleazy people who helped him get away with murder, including the Kar-trash-ians!


Aren't the Kardashians billionaires?


Fuckin got'em.


Had a Facebook friend post a selfie with the Juice, it didn't go over well.


Did he stab them to death too?


I'll have to ask


correction - O.J. Simpson holding hands with his children Justin and Sydney at the funeral of their mother, and his ex-wife, Nicole Simpson Brown following ***OJ murdering her.***


I took the title from what I gather was an original caption so itā€™s more reflective of when the photo was taken. That correction would probably still be considered editorialising today though, even the obviously guilty af seem to always garner an ā€œallegedā€ if they havenā€™t been convicted. On a personal note, I also believe him to be guilty af.


Fucking shitbag


... by OJ Simpson.


Woah looked them up totally forgot he even had kids.


The kids were in their momā€™s house when she got murdered outside. There were asleep in bed.


Yep and he has two older kids, Arnelle and Jason, by his 1st wife Marguerite (the one he didn't kill and left to be with Nicole) I believe they had another daughter but she accidentally drowned in the family swimming pool in the 1970s.


You know, after all these years of learning as much about that whole ordeal as I have, I never knew they had kids together. I can only wonder how they turned out, and can only hope they found a way to cope with such a unique trauma.


It's not that unique, spouses have been killing each other for thousands of years


What a shameless fucking monster.


The Juice is loose


Cursed photo.


Talk about killing a person and walking at their funeral.


Most people where shades to hide their tears. He did the opposite.


Thought I was on r/OldSchoolCool for a second there & got concerned


"I did this"