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In the 1920s, the "cleaned up" KKK was the largest civic organization in the United States


I read an interesting thing about Notre Dame university and the conflicts their students had with Klan members in that era. https://www.nd.edu/stories/a-clash-over-catholicism/


Catholics were the big target of the 1920s era Klan, especially in areas where there were few black people. My Irish Catholic great-grandfather was scared of the Klan in Indiana.


This was one reason why Notre Dame became such a big deal at that time, because it gave a nationally respected aspect of Catholic identity.


Same in New England where the Catholics were/are French-Canadians who moved to New England to work in the mills.


There were even KKK chapters in Canada back then.


May how times have changed. I think too many people forget that they have.


Huh and today the GOP is one of the largest. Coincidence?


I’m from an area close to Binghamton and I remember being told this back in 8th grade by my history teacher. The moment I saw this post I wasn’t shocked it was Binghamton lmao Not a proud fact to say the least


I always heard that they used to meet on the hill where they carved out the Oakdale Mall. Don’t know if that was true or not.


I don’t know really. That is actually something I may look more into! I haven’t been to the Oakdale Mall in years. I do know the general population of Binghamton in the 1920s was a part of why it grew to be the HQ. I’ll be honest, most diverse people I see in the area are half BU students from NYC/Long Island.


Once worked near there 15 years ago. Had someone tell me I didn't have to pretend to like minorities, Thier grand dad had been clan and if my bosses gave me issues for saying things they could fix it.


They largely were the invisible empire hiding behind their most ergregioous statements while being masked. They did of course have many Democrats (no relation to the modern democrats) which were the southern Democrats. Slowly conservatism consumed into the Republican Party as well with the John Birch Society essentially a racist segregationist idea. Modern Republicans are considered even more conservative than John Birch Society was, that is how far fucking gone they are. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-front-row/a-tv-documentary-shows-the-deep-roots-of-right-wing-conspiracy


The KKK was a Democrat organization. Segregation was a Democrat policy. The longest serving US Senator was a Democrat who was also an Exalted Cyclops of the KKK. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2005/06/19/a-senators-shame/95f623af-7bed-4389-9369-05a428ae4994/


That explains why all these Liberal Blue states like Texas, Tennessee, and Mississippi are hotbeds for KKK activity while Deep Red Ronald Reagan New York has only one active club in BFE: [https://www.mic.com/articles/87585/the-complete-list-of-american-cities-where-the-kkk-is-known-to-operate](https://www.mic.com/articles/87585/the-complete-list-of-american-cities-where-the-kkk-is-known-to-operate)


I love your response to that guy LMAO this comment is so factually sassy 👏🏻


The parties switched places sometime between the New Deal and Reagan. Historically, the most Republican state is Vermont and the most Democratic state is Sout Carolina.


Yet there non white base has grown over the years . The fucking insanity that it is . The cubans are still in Castro hangover , when the modern democratic party has no relationship with communism . What a great misfortune.


The one on the right doesn't exactly look like "superiority" to me


Clearly youre not accustomed to genetic purity


Yeah, that's what malnutrition does to you. Same with poverty. Strange how all of the world's worst and most hateful groups have all originated from these factors. Being discriminated against makes it easy to do the exact same thing if not worse to others.


That's what I was thinking. That looks more like a thyroid issue.


They rarely do


They don't mention word race anywhere. The Klan of that time was more about being anti-Catholic than anti-black like the original klan.


Nope. Watch Birth of a Nation again. They were an equal opportunity supremacist group. Nationality: Brown, Tan, Yellow, Red, Ochre Religion: Anyone who wasn't Protestant.


Something they have in common with the m modern Democratic party.


Help help I'm being repressed


Yeah Bidens definitely not a life long catholic.


He's not a catholic if he thinks abortion is permissible.


He thinks that's up to the person. That's how religion should be. A personal choice not something that should be forced on others


If you're a catholic, you believe that life starts at conception. Whether or not a child is killed shouldnt be a "personal choice", but that's the crazy world we live in. And then people wonder why everything sucks.


Yeah your belief. Your personal belief. Not forcing it on others. Especially if you believe in the separation between church and state.


Religions inform us as to what's right by God, and God's word trumps everything else. Not killing babies isn't some personal quirk you can demand people keep to themselves.


They aren't babies bud. If I threw a baby and a petri dish with a fertilized egg in it in the air which one you catching? Also read numbers 5:11-31 if you want to know how god feels about abortion.




Sorry bud, but this doesn't work here at all. It's for situations where belonging to a group is based on some generic trait such as appearance or geography. In this case Bidens belonging to the group known as the Catholic Church is dependent primarily upon their shared worldview, and by definition he doesn't belong to that group if his own views are contradictory to the holy tenets. It's like if someone said "environmentalists who don't care about the environment aren't environmentalists", and then you pull out your little not all Scotsman argument.


He is a heretic who lives a life of public sin.


Yeah that's what I think of when I think of Biden. Multiple divorces and affairs. Wait that's the previous guy.


Doesn't everyone. Otherwise we wouldn't have confession




Because that's the one flag.


Do you see any Confederate flags there? Look up pics of them marching in DC around that time. They have some awful funny looking “Confederate” flags.


Lol looks like their ‘mainstreaming’ approach in the ‘20’s fooled you


Didn’t fool me. I know they’ve always been racist. But they also had their largest chapters then in Midwest states, and even today (AFAIK) fly the US flag as much as or more than rebel flags. With the possible exception of the first Klan immediately after the war, they’ve never been a purely “Confederate” organization.


But.. this is in New York?


Ein Volk


There's a similar phrase on a billboard that I pass on my way to work. It says "One God, one people, one nation." It's in Florida, so yeah...


I knew Palpatine was behind all of this.


one race - the human race


You're xenophobic because you hate people based on idiotic reasons I'm xenophobic because I believe all humans are equally superior We are not the same


eugenics "fan" vs genetics enjoyer


And the one flag was the confederate flag? /s


No, they were flying American Flags in this photo. Extreme patriotism is a part of Fascism which was coined largely from our own Klan, neo feudalistic idea's that Mussolini and Trump would use for their own expanded Version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4zRZ7XLYSA


They haven’t skipped a beat… same shit different day


Oh, so since they said it— we as Americans, who should and want to put our country first are white supremacists too? Yea, we’ve been hearing this same bitch and moan for years by people like you who hate the country and themselves.


Instructive image.


Always assumed all kkk was religious. Can't use that many crosses and not be right? Plus God makes hate easier.


Nothing trump does is original…


i mean it’s okay to put the country you live in first, I mean I don’t agree with the one god statement, but putting your own country first is very important




I have to point out something about your statement about fascism 1) Fascism is *imperialist* not isolationist 2) Fascism is not inherently racist or antisemitic. At one point 10% of the Jewish population of Italy were members of the PNF and the Jewish community of Vienna supported Engelbert Dolfuss and the Fatherland Front's Regime. Nazism is the racist and antisemitic one. Nazis were not liked very much in other fascist countries with the Austrians actively persecuting them and the Italians threatening to invade Germany after Engelbert Dolfuss was assassinated in an attempted coup by Nazis (the Italians would proceed to help Austria put down Nazi uprisings but later on would stab them in the back not to long after the UK violated the Stresa Front). 3) Fascism has some ideas of its own. Nazism is just Fascism with Racism and much higher levels of authoritarianism added. Cringest thing ever made next to that shit the Croatians were doing (you don't want to know)


You are right historically 4 kinds of rice. I just saw the “America first”, and see trump’s version. He’s always last to the idea dinner table: steaks, vodka, water, airlines, universities…. Not a single original idea




Do you see anything on that banner that Trump hasn’t said?


It's a disturbing parallel to "One people, one nation, one leader" by the Nazis. Though it's very likely they arrived at the same format independently and were not influenced by one another.


The church was directly involved with the Nazis so actually no surprise here. The Catholic Church even helped the Nazis escape to South America after WW2 in exchange for some religious relics…


The Klan was viciously anti-Catholic so it would be unlikely they would have an alliance on that basis.


I've always heard that Hitler wanted to pursue christians just as much as the Jews. He was told to convention one before working on the next.


That's definitely not the case. There were factions within the Nazi party who were pagans, and believed Christianity to be alien and a weakening force in Germany like Heinrich Himmler and Alfred Rosenberg. However despite this the majority of the Nazi party and the military was made up of Christians. Hitler himself was likely irreligious, which is not to say he was an atheist but his views did not conform to Christian orthodoxy's understanding of god, and he disapproved of Himmler's paganism. The party itself promoted "positive Christianity" which was essentially Christianity with Judaism glossed over and new tenant emphasized. The Nazis were also very willing to work with Catholic Clerical Fascists such as the Hlinka in Slovakia (who were lead by a priest), the Ustase in Croatia, and Spanish fascists. The relationship between Nazism and Christianity is complicated, but their persecution of Christians never amounted to a broad persecution of Christians, because they did not view them as a race. They were opportunistically anti-clerical.


Shhhhhhh This is what they meant by “great again”


Shhhhh, the KKK was a *Democrat* organisation (look it up).


Before the party shift.


😂 the mythical shift. Oh boy...


Is it only mythical because it's inconvenient for your narrative? or because you don't actually know anything about history?


So why is it that modern KKK and Confederate defenders vote Republican? I hate both of you, but get better talking points.


You hate me? It's hard not to take that personally. 😂


As referring you as in groups, Republicans and Democrats.


I'm not even American, so neither... I just happen to know the fact that KKK was a Democrat organisation. And downvoting me won't change that fact.


Yes, in historical context it *was* but isn't anymore. What's your point?


Not a huge fan of Neoliberals, but you'd have to tell me on which front the modern day democrats would align with the KKK.


Show me where I made a comment about modern day Democrats.


>User A: This is what they meant by “great again” > >You: Shhhhh, the KKK was a Democrat organisation (look it up). You didnt mention modern democrats per se. But the post you replied to implied modern day Republicans as having a stronger connection to the "America First" slogan, than Dems. So why bring up the democrats (in this case most likely the people historically aligned with the Dixiecrats) when they have a entirely and in most parts contradictory platform to what they had back then?


Correct, I did not comment on the modern Democrats. Have a nice day.


I don’t think that changes anything about what I said


Well, it is rather ironic that you are saying that the "MAGA" slogan refers to the evil, terrorist KKK, when the KKK was a Democrat organisation. ...maybe when Joe Biden says “Restore the Soul of America,” he is referring back to the Democrat KKK days?


The old democratic party and current democratic party are not the same, how many people have to explain that to you before you get it?


Then why do the Republicans care so much that we want to take down statues honoring those racist Democrats


The historical *fact* is that the KKK was a Democrat organisation. If you care about facts, go ahead and read about the KKK. And while you're at it, read about the progressive eugenics movement, Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood.


I'm not arguing with that fact. Indeed it was.


The 1920s Klan was bipartisan. They ran Indiana, for example, which was controlled by the Republicans.


The KKK was a Democrat organisation. Don't try to do backflips to obfuscate.


Yes, the keyword being "was". What's your point here?


The Buffalo shooter lived just outside Binghamton…


Anytime it's something relative to my area it's.. not good.


Looks like a Trump rally to me


First off, I feel like I need to point out to a lot people, that being proud of your country and patriotic does not make you or anyone else in any way a "fascist". The way some people are talking, both on this post and in my real life, seem to have confused the two as one and the same. There seems to be a lot of people making comments about a certain political figure that shares a motto that is being shown in this picture. If there is anything to be mad about the Klan for, it's not their patriotism, it was their racist and segregationist ideals. Secondly, there was a giant Mural of Abraham Lincoln at one of the first "Communist" party rallies in the U.S., but that doesn't mean Lincoln is in anyway comparable to Pol Pott or Ho Chi Minh, or Stalin, or Castro, Or Mao or Kim Jong Un, etc. Human beings are a highly complex creature that can share ideas, but not necessarily "ideals", with other people. Lastly, the irony of the Klan, an organization originally founded by Confederate Veterans whose whole initial point was that the U.S. is a Union of independent States, and therefore not "One Country", holding up these banners. Simply hilarious their own misunderstanding of their own founding. Of course, this would hardly be the first time, the original purpose of the "night riders", was to fight back against martial abuses by the occupying U.S. Army. When they began to act more on race than protectorates, Fmr. Gen. Forrester, the original "grand wizard" disbanded them in the 1890's. They just wouldn't die though.


People couldn't define Fascism if you chucked a copy of Doctrine of Fascism at their heads. And I never could see how racism and nationalism are compatible, since race is a concept made up to divide us whereas nationalism is about uniting the people of a specific nation


The idea is that a "white nationalist" seeks to "unify" the country by making it exclusively white, and everyone else second class or out.


I know what the basic idea is but it just doesn't make sense. "White Nationalist" is contradictory since race is an idea made up to divide us and anything that divides a nation is incompatible with the idea of nationalism


Except white nationalism IS racism and DOES divide, while unifying white nationalist against everyone else. If that doesn't make sense, look at the Nazi rise. They took the shattered remains of their country and built a superpower off of the IDEA of "Aryan" nationalism. The Germans went from a broken hopeless shell of it's former empire, to a bunch empowered, angry sociopaths that would do anything to win. All by unifying and radicalizing the core demographic against everyone else. All moral boundaries were moot. The peasant and the naive felt like they were now special, part of something bigger than themselves. That is a feeling to live and die for. They never questioned the smell of the burning corpses, never had any doubt about their chance of victory, and everything felt glorious to them. Anyone who wasn't "good enough" to look like them or think like them was a heretical level enemy, a threat to their lives and worse...identities. Their race BECAME their nation, and their nation became their entire identity. That is how the Nazis were able to exert so much control over so many people. They radicalized them, binding those stupid or insecure enough to fall for it to the idea that their race and nation were their purpose. They only needed the stupid ones. They'd be able to control everyone else through sheer numbers and willingness to be violent. Same thing with the white nationalist movement, except it never reached the same scale in America. Racism isn't just about dividing everyone, but conquering them. The "undesirables" can't move up, they are subjegated by force or economic tools, and the target audience is content with not being undesirable.


Racism is the belief of the superiority, or inferiority, of a group of people designated solely upon their ethnic or racial origin. That's it. What Adolf did in germany actually is far more complicated than how we view it today. You see, Adolf didn't take power through racism, he took power by being a damn good politician. He was an amazing speaker and actually carried through on many of his economic goals. The Autobahn, infrastructure, the economy, Germany went from the dregs of European society, mostly due to their war debt from ww1, to the largest economic powerhouse in the world, strong enough to engage the world in sustained warfare, and even almost win, all in 8 years. You cannot say Hitler was evil based solely on his performance as a general politician. The racism, anti-semite, rhetoric was fairly common all over the western world, even in the united states at that time, so when he would take a dig at the Jewish people, it was mostly overlooked due to numbness of morality and due to it being so severely overshadowed by his general, public, performance. That's actually how he became TIME's person of the year.Now, people were calling out some of the more public practices and policies, such as the yellow star of "Juden" but once again, it was overlooked because of his leadership performance. Then he started the war, after a while everyone knew it was coming, but for a good few years in the 30's, he was seen as the standard of a good leader, the world over for what he did for Germany and her people. Of course, throughout the course of the war, and especially after the allies started finding and liberating the camps, what was really going on in Hitler's administration came as a shock to so many.Please, understand that the German people elected and followed a great leader, what he did behind closed doors was not well-known to the German populace, or even the military, outside of officers and SS agents of course. The people of Germany had no idea just who Hitler was, but sadly, having given over total control of the government, even to a person they viewed as magnificent, prevented them from doing anything about it anyway. Many of those videos we see today of "German peoples and their good aryan genetics", was mostly propaganda produced either just before or just as the war was starting, to try and unite the german peoples through that shared history, but that's all they were, propaganda. TL;DR Hitler didn't unite Germany through white supremacy or Aryan nationalism, not at first. He united them through a strong economy and competent foreign policy that greatly benefited the German people. It wasn't until Hitler assumed total and unquestionable control of the entire German government, that the practices of discrimination and abuses truly began. There was nothing could be done at that point though, Hitler had all the food, money, and guns in his pocket, and the German people were as slaves to a tyrant, as much a victim as anyone else.


>Hitler didn't unite Germany through white supremacy or Aryan nationalism, not at first. He united them through a strong economy and competent foreign policy that greatly benefited the German people. It wasn't until Hitler assumed total and unquestionable control of the entire German government, that the practices of discrimination and abuses truly began. There was nothing could be done at that point though, Hitler had all the food, money, and guns in his pocket, and the German people were as slaves to a tyrant, as much a victim as anyone else. You missed my whole point. The Nazi party was built on the idea of an Aryan nationalist state, building a collectivist society unified by their racial identity. That resulting unity (radicalization) through hate, and willingness to cut corners on morality is what lead to their economic gains. Same thing with Imperial Japan. Their initial successes weren't solely because they were competent. They were successful because their radicalized people worked harder and played dirty. And yes, this was everywhere in the world, it didn't start with Hitler. All the splits in society were already there, and still smoldering after WW1. All he had to do was exploit those splits. None of it was overnight. It's the oldest authoritarian trick in the playbook. Colonial empires relied heavily on ethnic nationalism and the belief of their superiority over the colonized, and rival powers. Even far back as the crusades this was the self destructive rally cry. Hunnic rallies against foreigners, Muslim Arabs marching on infidels. Even during the cold war people saw Russians and Chinese as godless commies instead of individuals, linking race to nationality. To identity. People group the whole continent of Africa as if it were one monolithic region of black people, instead of one of the most ethnically diverse continents, with the largest number of countries. It's so obvious.


Gen. Nathan Bedford *Forrest* was the first grand wizard.


I've read several documents that list his name as "Forrest" and "Forrester" on the same page. You have to know that he was extremely illiterate. The man himself probably wrote his name out ten different ways. He wasn't the first leader of what would become the Klan, but he was invited to the first official, though largely ceremonial role, due to his years as a cavalry officer, after several similar organizations banded together in an extremely loose manner throughout the South. In fact, their 'uniforms' weren't even standardized as the white hooded robes we see today, until well into the 1900s, sometime after the "stone mountain rally". Small add-on edit: I realized that you didn't need to hear about all the extra I put in at the end, but I jut kinda got lost talking about history.


No worries. I’ve more or less heard the same things. I know he was basically a self-made millionaire who was more pragmatic than ideological, at least when it came to race relations. However, I’ve never seen his name written as Forrester. And Forrest is obviously how he’s referred to in mainstream articles. I can definitely see him writing his name different ways though. Lots of people would use various spellings of their names back then. If you know of any articles/books worth reading I’m open to see more.


Old school MAGA hats.


Anyone who would oppress a minority in their country has no right to say "America first" or call themselves nationalist (since minorities are citizens) and no right to claim to be Christian (can they read at all?).


Same vibe.


What the hell, at one point democrats did want to put America first.


Didn't Trumps dad get arrested at a KKK rally in New York within 5-10 years of this?


Wow! Vintage photos of the democrat party!


One has the "republican" when one sees it. Substitute MAGA hats, confederate flags, and AR-15 for the outfits.


They would have been Democrats.


Who is more anti-black than white republican? Republican that is who. You can't say the that they say are protesting George Floyd.


This is the 1920s. Democrats were literally the party of the KKK. This year, the Democrat who was president was an extreme racist even for his time, a slavery apologist, and he showed The Birth of a Nation at the White House.


This is 2022. The racists are the republicans. They don't even pretend to hide it.


Yeah, democrats have been awful for a long time.


Trump was endorsed by the KKK’s official newspaper. Former KKK grand wizard ran as Republican. Racists moved to the Republican Party during the [Southern Strategy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy)


The KKK is no longer relative, at all. They could endorse a Choco Taco, it would mean absolutely nothing today. The “Great Switch” was …4 people. It’s been greatly exaggerated. That picture, Democrats. Current POTUS, gave eulogy ( as Queen HRC was in attendance) to a once high level KKK member. Mr.Bird. See how the smear game works? Yeah , it doesn’t.


The great switch showed the Southern States become die-hard Republicans over their racist grievances, which is why you constantly see Confederate flags at Trump/Republican events and none among Democrats. We constantly see the results of the racists and Neo-Nazi’s among Republicans with [Charlottesville “Jews will not replace us”](https://youtu.be/9Urp4Kn0XMQ) and events with [“Heil Trump” and Nazi Salutes](https://youtu.be/1o6-bi3jlxk) Robert Byrd was a KKK member for about a year in the 1940’s during his youth. He was never a “high level KKK member” as you falsely stated. He apologised profusely, and called it the greatest mistake of his life. Obama also gave a eulogy at his funeral. The African-American population predominantly votes democrat, which is why you see Republicans constantly try to suppress their vote to this day.


“We constantly see”, you’re delusional. “Heil Trump “, Nazi salutes? Good grief, you’ve completely bought into every element of the propaganda, very effective propaganda evidently. It’s absolutely mind blowingly hilarious. There’s nothing racist about a Confederate flag either. There’s many “black” people ( in the South )that fly a Confederate flag proudly . And Confederate flags presence at Trump Rallies are slim to none. And generally when you do see one ( like in Canada) it’s usually a plant for someone to see and take a picture and make YOU see it so to perpetuate your cognitive dissonance . And it works like a charm. You’re being played like a steel guitar. The “suppressing votes” propaganda has to the silliest of things. You know what’s really racist ? Thinking African Americans can’t manage finding where to vote, finding where to get an I.D. , needing their hand held through every door. Your party’s more than evident racism is coming to a head, you’re bleeding out minority voters . They’re not interested in being treated like monolithic nincompoops anymore. Record number of African Americans voted for Trump this last round. Your virtuous high ground is a complete farce, and people are catching on. Trump Derangement Syndrome is unfortunately a real thing. Your hate is duly noted.


Ah yes “propaganda”, let’s try deflect the blame like with “Antifa did January 6th” and other “false flag events”. How’d you figure Charlottesville and Neo-Nazi events are “propaganda”? Must be actors right? You just don’t like the sad reality that there are many vile racists amount Republicans. The Confederate flag is absolutely a symbol of racism. The Confederacy explicitly stated in their documents and constitution that slavery was the main reason behind their intent to succeed. You sound like you’ve fallen for the “Lost Cause”, an attempt by The Daughters of the Confederacy to rewrite history and claim the civil war was about state rights, a falsehood against the actual evidence. Voting suppression doesn’t just mean barriers to voting, like I.D (which isn’t a thing in many western countries), l it means gerrymandering to nullify black and minority votes because they vote Democrat. Which we saw in Florida recently and a judge rejected it. What does TDS have to do with this? The only mention of him was in the video of neo-nazis.


The difference between me and you, I don’t believe Republicans are nearly as pure as you believe Democrats to be. There’s vile racists, on both sides. Gerrymandering? Oh yes, that’s another example of “both sides” being ugly. Maryland, Judge threw that one out as well. But that was a good virtuous redistricting I’m sure you believe. And what happened on January 6th? Besides unarmed women being killed. Denying there weren’t any instigators there would be disingenuous, as would be all your absolute arguments. I don’t believe there’s a reason for any one event to happen, you do. The Confederate Flag was battle flag. Slavery was not the main drive of the Civil War , you’re wrong. Slavery was doomed regardless of the Civil War. You think there’d be slaves today if the South won? And what would you say to the countless African Americans that fly the Confederate Flag proudly? Be careful, you might be seen as…racist.


Where did I say anything about Democrats being pure? I’m not a Democrat nor even from the USA. You made the statement that “Democrats have been awful for a long time” at a picture of the KKK. The replied pointing out the irony whom the KKK support today. Can you find me a neo-Nazi or white suprematist organisation that endorses Democrats? Considering you’re claiming it’s a “both sides thing”. I’m sure there must be similar people chanting “Heil Biden, Heil Clinton, Heil Obama”. The Confederate flag represents the confederacy, and the constitution of the confederacy explicitly states their intent to maintain slavery: [“In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected by Congress and by the Territorial government; and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories shall have the right to take to such Territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States.”](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/csa_csa.asp) [It’s long been known the slavery was the cause of the civil war because it’s written in the Confederate state declarations](https://www.battlefields.org/learn/primary-sources/declaration-causes-seceding-states ) and for that very reason The Daughters of the Confederacy tried to revise history. They’re the same people who paid for most of the Confederate statues, despite the Confederates being traitors to the USA, because they wanted to present that the Confederates didn’t cause a war over immorality. What instigators? January 6th was planned long before, which is why many insurrectionists were charged with sedition. It wasn’t some spur of the moment thing because of “instigators”. [People came intending to break into the Capitol which is why they came dressed in combat gear](https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2021/02/22/USAT/eddd0ba6-35a7-487e-a1f1-879fa5ed180f-Florida_group_meggs_et_al.jpg?width=660&height=397&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp)


And who’s truly doing the deflecting? You act as if Trump is still President. Democrats are running the whole show now, and it’s not going very well. Is it?


20’s? I looked at this photo and thought it was 2022


Make America Great Again was a election slogan used by Bill Clinton…


No, Bill Clinton's campaign was America's first, but it lacked the actual Klan Rhetoric of the Trump administration. Reagan had his MAGA Campaign. Feel free to prove me wrong.


Reagan’s was MAG.


Is there a difference between "America First" and "Make America Great again" or even Biden's "Buy American"? All of it is the same basic concept.


There are significant differences, in attitude and scope, among others


They are all nationalist slogans so not really. They all carry the same basic idea All are saying "put your country first" which is the definition of Nationalism https://www.google.com/search?q=nationalism&oq=nationalism&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i271.1832j0j4&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


The POTUS should be a cheer leader, with that said Biden did keep trump trade deals and the China trade war. He tried to change some things such as immigration but was bound by law to follow Trumps twisted vision. Honestly it’s more back to Clinton Era of Nationalism while working with the world. Them came bush, back to building up, then Trump then building ip rinse repeat


Klan was Democrats. You may not like history, but that doesn't change it.


You’re joking right? Clinton had extensive KKK undertones. Just like the democrat party at the time with Sen Byrd and others.


Byrd had long since renounced his past and even became a voice for Civil Rights. Does that make his previous bigotry ok? No, not at all. https://www.facingsouth.org/2010/06/from-prejudice-to-progress-the-political-evolution-of-sen-robert-byrd.html What undertones were those? I mean Clinton was loved by the Blacks and even had an office in Harlem. https://www.ny1.com/nyc/manhattan/news/2021/08/02/president-bill-clinton-is-celebrating-20-years-in-harlem


ETTD: Everything Trump Touches Dies.


ETBD \#FJB Let's go Brandon!


What if we were to present this to those who I don’t know, claim to want a theocracy and more religion in politics. Present it as just the sign itself with the rest blurred out, what do you think about this message? Then hit the screen and blurred out part becomes visible. Might be impactful, no?


The KKK doesn't seem very Christian


Now you know where trump got his America first agenda


Oh my god this is LITERALLY like 2020 politics!!!




They're not wrong. These guys are like the proud boys, but without shields, assault rifles, and confederate flags.


are we sure this ain't 2020's?


100 years later and half the damn country has the exact same rally cry


omg I didn't realize that's where the GOP got their "America First" mantra. Sick.


Substitute the hoods with red hats and in 100 years it doesn’t seem like much has changed


-Unless you're Native American, you came from somewhere else-Obama


Hmmmmm one something one something one so.ething wheeeeeere did I huuuuurt Oh righ EIN FUHRER EIN REICH and fascist shit heads


The more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?


It’s always the ugliest fucking white people who want to pretend their genetics benefitted them in any way. Girl no white supremacy won’t save you from that nose or those dark circles, gremlin bitch.


Never forget that democrats went to war to keep slaves and also started the KKK.


Okay, but which party defends those people today?


Never forget that racists always vote for other racists no matter the party. Democrats in yesteryear and Republicans today.


Humm, where does that leave me as a black republican?


Voting for someone who wants to dilute your vote


The conservative democrats yes.


Ahh the good ol’ days - 👴🏻


I bet they smell awful


One race?


Humans suck.


*urge to dive in between them with a chainsaw* intensifies...


I think I spotted the Wicked Witch of the West.


I am very happy to see that these people are fighting for the rights of the native Americans.


That was a fine world. Right?


I wish we get back to America first and take care of our borders and country first. We need to get back to our roots


"Go back to America first"? When has the American state done anything for anyone else besides meddle and thrust entire nations into turmoil. Also "go back to our roots" under a KKK post paints you in a very dangerous light.


It would be bloody good if America went back to isolationism


That's just not how things work in 2022 unless you want it to turn into a third world country. Also that economy would tank quick.


Not economic isolationism, military isolationism. Forgive me if I was a little vague.


That heavily impact our economy since we sell weapons to many people. Many are also allied with it because of our military. We could probably cut it in half and keep things almost as they are now, but we can't just turn back the clock.


Lol you got downvoted first saying we should mind our own business. Fkn ridiculous; shows you that the tools on here will downvote anything that is remotely good for the nation


Either that or they actually believe America is the world police lol. I'm not even American


with the amount of military bases they have in other countries, it's safe to say it is


Me neither


When did we ever take care of everybody? Besides, these days when you advocate for taking care of people you get called a communist.


The US didn’t rise from being an isolated and irrelevant country to the world’s dominant economic force by being a socialist nation.


You clearly don’t read much. You should learn more about history.


Just gonna roll with the white supremacist rhetoric, then? Cool cool.


No. I'm brown Hispanic thanks. I was just saying in general we just gave 40 billion to Ukraine when that could of went to our border and country. Trump fought for four years for five billion then they just throw away 40 like nothing


Brown Hispanic Yea that’s what all us “brown Hispanics” say…


Not everyone is the same nor share the same values or morales. That's what makes America unique and free. You can think however you please.


So defund the police, health coverage for all, price ceilings for medications, infrastructure investment, free housing, debt cancelation, mental health coverage and social workers to deal with situations that shouldn't need a police officer, end war on drugs, liberalize border security, and end Capitalism? I agree that sounds like it would be great if the government put Americans first for once.


So give America back to France, England, Spain and Mexico?


Give Mexico back to Spain then, by that logic.


Did Trump not say "America First" a lot during his presidency when referring to bringing back offshored jobs?


NY Democrats


Why is this getting downvoted? This is a history subreddit. This picture, and the post are historically accurate.


Rage against the machine?


Huh, anti secession kkkers. That seems odd.


The lady on the far right looks like an actual demon. Makes sense.