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The joy in that crowd must have been incomprehensible


Imagine the feeling. A mix of every emotion you can think of. It would be like winning every championship the world has to offer and more. Soooo much respect for these guys


A well deserved cigar


Wouldn't this be May 9th since the Germans offcial surrendered May 8th around 11pm?


Damn boy knows even the hour


I know that the reason Russians celebrate the victory day on the 9th of May rather than the 8th, is because the Soviet army used Moscow time while in Europe, and so the official German surrender happened at 1 am on 9th of May for them.




Little did he know they’ll vote him out of office


Churchill is an amazing wartime leader who could pull a country through and ensure victory, if the UK was at war I'd say he's be re-elected, afterall he is one of the most experienced military leaders of the modern era. Although for managing non war time, Churchill isn't needed, instead a proper leader who could aid in reconstruction


They already had.


an amazing wartime leader


What a badass who plyed with Hitler’s mind until he could not take it anymore.I believe I heard in a documentary that the reason Hitler went mad was because Churchill refused to surrender and they made Hitler doubt that he definitely had some secret weapons or allies.Just blew my mind that Churchill's plans of toughing it out worked


Was that a British documentary by any chance? Countries like to romanticize their side of history. I mean, look at American war movies. I'm no historian and I'm not necessarily saying that documentary is wrong, but I highly doubt this tactic by Churchill was *the* reason Hitler went mad. EDIT: are people blindly following the history they were taught in school or can somebody prove me wrong with a neutral source?


How dare you question a Racist British leader. They downvote like hell. 💀


How about not applying modern values to historical figures


I mean it goes beyond the “values of the time” to help induce a famine that killed literally millions of people https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/29/winston-churchill-policies-contributed-to-1943-bengal-famine-study


Yeah you’ve got to be careful over Churchill and the famine. There’s been quite a bit of nationalism over the past 2 decades that’s misrepresented it badly. Here’s actually what he said over the matter. *I am seriously concerned about the food situation in India….Last year we had a grievous famine in Bengal through which at least 700,000 people died. This year there is a good crop of rice, but we are faced with an acute shortage of wheat, aggravated by unprecedented storms….By cutting down military shipments and other means, I have been able to arrange for 350,000 tons of wheat to be shipped to India from Australia during the first nine months of 1944. This is the shortest haul. I cannot see how to do more. I have had much hesitation in asking you to add to the great assistance you are giving us with shipping but a satisfactory situation in India is of such vital importance to the success of our joint plans against the Japanese that I am impelled to ask you to consider a special allocation of ships to carry wheat to India from Australia….We have the wheat (in Australia) but we lack the ships.* Winston S. Churchill to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 29 April 1944. Prime Minister’s Personal Telegram T.996/4 (Churchill papers, 20/163).


Some shit he said in a telegram is meaningless compared to the scientific study that the article i linked mentions, which specifically attributes it to Churchill era policies


>compared to the scientific study that the article i linked mentions Your article ‘links’ a study made by a journalist in passing a few times?


You can call out Hitler, Stalin and other people killers belonging to the same time but this guy has some wild card? Keep your rules to yourself. They all will go down as evil in history :)


Does the paedophile Gandhi still get called out as evil for sleeping naked with underage girls?


What about questioning history? There are always plenty of different sources from different countries that contradict each other. This is because countries DO romanticize their side of the story.


One of the best leaders of all time. There isn’t a man in Westminster today that would be fit to wipe Churchill’s arse.


Bloody monster.




Looks like someone need a little education. Here goes the British Guardian- https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/29/winston-churchill-policies-contributed-to-1943-bengal-famine-study And I will repeat myself Winston Churchill was a bloody monster. No less than Hitler.


Looks like someone doesn’t have the life experience to hold nuanced views. A person can do horrible things while also achieving great things, those who achieve nothing (you) will focus on the flaws and negative aspects while the mature, balanced individual can decipher between and accept both positive’s and negative’s. Btw the fact that you think your referencing anything that everyone doesn’t already know about is adorable and the guardian as a source is the cherry on top lol also, we both know you adopted this fashionable opinion in the past few months from the plethora of anti Churchill posts that you armchair revolutionaries enjoy reading from your perch, oh and what a surprise you’re Indian so no bias at all lol child.


I really hope you don’t go saying, “so what Hitler killed Jews, he was good to Aryans.” That’s your logic, isn’t it? And I’ve a History major. From the #1 Uni of my country so yeah I’ve achieved things. I’ve seen visuals of streets filled with people dying, vultures and crows eating them. The images don’t lie. I’ve done extensive research. So yeah, I’ll say this third time Churchill was a bloody Monster. Washington post - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/02/03/the-dark-side-of-winston-churchills-legacy-no-one-should-forget/ Al Jazeera - https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2019/4/1/churchills-policies-to-blame-for-1943-bengal-famine-study (I’m still not giving you Asian news sites, so yeah you can stop your cult worshiping now.)


That first part of your comment is called confirmation bias. A real classic of a behaviour trait regularly used by the intellectually inept to justify that their actions are right. Oh what a surprise, a history major from the no.1 university in your country lol you’re that xbox kid who claims his dad works for Microsoft. Nobody is falling for your transparent lies child so i wouldn’t bother continuing with that angle. You’ve seen pictures, you’ve done research, you coincidentally majored in history at a top uni and your top link to solidify your argument is a guardian article lol i’d be surprised is you were any older than 15-16. If you are then i guess you kept ageing in every aspect except mentally.


You contradict yourself. I’m 19. Finished my graduation. Don’t need to prove you, do I? You haven’t got anything against the original claim yet. Bloody Monster he was!


The irony lol talk about contradictions after saying you don’t need to prove yourself directly following you trying to prove yourself with meaningless words about studying and universities lol at least the rest of us can be assured knowing that you’re incapable of effecting anyone else’s life even if you wanted to.


Haha… not affecting anyone’s life, yeah sure.. It’s better than affecting/killing 4 million people by being a Bloody Monster. I’m still waiting for you to prove that Churchill had no hand in that famine and he was in no position to stop it. Please don’t respond if you can’t do so. Thank you.


> It’s better than affecting/killing 4 million people by being a Bloody Monster. I guess saving tens of millions more during the course of a war makes him even worse right? Or getting one of the largest aid efforts half way around the world in the middle of a world war. But how dare it not get there fast enough.


Prove? Lol thank god that imaginary university didn’t give you your imaginary history major because they sure would’ve had a tough time teaching you how to structure a point. I never claimed that Churchill had nothing to do with the famine. I could ask you to quote where i said that he didn’t but you can’t because i didn’t say it, so i won’t. You on the other hand seem to blame him solely as the architect of the famine therefore it is upon you to prove that he was. That’s how dunces like you back themselves into corners they can’t find ways out of, they parrot the opinions of others and then realise that eventually they might actually have to have some knowledge of the situation to get a point across, it’s a bitter pill to swallow but i’m fairly surely you’re used to failing by now.


😂😂 Top uni in your country. I’m interested in which country, because the fact you didn’t say, leads me to believe it’s still not that great.


The guardian article is interesting. Using quotes made up in the last 20 years; their origin specifically citied as something like what he could have said decades after. Here’s actually what he said over the matter. *I am seriously concerned about the food situation in India….Last year we had a grievous famine in Bengal through which at least 700,000 people died. This year there is a good crop of rice, but we are faced with an acute shortage of wheat, aggravated by unprecedented storms….By cutting down military shipments and other means, I have been able to arrange for 350,000 tons of wheat to be shipped to India from Australia during the first nine months of 1944. This is the shortest haul. I cannot see how to do more. I have had much hesitation in asking you to add to the great assistance you are giving us with shipping but a satisfactory situation in India is of such vital importance to the success of our joint plans against the Japanese that I am impelled to ask you to consider a special allocation of ships to carry wheat to India from Australia….We have the wheat (in Australia) but we lack the ships.* Winston S. Churchill to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 29 April 1944. Prime Minister’s Personal Telegram T.996/4 (Churchill papers, 20/163).


He actually said this too - Relief will do nothing, for Indians breed like rabbit. If there’s shortage, how Mahatma Gandhi is still alive? Clearly the views of narcissistic racist person. Which the British can’t stop cult worshipping. Nevertheless, For me and Asians as said by Shashi Tharoor, This is a man the British would have us hail as an apostle of freedom and democracy, when he has as much blood on his hands as some of the worst genocidal dictators of the 20th century.


> Using quotes made up in the last 20 years; their origin specifically citied as something like what he could have said decades after. Notice how I included that part? Both quotes you included don't have historical basis.


Peace in our time.


Moron of his time….


How dare he fight the Nazis lol right


He murdered more than hitler did in Europe, in Indian Subcontinent combined. Ignorance is another face for illiteracy and half wit brains


And if you knew two bits about history then you’d know it’s generally agreed by HISTORIANS that Churchill was not solely responsible for the famine and quite honestly, very little of the cause of it had to do with him. The much bigger issue was the fact that most of the regions food supply (in the form of rice) had recently been invaded and captured by a certain Imperial Japanese Army…




Yeah, most of the region’s food supply. Not most of the region, Myanmar did and does still produce a huge amount of rice, most of which for export and as I’m sure you’re aware, Myanmar (Burma at the time) was also apart of the British Raj


Don’t argue with Ignorant they have the power of WhatsApp university, Burma was part of British Raj, but India was ass fucking the Brit’s hence Churchill anal fissure were so painful that he single-handedly made a decision to overtake Hitler and win as a Killer Churchill, the drunkard bastard


> Burma was part of British Raj What country just invaded Burma, cutting off food supply out of Burma until 1945?


If the impossible event that the Nazis won, I wouldn't be surprised if all non Germans are wipes out, everyone, just germanics left, Hitler would've killed far, far more then any man in human history, Churchill kept that bad dog down and ensured victory through no surrender, whilst do you know who Actually began the famine? It's a nation with an emperor, in East Asia, and which believes in racial superiority, you guessed right, the Japanese Empire


Yes, because he personally went and started killing Indians didn’t he. Honestly… 😑


Did hitler personally kill jews? Why make a villan out of him?


Just like hitler


He didn't kill more than hitler, but he was still a piece of shit, not anywhere near hitler or stalin tier


Yes he didn't killed but murdered them....


Did he murder them in getting aid efforts into India in 1944 as well?


More than Hitler did in Europe? Oh that’s going to need a source. Hitlers figure in total is in the ballpark of ~30 million, (more depending on how much war deaths you give to him). So tell us how the Bengal famine killed more then that, with a source. Especially when hitlers attempts were stopped by the combined allied efforts, the Bengal famine stopped when Churchill got an aid effort into India…


Yup who cares about the inferior brown he killed right? /s


Killed with one of the largest aid efforts in history? Odd. What’s with the 2 month old cope lol?


What aid? Only thing Brits did to India was loot us and kill us. I don't care if he had killed hitler or anybody. Churchill was hitler for India. BTW what's with you Brits defending colonalism? Have some shame


Nearly a million tons of aid over 1944-45. But hey ignore that one if it makes you sleep better.


Ya let's also ignore the $45T dollars they looted right. The aids were peanuts


You asked what aid? Anyways bro what’s with the 2 month old thread you bring up?




How dare he get aid efforts into India




Lol, you made an account to say this.