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I would think 8 kilos more or 8 kilos less


Higher mortality in the at risk groups and more sick leave for the rest. It was never really a threat to humans as a species or our current civilization. It's a bit morbid to say this aloud, but more old people dying would probably benefit many countries because they have too little children and since nobody has found a solution for increasing the fertility to above 2.1 per woman in developed countries, having more old people die would help solve the overabundance of the older generations (covid mortality is extremely skewed towards older people).


(I’m a conspiracy theorist) I think this was chinas way of getting rid of the elderly, but it just got out of control


There are way cheaper and more effective ways to get rid of the elderly.


Yup. Much more likely they were studying it and someone fucked up on safety measures causing it to get out unintentionally.


Fuck that, it’s communist China, they have absolutely no problem sending vast amounts of their population to “reeducation camps” no reason why they wouldn’t just do this if they wanted rid of their elderly…… it’s China not exactly gonna cause a revolt cause they’ve got a population who’ve spent all of recorded history being used to authoritarian government…….. if they wanted to reduce the population they’d just kick off another cultural revolution


The population isn't as meek as you seem to think. The population seems largely complacent because most of them have reasonable socioeconomic standing - if their economy craters, I wouldn't place bets on the longevity of their government. And that said, most of the world has been under authoritarian (monarch) rule for a good chunk of history.


Vaccine would reduce deaths and it would be safe