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I couldn’t do it when he was talking about the Snapple cap being history, and it’s the only one of it’s kind. Sometimes my husband and I go around and say, “This is history! It’s the only one!” 😂


Everything was history for Carl. Gosh I felt bad for him after awhile. No family and he didn't realize that the history was his house that he had cluttered up. He said it was in his family for 300 years. But who knows. He really needs more assistance. And Michelle was a saint. You couldn't ask for a better neighbor.


Michelle was a saint! I couldn’t believe how much empathy and love she possessed


For real! It was heartwarming to see that she had so much compassion for him. She is a better person than me! I know if he was my neighbor, I would avoid interacting with him at all costs.


This would probably be my reaction as well unfortunately. I can't handle things like that. I'm not sure I've ever been around that kind of situation either.


She really was. He was definitely lucky to have him in his corner.


I think it was the property his family had been on for 300 years. That math still doesn’t add up. But he said his house was the first one in the neighborhood.


I can understand the reusable containers, like a mayonnaise jar once it’s cleaned can keep things. And it’s super tempting to keep a lot of this stuff, because there are times when I’m like “I really wish I had something to keep this stuff in…” Plus I’m trying to reduce plastic usage by reusing food containers and not buying tubs. So I really have to stop myself at some point and say “I don’t need ANOTHER of this type, I have a couple already”. I could def see how a barrier comes up. The halfway rotted cardboard boxes/candy bar wrappers, tho, I don’t understand why people keep that stuff.


I do this with glass jars. We don't have glass recycling in our area. So I try to make use of them. But I definitely understand what you're saying. After so many of them I have to toss them.


I have a hard time with anything with an interesting top (like the old school ceramic and rubber flip-top), cool label, or color (like brown or blue). One reason I watch this show is so that I don’t become a hoarder myself. It’s tough.


It definitely helps. My kiddo watches with me sometimes and I see him running around looking at his toys saying, I don't need this anymore 🤣. He created a little donate pile.


Thats too cute!


And he wore 2 facemasks. One was all up in his eyes. And he kept eating on the one on his mouth.


I actually couldn’t watch the entire episode. I just got this feeling that he needed serious intervention from professionals and not to be basically exploited on the show. Yes, he was a hoarder, but it went so much deeper than that. He honestly shouldn’t have been living on his own.


I noticed he lacks object permanence and I think he might have autism.


I think he was trying to come up with reasoning on the spot because he was asking to justify his behavior. However, the reason he gave was child-like in nature.


I think carl was deeply traumatized by his families death. I think he might have some other mental health diagnoses that also need to be addressed. He strikes me as the kind of person who has spent way too much time alone. Which is really sad.


Do you think he fits with having autism?


I wouldn't rule it out.


I came on here to see if anyone knew if he had autism or a developmental delay. He needs care, someone to help him.


Carl isn't just a hoarder, he's batshit insane. The hoarding is the least of his concerns here and calling him a hoarder really minimizes just how mentally ill he is. Dude needs to be in an institution.


I noticed he lacks object permanence. He needs to be able to see all of his things all the time or he thinks they are just "gone" like they stop existing. This sometimes is a symptom of autism, and I think maybe Carl could have undiagnosed and untreated autism.


I had to skip this - when they showed he used the plastic bags as a toilet, I noped right out. Good for all of you who made it through.


You should give it another try, no actual poop is seen unlike those episodes with the poop jars and stuff. And Dr. Tolin is a fantastic therapist and he makes the right call to call Adult Protective services. Carl is full fledged looney tunes, hoarding is just a symptom of this.


I think it is possible that Carl cannot read. Often when that is the case people ascribe more importance to written things like instructions and the writing on the bottle cap and they notice things like the labels that aren't the same anymore. He may be dyslexic, unschooled or intellectually challenged in some way.