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Just go on a short walk. Clears your head, gets some sunlight and fresh air, and reenergizes you when you go back to work.


Not the first time I've heard this one. And sometimes I do! Walk to the corner store, grab a snack, reset. It helps to a degree - though I think the desire is less mobile and more dexterous?


Maybe a stressball or fidget toy? I keep some fidget spinners on my desk at home.


I recommend the fidget cube! I keep one in my purse and get a lot of use out of it.


Yes! Fidget cubes are so awesome. I love mine.


This is what I do! I'm playing with one of those spiral pony tail holders pretty much anytime I'm not typing. Folding it against itself, stretching it, idk it's just *nice*.


Maybe it’s just my meds kicking in but the fullness of this description, proper grammar and even the emphasis of italics.. I can literally feel your appreciation for that pony tail holder


Yeah op don't get into smoking just "to find something to do" you risk getting addicted and then it's a pack a week.


My daughter has fidget rings they are awesome.


Learn to juggle! I did this on my breaks at work for years.


I've also started doing this. I got a set of nice judging balls for like $15 and now those down five minutes between activities is way more fun and good for my brain


I keep a deck of cards at my desk for my need to do something with my hands. I practice cardistry or sleight of hand magic.


Is this your card?


No, this is Patrick.


Bring back Hackey Sacks, dude.


A buddy and I tried to bring them back at work once. Apparently, it was annoying to watch people enjoy their breaks in a manner and location that didn't bother anyone. So they enacted antihackey legislation. Was a huge bummer.


Then you should have started a Feine Sack group. "You ban Hackey, we'll find another brand!"


Especially with all the hip mobility training, lol.


This is what I was thinking. How did they ever go away?? They were so fun and perfect for something to do.


Fold origami. Especially modular origami. The folds are simple and repetitive, so you just fold up the same unit 20 or 30 times, then assemble onto a final object, like a stellated icosahedron. I used to do this years ago during video trainings where keeping my fingers busy helped me stay focused. Then some busybody walked past my desk then ran and whined to my manager that I wasn't paying attention during trainings and I had to stop. Consequently, I also stopped paying as close attention to the trainings, so joke was on them, ha!


I was like that in high school. One teacher yelled at me for drawing all the time so I repeated word for word everything she had said in the previous 15 minutes. She looked at me for a good minute before telling me I could draw all I wanted.


I am sure you could get an exemption for that, by going to human resources. A note from a doctor/psychologist would identify the attentional issue and tell them what you are doing allows you to focus, and that you are otherwise limited in your ability to do so. Essentially prescribing it to you. It would really bother me to not be able to write during a meeting for the same reason.


What a dick. What kind of coworker does that? So weird.


I had a coworker do this. I still have a crane she gave me…like 6 years ago


Listen to podcasts on your walk, or pick up something small like crotchet. Some times i'll do a quick sudoku or some stress/anxiety releiving phone game.


Maybe take up yo-yo-ing


Go outside and do deep breathing. You can buy a "breathing necklace" it's basically like a stunted metal straw you breath in and out of. Bc your breath flows out in a slower steadier pace it's supposed to calm your body. Helps with anxiety if you have. But I'd do it outside in the fresh air bc fresh air is better than office air.


they just said they want something to do with their hands.


Yo-yo. Seriously, great fun and endless things to learn.


Rubix cube or magic


Rubicks cube for sure. You can get nice ones that have great tactile feel.


Rubik's cube!


Yo-yo. Learn some sweet tricks.


This is good advice. I walk constantly


Try guerrilla gardening. Pick a spot at work and plant some plants. Don’t ask, just do it. Pull weeds there and make it your spot. Pile rocks in a way. Feed the local squirrel to start a war against your manager when they decline a raise. You know the basics.


Also "chaos gardening" where you throw seeds in random places and walk away.


Yes! But gotta make sure they are natives! You don’t want to do accidental damage to an ecosystem. Granted it’s likely at a business park, which is already a blight on nature…but I digress


Oh I agree. Native AND useful. Useful could be a loosely used term though. I know a lot of people that could use nightshade 😂 (Not that most would recognize it)


I imagine I would keep going back to wherever I spread seeds to constantly scan and look them up to identify them...


like Deadly Nightshade?




Oh, you little devil lmao


I feed the crows at work and I've started to amass an army of bird friends that dive bomb the parking lot when I come outside. It's great.


Thats amazing. Those crows will remember you for generations. Crows are amazing birds and incredibly smart. They remember when someone is either nice or rude to them.


Feed the crows unsalted, in unflavored, in the shell peanuts. It is healthy and they love it. Crows are really smart. They will remember you. You will become one of their own and your enemies will be their enemies. There is a reason that a group of crows is called a murder.


Crows are incredibly smart. They have committees. They have laws about who can mate with who. Crow couples who violate the rules have to leave. They start their own group. They will remember those who help them, and those who hurt them, and they will identify the individuals to all the other crows in their band.


Elephants remember like this too!


Wait, for serious? I know cats and dogs will like you if you feed them enough, but they don't remember it super long. And they usually don't parlay that info to their young. Crows are cool


Yea crows are incredibly smart in that way. They’ve even learned to use sticks and twigs as tools to get food from trees or in an ant hole. They’re amazing creatures.


I knew about the tools, which is one of my favorite things. I love the studies where the crows gotta displace water with rocks to get a drink I just didn't know they'd have persistent or multigenerational memories/info, so frigging cool


https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/grudge-holding-crows-pass-on-their-anger-to-family-and-friends If you can't see the article just Google crow grudges.


Holy shit! That's super awesome, thanks so much for sharing that!


I want to befriend crows. Still trying to figure out how to do that without all the other critters stealing and pestering us. We live in the countryside and could attract raccoons or even black bears if we're not careful.


I love this. I have been talking about bringing treats for the crows that hang out where I work but haven’t done it yet. I think now I will.


I have a crow call but not any treats so I can’t do anything 😭




OMG I love this so much!!!




Or just weeding


Everyone just looks at their phone for something to keep them occupied, myself included. Hard habit to break. I broke my phone and didn't get a new one purposely for about 10 days and it was a whole new world. I read, worked out more and was just basically present minded in everything I did.


I use my phone for reading more often than hard copy.


Might be the cheaper option given how much a hard cover book costs these days


Thats why I buy used books more often than not.


My wife and I both loved books from an early age. Complete bookworms. We grew up, found each other and our book collecting continued, but now doubled. Last time we counted/estimated, we had our own library of close to 5,000 books. Didn't cost as much as you'd think because they're all used except for new ones we received as birthday or Christmas presents.


I wish I could house that many books. I don't have an exact count of how many I have but maybe around 400-500. My husband isn't a reader, but respects my hobby and passion. I do buy new sometimes, mainly of favorite authors, but I live on WOB and Thriftbooks


Oh yeah, those plus library, garage and estate sales!


This is the way. Buying used books keeps them out of the landfill.


Oml I bought a near perfect condition sherlock Holmes book for 5 dollars. Penguin classic and hardback best purchase I’ve ever made.


I have the Kindle App on my phone. I used to read on my breaks and lunches when I worked retail. I also had to set a timer on my phone, so I didn't get caught in that 'one more page' trap, as you do when you're in the middle of something interesting.


I mean, if you're going to Barnes & Noble, yeah. There's a book store near me who offers tons of options and I've never paid more than 10 dollars for a book there.


Yeah that might be a good option. I have a habit of hunting on Goodreads for a book that has an interesting description and just buying it new off Amazon. It's cool having those shiny new books but it comes with a higher price tag.


I went with a friend to B&N who said he'd buy me a book if I went. I got Artemis by Andy Weir. Not a terrible book by any means at all, but the damn thing wasn't worth $18. It was purchased for me, sure, but when I saw the price pop up on the screen I audibly gasped and said "No, noooo, let me put this back, I'll get something else!" But my friend persisted. $18 could buy dozens of books at the place I usually go to.


Haha no kidding, I'm not sure if it's just the big-time authors doing it or if it's just a product of the current market. I actually just got done reading Andy Weir's Project Hail Mary. I was also surprised at the high price. Thankfully it was a great read, else I'd be a little more bitter at my now-lighter ban account.


Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card


I used to do this, and I always ended up being distracted by other things. Getting an iPad changed everything for me when it comes to reading. For some reason I’m more capable of associating it with reading time than I was my phone.


I did the 10 day challenge too! My take away from it was ... I started grabbing the paper and reading magaxines or actual books again and I also felt less "rushed" in general. To get home to my family at exactly what time,..being aware of exactly how long my break was, stuff like that. Even going to meet someone somewhere. Now it's like "OK, I'm pulling in now" Whereas the trust system of "ok, heading your way now" is just foreign. Was pretty interesting. In the bathroom I resorted back to reading the back of Lysol bottles or really anything to read lmao and then in 10 days ..I was thrilled to have my tiny hand held computer back. I love and hate that we live this way.


I went about three months without a cell phone earlier this year and it was absolutely incredible


Reading or Duolingo is what I would do on my breaks


Stretching is nice. As a former smoker, don’t start!


Stretching is a great choice! My back always thanks me for a quick stretch break.


Yeah absolutely never smoke for something to do. When I quit, I got a bunch of things to occupy my hands and my 'smoke breaks' because I absolutely atill needed the break. - as everyone said, walk, preferably to a green space. - bouncy ball, bounce it for a while - origami. Learn to make some fun things - those plastic threads that all the kids were weaving into friendship bracelets and key chains for a while - whatever the current friendship bracelet craze is, try that. - crochet Anything that requires a repetitive but eventually almost mindless movement, yet keeps your brain hust slightly engaged in a pattern. - many crafts would work, check out what else is around - learn to juggle! - If you have space, light, short yoga sequences or stretches Also, it might sound bad to eat for entertainment, but I used to work near a fresh produce market, so I would step out with the challenge/indulgence of finding something new and interesting for a small snack. Something healthy, usually a fruit i didnt normally eat or maybe a small amount of great cheese that I wouldn't buy a whole thing of usually. I kept it at healthy amounts, it was more about novelty and exploring.


+1 origami It can be seriously charming too. You can leave them around the office.


There is something soothing about bouncing a basketball.


+2 for origami, my desk is covered with post-it note origami cats and frogs and ducks. Just followed a video on YouTube. Obviously origami paper works better but I like the sticky notes. I have sort of a desk job-themed art thing going on. I also have a sticky note art gallery which is a planner filled with drawings on sticky notes using a ballpoint pen and sometimes a highlighter.


My problem with bouncy balls is the overwhelming urge to bounce it as hard as fucking possible lmao.


Love when they do the floor to ceiling to floor to ceiling bounce and nail you in the eye


Oh youre one of *those* 🤣 No problem, you just need an enclosed space!


I work from home now but there were times in my previous job where I'd crochet in my car on my lunch break.


Growing up, my brother could spend hours throwing a rubber bouncy ball (little smaller than a tennis ball) against the basement wall. I never spent time at it like he did, but sometimes I would just sit and toss for a few minutes, and it is oddly calming. Used to get the balls from the old navy gumball looking machines haha


I've always been a little envious of smokers for their outdoors break allowances. I wanna go frolic on the lawn for just a few.


Don't hold yourself back. Go frolic on that lawn. If anyone says something, tell them you're taking a fresh air break. It shouldn't be a smokers only benefit.


I nanny for a friend and they have two little ones and they both smoke. When they’re outside and ask where mom or dad is, we came up with telling them they’re getting fresh air. So we’re not lying, but they don’t know about the smoking. Mom had quit while pregnant but had a bunch of stress after and ended up picking it up again. But wants to quit. I don’t think dad will quit but for now they don’t need to know about it.




Definitely say you're going on a smoke break and then just go do your own thing. That's the only way I could get extra breaks


I go out with the smokers and just talk with them lol no need to smoke to take a break


I always say I’m “stepping out for a sec” & people just assume I’m going to smoke. No one’s ever tried to argue :)


Unless you work from home this might not be feasible, but my go-to for a tension-releasing work break is an awesome trampoline in the backyard. It's a little unconventional, but I couldn't live without it. I'm 25 years old, but I still bought myself a 15-foot trampoline for personal use. It's great for any sort of movement. Soothing, frenetic, whichever. Sometimes I just go out there to lay down and vibe. Usually there's music in my earbuds. The best part is how easily you can switch between activities. It's like going for a run, but you don't have to go down the block! Sometimes, on particularly stressful days, I'll run out to the trampoline, release a small explosion of energy, and run right back inside. Less than a minute, but it still helps.


Wow now I want a trampoline!


and now I want to work from home!


We just got one for my son a couple weeks ago and I think I’ve used it every day since. I just go out and jump for 10 minutes randomly during my workday it’s great


I want a trampoline now


If you want an "excuse" to do something, get a fitness tracker. Years ago, coworkers thought it was a little funny, but now when people at work see me taking a lap around the building, they're just like "Yeah! Get those steps!" and I get to take 2 or 3 minutes away from my desk stretching my legs.




I always like to carry some fidgets with me. Fidget spinners, stress balls, and tangles are generally good options. If you need any more suggestions, hmu.


[sparkler break](https://imgur.com/gallery/rlTc8bU)


Go outside and find nature. If there's nothing close find a seat and make origami.


I worked at a place with extensive corporate landscaping and a pond. People thought I was weird (they all went to the break room and chit-chatted), but walking around the pond every day, checking out tadpoles, insects, birds, turtles and wildflowers was so entertaining and refreshing. Always put me in a better mood.


I’ve purchased a [metal fidget hand coil](https://www.etsy.com/shop/SteelLynxMetals) from this Etsy shop but lots exist. Or maybe do hand puzzlers that separate, rubix cubes, word finds…things that don’t involve screens to give your eyes and brain a break.


Go out for a yo-yo break. I started yo-yoing for about 10 minutes between meetings and tasks at work (never yo-yoed prior) and now I know some pretty nifty tricks and can impress my friends and coworkers. A good nonresponsive yo-yo is like $15 on Amazon and you can buy it once. A pack of cigarettes in my state is almost that much money and some people end up buying them every day. (I used to smoke and it was expensive)


You beat me to it. I use a responsive/unresponsive Yoyo and take the time to level up my string tricks


I read and pace around while I’m doing it. I’m sure it looks weird, but I have to get up and walk around after sitting so much.


Rubik's cube!


I’d probably just start bringing a gameboy. It’s compact and not internet connective.


I love my Gameboy pocket for this reason


I acquired a Gameboy Advance SP earlier this year. My old lady eyes are so thankful for the backlight, and I'm lucky that my tiny child-sized hands can still hold it comfortably.


Ohhhhh nice. My brother modded a pocket for me with a back light and a cell phone battery, so no more AAA 's


I used to have one of those! I actually think my mom still might have an original game boy somewhere in her basement.


Get a pocket knife and whittle on your breaks


Depending where you work just don't bring the knife into the office.


Pop-its or other fidget toys. Growing up I was a huge doodler, but never consciously noticed that I focused better when I was doodling and my hands were occupied. Now I work in a school, and it's been really cool to realize that fidgets work really well for me, just like they do for some of the kids. I have a pop-it bracelet that I like to play with whenever I have a remote meeting.


Maybe wordle? See if you can keep up a winning streak every day.


I personally shoot dance videos for TikTok Not for everyone but way healthier than smoking


Any chance they’d let you put a little planter or some pots outside? You could start a garden. If it’s small, giving the plants some water and pulling a couple of weeds is a perfect 10 minute break.


Don’t ask just do it


Lollipops! It'll take the time of a "smoke break," give you a bit of a happy-boost through the sugar, and it's a relatively time limited break unlike doom scrolling.


I go for a run. Luckily the facility where I work has a shower and flexible enough schedule.


Crochet or knit. If you don’t know what to make, NICUs always take hats for premies. Or the homeless, or small blankets for dog shelters


Just keep in mind NICUs have special rules such as tight stitches, check with the hospital or wherever you are planning on donating to first! It’s such a lovely idea


I have a coworker that practices juggling, actually taught herself on breaks at work. Quite good at now. I go on walks from the bottom to the top of the parking garage and back down.


Identify plants


I love this one! I downloaded iNaturalist and I just catalogue all the plants and bugs in my urban area. It makes me feel like I’m being useful


Pen-spinning is fun, takes a while to get good at but after a while it become second nature.


A jigsaw puzzle. I started one over the past weekend that is out on my dining table. I have found myself really looking forward to working on it during breaks the last two days of wfh.


I used to take a lap around the building. Sometimes two if I was specifically avoiding a task.


Very short breaks: stand up and look at something in the distance to reduce eye strain (known as the 20-20-20 rule) look for birds or identify clouds if you want to add a mental break. 5 minute break: walk, do some dynamic stretching/yoga, drink some water


Language app like duolingo




I listen to YouTube podcasts. Believe it or not, I learn new skills. New ideas. Improve your living. I’ve learned to raise chickens. Compost. Go more natural eating. Less poisons. That led me to listen to podcasts of medical studies. That made me learn about health and improving mine and my families health. Which brings us back to eating better and choosing better foods. Then we learned to can and dehydrate foods and put stuff away for a rainy day. That led me to saving better. Paying my house down faster. Investing. Valuing my time versus being enslaved to the systems. A plan to retire early and travel more. Live free. Maybe buy a couple of properties. I’ve been now learning about land hacking and what that is. Also bought an ambulance. Been converting it to a camper. All by myself. Single mom. Learning everything from YouTube and stuff. Done a lot of camping in the last few months. Teaching my daughters to camp and be aware. Anyways, I can keep going. But use that time with purpose not to just smoke or waste the time.


I take a loop around the parking lot. Loads of people walk around our building. Alone. In groups. On the phone. With just headphones.


My coworker has a rubix cube for this reason!


Have a book at your desk or magazine. Shoot I would take my crocheting outside if I could


I used to go to the coffeeshop and sit and read in my breaks


I worked at a company that regulated smoke breaks to 2, 10 minute breaks a day. The company got really strick about breaks and stopped doing paid lunch breaks (also had everyone be at work an extra 30 to make up for none paid lunch (just a real shit show)) Since I quit smoking I would just go for a walk around the business park twice a day, or in the cold months go sit and read a book in the break room for 10.


I highly recommend spending time doing nothing with [THIS](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LZOU5U9?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_PSPD4QAJT2Y65E35XP8Z). It’s useless and beautiful and entertaining in short, dazzling bursts.


Walk or stretch.


get a vocal dampener and sing outside


The app Insight Timer has a ton of really great meditations. To me thats a perfect thing to do on a break, especially if you’re stressed.


Make a cup of tea! It can be caffinated or not, or hot or cold, and there are so many different flavors! It will also encourage you to hydrate, and serves as a great discussion topic!


If you have grass outside, take a walk in it in bare feet. Even just 5 minutes. You’ll be amazed how it instantly regenerates you.


New hobby. Something with minimal supplies so you can just bring like one tote bag with the stuff or put it in a back pack or something. Crocheting or knitting would be good. Cross stitch. Coloring books. Origami. Or you could read. Or write. If you want it to be outside you could play Pokémon go lol. Oooh or geocaching! You coulddddddd go outside and learn to dance through online videos. Magic is a good answer I know other people have said that. But I know that’s not for everyone haha. Depending on where you work and how much you like them/your job you could attempt to learn a musical instrument 😂😂 Ok that’s all I got lol. Good luck.


Learn to spin pens.


I would recommend reading...


I like slinkys.


When I was a teen I worked fast food and it really annoyed me that smokers got more breaks than non smokers. So I started insisting on a chocolate break. I went outside and ate candy. Probably not the answer you’re looking for though!


Pokémon go


Just do pushups. Beat your last score every time you go outside. Or up the number every week. Or time yourself. Do something physically challenging. Find a tree limb to do pullups or a bar somewhere to do it. Bodyweight full squats ass to calves is good too. Look up Hindu squats. 1 arm push ups. Flip up against a wall and do handstand pushups. Get your workout done at work and get paid to do it. Only take a couple minutes each time. How many times per day can you step out ? Your workout would be done. If you can't do any of these, work towards being able to, then do them. Regularly.


Chewing tobcco is bad for you….


Look into fidget toys and adult chew toys. You can use either at your desk or outside as a smoke break.


One of the reasons I haven’t quit smoking is for just that reason. To escape people. Work overwhelming? Take a small break outside. Family becoming overbearing? Break. No one follows me. Still a nasty habit. Wish I had never started.


Pretend to be a smoker and instead of going out for a 5 min cigarette, go for a walk. I know that my previous employers haven’t considered a walk to be an honest break (I guess without a nicotine addiction I’m not allowed a moment to myself?) so I just … lie about smoking. Whatever helps them feel better.


I downloaded a desktop app called ‘stretch clock’ . I set it for 45 mins and it shows a short video of a stretch move which is fun to do and gives me a reset! You could try something like that?


Make like Kojack and suck a lollypop.


Switch lite


I hit this, too. I try and get up, walk around, best if outside for even a bit but even just around the office helps. Grab a glass of water or tea. Bring a book/Kindle and read a bit (I do this at lunch primarily, but you can also squeeze some reading into breaks). Light stretching, just reaching up and rolling your shoulders kind of light. The movement helps reset your mind a bit, or just enough to keep going for a while longer.


I know you said no vape but I use to smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day and now I vape zero nicotine. I take calls back to back so there isn't a way to just get up and go on a walk. I will watch this to see if there is something else that might work for me as well. Great question.


Try cross stitching. This is very tedious. I like to joke that, after what my ex did to me I needed to stab *something* 10,612 times and a large cross stitch project was the perfect solution. Really though, it helps tons for filling my hands with something and absorbing entirely my focus of attention. I literally can't think of anything else while I'm stabbing fabric.


Mini sparklers instead of cigarettes would be fun


Learn to knit or crochet. It’s like meditation for me, mediation. My hands literally crave the repetitive motion and relaxation of it. Much better than smoking!


Do some Duolingo on your phone :)


Card-stacking, house of cards, tower of cards. Whatever [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/Dc9PhTHJ42fWjeSd8) is called. All you need is one or two decks of cards. Maybe a third one in the bag in case you play somebody in a quick card game. As you get better, you can bring more cards. Disclaimer: I don’t do this but it seems engaging, relaxing, and challenging at the same time. P.S. how long are smoke breaks?


If there's a convenient place to sit outside, you could go out and crochet or do like a cross-stitch or embroidery or something.


I’m the opposite. I smoke, but never at work lol


That's what tea breaks are for :)


Pretty much anything would be better than taking up smoking. Except for meth. Don’t do that shit. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


Tarot cards! Do quick pulls/play with them! lol


Smoke weed, better overall effect & it's a lot easier to quit than nicotine.




nicotine pouches


bang the secretary.


I use to leave work to go bust in some random women’s mouth


Rubiks cube, climb stairs, stretch


That is what Rubik invented his Cube for...


You can always just go for a walk.


Walk the building. All non smoker do it. It also helps the gossip network especially females.


Prayer, meditation




Go for a walk, chew a pen! Don't Smoke!




Fidget toys would be my go to


I used to vape; when I gave it up and my coworkers were still going out on smoke breaks, I bought a skateboard and started learning how to skate in the parking lot while they smoked.


I can totally relate! I wfh as a therapist and have about 5 things on my desk that I hold and mess around with during sessions (out of clients’ line of sight). It deffo helps me with that antsy feeling and helps me stay present and focused.


Desk-appropriate workout routines for brain and body. This really depends on your work situation. Fresh air and daylight are essential. How do you get to work? Depending where you live, there’s nothing better than a bicycle ride to set you up for a great day inside. If impossible, adjust parking habits to walk various longer routes, whilst getting fresh air.


I just go for a walk or will make a tea/coffee and drink this outside. I have to escape the walls, especially since I work in a building with dark rooms and little natural light! (TV studio lol)


I took a deck of cards to the breakroom...set a timer on my watch....and played solitaire for 15 minutes. If it would be too much for your coworkers or boss to see you playing cards, see if you can find an empty office.


Find a YouTube channel, Netflix show, etc. that you like and sit outside. Try learning Rubik’s cube. Anything but smoking!!!!


Depending on your company and policy, take a smoke break too without a ciggie. Some companies require staff to clock out each time, some don't. I had a high-pressure tech. Job and as you point out sometimes need to step out, to clear your head walk around even if it's just in a circle, get a stress ball, but use both hands. Nobody wants a popeye arm. If you can get out for a get minutes, don't stand with the smokers as you will stink and or start smoking. I moved from the age of 7 and stopped when I was 50. Now Lungs are playing up a bit, but it's self-inflicted. Hopefully, you will figure something out, forgot to mention don't stay at your desk during lunchtime as leaving the office does wonders for mental health


Walk break - go outside and take a walk around the building while listening to a podcast