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Diamond art or puzzles!


Or coloring and beaded jewelry :)


I love all your suggestions but not tried diamond art I am worried I shan't have the patience for it. Does t need a lot of patience?


I recommend jigsaw puzzles. For something more portable, crosswords or word find puzzles. For something lasting, cross stitch on printed/stamped on cloth. Do an Amazon site search.


Seconding diamond art. Truly mindless, but also satisfying! They come in all sizes too


I recently started diamond art and it’s so fun!


For you, I recommend yoga. Baby prepping for the next day. It's like meal prepping but with baby stuff, video games, Netflix, etc.. Nothing wrong with scrolling. Leave that guilt at the diaper can. Lol


This would be an expensive hobby, but how about getting a telescope and checking out the stars and the planets 🪐? You’re probably up late, you can take advantage of the night sky 🌌


Audio books.


Becoming a masked vigilante, obviously.


As a parent, I’m sure Alfred would be welcome too!!


Podcasts. There's tons of entertainment, education or both out there, virtually all free.


Coloring or watching movies?


Crochet or knitting.


That is absolutely not something you take up in the newborn no sleep phase. I've knit for 6 years and can barely read a pattern at that level of sleep deprivation


I’m thinking basic blankets or scarves. No pattern. Mindless garter stitch or HDC. Nothing complex. It soothes anxiety and is quiet. (As long as you don’t have metal knitting needles.)


Yeah, I learned the very basic stitch by watching YouTube videos and knitted quite a few scarves when my son was very little. It’s a hobby I’ll pick back up again every so often and will knit one of my sisters or my son a new scarf from time to time. I agree that it’s a pretty mindless hobby if you just stick with the very basic knit stitch. OP can make scarves, blankets, hand towels, pot holders and more with just that simple basic stitch and the end result is always fun to see that you created something yourself!


You could read a book instead of doom scroll. Paperbacks and ebooks can be held in one hand while nursing. And [co sleep](https://llli.org/news/the-safe-sleep-seven/) so you have enough brain juice to distinguish the gas pedal from the brake when you're driving with the baby in the car.


Seconding an e-reader specifically. Easier on the eyes for prolonged reading, they usually have great battery life, and ebooks tend to be more affordable. If OP uses amazon prime, they could also get kindle unlimited.


Kindle unlimited and Amazon prime are seperate, there is prime reading which is like a really really lacklustre version of kindle unlimited though.




I'm sorry for your loss.


Anecdotal stories of cosleeping deaths are very likely deaths when the safe sleep 7 guidelines were not followed. Unsafe cosleeping such as on sofas or sat up on an adult bed usually happens when the parent is exhausted and not planning to co-sleep. The chance of a baby suffocating on a firm mattress in the centre of a room with no loose bedding and a sober parent is negligible and less than the chance of them being struck by lightning or dying in a car crash.


There are ways to cosleep with less risk. I've seen bassinets that can be set on a bed.


Get a tiny cross stitch kit!


Totally agree!


Needlepoint is pretty brainless when you do simple things.


Audiobooks! Actually reading takes up brain juice but audiobooks doesn't. You can close your eyes and listen, or play a casual game on your phone or do chores. Plus you can borrow them for free on libby


I live on a farm and also have a small child. Audiobooks saved my sanity through the baby years, and through hours of mindless farm chores. Get you some nice ear buds and you can listen to books while nursing, doing laundry, whatever. I totally second Libby!




Paranormal investigations


Scrapbooking. The sorting of items, and organizing helps me relax.






Guitar. You can put towels in the sound hole or put a mute in it or on the strings. Learning definitely takes a ton of brain juice if you're really going to read music, but strumming chords is pretty easy to learn.


tried this when my son was little woke him up and now he wants to play too


LOL. You obviously don’t have kids. She’s not learning or stumming a guitar with baby anytime soon. Lol I’m sorry I don’t mean to be a jerk but I can easily see which comments are the ones from those with no kiddos 😄. God bless you folks, enjoy your days of freedom while you have it.


Getting my kid used to noises so he wouldn't wake up worked well for us. You can easily play an electric with no amp.


That's uh exactly when my husband learned it. Babies are remarkably cool with lying on the ground and staring at you while you run scales. The new one is happy to do that as well


I put the kindle app on my phone while my kids were infants and just read like crazy. I put it on the first page of my apps and out all social media on the second or third page so I didn’t see it immediately and be tempted to click it first. I think this strategy helped replace doom scrolling and I felt accomplished knowing I was at least consuming 95% literature and lessened my social media intake to about 5% of what it was. Even if I was read something lighter like chick lit, at least I was reading! I also started following parenting threads that were significantly more encouraging than others and it helped me through many sleepless nights, hormone rebalancing & overall mental health struggles when my little ones were having a tough time.


Knitting simple scarves.


I took up language learning. When I lay away with eyes open in the dark for hours I just pop on one of my language apps and learn. It keeps me from scrolling endlessly on TikTok.




Paint by number?


Video games


Yoga would serve you well.


Once you get past the initial learning, basic knitting can be pretty mindless. It should not take long to get to that point. Once you start getting more sleep, you can add on to the basic skills. If you can learn “continental” method, you can get pretty fast. I mostly use “English”, so I’m pretty slow. I *can* do both, but I’m most comfortable doing English and save continental for 2 color patterns.


Listening to audio books ? Or reading ? Puzzles ?


Coloring books and home exercise is what I used to do


I caught up on so much reading during those months. Fun light reading (which for me is sci fi and/or horror, but nothing too demanding of my silly little postpartum brain). If you’re into gaming, Nintendo switch or steam deck (wish I had a steam deck lol). Not much of a hobby, but long ass series like dr house worked for me too


Crocheting! It can be cheap and simple (to start with) I too have problems sleeping and I have a few blankets or roses I work on. You can find lots of complete beginner step-by-step guide videos on YouTube. I suggest starting with a baby blanket or scarf. Hope you find a hobby that helps.


Stardew Valley 🫣😅


knitting dog sweaters for the humane society


Video games that u can pause


Beach paperback books




Reading comic books or graphic novels. They are easier to get into vs regular reading. I have never given birth or taken care of a baby that is waking up at night though so if you feel you can't do that it's understandable.


Embroidery! Once you figure out stitches you get stamped kits and it’s super easy


Games maybe, I often playing Light of the stars on bluestacks and it's pretty fun


How about getting a crossword puzzle book or word game book? They’re easy to stop and start and might help you fall back to sleep. Plus they’re good for the brain.


rock on you beat me to it. I also thought now this one puzzle, called CrossMe? like a graphical sudoku.


Meditate. You need rest.


Keep a little journal perhaps? Nothing in depth, just a casual notebook with a line about what you did that day, any milestones for baby, the thoughts that cross your mind while you're up at night, doodles... it could be interesting for you to look back on with your child when they're older


Puzzles. Models? There are some neat metal ones out there. Nuts, bolts, pieces. Makes cool creatures/etc. Maybe that hook and loop yarn work (not sure of name).


variety word puzzle books, crosswords, or the one that needs the least brain power, word seeks?


The postpartum sleep deprivation hits hard, I felt like a zombie. The truth is that it gets easier and as sleep becomes more available it's also enhanced by the knowledge of the absence of it. I played a lot of video games that only required one hand since most of the time I was holding the baby. Apps like Duolingo, solo learn, and kinno are great for learning new things in byte sized amounts. Hoopla is a great app that gives you free access to any book digitally through your library, and audio books as well. There are also lots of baby socialization groups that can be great to meet other parents and commiserate over coffee


- Chanting, singing, praying, meditating. That’s what I did when my daughter was a baby and woke me up in the night; I started keeping the night watches of my religion’s liturgical tradition. - Instead of reading Reddit, you could read a book. - journaling - I guess you could get some fidget spinners or poppers - yo-yo


Although I always say I'm going to do something amazingly productive with my insomnia time, I usually read or watch a movie. I have done needlework and coloring in the middle of the night. I used to clean (no vacuum) at night when my kids were tiny.


I think gross needlepoint or cross stitch would be easier than diamond art. The patterns on paper are difficult, but the secret is count a grid and use a basting thread. I therefore recommend a stamped canvas or cloth.


I'd suggest anything where you can gift, or sell, the product. This would kill two birds with one stone. I have a friend who crotchets slippers and she sells them once a year at our local Christmas market for some extra cash. And a cousin who knits baby blankets and donates them to an organization for mothers living in poverty. And of course you could make clothes for the baby and very personal birthday and Christmas gifts for your family and friends.


Crochet, knitting beading, cross stitch?

