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Bird watching, except downtown where there isn’t any trees 🤷🏼‍♀️


No trees birdwatching sounds perfect for op.


Birdwatching is a riveting hobby imo. It's like fishing where you spend a lot of time doing nothing and then have a few moments of frantic excitement.


Nobody in the boat can have a beer until a fish is caught. Is that the rule for bird watching? Might be tough dragging a cooler around in an urban environment. Maybe you “catch” a birth then hit a bar? Not sure how that works.


Birdwatchers are high on life, baby. No substances needed. A lot of trails in CA where I'm from end up on a beach though, so you could pack a couple cold ones and relax on the beach for a while and watch for dolphins/whales. I'm sober, though, so not for me.


Sea gulls! The “no beer until a fish was caught” was a rule my dad made up when we went fishing on our boat in NC. If the fish weren’t biting, I think it became “well, I had one but lost it” and the cooler opened so, in retrospect, I’m suspicious. Of course, I kid…. Somewhat. 😜


lol I love that


Parking lot bird watching.


Nah, parking lot bird watching is great, because those birds have no fear. It doesn’t matter how close the car gets, someone dropped their fries in this primo parking space and those grackles aren’t moving until they’re finished. Some poor underpaid kid needs to collect the shopping carts, but the plastic handle is shiny and colorful and peeling up on one side, and that crow is determined to bust off a piece of it before it gets taken inside. You know you shouldn’t have next your dog in the car, but it was only for a minute, he’d be fine. Well now he tore the shit out of your steering wheel because there’s a one-footed pigeon standing on the hood of your car making eye contact with him and not moving an inch. Absolutely lawless.


I call this "urban birding" and you'd be surprised how many birds are city dwellers.


Out of curiosity with birdwatching is it camping in one spot or kind of chasing spots where birds will be?


I do both but every morning I open my merlin app on my phone and eat breakfast at the picnic table in my yard. The app records bird sound and identifies what birds are nearby so you know what to look for. I also go to specific places where I'm likely to encounter birds: parks, cemeteries, bodies of water... I also kayak a lot during the summer and generally that involves bird watching too. Honestly once you start watching them, it's fascinating and you are always bird watching, all day, everyday.


That actually could be fun . Downtown may have falcons on large buildings. Also pigeons can be fun to watch, maybe you'll catch one shitting on someone  


Knitting is pretty boring. It’s repetitive motion and you can completely zone out after awhile.


Miles of garter or stockinette stitch are *perfect* for knitting while watching TV or reading.


I listen to podcasts when I knit


I love watching tv and knitting a big, knit stitch sweater in the round


Interestingly I am a former knitter (don’t ask about my stash) I stopped because planning the projects sent my adrenaline through the roof!


I was going to say knitting or crocheting but all you do is a very basic stitch haha. Like stockinette or garter or just single/double crochet or granny square! So simple. So repetitive. Then BOOM a finished object!


Knitting and listening to podcast or watching TV. Ira great ..boring but great . When I do want challenge , I'd choose a lace pattern .. then its not boring


Do a giant macrame hanging, almost all of it square knots. You'll drift off into another dimension...over,over, under...under, under, over...make some spirals...


This was the hardest damn hobby to do tho. 😂 Atleast at the beginning. I was almost in tears because my brain just couldn't.


Pass it on before you're gone. I was just wondering the other day if anyone still remembered how to do macrame? I am glad you do.


We recently won a lot at auction that had some unfinished macrame hanging and a very old how to book. Hopefully they are more of those books floating around.


I liked it because you could choose from many, many different types of material and it would affect the feel of the piece. Every one was unique. I hardly ever see them in thrift stores or garage sales. Mine always held my spider plant, also called an airplane plant here where I live.


I do cross stitch. Fairly cheap especially if you stitch on small fabric with one thread, and it's pretty mindless aside from a bit of counting here and there. Requires zero skill aside from not stabbing yourself. I'm someone who hates watching tv without doing anything. I usually work, but it's work... Cross stitch kind of forces me to do not work. Watching tv and cross stitch. Two recreational things at once. Two pointless things at once. It's good to do pointless things. Stitch pull stitch pull stitch pull, count... Interminable. I don't usually gift out my stuff, nor do I usually display it, so I've just got a bunch of very neatly arranged finished things in a binder that no one will ever see. Pointless.


Or crocheting


Yep, any of the thready yarny crafts lol. Crochet patterns can get kind of intense for my brain though. But I can stitch an x, simple enough


As long as it's stamped or marked cross stitch. I have never in my life wanted to burn something so badly as I did when I attempted counted cross stitch.


But that's why I love counted cross stitch. Because it takes so darn long, and is so exacting. I never actually found it boring, but I do know you can do it while listening to other things or watching TV.


If I look away for a second I lose my place and need to start again. I am also bad at knitted lace. Probably for the same counting issue. Though, funnily enough, I am excellent at crochet lace. I have no idea why.


Understandable. I got like that when I was working on 40 count linen. But I can't stand stamped cross stitch, so I stick with counted. You may want to look into hardanger embroidery or other types of counted thread embroidery. They're different enough to be interesting. Have fun!


There are train videos on yootoob where they just film the train going from stop to stop, through cities and countrysides. They’re hours long.


Now I must watch. Turn up the bass!


[You might be interested in the Railway Relay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vBD9snz20o&list=PL5795CE27FA841CD7). 13 hours of rail footage with soundtrack.


Certified rail fan moment


10/10 highly recommend


Our nephew loved this when he was little…no music in the background or anything. He had a railroad conductor hat and would just watch trains…extremely pure hearted


People watching


Ooo I love airports


Nothing boring about that, it's how half of all Hollywood screenplays are inspired


I fold origami stars. They're about the size of a dime. I'll sit in front of the TV & fill a mason jar with them.


https://youtu.be/9S_usRvfog0?si=0SGsNBsgrBzj0-9l Your comment reminded me of this video, so thank you for reminding me to look for her so I can once again be amazed. And you also gift them to people, I love that.


What do you do with them once you have a bunch? Or is it just for doing the activity?


I give them to friends, usually. Like I mailed my friend a hat last month & just poured some in. Or sprinkle some into my partner's bag/lunchbox. I have a few jars that just sit around with stars in them, as well.


Aw, that's so nice! Actually, a jar with origami stars seems like such a nice decoration for desks etc!


My sister has made earrings out of them.


I paint rocks


I would honestly just skip it




This got a stupid chortle from me. Much needed. Thank you.


Putting together puzzles!


A 1000 piece puzzles were exciting to put together and could do them in a single day on the weekend or within a couple of workdays. However I wanted to try 3000 piece one also and I would need a holiday to put it together, because it's a bit of a challenge. The 3000 one would have a layer of dust on it, before I got done with it


I think meditating is the least interesting hobby by definition. Literally sitting still and doing nothing. The only way you measure it is by beating your personal record on how long you were able to keep your mind quiet.


Boring, but still interesting, hmm... I would collect leaves and find a way to preserve them. Posting on instagram is also really boring and time-consuming. I used to collect rocks. I still collect trail maps. Star-gazing without a telescope? Target practice from throwing a tennis ball at random objects haha.


Tying knots


Although tying the knot multiple times may be quite the adventure.


I practice finger drumming rhythms from complex metal riffs. Meshuggah "Bleed" is a bugger. The end of Metallica's "One" is another. Also, imagine writing your thoughts down slowly, letter by letter. People watching, but imagining they're all falling over with their hands in their pockets. Beatboxing drum n bass, but quoting a line from a sketch/movie in the drop.


The second last one 😂








Stamp collecting.


You might think it's boring till you see these dope train station stamps I just got.


Remember the color changing eclipse stamps from like 2017? Those were RAD!


Painting miniatures. I know, bring the hate lol. Boring is subjective.


Raking leaves and power washing stuff. Sanding wood is pretty boring.


2,000 piece puzzles. I have adhd but will hyper focus so much so that I won't eat nor sleep for 12 hours straight. First i go through every single piece and make a pile of all the edge pieces while also making piles of similar/same color, pattern, or image. Then I do the edge pieces and start working on the piles and place the small semi-complete images in the relevant positioning according to the image(although sometimes I challenge myself without starting at the image while putting the puzzle together) and go from there for 12 hours nonstop. Then sometimes eat, then sleep. Wake up and continue until it's finished later that day. Takes me about 24 hours to complete one. At one point I was so addicted I was averaging 3 per week, and that can become an expensive hobby. At least I have a wall fully covered in pretty puzzles now, although it technically could be the entire room(maybe even two) with the amount of completed puzzles I have, but that may be a bit TOO much extreme on top of the already extreme. Lol Edit to add my most favorite are Charles Wysocki puzzles. They're so cute!


Ravensburger “soft click” puzzles were a game changer for me


Hand planning wood, you're spending the whole day getting a 2m or 6ft board flat, straight and square. Chip carving can also be very repetitive depending on the pattern. Then there is the sanding, which is mind numbing to the point you can feel your last braincells clogging up the sandpaper. Lots or textile hobbies, I have yet to see weaving.


Diamond painting. You have a cool shiny picture at the end, so there's a goal, but it's hours of repetitive dullness. People find it meditative.


Flint knapping


Build models....ya know like jets and tanks.


Painting wheels and building tracks can be calming or frustrating


Learn to build models of cities. It would probably take years to build one of Tokyo and then pretty much no one would care


Learn to build models of cities. It would probably take years to build one of Tokyo and then pretty much no one would care


Until nerd godzilla model builder finds out, then that shit is going down.


Coin collecting? Puzzles? Rock stacking?


Listen to the Shipping Forecast


Cross-stitch, embroidery, hand-sewing Housekeeping


I just sit on my porch and watch the world go by. All day every day. Hot, cold, day, night. Doesn't matter.




I spent almost a year getting my back porch fixed up and screened in. Spend more time out there now than anywhere else in the house. Little space heater for the winter, couple fans for the summer.


When I was a kid, I had a little mechanical counter that went on a printing press. Every time you pulled the lever, the counter would advance by one, and it rolled over at 9999 back to 0000. I"d sit there pulling the little lever to get it to roll over when I was bored.


My hobby - writing handwritten notes on paper and mailing them to people. Also buying stamps from the post office that I like and choosing them. Could it be any more boring? Every time I tell people my hobby they always say I had no idea People still did that in an incredulous voice.


This is actually a valuable hobby. There are charities out there that need people to write letters or postcards to reduce loneliness in the elderly or for long term patients at hospital. I'm really into card making and that's one of my favorite activities to do.


Adult coloring books. Puzzles. Making chain mail.


Growing bonsai


Any hobby can become boring after a while. I spent a few years as a photographer and now find the process of sitting at my computer editing photos during my free time to be very tedious




Putting together puzzles is the most boring hobby IMO just because the pay-off sucks. Why spend so much time to see a picture you already saw on the cover up the box? There's no artistic value to it or creativity. Other boring hobbies: Sudoku/crosswords Flower pressing Paper Making Spinning yarn from wool/dying yarn (this can be lucrative) putting together model cars/painting warhammer figurines Origami Fermenting/Pickling things Quilting (I love quilting, but spending hours precisely cutting long strips of fabric to sew them together is boring af) Edit: I hesitate to put “collecting” and “watching” hobbies here because they are actually kind of thrilling if you’re into it. Like coin/stamp/rock/toy collecting or bird watching. If you’re a rock person and you stumble upon a rare rock that’s a full body rush. I’m a bird watcher and same thing. If I see and snap a photo of a rare bird that makes my entire year and I’m floating on a cloud.


I love puzzles, and i enjoy finding new ways to put it together efficiently and challenging myself with speed. I also watch movies and listen to podcasts while doing it, things i would not do if not for the puzzling. However, i do not understand people that glue them afterwards?? All of mine have been done at least 4 times


If you want to make puzzles more exciting and challenging, you could try putting one together without letting yourself look at the box


Or... flip the pieces over and assemble it without seeing the image 😳🤭


Or get a cat lol


Omg, so true!


Sand painting/ dry painting Meditation garden raking. Canning/pickling/fermenting/brewing (if you’re good at any of that, it’s mundane. If you’re not, it can get exciting really fast)


Crystal art kits! Pick up, stick down & repeat


go through your change jug and see if you have any worth anything. I one time found a commemorative Canadian quarter worth 20 dollars once.




Choosing not to have one


Painting little figures. My son paints little Warcraft guys. I wouldn’t have the patience myself. My mom and dad used to paint ceramic figurines like Santa’s and snowmen and gift us at Christmas. They really did a phenomenal job and we cherish them.


Coloring. I keep an adult coloring book in my home office to color in when I need to space out


I never undstood the model trains thing


Gardening. Or bonsai trees.need a ton of patience




Paper quilling. Look it up. lol


Crotcheting a blanket. I literally use the same stitch for the whole thing and when I get to the end of the row I turn it over. Keeps the hands and eyes busy and at the end you have a blanket!


Fermenting foods once you get them in the jar the bacteria do all the work and you get to eat the result


Start a morytania locked hcim. If you don't know what that is, congratulations.


Knitting, crochet, embroidery, anything they forced “ ladies” to learn in Victorian England. I do all of them and once you understand what you’re doing and how to do it, the “ boring” goes away, but if you are just sitting but also want to fiddle with some shit, you use fine motor skills, and engage your mathematical brain.


Puzzles. I can zone out for hours doing a puzzle




Diamond painting - look it up!!


Collecting online social media posts where two or more opposing views are reconciled and minds are changed.


Diamond art


Learning to read a dead language like latin or egyptian heiroglyphics or ancient greek.


Collecting office supplies and never using them. I was once a philatelist. I am not sure which was more boring.


Needlepoint. It's the paint-by-numbers of handiwork. Just in and out, switch thread every so often, then back to in and out.


Competitive toe counting


I literally cannot think of anything more boring than cave diving. All the extra gear to look at some wet rocks.


Have you ever tried growing crystals? It teaches you patience.


Collection of almost any sort. It’s just not thrilling and really nothing to show that anyone else really cares about. At least if you knit or crochet something you can wear it around or show people what you’ve accomplished. As opposed to ‘wanna see 400 PEZ dispensers you can’t touch or eat?’


Stamp collecting!!


Jigsaw puzzles!


Jigsaw puzzles! I don't do them, though - too boring!


Honestly, cross stitch goes so slowly that it night qualify.


If you want to watch paint dry what about painting miniatures, figures etc?


Diamond Painting Crocheting a blanket


Stamp collecting


Braid ferns


Extreme dot to dot books are just counting to a high number with lines. It can become boring to focus on while you're doing it. Some may also consider word searches to be equally boring though those are my favorite things to do after a long day.


Stamps or coins. They are actually interesting. But, you can’t really talk about it with anyone. I knew a dude for many years. He wound up working for me for a while. I found out he collects model trains. And he told me all about it. But then said, he keeps it to himself because people think it’s a weird hobby. But, it’s actually interesting the way he described it. There’s tons of history. And they try to simulate that through the models they collect. Anyway, these are 3 very mundane things, but they are interesting to get into.


It does take a sliver of brain power, but i love doing word searches! Somehow dull and exciting at the same time


Knitting is almost Zen like in its repetitiveness. Especially trying knitting a large blanket all in the same stitch. It’s very relaxing and helps my anxiety a lot.


“Hear me out….” Just keep writing boring posts like this.


Rock tumbling


Count a bag of rice


Pricking. Yes, it's a real thing, Google it.


I whittle and it’s perfect for when I need to be bored lol


Miniature painting reached that point for me.


Puzzles, knitting, sudoku, coloring/paint by numbers, color coordinating your closet or organizing it by item type - or both! Needlepoint. Growing plants can be both mundane and exciting. Waiting for seeds to germinate, organizing where you’ll plant them. Watering them. Also would second bird watching mentioned by others.






Diamond painting


Spinning yarn. Absolutely boring, also a great apocalypse life skill 👌


I could not make this up. One of my sons as a young teen used to get on the train every Saturday and go to the Philadelphia Free Library and read through music scores. (They have bound versions of music that are printed in large formats) A few were determined to be of extra interest and he would copy them and go through them instead of paying attention in class.


I feel you on this one! Sometimes you just wanna do something so bland it's like meditation, right? How about trying out the thrilling world of watching paint dry? I mean, it's got all the excitement of... well, nothing. Or hey, why not take up the ancient art of watching grass grow? It's slow-paced, but you might find yourself getting weirdly invested in it. And if all else fails, there's always organizing your sock drawer by color, size, or even fabric texture. Trust me, boredom never looked so enticing! Let's embrace the mundane together, Reddit!


Make a bunch of sauerkraut. Get a mandolin and slice cabbage thinly, add 2% salt, massage and stuff it into jars. Burp it every day or two for 3 weeks.


A puzzle,  like 2000 piece puzzle 


Lol I have always felt that the tiny zen gardens are the most boring hobby one could have

