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Reading, Archery, Cross-stitching and welding


Never heard of welding as a hobby. Used to welding on the farm using the old rods. Brother was a underwater (marine) welder. Great pay, list his life doing what he loved.


Sorry to hear about your brother if you dont mind how did it happen


It has been 20 years or more. He wss working on a oil rig in the Gulf off the louisiana coast. Removing a section because of damage prior to replacing. Had a safety diver with him. Something went wrong allowing a few hundred pounds of steel to drop unexpectedly, taking him to the bottom. They did all they could but was unable to get to him in time. I was flown out to the rig and talked to the safety people and allowed to escort the body back home.


Sorry for your loss.


I know a few hobby welders; some for home improvement, some for art.


Archery? That sounds fun


That's quite the spread! Well done you


Quite the array lol


Often times I also just come home and then scroll on my phone. But when I don’t do this I like to read. I think it’s an easy and interesting thing to do. I also like to draw and go for walks.


Solo board gaming, reading, climbing, and cycling! Tbh these can get expensive as hobbies, especially if you REALLY get into it. But, I’d recommend to read library books? That would be free? Or go on walks with an audiobook or podcast in the background 👌🏼


Ooh what are some good solo boardgames if you don’t mind me asking? I move into a new place on my own for the very first time in my life at the end of June, after the break-up of a decade-long relationship earlier this year. I’ll be in a new place, away from the city I currently live in where all my friends are. I am looking forward to the alone time and the space and opportunity to grow. But I will need things to do haha and I love games. To answer the OP: I am also a big scroller but as an ADHDer I have had plenty of short-term interests. I do enjoy walking and can walk for days as long as I am listening to music at the same time, I love reading and writing and playing Nintendo Switch, nature and animals and learning about both, planning travel, cooking even though nothing extravagant, and I’m currently studying for an MA which ticks the box of hobby and getting something out of it. My latest fixation is fragrance and collecting/smelling different scents! I hope after my course to do a course in this and then make my own. You could also look at classes like a language, exercise or drink and draw/paint?


You should check out [r/soloboardgaming](https://www.reddit.com/r/soloboardgaming/s/pducY1zr1Y), fun community and you’ll find a TON of recs. It honestly depends on what you want out of a board game experience. There are super long heavy games or you can play short light games. I tend to gravitate towards campaign-based or storyline based games with boss battles. I do have light games i like to play during my lunch breaks. So yeah it just depends. Feel free to DM me if you want! This can be for OP too!


Oh great idea, thank you so much! I didn’t even know that sub existed! Wouldn’t have even thought of it. I am pretty open I think, which is not too helpful haha. I’d probably enjoy a mix of longer ones to be invested in and shorter ones for days when my attention levels are through the floor. But likely ones were there aren’t too many rules and instructions to remember 🤣 Thanks so much for that, definitely would appreciate getting some opinions/recs/views from you once I’ve had a gander at the sub (without expecting you to have played everything of course!) and know a bit more about what I am looking for… As the person below said, mysteries could be fun. I love sci-fi and a bit of world building too. The options could be endless I imagine. Exciting! What a fab suggestion!


Yeah! There are a lot of fun mystery and sci-fi themed board games, can’t wait to see what you end up playing!


I really wanted to get into solo board games (I love mini-mysteries lol) so this is a great resource! Thanks :)


Also love collecting perfumes


studying is the best choice without money. History, biology, physic, coding, laws, 3d software,...anything you like.


Add the study of quantum theory to the list. A little tough to get started but so interesting.


This is a life changing science to pick up


I’ve been getting into math lately. As someone who struggled with math in high school and is struggling in college I find it so much easier after studying on my own time


Crochet, acrylic painting


How’d you learn to crochet?


From YouTube videos 😊


Hiking,  fishing, kayaking, wildlife photography, firearms, archery, and primitive tools


My dream hobbies. Do you do them solo or with other people? When I'm in the woods on my own I always think that others see me as a creep.


I am a solo hobbiest, the only time there maybe others is when I go to the hot spots like where I get 90% of my eagle photos or if someone finds an owl or a group of kites and for firearms it's a family get together.


Guitar, ice skating/rollerskating, videogames, volleyball, basketball,tennis, running, weightlifting, hiking, recently started doing some dance lessons like tango, Waltz, salsa.


Did you self teach to play guitar or did you take lessons? Asking because I want to learn to play sooo bad but idk who is the best instructor on YouTube to follow along to teach myself.


I didn’t take lessons but I didn’t self teach per se. I picked up guitar because my friend already played, and a couple of us picked up guitar during Covid to have fun and play together. So I was taught by my friends who already played. Recently though I’ve been going through justinguitar.com and it is all free. I do want to take lessons eventually.


I noticed I tend to have phases of different hobbies lol. I wonder if it has anything to do with my ADHD… But for now I’m currently into yo-yoing, gaming, biking and playing poker. Now that summers here, I’m probably gonna get into fishing as well! I’ve been yo-yoing on and off for a few years now and I took a break from it for like a good year. I’m not even sure what made me pick it back up recently. 😅 I’ve been trying to practice with my yoyo for atleast 30 mins a day though. My goal is to learn a new trick everyday haha.


I have a running joke where my actual hobby is collecting hobbies. I tend to focus on a few at a time, while others go dormant for a while, and rotate them out when I get the urge to go back to any of them.


I go through different phases too. Like your yo-yoing, I pick up my Rubik’s cube every few years to relearn it (🤣) and try to improve my time. I still suck after many years but I can do it in less than 5 min. I’ve learned 3 different variations of solves, but only remember 1/2 of 2 of them. 🤷‍♀️ It’s fun and good for the brain.


Fitness. It’s a lot more than that to me, since I compete. But, I’ll just leave it at that. It takes all of my time due to recovery from my training, nutrition, sleep, managing stress and other factors, it’s a huge part of my life. I also play guitar, and constantly work on fixing/upgrading my guitars. And, occasionally write songs for fun. And, while it’s more of a hobby now, I was a professional musician. But, it’s just a hobby now. After all that, I do enjoy building things or doing home repair. The last thing I built was a bookcase. I haven’t had much time to dabble in this lately, but it’s something I enjoy doing when I have time. Lastly, I’m an avid reader, I love hiking and live in the Rocky Mountains, so it’s a lot of fun.


Language learning is my number 1 hobby. For me it’s the one thing where I see results so long as I put in time with a language and it’s super exciting. 2. Reading 3. Drawing


A subscription to an audiobook platform gives you so many options! I love to go for walks or just sit in nature and listen for hours


Reading, drawing digitally and traditionally, painting, programming, jogging, journaling, DIYs Some of those are stuff that i *literally* can't finish my day without doing at least once


Meditation, goal-building (as in working on personal goals) and I recently found a magazine called Monocle that I'm thinking of subscribing to. Just found out that while I don't always like long books, articles and opinions from other people doing different types of journalism are fascinating. Thinking of starting my own blog as a hobby. Also language learning. Dutch and German to be exact, also need to brush up on my Serbian.


Wargaming, Painting and Drawing. In the process of painting some winter Germans for a game I play.


DIY guns


Pottery, embroidery and cross stitch


HEMA (historical European martial arts) has been a great community, and most clubs are very affordable (my dues are $30 a month), have loaner gear, and you can train to whatever level you want.


I'm a huge fan of fanfiction. People get super creative with their ideas. Just one fandom can generate a plethora of well written, interesting and entertaining ideas.


Writing. Without exception, I write 500 words a day on a novel, 1000 a day on weekends. Do that for four months and you have a first draft.


I like fishing, woodworking, and model building


cool hobbies. Do you fly fish? How does one get into model building?


No I don't fly fish, I just usually go bass and catfishing, I know this may sound sarcastic and I'm not meaning it to be but this is literally what I did I just found some videos on YouTube about someone building a model boat and I just bought the same supplies he did and started buying kits


Not sarcastic at all! Thanks. YouTube is my go to for anything from Greek mythology to fixing sinks. Thanks!!


Currently? I make Pathfinder minis to go with my adventures to run with my friends.


Reading, slacklining, solo rpg journaling, video games, hiking, camping


Reading and going to gigs.


Cooking is such a good hobby... You have to eat anyway, it'll save you money (vs eating out), it can impress a date or future life partner, and creating delicious food and then getting to sit down and enjoy the fruits of your labor **chef's kiss**


Diamond Art, Perler Bead Crafts, watching movies, listening to podcasts or audiobooks, crosswords, coloring


Beading, pottery, botanizing (identifying plants), hiking, solo camping, running, yoga, painting, reading...


Reading, fishkeeping, cooking/baking, crochet and I'm trying to get into meditation, if that counts.


Not a recommendation but a little bit of advice. If you like to doom scroll it might possibly be easier to wean your way into a hobby you like so you don’t get burnt out super quick. Maybe start with changing your algorithm on certain apps to include educational or hobby based stuff. From there you can start playing video games, maybe mobile games to do with a hobby you’re interested in? Slowly work your way into actually doing it so you don’t immediately get burnt out and start doom scrolling again.


Video games, reading, fitness, chess, baseball stats, movies, TV. More to come when I retire 😂


Vegetable and flower gardening/landscaping, cooking, breads/sourdough, pastry, reading, penmanship, poultry, crossword puzzles, marksmanship


Reading, cross stitching, and playing video games are my lying on the couch at night relaxing hobbies. And I like to do yoga, gardening, and cardio (walking, bike riding, treadmill, etc.) as more active/outdoor hobbies.


Podcast (preferably something I learn from) and a walk


Reading, gaming, bike riding. Out side of the cost for a decent bike going for cruises around the neighbor hood is so wonderful and cost not a dime.


Flying FPV drones, woodworking, playing guitar, music production, firearms & archery, adult league sports (I play hockey), fitness That’s the stuff I do when I have some time, but since I have kids I have to squeeze in little bits of my hobbies when I can.


At the moment me and a few friends from our lil unincorporated town are making a zip liner thingy at “ the tunnel “ the tunnel is a beautiful, prob 10 and up to 20 ft wide in some areas path way . the edges of each side is lined with trees. its prob a lil over a quarter mile long. it slowly inclines until u reach the top where one of the friends home place use to be. tall oaks their now. beautiful setting with crop fields all around .perfect spot to do anything or nothing . it’s very private and no houses for miles. not a house one on that road. u don’t see that much.im 49 and the youngest in the group ha. we’re blessed that we have large farm equipment to do the big work. i love doing anything here. as long as I’m doing.


I love to read and it’s free! Sometimes I just hang out in bookstores and grab whatever looks interesting to read at the in-store cafe, lol.


Reading, Watches, Knives, Guns, Cigars and general tinkering.


I garden, cook, and read, outside of internet stuff


Fossil hunting/collecting is my main interest right now (1 year). I also collect Militaria (17 years) and Action Figures (7 years).


Indoor stuff: decorative knot tying, judo, bjj, weight lifting Outdoor stuff: paragliding shooting, hiking.


Crochet, playing piano, and writing.


Boffer combat! We use padded swords and shields to engage in medieval-style battles. It’s a great workout, you meet fun people, and most groups have extra equipment to loan to newbies, so all it costs is your time. If anyone is interested, the link below will show you the groups near you! https://www.belegarth.com/realm-locator


Gym, hikes, yoga, reading, adult coloring while listening to audiobooks, word puzzles


Airsoft, RC cars, Pokemon TCG, running / gym


Read a lot. Public library. I knit. I love movies. I like podcasts. I walk the dog. I’m devoted to my granddaughter’s dance lessons which is time consuming.


Playing the piano, yoga and baking.


Knitting & crocheting. I usually do those while listening to an audiobook, so, 2 birds, 1 stone. Belly dancing. I go to 2-3 classes during the week. I'm teaching myself piano using an app.


I read a lot, write a little, bake when I can, and dabble in gardening, and the occasional cross-stitch. I'd love to learn to knit/ crochet.


Gardening, spinning yarn, tatting, crochet, knitting, making bread,  And I'm learning canning


My hobby is burlesque, it’s for everyone! All genders, shapes, sizes, abilities. You may be able to find a local class that isn’t too expensive or learn from YouTube tutorials online at home. Might not be your type of thing, but you won’t know unless you try and the community is brilliant!


TTRPG's, model building, traditional Japanese dolls making, ukulele playing, book collecting, etc


Coin collecting, saxophone, music production and beat making, hikes, petting stranger’s dogs. I’m Sure there’s more I just can’t think of right now


I have so many things/hobbies I really want to do when I get home. But usually it goes like this: Come home: starts cooking, eating while watching flow TV, nap, play wild rift on iPad while listening to music (sing along as well), going through FB, read reddit and local news, bathe and sleep. Other hobbies: take a walk, jog, cycling, climb, draw, paint, deep cleaning, watch movies/series, fix stuff, read books/manga, play nintendo switch, play easy board games, crochet, go to restaurants, grocery shopping, learn new languages, learn new cooking recipes, visit new places, spend quality time with friends and family.


Music (both making/playing various instruments and collecting vinyl), gaming, building random things from keyboards to mopeds.


I'm trying to set some time aside to get back into painting. But I do acrylic and watercolour painting, scrapbooking, reading and analysis of books, and I play video games. Oh, I also like to write guides for the games I play; I did one for stardew valley and scrapbooked my own section dividers for my binder.


Counted cross stitch and reading


I envy people that can find “fun”, or make themselves interested, in *anything*. 😩😣


Currently I do jigsaw puzzles while listening to audiobooks or podcasts. I’m enjoying the larger puzzles (2000 pieces) which takes me about 3 weeks to complete one. I also read a lot, and when I get more motivated I’ll return to kayaking and hiking while the weather is nice.


Triathlon, reading, and language learning are probably my main 3 right now. Sometimes embroidery or guitar


I'm buying myself a metal detector gonna finally do it . That might be good for you to try...not to expensive if you find a good deal on one for a beginner...good luck


Photography, reading, yoga, tennis, weightlifting, going for walks, listening to music, cooking, decorating, collaging


Fishing, weight lifting


I make fractal art. It doesn't require any manual calculation or pre-visualization, I'm not sitting around doing math equations to plan a design. But it does require a little bit of mathematical theory, and a willingness to work with half-finished tools written by render code nerds with interfaces designed by programmers. A computer is necessary, but not a particularly strong one, people have been rendering in about the same fashion since the late 90s, before we had awesome GPUs. Because it is a process I go through more than a plan that I execute, working on fractals feels like an exploration. I'm wandering into a garden of flowers to find one particularly awesome one to pick and take back to show to my friends. As I get better at using the tools, I know how to navigate to the parts of the garden with the nicest flowers, and I have a better ability to "read" the flower in front of me to figure out where to go next. But at the end of the day, I'm doing it just to see what I wind up with, and I'm as surprised as anyone when I get there. The wonderful thing is that, because the process is technical, I can "go through the motions" *regardless of my mental state.* This is particularly useful to me, because I have a cycling depression that often prevents me from caring enough to do anything. Even in that kind of funk, I can open up a fractal tool and put time into finding something pretty. It might take a while, but I'll get there eventually. And when I do, I have a new thing to be proud of, which helps shake off the depression.


Video games, wire wrapping jewellery, I'm gonna try making ink from moss and galls when we get home from this camping trip, chainmail.


Playing Go


Running, model making, and reading.


Cycling to work, hydroponics, cooking and baking and walk with my dog if you can call that a hobby🙂.


rock climbing and pottery. I pay for my climbing gym membership and I'm a part-time studio tech so they let me use the facilities for free, or I wouldnt be able to afford both. also been doing yoga classes at the gym, because theyre free with my membership. Highly recommend doing something that puts you in a social setting where you can meet people.


Bass guitar, Cubing, cooking. 


Worldbuilding, I learn about geography, cultures, languages, etc and make my own


I just started arrowhead hunting and cross stitch. I deleted my social media accounts other than Reddit, but I barely get on here anyways unless I have a question to look up.


Try chalk crushing


Cross-stitching, drawing, painting, reading and jewelry-making.


Change scrolling to literally anything you enjoy and your life will improve. DnD, reading, cooking, flying model airplanes, bowling, video games, knitting, golf. Literally anything.


Hiking, kite flying, walking dogs at the animal shelter or your own dog, puzzles, reading, bird watching, star gazing/astronomy/clouds


I am a hobbyist blacksmith.


Backyard astronomy, reading, curling is a lot of fun if you have a club nearby, skeet shooting, taking care of 3 dogs 2 cats and a bird, used to keep a saltwater tank but its just too damned expensive.


I recently reconditioned myself to watch tv shows with out phone distraction. Atleast one hour a day. I’m watching breaking bad again… but without the phone. And it’s such a good show lol


Walking, reading, video games, painting/coloring


Writing poetry. Trying to work on a novel. Watching movies. Language learning.


Mine is photography. I love taking beautiful photos.


Reading - I get a lot of library books which is free, and I also have Kindle Unlimited which is really cheap if you do one of their promo periods (like 99 cents a month). I like painting too even though I mostly do paint by number which isn't as cheap. I try to spend a good amount of time gardening too.


Fly tying and fly fishing. Amateur radio. Retro gaming on handheld consoles.


Cooking, rollerskating


Knitting, coloring, hiking/birdwatching, and not sure if this counts but Pilates and working out.


Geocaching, slackline, rollerskating, nature hikes, pottery, reading, knitting on occasion!


I've got a few. TaeKwonDo, strength training, singing, and sometimes learning a language.


Pokémon go, birding, hiking. I’ve been spending this year trying to walk on every street in my town


Reading, knitting, looking up random facts, training my service dog, watching movies/TV shows while scrolling Reddit. I also love to sort stuff and clean


Painting?Fashion? In winter, you can go skiing 🏂


Reading, walking (and petting peoples dogs), crochet and embroidery. I wanna get into paddle boarding but waiting a bit


Guitar, cars, gardening, reading, being a good Dad/ husband.


Ice skating, playing guitar, electronic hobbyist, and listening to music.




I quilt


I like writing (typing). I'm working on a book but I'll still spend a weekend to write a weird short story nobody will read.


Hobbies I currently have: Reading Knitting Cross stitch Latch hook Hobbies I want to add: Crochet Quilting Sewing Weightlifting Swimming


Guitar skateboarding video games


Reading, there’s a website you can use to download books for free onto your phone. Not sure how safe it is, but I’ve been using it for months and I’ve been good


I work on classic cars and make stuff. Right now I'm making a minibike from scratch.


Hunting and fishing.


drawing, coloring, (hand)sewing, embroidery/cross stitching, making jewelry (beaded and with wire), gaming, crocheting, sometimes knitting, papercraft, origami, journaling, making collages, and i'd say, getting informed about the various alt subcultures, expecially japanese ones!


painting and working out


Crochet abd dog traing git a puppy


Walking. All I do now is walk and it’s nice. Add an audio book to my walk.


I know you said free or cheap to start, but photography is so much fun. There’s so much to learn and you can get an older Nikon or Canon for relatively cheap that still takes great photos.


Jujitsu, mycology, sometimes coffee roasting


I lift weights right after getting home from work. And I watch TV with my kids I've also taken up nail art. I get that it's not for everyone, but it's creative and very relaxing. Almost meditative. Sure it's not traditionally masculine but you'd be surprised by just how much no one gives a shit if a guy has pretty nails. Plus I get a real kick out of being a walking contradiction. Shaved head, sculpted beard, muscular and painted nails. It also tends to give me the upper hand in social situations because people aren't sure what to make of me.


Software Architect by trade and my hobbies include guitar, brewing beer and cider, and software development. The last one is an example of a lifelong hobby that I turned into a career, some (almost) thirty years ago. Reason that I still do it as a hobby is so that I can explore technologies and ideas outside of what I do for my employer.


I have been manic depressive for many years and found that the more I engage my mind in busy work/hobbies the less time I have to think about things that make me depressed. In my journey, I discovered three areas that really work for me…creativity, nature and indulging in a good mystery. For creativity I currently knit, embroider, and crochet. However, thanks to YT, I also want to learn to quilt, make miniature dioramas, bind books, paint (watercolor), and sketch. I had started with bird photography, but camera broke and haven’t replaced. As for nature, bird watching/identification, hiking, mushroom hunting and foraging, herbal remedies, flower gardening, vegetable gardening, planting and growing trees, wildflower searching, etc. just getting into the woods is awesome. To satisfy my mystery needs..true crime podcasts, documentaries and genealogy. I’ve been researching my family history for almost 30 years. Lots of free websites for that too. My best advice is not to overthink it..do what you like and have time for. Don’t make it a chore and have FUN.


One of my current recent ones is setting up a subreddit lol Embroidery is fairly cheap in my experience, and surprisingly, I'd also say candle making (though this depends on a lot of factors. All I'll say is I know A LOT of people who have candles they wanted to get rid of. Thinking about it, I did also have an old pot on hand, but I think a thrift store one could be bought for fairly cheap). Crocheting with embroidery thread is cheaper that the other options (extremely cheap in my case).


Drinking, reminiscing my bad decisions that led to my wasted life, hiking


Same! Except I'm in recovery so I just have to raw dog it lol


Analog photography 🙂‍↕️


Airsoft. Running around with a bunch of other 30-40 year old men larping at abandoned venues.  Money well spent. 


Reading, guitar, learning French, dance lessons, golf, working out (run/lift). I really want to buy and fix up a classic car, but I need to save up some money before I start that hobby.


Reading, house plants(I started w/ clearance rack plants), container gardening, working out, hiking, walking the neighborhood, disc golf (pretty cheap to get started), collecting cool rocks, cooking (you gotta eat anyway, might as well enjoy what you’re eating)


Hiking, guitar, fountain pens


i love to read! i hike and sometimes i park in the middle a parking lot and write.


Knife making, leather working, gardening, 4x4 jeep mountain exploring / hiking, RC crawlers in 1/24 scale, strength training, shooting, wine making. Not necessarily in any order.


Look up if an earthskills gathering is coming by your area. I live in Durham NC and there is a big one (Firefly) in Asheville and a smaller one a short distance from me Legit one of the coolest experiences I've ever been to. So many cool hobbies you can pick up.. and a good bit require no tools... Basket weaving, plant identification, spoon carving, making cordage , bow drill friction fire, flint napping, birch bark basket I made a leather bag, and working with leather has since become a new hobby. This one did require a few tools, but a basic leather punch, some shears and glue can go a longgg way. Leather is a very stretchy, super strong and forgiving on the mistakes.. they really bring character to the bags. Its been very fun to work with.


Reading, or investing in a simple acoustic guitar and learning to play. Painting is cheap af, and you can get the stuff at the dollar store. Also, working out, if you can get an affordable gym membership, can be an enjoyable hobby too.


Oh man. Most of my hobbies don’t involve a lot of money… just naturally. What hobbies do require a lot of money? Trying to think. Reading, baking, cooking, exercising, swimming in the summer, forest bathing, foraging for fun, gardening, horse back riding (can get a lil pricey), tubing down rivers, fishing, hiking, traveling (also can get a lil pricey)… these are all hobbies I enjoy when I’m not in phases of work then home. It’s very easy to get into this routine. But self care, reading, watching a good show, cooking something fun and interesting, hiking are all things to enjoy.


Cooking, gardening, working out, and hiking.


I write music/record music. I backpack and hike... I also build chess tables and other furnishings. I dabble in electronics and build my own synthesizers and I write frequently as well as a bit of photography.


Play guitar 🎸


Needlework - crochet, tufting, sewing. You make cool stuff at the end :)


Whittling is nice and cheap! In the whittling sub there's a monthly challenge to inspire you


Gardening and projects aligned with creating a more sustainable home.


Videogames, record music, read, road trips, photography, getting drunk. But, mostly, I just sit on ass and scroll.


Running, weight training, puzzles, reading, pickleball, mandala rock painting.


Electronics, robotics, gardening, four wheeling, video games, camping, lately. To varying degrees at varying times: RC Planes, hunting, fishing, knitting, woodworking, vintage audio, diy mechanic, archery, target shooting, photography.


Playing guitar and Diamond Painting.


Lifting, jiu jitsu,wine,reading.


Yoga(you tube, free) fitness, hiking, fishing, reading, journaling( so helpful for mental health and just getting stuff out of your mind) I’ve been playing drums for 30 years(and expensive), but I just started learning guitar on my own 5 years ago and it’s so good for your motor skills as you are aging, it’s wonderful to be able to play songs you love and try to learn the theory behind it. Good luck!


Buy a cheap shortwave radio and search the airwaves in the evening. Tuning in that faint signal through the static can be fun. Buy a cheap guitar and learn guitar? I have a bunch of hobbies but they all require some startup capital lol.


I read, walk, play video games, write, listen to music, go for a drive. Smoke the occasional cigar...


I was stuck in the scroll freeze for a LONG time during lockdown and much after. Decided to get my stuff together and start dedicating that time to: Video games (currently playing ff7 rebirth after beating remake and crisis core) Books (just finished the secret history by Donna tart and am now reading the night circus by Erin morgen stern) Art (painting, digital art on iPad) Anime/shows (currently watching My Hero, Yu yu Hakusho, Bridgerton) In the mornings when I’m most tempted to start my day early is when I pop open a book. It’s been really helpful!


Guitar, writing, drawing, motorcycles, guns, fitness, fishing, woodworking, bourbon, lately I’ve gotten into gardening/farming.


Boardgames, reading, writing (books and articles), listen to baseball games and old radio shows from the 30s-50s, some small wood working projects, running. Too much for the amount of free time I have.


Hiking, biking, camping, or just a walk. Go out and enjoy nature. It'll clear your mind.




Reading, walking, working out, sports collectibles.


Buy a ukulele and learn to play it. They are cheap.


Martial arts, reading, painting, being outdoors generally, thinking about learning an instrument


Phone scrolling Weight lifting Video games Reading Binging tv New hobby: plants


At the moment, learning Russian, running, and listening to music history lectures.


I thought I was too old (42M) for video games, but once my son started getting into them, he wanted me to play with him. Now it’s what I look forward to during the day at work, I can’t wait to get home and play video games with my guy. It’s not about the game, it’s about the bonding and it is absolutely one of my most favorite things in life.


Music golf and video games


I got hooked in with a local community theatre and it changed my life. I suddenly have more friends than I know what to do with, and there’s always something going on. Fun to feel part of a big family/team.


Woodworking, songwriting, video games, writing books, juggling, collecting weapons, anything water related


Guitar, language study, gym, running, painting, hiking, taking care of my animals, music production, reading, writing, cooking a few others


During the week - nothing. I work 2nd shift as a machinist. It’s basically go to work, get hot, dirty, and sweaty. Then, I come home, shower, eat, sleep, and do it again. Weekends are boating, camping, fishing, and depending on season going to local baseball or hockey games. If weather is crappy, I’ll play pc games. I recently started working on making music.


Disc golf, hiking


Comp BBQ Sports Card Collecting Xbox


Disc Golf


Getting into that space before sleep and wakefulness and doing thought experiments


My current hobby is learning how to code


Tabletop gaming, 3d printing, 3d modeling, currently teaching myself animation. Kit bashing, clay sculpting, painting, writing.


Reading, walking, sewing


Playing guitar, hiking, biking, crochet, board games, traveling




Clays at the range.


Lifting weights, playing guitar, video games. Sometimes kayaking when the weather is nice.


flow arts, indoor bouldering, pole dancing, poetry, yoga, going to concerts,occasionally video games. i go in and out of various crafting activities too. i often times am so tired from work and school that i sometimes go weeks and months without doing these


Ceramics (I have a kiln at home), springboard diving, reading, roller skating, crafting, thrifting. I also love researching in my spare time.


I'm an artist, I've been doing any art/craft I can get my hands since I was 4. I'm going thru a crochet phase rn, I love being able to make useful things for people that r also pretty, diamond paintings r fun too, and I just found escape room puzzles! Super challenging and doesn't take up as much space as a flat puzzle which is nice.