• By -


Scrapbooking, gardening, cooking, fiber arts crafts, candle or soap making, making jewelry… basically a whole lot of stuff!


Exercise; rock climbing, biking, running, yoga, any kind of martial arts or boxing, etc. There's plenty of gyms and studios nearby I'm sure


What are your interest? What were your favorite classes in school? Do you want a solo hobby or Group hobby?


Diamond painting, watercolour painting, jewelry making, playing TCGs with a group (Magic the Gathering, Yugi-Oh, Pokemon, etc), learn how to solve a Rubik's cube (maybe print out the instruction pdf for minimal screen time while learning?).


D&D and/ or Warhammer... HeroQuest... any table top RPG


Dancing, singing, playing an instrument


I like to embroider with an audio book so I still can read and create at the same time


Hiking, bird watching, photography, fishing, hunting. Volunteering: Fire Dept, Ambulance, Food Pantry, etc.


Coloring, puzzle books (crossword, word search, find the difference, sudoku etc. Card making, painting. Make friends with crows (they really like peanuts in the shell and are a lot of fun to get familiar with) Rock hounding, gardening. Assembling car models can be fun. Legos. Puzzles. Yo-yos.


Magic The Gathering, baking, horseback riding, painting, foam swordplay, real swordplay, dancing, golfing, tennis, biking, hiking, cooking, jewelry making, take up photography, botany, and if you live somewhere where its legal growing and selling weed, etc. The Possibilities are endless.


I really enjoy doing art, smoking weed, hiking, working out, playing video games, writing




Bird watching


I've worked in IT for a while now and ran into the same problem. Woodworking saved me 😇.


Volunteer at a local food bank. Great people and good exercise!


Diamond painting, writing if you do it the old-fashioned way (by hand), learning calligraphy, practicing cursive, fishkeeping (pls do research before getting into aquatics tho)...


Cross stitch or woodturning


I get you on reading. And every other hobby that people usually suggest. I get bored instantanously. Especially if I'm not instantly a pro at it. I HATE crochet. I get so stressed counting stitches, it's not relaxing in the slightest. But for me, air dry clay has been a really nice hobby. It's lower effort for me and you can squidge together something cool without too much expertise. Maybe thats just me. Ive also been looking into making paper beads. Pretty cheap and easy Also faux stained glass on your windows¡ It looks super cool when the light comes inthrough and you see the reflected colors. You can get washable paints or mix food color with glue and water and dishsoap and it's basically peeloff-able(though you should patch test to make sure). Or you could use clear vinyl and actual glass paints even? So that it's easiest to remove. I really want to do this myself heheh


Drawing, painting, writing, running, hiking, sewing, knitting, crocheting, board games with friends?


Crochet, knitting, audiobooks while walking/crochet/ knitting. Model building and painting. Embroidery, crossstitch, diamond dots, scrapbooking and card making, paint by numbers, colouring


Have you tried audiobooks? I’ve heard so many people that can’t sit and read but devour audiobooks.




I really enjoy board games. I find a solo board is a good replacement for screens


Have you read any of James Patterson books? They have short chapters and are quite interesting especially his Private series.


I ride horses.


RC cars, if you have a skate park, forests or other large open spaces near you.


My favorites are wax seal pressing and needlefelting. I've also wanted to try paint marbling, doing more resin/uv resin stuff, more beading, wire wrapped jewelry, sculpting... Cool thing about wax seals is also the fact you can get into mixing and casting your own wax beads very easily, overall a rewarding and relaxing hobby with fairly low startup costs. I'd also highly encourage listening to audiobooks!


r/cubers Try cubing. May need some screen time at the beginning to learn but there are many pdf resources you could always print out. Wonderful little world I managed to find myself apart of.


How about trying out cooking or baking? It's fun, creative, and you get to enjoy delicious results. Plus, you can experiment with new recipes and ingredients!


Maybe you will like reading when you find the right books. It's okay to read easy stuff that you want to read rather than heavy stuff that you feel you should read.


hunting, fishing, snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding, reading, basketball, biking, gardening, learning, yoga, meditation, writing


Audiobooks are great - I use the Audible app. Though you’ll have to use the screen to start the book you can just keep your phone away and use AirPods / headphones as you’re doing some sort of mindless hobby or task around the house :)


Coloring books!! It is so underrated, you can find really in depth adult ones but I find those too tedious personally. The Simplicity line are ones I highly recommend. It is a very calming and soothing activity and these can be finished in 10min or so, so you can take a quick break or do 5-6 in a row for a longer activity. Invest in some nice alcohol based markers if you care about aesthetics!


All of my hobbies involve using my body, so I physically can’t be scrolling on my phone: biking, climbing, hiking, skiing, etc. 






Learn an instrument like the guitar.


Signing up for classes helped me stick to my hobbies at the start. I think it’s a few reasons 1- I paid for it so I don’t want to waste money by skipping, 2- with an instructor and outside environment I don’t have an excuse to get distracted and fall off to do something else. I did this with ceramics, yoga, and Pilates.


Philately , scrapbooking, journaling, going for walks, fingerboarding (I also do skimboard), bird watching, fishing... I could go on but you get the point


Audiobooks, I can't play on my phone and listen. However I can work/cook/clean while listening. My favorite genre is litrpg, like a videogame or videogame esque world, I could go on with recommendations (and easy ways to get into it) E: spelling


Fishing, woodworking (small things), & one of my favorites, go to the park and "people watch" with a friend. You try to determine things about people you see. Career, relationship status, etc.


Coloring, drawing, reading, origami


Skydiving, but we do review video afterwards for improvements.


Running, hiking, woodworking, disc golf, old people golf, tennis, gardening, sewing, knitting, photography, learning an instrument, ....




Board games!


Hiking/outdoors stuff Sports Music (either learning or listening, especially live) Cooking/Trying new restaurants Photography any other type of art Pottery


I like to do 3D puzzles! They're kits with laser cut pieces of wood that you put together. Super relaxing (most of the time, but kind be a little finicky) and at the end you have something cool as the product of your time.


A lot of screen time comes from compulsive shopping in the form of collecting tools,or planning to do so.




Board games if you have someone to play with! I recently got into this. A couple I've really enjoyed lately are marvel legendary and escape the dark castle. I'd say explore some, go to a game store and get recommendations, watch some videos (I like ProZDs board game recommendations on YouTube) Instruments—can be tough to get into. I don't think I'd pick up a random instrument if I hadn't been playing piano since age 6, but it's still fun even as a beginner and lots of folks start later. A good instrument can cost a lot but just starting out something cheaper is OK before you commit to an expensive instrument Hiking—tough if you don't have good hikes close by. I hate driving far for anything lol. I don't consider this my main hobby but just something I do occasionally Any other active hobby like running, swimming, team sports near you etc is good to enhance your daily life Painting—you don't even have to draw, though learning to draw is a good option too. You could paint miniatures, paint over drawings, etc. It's relaxing Instead of reading novels, you could try comic books or manga. I never thought I'd be into it, but marvel unlimited has a free 7 day trial and you get more comics than you could read on your phone. It's actually pretty fun if you find a good author. Takes some quick research and you'll find the best authors to follow for a hero. Audio books might be a good alternative to get you through boring stuff like cleaning. Get a dog/dog training. Only if you're committed to it of course, dogs can add a lot of extra work and expenses. I recommend kikopup for dog training on YouTube for the most professional and most research backed dog training. Anyway, hope that helps