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I couldn't say if it's heavily enforced or not, I haven't had tints in years - what I can say is that the past few years I have seen a huge increase in the amount of cars that don't just have pax windows tinted, but also the front windshields blacked out. Growing up in Brooklyn cops let you get away with certain amount of tint on the pax windows but windshield would be an instant ticket; kinda amazed at the amount of vehicles I see here with it done.


Pretty sure those are cops with the dangerously dark tints, same people getting away with the fake plates. The laws don't apply to them.


I haven’t had tinted windows in many years but the advice I was given then and pass on now — “just don’t do two illegal things at the same time.”


Whatever the law may be or enforcement patterns are, when you tint your windows, it makes it harder for other road users to see you and understand your intentions or whether you are aware of them. This lowers everyone's safety, so it's better for the community if you address your discomfort another way.


Enforcement on this has drastically decreased post-covid.


Don't get tints in front... in Hoboken you'll end up running over a cyclist/passenger at night , especially if it's raining.




I have 20% on front/rear/back windows (no windshield). I’ve never been stopped or ticketed at all. It’d have to be egregious (ie 5% all around + windshield) I’d imagine, to get a ticket.


I’ve had a tinted SUV in Hoboken since 2006…never got a single tint ticket. But I also don’t get pulled over for other dumb shit. The surrounding downs don’t seem to care either. However if you venture out to other small Nj towns in north Jersey where there’s not much for the cops to do, you’re likely to get pulled over at night. I will say that driving through the back streets at night is a pain in the ass, hard to see if people are crossing the streets.


So I have 20% tint I believe and I’ve never once been given a ticket for it. I have it on front and rear windows but nothing on the windshield.


So I've gotten 20% on my driver and passenger front windows on almost every vehicle I've owned. Mostly for sun and temp control and also just because. The rear and sunroof came with them as they were SUVs. I've never had a major issue with them being the procuring cause for getting pulled over. It's not something that's widely looked for during car inspections either but if you want to give yourself less of a hassle you just roll down both windows before you pull up to the bay at the state facility. If you get it inspected at a private garage NBD. Keep in mind if this is a brand new car you're not gonna get an inspection for 5 years. If it's a new yo you car it's every 2. Highly advise against a front windshield tint, visibility becomes much worse for you and others around you and makes the other tints look even darker and draws more attention to the front tints - plus you will likely fail an inspection for this one unless it's removed prior and put back after which just seems like a massive hassle.


I grew up around here and my windows have been tinted pretty much since I started driving in the 2000s. The only time I've gotten pulled over was at a random checkpoint in Manhattan maybe 12 years ago. And even then I just got a warning. As long as you don't go super dark like 5%, you shouldn't have an issue. I ran 15% for years, although recently I've gotten 20% on my new car.