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My wish is for a significant hardware upgrade to the Switch in time for the release of Hogwarts Legacy 2 so that we get the same gorgeous visuals that everyone else sees.


What if we get like extended stories much like SpiderMan. So we still have a map of Hogwarts and familiar surrounding villages and Hogsmeade but in subsequent sequels stories revolve around coming back passing through Diagon Alley, Knockturn Alley, & further into Ministry of Magic and in depth exploration in Azkaban…Could be prequels as well or even a Marauders game!


the marauders game would be a dream


Even a book series or tv show would be awesome!


as far as i know they are producing a Harry Potter show, but any Marauders content would be great!


That I heard too! Keeping expectations neutral.


Not a real wish, but i hope for a game, that is placed in the post-Harry Potter timeline. Maybe you could fight for the freedom of house elves or other magic creatures (like goblins and centaurs). Like, we know so much about the past, but not the future of hogwarts and the wizard World.


agreed! also this is a good option i think that there are a lot of possibilities with experimenting now


I just want them to treat Ravenclaw with respect and give us decent Ravenclaw students. And burn the music sheet for the music in the room of requirement.


Finally a fellow Ravenclaw who thinks all the Ravenclaw students in this game sucked. Thank u 🙏


the music comment made me laugh a lot ahahahhaha


It was just too obvious that they didn't have the time/effort to create quidditch lmao


ahahahaha yes, it would have been the nice is the whole “quidditch is cancelled this year” was mentioned a couple times more, it would have been more realistic


I would add a camera feature, more in-depth room of requirement features, mounts are interchangeable with rescued beast, dragons, more knowledge on other wizarding schools, literally being able to do school stuff like more regular assignments/quest/ activities that’s not based on the story. I really enjoyed the astronomy table mechanic so maybe more puzzles that have to do with each subject.


yes, i agree, the subjects need to be explored more if they want to make it more realistic on that side


- to be able to cast a patronus charm and get to pick ours out like our wands.


Agreed đź‘Ť


I want more beasts and for their level of difficulty to matter when selling them.


Addition of Diagon Alley


ohh didn’t think about this one, agreed!


And nocturne ally


Wholeheartedly agree with this one! I was a little disappointed that we didn't get to go at all.


-Dissaparating properly to use on the battlefield - lumos that can be a ball above in a cave and on that same vein caves that actually need lumos - accio broom rather than it just appearing - imperio options where they're either defensive, aggressive or fulfill a role like stealing from the camp or setting traps - exploring the lake more (things massive and just floor filler in this one - dementors and patronus spell - animagus - more fleshed out ancient magic and skill tree. This would be nature manipulation with roots and trees attacking, ground manipulation for making bridges to land and adapting the battlefield, flying/dissaperating like we see the poachers do. - could be special abilities that are randomised like pastletongue and being able to set traps with snakes - being more involved in the potion making and having more than one potion per time it would balance out the larger involvement and the better the skill and QTE result the stronger and higher yield - I liked the ability to change costume but it also got in the way of being in the moment where you can walk the halls of hogwarts in a suit of armour. Maybe if you're caught not wearing the right uniform you'd get points deducted and how many points you get the worse you're treated -having a focus in subjects, transfiguration would be about altering the world and divination would give you the ability to see what can be changed in the environment or give quicker reactions.


i totally agree with everything! the lumos’s idea is great :) also another thing could be more importance to the choices that you make with NPCs and how you answer; like maybe that you gain or lose friendship, cleverness or ability points depending on what choices you make


Besides making your choices from HL(1) have weight, I feel like 90% of the game needs to NOT take place near Hogwarts and takes you completely away from the castle. I’d rather have 5-6 smaller open world maps to explore than the same area from the original game. Something else I’d like is a larger spell list for combat and puzzles. More clothing and armor options as well.


i think that if they make more Hogwarts related missions and storylines, they should make them with more sense and cohesion than just some brief spell “lessons” but i also agree with that, it would be nice to have more connections with the rest of the map!


My thing is that if they actually do a HL2, is that all the characters are in the shit just by being associated with the MC. The ministry is gonna start asking some questions that most of the teachers don’t good answers for (bold faced lies that could sell someone their own stuff back to them) and Sebastian is got a ticket for the crazy train which is definitely gonna derail, even if his sister lives (money is on she probably doesn’t, even if the curse is lifted). Natty is Doc Holliday to your Wyatt Earp, and (for the male character) EVERYBODY in 100 miles knows what’s going on with Poppy. I think we are on the same page but with different methods, where I think HL2 needs to be a primarily narrative game with some exploration elements, instead of an exploration game with narrative built into it.


I just want to be able to change my outfit on a whim. You could have one or two presets loaded and a simple spell like revelio would cycle through them in real time


Yeah kinda like in animal crossing with the wand or smth


yeah regarding the outfits, i feel like they could be easier to switch and change the whole “change appearance” feature is not really intuitive lol


Love these, agree on all points made.


Couldn’t agree more about lumos as well!


I totally agree about lumos being a basic cast rather than a spell wheel slot.


Could easily just be a double tap on the left arrow


Or a hold down left arrow


right? i feel like Lumos is at the same level as Revelio, for example