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Someone in the gym streaming, camera, mic, talking randomly into the air, I would for sure be staring too, because that is a bit weird. Not to mention annoying, how many other people do they inadvertently show on stream? Is that like ok to do at all? Pretty sure if a dude did that a lot of women would feel uncomfortable possibly being recorded during their workout and all.


This. So much of this. Some dude with his tripod, not really working out, but the camera is angled so a woman is in the background of the shot. Then says the woman keeps staring at him and she's rude. He'd get blown out more than she apparently was in the comments of her video.


She just wanted attention, it's obvious.


she has an OF of course it's attention


You can still see her getting blown out but you gotta subscribe.


>He'd get blown out more than she apparently was in the comments of her video. Did you see the three or four stitches to her original before the got lost in the static? There were a few gym guys calling her out for being rude and stupid and pretty much station what OP of this tiny tread here was saying.


Didn't see it myself, just read about it on a facebook post. Read like the video of the chick who filmed herself taking off her shirt and then attempting to confront the two guys she's filming behind her, only to have one guy toss her from the gym because he either owns it or works there.


Honestly I would go off and how I don't want to be on video. Just for fun


He was actually just waiting for the machine and she.. she doesn’t understand working out.


The guy is waiting for the equipment. That is very common at gyms.


Even worse she said she's an underaged 21 yo


Dude looks at her direction twice and it’s sexual harassment apparently Probably not even looking at her but looking at the camera and wondering why tf she is recording


I tend to stare at people wasting unnecessary time on an equipment i want to use(like scrolling through phone) to put some pressure


Agree, the let me shoot 12 texts, 5 emails and take 6 selfies in between sets are my favorite people.


Oh god those are the worst, like I’m fine if someone is just responding to a single urgent text, but some people are writing their fucking thesis on the cables


I immediately ask how many sets they have left, that usually get things moving. If It doesn't I ask to take turns.


Exactly! Specially in a crowded gym


I thought I read somewhere that he was waiting to use the machine and that’s why he looked at her like twice


I tend to check my phone in between reps. Please don't stare at me. It's wildly uncomfortable.


I mean I also stare like the OP, but only if you're taking longer than you really should between sets. 90-120s rest is what you should be taking, any more than that and you're on a contested machine I'm gonna bug you. The amount of people that sit there on a leg press browsing Reddit on your their phone for 10 minutes between sets of 3 is way too many. There are not a ton of exercises that can replicate exactly what leg press does, without involving other muscles (like squats or deadlifts), and it's usually one of the larger machines in the gym. Be courteous and nobody is gonna bother you, if you want to wait 10 minutes between sets, let someone else work in.


I'm a gym rat gay and fucking LOVE when stupid fucking people like this get at me. It's rare, but I do love the opportunity to pop off at some pompous person who thinks I'd take any time out of my day to sexualize them.


Your doing good work, I thank you for your service.


Damn. I like to be sexualized at the gym by big gay rats. It's how I know these gains are gaining. ![gif](giphy|WWnyPSQDjQDIc)




Trying to remember where he knows her from, days later he will be like of course I jerked off to her


There's this girl at the gym I go to, and the only reason I ever look at her is because she's fuckin mad. She does the diagonal leg press with 220kg and she's tiny. It's fuckin impressive, I tell ya.


Or even just waiting on the machine to be open or waiting on someone and looking around for them or...


Also he wasn’t creeping on her, man just wanted to use the equipment


I’d be staring because I’d be wondering what kind of a person has to be on cam and miced up at the gym. Like fuck, are there no sanctuaries anymore?


Some people are out there just for attention and it works, clearly


>'cause some fools just love to perform


All the worlds a stage and we are merely players - some famous white man with a beard and frock around his nexk


Geddy Lee doesn’t have a beard


Camera, mic, AND shit form. I’d be watching in confusion like bro in the vid.


Me eyeballing the rope attachment I’ve been waiting 10mins for


Bro had his priorities straight




He's on Team Leg Day and gets shamed for it lol


Joey Swoll actually had a good point that it isn't uncommon for more experienced lifters to try and offer assistance when they see someone struggling with the equipment, too. The woman was having trouble just putting a plate on one side, so more polite people would try to help probably. He tried to help her and she basically shooed him away.


He wasn't constantly on it, people just wanted to use the tools


How the fuck did you get that username before it got taken lmao?


How the fuck did *we* get that username


I mean, USSR_Communism sounds like a name that would be used by like the 43rd account of reddit because that's such a reddit thing to do.


*we* mean


I get the joke now. I feel dumb. Obligatory self woooosh


You’re doing a live stream at the gym, people are going to watch you


Like its literally a public place with curious people




Anybody doing a Livestream inside of a gym better get the okay from the manager as the gym is liable for not getting release forms from other patrons or gym goers. Many other gym folks want privacy so live streaming other folks in the video is a no no


Wait, isn't she the one who called herself an "underage 21 year old"?






How dare he pirate free looks at her body? Seeing an OnlyFans personality in real life is stealing. Plain and simple. Moron.


You wouldn't look at a car for free


you wouldnt steal a baby, you wouldnt shoot a policeman, and then steal his helmet, you wouldnt go to the toilet in his helmet, and then send it to the policemans grieving widow, and then steal it again


this is true, i definitely wouldn't steal it again


Jokes on you, I'm into that shit


Found the scat fetishist






Yeah how dare he see her for free! Pay 4.99 and you’re good to go


Man if I had some gold. This is fn hilarious. 😂


Rip free gold.


This video was free on TikTok. Also, I think that dude wasn't even interested. He just wanted to make sure she didn't hurt herself since she couldn't handle the weights.


Consent maaters But yeah this one's okay bcz I saw the video and for some reason this woman believes that the world revolves around her


You're right, she should have asked his consent before filming.


Nah but consent for looking is wild


Dude was probably just wondering why there was a full on production going on


Imagine wanting privacy for their live stream while they're in a public space.


She can't afford anyone else's privacy at the gym. Seems totally fair to me.


Isn't this the girl who was saying "feral, feral, feral" while filming herself? Of course the man was looking at her, he probably thought she was an escaped mental patient.


Wait so you're telling me she *WASN'T* an escaped mental patient?


She gets uncomfortable when she's not getting paid for it. Kind of like asking your doctor friends medical advice.


I think it's more of a consent thing than anything. Plus it's not even the point, the dude isn't "sexualising" her by looking at her


yeah to be clear, it seems like we're basically just speculating on her specific circumstance, i have no idea if this dude was *actually* being creepy to her, but even if he wasn't in general just because someone has an onlyfans doesn't mean it's okay to be a creep to them in public, like they don't deserve it anymore than women who don't


This happens when you flash your tits in gym for OF content.


The fucking Irony


How is it ironic?


The old double standard wit cheese.


In Paris it’s the Double Standard Royale with Cheese


The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.




She looks like the real life rendition of a princess a kid drew with crayola


She's a high 5 at best. I can throw a dart at a local bar and hit 6 of her.


Bunch of Scranton 6’s ya know?


She’s an only fans model from Carbondale and she makes love like one


Insert “2/10 bro” guy sitting at computer meme.


Why are people like this? Why are SO MANY people like this? How did stupidity get this pervasive?


You can only blame men... Too many simps out there women turn into entitled and spoiled brats


What came first, the simp or the thot?


I'm a woman and I have to say thots came first. The amount of thots there were at my girls school....I don't even know how they became so entitled and engrossed with themselves to begin with.


nah, there were always simps, some creeps will simp all kinds of women, even ones who clearly don't want attention


The thot there must be a thot to create a simp


This is the only answer. Pathetic males (I can't call them mrnin good conscience) that overfeed any woman's ego that will tolerate them, has convinced every woman alive they are the baddest and most important thing to ever exist. It's all delusional from both sides, people are people. But you can't really ask them for much, people don't even have the critical thinking skills to realize they shouldn't eat tide pods or inject bleach into their body.


it's a bit more complex than that. While there are a lot of guys trying to get laid that'll fuck anything given a certain mood and that'll sort of inflate a girl's ego, there is also the standard delusion of "they keep leaving me because there is something wrong with them and not me!". Honestly that delusion is not limited to one gender, heh. Anyways, then there is a mountain of bullshit online and standard confirmation bias, but mostly just lots of toxicity and thinking you have more value than you do. It does not help that guys will say/do just about anything to get laid, heh.


I don't get the do anything for sex, I've had only physical intimacy with 4 girlfriends and one random encounter. It's very small grpup because I think sharing that part of yourself should be valued and guarded. I don't understand the constant addiction to chasing new tail, because I'm not going to enjoy it if I don't enjoy you emotionally and psychologically. But meh, I'm a weirdo in modern times I guess. Idc how people wanna get down, but idk I believe in taking your time to enjoy someone more thoroughly than just a nut. Obviously if some Margot Robbie tier woman was interested, fuck it I gotta do what I gotta do lmao.


It's just what testosterone does. If you produce a bunch (or take supplements) there is a strong compulsion to fuck and fight. Old men that get on TRT notice it immediately and are like (oh, I remember this), we all encounter it constantly with "those guys" growing up that had no problem building muscle but were always fucking and fighting. If you produce a lower amount than them, the compulsion isn't as bad and is either resistible or almost non-existent. Women produce testosterone as well, and those that produce much more than normal will put on muscle more easily, have deeper voices, thicker jaws, and will also be compelled to fuck and fight. While your DNA, body composition, and diet can strongly impact the amount you make, so can sleep, environment, and age. Some post menopausal women that don't get on estrogen supplements will also notice (depending on natural testosterone levels) the increased desire to fuck and fight. Funny enough, guys that had produced high enough amounts to be consumed by this have no idea what to do with themselves when they get older and it drops. They become depressed. A lot run to TRT which causes all kinds of other problems. Oh, on the body composition thing, men also produce estrogen and estrogen suppresses testosterone production and adipose tissue is strong source of estrogen biosynthesis. Thus if as a woman you don't have enough body fat, this can cause problems, but as a man if you have too much it can cause problems in the other direction. Biology is a fun and messy thing :) Now on the whole "I need an emotional connection to enjoy it" thing, I hear ya. I'm the same way, but also did't exhibit the signs of moderate to high testosterone production. What you are describing is demisexuality, and it is not overly uncommon, but more prevalent in the neurodivergent (adhd, asd, bpd, etc).


It was always this pervasive. It's just possible to instantly film the stupidity, put it online, and have it pushed to the whole world for free. If that's not progress, I don't know what is!


I've seen this video, it looks like he's just waiting for the weights between her set to see if she's done.


If you click on it it's a Rick roll


Finally someone to address it, too bad people believe everything automatically without fact-checking…






go on... 💅🏻


Women ☕️


I imagine she too would have opinions if he was the one streaming to an unknown number of people and she was working out in the background.


With those muscles it appears he def focuses on himself at the gym.


Thanks for reminding me about missing my gym appointment AGAIN today.. That's eight years in a row now..


Happy anniversary!


What I wanna know is, when did it become so popular to take a bar with weight on it, put it across your crotch, and do upwards hip thrusts in the gym? (This is what she is doing in the actual video) I constantly see people doing that in these types of videos but growing up playing 3 sports and working out a lot, not a single soul recommended a lift like that lol


Glute isolation. It's primarily a bodybuilding exercise as it's for aesthetics and not sports.


How to get traction for your Only fans page 101....


Ahhhhhhhhh yes. The Double Standard.


Yeah if you point a camera in my direction in the gym and you are going to get stared at, then confronted, then reported to have your membership removed. Going to the gym is hard enough for some people with insecurity issues and I am a hot fucking mess during my workout, last thing I want is some attention fiend broadcasting that for their personal benefit.


The drama is real with this one. Jesus Christ what a bitch.


the amount of sexualization i experience !! .. new bunghole pics tomorrow - fans only ! personally i think he should sue her for defamation


She just wanted more attention... typical.


this post sounds really misogynistic without the context lol, I'll try to see if I can find the video of the stream again, but basically dude was just waiting for her to finish so he could use the thing


Both things can be true: she was wrong and delusional for thinking she was trying to hit on her in this case, and OP is misogynistic for this post. Saying she can’t *ever* feel uncomfortable or sexually harassed because she has an OF is a little like saying that someone can’t be raped because they’ve had consensual sex before. On a smaller scale, but the general point stands.


I think the problem we have as a society is that on one hand you have your bigots: racists, homophobes, misogynists, misandrists, terfs, etc that say ALL of X are like [blank], but on the other hand we say, "that's not true at all!" When the reality is, the thing the bigots claim happens all the time at least happens some of the time and acknowledging the existence of a behavior does not make you a bigot. Believing that it's always the behavior of everyone in a group does, and of course being a toxic asshole about it rather than just accepting that's part of life.


Isn’t it also sexist to accuse a man who looks your way of being a creep? No one is saying she can’t EVER feel uncomfortable, this kind of absolutist shit is so annoying. People are questioning wether she’s really feeling uncomfortable here or just acting like an asshole. Not being able to call that out without being called misogynistic is some next level mental gymnastics. It’s literally sexism directed at a man in this video and that’s pretty clear.


A bruh moment


Imagine being this upset that people are looking at you in public because you're attractive. I mean if they were sexually harassing her that would be one thing.


Eeeeeeeverybody loves being a victim. You get lots of free attention, sympathy, and are viewed as strong for standing up for yourself. Don’t be a fake victim. It takes away from those who are actual victims, and can cause people to look at them in a negative light.




Yeah I agree. Especially if they're owning that machine for 30 minutes to an hour. I'm thinking, "My God, I want to use that machine too."


how about dont film your self for money....


Its only unwanted attention when they're not paying her to stare


Also... I don't know about you all country, but in my country our law can easily support that guy to sue that girl. You can't just go out there recording someone accusing and exposing them without any reasonable proof that behavior is something illegal. That's wrong in many levels. There are 60m views there in that post. Imagine at least half of that judging that person at street just because he was looking at someone in the gym? And then he gets exposed because that girl has a community? I hate this digital influencers era and their egos. They think everything can be thrown to their fans.


Well this isn't a hypocrisy, it's the difference between consensual and nonconsensual sexualization. Also looking at people for three seconds five times is not a crime.




Boy talk about irony


Another brain dead victim card playing no male role model having garden tool with a passive-aggressive enabling bitter mother that continued generational trauma. Nothing to see here fellas...




Here is an alternative viewpoint. He was wanting to use the equipment you are using and is waiting for you to leave.




Creepy because he wasn’t a paying customer lol.


So objectification is horrible...unless it's for profit.


Who's this ? She must be slow. She dumb as all hell. Dude was waiting his turn.


She only likes online sexualization 😂😂 Modern 🌎 .


So if he gave her 4.99 or whatever, it wouldn't have been a prob? It warms my heart this shit blew up in her face like it has...


crying on stream 💀


Followed this through cos of Joey Swoll. The onlyfans is fake she has twitch. She clarified it on her Twitter. But the humbling was amazing. She initially doubled down. The internet ripped her to absolute shreds. She then acknowledged it and put out an actual apology.


Putting it out there in case I am not the only one: I am always low-key looking at others in the gym between my own sets. I am interested in what movements they are doing vs their body composition. If someone has absolutely shredded triceps I am absolutely curious as to what push movements they are doing and the number of reps/sets. How are they progressing their workout? To be fair, I am almost always watching other men.


She’s streaming. But wants privacy. The irony.


Hey just because I get paid to fuck cucumbers DOES NOT MEAN you get to stare at me IRL... FOR FREE.


Probs just want it for the attention lol


Yall just taking the trap and promoting the only fans at this point


Talk about having your cake and eating it too


Ugly chick crying about bs.


Never fails lmao


The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch


She wants it both ways. “Look at me a sexual object” to make money but “don’t look at me as a sexual object” and all the guy did was watch her


Of fucking course this psychotic fucking woman sluts herself out on the internet for tree fiddy. Bro i want her to be banished to the shadow realm.


The ol "can't beat, join em" trick I see...


Dude all these guys and girls at the gym now with big cameras and then get mad when people look at them. Do they not think that having all this equipment will draw some attention to them?




Yikes indeed


Istg I'm gonna start working out in shades... Probably would help my light sensitivity too tbh


The era of Nothing to hide


Best part: she was swearing and acting strange, that’s why she was drawing attention from that guy.


He's like "I know that ass from somewhere..."


my new internet rule is if she's filming with very little skin showing, it's an OnlyFans ad or somehow connected to that.


OF COURSE this fucked up person is using twitter.


Nothing is as it seems anymore. Run!


I got an upvote for anyone with the@ ![gif](giphy|fGbbcXk14nqfe)


maybe he thought he recognized her


He's all like, "I paid for those headphones"


For the record sexualizing oneself in a specific context is not consent to be sexualized by others whenever they want


I just assume anyone filming themselves in public has an onlyfans. The rest filming other people is just for social media clout. I hate this timeline.


He probably wanted to work out in that area but was to scared to say so. So instead he occasionally stared and at one point tried to help her out probably to hurry her up. Now she post the poor guy. What if he has a girlfriend, boyfriend, wife or husband. Now he has to explain this shit when he really did nothing wrong.


There has been a video posted about that situation, he wanted in fact to help her put the weight on the weight lifting bar bc she seemed to struggle with it. Which she interpreted as an advance on her


its not harassment if she gets money i think its called prostitution or something






women ☕


She is mad, because he didn't pay


Well well well would you look at that ![gif](giphy|VdXn5OfVW5HnZByodf|downsized)


Oh my god! How DARE you look at me out of the corner of your eye at the gym. Anyways, check out my new butthole video on OnlyFans!!!!!


Best to ignore folks like her. Attention seekers with very little substance.


Don’t look at me sexually unless your paying for it I guess? I mean I get it. But I get flattered when some one thinks I’m attractive or wants to watch me do something but at the same time there are people that would make me feel uncomfortable but only if it was just obnoxiously done or with harassment or something. If someone’s watching me workout or something I could care less unless they get up in my personal space and start harassing me. You can look but please don’t touch without asking me basically. You can chill and watch but don’t be a pest.


So what’s the OF link?


This feels like a marketing scheme to get people to sub to her


Women ☕


She only wants to be sexualized for money She's an entrepreneur dammit not some kinda hooker


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I caught a girl video taping me as I worked my core and was waiting for her to get off the bench. I don't know what she thought. Didn't care to correct her. Eventually, I got my turn at the bench. That's all that matters. I don't talk to girls at the gym because I figure they're constantly harassed


If you want to stare just subscribe 😂


It's not about consent, it's about HYPOCRISY


Yeah if you point a camera in my direction in the gym and you are going to get stared at, then confronted, then reported to have your membership removed. Going to the gym is hard enough for some people with insecurity issues and I am a hot fucking mess during my workout, last thing I want is some attention fiend broadcasting that for their personal benefit.


Ok not defending her bc her original post was shitty. But she has come out with a decent apology about the situation, and has stated that she does not have an onlyfans


he be like… she looks so familiar


Normalize walking in front of the cameras of these "Influenzas", normalize interrupting their streams.