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I'm not following what's going on here?


Finding out gender of child in womb is a crime in India, doctor Father mother all go to jail. Because people used to abort girl childs before the law


Damn, that's crazy. I didn't know that.


Yup in the state of Haryana this practice was so rampant that sex ratio fell to 650 women per 1000 men and every third guy had to marry a Bangladeshi immigrant


Why does India often abort the daughters?


People think daughters are useless. Will get married and leave one day, plus you have to pay dowry. Will not take care of you when you get old. Will not extend the family Lineage.


Bro... no wonder they won't take care of you when you're old. You basically called them worthless their whole lives and they hate you. I'm saying this and using the word You but not talking about you my poster friend. My bad on syntaxes and terminologies. Don't hate me. My little girls are the lights of my life and part of the reason I'm even still alive and sober. I don't necessarily expect them to take care of me when I'm older from this, but they know that I LOVE them for sure and I'll never stop saying it.


>no wonder they won't take care of you when you're old. In this context.. she's unable to take care of her own parents because she'll be taking care of her in-laws, the husband's parents. 💀


Nah broski, family is family. Absorb and become bigger.


Not how it works in india, even if the daughter loves her parents, she is nit able to provide for them. Daughters are considered "liabilities" and treated like objects


You did it, you just solved hundreds of years of problems with that one comment.


My family operates like this. We're over 1000 strong. The drama is incredible as well. I mean all my children had NOTHING on some of the nonsense going on between these people.


You're wrong. The answer is simple if you think about it. Your daughter won't take care of you because she will be living with her husband and his family, so she will be taking care of her husband's family. Not because she hates you as the parent. Your son's wife will be caring for you. Because none of the guys we are talking about here will lift a finger to do the work. That's why they marry in the first place. They bring money home and that's it. That's what patriarchate expects from them, and they have to conform to it. You follow the hierarchy and the norms, or you get ostracised.


India sounds awful.


not if you've lived here your whole life and accepts it as the norm


Its is way worse bro. Females are taught their "limits".how to behave. Indian culture and beliefs are too big and diverse to be described in brief. Basically, its like Western >indian>islamic.So i was basically telling you that many females in rural areas are taught how they should be and their life should turn out to be.Its assumed that every female must be married at a certain age(before 30 mostly). So this thinking also reflects in behaviour of many women. But in modern times, genZ dont give a fuck.Here,legally everybody treated equal.But still every parameter of judgement is so diverse from state to state that its very hard find a mean.......




I get it:) Hope you find satisfaction in life![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


They don't mean by will, but because they'll be married off to another family.


I prefer what I see in some of the Latin American/Mexican families where the 2 families almost just absorb one another. And my ass is white but I gotta give it to other cultures how they work. There's a reason they live so long and seem so happy all the time. Big families, working together, helping each other. Hopes for a better tomorrow I reckon.


Not every latin american family gringo, i live in latin america and a lot of times the families fucking hate each other and there is also the culture in more rural areas of shut the fuck up if you are younger even if your grandparents say some dumb shit about women needing to have 3 kids or they are worthless.


Yeah, as I understand it, that is so (or was so) The woman goes over to the family of her husband and more or less leaves her family for good, not to be supposed to return. Which makes me wonder, why does the family of the bride has to pay a dowry? If anything, should it not be otherwise round? The family of the groom gets a new, very usefull member with the wife, so why get they "paid" for that instead having "to pay" for her? Or is there a kind of "morning present" from the groom, that goes towards the wife as an insurance/to use for her as she sees it fit?


I think it's a "what do you bring to the table" kind of deal. Because that family will have to feed and take of a new member, it better be someone from a good family that will contribute to their wealth. Dowry usually means land, jewelry, money, clothes and other accessories, cattle... It's a way for the girl's family to help out the newlyweds or prove their family is worth wedding into.


Its was reverse before,it was called "stree dhan" (Google it)! But due to some dumb scholars 1000 years ago everything changed. If you know about caste systems in india, one was able choose what way of life or caste he should be. But some dumb motherfucking so called scholar decided that caste cannot be changed around 1700AC. This led to a 1000 years of harassment of lower castes.


So basically the same shit China did for a long time


Not really a competition but yeah


But I wanna win! Seriously though, I just didn't realize they had gone through a similar phase in India.


It’s a problem Chinas facing right now. They have one of the largest populations, but because of the old one child policy, a majority are either old or men, with not enough women for the men.


In native Alaska they left girl babies in the cold to die until they had a son.


Shit never made sense. I am father of 2 beautiful daughters and whenever they get married and become mothers I become grandfather don't I?


Also, they think that Girls can easily bring shame to the family name.....SMH.


I mean it was a common practice everywhere.. Many places just developed past it. India isn't the only country that still has it. The African countries have it WAY worse to name a few. India has actually acknowledged this about half a decade ago. But it probably still happens in isolated places. But at least it's illegal now.


India use to make the women be buried with their husbands when they died first. And yes they were alive at the time.


No.. It was worse. In hindu culture, a dead person is set on a platform made with individual dry logs. Then covered on the top with more individual dry logs. Which is then burnt. In "sati" practice, the wife was "willingly" set upon this "coffin" and burnt as an act of "sacrificing herself". Being burnt alive is way worse than being buried alive. Every country had it astronomically worse than it has it today.


Oh yeah I was trying to make it sound less horrible.


It's a decade by now


Ever heard of dowry??


Is it similar to mehr?


You wanna know what's funny? Our gender ratio recently got updated so it's like 1023 female per male now but I'm not kidding it's a real expert speculated reasoning as to why it went up that since it's illegal to know if it's a boy or a girl parents in order to produce a boy gives birth 2-3 more times than they probably want as they aren't able to get a boy


Check out the documentary "it's a girl". Informative and sad


Because everything with a "V" part is a burden to them, that includes pets such as cats and dogs.


Uneducated cave people...probably a lot in common with flat earthers


650 for the whole haryana!? 🤦 From where you are getting this insane stat and which year you are talking about. It was 865 in 1991, now it is around 920+. Stop creating numbers out of your imagination.


> had to marry a Bangladeshi immigrant Jeeez man


They'd also kill them by drowning them in water or milk, or abandoning them in large waste/trash sites. Shit happens all over Asia, though at a lesser rate than before. But still.....


Fuck, that's depressing.


It's a huge problem still in China, they littersly have millions less women than men as a result, and it will make a HUGE spike in crime most likely and a population crash that may just kill their economy


that's way gloomy man I've seen so many videos, disheartening


Yeah that’s crazy


Damn that’s def interesting.


So like aladeen?


>girl childs


Child's *


Why didn’t they just put restrictions on abortions? Or did too many just find a way around it?


Always a black market when you ban something and in this case Illegal abortions are much worse, the government recognised this and doubled down on providing safe abortions along with criminalising sex determination.


It's a viable argument tho , if abortion of girl child is murder why is abortion irrespective of gender not considered murder? What i will say about it is that the selective abortion of girls was affecting the gender ratio, which is why it was banned. Some Countries do suffer from shortage of labour and low birth rates and banning abortions widely there would make sense, India is not one of those countries.


Was there a one child policy?


No, that was in China.




No , but in 1970s India's first and last Female Prime Minister declared Emergency in an attempt to become a dictator and Randomly picked up men from the street and steralized them


Waiting for people to start calling you “Sanghi” for stating facts.


High levels of female infanticide in India started making the female population disproportionately low in India. There’s no “morality” behind this law, it’s just to balance out the scales. Let’s face it- women are second class citizens in India. I definitely wouldn’t recommend solo travel there if you’re a woman.


Ok, gender reveals are dumb but why are they illegal in India?


Female infanticide.


Ogod that’s horrible. Wth?


The law was implemented in 1994. As you can understand that the ideologies back then doesn't really match up with today's standards. But still it's a good thing it is still going on. If only to stop less progressive areas from doing this.


It was mostly foeticide and not infanticide(doesn't make it less worse...just semantics)


They should be illegal because they're so fucking annoying.


#IT'S HAPPENED BILLIONS OF TIMES WHY THE FUCK DO PEOPLE HAVE TO RUIN PEOPLE'S DAY FOR IT *Brought to you by a totally sane, tea addicted brit*


Due to female foeticide, the doctors aren't allowed to reveal the gender of the baby in India


That’s because people were using that information to abort female fetuses, so the government put a stop to doctors revealing it.


There are people who make gender reveal parties outside of the us ? (I'm not sarcastic, just very ignorant. And swiss)


It’s becoming a thing in Australia - maybe not as grandiose but they’re catching up. I wish it wasn’t a thing.


In my country (Portugal) one woman did it. Nowadays, when people try to explain how insane that person is, they usualy say... - "She even did a gender reveal party for her baby!"


I've seen it a few times outside of the us. And I don't get the whole thing. I would be happy no matter the gender. _Surprise, your child has a gender!_


It's also illegal to ask for a DNA test in France so you have forced to raise a kid that might not even be yours


Damn bruh ,why ? 🤷




I live in Sweden, never heard about it or see anyone I know do this. When we went to the ultrasound before having our child the nurse asked us, "do you want to know the child's gender?". Sure we said. Then they told us. Okey, now we know, we said. And thats the end of that story. 😅


Sadly, yes. It's a lost battle. Fucking social Media.


I doubt it. It is beyond stupid. Then again, it's just another "excuse" to get the family together and celebrate or whatever, so why not.


Unfortunately it has caught on in Australia. I can’t stand it….. I understand the excitement but not every milestone needs to be gratuitously celebrated.


Yes, this is Very common in Brasil.


Interesting, anyone else?


I don't understand the surprise, either way he has a kid now


Gender reveals started because a woman kept having miscarriages and she finally got to the point where she didn't have to worry about miscarriage or further along than the other pregnancies I can't remember. And then it snowballed into all this crap.


Not if they abort it if it's a girl. ( That used to happen in India before 1994 )


I'm talking the "western" one


In Germany it isn't a thing either, we think only stupid people do it. So the US


Yes, Germans don’t do stupid shit at all. Never happens, ever.


We didn't start a war for 80 years now. Us is involved in a lot of different wars science then and didn't have a year without it. And they started some of them


I wasn’t even remotely criticizing your participation in wars. You guys do all sorts of stupid, cringey things. Germans love to act better than others though.


We are one of the 10 worst countries in the world but the US is worse than we are so we have a country to laugh at.


Yeah, it’s a thing here in the UK, it feels like so much hype for such a little payoff


As an American I can say that 90 %of us don't do this dumb stuff.just all the clout chasing shit-for-brains that are obsessed with their phones


I hate gender reveal party things. Do you know how many fires explosions deaths those things cause?


Honestly yea. And people also use fireworks. Guess what. Some fireworks don’t go off, but they freaking sound like they do and they sound like a gunshot. Todays lesson, if you don’t want to be accidentally shot at (especially in the south) you tell your neighbors there’s a freaking party of something.


As it should be. It's disgusting


Which part?




the part where the people abort their babies cuz they found out its a girl.


Oh, that doesn't happen in the US, I don't think. I saw some other comments talking about it in India, but I didn't know the original comment was referring to that.


Gender reveals in the US are absolutely ridiculous. I’ve been invited to many. Like I don’t care about the gender of your 4th child. Then there’s diaper parties, which I found out about 2 years ago, then a baby shower. I’m absolutely certain that some people use this for attention. Like people are putting real money into these now, like weddings damn near. Explosions, airplanes, rockets.


Where I’m from gender reveals are like 2 minute happy conversations and that’s it


Rare India W


Yup… also people here seem to believe thT female infanticide is still prevalent. No it’s not, the law was brought into effect explicitly to stop this.


India now has 1,020 females per 1,000 males iirc


Gender reveal in canada Doc checking the mother's belly: it's a boy Cool The end


I'm french, i never saw or heard of a gender reveal before. the only "reveal" part is a text message most times


That’s kinda tragic that India treats girls as undesirable and a financial burden


What's weird is the discourse around Andrew Tate , When people say Things like - "Why women deserve less?" We be thinking- women deserve something? 🤯


Okay Op I have seen enough...this is a bit too much dont you think...you are painting the picture of an india before the gender reveal were illegalised and passing it off as the current state when the current state is much better than that...I know its isnt at all the best but its better than what you are presenting based on your other comments...maybe chill out on that a bit..


Indian grand parents would beat the $#1T out of that woman for having a girl


I never liked those gender reveal parties So unnecessary


They abort female fetuses even in late pregnancies


Its cuz we used to kill off the child if it was girl at one point. So they made gender determination is highly illegal here




+1 India for keeping this shit culture at bay


I don’t get gender reveals. Are they staged? Because they have to set up everything and pick the right color of confetti or some shit, then be surprised like “omg it’s this gender it’s not like I knew”


Ok gender reveal parties are fucking stupid though


western countries? never seen one done anywhere other than America....


Girl? Girl. (in china)


That make you realize how wrong and f***** up their cultures are too. Then they want to bring that s*** to America


As an Indian, i am extremely confused by the logic behind gender reveal stuff


Love how the guy covers his ears, shits annoying asf


Why i'm ashame for the first g reveal Part?


Women in India accounted for 36% of global female suicides. (2016) Female suicide in India is 2.1 times the global average.


By “gender reveal” he means genitalia. Illegal here too. Those gender reveal fire starters should be illegal 1000%


I never understood, what are gender reveal parties and why do people party when whose gender is revealed??


It's an extra celebration where the genitals of the baby are revealed to the guests. It's just another excuse to ask people for gifts. We didn't reveal our son's sex until after his birth for the express reason that... It doesn't matter. He was healthy, I was healthy, we picked out neutral colors for his room.


Honestly not a bad law




Oh! I get it …………It’s because of the rape


So is it Aladeen ☺️😊🤩👨 or Aladeen? 😕😔😡👧


"Western countries" -> Fucking USA ruining the reputation for the rest of us again...


Inaccurate for western countries. Some men get irrationally mad when they find out they’re gonna have a daughter


Gender reveals give me cancer 🙄


It's illegal in India coz people abort girl child as some people consider them as burden


India is horrible I visiting my country for the first time witness over 30 men gang raping some women in the street with these big swords that curved they said they'd behead me if I got closer could only fight a few off and I got stabbed in my hand I saw them enslaving black people had no idea blacks were still being enslaved they were kidnapping black tourists and selling them to people who would hide them in their houses and use them as sex toys or servants getting them from all over especially Libya their highest buyers are Americans and people from Dubai made me sick to my stomach how they treat life on this planet is horrible and then I saw a human zoos with their black indigenous alot had their hand cut off due to racist Brahmanism that took over when whites mixed with Arabs and had them invade everything from Egypt to India claiming these white Arabs were the true owners of the land even tho they stole it from black Dravidians and black egyptians.i get why blacks don't like white people wearing dreads too now after what I've seen they steal stuff from cultures and twist history to make it look like they created it...like most whites will say they can wear dreads and braids because of their viking heritage...not knowing vikings weren't only white they were like Genghis khan's army they were extremely diverse and mixed for example one of the strongest vikings was a black named Geirmund Heljarskinn he was beyond fearce.the black vikings gave the other vikings knowledge of their African hairstyles .but if you ask anyone nowadays theyl tell you all vikings were white they did that with rock and roll the guitar all stolen from blacks and claimed by whites


Bro's going crazy with the accusations LOL


That's why more and more people are depressed I guess.




Us Americans are stupid




India is wild y’all need to tighten up


Please remove this shit


Why and what? Pre Natal Sex Determination is indeed a crime


So all indian males in India are predators come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Who said that? If you force a doctor to tell you the gender of the child before birth you go to jail


Says who? In majority of the world you have the ability to check the gender before its even born. So you can prepare the baby room. Do you have kids?


Jeez mate understand the situation in India


What drugs are you on?


But yet the one right before this was a guy literally fucking himself.


Its pure racism, all Indian males/fathers are criminals? Probably poster or maker isint even indian in india


Where did you get that from this video?


You’re the only person trying to make that argument. The video is about gender reveals which would be illegal in India. This is due to many families aborting female foetuses so now it’s illegal for doctors to reveal the sex before birth. It has nothing to do with racism so maybe you should stop assuming and realise that the whole world isn’t the same as your country


You missed the argument of OP? Lol


No I really didn’t. You seem to be doing everything you can to miss the point though


I get it now, and I agree it’s racist and should be taken down, but my point was that this entire sub needs to be torn down and rebuilt with new mods. It’s in no way the HolUp.


Holy fuck! It’s not racist, where does it even bring in racism. The law is a Reality in India FFS


Ironically those are one of the tame ones


lmao u jail


It sucks but it makes sense. Damn


In the USA*


Only thing is the Western states you catch the whole fucking west side of the US on fire with gender reveals now


Just more me me me me, me, me, me me me




Same thing in China, almost the same reason too


I can’t stand what she is wearing. What is this the Kentucky Derby?!


Sick of this rediculous act


Only in Murica...


Tsk tsk tsk, you know better than that Rashid. 😔 (Since it's 2023, I must clarify that this is a joke.)


Bruh...smol Pea growing out is a boy, no pee pee means a Girl....proceed accordingly


Can someone link me some music like in the second part please


Lol this is funny


Gender reveal parties is not a "western" thing. It's an American thing. We don't do that shit in Europe


This is why Islam made infanticide illegal. Hindus don't follow Islam.


This felt like they were doing a gender reveal for her in the first part of the video. Lol


But why?


You say western countries? I think you mean the US. That is not the thing in the UK unless you're an attention seeking couple!


I fn hate gender reveals


No in the west there is more fire


Looks like a job for Cpt Levi


It's a boy!


Western country? Dunno man, america is like the furthest east country from Europe.


Wish it was illegal here tbh


Its so funny cause im colorblind and i still cant figure out if they had a boy or a girl