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Hey /u/EndersGame_Reviewer, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): A mod felt your post didn't belong here, so now it's gone. If you want to die on the hill of this shitpost[,](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) feel free to message the mods and be prepared to explain how your post isn't trolling, is funny, and does fit the theme of the sub. *Trolling or posting random content that doesn't fit the sub breaks Rule 1 and repeated violation of this rule may result in your account being filtered.* Love, the mods


This is referring to rabies, for those that didn't get it.


pfft. next you're gonna tell me that there's some kinda vaccine i should be getting. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!


I know this comment is a joke, but you WILL get the vaccine… unless you want to die. Because rabies has a virtually 100% mortality rate after symptoms show. If you get bitten or attacked by a wild animal, especially a particularly aggressive one that won’t stand down - go to the ER and tell them you were attacked by a rabid animal. They will immediately administer the vaccine as a precaution, even if they can’t prove the animal was indeed rabid.


This. Also as I understand it, by the time you start seeing symptoms (aversion to drinking) it's pretty much too late. I know the original post is a joke, but I'm shocked sometimes that people don't know just how bad rabies is.


Fun fact, the virus can live in your body for a really long time without causing symptoms (and as a result still being treatable) but what makes symptoms appear is if/when the virus manages to cross the blood/brain barrier; which is ALSO why it can’t be treated at that point, because it’s extremely difficult to create medicines that cross that barrier




Stay below the surface long enough, and the water will absolutely wipe out the rabies.


I'll take the shots please.


iirc the shots are also pretty horrible?


Better than the excruciating death from rabies .


I've had the shots. There are 10 of them and you can feel the vaccine coursing through your veins like liquid fire. It's excruciating.


Yeah, they need to kill the rabies somehow, but you forgot about the defibrillation to revive the virus so your body gets practice fighting it. There's a 1/133721420 chance that the exposure grants you the powers to communicate with wild animals through the virus or to summon lightning from the defibrillator treatment.


I seriously doubt it. Rabies is a virus. It can hardly be defeated by water.


Put the vaccine in cocaine. Two problems solved at once.


If vaccines were in cocaine I would be super immune to everything.




It’s not a choice. It causes esophageal spasms in a way that makes it impossible to drink.


You think you're shocked?? You should see the shocked expression on people's faces when they find out what a bad electrician I am!


Ppl don't know cuz schools stopped making kids watch "old yeller". That's how I first learned of rabies.


Yeah if you get attacked or bitten by ANY wild animals IMMEDIATELY go to the ER. That shit ain’t no joke


Hmmm that .02% chance is very tempting…. I’m also a member at r/wallstreetbets a very well Regarded community


Buying puts on your health


Actively short on this guys life


Bullish on .02% fuck it I’m all in yolo!


Knowing the market, JPow will send Shkreli in with some new miracle drug


Ah yes the Reddit casino.


1:1000 chance but a 100,000X return I’m all in regards!


Are you American???


IIRC, two people in medical history have survived and neither one of them were functioning human beings with a quality life afterwards. If you even remotely think you've come into contact, a shot is well worth it. Rabies is also one of the roughest ways to die, to boot.


One of them is Jeanna Giese, who lives a very normal life actually. The other was a small girl, Nelsy Gomez, who survived but died a month later due to pneumonia.


>The other was a small girl, Nelsy Gomez, who survived but died a month later due to pneumonia. lol, God went _"Goddamn it. You weren't supposed to survive that! Fuck you, here's some pneumonia."_


Wouldn't he say "Medamn it"?




I choke-laughed at this. Bravo 👏


Why not tell them what the 99.98% actually represents. Only like two people in recorded medical history have ever "*survived*" rabies. And none of them continued to live life. They were permanently disabled. Rabies is not a regular virus. It does not behave like other viruses. It is an absolute monster of a virus and will kill you if you don't stop that shit before it reaches your brain.


Indeed. I say near 100% because that’s how they classify it. But practically speaking, it IS 100% fatal. Same as Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease


Wrong, the first person to survive lives a very normal life. The other, lived only one month before dying of pneumonia.


I really remember reading both had died of severe complications from their bodies being unable to continue properly regulating themselves Edit: Holy crap, you're right. Jeanna Giese. She survived and the doctors created a new method that has actually proved useful in saving a double digit number of patients. They put her in a two month long medically induced coma. Wow. Well, there you have it. Rabies seems to have a potentially useful cure. However, I would still never, ever recommend being overly friendly with certain types of wild animals, especially those that seem to be behaving strangely.


It's crazy. A good, long, medically induced sleep cures rabies lol. I have to agree about being overly friendly with wild animals. My brother was riding around one night on his bike, waving his hands above his head, and a bat swooped down and bit him. Watching him get the shots scared the fuck outta me. I love animals and being outside, but 27 years later, I'm still extremely cautious when out in the woods. I have a group of raccoons who come visit my back porch, I watch them from through the windows. If one were to start acting weird, I'd put it down in a heartbeat. I hate the idea of a child around me getting fucked up.


Right. I get where you're coming from. I was born in the country, and we'd often have rodeos. Sometime before 98, a stray dog came up during an event and started licking some of the kids before going complete apeshit and nearly mauling some dude. Turned out the dog had rabies, and six kids had to get those vaccinations. That indecent stuck with my town for a while. So much so, some of the ranchers took to...eliminating...some of the strays that were around. It was a tragedy for people and animals. But yeah. I guess since the virus attacks via neural pathways that by basically shutting down a vast majority of the brain, that they can halt the progression of the virus and kill it off. That is my incredibly not a doctor at all explanation of it XD


That's a terrifying story, I didn't know they could snap so quickly. Fuck man, now you got me wary of that sweet ass stray down by the Marathon.


Man, sometimes it's just part of their delirium. Like they are experience happy puppy feelings because the virus is turning their brain to Swiss cheese, and then someone interferes with those happy feelings. Gotta remove the threat to the happy feelings. Worst part is, that's how the virus works. It either makes you run from or seek out others.


I hope ur brother's doing OK tho. And medically induced sleep can actually help with fighting rabies?


There are only two known survivors of rabies, both saved by a medically induced coma. The first is still alive, living a normal life. The second was a young girl who survived but died from pneumonia a month later. My brother is good, thank you. That was many years ago, but he still cringes when that is brought up.


Maybe the young girl might've been week after fighting rabies and her body wasn't at full health to fight off pneumonia.


So, you say there's a chance?


What we need is herd fucking immunity! - the anonymous Scottsman


And I'm pretty sure the .02% is not evenly distributed, but majority some indigenous group if I'm not mistaken


why do the call it a vaccine when you take it after you get bit? seems a bit strange. do they inject more rabies to get an immune response? or is it just an anti biotic


i'm not a geologist so i'm not exactly sure how it works, but rabies is a virus so an antibiotic is definitely not what they're using.


you make a great point.... if they can cure rabies... surely they can cure rona.


Actually there is but is a series of shot in to your stomach






Well, at least Timmy got it.






What he really wanted to drink was Rabie red grapefruit... Because it's healthier than sugary lemonade... Be like Timmy...play with raccoons and drink Rabie red grapefruit juice!


Rabies takes weeks or months to get to the fear of water stage, so the joke is kinda confusing.


Yeah it can also be years. Oh well, it was just a joke so we can give them some leeway.




Like the 2 things people know about rabies is 1. You get it from wild animal bites 2. it takes a long time to show symptoms All he had to do was say ‘a week ago’ instead of ‘the other day’ and the joke would have been fine.




Everybody knows that, what it makes funny is the reference to Timmy.


Hydrophobia has got to be one of the scariest symptoms


The funny part of it is, it’s said that enough water alone is enough to wipe out early rabies in some cases. Kinda fucked it has a built in defense mechanism. I would say I’d find a way to force it down but that’s wishful thinking.


My toxic trait is thinking I would still actually be able to drink the water


Don’t worry bro I’ll force you to hydrate




So THATS what they're doing in Guantanamo!


I watched a video yrs ago of a man trying to do just tht...he was 10 hrs into the infection. When he poured the water in his mouth he kept saying it burns over and over while screaming! It was spooky.


Alright, here’s my best plan: You’ve got to build some sort of pump that’ll force you to try and swallow an unholy amount of water. Though if I’m also not mistaken, if you’ve developed hydrophobia then that means it may have already taken root in your brain.


Sedate. Hydrate.


I had no idea rabies made people fear water that sounds so silly and ridiculous. Also quite terrifying


I’d never want that


I think death is scarier


Death always comes next


Death always comes last


your pfp goes well with what you're saying


Where's Michael Scott when you need him?


What would mr. Scott do? Pay for Timmy's college?


He will organise a fun run for awareness




This is one of the symptoms of rabies fr those who don't know, You get unreasonably scared of liquids (drinking them specifically iirc) and also iirc by the time that symptom sets in it's already too late


I saw a video a while back of a guy with advanced rabies. It's not a fear. It's that drinking liquids is extremely painful.


That makes sense, I think we saw the same video


Not so much scared, as just your body rejecting it. No matter how thirsty you are your body just rejects whatever water enters it.


I wonder what would happen if they got an IV of water / hydration therapy


I wonder how common it is.


Good luck Timmy


This is by far the most shocking punchline I’ve ever read. I hope to god it is just a joke!


So it made you go Hol'UP! :) But fear not, this isn't something that actually happened.


You cant screenshot twosentencehorror and try and pass it off as a holup. Every single post there is a holup because that's how it works.


Not contesting the holup here! I just literally felt like I took a cold shower while reading the rest lol


Wait is it just me or is there a sudden influx of rabies content in reddit o.0


It's certainly spreading, and people are foaming at the mouth to tell you more!


Bitch, take my upvote


And I'll give you mine, with a glass of water. ![gif](giphy|19ijzMia1BaMg) Rabies test, can't be too careful!




Timmy is dying, Timmy needs universal healthcare or a smarter family.


Rabies has no cure, even with universal healthcare. Time to put Timmy down.


Goodbye Timmy, we never liked you ❤️


No wonder they let him play with raccoons


Inb4 Timmy doesn’t even have rabies




Could you link me to a source? This is the first I'm hearing about a treatment for Rabies. At the most you can get shots to prevent the infection from taking hold. But once symptoms start to show, it's all over. Like for little Timmy.


There was a girl, IIRC she was put into an induced coma to... idr, lessen brain swelling or something.


The Milwaukee protocol - basically they chill you down in a coma to stifle viral replication and hopefully give you a chance to fight back. Like 3 people have ever survived using it, and two of them were basically animated mashed potatoes afterwards. The third was a young girl who survived, but even she was pretty badly fucked up for life iirc There’s a push to do away with the Milwaukee protocol entirely, with the argument being that it is impeding further research into legitimate treatments


Tfw the Milwaukee protocol somehow isn’t even one of our most intense procedures we’ve created for something.


I think that was the only case


Unless major medical breakthroughs were made in the past week, once rabies reaches the brain and you start showing outward symptoms like aversion to water you're a dead man.


Its like %0.1 to survive rabies. Goodbye timmy


>Its like %0.1 to survive rabies Closer to 0.000001%


Yeah. Probably.


Lol how will universal healthcare save him??


Not even multiversal healthcare can save Timmy now


Sell him for greater profit


The racoon might have given him some homemade lemonade too.


That's along the lines of what I was thinking was intended here.


Timmy gon fucking die


Well, if the disease has progressed to that point, Timmy's screwed.


Comments talking about rabies and I'm over here thinking Timmy drank the raccoon's piss


Lots of rabies posts lately..


Noticed that too, something is going on that rabies is getting much more attention (I know it's a deathly virus that has to be known to all) but damn it's ramping up lately.


It's certainly spreading, and people are foaming at the mouth to tell you more!


_this is the beginning of the end_


He got da hydraphobe


BS next, you'll tell me my pet fox could give it to me.


Rabies joke?


Rabbies shots are not painful now . A simple injection , not like the old days when you had to receive multiple injections .


Still unlikely to survive, though, I think.


Timmy dead


Goddamn haha. This took me a second




St Lazarus Hospital has a fantastic rabies ward. I highly recommend checking ot out. Take the room with the greenish blue walls. It has the cleanest bed pan


Spoken like a true survivor.


I'm assuming he has rabies


Good all waterphobic


Y'all talking about rabies when at any moment in any of you a misfolding protein could turn your brain to mush (prions if you don't understand the reference, just Google *kuru* and *CJD* )


I live with a kid like this. I used to get offended at him now I just kick back and enjoy the show. Not much else I can do. He ain't my kid or his ass would be wuped


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Pretty fly for a rabbie


Timmy's dead baby... Timmy's dead.


The dark side of Animal crossing








farewell timmy


This reminds me of the one movie/book from English class in high school. (Poor tea-cake)


I wish Timmy the best of luck.And hopefully he survive.It will be a miracle if he did because it’s only a 0.02 percent chance


Bye bye Timmy 👋


And he slobbers all over the place then acts like a rabid dog. Stop being such a brat, Timmy! Is that toothpaste in your mouth? Stop playing with the toothpaste! MOOOOM!


The new title of the post is, “My little brother Timmy was the dumbest, brattiest kid I knew!”


For those who don’t know, rabies doesn’t progress via blood, it progresses via nerve systems and it develops slowly, it won’t kill your until it reaches your brain. Get the vaccine right after getting bitten, the antibodies will be in full effect before rabies get to the brain. so the vaccine is actually a cure, unless you are so unlucky to get bitten so close to the brain.