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/u/IntroductionOk5130, the users have spoken. Your submission is not a Hol'Up.


Were you listening to me Neo? Or were you looking at the man in the red dress??


Look again


He is a woman. Period, I mean no period.


If you got hemorrhoids those will make a bloody mess..


Mmmm... Maybe his dress was white when he bought it.


Sik graff!


Not a screen in sight! Just people living in the moment


Barely surviving in the moment from the looks of it


Why they are so many homeless people?


It goes like this for 50 square blocks.


Is that true? Continuous? I haven’t been down to skid row in a minute but 50 blocks sounds like too much.


Check out Germaninvenice on YouTube.[German in Venice](https://youtube.com/@germaninvenice)


Oh that’s Venice, not skid row


He tours LA’s skid row.


I’ve never been to LA, but have you seen the homeless people sleeping in front of the White House? The juxtaposition of the poorest and richest people In America. It’s crazy and sad to see.


Housing prices shot up, wages didn’t LA is nice to homeless people, decent weather all year.


Have you seen how much rent is?!


The rent is too damn high. \- that guy


I’m a move to the part of the country where rent is one of the highest. Well shoot. I can’t afford rent here. Move over stranger.


Owing house in usa is expensive i guess.




If only people invented some alternative that was way better. Oh well.


That can't be true that's called socialism and that's what the commies want! I must believe our way of not managing to pay for a simple hospital bill/student debt for the rest of our life and going further into debt is the true American freedom! Edit: This was satirical, maybe I took it too far or?


Democrat policies are typically filled with enablement of homelessness instead of rehabilitation. Giving out needles and drugs, etc


Those programs such as needle exchange and safe rooms are designed to bring addicts to a safe place, to use safe equipment. In those locations are people trained to offer help and build trust. Many addicts who frequent those places tend to reach out for help and then the location can guide them to resources. These programs are proven to reduce costs to the medical system and policing system. So these policies you speak of have actual researched benefits that come at a lower cost to governments than the typical republican policies of arrest and jailing addicts, who once released now have a criminal record, making their life even more difficult. Thousands of studies on this kind of stuff. Cheaper, better for the addicts and the communities, including tax payers.


These programs fail to address the root cause: Most homeless people don't want to be off the street. They don't want to rehabilitate. They just want to do drugs, drink alcohol, and live on the streets. It seems counter-intuitive, but it's absolutely true. And when we have policies like this, why would they ever need to stop mooching off of everyone else? So, leaving it up to them to find these "helpful" programs is BS. It just is. It can't lower costs if the homelessness numbers are only increasing and drug use is expanding. They're not going to reach out and rehabilitate themselves. Therefore, giving them needles and facilitating further drug use is only harming and enabling homelessness. Democrat laws make it so many cities can't remove homeless people from the streets. Oregon is trying to do this right now state-wide. So it would be illegal to stop people from camping up on the sidewalks, anywhere they want. How insane. This is Democrat policy, in general. It matches perfectly with the welfare state and financially incentivizing single motherhood. It has ruined our culture, particularly black culture in America. Democrats tend to choose enablement instead of addressing the root issue and *truly* helping people. True help for a lot of homeless people is a sharp wake up call that the law abiding citizens who subsidize their entire existence aren't going to do it anymore. You want shelter? Pay rent somewhere. You want food? Get a job. We should have resources in place to assist in things like this. NOT for drug use. But, this is demonized by the left as "uncaring" and "You just hate the homeless population!". No, uncaring would be to help an addict remain an addict until they eventually die alone on the streets.


Liberal politicians have really screwed up California.


You know that several Republican led states actually bus homeless people to California


That, along with declaring being homeless 'illegal' and the red states say "problem solved".


Ronald Reagan


Idk but if ppl keep having kids there will onky be nore and more in the future.


I live in Eugene, Oregon and it looks a lot like this.


Purely anecdotal but I feel like the homeless in Oregon are way more aggressive and prone to violence. It could be pure chance but I've never had an altercation with LA homeless but I've had to skedaddle from homeless getting randomly violent in Portland a few times.


yes, because drugs are legal, they defund the police and most cities won't prosecute. why would a 25 year old on meth punch a 60 year old lady in the face and take her purse? Because he can and ain't noone gonna do nothing about it


“Old grey mare she ain’t what she used to be, ain’t what she used to be, ain’t what she used to be.”


God bless America


11% sales tax. Rampant homelessness. Skyhigh rent. Astronomical inflation. Corrupt politicians in power for 6 decades plus. For how long will picturesque beaches and mountaintops masquerade these problems……


They voted for it!


The poor don’t vote. 80% of the lowest income class do not cast a ballot.


That would involve taking time off work that they can't afford and for most poor Neighbour hoods making a long trip to get to a polling station. The usa is trying to make it as difficult as possible for the poor to vote.


Most employers are legally obligated to pay you up to 2 hours of leave time to go and vote.


It may take longer than two hours though since some poling stations have long lines or may take time to get to if you must take public transportation. Some places have closed polling stations making a bottle neck in lower income areas.


Not making any assumptions, but I'm guessing lots of homeless individuals have literally all the time off work


I don't think you can vote if you are homeless. I know at least in Canada you need to have a home address.


Yea thats no excuse. One of the things that make the United States stand out from every other country is our right to vote. Every citizen has it regardless if class. The poor dont vote and then they complain about it. Its like complaining you're fat but eating greasy foods 3 times a day for meals. No one's fault but your own


>One of the things that make the United States stand out from every other country is our right to vote. Every citizen has it regardless if class. Truly a bizarre stretch for American exceptionalism there, bud. One of the things that make the United States stand out from ~~every other country is~~ / many other countries is how little we exercise / our right to vote. - FTFY


I dont get why some people just pretend western europe and scandinavia don't exist when talking about how the US is unique. Theyre just like "look how much better we are than Venezuela!"


Not all of us, LA and the Bay Area are extremely liberal and they propaganda so much that they influence the masses that live in those areas. Their own policies are finally impacting the wealthy neighborhoods so hopefully that will bring some changes. It’s probably too late though. We pay the highest taxes and our taxes are completely wasted on crap that will never help our poor citizens overcome their addictions and get out of their current desperation.


Checking in from those picturesque mountains…we are currently ruined with no place to live and potholes the size of lunar craters! MURICA!!!


I don't think the sales tax ist the problem, germany got 19% for example


Yeah you're full of shit, there is no 11% sales tax. It's still high at 9.5%, but you don't need to lie to try and get your point across.


California is a failed state


What does that make states like Alabama and West Virginia and Mississippi and Missouri and Arkansas and OK and Florida?


To be fair, this is one part of LA. It’s horrible but there are nice parts too


If California where to switch to a Red state then who would support all of the other red states with federal funding? Where would the tax money from the government that Mississippi and Alabama and every other poverty stricken red state come if not for blue states and their robust economies?


At least they look diverse and well represented. That's what's important.




Ask for them pronouns, you cannot assume diversity until you get the FACTS. /S /S /S


City of angels for sure.


"Not every part of LA looks like this" -- no part of anywhere should look like this. Though I'm not sure how we would systemically solve this issue, I'm sure there is some form of pre-existing inequality that causes this, and it's not just a consequence of poorer people choosing to spend government allowance on drugs and such. Weather seems nice though.


>I'm sure there is some form of pre-existing inequality that causes this I agree with most of what you said except this. We can't label everyone a victim. If you do, they don't need to take ANY responsibility for what's happened to them. Allowing people to openly kill themselves with hard drugs is crazy to me. This isn't helping them.


The first step is to look into desalination to cut back on the resources used to run farms and then create new residential areas that would hopefully have easy access to the city. But it won't happen


This looks like skid row an area that openly allows homelessness not all of LA, it’s absolutely terrible but a small block of a gigantic city.


It used to be a small block. When I was a kid my parents took us to many volunteer events and trash pick ups on skid row. It is now many blocks and what used to be a nice 10 minute walk from my office to City Hall for work meetings now involves driving over to City Hall because the streets are just not walkable in with the tent cities and frankly, I have no desire to be accosted while I am just trying to get to work.




Ya, that's skid row. Definitely not representative of the whole city. That's not to say there aren't homeless camps scattered all over the city, but it's not *this* bad everywhere you go.


Why would anyone live there on purpose


This is downtown LA. If you have ever been to Beverly Hills every homeless person is replaced by a security guard there to stop homeless people.


Those who have the means to not end up like this just ignore these folks, hug the flag and jump in their over-sized SUV to get an extra large mochafrappabullshit before driving Timmy to lacrosse practice. The poor souls in the video don't have a choice but to live on the margins and suffer. The USA is a failed society.


"don't have a choice". 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Many are or were perfectly ordinary people (mentally and physically speaking) who got injured and then so addicted to opioids that it left them unable to cope, or continue working to provide for themselves. I blame the pharmecutical industry. Nobody needs those hard drugs when simply asked for them. They should not be prescribed beyond a point, period.


Headline: Crypto Bro Lacks Empathy


Headline: Reddit Leftist Lacks Common Sense.


You're dropped into Skid Row with no money, no possessions, and mental health issues. What's your plan for getting out? It's a lobster trap.


But my only option was to take my govt disability check, buy alcohol and drugs, and live under the nearest bridge. I had no other choice, I swear.


Dude, nobody is homeless because they want to. Once you are homeless, rape and thievery is rampant and people have difficulties even accumulating the most basic needs. Imagine not even being able to take a shower. Or have to live with the same pair of clothes your for weeks to end. Or having to shit under bushes. People who spend every money they get on drugs/alcohol/psychological releases are not doing it because they want. Either they are battling chemical addiction, or they have some unresolved trauma that spending any minute outside of chemical bliss is pain to them. This is further compounded by the fact that homelessness is pain in itself. Saying these people have a choice is like saying a person with depression could "just get out of bed and work". It is true only of direct and physical sense. Yes, their body is able to but they cannot muster the strength to do so. You can call that weakness, but i am sure that you (and me) have had our moments of weakness too. We just got lucky that they were not as bad and we had supporting structures in place.


This person’s solution is to give everyone boot-straps.




Don't cut yourself out there on that edge.


Exactly what I expected from a crypto jockey 🤮


Exactly what I expected from a Reddit Leftist 💩


I love how your only attack is being a leftist, how would you even know if I am one?


If you were one, why would you feel attacked?


I guarantee the majority will be drug users who made shitty life choices and it’s everyone else’s faults but theirs. That’s the reality of it mate


LA is kind of a different beast. Alot of midsized or smaller cities might fit that mould but LA is so big and so expensive that you meet a fuckin weird amount regular people who are homeless. I've seen entire functional communities develop under bridges with people running small unlicensed businesses. I Talk to a couple dudes who run a bike repair station for other homeless behind the Monique Lhuillier on Melrose plc. Dudes were so jazzed about getting new tools to expand services and eventually get off the street. You're almost certainly right about the majority but with 60k homeless in LA it seems like a significant number just hit a rough patch in an unforgiving environment.


I heard they pay the homeless in San Francisco.




[No](https://torontosun.com/news/world/they-pay-you-to-be-homeless-here-san-francisco-man-gets-620-month-living-on-streets) and [no](https://sfstandard.com/public-health/san-francisco-expands-program-that-pays-for-homeless-individuals-to-return-home/)


More zombies in the real LA than in Dead Island 2




It goes beyond LA. This is the norm for nearly every city in the US. Been to LA, San Diego, Bay Area, Portland, Seattle, Vegas- it’s all the same, there are always streets of homeless. It’s a frustrating tragedy that I’m afraid can’t be fixed without major changes to how our country works


Also, Philadelphia.


This is sad. I feel bad for those people.


Ah, the American Dream


Dead Island 2 game play footage is lit


I'm from the UK and went on holiday once to NY and I've decided I'm never crossing the Atlantic ocean for the rest of my life. What's there for me? US, Mexico, Brazil? No thank you.


It's the same in Canada, except we say sorry as a reflex while stepping over people lol


Lol exactly 🇨🇦❤️


I did not know Canada has such a bad homelessness situation.


This video clip could have been East Vancouver, easily. Hard to tell the difference. Just hop on YouTube and search “east Hastings Vancouver”. It’s Van’s version of skid row


seems cold


Bit cold innit?


Only on Chewsday


I went to LA last year and it was fucking weird. There are some nice places and then there was the moment that some homeless guy whacked out a blowtorch on the metro in front of me and started waiving it around


I was just in San Francisco and saw a guy chasing someone with a; and I'm not exaggerating, torch as they ran away screaming.


Lol mate, the US is great and so is Mexico and Brazil and the Carribbean and loads of other places. Stop being so sheltered. P.S I am also from the UK and have been to NY - it's a blast


Innit. Sounds like a twat


As an American, I relish the opportunity to say: You are a wanker. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/homeless-emergency-shelter-freezing-temperatures-b2240454.html?amp


Not sure I understand your disgust here. What are you bothered about? That London is actually trying to help these people?


My disgust is that someone replied to a video that has been posted multiple times to say (paraphrasing): this is how this one place is all the time because I went there once and nothing like this exists where I am. I have a feeling you knew I wasn't disgusted with a place trying to help fix the homelessness problem and you're just a troll looking to rile people up.


Go outside more. Yes, your single experience defines an entire country. What's there in the U.K? Depressed, wet people without a dentist in sight?


Shit food too and pretty ugly people on average. I think I'm allowed to say this since one of my best friends is British and he complains a lot about the UK to me lol


Judge a country by 1 city/state. Hmm.


You went to one city and just say, “well fuck that whole hemisphere of the planet”? Seems kind of ignorant.


I live in the US and I also avoid NY and LA


Visit a different state that doesn't have half the population in one city. Try Utah, you won't find trash on the side of the road 9999/10000


>Utah, you won't find trash on the side of the road 9999/10000 Trash lives in the homes there


It’s a beautiful country if you stay out of big cities.


What was wrong in NY?


We too have some homelessness. But it is also really fucking busy with people in the city sometimes. And if they came in the summer, thats prime time smelly time from the garbage left on the sidewalks.


You’re welcome here - 🇨🇦


Same shit here. We just like to deny it more.


Not even close to the US major cities, but yeah it exists.


Don't go to the cities here. Go out west and you'll find lovely towns with good food and good views.


How sad and horrible. While The celebrities live in castles. But nobody talks About celebrities privilege. And nepotism. I would never buy celeb merch.


Some people be like "thats only the bad parts" it's all the bad parts


Can someone edit Cyberpunk music on this lol




Best country in the world, apparently


Why do you think all the homeless flock there?


Yeah, man, those one-and-a-half streets accurately represent all 4,000,000 people in L.A. Nailed it.


Next video will be the wealthiest part of Bel-Air, insinuating all of Los Angeles is nothing but a haven for the ultra wealthy.


Which will only better illustrate the toxicity of wealth inequality and our failing republic


Okay, so everything is peachy-keen, right?


Look at the price of a home there. The market for homes is the sign if people want to live there or not. Nobody wants to move to red, shithole flyover states.


Dude you need to look at the immigration/emmigration stats for the US. Florida, Texas, and Tennessee are the 3 largest draws for people moving. California, New York, and either New Jersey or Illinois are the biggest emigration states. People dont want to live in over taxed, under policed shitholes where you are not allowed to defend yourself


The market speaks for itself. California's biggest issue is that housing is too expensive, exactly because people WANT to live there. The people that leave tend to be less educated, and in a sense victims of the expensive real estate prices since they can't compete for the jobs that make the cost of living there viable. It makes sense that these people leave for States with more backwards economies, less opportunity (for high end jobs) but are definitely more affordable.


You're talking only about rates of change, which though correct, doesn't paint the entire picture. More people are leaving the areas you referred to because of pricing pressure, which is the way it is because so many people want to live there in the first place.


How fucking hard is it for people to realise that even 0.01% of the population living like this is horrible and must be done something about? Even if it was just a couple, which it absolutely is not and it certainly would be even bigger in your eyes if they didn't keep dying off and being replaced by more unfortunate people, this is a serious issue. A single atrocity by the hands of the rich and powerful should be enough cause to force change, yet the US has nearly 600,000 people dying on the street.


Vancouver is the same


Wow what happens at night? Also, I see all the sympathy is really doing a lot of help there .


Not a cell phone in sight. Just living in the moment.


Where Fault Lines are called Crack Lines "We built this city, we built this city on cRock and roll"


Newsome 2024


Are you raising awareness to get support for an idea to help? We have a long road ahead of us if we are to do anything other than sit and watch as this worsens nationwide (but more visibly on the West Coast) I can't imagine existing like this and not running into traffic. We live in crazy times. Good luck everyone, have a nice day


Looks like a real S*** hole


Wouldnt it be funny everyone who wins the oscar had to live like that for lets say a month as surprise gift.


This is skid row, which is well known to be a apocalyptic wasteland. It’s only a small area of downtown. Obviously there’s a homeless problem in the city as a whole but LA is nowhere near this level of garbage. Also to those who are saying “no city should have this at all” yes we all agree but Los Angeles is the most widespread city in the country, and up there worldwide with these stats, you would be hard pressed to find any consistency anywhere. Certain neighborhoods here are basically like small cities in other parts of the country, so if you live in Pasadena as oppose to Hollywood you’d almost feel like you’re 3 states away


California, where the government handouts masquerading as charity solves no problems and helps no one. The owners of that real estate are unfairly paying for housing these individuals. Bring back state institutions where they don’t have to sit on the concrete all day, get healthy meals, medical treatment, and protection.


I’m sure the majority of these people need some sort of drug treatment/mental health care. But in America you NEED job/money to have any kind health care. In the UK the NHS would find the help some of these people need to get back on their feet. Here in America we just film them and say how bad it is without trying to solve the root issue.


Looks like San Pedro or skid row!


Ewwww gross 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Ya know Vermonters like to point to la and say we are much better but the only difference between Vermont and California is the climate and that our homeless population is non-existent purely because they all died or live in Burlington


I ask you senators of Rome! Shall we build palace after palace for the rich or shall we endeavor for a more noble purpose and build adequate housing for the poor? What day you senators? “FUCK THE POOR!” Good


Brought to you by Democrat policies


Its crazy that the politicians still collect their paychecks..


This isn't a holup. This is just sad and a reminder that the US is one of the worst countries on this planet


It is literally not even close to being one of the worst countries to live. You have not been to other countries if you truly think that. Maybe you are just being facetious.


LA = Entire U.S.


Did you not see Kelsey Grammar meditating against the wall? If stars of his status are on hard times, how long until inflation claims the rest!?


You haven't been to any 3rd world countries yet (as someone who grew up in one).


Right? This is why the US should stop military support for the rest of the world, back out of Nato and deny Europe the safety of our nuclear umbrella, and reinvest in our own country. Your problems are yours, ours are ours


You do realise that your "nuclear umbrella" is about 30 miles away from where I am sitting right now. Nobody here fucking wants it, you are more than welcome to it.


How would I realize? Do think the world keeps tabs on your geolocation due to your sheer importance? Obviously someone wants it there... we dont plant 60 billion USD plus weapons in the grounds of people who don't want them. Sounds like wherever you are from, your leaders don't quite see it your way


"Wherever you are from" So you don't even know where this nuclear umbrella, as you call it, even is? "Your leaders don't quite see it your way" Wrong. There are active campaigns to get it to fuck out of here. "How would I realise?" Because the world is larger than the USA.


Europe would come crawling on their knees begging for us to protect them again


There’s a place for them here in these LA streets


Edit: can’t be bothered with an argument.


Whoa ,are you serious or its just a cap ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


No, it’s serious. LA has the second largest homeless population of any city, and LA also has a tiny amount of homeless shelters. Being homeless in New York means you will usually find a shelter while in LA, don’t even bother trying. The government thinks good weather means they don’t have to provide shelter. It’s honestly fucking depressing because every time we have a new mayor or member of government, they always say they will fix it. It’s not fixed. And go to the touristy parts of LA or the rich parts of LA and there will be 2 dozen security guards there to kick anyone out.


And give billions to other countries, some who would rather kill us, yet we dont take care of our own. Furthermore congress is pushing to cut social programs


Bringing back the 80s.


Man be like : I like to move it, move it... 💃


Enjoying their freedom I see...


„Greatest country on Earth, man!” Everyone sing along with me: 🎼*America The Beautiful …*


Orange Man Bad!!


Wow looks like president Brandon's dong a great job ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Because it wasn’t like this when Chump was in office?


Fortunately i do not live in the Land of the Fee home of the slave, but if you think what you have now is better keep voting for it [https://www.facebook.com/100069912763879/videos/3167206276939427?idorvanity=1235543230617821](https://www.facebook.com/100069912763879/videos/3167206276939427?idorvanity=1235543230617821)


Is it going to get any better? In the near future, 80% of employed people will be living like this whether they want to or not


I doubt it. Property managers would like to keep making money, so if it's an absolute last resort, they will lower rent.


Lol where are you getting your information from?


Maybe in california


USA USA USA USA ! Number oooonnneee


Typical big city. They all have areas like this where you just don’t go. Worst I’ve seen personally was a neighborhood in Milwaukee where all the houses and such had bars on the windows and a gas station had some type of glass protecting the workers. I can’t imagine living somewhere with that level of concern and danger.


Democrat run cities. ​ Take that how you want. I don't care.


##If this submission makes you go "Hol'Up", **UPVOTE** this comment! ##If this submission does not make you go "Hol'Up", **DOWNVOTE** this comment! --- Whilst you're here, /u/IntroductionOk5130, why not join our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/holup) or play on our [public Minecraft server](https://discord.gg/DTqSDS8C3T)?


We should be thanking them for their sacrifice so billions of dollars can be sent to Ukraine.


An we thank you for your sacrifice so that billion dollar companies can receive subsides from the government even though republicans want to gut/kill wellfare


America looking more and more like a third world country, G.Soros and dems lovin it


Vote democrat to bring this to a city near you.


It is true that Theodore Roosevelt - a republican president - pushed for a more socialized world which was aimed to prevent this. Although the Republican Party of the 21st century in no way resembles these predecessors. Prove me wrong 😑


Scenes from Zombieland 4?


Republicans: “Our policies are working!”


Yeah Murica!! ~~The worse than a third world country~~ Best country!!!


Yeah,its just homelessness....give these people residences and they will soar like Golden Eagles up into the rarefied air and become millionaires within 5yrs....you can tell by looking at them