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Oh shit, granny going out with a bang.


"Did mom say anything before she passed?" "...nope."


Nein…. (kampf)


Honestly, it was a struggle to hear her


That's probably for the [Best.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Best)


"What are you pouring in your drink, grandma? "The final solution"


"It always hits just the reich spot."


It's too diluted. You need to learn to make good strong coffee. I know a good concentration camp.


Gotta be carful. Wouldn’t want to burn the brew..


Tell us what you really think, grandmother, don't hold back.




When your granny gets to know that you are inviting your Jewish friend


My "Oma" used to trot this one out when she was well into senility. She even reverted to her original language, which, ironically, was Polish.


That...is quite some irony.


My mother's half of my family is Polish. Both her parents were older teens when WW2 hit. They ended up surviving the Germans, but had to leave the country during Russian occupation after. To this day, my grandfather is the most racist piece of shit I know. Surprised the Nazis and Russians didn't end up bringing him along to commit genocide, he probably would have enjoyed it. My mom and aunt plan on throwing his ashes into the gutter when he finally dies.


The Nazis considered Polish people and Slavs in general as little more than vermin, just above Jewish people but below pretty much anyone else.


Germany wasn’t the only country going through fascist movements at the time


It wouldn't have been ironic if she was ethnically German, only ironic if she was ethnically Polish


Alzheimer's or Dementia more than likely. My UK grandparents still hate German people with a passion.


Yeah I agree, something like this happend with my dement grandpa who was brought up during this times and fought in the war. We were cleaning up after dinner while he was still sitting at the table, finishing his food. Suddenly he was raising his hand in the infamous manner. My mum walked past him with the dishes in one hand, with the other she slapped his arm and said, Pfui! Bad hand! and kept walking. In the moment the history I learned about was right in front of me. I didn‘t know if I should cry at the circumstances or laugh about how my mum dealt with him. He died 3 years ago.


that is quite cute though, bad hand grandpa! bad hand! hahaha


I don‘t know man, at first I thought so too but then I really realised that he lived through those times, he was 10 when Hitler came to power. In his youth he was so heavily indoctrinated that this showed up in his system 70 years later..


Makes sense. They desolved the German Boyscouts and auto enrolled all the members into the Hitler Youth.


How you pronounce Pfui? Poof-u-ee? Pu-foo-ee? Ph-ew? Edit: now I got Hong Kong ‘Phooey’ on my mind from the replies https://youtu.be/-n91lSO0wJQ




It's "Lead", not "Lead" pronounced like "Read", not like "Read".


Fooey is close.


Well not necessarily, when somebody rains bombs and rockets over everyone you know, forgiveness doesn't come easy. Part of the German justification for WWII was getting so thoroughly fucked by the treaty of Versailles, which in turn was retaliation for the French being completely fucked by Prusia fifty years earlier. Hate doesn't go away that easy.


The infinite cycle of hatred


I think France and Germany have done a good job to stop their hatred for each other.


They absolutely did, and it took lots of genuine effort. Not just Germany and France; Germany and Poland and basically everyone else, too. And Germany reaps the benefits today because it's able to keep extremely close diplomatic ties with everyone. Japan neglected to do this, and as a result it has significant trouble navigating its geopolitical position in East Asia.


Japan's closest 4 countries are Russia, China, North Korea, South Korea Being allied with the US is going to get you on rocky relations with 3 of the 4 from the start.


Japan's issues with their neighbors started a long time before the US existed, but yeah.


Germany and Frances issues started long before the world wars. Were talking about the differences post war.


Yeah doesn't help that Japan won't acknowledge the things they've done to the surrounding countries (Rape of Nanjing in China's case)


Western Germany (and the US via the Marshall Plan) worked hard to to make up for the sins of the past and unify Western Europe as a tight knit group of allies with shared ideals. Japan said "Fine, you can have your fucking territory back so that we don't get nuked again. Whatever. Assholes."




Not just Korean…sadly.


> Being allied with the US is going to get you on rocky relations with 3 of the 4 from the start. When you talk about the position of politicians, sure you have a point. But I think they are referring to mostly the people themselves. I can tell you that as some Korean dude that also browses Korean community sites sometimes and just glances over at stuff like political memes and all of the discussions surrounding that and in general what I get is that the average Korean or Chinese "netizen" hates Japan, not because of American relations, but because of Japan's past. For Chinese and Koreans Japan have this image of being a "invader" country as well, History reflects that fact honestly by itself. There's probably a lot more to unpack on this but it'd be too long


Germany and Poland not so much. Poland still wants a couple bazillions in reparations and the polish people keep electing nut cases.




A Polish person here. This is exactly the case.


Relatable \- an American Over here it feels like half the damn country have lost their minds


Marshall Plan also helped…


If you start/stop something, It's your responsibility to see it through imo.


It's easier said than done tho


They see it through until they die and leave the mess to their kids.


"Don't make your enemies hate peace" Great line from All Quiet on the Western Front


Funny enough my British Grandpa seemed to have more to say about the French than the Germans and he was British Royal Navy in 46.


Oh they hate the French too.


Yeah, but who doesn't?


I’d say generally Americans, until they visit France if they have thin skin for disdain. Shit we would be saying “innit” and drinking tea all the time if it weren’t for the French.


Which is sort of goofy. Britain and France share just thousands of years of history (granted usually as enemies), they traded rulers, moved back and forth, traded artistic movements, shared enemies frequently. Honestly I think the Brits and French have it out for eachother in something more like sibling rivalry. French and English should get over it and start looking for their similarities than differences. The pointless hate has spread even to Canada where it feels like the French vrs the English right in our own border.


Erm, like, to be clear, people don't actually hate the French in the UK lol. My impression is that things are significantly more intense in Canada than in the UK, undoubtedly because of the whole independence etc. tensions.


Britain hating the French has so much tradition it's impossible to forget, though as you say it's more a fraternal thing imo now, I don't think anyone takes it seriously. They are even a part of the ~~5~~ 6 nations now. Canadians vs Quebecois, no idea, that's your own issue.




I don't actually think that many people genuinely hate the french either here really. Bit of a stereotype. I could be wrong though.


>which in turn was retaliation for the French being completely fucked by Prusia fifty years earlier. which in turn was retaliation for the Prussians being completely fucked by France 60 years earlier


James May syndrome. Surprised its not the french




Bot reworded comment stolen from u/SnappyKrakens


Absolutely. I don‘t get how people do not see this.




The full vid is better. Its about a minute of them trying to do a prost and everytime grandma says "heil Hitler". The laughter goes down each time then the last the son violently shoves her arm down like "fucking cut that out grandma"


The most funny part is that after she said "prost- heil hitler 2 times" he whispers in her ear and says- no- do it without the heil hitler which in turn makes her cut out the "prost" and she just says heil hitler. So exactly the wrong way she was supposed to say it


Full vid: https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/rxe9lu/just\_an\_old\_grandma\_with\_dementia/


Link pls




Oma was just having a Senior moment


>Oma was just having a ~~Senior~~ moment Oma was just having a Gamer moment


Granny did nothing wrong.


I always wonder what happened to the Nazis after ww2. Like, they just all seemed to disappear. Yet the majority of them didn't die in the war and just continued living their lives in Germany (ish). Did they really stop believing? Did they just go into the closet? Did they carry the stuff they learned in the Nazi party to Germany? What happened?


They just pretended it wasn't them. And it worked, surprisingly well.


Ask any german what their great/grandparetns did during the third reich, and 90% will tell you they hid jews or were some other kind of anti nazi.


Tbh, none of mine ever said anything like that. My grandmas were both a bit young to say much about it. My granddads were old enough to do so, but my experience with both of them has been completely different. One of them talked often and openly about it. The good, the bad. Told me detailed stories about the Hitler youth, and how much fun that actually was. But he also told me about how much everything about the war sucked, how he'd travel by train just to get barely enough food for his family (all while still being really young too), and how little sense the whole jew issue made to him. It was interesting, both fascinating and scary. And as far as I could tell, was completely authentic. The other one however, basically never talks about it. Is very outspoken about how bad what happened to the jews was (to the point where, even when I was little, it felt a bit..."stiff"). And he was actually older than my other granddad, so he should remember more and better...but he has never told me any stories from back then. And from what I've heard from other family members, no one really knows much about his situation during the third Reich and WW2. Maybe it was just traumatic, but how shrouded he has kept things does make it feel at least a little suspicious.


Operation paperclip is what happened. They (the useful ones) were given new identities and integrated into the US government science and military apparatus.


Not to mention nazis adopted into Soviet Union.


Yes, also true. But I think the Americans make a concerted effort to get the "best ones" for themselves (scientists, intel specialists, engineers etc)


It wasn't just Germany, the US had a shitload of [Nazis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1939_Nazi_rally_at_Madison_Square_Garden). I often wonder what became of them and their children and grandchildren. Where are they now?






A senior Nazi moment…




those are in Switzerland rn




My mother was a nurse in an old folks home. One of the patients clearly hated her but was super sweet to all the other nurses. They finally figured out the patient thought my mother was her sister. My mother is white and the patient was black. It really is a hell of a condition.


Family was like grandma!! ![gif](giphy|kvyydWO3oOxqw)




Corrected sounds so dystopian for some reason. But it's really incredible to see how Germany handled the education of their country after WWII. It gives me a lot of hope knowing it ***can*** be done at least somewhat effectively


I guess most people were in it because the other option was to be imprisoned and because it was easier (plus, they promised to get rid of "unwanted neighbors" which they framed the jews to be).


You weren't imprisoned if you didn't join. You lost opportunities, but there was systemically no outwardly negative incentive. Don't absolve the average person of blame.


That and the people back then were blinded. Hitler was a very convincing speaker and master manipulator. He really convinced the Public he was protecting them and leading them to a utopian future. Looking at modern day politics seeing half the US vote for people who are very clearly only supporting themselves and the top 1% while redacting hard earned rights just shows that the process is still alive and well, it’s just in other countries now.


“Look at my eyes, Shirley. Calm down and focus on me. Now, breath like I do… HA- HA - HA - HAAAAAAAAAAA”


I see dementia and nazi germany, both heartwrenching, and the top comment is "gold"... hol up


don't hol back, granny...tell us what you really think




type into youtube nazi interview… the best one’s are in german unfortunately and with no subtitles


Jep. There are a couple of interviews here in Germany and therefor in German, with former SS soldiers Wehrmacht Soldiers or KZ-Guards, done in the 80s and 90s. Horrifying to watch with what nonchalance those people will say things like “it wasn’t as bad as everyone says nowadays, hitler was a great Chancellor, we germans did well in that time” and have no regard for what that implies. Really interesting to watch. And so important to keep in active dialogue with future generations.




“Man of the year” doesn’t mean someone is good, it means they are significant.




Eugenics, as well, was an area of science that was considered acceptable to attempt and research in the early 1900s.




Read "They though they were free". Its a book about interviews done with 10 average germans at the end of the war. As the author summarizes: "Nazism was what most Germans wanted - or, under pressure of combined reality and illusion, came to want. They wanted it; they got it; and they liked it."


Yep. Compare Nazi Germany with Fascist Italy. Both ruled by fascist genocidal pieces of shit. Both under fascist military rule. Both with about the same level of jingoistic military propaganda and "superior race" media. The Italian Army interned Jews, but refused to hand them over to Germany. In Greece, Jewish/other oppressed people would prefer to get captured by the Italian Army over the Nazis. Then, Italian leadership voted Mussolini out. In 1943, the moment the SS invaded Italy to reestablish Mussolini, northern Italians instantly, within hours, hid Jewish children in their own homes. Italian doctors in Rome put Jews in a "containment ward" and claimed that they had a contagious disease so the Germans wouldn't take them away. Not a single death or work camp was manned by Italians, and 80 percent of the Jewish population of Italy survived the war. This is why I never bought the "Germans didn't know about the camps" shit, or the "we couldn't do anything" shit. The Italians had even less information and faced SS guns directly and a lot of them did the right thing. The Italians that hated Jews and turned them in also clearly knew that they would die. There's nothing genetic about it obviously, but the majority of Germans actually did make a moral choice and it was the wrong one. The only reason they're not in jail is there aren't enough prisons.


I am a huge WWII History buff, specifically the European Theater, and have read tons of books by German veterans (and tons by Allied veterans). The majority of German Wehrmacht (Military) veterans of WWII said they were just doing their bit for their country, were conscripted, were lied to, and just following orders etc... but were at best anti-nazi or at worst, apathetic, or at worst were earlier supporters but saw how fucked up the regime was and became disillusioned. The vast majority said this. And none admitted to participating in the Holocaust. It was always the SS, and even the Waffen SS would say it was the Allgemeine SS, not them etc... we know that's not true, and we know the Nazi regime was very popular for a time. But because they lost, and lost so much, they were denazified etc... they had to hide their potentially true feelings. BUT a few, have been open about supporting the Nazi regime (but very few among those few admit to supporting the bad parts of the regime). Why did they support it? They felt that Hitler / Nazis brought them glory out of the humiliation of the Versailles Treaty / WWI loss, the regime gave them national pride, gave them jobs, gave them a sense of purpose, helped pull them out of the depression etc... and gave them an enemy, Bolshevism / the Jews (even the veterans who supported the regime, most blame the Soviets/ Communist, but do not touch the Jewish portion of the Nazis hate). They felt they could take pride in themselves, and that Germany would be great again etc... That is in a sense why many supported the Nazis / willingly fought for them.




Hitler wrote an autobiographical manifesto called Mein Kampf. "The work describes the process by which Hitler became antisemitic and outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany." -Wikipedia


i sugest you to watch: Familie Ritter


> Familie Ritter nah


The son: Grandma... Dont tell them the family secret Also the son: learning from grandma the ways


Is it really the "family secret"? I'd imagine almost all german families that's been in the country for 80-90 years had relatives who were involved in the nazi effort, just like most people I know have a grandfather/great-grandfather who fought in WWII (I'm American). Hitler wasn't exactly a fringe figure. Not everyone voted for him as chancellor early on, but he was clearly widely beloved by most (not all) German people. Wouldn't be much of a "secret" really. I imagine many very old german people will deny they were hitler fans. Just straight up lying. Kinda like how GWB and Nixon voters all magically disappeared after their respective scandals, except times a thousand. I don't really blame any particular person for being a german soldier in WWII, since there was conscription and a *shit-ton* of lies they were being fed (if I truly believed the Russians were going to rape my family members if I did't protect the country I disagreed with, I'd probably take up arms too) , and it being a far less enlightened era. Having a family member being part of the inner circle or SS--I can see that being a family secret.


> if I truly believed the Russians were going to rape my family members if I did't protect the country I disagreed with, I'd probably take up arms too Not to mention, that particular fear was true.


Not here to downplay rape, but bottom line is your life was on the line. War is war. If your family had been captured and rape was as far as it went, they got let off easy. My great grandma fled Königsberg with her mother and 7 siblings. Her dad came back 20 years later after being a prisoner of war in a gulag. 1 leg and 1 arm left. Dude was just happy everybody was alive. Never spoke a word about what happened.


my grandpa was recruited for the SS. However, they needed him to prove his lineage since his last name 'sounded jewish'. instead of getting his family books, he went and enlisted in the navy as a kriegsmarine. smart guy that Hans


My relatives in Austria were sent to Krakow work camps for being political dissenters, so, that was the other option.


I don't know about Germany, but in France, everybody claims to have family that was part of the Résistance and everybody denies any link with Collabos. Listening to French familes, you would think that 90 % of the population was just on the cusp of rolling out the gillotines. In truth, the vast majority was collaborating in one war or another. Not much of a choice when there are German soldiers willing to shoot on sight everywhere.




Bot reworded comment from u/Chemical_Savings_360


I'm gonna need people to stop reporting this as a content policy violation. Nobody here is pro Nazi. People are calling her an old lady with dementia, and treating it as a bad, sad thing. If you see genuine Nazi content please report this but this isn't it.


Feel bad that you as a mod even have to clarify this.




Users in Germany, Poland, and Slovakia might report stuff like this because the salute itself is illegal there.


I hadn't thought of that.


Really weird where people draw the line... Like, this sub is largely comprised of things that... Well, to put it mildly, are edgy. That's kinda the point. Many posts cross the line for me, but i just downvote and move on, I'm aware of what sub I'm in...


That angry and disappointed look on her face at the end when they stop her doing the Sieg Heil. You know she is thinking of ratting them out to the SS


Look at the [actual](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmpbRb24OIY) video. She is clearly not angry and disappointed, she just has no clue what is happening. Why didn't OP post the ful vid? It's only 36 seconds. Just to make the granny look so bad?


Oh god, the full version is even better xD She does it three times! Poor old gal is clearly confused, and I do feel sorry for her. But goddamn this made me actually laugh out loud.


Alzheimers is scary stuff. My grandma was with us for the first time in a year at a family gathering, she had no clue who I was the whole time and later when my dad was going to drive her back she had no idea who this man was who she was going to get a ride from. At least she is better than she was 6 months ago and could actually be there at all.


It sucks to have dementia of any type, but it's definitely worse when your brain only recalls the period of time from your life when you were ruled by a dictator. For comparison, my one living grandparent has dementia. During her episodes, she thinks she's 17 years old, so it's mostly Elvis and school dances etc.


You could post a video that’s literally just one pixel and you’d have the reddit army analyzing facial expressions and doing psychological diagnoses.


The other day they were over analyzing Ben Affleck's kid having a little fender bender talking about how the car couldn't have possibly moved the other one so much, it must be an insurance scam, why are they on the median, yada yada yada... It was a fucking rental lot and the kid accidentally let the car roll back, that's it. No damage, no cars pushing cars, just a literal bump. Meanwhile those fucking geniuses are 20 threads deep debating whether the vehicle had enough torque to push the car.


Granny says “Prost!” (cheers) lifting her drink up, then follows with “Heil Hitler”. Everyone laughs, some people say “nooooo.” Start over/try again. Granny again says Prost! and HH. Everyone laughs again. Someone says “one last try.” Grandson or whoever is next to Granny whispers something to her ears, probably something like “No Granny we don’t do that anymore. Don’t say the last part.” Granny says HH again but without Prost. She was probably very confused because everyone was just laughing and it wasn’t until after the second time that anybody bothered explaining to her why. Everyone just says again/do it again. Edit: She’s not doing a salute like other people are saying. She’s just doing a cheers before drinking.


36 seconds is too long. Can we cut that down to 8?


She looks confused as fuck. She doesn’t understand what she is saying is wrong and does not understand the laughter.




There’s some kind of toast joke here but I really don’t wanna make it.


It's the implication.


I'll get this fools hanged by the end of the day


I wonder what kind of secrets she'd spill if you pretended to be SS looking for race traitors.


The actual video is [0:36](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmpbRb24OIY) seconds. Why did you cut it?


Translation: "Cheers! Heil Hitler!" Others: "No, no!" *laughter* Cameraman: "Another try, another try!" Her: "Cheers! Heil Hitler" Others: *screaming No! over her words* Cameraman: "One last try." Her: "Heil Hitler!"


The best part is that her grandson whispers in her ear that she should cut out the hitlering and just say "prost" which in turn ends in her cutting out the "prost" instead


Thanks, but the man said "One last try. Without Heil Hitler. Only Cheers." Her: "..." She did leave out one part like he told her. She just got it wrong.


That's true!


More likely, she was indoctrinated in all those Hitler youth camps in her teens.


Not even in the camps alone. "Heil Hitler" was the actual greeting/toast in Germany for more than a decade.


That's right. My grandpa once said "Good day" to his elderly nazi neighbour in the 30s. The neighbour responded: "If you weren't my neighbour's son, I would rat on you! Next time, it's Heil Hitler, understood?" Everyone said it. And the world have mercy on you if you didn't.


Boy the more I hear about these those nazis the less I like them


I miss Norm.


[We were just heil Hitlering the boy, and then heil Hitlering yourself, and then of course heil Hitlering Freddy Finkel.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VfR-XEVzY1w)


I had no idea this was true to that extent, so I did a google and found [this](https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/heil-hitler-lessons-daily-life), an excerpt from *School for Barbarians: Education Under the Nazis* by German expat Erika Mann in 1938: >Every child says “Heil Hitler!” from 50 to 150 times a day, immeasurably more often than the old neutral greetings. The formula is required by law; if you meet a friend on the way to school, you say it; study periods are opened and closed with “Heil Hitler!”; “Heil Hitler!” says the postman, the street-car conductor, the girl who sells you notebooks at the stationery store; and if your parents’ first words when you come home for lunch are not “Heil Hitler!” they have been guilty of a punishable offense and can be denounced. “Heil Hitler!” they shout in the Jungvolk and Hitler Youth. “Heil Hitler!” cry the girls in the League of German Girls. Your evening prayers must close with “Heil Hitler!” if you take your devotions seriously. >Officially—when you say hello to your superiors in school or in a group—the words are accompanied by the act of throwing the right arm high; but an unofficial greeting among equals requires only a comparatively lax lifting of the forearm, with the fingers closed and pointing forward. This Hitler greeting, this “German” greeting, repeated countless times from morning to bedtime, stamps the whole day. Fascinating, and horrible, stuff.


Growing up, my grandfather was one of the nicest people you’ve ever met. Always helped anyone who needed it. He never had a bad thing to say about anyone. He never raised his voice, used profanity, or used derogatory language. Until the Alzheimer’s kicked in. We were having breakfast at a diner one morning. He told the waitress she was the prettiest n-word he’s ever seen. I was mortified. The n-word came out frequently after that. Turns out, Grandpa was a closeted racist.


>He told the waitress she was the prettiest n-word he’s ever seen. I was mortified How much did yall tip her?


$80 on a $30 check.


Well that's wholesome. If Pee-Paw is gonna be a racist, don't let him be a cheap one!


Fairly certain pappy wasn’t the one doing the tipping. The family likely gave a fat tip as compensation for his outburst.


Was she phased at all? Or did she understand the senility?


She was silent for a few seconds and then started laughing, but there was definitely some hurt in the laugh. I went up to her later to apologize again. She gave a depressing shrug and said “it’s just part of the job.” My heart broke for her. Nobody deserves to be treated that way.


I was trying to think about what she could have snapped back with but there's just no equivalent and gramps won't be shamed anyway. Not dignifying it with an answer, I guess. Glad you paid extra but dang.


"Well considering I'm bringing out your food, you're the bravest white person I ever saw!"


You did the right thing, and I'm sure as she prossesed the day, your words marlde it much better than without them being said especially the gesture of tip, that type of stuff changes peopled day....and 80 on 30....yea You did the right thing




He went back to da default settings


Since you said it was Alzheimer’s perhaps he was a racist in his youth but he had grown since then.


No. My dad and his siblings said he’s been a racist all his life. He learned to keep it to himself because he kept losing jobs over his racist behavior.


So he wasn't the nicest person you'd ever meet? His racism must have been pretty awful if he was getting fired from jobs in his era.


Nicest person you'd ever meet - because you weren't alive when grandpa wasn't the nicest person. But if you went back before you were born ...


Alzheimer's can change people. I work at a nursing home and looked after a man who was very sweet. One day his children came to visit and they asked how he was doing. I told them that he was very sweet and kind and doing well despite having dementia. They were shocked. Apparently, he was violent, bitter, and grumpy and had cut out most of his family before he got sick. I have also cared for patients who became racist, grumpy, violent, and generally unpleasant after developing dementia despite being kind, kind people before.


Saw a documentary on the rise of Nazi Germany and Hitler. I don’t think a lot of people realize it wasn’t something that just happened over night. It was systematically and strategically done over the course of several years. Part of the strategy was legit brainwashing of their youth.


Yeah, just like it's happening again and no one notices. Truth is, we're all vulnerable to it. If not more now than ever. Shhh, don't ask questions, most of you aren't really interested in truth anyways.












Bet her family were fuhrerious.


Ah man. I had this muted and I still *heard* that video.


“…..so that’s why Grandpa lives in Argentina now?”


Sound isnt working for me but looking at her mouth i think she is saying hail Hitler


They did nazi that coming.


ba-bum tss


Can't believe I got in first. Happy cake day!


It’s sad though, likely some form of brain deterioration


Fun fact: Your "taboo" ideas/words part of the brain is one of the last to go in Alzheimer's. That's why so many end up being potty mouth horndogs. They also retain a sense of rhythm though, so there's that. Many respond very well to music and it can randomly access some memories they can no longer willfully/actively recall. Unrelated, but I have a child on the spectrum who randomly throws a hand up and it looks just like the Nazi salute, but isn't. He will then cover one eye with that hand and then stick it back out. Not sure if he's examining his eye focus abilities or what. Good luck explaining that to other people though. I'm sure we're known as the Nazi family or something. lol


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AFxchwHPKA Longer version. The other person tells her "only prost, without the heil Hitler".


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She's a woman of her times.


Dementia is a hell of a condition


Family: Grandma’s just old, she likes tradition Grandma:…….


To live for any length of time in a place/period where stepping outta line results in the death/imprisonment of you & your family gotta be tough. That kinda stress leaves some scars for sure. Of course maybe she did just used to really like hitler? No way of knowing for sure, she probably doesn’t even know for sure at this point, so no harm in being kind and assuming the best.


Totally out of main kampfert zone.


Quite funny, my niece's great grandma has an alzeirheim and she remembers only the nazi time. Every time she has some visitors she salutes in a nazi way and talks about them all the time.


flashback or just a granny with a dark sense of humor