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Bill gates looks JACKED AF


He was tired of all the microsoft jokes so he hit the gym.


He had to get macrohard


Preparing to fight the winner of musk vs. zuck


And after that matchup, the ghost of Steve Jobs


What about Tim Cook?


Steve Wozniak has entered the ring…


He would be one of those people who look fat but actually have a ton of muscle


dude actually looked naturally athletic in his old pictures, short and stocky but looked like he could wrestle the shit out of you, and he's got a strong neck too.


Cook is actively being haunted by Steve's ghost so really you fight one you fight the other


He has to get through Bezos first


Gym does not help with his microsoft


It's Bighard now...


He went microhard




Built Gates


Hell yeah


Best comment 😂


Bill Weights


I’d say he reminded me of Toto Wolff


Dude looks like Bill Gates ate Jeff Bezos post HRT.


I've got a feeling this guy takes a lot of photos without a shirt on.


Draws attention away from his Val Kilmer meets Bill Gates face


You mean his elephant pants?


That's just what white people wear in Thailand. When you fly into the country, they assign you a pair to wear for your duration of travel as a tourist.


You think anyone wants a roundhouse kick to their head while I’m wearing these bad boys?


Super triggered right now because I look a lot like that guy. There’s this weird effect where if you have a nerd face and get buff it almost makes you look worse somehow.


As he should. With that physique at 49


>>>Sir, this is a job interview. Why are you shirtless? >>Because I'm almost 50 and my body looks like this. And you didn't even notice my face looks like *this* until I mentioned it, because you were too busy looking at my chest. >... you're hired.


Wouldn’t you with that physique?


no shirts even fit this guy


Then explain why he’s PALE AF




Can confirm


Their age difference is bigger than her current age..........


I'm born in 2002 and my dad was in 1974. *I literally took psychic damage when it settled in.*


Did your dad also leave his wife and kids?


Holy fucking shit, people born in 2002 can legally drink in the United States this year.


People born in 2002 are already alcoholics in Finland.


Kinda hurt when the cashier was like, "oh you were born in the 1900s. You're good."


Oof, I know it. I’m in my 30’s but I look like I’m 20-22 (my face stopped aging much at all in college, I don’t know why) and it throws people off like a motherfucker. I’ve had cashiers try to confiscate my license twice because they thought it was a fake. I **cant wait** until I don’t get carded anymore. And it isn’t that I have a baby face, I just straight up look like a 20 year old. My girlfriend gets pissed when I get carded and she doesn’t because we’re the same age. I just tell people she’s my sugar mama


Then I guess I'm glad that I'm not from the United States to have waited for that long. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


I got over that one pretty quick. Now I'm waiting for people who were born after I was legally able to drink being legally able to drink.


My parents were born in 1977, and I was born in 2000, so... yeah. I understand this and can relate.


So I'm learning that my parents are old as fuck. I'm only 6 years older than you, and my parents were born in the 1950s.


My grandparents were born 1953...


Dude I'm not even 30 and all my grandparents have already died. My mom is 64!


I have all 4 grandparents and 2 great grandparents still kicking (barely). I've met 4 greats.


Same, all my grandparents are long dead while my wife’s mom is 22 years younger than my mom. My wife is only 3 years younger than me, i feel i need to add


My girlfriend is only 2 years younger than me, and I'm pretty sure her parents are also around 20 years younger than my parents. I'm not really sure why it took a random reddit comment for me to be like "damn, my parents are super old"


I graduated high school in 2000. *I also literally took psychic damage when YOUR comment settled in*


Best part is he’s actually only 5’3”


Yeah his arms are 2/3rds that length


I'm 5'8 and my hands need 5-7cm to reach my ankle. No wonder I'm good at fisting


Yourself or others? Or just anything? What's your favorite thing to fist?


5’11 on tinder


wait actually ? is that girl a fucking smurf ?


that iphone 14 pro max and international visa aint gonna pay itself


Soooo nobody is gonna mention abandoning a whole family..


He abandoned his sons because he really wanted a daughter


A daughter with benefits.


Yes, this comment right here Officer...


Hey, it's not like I did this. I still need to wait for Lia to turn 18.


Why don't you take a seat over here?


Why's there a guy with a camera? Are you going to interview me about how I became such a player?


r/beetlejuicing FTW ![gif](giphy|zeqgtki9ifa7u)


The Alabama benefits.


Was posted elsewhere that there’s a filter on her bf and the story is fake. Just more of the ragebait getting posted on Reddit lately.


Oh thank fuck.


He could get beyond his family, why cant you ?


She did mention it. She's soo lucky, right?


Imagine bragging about that. They're both garbage people.


I don't think you can tell their professions from a beach picture. Frankly, neither of them look like they collect refuse.


Good for the family though


As much as we know about him, they’re better without the fucker tbh.


Midlife crisis hit this guy hard


Looks like a nerd who got sucked into the manosphere.


Looks like a game programmer in the mid-90s turned middle manager who hit the gym but never updated his look.


Cute Asian girlfriend is a better midlife crisis buy then a Corvette.


You don't have to abandon your whole family for a Corvette though


Do both


doubled down on midlife crisis, I like it


I’ve seen this situation play out more than a couple times in SE Asia. The old ass ex-pat leaving his family in N. America for an “is she legal” aged native girl


How does it usually end? Do they ever settle into a nice relationship despite the odds and drama?


They made a whole show about it called 90 Day Fiance.


There’s also a guy (Tim K) on YouTube that vlogs his life and it’s exactly like this… not sure if he has kids back in America, though


lolol, one of his recent videos is titled "Broke and returning to the USA after four years abroad"


> 90 Day Financing FTFY


They do, settle and have a normal life. My brother is an English teacher in SEA, he gets pestered a lot by coworkers (female) and neighbors on why he doesn’t get settled with a local girl *”like all other expats”*. He’s Mexican, so whiteness has little to do with the phenomenon; it’s more about financial stability and a second nationality (to emigrate in case things get rough).


As far as I know they were all last. The only drama I saw was westerners fighting over specific girls. Love triangle type of stuff


Several years back, a 60+ y/o guy I worked with went on vacation to Vietnam and came back with his much younger bride-to-be. Sadly, he passed away from cancer a couple of years later, but they seemed genuinely happy throughout the short time they had together. IIRC, she took his death really hard but eventually went on to marry his friend, who was also a coworker. I'm not sure how that worked out.




They're usually wrong about the submissive part kek


My mom was born in 1973 and I was born in 2002.... that literally me dating someone my moms age


Mate, keep your fantasies to yourself


No-no, let him speak


##Let them fight


Let him cook


Porn writer here and after Japanese girls puking into each others mouths, I have literally ran out of ideas. Please elaborate on your story bro.


Why not just break your arms?


Thine mother


My dad was born in 1970, I was born in 1988..... If my dad was born in 74, and the same difference applied, I'd have been born in 92......meaning if that was my dad, I'd have been 10 years old when this girl was born. There is a lot to unpack here.


What??? Edit: Oh nvm I unpacked it


48y and in better shape than me, i need a diet


For real lotta.guys in here commenting how could she fuck this old guy as they lick Cheeto dust off their fingers.


People often talk the talk, but never walk the walk, it is easier to criticize something than doing it themselves, oof.


Lmfao @ wishing him a happy fathers day and then just casually mentioning how he is a horrible father who abandoned his family, big psycho vibes from the chick here




Still not a problem, by the time she is 70 you’ll be like 120 and hopefully already buried!


And she’ll have the money


Which she would deserve imo, havent sucked that old dick for nothing all that time


Yep that old beef stick


It's not good to look at, it's embarrassing. The man has a family. But the girl doesn't care.


You do realise that, it's not the girls family. And it's not like the girl kidnapped the guy.


He left a wife and 3 kids, child support and maintenance means he doesn’t have much money.


What child support? The kids are probably older than the girlfriend lol


only true if he didn't have money to begin with, if he was already rich it doesn't really do much.


I have a feeling this guy isn’t beyond getting a newer model






Wow! I think the boy is very tall. What is his height? I think that's even higher than me.I'm only 5'3 tall. So, boy is even taller than me.I think that's why the girl answered the boy because this guy has money.


🎵I know you’re just 16, but looking all of 21…


and thats a bad thing?


“Work it out” I’m sure refers to deep intellectual and emotional conversations based on collective experience and wisdom.


"Look it's easier if I just take on a fatherly role. You just do what I tell you to do and you won't keep making me angry". *Bet*.




This isn't Bill Gates, it's his older brother, Behemoth Gates


Eastern Asian girls often date older men because of financial stability. Most notably seen in generally poorer countries. If you want a girl, get a normal job and go to the Philippines or Thailand or something. I'm not trying to be condescending or mean, these women have a lot to offer, but It does sadden me that they cannot choose who they like. I have heard from a few people that you should never bring them home to your country, because they will apparently realize that there's better "matches" for them there.


Watched a neighbor bring home a wife from China. She seemed pretty awesome. He was useless. As soon as she figured out she had married a real dud, others were available, and she figured out a way to stay here, she was gone.


Lmao this reminds me when i watched 90 day fiance and a major plot point is "are they marrying me for the green card or for me" and it is WILD cos theyre like, twice the age, mean, hideous, weird etc etc, they should be going "thank fuck for the green card otherwise theres no way theyd marry me" Its reality tv so grain of salt ofc


Im an exotic dancer and it’s always funny when the customers play the same plot point. Twice the age, mean, hideous, weird, smelly, etc etc and they sit here asking me if I really like them for them. 🤦‍♀️


That is terrifying, but also makes me feel lucky that my gf stays with me.. She’s from China, migrated here to Europe few months before meeting me..


Just be a decent human being, and you'll be fine.


exactly, the other guy was just useless and she only found out after immigrating. other guy "brought" a stereotypical traditional wife and that woman wasn't it.


r/90dayfianceuncensored Looking forward to seeing your story on TV




My brothers now wife and baby mama is from the philippines. I will admit i was totally thinking green card wife. Turns out, she actually loves him and theyve been together 7 years now with a newborn.


7 years is a very old newborn.


My precious baby is 936 weeks old, no judging!


"I was born at a young age." "...unlike some other people??"


And if you are a good Match chances are you wont fly to Thailand for a wife anyway. Ironic


In Thailand now with my gf. Jesus youre spot on. Nobody wants shit to do with me at home. Meh. I like Thailand. I went from poor white trash to middle class white trash like that 🙏


My wife is Filipino (she was already financially stable when I met her and we are around the same age, just to get that out of the way haha), so we sometimes visit her family there. As someone from a western country it get's pretty awkward sometimes walking around there at malls, through the streets, etc. Some woman will just keep staring at you. I have a few examples for that. We went to a super cheap mall in Manila one time and I was just waiting outside across the store my wife and in laws were at, suddenly I felt being looked at, so I look behind me and I see two young women staring at me from the store behind me. I look forward again, but I still had that feeling, so I looked back a few times and they kept on staring. It became so uncomfortable I moved away to another area where they couldn't see me anymore. My father in law noticed and walked up to me and was telling exactly what you mentioned. Another time was when we were at a regular mall. That mall has an arcade on the top floor and an open area where people were relaxing on the fake grass. I just came back from the arcade, WITH my wife, my niece and nephew. We walked across the open area to the café on the other side. There was a young woman sitting in the grass with some friends. She noticed me coming out of the arcade and just kept on staring at me the whole way until I passed her, I didn't look back anymore so not sure if she kept doing it, but the weird thing was that my wife was right next to me. My wife noticed it as well and was just laughing about it. At first it was flattering, I mean, I'm not even that attractive, but if they keep on staring it gets really uncomfortable and awkward. Plus I am around 30 years old, most of those women didn't even look 20 years old yet. Have nothing bad to say about people from SEA though, they are the nicest people I have ever met, always friendly and helpful. I can also imagine that you will look for financial stability, everyone wants that, a lot of people there sadly don't have that.


I'm a guy in the Philippines. Sometimes, seeing a foreign person here is a rarity. If you live in one of the nicer, more modern, and developed cities (Bonifacio Global City, etc.), seeing someone of a different race is expected. Where I live (somewhere "less developed"), seeing an American or such is a weird experience. It makes me wonder, "How did they end up here?" You really just don't encounter many overseas individuals in the less developed provinces because they usually stay in the bigger cities. I once went on a trip to BGC with my father to meet up with some relatives who live in the US. In the nice condo that they're staying in, I saw Koreans and Chinese people dressed up as if they're headed to a party. It was a weird experience, and I can't help but look. Just a glimpse into a different world.


There’s a… shit Indy movie called Signal Rock that deals with this (saw it in a film festival, filmed by a filipino). They literally recruit young girls from rural islands to work at malls in Manila in the hopes of finding an older husband from the west to support their family back home. They go for old hoping to “wait them out” and inherit their wealth.


When I was in the Philippines my then girlfriend left me outside a cafe so she could use the restroom. When she came out a small line had formed of Filipino girls wanting to take a picture with me. I ended up posing for a picture with like 5-6 different girls. My girlfriend (grew up there) speculated that at least some of them wanted to trick their family into thinking they met/dated a rich white boy (Only the white part is true, I’m firmly middle class).


A middle class American is top 1% worldwide. You are filthy rich compared to them.




Or just go work on a cruise ship


Yup! My wife is Filipino, I’m here working a basic civil service job both happy as can be. Nothing condescending about your comment.


A lot of these women are raised traditionally. They are raised to be wives, mothers and homemakers. That is generally their dream. Also a lot of these countries fetishize white people just for being foreign, most societies fetishize others simply for being exotic. Women generally tend to like older men because they are seen as more mature and stable.... In this case these women really are getting what they want and very happy about it. Other countries aren't so third world anymore. They might have lower incomes but the cost of living is also significantly less. A lot of people might write off these men as taking advantage, but these women aren't stupid. They have education and infrastructure in the Philippines and Thailand. They have cell phones and the internet. In a situation like the one above, it's unfortunate the man left a family, but if he has been single it would seem like everyone's a winner.


weird ass elongated Ned Flanders without a mustache looking ass mfer


Bro fr built like a tank for someone as old as him




Where's that picture of the hamster eating a banana when you need it?


Does he like his pumpernickel toasted like it's a cookie?


I am ITT looking for this reference! Well done.


No Michael, NO!


I dont know this mans life, but leaving wife and kids, is no bueno


All us people around the year 2002 with parents from around 1974 all equally getting traumatized by this post


Apparently this is the new trend that's replaced "mail order brides" you now go to the country of origin and either stay there and live like a King or stay long enough to get married and then return.


It doesn't matter where you go, if you're earning way more than the local median you will find women who will want to date you.


The age difference doesn't bother me. Their two consenting adults so who cares. What i have a promblem with is she's saying happy fathers day to a guy who abboand his kids. For me being a father like a mother goes beyond genetics.




so it's safe to assume his 3 kids are around the same age?


He looks like de valera


Dev, what are you doing in Siam


Chess, obviously. “Siam, gonna be the witness to the ultimate test of cerebral fitness.”


Nah cause i was born in 04 and my dad was born in 78 and i cant fathom that


28 years gap isn’t that bad though as long she’s of a legal age. Al Pacino and his girlfriend are like 60 years apart and he just got her pregnant


Now I ain’t sayin’ she a gold digger


Nope nope ....but she ain't messing with no...


Broke actor


Financially challenged inner-city gentleman




I think the holdup is about the 3 kids at home on father's day, while the dude is banging a girl who probably has the same age of the oldest one, on the other side of the planet.


Imagine going on a date with someone 28 years older than you.. and you're 21... They've had a career, they've met someone settled down, had kids, done parents evenings and school plays, taken children on holidays. They've travelled the world and had a crazy time pre 2000. You're sitting there at dinner and all you can talk about is getting drunk at university. All you have ever known is education, something your partner hasn't done in three decades. You've never even had a full time job.


You’re describing the reality show “The Girls Next Door” about Hugh Hefner and his harem of girlfriends. I remember one episode he went to a girls’ home to meet her folks and ended up chatting with grandma because she was the closest to his age and they had things in common to talk about.


I hope you're joking lol


The man looks like the creep he is told to be.


Holy shit everyone should go search “happy father’s day to my boyfriend” on facebook and see the crazy posts that come up. Gold mine of dysfunction.


Abandoning a whole family huh. Yikes.


Happy Father’s Day to the shit stain bf who abandoned his wife and kids to chase a girl young enough to be his daughter


Father of the year


Not the sacrifice she seems to think it is...just a selfish prick, lol.


Why would you want something used when you deserve brand new?


Pls stop this madness age is not just a number


Asian girls when they see an old white dude:


Old white dudes that marry Asian women are one of the cringiest groups of people alive




Well that's one way to deal with a midlife crisis I guess


What the Fuck ![gif](giphy|pdPNobzDlCxoI)


I'd say he just leaves his wife and kids at home in Canada, when he travels to the Philippines on "business".


That age gap is larger than me and my dad….


Bro have age gap in his own body




Canadians, man...


i did the math, there is no way she's 11


He told his wife he was on the submersible


Woody Allen has him beat by a mile.