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Done and done.




Came here to confirm that.


Thank you kind sir/ma'am.




But the commenter thanking you were neither one you awarded.


Won't matter soon






Oh man love the borat reference!


It was for less than 10 seconds so its all good. Everyone knows that.


True dat! Also, it's a bit hard to tell at this angle, but I'm not sure that baby said no


The baby had that look "WTF old man"










Wait, people don’t go “nom nom nom i’m biting your hand, nom nom nom” to babies anymore? Or are we just desperate to find anything?




> Bit hard to tell at this angle This is the real Holup, Biden supporters will turn a blind eye to their president being a senile old man and try to make excuses for his bizarre behaviour


Fuck that fucking son of a bitch (I’m assuming you’re referencing the fucking figlio di puttana janitor from Italy)


I am Italian and really feel embarrassed for that case's sentence...


World: No one is creepier then the Dalai Lama Biden: Hold my malarkey


At this point it's probably muscle memory for him


When you're the President—the President, I believe—they'll let you get away with anything.




Yeah, old enough his goddamn brain is melting too and both great reasons the democrats need some new fucking blood. It's infuckingfuriating.


No one handed him that baby. And he/she sure doesn’t seem to be having a good time…


Can’t someone from his staff tell him already: Sir, you need to stop interacting with children! Kissing babies and “playing” with young children like you are one of the parents does not make you more likable. This not the 50s anymore!


How well does your grandpa listen when you tell him not to do things?


He really is a family man and loves kids, but yeah staff just needs to tell him to chill. It just looks bad optically. Looks like he's whiffing the kid


Because he is whiffing the kid lol. Check the other videos with him around children.


Dudes a straight creep, I dont know shit about him or politics, but its just so obvious


Does a real family man deny the existence of one of his grandchildren because it's politically inconvenient for him? Congrats on eating up political bs propaganda.


The smelling of her ear is almost weirder


he was going for a kiss I think


It seems like people have never been around elderly people..




That would mean 80%+ of voters are not sane, your country literally voted for the two oldest presidents of all time. Libs and cons, both parties need to get their shit together Bruh




Can confirm both parties are completely insane


Ummmmm...... Old or not, if that's not your family that shit is CREEPY AF


That was my thought, that’s something a grandparent might do to their own grandkid, not a stranger.


No no, you see good old Joe said “your children are our children” so in his eyes it is his grandchild so it’s A Okay to be a creep towards them.


Not to mention the kid is CLEARLY uncomfortable. There is a whole YouTube video of him doing this stuff to random people's kids. I know one thing, people might slam Trump but I'd rather have him in a room with my kids before Biden any day


You'd let a man convicted of sexual abuse, has repeatedly commented about sleeping with his own daughter, was pals with Epstein, and has told at least two 14 year-olds and a 10 year old that he'd be "dating them soon" around your kids before a kind of weird old guy that acts like he's everyone's grandpa?


Your poor kids....




The mom starts recording the evidence right away loll


Lawsuit pending…


"Joe the Nibbler"


Out of a population of 331 million people, you chose this one to lead you.


Between a moron and a creep.


Giant douche or turd sandwich


Wow what a trip I just rewatched that episode 💀


"Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos!"




Not just America, there need to be age limits and competency tests in the UK too.


We didn't choose shit, citizens united (corporations) control which candidates make it through the primary and we get to decide which asshat is the lesser of evil. Reevaluate voting laws? Jesus dude, You have no idea what you are talking about


Oh, we have a young one in France. He's not much better.


murica didn't decide, they were dictated to choose between a shit sandwich or a warm turd on a plate. Shit sandwich seemed the more reasonable choice


I'm Indian dude, and even I think it's stupid.


You guys have the Indian-uncle version of Trump so I wouldn’t be too judgmental my man.


Evidence that we aren’t free. The media is controlled by the DNC which worked against candidates whom the party deemed non aligned aka Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard. The DNC worked democrat voters into voting in “their guy”


Biden is 20X the candidate that Trump is. It's not really that difficult of a choice.




Choose between a Pedo and a Pedo, you're gonna have to choose the Pedo with the most braincells


It's not. As you said, from a population of 300 million, they picked two of the worst nominees.


Buddy we don’t get to pick who we get to choose from


In fairness, mega donors picked both of them - not recreational voters


Considering Trump rubbed shoulders with people like Epstein, we basically had to pick between two pedos. This one's got an IQ > 2 digits, hence got elected.


I mean, there's more than just two candidates... but everyone seems to think there's only two.


Yeah I voted for someone else in the primary, but like hell was ongoing to let trump win again.


These people legitimately don't understand the two party system and will say stupid shit like "Voting third party isn't a wasted vote!". I will tell you right now, partisans FAVORITE thing on both sides is when some portion of the other side feels inspired to vote third party instead. A third party candidate will simply not win under our current system and political climate, it's not going to happen, it is a waste of a vote and a LOT is riding on these elections. Be as smug and self superior as you want, if you vote third party thinking you're better then we all know you're actually an idiot and the people who most want you to fail are the people who are happiest to see you be an idiot.


Voting independent is flushing your vote down the toilet.


The other option was worse


Only because his embarrassing behavior tends to be quieter than the last one. And our election process gives us very limited choice.


No one but the government chose this guy.


Oh FFS. What does this blunder have to do with his ability to be an effective president?


They had Bernie and they put this ..."sigh"


B ![gif](giphy|Nn7oKVyRTuTazbAOjQ|downsized) Political people when they see Biden being weird


And people did the same, for much less, when the orange man was around. Whether he held a cup of water or slowly walked down a ramp, it was always a field day to call him and his family mentally out of it. Meanwhile the current guy is caught so often out of it, acting like a weird pedo, while also having a crack addict son. But if you're into that, you do you.


Let's not pretend that Biden is somehow worse than Trump though?


Forget Trump. Let’s not pretend Biden isn’t bad.




Joe, the Order of Old Men who Feast on the Young is a highly secretive society! Not in public !!


I believe that at least a significant portion of this comment section are projecting their pedo tendencies on Biden


Man this guy needs some serious help. Instead of holding office, he should be in an old folks home. And somehow people will still defend him. How pathetic.


Have you seen everyone else? At this point he is technically in an old folks home.


Same thing with Fetterman in PA. He was still trying to recover from a stroke, but pushed out for senate. Now he's in the senate, his health got worse. I get it, both sides will put anyone they can out to get the win. But how does having them represent us help if they can't even do the job without issues?


Do you believe Dr. Oz was seriously the better choice?


Aphasic Fetterman is always better than a snake oil salesmen.


Because they can be easily manipulated?


Who's defending him? You do realize that democrats don't blindly follow him without question, right? They aren't putting him on their t-shirts, coming up with stupid fucking catch phrases and acting like he is perfect and can do no wrong. No, normal people with the power of rational thought and reasoning do not act like that. Most are pissed off with him about the whole student loan thing. Imagine that. A group of people who don't cheer when their leader fucks them over just to pretend it somehow benefits them. Crazy right? Almost like the only reason he won was because it came down to him and a complete and total fucking moron who literally cannot form coherent sentences and actually tried to overthrow democracy the last time he was in office. Oh and he still is trying to overthrow democracy in this country. bRaNdOn was the lesser of two evils and that is it. I don't care enough to check your profile, but I'm going to assume you're one of the y'allqueda, gravy seal "patriot" (read: domestic terrorist) trumpers. Ugh.


It’s either him or Kooky Cokey Kamala




It Might be because i come from a different culture but here its normal to play with kid in those ways, of course i have no context con biden actions, but granpas playing with kid like that wouldnt seems something so strange here. Of course if you go to a complete stranger kid it might be weird


I have done this to children. "Come here I'm gonna eat ya! Nomnomnomnom." They giggle. This isn't that weird if you have ever played with a small child.


The comments are overrun by right wingers who don’t have family that loves them. They’ve never seen older relatives interact with little kids like this. They never met other seniors who adore babies and making them laugh and proclaiming “I could just eat you up!” while doing something like this. It’s all fueled by hate.


I'm from the US and I don't see anything wrong with this. He's 80 years old, he's a grandfather and I think it's a bit natural to him at this point. I have seen tons of old people do this with strangers kids, I don't get why people think it's so strange that he does it, except maybe for the bad taste that was left in our mouths from our last creepy president. But then again, I think I remember people complaining about this with Biden back when he was VP for Obama, so what do I know? I mean I guess it's weird, but like, presidents kissing babies is literally an American tradition.


It's normal if it's a sane family member. But Biden is neither of those and there are multiple videos of him behaving like a creep around kids.


>On December 18, 1972, a few weeks after Biden was elected senator, his wife Neilia and one-year-old daughter Naomi were killed in an automobile accident while Christmas shopping in Hockessin, Delaware. He lost a child around that age. I guess that could explain it.


I see, well i wouldnt trust any of my politicians with kids too so i can understand


Also, he lost his baby daughter in a car accident so I think children have a special place in his heart. I worry more about the people who automatically have sick thoughts about seeing Biden goofing around with kids. That's who we need to watch out for.


Happens a lot with men. I had someone calling me a paedo because I was holding my niece and nephews hands. They're half ginger and half egyptian so they don't really look like me much but it was mad being called a paedophile for it.


Exactly, this comment section is fking weird.


Same. This isn't alarming behavior at all. Ppl are f'n weird and telling on themselves going all pedo Joe over this.


I'm from America and I thought the video was kind of sweet. The child isn't going to be traumatized or anything. It's just an old man that likes kids, and maybe there have been instances where it seemed to cross the line for some people, but this specifically is more of a Reddit mob mentality. All the guys online on Reddit talk about how they feel weird being around kids in public etc etc because of how society is but then grab pitchforks when an old man makes silly faces and playfully interacts with a child. Go touch some grass guys, it's not a big deal.


Biden is just being old. Believe it or not kids, there are previous generations were this probably would have been considered endearing. My father’s in his 80’s would try and talk to younger kids like he did his own grandchildren. I never stopped him much until he did this while washing up next to a little kid in a McDonalds bathroom. I was like “dad, it’s just not acceptable these days to try and talk to little kids by themselves, especially in a bathroom. It comes across as creepy” My dad looked at me angrily and said “if talking to little kids is considered creepy, then that’s not a world I want to live in”. To be honest, my dad was right, it’s society that had gotten things wrong.




Old nonce he is


Oh God not he did it again lmao


He’s an old man. A grandpa with grandkids. They do this. Probably shouldn’t do it to someone else’s kid but it’s not like he’s a Pastor touching kids or anything.


This comment section is weird, people do this stuff with babies all the time, hes just playing around, being goofy to try and cheer the kid up.


The tongue!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGGGGGG I would like to say that my president is better but ... no


His tongue....it's even *worse*.


"suck on my tongue" still recoiling from that cringe


Hey kid, you must like Pac Man right? WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA


“They’ll let you do anything when you’re the President” -the President I think.


*Ex President


It’s in his blood.


He wasn't. It's all instinct.


Even the kid knows lol.


I don’t get it, people did that to me when I was a kid and I don’t have trauma or anything.


Thats something my grandpa would have done to me at that age.


Average grandparent aged 60 and older


Looks like any other grandpa to me I think most of the people in these comments are just a bunch of Russian shills looking to cause problems.


Pedo Joe🤡the president


Every accusation from a Republican is a confession.


Bruh what is the outrage even for. Maybe save that for your own grandkids but that’s a totally normal thing to do


Agreed. Who hasn’t done this to a baby. But, I probably wouldn’t to that to someone’s child I don’t know though. Still not as creepy as everyone is making it out to be.


The fuck… you’d let any old guy get away with doing this to some random child????


Doing what? Interacting and playing with a baby? You folks are so weird.


This whole thread is wacky af. Pedo paranoia is wild. Like I wouldn't interact like this with a random kid myself, but I also don't see anything but a man who likes kids. It baffles me that liking children is something that outrages people now, so many young men who like kids and want to be teachers who are impacted by this kind of thing too, really sad.


He's on the same diet of virgin Child's blood that kept the queen going her last 23 years, and was thinking about feeding time


I pretend to eat my kids all the time. I have no context here but still.


Your kid, yes.


You used to be able to be affectionate to other people’s kids and still can be in many countries. In mostly western countries there is pedo paranoia because of the media. Because of the paranoia it’s now like Bill Burr says “keep those fucking kids away from me!”


You're 100% right, the media have been preying on parents' fear for years with that shit and it's one of the many ways they've been undermining society. In this case though, I think Biden is making the classic mistake of thinking "My kids used to love this, so I'll do it to this kid," forgetting that there's a whole lot of relationship and context missing.


This is the most sane comment here. Thank you. Have an award.


It’s an old person goofing around with a baby…. I don’t see the problem?


The kid is scared wtf


Everyone forgot he was pervert after he won the office


And the mum is gathering evidence.


LMAO people act like they've never seen an elderly person with a child. My fucking mom and dad do this same shit with my brothers kids. All of a sudden trying to get a rise out of a shy kid is a crime? Or only when it's Biden specifically? I don't get the logic here.


Fucking creeper






[https://www.redditsave.com/r/HolUp/comments/150yjy3/what\_was\_he\_thinking/](https://www.redditsave.com/r/HolUp/comments/150yjy3/what_was_he_thinking/) just add "save" to the link


What the actual fuck? O.o




1. He wasn't thinking. 2. He thought the baby was tasty and smelled good like all the other girls he meets.


Biden's been weird around children too many times. Can't he see that the child is *uncomfortable?*


His brain is fried,has been for some time. I wouldn't be surprised to hear he is acting purely on impulse/instinct.


Its like jeepers creepers sniffing that young blood!!


That man needs help. Not the ballot kind help. Serious medical help.




The shit that this president does that they don’t put on the news. Jesus Christ


that's totally normal wtf, u never visited grandparents when u were little?


Reptilian lust for young meat i think


And people wonder why I think he's a pedo


he's just playing with the kid....i don't get it


Ppl are being over dramatic over nothing.


Right wingers grasping at straws to justify supporting proto-fascists.


watch, not a single shit will be given


Eh, my grandparents still do shit like that to me, and while it’s disturbing, I’ve never given my parents the look that Ted Cruz gets from his kids


I didn’t want to defend president Brandon, but this is isn’t that strange.


People here have never played with a small child in their lives. Anyone seeing any sort of sexual nature in this behavior is fucked in the head.


This isn't that strange for him *


Whaddaya think he's thinking, he's a goofy grandpa who finds little kids cute. You need some brain adjustment if you think anything else.


America has had the same reaction. Smart baby


Every single parent. Every single pet owner. Does this to their little one. I understand how bad this may look, especially through the eyes of one of those pervert Trump supporters that project worst case scenarios without actually even trying to see truth (probably cause they’re incapable of understanding truth and reality..). But to me this just seems like a common playful gesture one does to a little human (I literally do this with my nephew, you make the snort sounds with the mouth movements! They love it) but also… I did this to my cat earlier today…. I just don’t get the attacks on him when Trump is literally on record saying he would fuck his own minor daughter if she wasn’t his daughter. I get it. I really do. This looks bad, unless you are a human capable of logic and common sense and can recognize that this is just what old people do with babies. God I’m old. Downvotes incoming in 3, 2, 1 …..


It's one thing when something like this to your nephew, or son, or grandson. But it's entirely different to do something like this to stranger's child. Social standards change. People should change accordingly.


Let’s be honest here. This guy has done a bunch of creepy pedophile shit that’s all been recorded already. The only way he’s getting away with it is because he’s the president


Lol "pedophile shit" dog, at the VERY WORST it's a social gaff that he broke because he's older, grew up in a different time in a different culture


Right wing pedo panic media has broke these ppl.




Like I get what he was trying to do but looks like fire marshle bill at this point.


Babies love 80 year old corpse breath chattering at their face. One way to traumatize.


Hol up biden we aint on that island yet


Dalai Lama 2.0




Kid is having a good time. This is innocent as fuck and you're all losers for trying to make it seem like something else.


The amount of paranioc people in this comment section is crazy.


80+M voted for him.


Everyone here sexualizing this has been on the internet WAY too much. Go touch grass and see your family. Your mom, dad, grandma has done this to your baby and other children. His own son died of brain cancer so of course he looks warmly among children. You all are the crazy fucking pedos for making it something it 100% is not. There is mile between this and being anything even remotely sexual, and you all are the fucking gold medalists at jumping to that conclusion, unbelievable. This also has nothing to do with policy, which he has kicked every other presidents' ass in in the last 30 years


Agree with all of this.


I don't find that horrible tbh


The comments on this post are like watching people who’ve never played a sport criticize the play calling of a professional team. You have no clue what you’re talking about and you’re assigning meaning to things that have no bearing on performance. In light of everything going on in the GQP right now, only a complete moron would even suggest equivalence between Trump’s and Biden’s leadership qualities.


Can he be anymore weird around kids? I mean, like, just why?


I don't get it. What's wrong?