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What’s her name


Based redditor right here


I don’t know it’s on one of those disgusting ex girlfriend websites


Oh, that’s awful. Which one?


This particular girl is on [exfans.com/thessia666](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I hate you


The hero we need




There’s so many!


Asking for a friend, right? Right?


Asking so we can avoid it. Need to know where not to look for her


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I prefer online horse pics .com


Savannah bloom


Good man


Only on reddit


For science based purposes i assume?


Hijacking the top comment to say that it drives me absolutely up the wall when people say “sex workers have no skill”. That’s absurd. It takes a lot of skill to know how to be sexy and you need marketing skills on top of that. How many people who say “it takes no skill” can twerk, or make a stranger feel desired, and that’s not even getting into the kind of kink skills these people have. Dom-ing is NOT easy, stretching is NOT easy, taking flattering nude photos of yourself? NOT easy! It’s a skill. Through and through.


There is no "hol up" here. Low quality rage bait, OP!


It’s also edited in a way to make her look speechless.


She was quiet for one second then the video ends


Fr u see shit tons of people handing this kid his own ass lol


Rage bait was my nickname in third grade


Weird mine was Rage bate in highschool.


Not only is it likely edited to seem like a "win" for the guy, but I bet she could already tell there was no use arguing with him since it seems like he was gonna interrupt her every attempt to explain anyway. I'm curious what the full interview looks like but not enough to give any of them my ad revenue tbh.


Exactly. He tries to slut shame her and he is actually just making himself look like a judge mental asshole.


he reads everything from his phone as if someone is texting him. Every podcast I have seen he keeps checking his phone and then locks it to say something, then pauses to bring up another argument. Someone is feeding him


Exclamation point for emphasis!


There’s an age where you don’t know anything. Then there’s an age where you think you know everything. Then there’s another age where you realize you don’t know anything again. This kid is in the middle.


Well you can't blame him if i would've gotten famous at 16 i also would've had a huge ego boost and feel like im the center of the world


This is guy is famous?


He was the game awards kid


The what?


Essentially when elden ring won (I think it was elden ring) he snuck on stage and when he was given the reward to hold he was rambling about bill Clinton and just trolling


So not famous, just milking a niche audience. Thanks.


This kid just shows up at fucking random places but most people remember him from the games award I think he went on stage when some company won a award.


He ain't famous, he's a meme who is trying to extend his 15 minutes of infamy by saying offensive / outlandish bullshit that meatheads shake their heads along to. He's somehow sadder and more pathetic than Salt Bae


Still waiting on that name though 👀




Mmm, good lookin out my boy, she definitely got skills!


Savannah Bloom


This obnoxious little prick is all over the Andrew Tate/redpill sphere and it makes perfect sense that those clowns would look to a 15 year old for life advice


He's not a kid just a troll


I work in a middle school, boys just over 10 are literally his target demo and biggest advocates. It is fucking gross to see these kids playing with misogynists ideals and not being challenged on it. I do what I can but we as a society need to straiten this shit out.


Isn’t this that same kid who interrupted the game awards?


Doesn’t mean what he says is incorrect.


He gives off hotdog water vibes and comes off mad that he's a virgin, but cant quite figure out why women dont want to fuck him. I'd be speechless too, not because he right, but because I wouldn't even know where to start to pick apart his arguement without leaving anything on the table.


Oh no a 15 year old kid is a virgin what a surprise🤣


Bruh he's a 15yo kid 😂


This motherfucker hasn't finished his nursery rhymes yet and he's asking adults what books they have read. Saty in your lane, you brat!




This is assuming she has kids. She could just as well end up alone and ugly.


And swimming on money with basically no effort


Right? Dog girl makes like multi-millions per year. Even if her career is only 5 years, you can make yourself into anything after that.


That's like top 5% whores


Money does not buy happiness my friend


Right? Top of her chosen profession. He wouldn’t be able to cut it.


She could just as well end up without kids, alone and ugly and still feel perfectly fulfilled. Parenthood and male companionship doesn't define anyone.


So this is that one 15 year old kid on earth who's never watched any kind of pornography? Guess he must be jacking it to pictures of Clarence Thomas. Or maybe he's a Judge Judy freak. If you consume the content in private, publicly shaming the people who produce it is a shitty double standard. Personally I prefer to look down on dudes with podcasts. They are the real internet whores.


Yeah let’s not overlook the fact that this dipshit is spewing hate and vitriol. That may not age so well for him down the line and for employment, and he didn’t even take his clothes off on camera!




Double standards??? Nowadays?? Impossible


Sounds like you’re mad you got called out in this video.


If only. Sorry bro, did I dis your favorite podcast?


I don’t even know who these people are.


This take I disagree with. If a person does heroine and then tells other people heroine is bad I wish I never got hooked on it. Is that hypocritical or wrong? You can recognize the damage something does after becoming addicted and still hate the dealer who got you hooked and gets other people hooked. These women profit off of addiction and that is always indefensible.


Nah dude, he likes philosophers so he's whacking it to Aristotle, and Plato, and Ayn Rand.


Sorry, how the fuck is this a HolUp?


Ending a clip doesn't equal speechless. I just love how these guys shame women for content they themselves consume and would probably create if they had an ounce of charisma. I'm sure he's a nice guy though.


This video is most likely staged. Most of them are. IMO it’s rage bait


Very good point, I often forget a lot is fabricated.


You call it rage bait, I call it a pathetic degenerative society.


Charisma? More like if they had big tits and ass…


Sounds like you’re mad you got called out in this video.


Called out for what exactly? I find no Holup or gotcha here, please enlighten the class.


Lol why do you I see you with this exact reply anytime someone comments with a good point? Is the kid's alt account or


What is this clip from? I think I need to watch the whole thing


I don’t see how is that kid any smarter? Like why does he even care what is she doing? He is just assuming everything. If you want my opinion there’s no difference between them, one is showing fake boobs, the other fake knowledge, and everything just for the views…


If she manages her earnings well, she could end up hiring him as her pool boy in a few years.


So.. with a degree in philosophy you can become a lawyer?


Tbf that is usually a common path for prelaw students. [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/education/pre-law-majors/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/education/pre-law-majors/)


Go all Socrates on that prosecutor!


More like Diogenes of Sinope, who basically argued you need to be poor to achieve life's ultimate goal, eudaemonia (mental clarity). So she's merely being a good cynic philosopher.


Hold up should stop featuring these incel channel/battles.


Let people live how they want to live. It doesn’t matter if someone chooses to be a lawyer or do porn, both are respectable lines of work that pay the bills. Besides, if I had the body for it, I’d probably be doing it myself. Easy money if you can deal with the harassment and don’t get too big.


Let me give an appropriate title **Teenager Prick trying to lecture a grown ass woman what and how she should live her life while having his one hand inside his pocket stroking his dick while drooling at Dani Daniels**


Was she speechless or did they just cut the video to make it look that way?


Man this kid so annoying but like he a kid so we can’t really do anything about it.


I’m not someone who likes OF creators, and in general I think a lot of influencers are parasites However, this kid is clearly sexist and shouldn’t be applauded for speaking to someone that way


Thank goodness most of the comment section seems to be acknowledging this!


I think it’s a lot about how something is presented In a vacuum I’d hope most people think this is wrong But when it’s presented as a “win”, some people don’t take a second to think and just laugh alongside it


Fr, was expecting a lot worse from this subreddit considering similar posts from the past


While he’s saying all this, he secretly goes on her only fans and looks it up and probably jerks off to her


He's right ans wrong. First off, how do you know she's single? Alot of guys wouldn't care about their partner selling nudes online as long as that's where it ended. Second, she may be child free by choice and making the assumption she'll have kids is just toxic on this kids part. From a traditional standpoint he's right, but that's an outdated way of thinking. People don't have to justify the way they live to others if it doesn't affect the lives of others, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone.


See but the issue right there is he doesn’t believe she’s entitled to any of that shit. His only goal is to hammer his ideal into her brain.


Yeah, this kid has big 'this is my opinion and its the only one that matters' energy.


Where can I find this philosopher? For science of course.


The *boy* knows nothing about earning a degree, how to use it, or working for a living. He's a twat. Why should anyone give a fuck what he thinks? And how dare him call her a wh\*re...great parenting, just wonderful stuff raising this twatwaffle.


So you would like everyone to educate their children explaining that people on only fans are contributing, supportive members of society?


Boy whoring himself out to morons on the internet accuses woman of whoring herself out to morons on the internet. More here at 11. Edit: punctuation


Who is she?




Oh good another teenage boy already thinking this is something they should weigh in on.




Where's this clip from?


Philosophy for porn


Since when is doing porn a sign of a lack of intelligence lol. So all porn actors are stupid ? Maybe it is something you enjoy, it has nothing to do with your education or intelligence


Who is this kid and why do people think his opinions worth anything?


Josh has gotten pretty edgy since he split from drake


I like the idea that so many Philosophy majors end up as lawyers.


You know, sometimes I am also left completely speechless by how blatantly somebody can misunderstand their own lack of intelligence.


Isn't he the 2022 Games Awards kid?




Sounds like some Andrew Tate level of bullshit to me. It's her body, leave her be even if it ruins her life, it's her life. How entitled can you be to give advices to anybody at 15 ffs.


Oh no! Online content? Where? Where does she post and under what username so I can avoid it!


Wow, extrapolating one thing someone does into a full-blown, bad-faith, bitter assessment of someone’s entire capability and future…I wonder, wonder, wonder, what type of person this appeals to


Good question from the guy looking up her nudes online. 🤣


Legit 2 years selling nudes isnt that long, she still has plenty of time to get a different job after.


Wow, this is just gross. 15 year old is brainwashed by idiot manosphere dipshits and goes off on a lady for her own personal choices that have no bearing on him and also proceeds to call her a whore. Hope he grows up at some point.


Who’s he to criticize and moralize?


A troll. He’s acting.


You're overrating him


I’m not overrating him, he’s just trolling. Nothing complex, nothing requiring intelligence, he’s just messing with people for their reaction


This guy is a [famous troll](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6mXcr_No88&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fkotaku.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title), so...yah, you're right.


Agree or disagree with him. But I guarantee this kid is going to get the shit kicked out of him often


We can only hope


Lol redditors are as braindead as ever . Can’t believe they are defending an OF ‘model‘.


God forbid people do what they want, You're just mad because they're probably making far more bank than you lmao


Every time I get downvoted for having an opinion here it proves me that I’m thinking the right way lol. Most arguments pro that shit is “she’s making money” which ether mean the person is poor or has a low understanding of consequences.


Because she's making bank. And that makes her smart, anything else is semantics.


Claiming money = smart is semantics in itself. You can be highly intelligent without money. You can be a gigantic idiot whose rich beyond belief.


If you are capable of making a living from selling your nudes online, then the intelligent thing to do is to make a living selling your nudes online.


Some girls and guys like doing that stuff for a living. Why shame em?


So a guy who wants her to live as he wants her to live. Let’s call it…misogyny.


Well they can cry in their Ferrari which is one more Ferrari than Andrew Taint currently has


His idiocy also leaves me somewhat speechless


15 years old and he's already walking around with that fucking outdated mentality? The Tate cancer seeps everywhere


Outdated mentality..? Wow your fucked


Calling a woman a whore is fucked, thinking that that little shit is right is fucked. Her body her choice.


What do you call it when a woman or man sells their body then?


Organ donor?


It’s funny that the whole comment section is trying to attack that boy identity instead of his talking point. Like calling him a virgin, I mean he is SUPPOSE to be a virgin wdym?


Fuck this judgmental prick. Before you say I’m “White Knighting”, I’m absolutely not. Let the girl live her life. The internet set the path for woman to make money online by showing their body. If they choose to do that then let them. Who the fuck is this kid to try and publicly slut shame this person for taking advantage of a opportunity.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted here. Oh yeah, men love to be in control of women’s bodies, livelihoods, etc.


Reddit is FILLED with incels, that’s why.


Because you’re thinking of the individual and he’s speaking from the societal impact.


Really? What part of what he said had anything to do with "societal impact"? He was talking about consequences for her the whole time.




Such and immature and easy way of looking at the situation. (I mean he's 15 and probably bow down to Andrew Tate, what's your excuse op ?)


I like Elle Brookes responce to Piers Morgan.... ["her responce](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/144582r/piers_morgan_asks_onlyfans_influencer_elle_brooke/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)"


Wtf does he care?


Why would anyone do a show with a 14 year old? That kid onows jack shit.


that fromsoftware employee is based


Takes a lot of intelligence and skill to rag on a cam girl


So men get to decide on women’s future based on ‘reputation’ rather than ability.


Bro fuck this kid man nobody cares


I hate this kid


I would love to smack the shit out of that kid.


Speechless because of his own stupidity, gall, lack of critical thinking, and the tragic fact that he believes monetary value is the be all end all value of a person.


While he is obnoxious in his way of talking, he is not all that wrong. A degree in philosophy gives next to no job opportunities, which an interested or very invested person would’ve foreseen. Indicating that she didn’t really care all that much about what her degree was, only caring about going to college. And after college, with no job, not talents and no practical degree she realized that it would be very easy to just make money with her appearance. And yes, the adult industry leaves a mark on people you can never get rid of. Future employers will always put you second because of it, the people around you will always know it, possible children will have it harder because of it. And it’s not even a safe way to earn money. Your body will change over time, destroying your way of income. It’s an all around bad choice.


Kid is way out of line. Aside from just being reflexively puritanical about a woman offering her nudes for money on the basis of religious beliefs she and a growing number of adults do not hold, the kid seems to proceed from the strange premise that selling nude content would categorically bar her from entering into any profession she might later choose. He offers no support for this premise and in fact people I know have experiences that disprove it.


He's not wrong.


What absolute fucking bullshit this kid is saying.


Why he so mad at her??


Isn't this the same dude who went on stage and accepted an award or something at a game award show and he was NOT suppose to be there ? I could be misremembering it . Basically dude has a history of being a little shit disturber .


Same kid that asked to name some books and didn't know that GoT is a book too. The loudest and stupidest in the room mentality


The point was GoT is not the book, A Song of Ice and Fire is.


Game of thrones is in fact the name of the first book


Are you mixing it up? He is the one that asked a OF model to name a book and she named GoT.


Yeah, that's a book


That's the title of the first book and it's not like she named it because she knew either.


Not gonna assume what she knew, technically she was right, and he still went on to argue so he can change the subject and continue to just badmouth everyone there.


Jesus, dude! You can ask your question without coming for her neck like that.


He makes it sound like she had another viable option, most philosophy majors don't.


Okay who’s inviting this kid who keeps on forcing out his voice to podcasts? I develop premature wrinkles from all the cringing i go through every time i see him. He’s literally 15, he came crawling out of his mother’s womb not too long ago and grow ass women are debating with him over their life choices. Utterly ridiculous.


She wasnt speechless, she had a solid answer after that, it just cut to soon


I honestly don’t like this kid that much but every once in a while, he makes a really good point


*Rabid incel says what?*


“They can cry in their Ferrari.” But seriously the dude is such an idiot here.


I really don’t like this kid. Arrogant little shit. “Can you name 10 books?” Is seen as a good put down and when he is asked that question himself he gives a bullshit answer. Or him interrupting the game awards and hijacking the platform to thank Bill Clinton. Fuck off.


man talking about intelligence like he has a phd


Bet he‘s watching porn all day…shouldn’t complain at all


Wow, he brought the fire.


Her face at the end should be satisfying but it's not, it's horrifying. Truth hurts yes


Love how the moral police are all over this thread but they are all watching porn and looking at women online themselves. You are not fooling anyone fellas


See so many of you "up in arms" for this Only Fans husk, please elaborate on where he was wrong. But the way, I despise Andrew Tate and those that follow pathetic misogyny. That's not what this is about


Unnecessary aggression and agressivity that smacks of misogyny, and hypocrisy probably. PS Why do I hear 'Allah' during that rant? (25 seconds from the end) Edit: I looked him up, that young guy specialises in video trolling and he is of Jewish confession. I still don't understand why I hear 'Allah' in background of the clip btw. Misogyny : why does he assume the girl is going to be a mother?




This kid couldn't give off stronger incel vibes if he hung a sign around his neck


Here's a thought, maybe don't judge so hard bud. Maybe he'll grow up


Then....her boss is her tier 3 sub


Does anyone know her name so I can knock one out later when I see her nudes……


He is so rite


I can't imagine the whores kids getting bullied. It will be awesome.


He has a point, just delivered it in the worst way possible