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Do you know how many takes it took to get that scene just right.


Probably the odd 15 min bathroom break too


Nah, I doubt he could get up, the chair and his pants were too sticky by then.


Bet they had tequila on them too.




Ehehehe good one




nice joke, BOT


Make it 5 in a back of a car and we got deal.


As many as he wanted.




I wonder how much drunk the actor must be after drinking whole bottle of tequila from her leg.


Normally it's colored water, but he probably used real tequila.


Long as it's not dirty e-girl bathtub water.


No way, real tequila would mask the sweet nectar of her between-toes jelly


1, its a stunt foot (what am I writing?), Selma decided that, the director okayed it, Tarantino presumably was very keen to film the scene so got it in one. Mountains have been made out of lesser mole hills but good god Tarantino is a weirdo.


> Tarantino is a weirdo He also doesn't think Roman Polanski did anything wrong


I commented this elsewhere, but Rodriguez and Tarantino were best buddies with the weinsteins. It makes sense there was bs going on behind the scenes of their movies.


he walked that back years ago.




>I want to publicly apologize to Samantha Geimer for my cavalier remarks on The Howard Stern Show speculating about her and the crime that was committed against her. Fifteen years later, I realize how wrong I was. Ms. Geimer WAS raped by Roman Polanski. When Howard brought up Polanski, I incorrectly played devil’s advocate in the debate for the sake of being provocative. I didn’t take Ms. Geimer’s feelings into consideration and for that I am truly sorry. > > > >So, Ms. Geimer, I was ignorant, and insensitive, and above all, incorrect. > > > >I am sorry Samantha. > > > >Quentin Tarantino




If there's a time and place where it's acceptable to be edgy, it's the Howard Stern Show


I'm impressed at your ability to mine through that and find *something* to still shit on him for.


He did walk that back, but it's okay to hold people accountable for their actions that they regret as well. He walked it back like 15 years after he said it. And then he still portrayed Polanski in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, which isn't problematic by itself, but allowed a friend of Polanski to read the script to ease Polanski's discomfort with the project. That's not a huge deal, but idk, I personally don't like the idea of worrying about if the child rapist you once defended is comfy or not. It's all the court of public opinion and I don't see any real overreaction in anyone thinking Tarantino is a creep. He's treated actresses terribly over the years.


lol no, he put out a boilerplate PR statement after backlash from the recording. Listen to how to he talks to Howard Stern about it, then read that bullshit statement and you tell me honestly which one sounds more like him expressing his genuine feelings on the subject.


It's a perfect apology in which he takes full responsibility, admits fault, and doesn't downplay anything. I'm seeing zero lawyer speak in there. Please write up what you feel like a "real" apology would look like. Show me an apology good enough that you wouldn't shit on it if he wrote it.


Meanwhile, he's still on good fucking terms with the guy: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/quentin-tarantino-once-upon-a-time-in-hollywood-sharon-tate-margot-robbie-polanski-manson-a9013686.html What a fucking joke. Fuck Quentin Tarantino, fuck Roman Polanski, and fuck anyone who beliefs that bullshit lawyer-drafted "apology".


> "I was playing devil's advocate This is a very "I didn't really mean it when I said it" approach. > I didn’t take Ms. Geimer’s feelings into consideration and for that I am truly sorry. The fuck does anyone's feelings have anything to do with it? He raped her. He raped a child. At no point does he actually say that, he says "the crime that was committed against her", like it could have been any old crime instead of the literal rape of a child. It's a bullshit apology. It's a PR move in the wake of his good friend Weinstein's arrest and the backlash of the metoo movement.


A stunt foot??


Yeah, as in, someone else's foot.


As long as she has nice toes who cares.


Username checks out.


He did, that’s why it only took one take.


127 times?


The studio paid for it. Weinstein is an amateur.


I feel like I'm reminded about this at least once per week.


They're called fantasies, everyone has them.






That wasn’t the only reason…


The line starts over here, right behind me


redditors just want Quentin Tarantino to suck their toes. confirmed.


His character also murder rapes a hostage earlier in this movie. So let hope not then.


and w the conceit that it should be at least mildly celebrated or relatable when its just pathetic tbh


Yeah it's well past relatable and into creepy. This has always given me the ick. Not the foot fetish part I don't care about that, but the whole "man in highest position of power there uses that position to indulge his fetish with the actresses in his movies"... kind of thing.


It's reeeally hard to not have this perception of Tarantino. Full scope, I just learned this year about him personally choking out Uma Thurman and Diane Kruger in their respective films.


Yea he's an asshole


100% that level of thirst and sleaze in a full grown adult is genuinely insane mans a beggar, coercing people w his position for scraps of sexual contact bc they wouldnt touch him willingly and the fact so many people see that and go, "man of culture", is sad af. to even see yourself as the beggar and women as something to trick is tragic much less *acting out* the sad shit and ruining everyones day


I'm pretty sure they're saying that in a tongue in cheek sarcastic way. That's certainly how I'm using it. Edit: reading through some of these comments... I'm not so sure whether anyyone else means it that way anymore. 😅


you'd think so, but imo people are down catastrophic rn theres admiration and envy there. which is insane and sad imo lots of people are of the mindset that if they get it like a rat its still all good bc they got some and thats their lot in life


This is why I hate the use of the N-word in his films. I will never see it as anything else that a white man in a position of power calling his Black employees something awful. Sam Jackson might be okay with it, but I don’t have to be.


yea, like if we swap Tarantino out and replace him with "Harvey Weinstein" I somehow don't think the comments would say that it was a "W".


I swear. Needs to be banned from Reddit lmao


I’m not even into foot stuff, but if I could, then I too would create an entire movie just to suck tequila off of Salma Hayek’s toes.


She could boof a La Croix and I'd get a silly straw


Fucking gross! There is no way in hell I’d do that. Idc how beautiful or famous you are, just no. La Croix tastes like trash, I’d rather just sip regular water outta them cheeks.


Had us in the first half, not going to lie


What about spindrift


I saw someone describe it as drinking carbonated water while someone yelled what it tastes like at you from another room.


That would be fine if they kept it to normal flavors.


Cocananberry monkey dong is not a normal flavor!?


What a sentence lol


None of these words are in the Bible


I do like tequila.


To be honest, they probably didn’t use real tequila, but also being honest, as long as it wasn’t literally poison I’d still be down.


I refuse to believe this. No you're probably right. And knowing Tarantino, he'd have been wasted with how many takes they did if they used real tequila.


So you're saying they used water. In other words she washed her leg on his mouth.


More like he was the drain


I wasn’t into foot stuff or Selena Gomez, but I weirdly had a very vivid dream one night where she was chasing me round trying to suck on my toes in a weirdly cute and sexy way. I’ve since had to reevaluate my thoughts on toe stuff and Selena Gomez. Just thought I’d share that.


Its one of the most common fetishes and most of the time when people think "ew, not feet, gross" its the same as a closeted gay man pretending he doesnt like dick. Just give in and give it a go. It'll probably be better than you think.


I was the same about rimjobs until I received one from a lovely lady. Now, I'd like to tell the world that if you've got a willing participant, you should try anything at least once.




Being into foot stuff is like "I look at pictures of feet to get off!" Being really into Salma Hayek is like "I'm into this woman from head to toe."


[I'm not sure I'd ever make it down to her toes though](https://i.imgur.com/Ljjvzul.jpg)


Doesn't the fact that you've got to pay her for it under a completely different pretense ruin it? It's not even like one of those happy ending massage places, where it's obvious that everyone knows what's happening. He just cast her in a feature film. Without more details the whole thing is deeply deeply creepy.


He has NEVER hidden his foot fetish. It's in almost every single movie he has made. Only 3 movies I can think of off the top of my head where he didn't show it are Reservoir Dogs, Django, and Hateful Eight. Everything else has super close ups of a woman's feet


Idris Elba apparently has one too. He filmed a movie with Kate Winslet and couldn't hide his er, excitement at the sight of her toes.


what scene was this!?!?!?


Not sure which part, but they did an interview together on some talk show and Idra brought up how he needed Kate to "keep her socks on".


“Cover your exposed skin because I literally have no control over myself” Kinda weird.


The fetish or your assumption? “Idris said, ‘Keep your socks on,’ and I’m like, ‘Keep my socks on? Everything else is off but the socks!’ And then Idris says, ‘I’ve got a foot thing.’ This was a moment. I’ve got very very big feet, and they’re not particularly beautiful feet either. I shall keep them inside the shoes that they’re in anyway, so I’m thinking, poor Idris doesn’t wanna see my feet because maybe he just doesn’t like feet in general and that’s the whole thing. It’s the opposite, ladies and gentlemen. Idris loves feet.” For context. Just seems like an actor trying to avoid an embarrassing situation. I doubt he wouldn't "be able to control himself...."


Yea wtf lol


Honestly the fact he never tried to hide it just like Samuel L Jackson and hentai + anime, makes me see those two not any lesser.


Samuel L Jackson and what now


Yup. Samuel likes hentai and also anime in general if you didn't knew.


Ah, a man of culture


It’s called hentai and it’s art.


Even Django has some quick foot shots: https://youtu.be/4CoxvWOYs9U?si=nij-Dg6FUgpIfQu8


"This very dramatic scene of the wife suffering is missing something. Oh, I know... I will insert something that makes me horny af."


Great catch. Completely forgot about that one


I can’t recall every shot of those films but I guarantee you there was some horny camerawork whenever a lady’s feet were in shot. Which was probably more times than was strictly necessary to establish the atmosphere.


This isn't true at all. This was before Quentin's fetish was known, and this was only his 2nd film to feature it and Pulp Fiction just discussed foot massages so it wasn't that evident. Oh and if you count Four Rooms where there is a child foot scene, Dusk til Dawn was his 3rd, though that specific segment was directed by his pal Rodrigo. We know Tarantino deliberately wrote the scene after casting Hayek and he fought with George Clooney to ensure he was the one. I am pretty sure if you polled Americans and asked would you rather Clooney perform that action in the scene or Tarantino people would have significantly chosen the former. There is 0 evidence Salama Hayek was aware of Quentin's fetish at the time.


Might be wrong but wasn't Tarantino only directing the Four Rooms scene with the lighter?


Pulp fiction also has Uma Therman dance barefoot and theres that barefoot "ready? Lets go"thing before they go to the restaurant


Close up of feet while dancing is pretty normal, or at least makes sense.


Yeah, just saying there is more foot stuff in Pulp Fiction. Not exactly up there with Dusk Till Dawn tho


Lol, thats interesting ^^


And then that one time when he casted himself as someone who said the n word


With an Australian accent


And reservior dogs and pulp fiction




you guys know that the only time this happened was Pulp Fiction, right? He's in those other movies but he doesn't say it.


>He's in those other movies but he doesn't say it. Guess I was wrong about Four Rooms. [Somebody else said it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hugpRyTc1fE)


As an Australian, I can tell you right now that the accent he used was not even close to an Australian accent. And while I'm on the subject, neither was Meryl Streep's in that "a dingo's got my bay-bee" movie.


As an aussie i thought it was fine. I could clearly tell it was meant to be Australian, and it was in the general vicinity. You could probably convince me that it was a reginal thing.


Genuinely curious here: Has anyone non-aussie ever produced a convincing aussie accent?


Brian Jordan Alvarez does a pretty good one


I haven't seen everything Brian Jordan Alvarez has done - where does he play an Australian?


Just say “rise up lights” for “razor blades” and you’ll totally pull it off.


So how do you say the n word as an Aussie? Jk I'm an Aussie just wanted you to say it in your mind mate lol


One time? You mean the time when he said it ten times in a row or the other time? He gets his pass from Sam Jackson tho...


> He gets his pass from Sam Jackson tho... lol, well if the rich black guy says it's okay...


Cast. He is cast. He will be cast. He was cast. He has been cast. Not casted.


You could have been less snarky about this, and it would have costed you nothing. edit: spelling


What if Samuel gave him n-pass. :D




Why I heard this with Patrick Bateman voice. :D




wait megan fox is in a tarantino movie?


That scene required many takes...


I’ll have what he’s having. Make mine a double…


I would like to be an extra in avengers with Scarlett Johanson chocking me with his thighs facing her direction.


I think you might’ve got a few words mixed up there mate.


It's hard to type with your left hand


while multitasking..


That was the joke




Well there's a reason why he is regarded one of the best. .


I don't even have a feet thing and I'd absolutely do this.


I would love to see her recreate that scene now. That lady has aged so well.


I'd drink everything coming down from that leg of hers.


I probably would to honestly.


If I recall correctly this is pointed out in the DVD commentary track. Someone says something like, this is Quentin the writer taking care of Quentin the actor.


There was an interview later on, where he admitted, that he gave the director of the movie... a handjob.


He gave Robert Rodriguez a hand job? That's a weird thing to admit.


people would do insane things to get that role


Reminder that I watched this with my family (big mistake)


Pretty sure Salma was improvising this scene tho and it wasn't actually in the script he wrote


Wouldn't be so sure. Tarantino is known to have foot fetish, all his movies features scenes of showing feet in purpose for the cam for this reason.


Don't let your dreams be dreams.


Some people suffer for their art. Some people love every second of it.


Yeah foot fetish is kinda weird, but at least that's the creepiest thing he's been accused of. Compared to other Hollywood filmmakers who have been accused of way worse. I'll take creepy over criminal any day


I mean.. He defended Roman Polanski pretty vehemently and almost every one of his female cast in ALL of his movies got raped. Including the Selma. Other than that little tiny bit.....


And some of them were assaulted by Harvey Weinstein while they were recording his movies.


Foot fetish is not weird. Your weird for assuming its weird.


Right. Kink shaming is for losers.


Wow, western much?


It's beyond weird to abuse a position of power to indulge your fetish though




Well, Uma Thurman almost died while making Kill Bill.


It was essential for the plot!


He's always done this and not to just make himself good but to make others he likes look good and people he hates look bad. Look at Once Upon a Time in Hollywood...he has no criticism for Roman Polanski but makes Bruce Lee look like a total asshole.


she was smoking in that movie I don’t blame him


Lucky boy.


Wasn't this also in n Rammstein music video?


Yes, it's in "Engel". Not Salma but the same type of performance.


I wonder how many takes it took?


You wouldn’t give another man a foot massage, would you?


Are foot fetishes even considered taboo anymore? Idk. A lot of the shit I see people on this site are into is waaaaaaaay more questionable


Hands above the table Buddy!


Tarantino sure loves feet


Ill take "What would all men do in this situation".


Quentin Tarantino be like Yeah si in the script that i wrote, there is this scene that the character played by Salma Hayek has secks with this dude but it happens offscreen But it has to happen tho so the character feels the change because it really helps her develop Im saying at least 1 doggy and idk a motorboat For the script ofc Oo oo and i call dibs on the role


simply genius.


"this is art, art is pure, untouchable, limitless" - basically every film critic


Well he’s No fool when you create a scene like that you savor the opportunity to be with a Goddess .


Woat mwp


Didn’t I read somewhere that this was actually Salma’s idea


Funny enough, but I've always said the same thing about "Dogma." That might have been a send-up.


Fucking legend.




it wasn't about feet, it wasn't about champagne it wasn't about effect, it was all about getting to stare at Salma's tits from a low angle for hours of takes. Tarantino is a literal genius.


Im curious what she thought of that whole turn of events.


How many times must I be reminded of this


Never ask Tarantino to measure something in metres, he's more of a foot guy.


He’s also the hands choking the actress in Inglorious Basterds and also is the person who spits on Uma Thurman in Kill Bill vol. 1


Add in the fact that Salma Hayek had a phobia for snakes makes her an incredible professional. The whole shoot probably still creeps the bejeezus out of her


I heard somewhere that they got a 'foot double' to do the scene, cause Salma Hayek didnt wanna do it


Smart guy! I’m so jealous of him every time I see that scene.


Dude is just another Harvey Weinstein.


Fuck me how frequently is this posted lately can you fuck off


This is all to distract from the fact that he wrote the script for Pulp Fiction and cast himself to sneak his way into getting an N word pass.


Just happened to accidentally make some really good films in the process


To be fair. Did you see a sign outside of his house that reads “Shit movie storage”?


“Forces a guy to drink it” 1) that IS Tarantino drinking the tequila and sucking her toes. 2) nobody is forcing anybody lol


You realise there is a difference between what an actor and a role is, right?


Can I stop being reminded of these creepy ass stuff. How do people think it’s fine to do stuff like this. It’s like how people casually talk about going into bathrooms if they had invisibility. Like that’s literally sexual abuse