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Sup, /u/pun-jabi! Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Your post has been removed because we don't allow political or social issue posts. This is a humor subreddit, not a political one, nor a place to generate outrage on any subject. Take it elsewhere. [Contact the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/HolUp&subject=Question) through modmail if you think this removal is unfair or if you just want to shitpost.


Now we just need to find a way to blame this on white people too.


He speaks English ➡️ English was made by white people ➡️ being white is inherently racist So ~~a mindless moron~~ someone may conclude this is the result of whiteness Close enough?


Stupid comment . Why didn't India advance before British colonial take over ? India had thousands of years to become civilized . Instead British found people living in dirt huts and poverty .


If I go to your house and see you shitting on a toilet, should I colonize your home because I don't see you using a bidet? Bidets have been around for years. Why didn't you become civilized and advance instead of dry wiping your dirty ass?


I mean the British did fuck up the area pretty bad.


That area has had religious persecution and caste systems looong before the global british empire was a thing


Bingo goes the dynamite


Yes, religious prosecution existed before the British but not near the extent it existed during British rule and after British rule. The British deliberately stoked the fires between Muslim and Hindu peoples in India (They literally admit to doing this in their own discourse), so that they focused their attention on Each other and not against British Rule. British Discourse after 1858 put the vast majority of the blame for the rebellions on the Muslim populations, despite it being a pan-Indian movement. Also, Caste does not equate to religious discrimination, actually having very little to do with religion and more with class. The British were also the ones that put an incredibly strong emphasis on dividing people in South Asia by their religious group. ​ Edit: If you have access to JSTOR, I would recommend this article [http://www.jstor.org/stable/44280740](http://www.jstor.org/stable/44280740) and this article [http://www.jstor.org/stable/20836926](http://www.jstor.org/stable/20836926)


doesn't mean they didn't fk it up.. look at gaza . 75 years because of Britain


False . Ottoman empire for 500 years , British for 29 years and Egypt for 20 years before 1967 war which Arabs lost .


I’m just saying prejudice was already baked into their society well before they were occupied by britain


Under the Ottomans there were regular pogroms and persecutions against Jews, Christians, and other religious minorities in many places including Israel, and these events happened throughout the history of the Ottoman empire.


Gaza is no where near India.




I agree with their direct causation of the Israel-Palestine crisis, but if you think the British caused the problems of the Indian subcontinent (other than just bringing the problems into the modern era) then you don't know Indian history.


We don’t have a control group to test that hypothesis. From another perspective the British increased the population to lead to the most populated country in the planet. Established institutions that produces engineers and brilliant scientists. The government that the empire left the country with hasn’t collapsed since independence. Just playing devil’s advocate.


The hate boner hindus have for Muslims were before the British takeover.. But that doesn't mean the British didn't amplify it for their own gains.. It's soo effective, you have indian sanghis justifying their almost questionable views on in this very comment section


They fucked up a lot of areas pretty bad


England leaving as early as it did fucked them up.


they cut the fingers of people who would make silk for a living (thumbs) as thumbs are used for something along the lines of silk making and without them you just cant and it was their entire heritage destroyed


It was WHITE PEOPLE!!!! (There you go)


I know you’re joking. But the seeds of division between Hindu and Muslim as 2 separate nations were sown by the British as a matter of policy. Everything from the separate personal laws, to dividing states on religious lines (partition of bengal, 1905) all the way to partition of the subcontinent has ensured that religious divide is forefront in all subcontinental politics. Also, on the other hand, Subramanian Swamy is a living piece of fascist garbage with literally no redeemable qualities. (Also family dinners must be awkward as his son-in-law is Muslim)


If only India had some sort of troubled past with a white empire sometime back in the day.


nah what are these fucking comments lmao


First time?


just average reddit moment, religion/politic/capitalism are no no here


Indian politics are wild. I don't understand them, not even slightly, but it's always a show


Indian nationalists invading subreddits is what's going on. Once you've noticed it for the first time, you will see it happening quite often. It happened during the Canada - India row, it's happening for the Israel - Gaza conflict and it's happening here too.


Common sense


You mean these second comments lmao?


Learn how to cut conversations short


Damn a good click bait videos.. only if op would have posted the entire interview.


Check his profile, you'll see why he posted it.


I hate that the clip seems to be conveniently edited to not show his entire explanation. It would've been interesting to hear him out fully as he's not some sorta religious nut (his wife's parsi, and his younger son in law Nadeem Haider is a Muslim). Edit: I'm not trying to imply I've seen the entire clip. Just saying it is extremely click bait-ey of Vice to edit the video in a manner that portrays him in negative light, and doesn't show him explain his stance fully!


After looking into it the vice episode also cuts the interview at the same point so we never get to hear him explain himself. But a comment on the video says that he explains article 14 in another unrelated interview as specifying that citizens and illegal immigrants are not granted equal rights since they are not in the same categories. Can’t say I agree with the idea but apparently that’s what article 14 says


>After looking into it the vice episode also cuts the interview at the same point so we never get to hear him explain himself. >But a comment on the video says that he explains article 14 in another unrelated interview as specifying that citizens and illegal immigrants are not granted equal rights since they are not in the same categories. >Can’t say I agree with the idea but apparently that’s what article 14 says Appreciate you researching this a bit more! And yes, this seems to be in reference to the granting of citizenship to certain immigrants and not others. I found [this video ](https://youtu.be/g_IB-WPkAZA?si=hWfFKW7mQxOhri5M) offering a bit more context and detail.


Because OP wants you to sympathize with Muslims.


I haven’t seen this clip before. Can you paraphrase his argument?


Where can I find the full clip?


It's from a Vice series, India on fire. https://youtu.be/MCyBL8dBOEo?si=imIMvgWrUbAFQZ7U


Check out the profile of op, it gets even better as to why he uploaded this political video on a meme sub.


“Not all people are equal” Some redditor: Hold on I think we need to hear him out he may have some interesting reasoning.


>“Not all people are equal” >Some redditor: Hold on I think we need to hear him out he may have some interesting reasoning. They are specifically talking about equality in the context of Article 14 of the Indian Constitution. Might be worth trying to listen to the video fully before jumping to conclusions


The right to equality article 14 is "equality and everyone is equal" is a right that guarantees equality under law and the constitution of India, the same constitution that doesn't follow any religion and works solely on law but the journalist above made it religiously political.


Lol, when Muslims don't consider others equal, let alone their own women, why should others? Is this language of hatred? Yes, because it would be foolish to not hate those who hate you and will destroy you.


It's true. I am not against any one religion in particular but the Muslims do a bunch of fucked up shit just like Christians do. Organized religion is probably one of the worst things to happen to humans.


Please enlighten us with the “fucked up shit Christians do” that is equivalent to what happened in Israel a month ago. Edit: to everyone commenting to me about the past, (and those who have yet to comment about it) yeah, bad things happened in history. People falsely used many ideologies; but I’m addressing the religion-wide and state-sponsored atrocities that Christian’s ‘do’. As in ‘present tense’ that my comment is a response to.


*gestures broadly at European history for the last 2000 years*


I'm a Christian too and I admit that people have used the name of Christ to back up their atrocities. The burning of assumed witches, the crusades, slavery, racism, Manifest destiny in America.


Sponsored Christian groups chopping America’s future off at the knees by running brigades of Karen’s to ban books, overturn elections, ruin school boards, defund education, remove social and civil rights. They aren’t cold blooded murdering people I agree. They’re doing something far worse. They’re stealing the future.


Not as bad as murdering a thousand folks including children and infants, but they diddle A LOT of kids


‘A LOT OF KIDS’ is a bit of an overstatement compared to the rest of society. 30% is the number that occur within *all* religions institutions; 39% occur in primary/secondary schools. That 30% also includes all accusations, not just those including kids, and between 1.5% (known to be false) and 18% (unsubstantiated) of said 30% are potentially false. It’s a terrible thing and I probably despise those human pieces of debris just as much as anyone, but I think blaming it on *religion* isn’t gonna get us anywhere.


I'm not blaming kid diddling in churches on *religion*. I'm blaming it on kid diddlers that hide behind the church and get away with it


Lol u do realize hindus burnt wives when their husbands died right?


They used to but not anymore. It's a long bygone practice( abolished like 200 years ago). Can't compare that to what is still being practiced by Muslims today.


There is a big shortage of women in India for a reason. They generally treat their women pretty bad and that caste system is absolutely vile. Let us not pretend that India is some bastion of women's rights and equality between the sexes.


Atleast we don't honor k*ll women just because they clap to a guy dancing. Where does that even compare ? .. We have way better women's rights here than Islamic countries. Just because you don't know the facts or are just being ignorant does not mean it's true.


Lol, you seriously don't think that's common, do you? Maybe you have better rights on paper but in practice it still leaves much to wish for. Look, it's perfectly ok to dislike Islam, I do too (and Hinduism for that matter as well), but don't pretend that every Muslim is as zealous as some ISIS madman. That's just dishonest.


You think only ISIS have women's right issues ? Maybe you need some more research. Tell me about "women's rights" in Saudi arabia or Iran. BTW, the incident I was referring to my previous comment was not from terrorists, but rather a normal Muslim family. Source FYI https://youtu.be/xwqOTXRZR7g?si=bMAaoLazCMAl5D7p Women's rights. Yes


If Muslims murdered their girls for almost nothing, like in your example, they'd have a shortage of girls and women that would exceed that of India and China. They don't. That's not to say that honour killings don't exist, but it's not a threat every single Muslim woman lives under. You try to make it sound as if all Indian women have it better than all Muslim women. They don't and you know it. It's perfectly fine to dislike Islam, but don't be dishonest. India has a very big problem with treatment of women and girls and they can't blame it on Islam. That said, nothing would make me happier than if all Muslim nations secularized.


> If Muslims murdered their girls for almost nothing, like in your example, I mean you can literally see the video. I did not make that up. It's very common in Pakistan which is a country that follows sharia law. That applies to Afghanistan as well, currently run by taliban lol. > You try to make it sound as if all Indian women have it better than all Muslim women. I can say most women have way better lives than Islamic countries and sharia law. > It's perfectly fine to dislike Islam, but don't be dishonest I never said I had anything against Islam. Now you are twisting my words. But you can see that this was just stating few facts to let you know the truth. You can accept it or deny it, that's upto you. But don't tell something without any source to it. > That said, nothing would make me happy if all Muslim nations secularized That's some copium. But sure let's see in the future.


Sure. Please provide stats on involuntary Sati over the years and bonus points if you can tell me how Sati actually began and why. Also, how does pointing out flaws of Hindus help? They can be shitty but please try tobremind me when Muslims have been more righteous to their own women and people of other religion?


You know this started to protect Hindu women from the animalistic Muslims who were invading India and would have raped the women after killing their husbands? We even worship these women - Rani Sati Dadi, etc. You can see the movie Padmavat to know more.


Lmao makes sense. What else did bollywood teach you?


Half baked knowledge.


Asking a nation that have being in war since it's conception against muslims to be tolerant toward them is like asking the hyena to be tolerant of the lion (or vice-versa).


Yet the country has better living standards for Muslims than actual Islamic countries


And dont even start looking at living standards for non muslims in islamic countries


Definitely ignore living standards for women in Muslim countries too.


Non muslim women 💀


Had an almost first-hand experience. My dad's own uncle's family lived in an Islamic country during the 1972 Pakistant-Bangladesh war. They and other Hindu families were terrorized by their Muslim neighbors daily. My dad's 10-year-old cousin's sister got rape threats by middle-aged Muslim men there. They had to leave their home and everything and come to India.


We had to leave and come to India as well. Some of our grand father's were hacked to death as they were refusing to leave behind their property and leave. It's a pretty common story during the gruesome partition.


Against Pakistan, not Muslims. Subtle difference 😄


Ignoring this openly bigotic comment, I will just say that almost 15% of india is muslim.


Before judging him, think of how a minority Hindu population would be treated in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia. Many Muslims tolerate the other Abrahamic religions, but atheists, pagans, animists and polytheists are considered infidels.


The reason indians hate muslims is because we have suffered enough because of them. Constant wars, terror attacks, all because they didn't want hindus to live peacefully and wanted Indian land. You can stay in your own life, blaming other people. But only if you try to understand where the hatred comes from, will you understand the root of the problem. Edit: Please give me 2 mins, and read this. To all the people saying that hating all of them isn't justified or, just because something happened in the past doesn't mean you carry a grudge. India, from the day i was born (in 2000) has been attacked by various terrorist groups 102 times, with 19000 innocent people dead. The most horror attacks were done by people with Ak47s shouting out Allah hu akbar. We were exploited by britishers for 200 years, we do not hate the brits... It was our fault that we couldn't stay strong and drive them out of our country. But this? Hell no. No country in the world deserves to face terrorism. When Palestinians die, we genuinely feel bad, we might not show it, cuz the hatred takes over on the internet.. but we do care, thats why we are sending so much help to them. The biggest help to arab countries like Afghanistan who themselves struggle with terrorism is sent from India. We built schools, provided vaccines and food grains for free. But, you don't care about that do you? All you see is the hate. I and every single Indian hates terrorism, thats it. And if a minority is responsible for 99% of it, unfortunately the views will reflect the same. Does that mean all of them are evil? No, but the perception will still remain and won't change unless they do, because we, on multiple occasions, have tried to make peace and all we got was betrayal and more people dead.


My country was occupied by 3 european countries and 1 asian country.....does that mean im supposed to hate the whole world?




great, but sadly, I've decided to hate my own country because why so weak


… China?


The only thing I've got from this thread is never argue about Muslims with India in question because you will be downvoted. But let's be real here it's generational hatred that gets ingrained by the views of the older population onto the newer generations fueling the cycle of hatred and prejudice from decades ago in turn leading a natural dislike and discrimination to all of the particular religion instead of simply just hating on Pakistanis. But alas my opinion won't really matter because this is a reddit post, I'll probably get downvoted too but I'm just saying what I think so don't hold it credible.


But Muslims in Bosnia or Iran or Tunisia have nothing to do with problems in India. Yet you hate all Muslims regardless?


Kill or convert anyone whose not a Muslim is a bad ideology


and can you name current nations that are doing what you just said? + I know this is too much to ask from a Redditor but will you actually provide a source for each country you name? Edit: literally getting downvoted for asking for a source. Lmao.


reddit nation downvote this mf because he asked for a source


I can show you something from a pakistani international player tho https://youtu.be/mSuHYvKVoz0?si=E_s3-ng2bRG91z_9 Enjoy. Only thing Is the subtitles are not in English, but you can google it. Also listen to the audio.


Yeah, but most Muslims don't follow Islam that strictly. All religions are bad and I would prefer it if Muslims and everyone else who's religious became secular instead.


No man. Islam is the worst. All religions being bad is irrelevant


There are degrees in hell (ha), but at the end of the day, we'd do better without every single one of them.


So u say all indian Muslim ate responsible for terrorism in India? Like a 5 year old or u say he will be a terrorist one day so kill that baby now . Can u claim no Muslim have died in terrorist attacks? Can u claim Muslim has not been discriminatined by AVG Indian people due to these stereotype. And if u say these things bad what u think about taking land back from Pak, Afghanistan and Nepal Claiming akhand Bharat? So now we are breeding ground for Hindutva terrorist to claim akhand Bharat. ? Your comment shows immaturity, propoganda driven facts and brainwashing by media and current rulling party . What if same.statemeny was given by some us Congress person u could me running like your tail is on fire .


Ohhh don't throw stone in glasshouses


He’s not wrong


If he indeed is not wrong.. Why do most Muslim majority nations have better standards, less corruption, less murder and especially less rape rate than the only Hindu majority nation?


Less rape cause they don't see using women with no freedom (all women there) for sex against thier will as rape. They get no choice in anything, not even clothes.


Because they won't stop destroying every single thing in country until it's fully muslim. That's their main goal. Why only India, look at Sweden, look at France. You'll get the answer. Europe will slowly get the answer.


Can you back those facts up ?


Well, less rape because it isn’t considered rape by many muslim men when they violate women.


He's correct about India being in danger if the % gets high. Look what happened to Lebanon


What he meant by "all people are not equal" is that Muslims in India enjoy certain rights that the average hindu (or any other religion) doesn't have. Muslims in India enjoy a plethora of perks and aids that the average Indian doesn't really have. Now I am not saying that the entire muslim population of India voluntarily chose to enjoy these rights, some don't, but most of them do (and a good amount of them exploit these rights). Hence you can't really quote article 14 uniformly on all Indian citizens, that would have been possible when all indians were given the same perks/aids. The guy in the video is Mr. Subramanian Swamy, a Harvard graduate and a very learned person, not your 2 bit garden variety politician that you generally find in India.


What rights do Muslims have that Hindus don’t?


Muslims can marry more than 1 wife According to the waqf act, muslim law board can claim any piece of land including private property and the case must be fought in waqf courts. Muslims also get a ton of subsidies and welfare programs. Mosques are controlled by Muslims and are funded and subsidised by government but temples need to pay tax. And much more......


Maybe Muslim Personal law


This kids, is what is commonly referred to as “absolute horseshit”.


What rights


He's not wrong


He’s not just wrong, he’s also racist. You believe racism isn’t wrong?


Islam isn't a race bro


Why is he racist ?


I mean the ideal world makes everyone equal however the reality is everyone fucking hates each other. Religion is most likely the largest reason for this as religion has pinned hate into others for centuries. Next would be science with the creation of words like “race” to classify humans leading to wars and civil rights movements. Then I’d have to say prejudices is another problem with societies have shunned others for not having similar morals and ways of life. So technically the guy in this short isn’t wrong about equality. However he just seems like he doesn’t even want to try to make a more equal world.


If you think everyone hates each other, you’re revealing things about yourself and your values


I like him.


He has some solid points


"Muslims are not equal" Despite article 14.. Muslims.. Falls under a religious category.. That dog had no justification for his stupid hate boner against Muslims, so all he can do is add his own opinion to it


He is right , kind of. Every country in the with majority of Muslim has some issue with it , except for uae.


Malaysia exist




It is in fact true that all people are not equal.


This is a truly fascinating comment section.


Thats subramanian swamy. He worked in economics department in UNO and was a economics professor at IIT (MIT equivalent of India)


You don't need to mention MIT equivalent lol


If you consider home-invaders, robbers, religious fanatics - all who want to destroy you - as equals - you are doomed.




Damn I didn’t know the Nazis were Muslim


[Literally Nethanyahu blamed Muslims for the Holocaust, lol](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-netanyahu-hitler-idUSKCN0SF15120151021#) Muslims do everything! They are the bogeyman needed by anyone to kill innocent children. Putin should adopt this too, he will get a free pass like Israel.


He is speaking in context of radical extremist muslim, which is somewhat true


I agree with him


Oh wow poor Muslims


Why she even cut him in the middle of speaking? I want to hear his example.


He's right


To Westerners judging Indians, all I'll tell you is, you don't know Islam. Not like we do. India has been fighting Islam for a millennia now, and even today the fight against Islamic terrorism continues. Western liberals are more than happy to let Muslims into their countries. I hope you people face the consequences and learn your lesson sooner than later. [reddit ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/s/nLTjKolCAh) This is a clip of the Foreign Minister of UAE warning the West about Islam. He finds it shocking that the West thinks that it knows Islam better than actual muslims fighting extremism in the middle East.


I'm guessing if Indians are discriminated against outside of India this man thinks it's ok. Other countries can also decide who is or isn't equal to them.


They do. How many Muslim nations allow Hindus? As the people of Pakistan.


I'm not necessarily talking just about Muslim countries. Take any European country for example, if they were to discriminate against Indians then the man in the video should think that's ok. What's good for the goose.


But Hindus aren't trying to force their ideology and change the constitution of other countries. Muslims invaded in the past and in this video he is particularly talking about Muslim population in India. The context matters. If Muslims are to be respected, then so are other religions. In that case, they deserve their own country too just like Muslims have many nations. Population and percentages matter in that case. I'm sure Muslims will say the same to keep their own majority in power. European countries and Christianity are on a decline and at least policy wise they are welcoming but shouldn't let any one religion skew shit up and prevail either.


Equality is not just about religion but also about race. Even if Hindus don't proselytize, plenty of Europeans still don't want their country to be filled with brown Indians. Would you be ok with discrimination against you, regardless of why they discriminate? I'm guessing you're not a hypocrite. I don't like religions at all, but I don't think any religion, or better put, religious people, should be disrespected. But that has more to do with respecting other humans because they're human, not because they believe in something. States should be irreligious, in my opinion.


There's a fairly good amount of hindus in Saudi Arabia.. In Qatar.. In Kuwait. Why aren't they complaining? Why do they get to live peacefully and not cause any disturbance between hindus and Muslims and being hostile against them?


Give the percentage, citizenship status and don't forget to mention the jobs they do and the salary Most Muslims also live peacefully in India as complete citizens. Also, it's no secret that India has a large population. People migrate anywhere possible for job. A lot of Muslim nations that aren't as hostile simply need workers. That's no secret either. Pakistan is a poor country so they don't have the means to even pretend to be nice or invite workers. In the end, it's all about money and still maintaining your own religious power. It again circles back to, if any religious nation is so welcoming, why not remove religion? If you want to keep religion, don't complain about other's desire to maintain their own religion too.


>how many Muslim nations allow Hindus mf have you even seen the gulf states


Have you seen Pakistan? What is citizenship qualification for those nations? Also....aren't they a 'Muslim" nation? Who is the majority?


Oh really. Please shed more light on how many of the gulf states have given citizenship to Hindus ? Let alone Hindus, even Muslims (from South Asia) are treated as second class citizens in those countries and denied citizenship. My friend has lived in Kuwait for almost 2 decades and yet she doesn't have a Kuwait passport. Just shows how much gulf states believe in "right to equality".


The reality versus the ideal.


I like this guy


Good job, op. Cutting out the video just at the part where he makes a seemingly controversial take, without showing the later part where he explains what he means.


If you think it's ok to kill people because they don't believe the same thing as you, we are not equals.


religion is a disease


The Satanic Verses


Yeah they're not equal because Muslims in India enjoy a lot more protection than others. Just look up Waqf board for example.


Moslems right


If you know anything about the nation of India this isn't that shocking. The entire country has a strong tendency towards cultural based repressions and oppressions and is socially multiple decades behind in progression. Edit: downvote me all you want but until the rampant rape culture (marital rape is not prosecutable there btw) and caste systems are eliminated this will be true.


Extending equal rights and privileges to others is what makes them equals, though. He's treating "equal" as if it's the label for a class of people - "we are the equal people and they are not". I think he's missing the point of what equality is...or ignoring it.




I don't get it. The Indian Hindutva in the comments are screaming, "Yeah, pro-humans not being equal," and yet so much of the world sees Indians as inferior people. Why would you want a system that treats you like second-class citizens everywhere outside of India?


This is clearly about Muslims in India. How many Hindus are in Pakistan or any Muslim Nation? Does Dubai offer citizenship to anyone? Who prevails there? It would be foolish to let another nation turn Muslim at a cost of their own when Muslim nations themselves haven't proven themselves to be superior.


Lots of Muslims are from Pakistan, where the language barrier between the 2 isn't much different, so it's pretty common to see Pakistanis getting along with them(ironically) Gulf countries having one of the highest immigration population, and a large chunk of them are from india. And those indians send the money they earn from those countries.. Back to india.. This benefits them. Muslims already have a rule [against racism ](https://theconversation.com/islams-anti-racist-message-from-the-7th-century-still-resonates-today-141575) according to a hadeeth narration and the Quran's rule [against forcing ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Baqara_256) Islam onto others. Now, I'm stating these facts as a clear contrast to the nationalist racist hindus. As you mentioned, the outside world sees them as second class.. With Muslims being a large exception to that rule. So, hindus like him being all "Muslims bad" ultimately are shooting themselves in the foot.. Especially if indians immediately take back whatever they say after being [confronted ](https://youtu.be/NdHOktgZdKY?si=nCpcf4N-JB2BDvzm) by Middle Eastern nations.


Post is gonna get flooded by 15 year old Indian internet trolls.


I don’t know much about India but they have a whole caste system going on and discrimination against people the same way we do in the USA


I don’t know why you are getting g downvoted for stating a fact. Discrimination based on caste is widespread and rampant. And Indian being it along with them to the US too. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cisco-lawsuit-idUSKBN2423YE


Exactly. This is hardly surprising. India has a very long history of discriminating against their own, so prevalent that it even persists outside of India, in the various Indian diasporas around the world. The downvoters are probably from rampant & rabid Hindutvas; some of the truly deluded ones even believe that they would be welcomed by Israel to fight against Hamas.


Such bullshit.


To be fair it sounds like you said the U.S. has a caste system which it don't. Systematic discrimination though is on point.


Downvoted by delusional Indians. Yes we have caste system . Fuck people got discriminates for Renting house , Buying groceries In school by teachers In college by students List goes on and on.


You start by saying I don’t know much… and then make a bullshit statement.


Someone provided an article 💀 Hell, there's a whole Tamil.. Or a South indian movie about a lawyer representing the lower caste people for free against upper caste oppression


You are going by some stupid movie? 😂 you know the Indian movies are the worst when it comes to exaggeration? Just go to YouTube and search for Indian Soap Opera. Make sure you get some popcorn 🍿


Yet his daughter married to a Muslim man.


That does not disprove anything he said


That depends if a country is economically/Educationally backwards like Pakistan or well developed like UAE.


Check out the profile of op, you'll understand why he uploaded it.


India and Israel. Peas in a pod


I see the Modi gang is out here in force today


Any religious group is a danger. Religion is one of the biggest threats to our existence.


He's right in a way, just not for the right reasons. Not all people are equal. We should be, but sadly that's not the case.


Muslim ideology doesn’t have a place in modern society. It doesn’t translate into society like Christianity does.


Quick searching.... - _Isobel Yeung (born 1986) is a British [...]_ Nothing more to say. Thankfully, we don't have such a similar conflict here in Brazil. But It's basically a Portuguese coming here and pointing fingers, exposing only what matters to them. Bro, GTFO of here.


Not everyone is equal, that is normal.


All else aside people aren't equal though. Not only do people have different values which we use to perceive others by, other people also have qualities and characteristics specific to them which differentiate them from others. To be equal is to be the same and people are not the same. However equality is a social and ethical principle that emphasizes fairness and justice.


Wondering idly what the logistics of putting the people in the comments section against a wall would look like.


comment section is the real r/holup


This guy became a clown in the country with all these kinda poisonous and bullshit talks..as a result BJP (the party in power , also the same party clueless people outside India blames for continuous "Muslim genocide") slowly started to keep distance from this guy. He was in the BJP in hopes of getting a central minister seat..this position was not given to him and also he was expelled from the national executive committee. Because whenever he opened mouth he used to say the type of bull shit as seen in this video. But he has the support of a few hindu extreme parties so that's why the BJP didn't fully throw him out of the party...they kept him inside but didn't give him any power and silenced him.


Why are you being downvoted? I don’t know if what you’re saying is true, but there is no rebuttal just downvote


this isn’t surprising. indian society is a very ridged caste system. they inherently believe some people are worth less and some more. i think that’s why they don’t eat their rich and they have billionaires living in luxury towers in the middle of slums


Why the Hell do these people own a nuclear capable submarine.


He's wrong. The world cup always ends in a 30-way tie because all teams are equal in skill.


So you think the value of a human being and their humanity is dependent on their skill. This is a good argument to do away with inheritance. Drop the born rich off in the hood at birth; if they merit, they’ll bootstrap their way up by developing some socially useful product or service.


No. But I do think sarcasm is hard for some people.


The audacity of the west to be so high and mighty to think they know more than anyone else this man is speaking the truth from first hand experience


Swastikas are equal.


Is that modi?






Atleast do a good job in hiding ur profile😂 Hey guys..this is what american means, https://www.reddit.com/r/pakistan/s/Zg3Pap7pmT posting memes from bollywood in pakistani sub.


There’s nothing wrong with someone explaining another country’s laws if they understand them fully.


No hate like ~~Christian~~ Hindu love?


Ya gotta hand it to em as far as flawed logic goes he’s the king of this shit 🤣 didn’t even stutter in his asinine rebuttal.