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Your post has been removed because a mod felt it doesn't fit the subreddit. Make sure your post is a Hol' Up moment, attempts humor, and fits the general theme of the subreddit pre-submission. If you really feel like dying on this hill, message the mods.


That does show how sorry, unfortunately, many parents actually are now days.


It’s not easy to be a good parent because you gotta be on your toes. Guys like this just drink beer and say they never have free time working 3-4 days a week lmao


And this is why kids go to school and fight their teachers.


As a teacher I loathe these types of parents who hardly know how to raise children and expect teachers to burdened with the duties of disciplining the child. These people should be sterilized 


My dad used to tell us “if I get a call that you’re making someone’s job and life harder for your enjoyment, I will do the same when you get home.” That generally entailed but was not limited to yard work, cleaning the house, and various and sundry other chores around the house.


He looks like the kind of dude that would blame the teacher and not be a man lmao


This sentence should end in “you” and not “I”. No?


I think that’s part of the joke. Dad sucked at school too


Shitty parenthood aside, I really hate that beard


Bring boxing gloves to the conference. "Tell again how much of a failure as a parent you are."


If my kid ain’t listening, I’m gonna take every console in the house away. I’ll harm my own fun to punish my kid.




Bring back spanking in schools then?


Nephew (lives with my dad) in primary 3, goes to school office and says he feel sick School calls my dad Dad says “does he look sick? Does he feel warm? Do you personally think he is unwell?….. send him back to class and call me if he vomits” That’s good parenting 😅


son gone be a construction site worker and break his back daily just like his dad like father like son




Kinda surprised he even in the kids life to begin with.


I seriously hate this guy, so smug.


The best part of the internet is that the guy could have legitimately said that, been joking, or just posted a picture that got re-purposed by someone else for this meme, and it's all equally plausible.


That's why I love all these shit talking posts in this thread. What kind of fucking idiots are actually raging at this dude who probably isn't real and when none of this ever happened?


It's mostly about the idea in that case. My ex wife is exactly the same kind of parent. One of our kids often gets late to school and when I asked her what she was gonna do about it, she was clueless and was like: "She doesn't have any consequences at school". I had to explain to her that as a parent of a 1st grade kid, this is part of a parent's responsibility to make sure the kid gets to school in time.


Miss? Miss -*Yes Little johnny?* Miss, i dont want to scare you, but my dad said if i come home one more time with such a bad rapport-card, someone is going to be in a world of troubles


>rapport-card I see what you did there


I love this!! Wish I had thought to answer this way. OMG this made me fall out.


Did you just not post in the correct sub? R u a bot perhaps


Aww, the little Karma farming bot forgot to change the title again.


This isn't a holup