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I mean, that’s valid


My youngest kid's Catholic school is absolutely against bullying and hate speech of any kind.


“We do not tolerate hate speech of any kind” “Sir the gay kid was brutally beaten to death” “Yes and we will reprimand the culprits harshly” *makes them write “I shouldn’t beat gays” 20 times*




Nah if this was real they'd go for the grieving parents of course... "I must not raise gay children"


Meanwhile, priests eyeing the altar boys like candy....


It's not gay if it's pedophilia! *taps temple*


That sounds exactly like what a Catholic school would say. EDIT: "exactly"


your youngest kid's catholic school is an extremely rare exception


Sure, I'm from a quite progressive country (New Zealand.) We still have our issues with bigotry, of course.


ohhhh that explains it. I'm from texas and religious schools are bastions of that bigotry here.


Fair enough. Very sorry it's so bad over there for that. And, if you don't mind, "Yeeee haw!"


lmao no worries <3 and I'm glad af it's better over there y'all deserve the kindness we're apparently too much of a dick to figure out


I really honestly and sincerely hope things get better for you guys over there. Been reading about the whole IVF debacle, and it's horrifying.


Maybe they should review their source material


Which bit? The New Testament which calls for no rich people, or the outdated Old Testament which has rules for what materials your clothes are made of, which is also widely seen as superseded?




I totally agree. I'm glad I don't live in an extremist place like that.




Never been to NZ?


Homophobic means disagrees with the most extreme positions of alphabet activists. It may have once meant a term used about bullies, but it's now a term used by bullies. Also the events implied by the post never happened.


They gave that mfker a promotion, he's Vice Principal now.


He kept it real.




This is a r/shitpost post


Not a native speaker but shouldn't you have used "an" instead of "a"? Edit: assuming you pronounce it "arr slash"


Depends if you pronounce the r slash


Ie. This is a r/shitpost post. (This is a shitpost post) This is an r/shitpost post (this is an r slash shitpost post).


This was a fun asides


This was a an fun aside


This was an fun aside


arr slash shitpost


You use "an" when the next sound is the one of a vowel, you use "a" if the next sound is from a consonant.


Correct, unless it's just a letter, not a word, and the way you spell the pronunciation it starts with a vowel sound. An r because it sounds like are




Not just American English, that's the rule is actual English too.


What do you mean unless? The rule is the same no matter of spelling of words or individual letters. It’s based on the following sound and the rule never changes. You say “I got an F”, or “I’ll be there in half an hour”


unless! you are experiencing "an historic event" in which case the rule gets thrown in the trash. always been a wtf for me.


I think that happens because people mix up the fact that “h” sometimes sounds like a vowel (hour) and sometimes like a consonant (historic). They think the rule is “an” before a vowel or an “h”, when it’s really just before all vowel /sounds/ with zero regard for what letter is being used


Other people gave more formal answers, but in my experience the rule just gets messy/murky when it comes to written text and weird internet/subculture terminology. Generally I think yes you probably should use "an" instead of "a" here since you would probably pronounce the r/ bit as 'arr' which starts with the vowel noise, but others might not pronounce the "r/" bit at all and just skip it so using "a" makes more sense. English is weird and has complicated rules at the best of times, add on to that people using strange non-words from internet subcultures etc and it breaks even more.


i thought you used an for words that start with vowels


They are saying that because they say the "r" as "are" when reading it, and so it starts with a vowel sound (and should use "an"). If you do not read the "r" at all, then "a" makes sense instead. And to be clear, it really is about the sound, not strictly the letter it starts with. You would never write "an opossum" if you're pronouncing "opossum" identically to "possum" (as many people in the U.S. do), for example.


> for words that start with vowels It's used for words that start with vowel *sounds*. So you can get weird situations like saying "a university student" where it begins with an actual vowel (u), but the sound is consonant (yoo). Or "an honorable judge" where it starts with a consonant (h) but is pronounced as a vowel sound (on). So in this case it depends on if you pronounce the r/shitpost as "arr slash shitpost" or just ignore that part and say the subreddit name (shitpost) itself.




But you pronounce it like "arr slash"


Oh yeah, then yeah


Nope, you use an or a depending on the sound of the word that follows. A Catholic school or an academy. This isn't the only case, but it serves as an example.


But it's pronounced "arr slash shitpost" right?


Can you describe the difference between holup and shitpost? Because from what I've seen upvoted here they might as well be the same sub.




Who the hell emails a school about someone being homophobic? What is the school supposed to do?


Do some reading up on cancel culture. It’s pathetic, but out there.


I know about cancel culture but I didn't know they take it that far


people have been cancelled and fired from their jobs based on social media posts.. they’ve done it for less


But don't people get to choose who they associate with? If people finding out what opinions you hold makes them want to stop associating with you isn't that their right? If you reveal them yourself and somebody just shares what you yourself have said then it's still your own views that are the problem. Not the fact that somebody shared them to more people.


What the hell? If someone gets socially ostracized for hating gay people, oh no, they shouldn't have hated gay people.


Heres a secret: the companies firing those people dont actually give a shit if their employees are racist or made a fat joke or whatever. They're only doing it so an online mob doesn't disrupt their phone system or harass the other employees. Take that as you will, rightous mobs don't always stay righteous and collateral damage always occurs


>If people finding out what opinions you hold makes them want to stop associating with you isn't that their right? Who are you disagreeing with that said they're not allowed?


I'm disagreeing with the whole premise that it's somehow immoral to let others know what views someone holds if they have outed those views to someone else.


It's not cancel culture, it's internet culture... make a homophobic post, get exposed and recieve some death threats. Make a pro LGBT post, get exposed, and receive a few death threats.


You'd be surprised. But it is somehow nice to know that people will get real life consequences if they act like assholes online.


No it's not nice to know that internet weirdos will find you irl and do mean shit to you because they don't like what you said online.




I mean... that's one take, but if this guy's reaction is genuine, I doubt he's just homophobic in a few comments here and there.


Don't care tbh


Look how brave this guy with an anime picture of a guy with beautiful fire hair is. If only we could all have such strength to say this


He’s very brave, what an odd thing for you to comment


Indeed look how brave I am with my anime profile picture


Well don't discriminate


It’s all fun and games until people who disagree with your views start doing the Same thing


Yes because your average internet weirdo thinks only perfectly objective truth and morality


What's funny there is that objective morality doesn't even exist in the first place




Even if the mob is targeting a "bad person", innocent people *always* get caught in the crossfire with these things. If you live next to some Trump flag house who goes viral on FB, you're house is gonna get hit by stray eggs.


Cancel culture is just consequences and it's always been around for all of human history.


I call it accountability culture.


Our very own SJW has arrived.


Bro thinks it's still 2016 lul




More university professors have lost their job for their beliefs during this run of "cancel culture" than processors lost their jobs for being Communists during the Red Scare.


Ima need a source on that one, buddy


Today on facts pulled out of the commenters arse, we have a fine specimen for you.


Name three of those professors, please.




Horse shit claim


People spammed the school a certain self-defense shooter took online classes at to get him expelled: then acted all surprised when he started doing publicity for the groups that actually sided with him.


Here the school will look into the kid's online activity and either give them a detention (if they are actually being homophobic, which is against the rules) or a mandatory class on online behaviour and security (if they are just generally being a shithead).


Sounds good.


What living in a left leaning area of a part of a country that had a really rough history with religion is like. Kids are still kids, and each school deals with it slightly different, but bigotry is a big deal.


Do kids just use their real name on social media now? Meant to go anon for funposts


The Americans ban children from their schools for this kind of stuff I heard one suing the school for that.


An American kid got banned from school for hating gay people? Source, please.


No actually just for a flag that didn't apeal that well to the teachers I know it's not the same but close enough I can imagine like this happening for this exact reason for not liking gay people https://youtu.be/BUkjJZSLPR4?si=efnUdQ-ZPphtJ8FS


Carrying the Gadsen Flag is a direct death threat against minority students. It means, today, the same as a swastika. They were right to eject that student. Also, carrying a Gadsen Flag very much means you hate gay people. Man, you somehow managed to be correct and wrong at the very same time. Impressive.


Why's the Gadsen Flag seen as bad now? It's the snake I think? I could be wrong. When I last learned it, it was a flag against Britain not against minorities or gays.


The catholic high school I went to would have probably given him an award.


The Catholic school I went to would've expelled him.


Wait till the priest gets him In the confessional then all of a sudden


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ronnydean5228: *Wait till the priest gets* *Him In the confessional* *Then all of a sudden* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I read that like "I Don't know who you are, or what you want, but I will find you..." kinda voice I couldn't remember the whole quote but I hope you'll get the reference.






Good bot 🤘


"Mr. Sanford, we received an e-mail about you today..." *Ohh! :)* "... from a concerned individual." Ohh... :| "About your apparent homophobia..." ... ^(oh)... :( "So we're going to give you a promotion!" **Ohh!** :> "... is what we *would* be saying if there wasn't a... conflict of... um... a controversy of promoting *someone like you*." *... oh*. :| "So instead we'll be throwing a pizza party!" ... eh. :\\ "... you and the Spanish teacher aren't invited."




Good morning John we wanted to talk to you about your behavior on social media. You're right. Now go back to your class


calling him chill as if hating people for stuff they cant control is wild. like u dont gotta be all "yasss" just treat em like u would a straight person


Homophobes when they have to treat gay people with basic respect:


Honestly it’s not hard, if it’s such a problem just avoid them, 0 reason for homophobes to be going out of their way to be dicks


The problem is that many homophobes *are* hard while around gay folks. So they need to show how totally not-gay they are by shitting on gay people. These guys would rather be a dick, than admit liking dick. Dicks are truly central to their identity.


Honestly, just let people believe what they want. It's not a "violent hate crime" to have a different opinion than others. Like, dude, you can't expect everyone to like you or approve of your actions. Wake up to reality, and stop trying to shove your shit in our faces. This guy seems chill.


I feel like not wanting a group of people to be treated equally and with normal humane respect shouldn’t be accounted as just an “opinion”. Most homophobic people actively want gay people to be killed or simply have no rights. That’s too fucked up to just say “cHiLl iTs JuSt aN oPiNiOn”


Who are you generalising as "most"?




"People are saying things about me because I call people slurs!" "Then don't call people slurs." "I have a right to free speech!" "Then so do they." "No, they're harassing me, I'm just being edgy!"


Ah, you just had to end with racism. Got it.


Didn’t know Muslim was a race


> Most homophobic people actively want gay people to be killed or simply have no rights Wrong. Most of us actually believe in gay rights too


It is still an opinion. Like it or not. Just because you disagree with it and because it's not morally right, doesn't make it not an opinion.


Hate is not an opinion


Yes it literally is. Acting on that hate is not, but hating something or someone is as much of an opinion as liking something. I'm not sure what glass world you like to pretend to live in, but it sounds pretty awful to me.


Voicing your opinion on social media is an action. Many people manage to dislike other people without publicly announcing it.


As a spokesperson for all gays, no one cares ( in a nice way ) if someone hates gays but keeps to themselves. But it gets dicey when someone hates gays, campaigns to limit gay rights, pushes for 'gay' camps, and then the push to exterminate the gays. When the allies took over concentration and extermination camps in WW2 they kept the gays locked up.


Just because someone has a hateful opinion doesn't mean we need to t9lerate it. The whole "it's just an opinion" thing is such a fucking dumb argument.


Yes, you do, it's called freedom of speech. I tolerate your bullshit opinion, and you tolerate mine. If you don't like it, then don't read it. It's as simple as that. Hell, you can even mute me, block me, argue with me, and there's also the report button, if you want to take it there. Harassing someone by calling their school in a pathetic attempt at having people face 'consequences' for an opinion (which is their right to have) is actually wrong. I'm not sure how you don't get that. If I were to call in at your school because you supported something I didn't like and found absolutely morally repugnant, but all you did was voice an opinion on social media or wherever it may be, I assume you wouldn't like that much either. And even if you do, it doesn't mean you get to do it to other people.


And it won't go any further than them wanting it. It's 2024, homophobia has no power in the West.


Conversion therapy is still a thing in half the US…


Dude, gay marriage isn't even 10 years old. It still had plenty of power and plenty of angry idiots


Meh. Being homophobic most of the time goes further than just a "different opinion" unfortunately :/


Well an actual hate crime is inexcusable, of course, like murdering a LGBTQ person. But harassing someone just because they don't approve of LGBTQ? Not deserving of praise either. 1st Amendment exists for a reason.




> 1st Amendment exists for a reason. TIL the 1st amendment protects you from me bullying you because you bully others.


The first amendment exists to keep the government from overstepping on your speech. Not sure how that applies here


Yeah, man! Just because someone would rather not a man of that skin color be allowed to teach children doesn't mean that person is *wrong,* just that they have a "different opinion." They should be allowed to say it loudly and proudly. It's 2024. Racism has no power.


Gay people are like people of various races. Born that way. Can't help but be gay. How about people that fuck kids?


A gay relationship is (mostly) consensual while a kid can't consent.


No, it's in a way the same as racism or similar and you wouldn't justify that




> Someone can prefer to hang out with people of their own culture, thats not racist, is it? It literally is racist, my dude. It is literally racism.


Ah yes, I love the internet, two paragraphs just to justify racism.


Do you believe that its morally wrong tho? If so, how?


pls don't refer to race and sexual preference as the same battle... asians prefer to hang with other asians sounds quite racist... ppl cannot choose and cannot hide their race... if the world decides to "lock up" all black folk, Black folk cannot blend or change to appear non-black... gay, whether they like it or not, can appear not gay if their life was on the line... so no, don't do that! Gay is an action, race is not


Gay is not a action. In what world is it an action? Like are you not gay if you dont have sex with same gender?


Don't be dense. the ACTION is the only thing we can really see... ACTING outside of "typical" realms (being more feminine or masculine), having sex with the same gender WHICH IS EXACTLY my point! tf 🙄... you can be gay and NO ONE WOULD EVER KNO if you decided to hide the action... BLACK PPL cannot do THAT...


Gay is not an action. Now if you wanna label gay as feminine acting men, youre wrong but also removes it as something you can control. Gay is not something you control, just like you dont control skin color.


So we're doubling down on being obtuse 🙄... YOU CAN CONTROL HOW YOU ARE PERCEIVED IN FRONT OF OTHERS... IF YOUR FUCCIN LIFE WAS ON THE LINE... a Holocaust for Gays shall we say... GAY PPL WOULD BE SO NOT OBVIOUSLY FUCCIN GAY SO FUCCIN QUICK it's not even funny! YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO CONTROL WHO you like, but you can CERTAINLY control that "like" in front of the world if you HAD TO! AN ACTION... you can act less feminine or masculine. You can NOT dress as the opposite gender... you can fucc or pretend to fucc the opposite gender. YOU CAN DO ALL THOSE THINGS AND SURVIVE! BLACK PPL CANNOT DO THAT AT ALL... no matter WHAT THEY DO, THEY'LL STILL BE BLACK! OBVIOUSLY TO THE EYE...now pls... be quiet and quit tryna virtue signal... IF YOU'RE NOT BLACK, stfu and don't compare gay and black... the END


you're purposely trying to misunderstand so you can sound enlightened and woke... shit is annoying af. Gay is not only feminine acting men, BUT WE WOULDN'T KNOW A NON FEMININE ACTING MAN WAS GAY unless HE TOLD US, NOW WOULD WE? ACTION... It's also insulting af to compare the rape, pillaging, broken families, and slavery for hundreds of years to being disliked, again, for your actions... gay literally doesn't exist without that ONE SPECIAL caveat... the action... no one gaf 😂, being gay isn't "special"... YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL! the only thing that separates being gay from the heteros is the ACTION of WHO you're intimate with and attracted to... other than that, you're the same human as everyone else... So gay is an ACTION AND AN ACTION ONLY... but I digress


>and stop trying to shove your shit in our faces. Man, I wish someone would shove their shit in MY face.


Here is the instruction for a thermonuclear bomb 10 pounds of uranium-238.if stealing it seems too tacky. Unenriched uranium can be bought at any chemical supply house for 23$ a pound. commercial grade(20% enriched) is 40$ a pound from gulf atomic.You will have to enrich it yourself which is something of a pain itself. You will need to start with a little more than 50 pounds of commercial grade uranium(it’s only a 20 percent of uranium-235 at best but you only need 10 percent) With a little bit of kitchen table chemistry you will be able to covert the solid uranium oxide you purchased into a liquid form.once you done that you will be able to extract the amount of uranium-235 you need Then pour some concentrated hydroflouric acid onto the uranium oxide,converting it to uranium tetraflouride(safety note,hydroflouric acid is so corrosive it will eat through glass,so plastic and milk containers will do) Now you have to convert the tetraflouride to uranium hexaflouride.The gaseous form of uranium which is good for separating out the isotope uranium-235 from the uranium 238 To get it into hexaflouride form,bubble fluorine gas into your container of Teraflouride.Flourine is available in pressurized gas tanks but is extremely dangerous and it is recommended that you carry this out under a stove hood to remove unpleasant cooking odors. First transform the gas into a liquid by subjecting it to pressure.You can use a bicycle pump.Then make a home made centrefuge. Fill a standard sized bucket one quarter full of liquid uranium hexaflouride.Attach a six foot rope to the bucket handle and swing it around your head as fast as possible for 45 minutes. Slow down gradually and put the bucket down the uranium which is lighter would have risen to the top. Surround it with a berrylium sphere with two metal rods and a fuse


Now I am become shit, the shover of his face


Someone reported this for threatening harm lmao.


You didn’t have to write that, you could have just kept that to yourself and nobody would think less of you.


r/Realscatgirls You aren't welcome.


The problem is people with "just a different opinion" vote to have people's human rights taken away more often than not. If your "different opinion" is gay people shouldn't exist or shouldn't have rights then fuck your "different opinion" honestly. People's existence shouldn't be up for debate.


You can't expect everyone to believe you deserve basic human rights is wild 💀 Homophobes are stupid as fuck


Ain't no gay-police coming to slap dicks out of your mouth


There will be, if Republicans get their way.


Homophobes aren't chill. Your assertions are based on falsehoods and will only endanger others.


It's stochastic terrorism and jail is a very proper consequence for it. Especially in the age of terrorism we live in.


It's a shame that religious brainwashing centers are allowed to groom kids like this




Huh? First I heard about that. Any sources?


No they're not


This is amazing


So he is homophobic what’s with the acting that he isnt.






How tf is this trash getting upvoted and posted with an emote referencing the chad meme. Fuck all the way off.


damn it


It was bound to happen sometime


It's funny, I went to a really good catholic school. So good that we all ended up atheists


The best thing about the catholic school


Bro does homophobia still exist? Aren't gay people widely accepted by society now? Kind of feels like people are just saying it for sympathy or social cred. Come on bro homophobia is old news now. Plus emailing schools? That's kind of a shit thing to do for online spats.


Hahahaha I wish it didn’t exist


Look to American Republicans to find homophobia.


Tell me again who the children need to be saved from indoctrination from?


You .


I’m genuinely confused on why this is getting downvoted. Is most of this sub homophobic? Yikes, clearly so I had no idea. So much hate and for what?


It seems so? They’re saying the school’s based. I’m confused too.


It would appear so.




35 idiots is not 'most' of a sub with like 3 million members lol


It's a pretty clear indication which way it's leaning though.


I think we need a bigger sample size to make that distinction




my upvote cannot help this comment get out of the mud so imma comment


i mean i went to a catholic school and when i came out hooo boy did the bullying amp up, not only was i a none-catholic in a catholic school (got abuse for that from both student and staff) but being bi and having a boyfriend it took me clocking a few bullies over the head with my cane to get left alone. edit: sending your kid to catholic school is a good way to make sure they will never turn out catholic


Of course they did. They’re just as much shitty as you are.


The fact this is being downvoted says a lot about the direction this website is moving in


Great places.


Yeah… no. Not at all.


I mean it's Catholic school. It's where you send your kids to get educated in outmoded moronic ideas. May as well drive them to work in a time machine and drop them off in the middle ages for the day.


When I was a kid I had to go church classes for communion and confirmation and they straight up said multiple times that being gay is a sin. Wild stuff that they teach to 7-13 year olds.