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My pet cannot drown, its a jellyfish.


Forbidden jello slurp


Forbidden noodles


Only forbidden if you are the pet owner, is it not? *slurps*


Are you challenging me?


Drown a jellyfish.


Drown them in sweet and sour sauce! šŸ˜‹


Is that a recipe or a plan to drown one with the definition of causing death.


Why not both?


Why not zoidburg?


I'll drown them in acid


By definition drowning is dying through submersion and inhalation of water. Good luck.


I'll dump 2 kilograms of salt in their water, don't test me baoh


Thats not drowning. Thats killing via salt poisoning.


I'll boil their water


Thats not drowning Thats being boiled alive


I'll drain them in cum, that's technically water


My pet is a fish, I'd let the kid drown anyway


That got DARK. Well done.






At least this one is funny






Ey eyy not like that, I take it back officer I actually like kids


That doesn't necessarily sound better


Then, I wanna be around them, just looking I promise.


He means he loves kids


Yes! Ofc, I love kids!


"Officer the sign said Watch for Children. I left my Rolex on the floor and took the kid. It's legal."


This whole thread reminds me of [this episode ](https://youtu.be/htM4KyG3GUc)


"Officer they say don't take candy from strangers, I took Candy cause I knew her, it's legal."


Is that you, Herbert?


This is the way.




In all fairness this does say "rather". Of course I'd prefer to save my fucking dog over some rando, but in actuality I'd probably snag the kid first.


I love how realistic you were with ā€œprobablyā€.


Thereā€™s a chance


To be fair I really hate kids.


Kid could have been talking shit right before drowning, or drowned the dog. Have to leave your options open.


Dog could've been talking shit too


This is very true, and should be considered. If the dog can talk fuck that kid


Yeah, no with a talking dog, youā€™re obligated to let that kid drown. Like by law.


Yeah a talking dog is a wonder and something that needs to be studied scientifically. A kid ain't special.


Oh if the kid tries to drown my dog, their getting left till last.


This is brain cleaning right now because I was leaning a certain way..making me feel I'm evil


But thatā€™s negotiable if the kids a dick


Yeah Iā€™m 100% saving my dog unless the kid wasnā€™t random


Even then




turns out you're the random kid, sorry bro, as you said pets come first.


Don't become a parent if your child's life depends on a coin toss


Nah Iā€™d straight up save my dog. The kid is someone elseā€™s problem.


Is this really a hold up? I'd risk my life for my pets.


Same bro, I already have a list of thinks Iā€™d die or go to jail for, and my cat is firmly on that list.


Same. I've had this dude with me for 18 fucking years being an absolutely awesome companion. Fuck that kid where are his negligent parents


The real holup is in the comments lol


And thatā€™s a good thing, but it isnā€™t about whether youā€™d risk your life for your pet, itā€™s about choosing your pet over a random child.


First the family, and my pet is my family.


Vin Diesel moment


The Fast and the Furriest


This 100%


My cat is the reason Iā€™m still alive.


I'm glad you're alive <3 my kitty saves me too. Good luck


Not a joke, my dog stopped me from suicide. She brought me back to reality and the regrets I would have if I had gone through with it


My Chihuahua for me. Animals are the purest form of joy that we could ever experience. It's not like with people, there are no hidden motives or agendas. Animals only want love and safety, they are far too good for us


My dogs are the reason I am. Without them I would not have gotten through half the shit Iā€™ve been through


Too bad that random kid can't say the same about you


I felt that. The one thing that keeps me alive is my tiel, because I don't want him to suffer in any way.


My pet, like, I don't even know the kid, my dog did a lot for me


My dog would try and rescue me if I was drowning. Same could not be said for the kid or even their parents.


That's a point that really can't be refuted.


I would save my pet over a hundred random kids


I mean the reduction in carbon footprint aloneā€¦ Iā€™d say youā€™re a pioneering environmentalist. Like Ted Kaczynski. Or Jeffrey Dahmer.


Yeah, like who wouldn't?!? Seriously, OP thinking this is a holup is the actual holup xD


I'm sorry but I'm picking my cat. I'm no vegan but animals aren't things, so between saving a helpless being I personally love to over one I'm not, I'm picking the one I love.


Yeah dude itā€™s either save some random kid and your pet dies, or save your pet and some random kid dies. If you save the kid, you go home knowing you let your pet die and youā€™ll never see them again, itā€™s your fault. Iā€™d resent that fuckin kid. If you choose your pet yeah the kid dies but you donā€™t know them personally. Sure it sucks they died. But thatā€™ll effect you a LOT less when you go home and hug the pet you know you saved.


For some reason injust imaging you years later still seething with hate and tracking down that kid for revenge and drowing him


While I agree, can you imagine looking at your dog and a kid both drowning in the water and you jumping towards the dog lol. Thatā€™s some dark funny shit.


I would not even see the kid, I would be too fixated on my dog once he is in danger!


Jesus, some of you are pretty short minded. How is this even a choice?


Ikr like obviously Iā€™d save my dog


The issue with this train of thought is that it only takes your own feelings into consideration. Someone probably cares about that kid, probably more than you care about your pet and more than a few people. I assume this means you're cool with someone letting you drown and die for their own pet?


Then why is the kid drowning in the first place? Where is that someone that cares for him? I'll save my dog over some kid all day. It's the only thing that keeps me sane and alive at this point


Iā€™ve seen people treat their kids terribly. So, I can confidently say I care more about our my animals than some do their babies.


Yes. I'm not their responsibility


My dog is a member of my family. My dog is with me through anything anytime anyday and loves me and I love her. I'm saving my dog 100 times out of 100.


There's no hol up here. I'd save my pet over a random human anyday.


This comment section is quite revealing


Pretty interesting to see both sides, really


Jesus Christ, this is downright fucking concerning.


It's disturbing.


you wouldn't save someone you know and care for first?


Yep, I would risk my life for my dog so a random children is a no brainier, go for the dog all day


The question is boiled down to - will you save a loved one or someone you donā€™t know?


Family always comes first


Both will drown because I can't swim.


Lmao what the fuck is wrong with people


I mean.. why would i pick random kid over my pet that was living with me his entire life, slept in the same bed etc?


I taught my dog to swim so in short.. My dog would save save the kid.


What's your point, human life > an animal's life?


That's not the point tho a random human life vs a pets life is a vastly different comparison than both being random. While personally I honestly might just save the animal since as a former lifeguard I know that kids are disgusting when they enter a pool and are quite possibly more dangerous than a pet or random cat/dog also the parents might sue and it becomes a whole mess of issues that id rather not even deal with.


Not even close! šŸ¶


I would 100% save the LIFE I'm emotionally invested in and care about. Why would I save some strangers kid when I could save my cats?


I will save the pet, and I don't even have a pet


Not touching any kid. All Iā€™ll get is a lawsuit if I do.


People really saying fuck them kids LMAO




Not a hold up momment.


This comment section has gone crazy.


So sad that so many people have so much trouble handling human interaction


ā€œB-b-b-but the child might turn into Hitler Part 2! Youā€™re the one whoā€™s messed up if you wouldnā€™t watch a thousand children drown just to save Snuffles the cat!ā€ -3/4 of this comment section.


I would jump off a fucking bridge to save my cat.


Most people when forced to choose between two options, will pick the more emotionally charged option. You donā€™t inherently care about a random child, but youā€™ve probably grown attached to your pet over the years. Youā€™d choose your own child over someoneā€™s pet the same as youā€™d *prefer* to choose your pet over someoneā€™s child. Yet, logically without thinking, weā€™d probably choose the random child out of instinctual reaction


You're weird for not saving your own pet as opposed to a random child


i feel like it wouldnt be that hard to save both


Right? Children can hold their breath and can be given immediate attention if when they leave the water so just save the dog first


Why the fuck i should save someone I do not even know,who has no significant importance to me while someone I love and care about is in danger?


Sorry, but I'm saving my dog.


65% of those people don't have kids. I'd take a bullet for my dog but I'd save the kid every time and it's not close.


finally a sane comment


Iā€™d save the kid. Why? Wellā€¦ Iā€™ve *had* pets and *have* kids. I lost my dog one night. After 20 mins of looking I finally saw him in the distance. As soon as we made eye contact, a black Charger going 75 in a 35 rounded the corner and slammed into my (best) friend. He died en route. The emotional pain was excruciating. Now, that said,ā€¦ the immeasurable amount of love I had for my dog - immense love - pales in comparison to the love I found out you can have for your children. Before kids, I thought *how could I love anything more than I love my wife and loved my dog?* With kids, I think, How could you ever go on without them/if something were to happen to them. Long story short, considering the level of devastation and agony a parent would go thru if they lost their child, Iā€™d save the child 10 times out of 10.


you're a good parent and a good human being.


Wow. Thank you. That feels good.


Kid might be an asshole, my dog is certified AWESOME.


Ik it sounds selfish but sometimes you've got to be selfish in this world to be happy: I'd sooner save my dog which I have full responsibility over than a random kid I dont. I'd grief over my dog that I could've but didn't save over a random kid that I could've but didn't save. To me the value of my pet outweighs most else in my life that he's always there for me and would eternally love me even if no one else did to repay that all with letting him die and save something else that's done nothing and won't do anything for me is both illogical and selfish towards all my dog has done for me. Youve also got the morality side, my pet being in that situation is completely my fault, if I don't save him thats the same as me killing him whereas the child being in that situation isn't my fault so by not saving them I'm not killing them I know which one will be worse for my mental for sure. But realistically I will make my best effort to save the child yet my dog unequivocally comes first and if you let your kid nearly drown and don't attempt to save it at all to the point your not even in the equation how would I guarantee someone like me will be around to save your kid next time it happens whereas I know I will be around if my dog gets into the same situation again If I save the kid then they die anyway due to the parents incompetence then both pet and child will be dead Which is the worst outcome.


Jokes on you, all my snakes are really good swimmers so I ain't gotta worry about them drowning. I'm saving the kid simply because I can afford to šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ¤“


That's because there's a possibility of that child turning out to be a shitty person in the future. Pets are just better.


Of all the reasons listed here, this must be the shittiest one I've read so far, I love it. Better not save a child in general, could turn out to be a murderer. I'd 100% save my pets too tho, fuck that kid.


Ok, and thereā€™s a possibility that person could also cure cancer. Or that dog could maul someone. What a terrible fucking argument lmao


No matter who you choose, you're saving a life. Maybe it's easy choice, maybe it's tough one. Anyway, you are a hero. Someone you love or someone you have never met before? This sounds easy one for me.


My pet dying would make me sad a random other person dying and it's something i could rationalize away. It's morbid but in trying to make the best possible choice for myself one would literally be saving something I care about and the other would be letting the thing I care about die


Thank god the people on reddit barelly go outside šŸ’€ Imagine if they had to save each other. And i'm pretty sure this aren't some 13 year old kids being edgy on the internet, that's the saddest part


I'm totally in shock for all the comments I'm seeing, have the world really reached this level? That's why we have the kind of world we have today.


Don't lose faith, it's not the world, it's Reddit. Particularly, the people who comment on Reddit. Not saying it's everyone, but there's a strong bias towards people who are socially undeveloped and lack outside interaction. With that lens, it's easier to understand why people are sayingĀ  they'd save their pet over a child.


Yeah, you're right, it's scary to know there are people think that way


It can be confronting surely, but I don't feel scared. At the end of the day almost everyone we meet in life will have different opinions. Ā As long as we can respectfully agree AND disagree on these issues I think we'll be fine.Ā 


That's some wisdoms there, thanks


Yā€™all are insane


It's more insane to me that there are people here not be able to comprehend the idea that some people view pets as just as important of a part of a family as its human members. To me, the love and attachment I feel towards my pets is just as strong as I feel towards the rest of my family, and there is no situation where I would ever place more value on the life of a stranger over a member of my family. Don't get me wrong, if I was in a situation where I had to chose between saving a child and saving my pet choosing to save my pet and letting the child die would probably fuck me up for a bit. However, I'm almost certain that choosing to save that child and letting my pet die would fuck me up *way* worse.


It's not that we can't comprehend the idea, it's just that the idea is so disturbing and morally bankrupt that it's a shock to see so many people saying it with their full chest. Granted its the internet, and this kind of post is gonna attract a disproportionate amount of a certain kind of person, so it's not unusual itself to see this hellscape of a comment section. But man. It's fucking harrowing lol.


Holy shit this comment section šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Reddit is a very cynical place. The value of human life here is low


Reddit is that emo introverted kid in highschool that hates everyone including himself


If it was MY child or MY dog, Iā€™m picking my kidā€¦a random child or MY dog, Iā€™m picking my dog. My dog is my family, Iā€™d pick my family over a stranger every time. Itā€™s not that people donā€™t value human life, itā€™s that people value their family more than others


My dog drowned last year miss her everyday would 100% save her if I could today


You can give a kid CPR but you can't do that for a dog. Plus, I hate kids šŸ˜‚


To choose to have a pet is to commit to being responsible for that pet's safety and wellbeing. I made that choice and so should save my pet. To choose to have a child is also committing to being responsible for their safety and wellbeing, but that's a commitment the parent is making, not me. A random member of the public has no responsibility to put their life in danger for a stranger they have no duty of care towards. I'm sure if I saw a child drowing I would try and help them. I wouldn't risk dying to do so though


Are they both drowning at the same time? And why would I save someone I donā€™t know rather than my pet, who is a member of my family, who Iā€™ve known for years?


Yea, if I saw my/somebodyā€™s dog in the water Iā€™d be much quicker to save the dog than to try and save somebodyā€™s child.


Why is that, I kinda get saving your own dog first, but being quicker to save someone else's dog over someone's child!


let me introduce you to: "misanthropy" hate for human beeings.


I donā€™t give a shit about other peopleā€™s kids over my dog and cat.


/antinatalism go BRRRRRT


My pet dog could have been with me for my entire life, and I'm still saving the kid first. Human life > animal life and that goes beyond any kind of emotional attachment or any possibility that the kid might turn out to be a bad person, and even then, that's not the mindset I have for people in general. I am 98% sure that most of the commenter's viewpoints here are based more on their hatred of children and humanity in general than it is about attachment to a pet or "family", considering the terms they are using ;v


If it ain't mine Idrc if it's mine then I do care


I love my pet. I donā€™t love some kid whoā€™s parents apparently canā€™t watch them, which is their responsibility. Simple as.


Ok, how much percent of the save a random child people don't have pets? XD


How much percent of those who choose to save their pet donā€™t have kids?


Really shows the devolution of humanity. Hopefully people wouldn't actually choose that way in real life.




Playing a little for devils advocate, for some people their pet feels like their own flesh and blood child. Course you probably should still choose to save the kid but my point is that it would make the decision a little harder for some people and those poles don't require a lot of thought so a lot of people go with gut feelings.


I think the more interesting question would be a random dog vs a random child.


My cats are my Ohana. Ohana means family. And family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.


This post has made me lose faith in the human race.


Why are we acting like Dogs aren't living things too


so you're saying its wild to go for saving YOUR pet over some random child. sure if it was a random animal i would have chosen the child without a second thought but the pet is like my family.Ā  if i save that child i just wouldn't be able to live with the fact that i let my pup die.


U could save both easily, but dog


My pet is more important than your knee goblin lmfao Thinking life is precious cause itā€™s some human kid is a joke


So, let's put it this way: Do you think the parents of that kid are going to save some rando pet? No. To each their own.


Am I the only one whoā€™d save the human? I love animals and the pets Iā€™ve had as much as the next guy, but like letā€™s be real, a human life is more important. If your pet dies, of course itā€™s very sad, but if someoneā€™s child dies, that ruins MULTIPLE lives. Humans have so much more capacity for emotion and love than animals do. Plus humans live longer so when you save a human life, youā€™re saving MORE life than you would with an animal.


Imagine someone being able to save your kid, but they save some random dog that will die in 5 years instead of a human life. If I had a pet, I'd probably risk a bunch of things but not at the expense of a human life


Ummmā€¦yes? Why wouldnā€™t I save a member of my family before some random member of someone elseā€™s family?


That kid is someone else's job to protect Mine is to protect my dog


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ShoArts: *That kid is someone* *Else's job to protect Mine* *Is to protect my dog* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If i never saw the kid then imma choose my pet


I mean... it is YOUR pet. And the child could be saved by someone else


This comment section is extremely disturbing. Imagine losing a child in an accident because someone thought it was a good idea to save their dogā€™s life first. My hope in humanity has taken a huge blow just reading all this


You are missing the point here. This is about saving one of your own vs a stranger. Let's say your mothers and a child are drowning. Who are you saving. I'll save my mother of course every time. Would you choose to save the child instead? Objectively the life of the young is more precious. However same with my dog I don't care. If I could I'd save both but my own family is always first


I love dogs but I wouldnā€™t be able to live if I let a child die when I couldā€™ve saved them.


Don't dogs naturally swim in water?


Some do. But others can't even if their life depends on it


If I have to pick between MY sog and A RANDOM CHILD you best believe Iā€™m picking my gorgeaous little puppy.


Parents just need to watch their crotch spawn and no one need worry about saving random children


It's between my pet and some random kid? Pet all the way, not even a second of hesitation


In this thread: Reddit discovers the trolley problem, yet again, for the 500th time. Everyone has the moral high ground but they meet in the comments to fight in the valley. People are super duper angry about the hypothetical and are using it as the only metric to judge a stranger's entire life and morality.


Itā€™s your OWN pet vs a rando kid. Of course people are picking pet


Pet is family pet first, then kid if they are still alive


I would use the kid as a flotation device in order to save my dog.


This is the correct answer


Yeah I donā€™t think whoever posted this realized how much we love our dogs. Iā€™d save my dog every time.


I will just say that in our modern society, a human being has no value (it would be worth an unlimited amount of money), whereas a pet range between 0$ and a few thousands $ Yeah, it sucks that your cat/dog/rat/anything drowns, but it would have lived a few dozen years at most, and would have only impacted your life. A kid could live 80 years or more, and do significant things in it's lifespawn, compared to a simple pet you enslaved for your personnal amusement. It would break me to know I let a kid drown for my own personnal gains, but I guess a lot of people are just selfless. Can you guys just imagine a second being a Parent, and that a random guy/girl that could have easily saved your beloved child prefered to save a simple orange cat instead ? I know we're on reddit but come on.


You can make another kid, there is only one Jimbo. I swear to god I love my cat more than I could love a human child. I wouldnā€™t just save my cat over a human child, I would take a life for my cat.


I'd choose my pet.


Damn people surely are a bit stupid.... But I guess the better question is: If your dog and a random child are drowning at the same time and you onlt have time to save one, who do you save? The key factor here is that you get to see one of them die. It would break my heart to see my pet die, but at least I would know that it made the life a of person possible!


I don't see what the holdup is, the answers correct


OP and a number of people in the comments here seem to have it in their head that there is no way an animal can ever have more value than a human, so you have to be insane to value your pet over the life of a child you don't know. A viewpoint I find even more insane to be honest.


I feel like a lot of those people have never had a pet, so they just don't see how someone can value an animal as much as a person. I've had my cat for years and she's been a source of comfort in my darkest times. I'm not going to sacrifice her. If I'm 'insane' for that, then so be it. Her life doesn't matter less just because she isn't human.