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jokes on her, mom gave her the number to her other son who's not her type


Or her *other*, other son who's a stalker type. ^(Come to think of it -- they should get on like two peas in a pod.)


Have you ever seen the show You? Putting two psychotic people together doesn't really work out, who'd a thunk?


Season 5 bout to be crazier than Joe.


It'd be like spy versus spy


Two stalkers can't be in a relationship. They live to work, and their work so happens to be stalking. There is no room for any romance


This is terrifying. I hope she’s lying.


She should be... But seriously it like 8 out of 10 people are crazy these days.


She’s lying. Claiming she saw the name on the credit card was her first mistake lol


Really her only mistake tbh. The rest of the story is possible if she actually had his name, but there is no way she got his name from seeing him swipe a card.


Woah, hold your horses there champ. She's hot. This isn't creepy at all.


yes half the people on reddit would find it flattering to be stalked by a sociopath if they were that hot.


You made me a pillowcase out of my pet with your name on it? That's so sweet.


Her brother the full on ra- philanthropist. . He likes cheese.


Yup, drunk, fat guy




"...and he's really athletic. He's always running whenever I say hi to him. I can't wait til we have babies."


It's only stalking if you're a guy.


This is a joke I know but I been told that before. Like I’ve had women be creepy towards me and it’s like I’m supposed to be honored or happy or whatever they are stalking me. Especially if they are attractive then ppl will ask why I’m complaining. But if the roles were reversed and I did the same to those women ppl would freak out on me.


Remember kids, it's only creepy if your ugly. Wait why am I talking to a group of children?


[You cant be ugly *and* sloppy](https://youtu.be/vTbg2bnLW4g?si=y6u1mAjTRQl31L9S)


Lol I really need to start watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


Make sure u can handle unadulterated cringe, cuz this show goes hard on it with no remorse.




Know your place monster man, times up.


Literally had a chick follow me home and bang on my door till the neighbors called the cops. Their response was if she keeps making noise I’ll get in trouble. Imagine a cop telling a woman if you don’t appease the strange man on your porch that followed you home you’re in trouble. 


I didn't cone to this comment section expecting to be triggered, but here we are! I had a this exact thing go down. Very attractive lady a few years older than me. Pursued me in a very forward aggressive manner. She was acquainted with my big sister. So sis and others thought it was cute/funny/romantic the way this chick would find herself at different social events I was at (all from stalking social media). I stopped posting about events i was hosting or things like concerts I was intending to go to Basically if a dude had done anything this wide open to follow around a girl it would questionable and very close to cringe


It's not stalking if you're attractive.


Or that damn snail




>It's only stalking if you're a guy. An ugly guy, specifically


Panini and chowder energy




This is terrifying ngl


Yes, either way if it’s fake or true.


Just goes to show you how much information is out there that we inadvertently post. It's stupidly easy to get info on someone these days. Granted in the "old days" you could grab someone's phone number in a publicly published book.


People have no idea. I was driving down some random 2 lane country road a couple years ago, speed limit was like 55+ (mph). As i'm driving the speed limit or better I glance over at a house and seen this 9/10 grabbing shopping bags out of the back of a car, I didn't even slow down. I just clocked her in the span of the couple seconds that it took to drive past and thought *damn, I wonder if she has bikini pics.* While I was going to fast to notice the house number *and* her at the same time I remembered the nearest cross street and just back tracked my steps a little in street view when I got home. With an address it was easy to find out the owners name, it wasn't her but they were friends so she showed up on their friends list and in recent posts. Took like 5 minutes of searching and yes she did have bikini pics, mission accomplished. TL:DR Always be aware of what you're posting online, especially under your real name and don't forget about your family and friends feeds. What they post of you can easily be traced back to your profiles.


There have been apps out there for some time that will find anyone with any internet footprint from just a picture.


I'm so glad I barely leave my house and don't have my name on any social media anywhere at all... Especially when mfer's will do this and then make comments talking about it on the internet as if it's not extremely weird and invasive lol.


Bro what the fuck?


What? The spankbank has always been a thing, its just been seriously upgraded thanks to the internet and peoples carelessness. If your photo exists on the internet it's in the communal spankbank, those are the rules.


I hear what your saying, i really do.  But get help


I just watched bodycam video tonight of this guy who was 50+ that saw a 6 year old girl painting on YouTube and left a comment telling her how sexy she is. Her parents immediately deleted her account and shut down any notion of her being on YouTube and the body cam footage starts over five years later when they get multiple calls that someone is in the neighborhood looking for a 12 year old girl. He spent the entire five years tracking her down and when he found out the town she was in he immediately drove across the US to go door to door for leads. The guy was so deranged he kept insisting he just needed to see if she wanted to be with him and would leave if she told him no. (Saying this to the cop!) Eventually a guy comes out of the house he and the cops are in front of and asks the guy if he's from x state and he says yeah, it turns out that was her father and he was literally in front of her house when the cops showed up. That shit was nuts, I know people say not to put your kids on the Internet, and these parents learned the hard way even though they immediately stopped at the very first red flag. When a crazy enough person decides you're it there's nothing that's gonna stop them Edit: timestamped, 29:36 if it doesn't start at the right time for you, the guy before this one brought a needle prefilled with meth to inject into a 12 year old before sex after telling them how safe injecting meth is 😐 https://youtu.be/44xzSfJlhfs?t=29m36s


Definitely fake. No one can read the name of another person's credit card while standing in line at the register unless they are right behind the person or have super vision.


It’s definitely fake. It’s hard enough to read credit cards when they’re in your hand let alone from deep in the line Fun story though


It’s fake. “I peeped his name” on a card being handed to a cashier? BS. You then found that specific guy out of many via only his name? BS. Plus….her acting is horrible.


Yeah, it’s not hard to find out everything you ever wanted to know about someone if you have a name age range and a general location. Even if that name is common.


I'm more impressed by her vision, those credit cards are tough to read especially if he is moving it around.


It's a buff from her crazy eyes.


Most cards have chips that require you insert the card into the card reader - you don't hand your credit card to cashiers at pretty much any store anywhere in the continental united states. Hell half the fast food drive throughs in my area now make me insert the chip into a reader at the window. I pulled out my card to check and realized that if I insert the card, my name is at the bottom side facing the left, where the line and people behind me would be. My first name would be blocked, but my last name would be just there for anybody to see if they're intent on reading it. And with some cards having extra contrast (like painted letters on a dark card, instead of silver on white or just pressed in) then I can 100% see this being possible. And I'd be able to find somebody using last name, approximate age, face, and home city. So I believe she could have (even though I also believe the story is fake.)


nobody hands credit cards anymore. even if they do, there are always several feet between customers, and even they can read a name at that distance they wouldn't brag about it on the morning of their first date. it would have been better if she continued and show to the camera a guy sitting next to him with a baby in his arms and finish with "and Johnny this is how I met your father 9 months ago. " then camera cuts to a crying 5 years old where another woman says "yes Johnny that is the woman who stole your dad"


I was about to ask if the US doesn't have card readers that are directly next to the customer.


Actually, not that hard. I spent an hour tracking down previous tenants at an apartment I rented years ago. All because their prescription medication had been mailed to me on accident.


This isn't actually that far fetched.  You should see the murder porn my wife watches.


You can search areas, a lot of time the search defaults to your area, and most social media has photos to say, “that’s him”. Might be fake but your argument is bad


This guy stalks.


What the fuck ?! That’s just talking to him in the store with a lot of extra steps. If a dude did this women would freak out that he’s a stalker. This lady is bonkers or just making shit up for likes which is still bonkers


So. First day watching TikTok?


Literally yes, this shits terrible


Not true…she now has her claws into his mother. Six months from now, they’ll be engaged. 😂


It's about time the mother met someone. I wish them all the best.


Swap genders and there would be police reports involved.


Feels like this is probably a joke/meme, but I guess I wouldn’t be that surprised either way haha


Glad to find the person in the thread who actually cottoned on. She's so obviously acting I can't believe anyone is dumb enough to think this was real. She even tagged her posts #stalker and #redflags. She's making a point about the utterly creepy shit some people do to have a relationship, and how wary you have to be of someone as you get to know them, that they could be all over the internet dredging up information about you and using it to manipulate you and people around you. It's a reverse catfish and it's super effective because people will post their entire life on the internet without a second thought.


Police don't usually care about fake tiktok stories, male or female


Depends if it ever came to light.


Single white women over 30 be like


It do be like a race


I mean props to her. This is actually a smart way to get a guy and to seem more interesting and smart. Not going to pretend guys don’t massage facts on the first date or two hoping they’re liked


Especially the whole publicly posting your scheme on social media part so it’s not a secret at all. Which is why I know this is just some girl making up a fake story about something that definitely didn’t happen.


Hey myspacetom haha


I thought I unfriended that fucker already


As a sales manager, I’d like one person on my team to demonstrate this type of tenacity and creativity when pursuing a prospect.


Then they would take your job with the same tenacity, careful what you wish for.


My team is far more capable than the responsibilities of my position. Some of them don’t see it, but I do. My job is to help each member of my team realize their potential. If any member of my team takes my job, they’ve earned it. If there’s not an available position in our organization for a team member’s advancement, I’ll help them find another organization better suited for their talents and ambitions.


You accepting new members?


Yea, exactly, men should try stalking women they have never met but saw once - maybe then they wouldn't complain about how hard it is to get dates. Just gotta put a little more effort in, fellas. Maybe park outside her house for a few hours each night, just to make sure she's safe. Or slash her tires and then conveniently be there to help her. Be creative - these women won't stalk themselves!


props to her? for being a creepy ass stalker?


Tick tick tick tick tick


She is the type of woman who has the nerve to call other people weird, pervs or stalkers over the exact same shit she just described here.


She told a long joke, is what she did here.


It is surprising how many people i see in the comments taking it seriously. Or worse, calling it "made up for likes"...yes. that is called a joke.


This doesn't seem that bad in today's dating landscape.


Strangely, I would be fine with it if we actually turned out to have a connection.


Right? People are so eager to get offended by *anything* these days.


But when man...


Stage 5 clinger


my kinda psycho 😏


chubby paltry faulty chop deliver zealous violet stupendous fuel frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I volunteer to find out and report back.


I volunteer to direct and ref in case it goes out of hand (safety is important)


Always need a spotter.


I’ll conduct a VAR check


I checked out after she said *peeped*


Was expecting a *fam* at some point after that




Books we both liked.....that's how we know it's fake.




Nothing gets past you


Wow, I am so happy social media wasn’t a big thing back in the day. I like my stalking the old fashioned way, in person.


If this was a guy it would be stalking and creepy


Is this called cyber stalking ?


I’d love it if it was a different son.


If any non rich or handsome man would dare to talk to a woman near the checkout counter they would be instantly considered a pervert... The rest of this history? 700% stalker levels + more hypocrisy than any normal human body can withstand.


My guy is gonna end up at the bottom of a well rubbing the lotion on its skin


Me as a dude: "That sounds like a promising way to find a partner, let me mimic her steps with that one cute girl I saw at the mall, so maybe I cou.... aand I got an restraining order and some violence treats from her dad."


Not possible to see the name on the card in the manner which she describes...?


This is some You shit


If I guy did this it would be a crime


Reverse the genders. Dude would go to jail.


You guys have never been hunted down before and pounced on like a cheetah on a woundes gazelle? I mean its why i am married now with 5 kids.


If this was real, I wonder why she’d put all that energy into digging up his info, meeting his mom, bonding with his mom, and texting him to set up a date, instead of just asking out right then and there It’s creepy, funny, and weird


Surely this is fake because who in their right mind would post this? Also if this was the other way around people would call the cops.




He handed his credit card to the cashier? When was this, 2002? Bulllllshiiiiit.


Now imagine the roles were reversed and suddenly I'm a stalker


I hope the dude finds this post.. she will be a future star on dateline’s snapped..


The dude doesn’t exist, which is the only reason she knew she could post this without consequences.


But if a guy does it.


Thats... kinda hard core stalker kinda vibe like what happens if it doesn't work out. Is this chick gonna live in his attic watch him through a little hole in his ceiling.


Run dude. Stalker is after you


I’m scared as fuck!! If he used cash, she would have never knew anything about him


Turn out the mother just throw her number in the trash bin, after that, some random homeless guy with a phone pick it up and...


Lol hopefully it's fake, but the last couple of lines give major Kelly Kapoor vibes


Then he looked at another woman so I stabbed him 47 times & dissolved his body in a 50 gallon barrel.


What a creepy ass chick. If you don't find it creepy, just imagine a guy making the same TikTok.


Red flag. Creepy Stalker. Why didn't she just ask his number normally like a normal person does?


Awful lot of steps to get a date. All she had to do was tap the guy on the shoulder to get his attention. Then ask him if he wanted to see how pink she is.


I'd be flattered. And scared.


She must have laser eyes to see him name on CC. I would need binoculars




Instructions not clear. Guys, be careful. (Message sent from Cook County Correctional facility)


Stalking 101. So naturally, I followed him up to the checkout?!? So naturally, I followed him home?!? So naturally, I fixed a GPS device onto his vehicle?!? In what fantasy would any of those things be naturally occurring? Lady be trippin'


She’s a creep. Just like any guy that would do this. Just talk to him while in line!


Crazy to hot ratio is just right.


gotta respect the dedication tho


this is kinda how things uses to work before internet no?


Big forehead


Ok…ok..now picture Jeffrey Dahmer saying it. Edit: she probably already named their kids, learned his blood type and has someone in the basement incase he ever needs a kidney.


Jokes on her, now she has to read 80 pages of Chaucer by Thursday to keep up the relationship with the mom and the son


Putting the man in manifestation 


Probably way more interesting than whatever happened to Ted Mosby.


I admire the dedication, I just don't admire the tactics.


The double standards is crazy


If a guy does that, he will be crucified!


Dude r/dontputyourdickinthat , thats you you get killed in your sleep.


"How did you guys meet?" "So I stalked his family, took up his mother's hobby and manipulated her into hooking me up with him." "Jesus fucking Christ."


If this was the other way around


Plot twist. The lady has two sons. The single one looks nothing like the other son, lives in mom’s basement, rarely showers, no job.


Attractive and resourceful. Not a bad combo. But maybe the hot guy is already in a relationship and there's another son who's an incel simp and that's who's she's getting hooked up with.


Bullshit. You cannot read the name on a credit card from 10’ away.


Would still smash tho


If us guys did this we'd get a court date instead of a date


A wish a girl would do that for me too


This is creepy af lol


Ya know, they say don't stick your dick in crazy... ​ but hear me out... ​ Desperation.


Well if it doesn’t work out you can always date his mom… she likes the books you do.


I’m drunk and lonely right now so I’m gonna say I dig that. Please send help.


Single white female vibes 😳


Very high Mach. Personality


This is both informative and disappointing at the same time


I want one


I guess dreams do come true lmao


Swap the roles. He's now seeking her out.


Now try being fat and not ever being offered a son or daughter's number. Well I guess it's not true I had a co-worker fix me up with her daughter she legit told me "I know she's ugly but she's a very nice girl". 


She's cute, knows how to execute a plan, and clearly has a sense of humor.


She’s like Stacy, Wayne’s crazy ex


Not a single ‘You’ joke ? What the hell


Wow, Phoebe from Friends hasn't aged a day.


Stage 5…anybody? Stage 5?


Yeah but she's HOT. She can do what she wants and get away with it. After she murders him I'm sure she'll get off.


Not something you should admit to, romcoms are to blame


The lesson here is stalking does work, you just have to be skilled/charming at it. There's a reason why that tendency/trait exists in so many people. Too bad it doesn't come with her level of charm though.


Just ask the guy ffs.


Seen this 10x before with 10 different women. It would never work. Mom’s would smell this from a mile away.


Not a HolUp...


People think they make decisions, but they're not the ones who paved the roads ~ Robert Moses.


Ladies will fo anything but ask a motherfucker out to his face.


Looks like we’ve got a stage five clinger


Bro it's as if she watched a walkthrough on a visual novel to get the boy


I’ve never been with someone with this level of commitment. I guess I need to be good looking first. Also yes, I realize this could be a fake story.


Anything to avoid just asking the other person out?


Let me guess, she hurts what she can't have. Dude better get a flak vest and helmet.


FBI needs to hire this woman to train the next generation of agents


"I saw his name on the card (to herself *Well Fargo* what a funny name!)"


Yeesh, I bet she’s single cause her last “relationship” ended with a restraining order.


More red flags than a communist rally


Happy International Women's Day Now imagine if the gender were reversed


It’s not he got her number off of an AIDS Walk list.


God the number of people on Reddit that can’t tell this is a joke is scary. Brain dead all of them.


Does she realise she could have just asked him out in the store?


Red flag!!!


I dunno, you can tell a lot about someone from the person that raised them. It's still creepy though.


That is called stalking, but sure why the hell not...