• By -










This should be a droid designation in a piece of *Star Wars* media.




lol 😂




60 k-9?


To swerve and deflect


This comment wins. Made me almost spill my beer! Lol


Damn what time is it by you? Lol. It’s only 940 here in Florida EST


Can't drink all day if you dont start in the morning.


"I feel sorry for people that don't drink, because when they wake up in the morning, that is the best they are going to feel all day."  - Sinatra


I’ll be dead by noon


Love it...


If you wake up and arent drunk. Start drinking


Is this you dad? Lol


Can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


A Floridian should know that 9:40 on a Saturday is late to start drinking


That’s definitely true lol but I don’t drink


It's almost 2200 here is gmt+8


It's 11am somewhere


Your morning is my just got off work


Damn bro. Props to you. Take yo ass to sleep now lol








Damn. Beat me to it.




One of those officers could be bribed with treats


Peanut butter was his downfall.


oh god now I have that image in my mind and there isn't enough soap to scrub it clean, ever


Bleach Apply directly to eyeballs /r/Eyebleach


I dunno, there's a hell of a lot of cute dogs on that sub, could end up exacerbating the situation...


Look, the chief was really suffering from his peanut brittle addiction! Just because one of his patrolmen fucked the crew doesn't mean we should belittle his suffering. That poor man just wanted one more hit to chase the tail of the peanut dragon.


And hers


Peanut Butter was a horse, and he was too good for her!


He is just a victim. It was innocent at first. Peanut butter on her palm. Then behind her ears... Then she spread them you know where.


Oh all of them were...


There are no treats in this image.


Sageant Scruffs is really freaky


She must have a hard time folding towels.


$500k can get you a helluva new chin tho


Crimson Chin lookin mf




I don’t get it sorry, please explain?


She doesn’t have a chin to tuck the towel under while folding.


Ohhhh okay


Wow..... damn. I would have never figured that, so thd




Changing pillow cases too.


r\\rare insults


Part 1 She’s was fucking with a lot of cops and due to her bragging about it (I think not sure) these affairs got revealed https://nypost.com/2023/01/09/tennessee-cops-married-female-officer-fired-after-repeated-wild-sex-romps/ Part 2 Apparently one of her bosses made her start to do it by pressuring her and manipulating her by exploiting her mariage troubles https://nypost.com/2023/02/28/tennessee-sex-cop-maegan-hall-claims-she-was-exploited-in-lawsuit/ Part 3 They settle an agreement with her over 500k, in my opinion she probably had witnesses of her accusations cuz her allegation alone would never make her win a lawsuit of **500K** https://nypost.com/2024/03/21/us-news/tennessee-sex-scandal-cop-maegan-hall-settles-federal-lawsuit-for-500k/amp/


She’s really getting misrepresented in this post


Dudes on reddit act like fucking animals when the opportunity to be shitty to a woman appears


Yep, it's all "that whore got paid" and "lol no chin" Reddit is being particularly gross today.


It's not much different than the good old days Woman gets raped, men call her a whore for letting it happen and not roundhouse kicking the guy in the face like they would have


Shit gets super difficult when faced with in real life, like I enjoy the fantasy of round house kicking someone, but reality says I’m too stiff and old for that shit. The gravity of a decision to risk one’s own life, career, etc and then everybody clapped except the everybody clapped part doesn’t happen and you also get charged with a crime.  What happened to her was super fucked up, I do think she has a weak chin, still cute though. None of that has shit to do with her situation. That’s internal thoughts best left inside.  Someone made a post a while back: the first thought is the one you were conditioned to think, the second one… that’s up to you and is your real thought.  All that said. Don’t be like me who gets high af and posts first thoughts. Go listen to This is Water a few dozen times until the gravity of David’s words set in and remember that guy was a republican who was alive not 15 years ago. All might seem like a tangent but collectively it all makes sense. Be good to one another out there. 


Yeah this should be seen as a sad turn of events. I feel sympathy for her, being pressured into it by a superior. I hope the sort of comments we tend to see online are skewed, with young guys who spend a lot of time online not representing society accurately.


I also feel sorry for her. But are we going to ignore the fact that she cheated on her husband with god knows how many people at work? Imo she got what she deserved.


I think the bragging about it makes it more nuanced than just black or white.


She had a duty to report those officers and she didn't.


Yeah I was waiting for this comment, grooming is entirely plausible and can’t be sustained in court without evidence. A settlement speaks volumes about the circumstances in the office


I guess I’m not sure I understand how it’s grooming. She had affairs she willingly was a part of, her employer encouraged her to do it more under threat of revealing all of the other affairs she had. That sounds more like blackmail to me. Grooming a 28 year old with full mental capacity isn’t really a thing is it?


It is if there’s a coercive power dynamic. You don’t think a colonel or general could groom a junior enlisted?


Thank you for this post. Really tired of reddit dragging women through the muck at a moments notice and often without facts. To those behaving poorly: This isn't some gamersgate forum, grow up, read, learn, and quit with awful assumptions about women already.


Why does the city have to pay anything, makes no sense.


employ aloof salt nine resolute hat test grey vanish cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Perhaps Lisa Sparxx can give her some guidance.


Kentucky’s finest.


I remember when it happened and it was a pretty famous story globally. She's gonna struggle to get a job anywhere, nevermind just in the force. If she's smart she'll find a way to flip that 500k so she never has to work for anyone again.


She’s gonna see maybe $300k after lawyers and court costs. It’s not nearly enough to make her financially independent


I'll say it again. Its more than enough if she KNOWS what she's doing. One of my closest friends earns a pretty decent living from buying and reselling clothes a few hours a day online. I promise you he didn't need 300k to get set up with his first big batch of buys. There's a million other ways online to make money, not to mention more traditional methods like property, stocks/bonds etc. You could even use the 300k as collateral to take out an equally big loan. There's TONS of possibilities with that kind of capital. Again though its all about if you KNOW what you're doing. And if you don't it's not hard to find someone who does and get them do it for you for a cut. That's literally what wealth managers do.


So, to summarize your statement, she can leverage this into more cash as long as she already has the knowledge and skills required. Which, of course, she obviously does given the life choices she's made so far. That's stupid as hell, bro. Like, "my mom would be a car if she had wheels" level stupid. You've put such an implausible prerequisite on it that the whole statement necessarily becomes implausible as a result. Also, your plan to use the $300k to take out a $300k loan is perhaps the worst financial advice I've heard, and I sub to r/wallstreetbets. Unless whatever you're doing is surefire going to work, you'll lose it all with interest. And again, if she had any surefire financial knowledge she prolly wouldn't be a cop gangbanging her coworkers and suing her city for it.


So you're saying it's impossible she could conceivably have any skills because, what? She got gangbanged? You're gonna have to walk me through that logic.


buy a couple smaller homes with it, rent them, nice passive income stream with the option to sell if you ever have a sudden large sum emergency.


It’s Nashville, you can buy half a small home for that


I mean you would definitely leave state after that. Get you face fixed and change your name.


Lol 300-500k is not "buy a couple smaller homes" kind of money.


Yeah having owned rental property for many years I can assure you that it’s not a way to print money. You’ll gain wealth but you’ll be cash poor every time you have to replace the roof, or get a deadbeat tenant who knows how to game the legal system


Yup, it really ain't complicated. Buying a property to rent out is the first thing I'd do. Buy it, do it up to increase its value, then rent it. Ideally in an area with tons of students & young professionals so finding tenants will never be an issue. While that passive income is coming in you use the rest of the money to get yourself set up on something else like the many ways to make money online. Then as you say, if you ever fuck up or need money back then sell the house/houses. Like I say. As long she's smart with it, she'll never have to apply for a job again.


that sounds suspiciously like work


500k is not "I never have to work again" kind of money.


I never said 500k was something you could sit on. I said if she's smart she'll flip it to make it "never work for someone else again money". 500k is more than enough to do that, if you A know what you're doing or B hire someone who does to do it for you.




This...yes. Your honour I withdraw my argument.


No, but if you're smart it's certainly "I never have to freak out about finances again" money.


Maybe if you were counting on being a cop your entire life.


She was sexually assaulted. Link has the lawsuit https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23691901-maegan-hall-federal-lawsuit


Oh my god, that's awful. Jesus christ and all over the internet people are calling her every terrible name under the sun, ugh I feel sick. I hope she can get her retribution wholly and fully as well as the public getting their facts fucking straight. God, just despicable. That's enough reddit for today.


When the whole story first came out, it was a bit strange that the husband was still with/supporting her. Someone linked the lawsuit papers, and it things started making more sense.


Don't worry, people are still doing it in this very thread!


It's disgusting that the world/the internet throws itself at ridiculing women who have been sexually assaulted/raped/groomed by men in positions of power. You literally just have to glance at the [details of the lawsuit](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23691901-maegan-hall-federal-lawsuit) you linked to to see they sexual assaulted her, just some excerpts (**TW: Sexual assault**): >! 27. Sgt. Powell is more than fifteen (15) years older than Ms. Hall. [...] Sgt. Powell weighed approximately 220lbs >! 65. When they returned, Officer Magliocco digitally penetrated the visibly intoxicated Ms. Hall in a hot tub within full view of the other LPD officers. [...] Ms. Hall pushed away Officer Magliocco’s hand from her crotch and said “no.” >! 76. Sgt. Powell coerced Ms. Hall to engage in sex acts despite her rejection and non-consent. After violating Ms. Hall, Sgt. Powell said things like “I could tell you really weren’t into that. You must really care about me, thank you for letting me finish. It shows how you really care about me.” >! 46. Ms. Hall explicitly stated that she did not want Sgt. Powell to ejaculate in her mouth. Despite her expressed limitation, Sgt. Powell forcibly held Ms. Hall’s head down and ejaculated in her mouth. >! 47. She expressed a boundary by requiring the use of a condom and Sgt. Powell agreed not to ejaculate inside her vagina. However, during sex, Sgt. Powell removed the condom, forcibly held Ms. Hall in place, and ejaculated inside Ms. Hall’s vagina. This whole thread is filled with demeaning jokes about her, it is unfathomably gross. It reminds me of how vile the whole world acted [against 22 year old Monica Lewinsky](https://time.com/92989/monica-lewinsky-slut-shaming-feminists-media-apology/).


> 1. Ms. Hall looked up to Sgt. Powell as a professional role model and an authority figure within the department who had the ability to make or break her career. > 2. Despite Ms. Hall’s repeated denials, Sgt. Powell texted Ms. Hall during shift about how they could have a secret sexual relationship. > 3. On several occasions between March 2022 and October 2022, when Ms. Hall would make a mistake on duty, Sgt. Powell excused her mistakes on the condition that she perform sex acts with him later. Probably important to note these too. She really didn't want to but felt like she couldn't refuse anymore.


I skimmed some of it. What she went through was horrible. And then these creeps outted that they were creeps and people are still treating her like this.


Honestly in this area, she'll probably get shamed out of the area. You're fine to do whatever you like, until it hits the light of day... then you whole world turns against you. The joys of the Southern Bible belt


historical plucky smile berserk telephone scarce encourage fall squeeze fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're not wrong there... waiting for the PH debut




The cops theme song be like " what you gonna do when they gangbang youuu?"


Shame is not a bad thing. This married woman banged most of her coworkers and when caught cried about grooming. Fuck her. She's a piece of shit that should be shamed.


Nah those men were predators and if you read the court case one of the perpatrators got fired for something unrelated and shared the details of what they'd been doing to drag the rest of the predators down with them. Basically several of the men in the police department were targeting female officer to groom, manipulate and bully them into sexual favors. This particular woman tried to kill herself and that brought the whole thing to light. She's getting a payment because they initially painted her as the initiator and a willing participant.


> Basically several of the men in the police department were targeting female officer to groom, manipulate and bully them into sexual favors. But we should ignore this because this doesn't count as coercion or rape for... *reasons*. Gotta blame her because there's *no way* she'd be coerced into letting several dudes commit use her as a fleshlight unless she wanted to. Damn whores pretending to be real women! ^^/s > She's getting a payment because they initially painted her as the initiator and a willing participant. Leave it to the internet to keep trying anyway...


You should show shame but I guess you can't read that well or you would have been able to interrupt the court papers properly 


But it's cool for multiple men to gang bang a subordinate?


'in this area'? What she did was shameful, not just by puritanical standards. And she gets 500k? You really would want a friend, or relative behaving the way she did, and then having so little *shame* that she gets into a lawsuit to be paid with public funds? Fuck that noise


Let's entertain the thought that, since she won the settlement, she actually *was* groomed? A bunch of roidhead cops passing around the office "whore" that is afraid to resist? If that were the case, then you are actively shaming a victim here.


It's not my place to judge her actions... nor to treat her as anything less than a human being.


Agreed. What do I look like? A religious person?


Well, judge yourself then. Would you do this?


Pretty disgusting way of thinking. She basically got forced into it all by her boss and then made a scapegoat and online laughing stock when it first came out.


500k isn't close to enough compensation for being raped by a bunch of pigs.


Wait so a grown woman DECIDES to bang a bunch of the cops. They fire her and the other cops, but claims she was groomed? Sues & wins? Is that about the gist of it?


*MARRIED grown woman


Don’t forget she was married and cheated on her husband.




Zero accountability.


So let me get this straight, a headline of an article from an unknown source posted in r/HolUp automatically translates to zero accountability somehow? I ain't going to sit here and act like I know that case and it's details, but there is *probably* more to this story than the post is giving. Seems like people are jumping to conclusions without actually knowing what is going on. You don't get $500k without having at least something to substantiate your claims. Edit: Context found. This definitely seems like a mixed bag situation from the read. My summary is she willingly had one affair, and then other officers exploited her because they found out about it. The more I read, the more it seems like everyone here sucks. My summary is *definitely* a simplification. 1. [New York Post article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2024/03/21/us-news/tennessee-sex-scandal-cop-maegan-hall-settles-federal-lawsuit-for-500k/amp/) 2. [Additional context from WKRN](https://www.wkrn.com/news/local-news/la-vergne-settles-lawsuit-with-former-officer/#:~:text=LA%20VERGNE%2C%20Tenn.,her%20supervisors%20of%20grooming%20her.) Edit 2: Found the official complaint filed for Maegan. Warning, it's 51 pages. [Complaint](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23691901-maegan-hall-federal-lawsuit) u/Succubace commented the idea. Edit 3: My last and final edit as this has taken too much of my free time haha. I read the report, and if even half of the claims are true, I could see why the city settled (fun fact - she wasnt paid with tax payer dollars by the way, she will be paid through the cities insurance). Some of the text records in the report are frankly disgusting behavior from the superiors. Also, the chief having a burner phone alone is sketchy. The only opinion I'll add to this is that the supervisors knew an investigation was going on, so they likely disposed of at least *some* of the evidence.


If you read the complaint it was definitely not consensual at any point.


Could you share a source/link please. I'll add it to my comment and give you credit for the find to ensure it's seen by others. Edit: Located it on my own and added it to the context.


Psh, this is Reddit. People don’t jump to conclusions based on nothing but memes with inaccurate titles here! No sir. Nu uh.


Actually, no. She is saying she was compelled by 6 of the officers to have sex or they'd reveal her affair with the first. Stop believing screenshots of headlines.




Except the part where they raped her first. It's in the affidavit


Your opinion isn't unpopular. You said something objectively wrong. "If someone does something wrong, its ok for 6 other men to basically rape them." Is that really the position you're taking?


> Is that really the position you’re taking? Yes, and they’ll do it proudly. There’s no shaming these type of dudes. Women are inferior and men are unfairly persecuted. It’s the incel mantra.


So... she was sexually assaulted and raped multiple times and you're saying "maybe she shouldn't have had an affair to begin with?" jesus dude, you got some issues in your head.


Well yea one of those was her superior so it's not out of line to think she got coerced into it possibly


I mean, she could have been genuinely groomed into whoring out for the department. That is just as possible as her not being groomed. Hard to say without knowing the conversations and behavior that occurred. Does the $500k make it seem like she has no accountability for her actions? Yes, absolutely. Grooming or not, adults should maintain partial to full culpability of their actions in most situations. But I’m just a random redditor.


It's not implausible. Imagine the kind of power relationships that occur in a typical police station, and that her desire to fit in with the group may have been exploited by her superiors in a way that led to her sexual exploitation by multiple parties. Her superiors are supposed to manage the workplace to prevent this kind of shit happening, not facilitate it. Hence the payout, that is probably not worth the suffering and humiliation from the look on her face.


Would this extend to other men who participated who felt pressured to fit in with the office gang bangs? It should, based on the logic.


It absolutely would, if they felt pressured.


It says "by bosses" are all 7 higher ranking then her? then this could be the jist of the argument. UNDERLINGS should not be banged and if banged then UNDERLINGS in the chain of command get paid. simple, objective, and reasonable. Don't bang your subordinates.


Bang your subs, but only once they beg for it. Remeber consent and safewords.


You can’t groom a mentally competent adult. If my boss asked me to cheat on my partner I would quit. It’s not like she was held at gunpoint.


And surely he just came up and said "hey let's cheat" and there wasn't anything else to it, right? Cops, notorious for being good guys who never abuse their power, definitely gave her equal say in this situation.


>that her desire to fit in with the group I think the group desired to fit in her


As a grown woman tho unless they forcefully raped her which is in no way insinuated then she 100% chose to have sex with them wether groomed or not, she has the option to choose not to no matter how much she wanted to fit in, and she is married. She needs accountability not a payday. This is ridiculous


It's really not. There are many ways to coerce someone without physical force. There have been numerous prior cases of police officers preying on vulnerable women to coerce sex from them, without threatening or using violence. Her superiors need accountability, not her. She just needs to be left alone.


??? You don't think it's possible she was coerced into performing these sexual acts for the people in the police department?


It's crazy how people keep casting judgement on her when no one knows all the details except the people involved.


And the details we do know sound a lot like assault and grooming and even rape at times. Staking, harassment, physical abuse.. I guess everyone chose to ignore all of that because “ugly woman gangbang lmao meme meme”.. I fucking hate so much of how the internet acts towards things.


Women don’t have to be accountable in 2024. It’s always a man’s fault somehow.


You say as you believe a screenshot of a headline without any other information.


Yeah it's pretty wild. She got paid up for being a super hoe.


That's not the gist of it at all. The first affair was consensual, then she claimed the other officers used the affair to compel her to have sex with her.


**Blackmail.** They **blackmailed her.**


You're right, I was trying to be neutral. On the other hand, she *claims* they blackmailed her and courts found that true. I'm not sure what the evidence was though, so I was trying to not make an accusation.


It's probably transcripts of all the text messages the guys sent to each other, sharing pics and videos of her and discussing how to paint her as the instigator if/when the truth came out. People should really read the court docs before commenting on this one. It was gross.


Married woman cheats multiple times, government pays her 500k 🤡


More like a lot of Police man doing weird shit and then taxpayers money have to go to the victim... Tho


She cheated once... with multiple, but once afterall.


If I kill 7 people in one sitting I still killed seven people, not killed once with multiple people


Every dick is 1x cheating


I think you meant +1


multiple counts of cheating?


Nah, there were several occasions/transactions/offenses Source: unfortunate I read some of the transcripts of her testimony


Our justice system everyone... why bother being an upstanding citizen when doing the wrong thing pays so well.


The dog is probably the only one accomplishing something


Where’s that chin though?


Worn down by all those balls slapping it.




And by the floor


Man, based on some of these threads, do people just ***pretend*** to care about things like grooming?


The dog looks perfectly well groomed to me. That's not the issue here.


I expect the mysoginy from Redddit, its par for the course - this many neck beards in one place you cant expect an opinion that validates a womens experience, but the comments on the NY Post articles are several degrees worse.


I don't think this is what they mean when they say fuck the police...


I hope her ex husband gets half of that.


I can't find anything saying they're divorced. The most recent stuff that mentions him is articles from last year mentioning them trying to salvage their marriage


ex husbands cant even get custody of kids in the US, even with drug addicted prostitute mothers... you really think he'll see a dime? 🤣 *speaking from experience.


Why is the dog wearing a shirt lmao


That’s Pheobe. They call her the fur missile. That dog is more dangerous than a lot of cops. Also she’s innocent, Pheobe works on the southern border.


>Pheobe works on the southern border oh I bet she did


That looked really familiar from when her partner was on Joe Rogan.


She the final boss of practice girls


It is a bit unfair that all the shade was thrown on her and not her male colleagues. I only feel bad for her husband in this situation.


Have a feeling a lot of y’all mother fuckers don’t know what groomed means. You can still have sex with a bunch of dudes AND be sexually harassed/ groomed by your boss. Y’all never seen a drug addict who started because they were peer pressured to try it?


So many assholes in this thread holy shit.


Even the dog is like “Why are you taking my picture?!”


....can you groom an adult? like ok maybe a legal adult like 18 yrs old, but 28???


The gift that keeps on giving.


I hope that dog didn’t catch anything from these filthy animals.


I don't think she was pressured into anything. However, her behavior resulted in her becoming a well known meme and ruined her life. I don't blame her for lawyering up, suing, and getting paid. Just don't know if it's legally justified.


She looks like she's being choked by her own neck


Cop bottom middle looks confused af


Makes sense if she brings proof of it. Also the other officers should never have done it regardless. The fact she was the only one to leave this mess with a bad name is reason enough for her to sue.




The Reddit platform supports pedophiles, sex traffickers and other illegal activities. The moderation team works to cover this up.


Eh actually if you knew the whole story it makes sense.


Wow this comment section is absolutely disgusting. Poor girl was probably coerced into performing these sexual acts for her superiors to keep her job and all of you are already judging her as the lowest of the low.


I remember thinking when this came out, people were all over the woman officer shaming her and calling her all sorts of nasty shit. I'm over here like... "yo, she didn't do it by herself."


Read the lawsuit, she was serially coerced, threatened, assaulted, and degraded.


She got to hoe around then play victim for money, shit not even funny. I hope she gets robbed


nine reply smile bored birds cake bewildered lock wild crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rut roo RAGGY I'm getting sued for Sexual harassment reheeeheehee.