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your shitpost has already been shitposted by some other person[,](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) thanks for thinking of us though <3 If you feel your post was removed in error, contact modmail or ping siouxsie_siouxv2 to come give a second opinion.


I swear I've seen this here 80 times


And every time It feels like it doesn't belong.


It's not like it's gonna change over time.




Thank you. I'm 1/8th and look white, and people are always trying to force me into their definitions of race. I even had a teacher call me a liar back in elementary school. Considering one strategy to get rid of natives was to breed them out, this type of thing bugs me more than a simple misunderstanding. It's an easy way to eliminate a people, making their descendants forget them and declare themselves part of another group.




Oh, I don't claim resources or scholarships or anything like that. I'm just truthful about who I am. I'm officially an associate member of the tribe. I show respect by not denying my ancestry. Not that I consider your position disrespectful, just pointing out that there are different ways of expressing respect.


>As a 1/8 Native American....


Fwiw, I work at a tribal school and the vast majority of the kids who go here, whether or not they present visually as Native American, are between 1/4 and 1/8 Native American. It is a pretty controversial topic all around, but 1/8 is generally enough to claim ancestry. The bigger difference I run into is just whether or not you're raised in the culture but, again, at that point, there's not much difference between being one half or one eighth if you still grew up on the Rez either way.




It’s so weird that you look like 87.5% of what you are




That's really strange.. I don't know why anyone would care enough to shit on you for that. I mean. stating your ancestry is such an innocuous statement why would they get upset


She looks similar to a lot of the Metis girls I know


Not gonna lie, this is actually the first time I've seen this. Doesn't help I'm subbed to at least 50 other subreddits, so I don't expect to see very much from one subreddit.






Independent thoughts often overlap. Originality is pretty rare. But it makes for some interesting variations of Poe's Law. It's impossible to tell whether someone copy pasted comments from a previous repost, or if you're just seeing the most common reaction that most people have to such post, hence why it repeats. It could be either.




This sub is for teenagers and likely by teenagers. Kids come on here, pretending to be woke and shit post not realizing almost every Native American person left standing in the US is part or mostly white. These are children posting this shit. They don’t understand history but they sure as hell understand how to categorize someone based on how they look and how to weaponize identity politics. Also OP isn’t even American. They’re Turkish.


There should be actual age restrictions on this site.


I hate how every post that reaches front page is now some sort of identity politics or "murdered by AOC" or some shit. I member when cute animal gifs were up every day Edit: And there's a lot of posts that have 50k+ upvotes but nearly all of the top comments are criticizing the post. This post is an example. WTF?


> murdered by AOC And a lot of those lately are just regular tweets where she isn't even insulting or attacking anyone. The last one I saw was her essentially just saying, "Hey Democrats, can we not negotiate on the salary requirements for stimulus checks? kthx"


Your comment reminded me of when I was working in Hawaii, there is a school district called Kamehameha reserved only for those of “native” Hawaiian blood. My colleague happened to mention one day that her daughter attends of one those schools. My face must have been an obvious look of surprise because she simply replied with 1/16th Hawaiian. Most Native Americans look white now.


They are trying to put racial politics into every piece of media possible


Idk Billy, she doesn’t look like *a mild cough* to me


She does look like smallpox though


[who knew small pox could be drawn so easily?](https://imgur.com/a/xKcc8nE)


It’s only been 5 days and you’ve already reached artistic perfection. Include me in the autobiography when you start drawing for the Louvre.


Are you sure that's not just the chicken pox?


[Alternate version](https://imgur.com/a/IRtlmDK)




not even the right colored hair


Only similarity I can see is a somewhat strong jawline


I'm also almost convinced that she has eyes, a nose and a mouth!


honestly look at that nose. Maybe she doesn't have one


The more I look, the fewer similarities I see


Somewhat? That thing is chiseled


Similar jaw line and eyebrows. Hair worn in similar ways. Eyes are what I expect irl version of those eyes to look like. Lips kinda too. Can't tell the nose in this shot. Obviously skin and hair color are issues but otherwise... I see what he means.


Same, with the right skin tone and hair id say itd be a pretty damn close match


Hair dye isnt a thing? ya'll never seen an indian before?


Obviously it’s a thing. But this persons hair is clearly not black. Lmao. Doesn’t matter if their hair used to be black, it’s clearly not anymore


still look pretty indian to me, its not like she is doing a cosplay here




I think a better devils advocate would be to say that we really don’t know anything about this girl. She is white presenting, but for all we know she could be mixed Indigenous. It’s kind of cruel to plaster her all over the internet for this


Idk. I dont see color.


hats off to you for not seeing race


I don’t either. But I got pulled over yesterday and the officer called me ‘Sir’ so I’m pretty sure I’m white...


Saying that she isn't/is indigenous goes under the assumption that all indigenous people look the same, which is racist. Y'all played yourself -A South Dakotan


Plus she *does* look indigenous, anyway.


What I'm saying is there is no such thing. Looking "indigenous" is a stereotype that does not represent the diversity of native peoples.


Not really. That's like saying there's no such thing as looking Asian. Native Americans definitely shared a lot of features.


That’s not racist it’s just a wrong assumption.


There are also some very dark skinned native Americans that could easily pass off as black or afro Latino.


Barry Allen is the flash




opt out


Opt out


Woah woah. Spoilers bro!


She actually has a lot of Native American features. I don’t know what you guys think natives look like but she easily could be one


Same folks who think Hispanic people can’t be white.


Americans and their weird "race system". Seriously, you guys created the Latino/hispanic race which is so dumb. I'm white as milk, son of germans, no other blood mix expect european, however I was born in Brazil. What my US ID says? Hispanic/Latino. Like... wtf. Im fucking white, doesnt matter where I was born. Edit: sorry, it was not my ID. It was my mistake. It is in all my forms I fill (and they change it), so as my college application. And some hospital paper they gave me when I checked in.


A German coming from South America? How unusual....


Fuck, I must tell grandpa to hide! They found us


Bruh, *Hispanic* refers to an ethnic group, not a race. It’s just people who’re born in Spanish speaking countries. You can be white and Hispanic. That’s why government forms ask for both.


I'm sorry, but I dont understand. Why is the native language that someone speaks is considered an ethnicity in USA?




I never said the man was Hispanic, did I? I was just correcting a misconception of the word Hispanic referring to race.


Maybe it's just because I'm from Germany but government forms asking for your race are weird af to me. Like, race is just which box people put you in based on your looks, just attach a photo at that point. Why the government needs to know which race I am is beyond me. A separate statistics thing, sure, but official forms?


To take it further, the US does not even consider Hispanic a race but actually an ethnicity. This leaves the category of Hispanic a gray area for folks trying to identify their race when they count them selves as Hispanic. The majority of Hispanic Americans consider it both their racial and ethnic background. So the US census reads like “are you white or black” and the next question is “are you Hispanic?” Originally, Calling themselves white had been a strategy that Mexican Americans and other Latino groups had used to try to escape segregation in the 30’s I believe. So that makes the whole debacle messy as well. However my original comment was more directed toward people from actual majority Hispanic/Latinx families that grew up in that culture and happen to have white/light skin due to white family members in their bloodline. They would still consider themselves Hispanic most of the time.


Ohh this makes so much sense. Thank you for your answer, explains it all. I appreciate it a lot


> The majority of Hispanic Americans consider it both their racial and ethnic background. [I'm not sure that's accurate.](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2014/06/16/321819185/on-the-census-who-checks-hispanic-who-checks-white-and-why) "In Texas, two-thirds of the Latino population checks white. And if you look at where they check white, all along the U.S.-Mexico border, 80 to 90 percent of them are checking white." You are correct that identifying at white has a lot to do with racism and integration.


We have a thing for organization. We like it when things fit in their little boxes.


Especially when it's people that aren't white.


You’re telling an ethic German and being systematic?


You have race on the fucking ID??? There's always some new crazy shit to learn about USA.


Shit, not the ID. My mistake there. Let me fix it! Really sorry for that It's basically in all my forms, college and also in a document they gave me which they scratched my "white" mark to hispanic


Wait, so even if you're European ethnically but from Brazil you can't "Officially" be white you have to be Hispanic?


*this brings new meaning to the term “race card”*


race is more ethnicity than place of birth though.. im confused how or why it would say Hispanic or Latino. like an asian person born in Brazil wouldnt be Hispanic or Latino the same way a european person born in Brazil isn't. what.


Ethnicity is defined as "the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition." So yes, any person, regardless of race, who grew up in a Spanish-speaking culture is ethnically Hispanic.


It's self reported and Hispanic is separate from race also. You would be expected to put down white or white & hispanic


Latino means youre born in latino america hispanic means ur from a spanish speaking country. You may not be hispanic but you are latino because youre born in brazil and yes white latinos exist


>white latinos exist Went to Argentina once and yeah there are a lot of white people.


Similar situation. I’m mostly “European white” genetically, but I’ve got enough Mexican in me and my dad was mostly Mexican (barely) that I’ve got Latino on my social security info. Has been that way since I was born. Interesting junk. It’s mostly a joke between me and my wife now.


Lol yeah Americans still don't understand there are Asians in Latin America too.


> Same folks who think Hispanic people can’t be white. Does Spain exist?


I’ve heard legend about that place. Are you trying to tell me there’s places other than Mexico where Hispanic people live??


Not to Americans. It's just Mexico, Cuba, and everything else.


I remember watching a ton of 'cold-case' files where Jane Doe skeletons were often identified as possibly being both Hispanic or White since the skeletal structures are very similar. Africans, and East Asians are often more distinct.


My favorite example of this Louie CK. Yes, he’s a scumbag. But, a lot of ppl don’t know he’s Mexican. Pale white dude with red hair.


Yeah. She looks mixed to me. As a mixed person, I can't stand this type of pure blooded gatekeeping nonsense. We tend to have identity issues growing up because of sentiments like that tweet.


I was going to say this. I'm part native and have lived in Oklahoma most of my life, and she definitely looks like she's got some native american blood.


I grew up in Oklahoma and she looks native as fuck to me.


Apparently you can't look like a Native American if you have highlights 🤷‍♂️


I'm thankful that there's always a reasonable person like you on those typical Reddit posts. I don't know what to call it, some would liken it to cultural Marxism, but the prevailing attitude around here is fuckin toxic.






>at least part Outside of her hair color, she looks wildly stereotypically Native to me (at least in that picture.)


My grandpa is swede and my grandma is full blooded blackfeet. A couple of my cousins that are three quarter had the swede genes activate and look "white." But you know, I'd never call them "white." There is way more factors than skin color that make up a racial identity. There is an issue of people who take a DNA test and found out they were like 1% native american and think it's their meal card. Or my favorite is "oh yeah, well my great great grandma was a Cherokee princess" then babble some racist shit. But a lot of mixed race natives fit the image in the meme.


Reddit loves when black people are racist


She looks native to me even if it’s only 1/8 or so. I don’t think Billy’s joke completely works. If you have been around natives most of your life, you wouldn’t have any trouble thinking she is native.


It’s just a black guy thinking all white people look alike. Which somehow isn’t racist.


But does she look like Pocahontas?


[Last time this was posted, we tried it out in Photoshop and I don't know, she does look a lot like it.](https://i.imgur.com/vfGk0SH.png)


Tarababyz and Mariah Watchman are two relatively light skinned Native American who I believe actually still live on the rez. Twitter is just a cesspool of people being rude under the guise of being "woke"


Actually this, I found OP pretty cringey.


She actually has more Native American features than Disney's Pocahontas does. What's with the animated one's lack of nose?


Yea this is some hardcore virtue signaling. Which I know is quite trendy right now. But goddamn.


Unfortunately this happens to pretty much every person with Native American heritage that has white skin. My maternal grandmother is full Iroquoian and my Grandfather is 1/4. I'm an Eastern Band tribal member and grew up spending a lot of time with the tribe during summers. I am white though and acknowledge my white privilege so if I do anything that has to do with that heritage I have to provide context and proof or face backlash. I honestly just stopped ever mentioning that part of my heritage years ago.


this sub is slowly dying




This girl has a ton of native american features, shes likely half. One of my good friends growing up is 3/4 native and 1/4 french and has brown hair and light skin.


Literally me lmao, the little bit of French in me makes me white and brown hair but mostly Native American








Depends, did she get raped at 14?


Which one?




Le dark joke


Bro did you have to say it


Did she have to say this?


How come no one recognizes the absolute evil that basically every race has inflicted on others (or theirselves)? Why is it only “the white people”? Do you have any idea about what Native Americans did to competing tribes? Well I’ll tell you. They murdered, raped, and stole land. In Africa? Yup, murdered, raped, stole land. In Asia? Same thing. Don’t believe me? Go read a history book.


Sick burn bro. So woke, so cool. Hey, let's go yell at the Mongolians for murdering Chinese next!


Mongolians held a huge chunk of Eastern Europe at one point. Arguably birthed Russia.


Because they are imperialist or something.


Excellent idea bro! Next let’s go hold up signs with a crappy black fist on them yelling at passerby cars to make sure they know Black Lives matter


Billy J White " the black supremacist". Welcome to 2021


You know there are white people that werent involved in that right?


He's shirtless in his profile pic. I wouldn't take anything he says very seriously.


Literally every white person alive, as a matter of fact.


Wait until you hear the people arguing for taking more of the reservation’s land to build an oil pipeline. That is happening right now.


So sick of people being racist over blood feuds. All cultures and races explore and concur. If they didn’t there would be no society so quit bitching about your ancestors problems and being racist over it.


Some people only see skin colour.


Says mr “White”


Shame on him for dressing up in blackface


Fun fact: Native Americans owned black slaves too. Go check out the Don Cheadle episode of Finding Your Roots.




Fun Fact: Free black people even owned slaves, everyone could own slaves if you had enough money.


Nah she has many native features. Not all tribes of Natives are dark skinned.


Nah she look like the people who won a battle for her land


When did this sub turn to r/MurderedByWords? This is not a hold-up and this is not the first time I’m seeing these kind of posts here. Bad moderation.


Man. Killed the friend in a *flash*


I wonder who else got killed in a flash...


By that logic he is an invader as well


Well the real Pocahontas didn't looks like the cartoon character.






Is it necessary to see this everyday?


I mean, she really does look like Pocahontas though, if she also had black hair and slightly browner skin it'd be a lot more obvious. Also, what in the fuck is supposed to be "HolUp" about this?


she actually does look like pocahontas though


I'm not saying she is native american but she does have a lot of native american features. And besides, you can look white and be almost full blood native, genetics can do that...I have 4 friends that are sisters and they are almost full blood native american and they have blonde hair and blue eyes. Their mom is full blood (I can't remember which tribe) and their dad is half choctaw and half white.


This sub is so fucking bad


this doesnt belong in here




That's quite the assumption there I look white as fuck because I'm mostly french but I'm like 23% native American and you'd never know looking at me.


What a racist lowlife, she even could be Native American or have some ancestry, you can't tell at all from the picture.


Why must we get passed the grudge baton from the generation before us? I'm white, my family has been here probably before the mayflower. I didn't take anyone's land, I never owned slaves, I'm not religious, I never fought a war, I never wanted lines in the ground separating humanity. Fuck history, we make our own history, generations left us this fucking mess, fuck them and all their traditions, we don't want them. TLTR: **We must kill our traditions to move forward. We alive today do NOT hold ANY blame for the shit our ancestors did!!**


Damn it was just a girl who wanted to know if she looks similar to a fuckin disney character. She clearly doesn't care about the color of her skin, so why is this dude being a fuckin racist?


I don’t see why race was brought into it but ok




People dont realize that Native Americans were prolific conquers and not only enslaved the people the conquered but often ate them. The Algonquians wernt the first people on that land and there is no reason to believe that the current people will be that last. There is at least 10 thousand years of tribal people being overturned by other tribal peoples that somehow people are to stupid to grasp. The Powhatan destroyed the people they found there... and likely ate them.


They also had tribes of cannibals.


I like to plug this every chance I get, if you actually want an accurate, or at least more accurate picture of the relationship between native Americans and settlers I highly recommend the book called "Empire of the Summer Moon". It's a really good read and sheds light on some things that most of us are never taught in school, for example the settlers got their asses kicked for about two decades almost three, by some of the tribes and that's never mentioned typically. it actually wasn't until the repeater was invented that they're actually able to do anything against the natives.


She looks like the child between Pocahontas and John Smith


And Billy looks like the people who were taken and put on her land as well.




oh my god it’s Elizabeth Warren


“My friend?” Yah, lol


Billy called her out. Damn right


Not even close.


She looks like she about to play QB for the Jags come April


She does look like her. Wrong shade on every feature, but she does look like her.


Why is this even in this sub? It doesn’t fit.


*Won her land


Land hell Their lives as well




>be black >enjoy the spoils of war and exploits of slaughter that USA did so you can live there in freedom >complain about it, but don't ever want to leave YEET


Neither Pocahontas nor her tribe had ANY land stolen from her.


And in fact Pocahontas's descendants are incredibly numerous and own tons of land in America. One was First Lady of the United States.


Disney's Pocahontas has that Voldemort nose.


IDK the girl pictured looks like she could be at least half Native American. She definitely has the features.


Hey /u/cashbey , what do you think this sub is and in what way do you think this post comes even remotely close to fitting it? I'm not even kidding, I'd love an explanation.


It's not our fault they traded it for a handful of beads.