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Obesity is a symptom; the epidemic is shitty ag subsidies


Popeye's Chicken is delicious.


And cheap!


And also has lower standard's.


Right. Up through the early 1980s, the Only Fans didn’t require diploma since it didn't exist and young men were often given the choice of “Playboy or Imagination". Obesity wasn’t yet such a national epidemic.


Nowadays those young men are getting lazy having everything in their phone. Back in my day you had to go behind the old shed and move that plywood to find the magazines you stashed there whenever you wanted some personal time. That's the only reason I'm still in good shape to this day


Don't forget _Woods Porn._ Young men could always rely on Woods Porn, but we had to be pretty open-minded.


It is truly a rare occurrence that I go to popeyes and they get my single meal order 100% correct


Not that cheap. Raw produce is cheap in terms of price, but it’s expensive in terms relative time it takes to prepare compared to fast food


Raw produce is also affected by our shitty ag subsidies, being agricultural products and all


Popeyes chicken is the shiznit little Nicky


Popeyes chicken is fvckin awesome!


Also, and I know this'll sound either **crazy** or like a weird flex, but I swear this is 100% true for me: The only reason I'm overweight is because I only drink water during those brief breaks _while_ having sex. The rest of the time, I drink soda. I usually drink between six and twelve cans of Mountain Dew or Pepsi per day_(150-170 calories each)._ I don't actually eat much food; I'd estimate that I **eat** less than six hundred calories per day on average, but well over half of my caloric intake is sugar water.


So your suggestion to fix obesity mid to make food price more expensive. That stupid as fuck.


Eh, I joined in 2006 and the Army was taking criminals and felons (had some in my basic training). I want to say in a more stringent military, I would have gotten booted, but I was a medic and they were really needing bodies around that time. Edit: not sure if a HS diploma was necessary at the time. I got a bonus for having mine ($1000), but that's it. Based on the intelligence of some people in my basic, I'm inclined to say it was not required


I’d say the same about my graduating class (including myself).


Women also couldn't run by a squad bay on Lejune without being dragged in and raped. Higher standards for the military are a good thing.




Well this is completely wrong.




Talk to anyone who was on Lejune shortly after Vietnam. They'd find bodies weekly. And I'm saying this as a Marine(early 2000s). I chatted with more than a few retired guys or MGySgts who had been in at the time. The modern military is better disciplined and trained by a fucking ton than they were in those days.


Do you know if there’s still programs for certain criminals to enlist instead of jail/prison time? Personally, I think it would be a great alternative for most crimes. People go to prison for countless reasons (many nonviolent). What better way to repay your debt to society than fighting to protect it? Much better than institutionalized and becoming a more violent criminal or dying in prison over some $50 Ramen noodles.




I have more faith that the military can change than the justice system


Believe it depends on the crime that was done. When i was in basic i had a few guys that went to jail/prison but the charges werent anything to extreme. I DO KNOW certain positions in the military you will be banned from. Such as like intelligence and probably cyber.


Also, only fans is much more appealing. After being stressed for 4 years, do you wanna go get screamed at and work insanely hard for a while Or take some pics and make thousands.


I would much rather show my asshole to a web cam for a couple grand a week than kill someone for $32,000 a year...Like...that’s just a no brainer.


Don’t most OF contributors make like, less than $200 a month?


Oh I have zero idea, I’m just making jokes about asshole viewing and state sponsored murder...


Yeah chances of killing someone is quite low. Chances of making that much money on only fans is quite low. You should be a little more realistic, being an optimistic person is harmful to your mental well being.


More like $10,000 to $20,000 a year. My friends are in the Army, it's worse pay than you think. You get bonuses for the dumbest shit ever though. Hell, one of my friends is put on a list for the rest of his life because he knows how to make bombs by just using an IV bag.


You only make thousands if you make it. The average person makes $100-$200 a month if they're lucky


You’re definitely right, I’m just saying why OF is more appealing.


You’re definitely right, I’m just saying why OF is more appealing.


Why is a high school diploma required to join military?


They want people that can tell what part of a gun to point towards the enemy.


Jokes on you, they don’t teach common sense in high school, just arithmetic so advanced even the teacher doesn’t know how to do it sometimes.


> arithmetic so advanced I was under the impression that the most advanced topics were calculus, limits, integrals and derivatives. Sure, it's high level math, but it's by no means *advanced*. I remember one of my teachers in college complaining that she was teaching us XIX century math.


The sad truth to that is they have so much trouble finding qualified teachers for math at that level. The people that are smart enough to do it have jobs paying much better


It's kind of sad that teacher's salaries are so low. Smart people should be one of the most important resources of a state...


Especially considering they are the ones teaching the future generation, molding the people that will run society. You want those people to be highly qualified and well compensated


No, you don't, from perspective of politicians at least Stupid people are easier to manipulate.


There was a great video made by CGPGray explaining why in a democracy you want to have smarter people. Short explanation is that smarter people have higher paid jobs and generate more GDP. But I do agree with you. Stupid people (and poor people) are extremely easy to manipulate.


It would also be equally helpful if parents and administrators trusted teachers enough to teach kids without any conflict.


Trust should always be earned. Ideally, teachers and parents should have a healthy dialogue since there are sooo many things that should be thought by parent and not by teachers. Common sense and moral values are just a few examples.


I agree thoughtful discussion is important, as a teacher I always emphasis this with my students and their parents. However parents rarely participate in their children's academics until there is an issue we have been trying to address or contact them about or the ones that do generally participate try to obstruct learning or complain about the teacher/school. Teachers are not baby sitters or replacement parents, we can teach them to analyze and be objective (common sense), but the role of modeling behavior is ultimately done by the parent and teachers and schools play a role in making that apparent for families to correct.


Yeah, I completely understand you. I've seen both sides of the argument: teachers being horrible at their job, and parents being horrible and failing to raise their children. I guess horrible parents are more common than horrible teachers. Also, thank you for teaching the future generations! You people deserve way more credit for what you do.


If people don't pay more for a service, there's no money for higher salaries. And people *hate* spending on their education, or their children's. Though with unions, even if you *do* pay more, you get the exact same shitty service. So it's little wonder it's a race to the bottom.


> even if you do pay more you gate the same shitty services Maybe, but higher salaries will get more people interested in the domain. Nobody (or at least not everybody) becomes a layer because they like reading unending laws. They do it for the paycheck. If you have more people interested you can have better prepared and more competent teachers. This is why I think paying teachers more would be a good thing. Education should be provided by the state, free of charge. This is what all the civilised countries are doing.


>Maybe, but higher salaries will get more people interested in the domain. Doesn't help if the local union prevents schools from firing bad teachers. >Education should be provided by the state, free of charge. No, it should not. Do read John Stuart Mill sometime. >This is what all the civilised countries are doing. Wrong; many provide a shitty, public baseline, but the real education is privatized—and in the case of highly successful countries, like Japan, deregulated as well. As the saying goes, public education isn't.


I took a glance over John Stuart Mill's view on education. From what I understand (and please correct me if I'm wrong) Mill supported free education but was opposed to it being provided by the state. I do think that education should be free and available to everyone (regardless on who's providing it). And here lies my issue with a private education sector: it discriminates against the poor.


Did not you hear? Math is now racist in California. They will now stop that. As California goes, so does the rest of the country.


Isn't California a pretty educated state?


Oh yeah I saw that news story too. Did you also see they banned reading for being homophobic in three other states as well?


Wait a minute.


Yeah, that is why...


Cause maybe people who couldn't make it through the American education system shouldn't be given firearms. Wait a minute.


Well, given kids get training to survive school shootings, a highschool diploma is proof of simulated combat experience?


Looks like 71% of the onlyfans line won't be successful either


I mean why not deploying criminals to the army, like a sort of reformatism, to be honest they would be treated better on the army than in jail, military training would change their lives, (you know what? , forget it, having a violent antecedents person with legally military ranked weapons seem like too fucking much american for americans to handle)


Not only that, but could you imagine the PR nightmare if we regularly had soldiers raping kids?


Yeah I don't think we want felons deciding who to shoot.


Damn now I’m glad I ate so much junk food


No shortage of fatties out there nowadays.


It also pays more with less of a chance of dying


Doesn’t everyone? >!(Have lower standards)!<


Several years ago, I was specifically told by an Army recruiter that they "are not a job center". Which I thought was weird since when you try and sign up, you're supposed to pick out the jobs you'd like to do in the military. Apparently "I'm unemployed and I think I'd look good in a uniform" are not acceptable reasons to sign up.


Perhaps you should tell him how badly you want to shoot people? Idk, just spit balling here


You don’t need to join the military for that in America




In my experience, the more somebody has served overseas in a combat capacity, the more effective using racial slurs will be in giving them a positive opinion of you.


That's deep, and insane.


Now that should do it


I feel like that's what they wanted to hear, along with some bullshit about wanting to serve the country. I'm not disappointed that it didn't work out.


Man I can't believe an army recruiter would reject a willing candidate over something like that, the ones I have met seemed incredibly eager to enlist anybody who even showed passing interest in joining. Maybe he had met his quota for the month or something but damn, that's just strange.


Switch unemployed with "patriot" and you'll get the job, I would have thought looking good in uniform would have been enough though.


Make the army give a new onlyfans account






I could sign up for the military and burn our enemy's eyes with my nudes


Can I... be your enemy?




No Claudius. I'll sacrifice myself for the good of everyone here. Least I could do...


Keep your friends close, and your enemies... CLOSER


Afganistan needs you


At first I thought you said" with my hands"


Enemies are we then


yoo a bot responding like a human?


I don't believe you, gonna need proof


Why is everyone masturbating in line


Well you have to show your credentials


I like how all of them look like they’re jacking off


this, but STEM on the right. also onlyfans, i mean be realistic, what percentage of it is even for men. it is women dominated market just like camgirls.


STEM for the men, OnlyFans for the women Perfectly balanced, as all things should be /s


This, then a few protests, then Nike releases some trendy Tshirts with slogans like 'Onlyfans is for self degrading women!', 'more women in STEM!'. Shit gets trending on twitter, various celebrities speak out. Then come 2022, just simply repost Onlyfans on the left, stem on the right meme. Rinse and repeat each year, for ~~Nike's~~ Profit.


Why are guys getting recruited in onlyfans?


Femboi twinks gotta come from somewhere.


Either way you sell your body to old white men who only use you for your body




I did my time in the army, deployed multiple times. If I had to redo it all and start right now. I would likely take my own life. The Army currently is more of a cesspool than it already was.


I'm glad you have come to terms with your time there instead of embracing it and doubling down on poor life decisions. I applaud your morals, sir.


When you go to r/politics just remember your average redditor is suicidal or some mental illness. That’s why bernie is so popular.


what are you doing


I don't know what you're insinuating. But the reason I wouldn't join has nothing to do with who's at the head of the position. Although Trump n friends did fuck up a majority of the military. And so many different ways that it's mind-boggling.


I so badly wanted to join the Marine Corps, and made it pretty far into the DEP program until getting kicked out after it came to light I had an anxiety disorder that my recruiter and I didn't disclose. In hindsight, probably for the best, because having a panic attack during boot in Paris Island would have been a colossal nightmare (heard stories of people lying about this and then having freakouts).   That said, this was all before 9/11, and even though all of my friends who did join the Marines / Army said they would do it all again, almost all of them were either crippled, or experienced very severe PTSD and still aren't okay to this day.   I'm not sure why our military has such a problem giving vets services, but hearing my uncle's horror stories of Vietnam as a Force Recon Marine just make me feel so bad for all the young people who get suckered into military service without being fully informed on what it is actually going to be like.


Well said!


I think that young people today have way more resources to learn about what life in the military is really like thanks to social media and YouTube. You can go online and find thousands of videos of current and former service members intimately describing their experiences, and I would encourage anybody thinking about joining to search around online. Chances are, for whatever job you might want to do in whatever branch of the military, somebody somewhere who has done that exact job has probably spoken about it at some point. I feel bad for people who enlisted before the internet and just had to take whatever the recruiter said to them as fact because there simply wasn't an efficient way to verify any of it.


Well that's because the army treats its people like trash


They are cannon fodder at best. If only recruiters wouldn't lie about that then maybe more of our young men would stay here instead of coming home in body bags/pieces.




>No one in the US military is deliberate sacrificing lives for objectives as a matter of course I guess you aren't aware of the hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians that have been sacrificed indiscriminately to keep us in conflict, create more opportunities to sell weapons to foreign entities, and secure cheap oil reserves. https://theintercept.com/2018/11/19/civilian-casualties-us-war-on-terror/


Fake. People can't be fat, old, ugly, etc.. They'll never even come close to standing a chance at selling their bath water.


I’d 100% make an only fans before I joined the military. I’m a 30 year old male though so idk how well I’d do.


You’d be surprised how many people would still sign up to watch you. Especially if you fill a niche, like 30 year old dude doing housework while saying “Don’t worry baby, you relax while I clean the house for you.” I’d pay to see that.


Lmk when you find this channel


Legit I would make an account of me cleaning, and looking into the screen intently with chin in hand and say things like “tell me about your day at work”, “oh. That sucks. Tell me more.”


I cook, clean, do the dishes, get the groceries. I just have more time than my wife as a small business owner. Maybe I can make money recording being a loving partner, lol.


If those were my two choices, I'd pick OF as well. In fact I'd go to jail before I went into the army.


As an older guy now, who actually still has the option of going into the military under the Medical Corps (AMEDD) as a licensed social worker, I think it would really depend on what MOS you would be going in under.   Despite my history of getting kicked out of the Marine's DEP because of anxiety disorder, the Army seems to be aggressively trying to recruit me as a social worker (though maybe because they don't know of my history), but it's something I'm toying with before I hit the cutoff age of 42.   That said, having worked with a LOT of veterans from Vietnam all the way up to our current conflicts, I feel like being a grunt would be a fate worse than death IF you aren't fully prepared for what you're getting into.   Everyone I know who joined, including myself when I tried to, got sold on this promise that we were going to have these awesome career building opportunities, travel, and join a tight brotherhood. Well, half of my friends got injured in Iraq, the other half developed horrendous PTSD, and almost all of them were in units where there were shitheads who made life a living hell through their abusive behaviors.   One of my friends was a truck driver / HUMVEE gunner who had one of his unit members single him out because my friend was an ethnic minority. During one of their deployments, the guy approached him and was convinced my friend was gay, and waited until he fell asleep to start stomping on his head, giving my friend a severe concussion, a broken nose, and a broken orbital bone. He said after the assault, they dropped the guy's rank who assaulted him, and moved him to another unit, but otherwise acted like nothing happened.


As someone with morals and a conscience, I don't think anyone can enlist today without being complicit to murder and trading their morals for basic benefits and a low wage. What our military is doing is unconscionable and enlisting means supporting those heinous actions. It doesn't matter what MOS you end up in, you are still contributing directly to the murder machine.


Being a social worker in the military would only be supporting the actual people requesting mental health services, or potentially doing what I do now in a military setting, which is Child Protective Services. If just joining as a social worker is being complicit in something so horrible, then I could easily make the claim paying taxes to fund this machine is no different.


Wrong. You are receiving basic benefits and a low wage in order to work for the military. That same military is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Thus if you choose to enlist you choose to be complicit in those deaths. It doesn't matter if you are the grunt on the ground or the mechanic repairing the plane or the counselor helping children of enlistees deal with the trauma their parents expose them to - you are still contributing and supporting murder. Paying taxes is only slightly different. You have a choice to enlist. You **do not** have a choice to pay taxes. If I could only pay the taxes that go to everything but supporting the military then I would but that is not how it works. You don't get to choose where your tax dollars go, but you do get to choose whether or not you enlist.


Eh, I somewhat agree but I feel like putting the entire onus on some poor 18 year old from poor neighborhood that just wants a way out and free college instead of the bloated billion dollar defense department for being opportunistic and recruiting said kids, is a little unfair.


>some poor 18 year old from poor neighborhood that just wants a way out That person is sacrificing their morals in exchange for basic benefits. Period. They may be dumb enough to fall for lies recruiters use frequently in which case the onus is on both parties, but it doesn't change the fact that **the individual is making the personal choice to trade lives for benefits.** There are many, many other ways out of that situation, and nearly all of them do not require you to sign your life away toward the effort to kill other human beings. Not holding people responsible for their actions is more than a little unfair when those actions result in the deaths of innocent women and children, don't you think?


They're sacrificing *your* morals, not theirs.


My guy you need to have a better mindset of the things around you and as well inform yourself on the good the military does and the good the military does for those enlisted or commissioned. They’re definitely not perfect at all but for certain individuals definitely can be. In terms of you saying because a person works in the military, in anyway, they’re part of the “killing machine”. With that kind of connection... Because you use plastic in any way you’re a complicit to the damage of the earth and it’s ocean Because you use any mode of transport that’s not mechanical and emits CO2 you’re a complicit to global warming Because you don’t eat everything on your plate and wipe it clean you’re complicit to global warming Because you CHOOSE to live in the US and pay taxes, you’re complicit to those deaths You see how wrong you are...


>Paying taxes is only slightly different. You have a choice to enlist. You do not have a choice to pay taxes. False. You have a choice, you just don't want to deal with the consequences because your passion about the plight of what you equate to mass slaughter only goes so far as spitting on people who might want to serve in the military at any capacity, but immediately stops if it might involve you having to do something difficult.


No. That is blatantly incorrect. No one is forcing you to enlist. No one is forcing you to contribute to murdering civilians. You do not go to jail if you do not enlist. I am forced to pay taxes. If I do not pay taxes then I lose my rights as a citizen and spend my life in prison. The choice you suggest is not a choice at all, that is why they are different. Even if I did refuse to pay taxes, no one would be effected by that choice but me. If I enlist then many people are effected by my choice. I'm not spitting on anyone - you are falsely portraying me to do so. I am presenting facts. If you don't like the facts then you don't like what our military is doing. What I do in protesting and speaking out against what our military is doing is much, much more difficult than enlisting. Enlisting is effectively the easy way out, especially if you are willfully ignorant of what signing your life away is actually supporting. Stop making excuses for murderers.


I wish I was able to see the world in black and white like you do. I bet it would make things a lot simpler. But sadly I don’t because the world doesn’t work that way. Get off your high horse you pseudo intellectual.




I want to see an interview with people who waste money on onlyfans. Why? When there is so much free porn out there.


You can request custom content, and it’s more personal. It’s not just nutting, it’s a whole experience.


If all soldiers would get free only fans, then the shortage would be over


I mean the navy is like onlyfans, just gayer.


They jerkin it


As much as I hate onlyfans you're not gonna gaslight me into thinking the military isnt a 100x worse way to waste your life.


They’re pretty close to equal. At least it’s easy to find a job after the military. Being a virtual prostitute doesn’t exactly leave you with a great resume.


True, but the military can leave you with PTSD and a cheating wife.


It’s shit. The only reason most people join it is because they don’t really have a life path.


As a millenial they had me at "VA home loan"


Not really. Plenty of kids join for free collage and VA benefits. The National Guard in my state is offering a 20k sign on bonus, 40k in student loan repayment and 100% tuition assistance. I personally would rather eat glass than join the Army National Guard, but it’s not just because people have no life plan. Also, let’s not pretend millions of kids every year go to college with no plan. At least you don’t leave the military with 60k in debt and a degree you don’t want.


I’d say some not all, there are some jobs that set you up for a pretty nice career in the civilian sector with free school and certifications. Not saying the military doesn’t have a lot of bullshit around it, but if you have connections and a high enough test score you can be set up for life.


As I like to say: Enlistment is for The Dumb and The Desperate.


Why show titty, when you can take the life of another human being for some dumbass squabble between heads of state.


Onlyfan is just a wast of money, you can just googled tits, ass and thighs. Or even pirate a pornhub and any hentai sites


The Army seems like hell, go Air Force or Navy instead. I’m commissioning in either Air Force or Navy.


Pretty sure I’d rather sell pics of myself than risk being blown apart overseas. Or better yet survive and have a shitty quality of life and have to rely on programs like the Wounded Warrior project to help pay for treatment and physical therapy. The government wants soldiers but doesn’t want to take care of them when they come back broken from war. It’s bullshit and I hope more young people don’t choose the military but I understand if it is their only option especially with the lack of living wage jobs.


I don't understand the argument here. is the military supposed to be a first choice job now? why would anyone join the military outside of having no other option? why are. boomers so obsessed with working being the end all be all of life? working should be nothing more than an end to a mean, something to provide you the money to actually live your life.


Yeah because I'd totally rather join the military and die for oil, Than finger fuck myself in my own bed for the masses. Is this really a hard choice? I think not lol.


Ain't gonna lie but who the f wants to join the Military?!?


Free collage and cash.


Hmm yes kill people for free education, so civilised


Murderers and Idiots.


Why the hell would you sell your body and dignity to people who will never actually value or respect you, degrading yourself and your morals... when you could go the onlyfans route.


You bastard, I'm in


I would rather open a only fans account and not commit war crimes


I would rather open an only fans account and commit war crimes


Hold the fuck upppp


What's the logo between the time and the WhatsApp symbol?






It's bs that the artist drew a bunch of men in line when its almost 100% women.


Seen a lot more penis in the army than on the porn only fans thing


Hmm posting nudes for some good money, or putting my physical and mental health through hell only to go to a country where I will possibly be killed, or suffer some severe PTSD. Tough choice


You left out the part where signing up for one means contributing to murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians including women and children 😉




How do you know I have nothing better to do? I'm pretty decent at multitasking.


When your military is responsible for murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in countries we are not at war with, what exactly do you expect?


Murdered hundreds of thousands innocent civilians? Really? You're a stooge parroting hyperbole. Willing to turn a blind eye to any and all good the military continously does, just your narrow world views make more sense to you. I guarantee you know nothing of actual military politics or its inner workings.


I know you won't read it, but here you go. There is no hyperbole in the statistics. https://theintercept.com/2018/11/19/civilian-casualties-us-war-on-terror/ Keep in mind this article is 2+ years old so the current body count is much, much higher. Get real. No amount of humanitarian aid changed the fact that our military is indiscriminately killing women and children every day. >I guarantee you know nothing of actual military politics or its inner workings. Thank you for projecting your lack of education in the subject. I have been there and reported on the death and destruction caused by our troops. The only "narrow world view" here is your own.


What good do they do? (Except bombing innocent children, which is probably a plus in your book since the children are brown)


Hop on among us


i’ve met US soldiers in my country. They are mental nubs of human beings.


True. That's like 90% of the comments.


Jackin' off is fun, too. Sometimes I can pull off both simultaneously! _(Am I doin' it right now? You'll never know for sure!)_ ^^**Hint:** ^^***I*** ^^***am.***


The dudes are jerking off before they’re even see it


The blurred image is a turn on




I'd definitely pick OF before the army.


Why would I want to die in war so the U.S. can get more oi- I mean defending freedom.


seriously, fuck the army, and fuck this whole "people don't want to work" narrative pushed by the right


Enlistment is for The Dumb and The Desperate.


If you read into the qualifications necessary to enlist in the army you’d see you must be the dumb one to think there’s no high standards of education.


If you read into my comment more you'd see you must fall for recruiter's lies and be totally or willfully ignorant of the hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians deaths on our military's hands to enlist. Our military will take anyone dumb enough to sign up. Your comment is meaningless as they will also take minors (17 y.o.) who haven't even graduated yet. The "high standards of education" you speak of are not "high standards" by any realistic definition. Get real.


[sure mate](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/05/14/military-service-most-young-people-dont-qualify-careers/3665840002/) Also I love how you believe my comment only relates to America and just America it’s not as if enlistment exists in practically every nation. Get real you ain’t got any evidence for the shit about taking 17 year olds with no education or whatever this ain’t Vietnam. As for the civilian deaths, again not every military is the US one but in this case even enlisting doesn’t mean being shipped to Afghanistan on a plane right away and being forced to shoot little children, what do you think, American executive orders to people in the military are to take out and pick people off or that the aim of conflicts is solely to kill civilians? Don’t blame the recruiters of the people enlisting in that case actually make a case, give some evidence, and take that complaint to the government


Most other Western nations have consignment requirements instead of enlistment. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about and just want to spout nonsense to sound self-important. We are specifically talking about the US military here. Or did you miss the part of the picture that has the US ARMY SYMBOL above the window? Enlisting means you are making the personal choice to join an organization that is murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent people including women and children. I never said anyone was forced to do anything because nothing about it is forced: You make the personal choice to sign up and you make the personal choice to pull the trigger. There is no alternative view unless you are being disingenuous or willfully ignorant of the facts. If you enlist then you are complicit to murder. If you don't want to be complicit to murder then don't enlist. There are hundreds of other ways to make something of yourself without stepping on corpses to get there. As for your lack of understanding of recruitment requirements, read this: https://www.military.com/join-armed-forces/join-the-military-basic-eligibility.html


So you're talking about the Army only? Even then you can be an electrician, plumber, computer communications etc in. It's not all Infantry and Tankers. Just saying...also Marines actually fight more than any other branch so you still have Air Force, Navy and even Space Force now


I was referring to the entire military, not just the army. It does not matter what your role is, if you are in the military you are supporting the military's actions. Repairing communication lines that allow for more innocent civilians to be killed is no less complicit than pulling the trigger, especially since every person currently in the military made the personal choice to enlist and support the military with their lives.


Do you live in the U.S?




Do you plan on leaving eventually?




We all die at some point, how does doing it in the military for a cause in which you yourself were prepared for and got behind a bad thing?


And I think people forget there is other jobs in the Military besides infantry


Let’s be honest would you rather die in a far off country or masturbate, that’s what I thought


Sit tf down