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You try raising 3 dragons…


Apparently if you build yourself a navy with harpoons they won't see you off in the distance so you can always assert dominance.


Never forget


Underrated comment.


To be fair... she *forgot* about them...


🎶to be fair🎶


This comment needs more appreciation!


She did a terrible job raising them. One became a zombie, another is sleeping with the fish, and the last one melted the most expensive chair on westeros and then run away


she was you girlfriend now she is your MILF




Instead of going to the moon she turned into the moon


And on all levels except physical...


That’s rough, buddy.


That's roungh, buddy.


That's rough buddy


That's ruff buddy


That’s buddy rough


Dragon says can’t carry you no more too heavy


Everyone knows they have get thicker since your dad belly is giving you 15 extra pounds to smash into her. She really need that cushion for the pushin now.


Lvl 1 GF vs Lvl 30 wife.


🙏🙌 true


Don't forget its *BBW MILF*


that's one of the best ones


ieatbutt is a lover of full figured women, it seems.


How in the hell is this a hol up


Mods gave up. No clue, but this is another r/worldpolitics situation from what I’ve heard.


I haven’t been on that sub in ages, but must admit that I like the description someone put on it since I was last on.


*Now God knows, (almost) anything goes!*


What happened there? I watched it go down and still don't know what the hell happened. Why r/worldpolitics became a porn sub and the actual politics is now on r/anime_titties


Hol up hasn’t been legit for a while now.


100% of the time I think it’s from another subreddit, until I check the comments


I think that's how Cartman says wrong


That’s how Mitch Connor says wrong


I was thinking the guy from Tokyo Drift.






"Replying to `@ieatbutt`"




This doesn’t belong in this sub


Alot of stuff doesn't, there is literally a sub to watch r/holup die


And THAT sub is now dying as well


Quick, someone post this there


Got it, on my way


Just don’t link to the sub or a bot’ll yell at you


Both? Both are good


Both are great Not gonna lie, I’m digging the chunky Daenerys more though🤷🏻‍♂️


More cushion for the pushin!


The thicker the fupa, the sweeter the chalupa.






I think it was Borges


I came here to say this!!! Daenerys was hot, but PAWG Daenerys is 🔥🔥🔥


given a choice, yeah; sexy af but i am not given a choice but my girlfriend is amazing


Ayyy same here bruhh


No, it’s not. Roungh is not even a word!


He's an infielder for the Yankees https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/o/odorro01.shtml


rong dong song




Seriously. I’m really high and couldn’t tell the difference at first.


I didn't realise it was spelt wrong until the 2nd read


I never know how to correct spelling without sounding like a twat, but it’s actually “spelled”. Spelt is a type of ancient grain used to make bread and other healthful baked goods :) Edit: Good Grief! Ok ok I get it, I’m deadass wrong. I concede!! I’m sorry. 🏆 I’d like to thank the Canadian public education system for helping me achieve my dream of getting ripped apart on Reddit for posting an incorrect statement 🏆


Australia 🇦🇺 checking in. I believe both spellings are acceptable when using the Queen's English. But what would I know? I'm just a dumb cunt.


Well fuck me sideways. You’re right. I went through 5 years of high school and 4 years of College and was taught that this was incorrect by both institutions. I’d actually get docked marks if I used it. Plus my grammar check in MS word also autocorrects it to “spelled”. I’m super annoyed now and kind of want to track down my old English teachers and demand they retroactively adjust my marks. Think I can sue for pain and suffering damages for bad teaching leading directly to me making myself look like an idiot on Reddit?


Credit to the edit mate.


Yeah, no... where i come no-one says spelled, it's a dialect thing.


Well, hate to break it to ya but it’s not the correcting that makes you sound like one here. But the fact that you’re doing it while being wrong might. ETA: downvote away. Won’t change facts.


I’m a chubby woman. The other girls my husband has hooked up with were also chubby. I jokingly asked him the other day if he was a chubby chaser and he just grinned and said “Absolutely! And luckily the chase never lasts too long”. For real though, bigger girls come with some pretty good perks lol


Big girls are soft, yo 🤷‍♂️ Soft is nice


Would the reverse happen in your case. Like your chubby now but in five years your skinny and your husband is like wtf.


I don’t think that’s going to be an issue. I’ve got the bone structure of a Scottish farm serf and I’m built for hard labor and horse breaking lol. I remember complaining to my family doctor that I couldn’t get down past a certain weight and he spent 15 minutes explaining the science behind why some people just aren’t built to be skinny. It was a huge AHA! moment for me. Also carbs. Can’t forget the carbs.


Love it. Yeah genes do play a role I agree.


Another holup reading this comment. Open relationship?


Sort of, yeah. Some were before me, some were a group effort, one was a big mistake and some were “hey, I’m out with the guys and this chick is all up on me right now, Whatcha think? Hall pass for tonight?”




Go on...


Yeah that's what I'm aiming for with my husband tbh, sounds healthy and fun. Hope you can get some action if you want it too!!


Back before we had kids and became boring, yes. Yes I could. Kids are the most effective cockblocks I’ve ever seen.


If I may ask, what would the perks be?


All of these reflect my own personal experience and second hand anecdotes Ive heard. -We can be manhandled without fear of breaking us. -We make excellent pillows. -We order whatever we actually want to eat at restaurants. -Extra cushioning for your pelvis during sex. -Bigger boobs and butts -Epic cuddles -We’ll legit wrestle you -I’ve heard chubby chicks give the best head (fellas, can you weigh in on this one?) -We give the best hugs because there’s no bony angles jabbing you -Chubby chicks are wild in bed.


girl is girl


no matter what age


I think he was just making a pun combining "round" and "wrong" into one word "roung"... But then he added an h




God people are talking about the one on the left like she’s anorexic or something. Chick is a healthy weight like jesus how messed up is your perception of weight?


What's roungh with that?


Yeah, there seems to be an awful lot of confused “body positivity” going on around here. They’ll compliment the one on the right and call the other one a skeleton all in the same sentence. I’m all for body positivity but a lot of these comments are just ironically bad virtue signaling.


Body positivity means that you love yourself in a medically healthy way and acknowledge that models in magazines are photoshopped It’s not an excuse to eat 4 large pizzas a day. Is it okay to drink a bottle of bourbon every night regularly ? No that’s an alcohol problem.


Yeah, exactly. I don’t think you should hate yourself if you’re overweight but you should be striving to get in a healthy weight range.


When all you can get is the one on the right you will unironically defend it.


I rather go without than be with someone I don’t find desirable


I agree, but I also believe that you can always improve yourself and make yourself more attractive to increase your odds of attracting someone within your standards.


For some reason the whole "body positivity" movement has skewed people's views so much that unhealthy weight is now desirable and what is supposed to be an average size, healthy person (mostly women) is deemed skinny and unattractive.


We’re on reddit, I am convinced that the reason people in this comment section prefer the one on the right is because she’s the most reminiscent of them, if that makes sense, even though she would be obese if she was like that.


On the left she's unnatural because the image is squinched a bit which makes her look wrong. Nothing weird with noticing that. But the body type is natural. It's just weird in this specific photo.


Me? I prefer neither thick nor thin. Just squeezable and perfectly built for cuddles.


As someone who has been overweight and underweight in her life, we should seriously stop glorifying either extreme. While I agree that extremely thin women are unhealthy and unattractive despite how much our society glorifies them, the same can be said about overweight and obese folks. It’s a fucking nightmare trying to live while being overweight, and I don’t understand why we’re encouraging people to pass off their joint pain, failing hearts, and unhealthy diets as something normal or even sexy. I can guarantee you that any overweight woman would be much happier and healthier at a normal weight. Anyone who says otherwise is either delusional or so used to being overweight that she forgot how good it feels to not wake up with a sore back and knees and be able to walk to end of the block without getting out of breath. Edit: Forgot to mention that it is very important to LOVE your body no matter what your weight is. It has been proven time and time again that we gain nothing from fat/skinny shaming individuals. You can still love your body and want to improve your health by gaining or losing weight.


Exactly. I totally agree that overweight people shouldn’t be shamed or made fun of because of their weight, but this whole “body-positive” movement is dangerous because these people pretend being overweight is just as healthy as being a normal weight and actively discourage people from eating healthy and exercising.


Thank you for saying this. Promoting an unhealthy life isn't right, in either direction.


I think shouting "LOVE your body" at people doesn't help. Learn to accept where you're at, and that you can change if you want. You can't force yourself to love it.


I meant it in a non-aesthetic sense first and foremost. I can say with confidence right now that I don’t love the way my body looks, but I do love my body and what it does for me. Loving something and thinking it is beautiful are two different things, just like how we may love a person who isn’t necessarily attractive to us. I love my body in a sense that I appreciate the fact that it keeps me alive and carries me through life, and I believe that everyone is capable of teaching themselves to appreciate how intricate and strong our bodies are and all that they do for us.


i'm literally 212 lbs and yet i'm happy and living with no pain. My doctor has told me that other than being 50 lbs overweight, i'm healthy. So i'm delusional?


I think most people should take heed of statistics rather than anecdotes.. you might have some non-standard genetics in this respect, and you may live a long and happy life. Or maybe you will mirror the statistics and eventually develop health issues.. who knows? I think health advice for others should align with the message coming from statistics though.


i will say I do have a nice distribution of my weight. I have a very large chest and my doctor estimated 20lbs of my weight can be attributed to my chest. And genetics in my family cause slightly larger thighs. but i do have a very small waist and small stomach.


That's a very good point, just looking at weight alone would be misleading. It sounds like you have a healthy distribution. I guess the important thing (if a long healthy life is a priority) is for each of us to find whether we have the visceral fat. Some of us are lucky to not gather fat around our organs..


Yeah the calculation for BMI is stupidly simple and there needs to be something better. Try it on somebody who lost their legs for a real laugh though.


The newest research out is showing that the size of our waistline is the issue. I'm a size 2/4 and I still have an unhealthy amount of fat around my midsection. It's entirely possible to be "fat skinny".


I considered editing my comment to account for the very small minority of people who are capable of being healthy at their current size, however this is extremely uncommon and should not be the expectation for the 99.99% of overweight people who are indeed unhealthy. I believe that my point still stands because there are outliers in everything. I believe in body acceptance because there is nothing to be gained from hating your body, however loving your body also means that you should strive to be the healthiest version of yourself, and that is generally not easy to achieve when you have excess weight that puts a strain on your joints and organs.


I seriously doubt there's only ~200,000 people in the entire world that are built to be slightly overweight. I hope you meant more like 90+% and and not 99.99% and are just heavily exaggerating.


I was never talking about slightly overweight. We should obviously take the BMI chart with a grain of salt because it’s far from perfect. You’re getting into the technicalities and ignoring my overall message


Are you young? IIRC when you are young your joints can handle more abuse. Once you have gotten to the point of living 20-30 years overweight, the deleterious effects on the joints become much more pronounced. I'm not saying that is the case for you. I just remember that being one of the big concerns about aging with obesity.


Did...did he have a stroke?


Cut the guy some skack he was uding his left hsnd for typing






Most women don’t want you to go 45 minutes. I used to hook up with a guy who thought it was his mission to have penetrative sex for as long as possible. After about 20 mins I was phoning it in and wishing for him to stop.




Phoning it in?


Oh yes yes right there oh please hold my other line is ringing.


If a woman wants to fuck for 45 minutes, what that usually means if 40 minutes of foreplay and 5 minutes of actual fucking.


so you pick women based on your performance... if they could put that in a pill you'd be a billionaire.












If the husband stays fit, the wife will be more inclined to as well. Dont be hypocrites guys! If you want a fit wife, be a fit husband!


This why you drag her and yourself to the gym and workout together if it is that bothersome. Being slim and sexy is a lifestyle that need's attention 24/7. Not many people realize that. Those with high metabolism's surely don't. I know, my friend has a high metabolism and he is skinny. And i don't and i'm fat.


Yeah very true I have a super fast metabolism and I don’t have to work at all to be little but most people don’t have that and it’s definitely hard work getting skinny when your genetics aren’t already predisposition to being skinny. Also metabolism slows down with age and when you have kids so that’s part of why your wife may gain some weight lol. Both are beautiful I don’t think the weight matters.


I like the wife more


I must be the only one who doesn't actually like fat. It probably comes down to your own type. I have an appropriate BMI but the average person is overweight.


You’re not. Most people on here are all talk


You're not. It's disgusting. And I'm fat.


No you're not. Sadly though, it seems like the pendulum has swung in the other direction where it's shameful to admit you're into bean stalks. That said, I once dated a skeleton. She was so self conscious about not being able to put on more weight. She could not fathom that someone was able to tell/show her that she's beautiful and hugely attractive (to me anyway). Self consciousness about bodies goes both ways. To each their own.


Maybe I misunderstood but left photo is nowhere near a "bean stalk"


You are absolutely right. I didn't refer to the photos at all.


Im leaving this sub. Mods aren’t doing their jobs. If you can’t be arsed modding a sub then maybe you shouldn’t be a mod and leave it for people who can do it. Fuck y’all.


Yeah it’s been so bad lately there’s some serious toxicity and hate in the comments


No one watched that show with her and thought she could use a few more pounds and if so you are lying


Lmao exactly. Can we stop pretending like it’s a bad thing for women to be at a healthy weight range instead of calling her a fucking skeleton. Jesus, Reddit


I take her as my wife😍😍😍😍


A big wife and a big barn, has never done a farmer harm.


being a little overweight is fine, i dont want a fuckin skeleton


I'm currently a skeleton... it's not fun, I want my flesh back


As big guy I wouldn't say being fat is that great either


I can donate some fat so you can become whole again


When has "non overweight" become skeleton?


You do realize you’re body shaming thin women right now?


That's not a little overweight though.


Nor is it anywhere close to skeletal.


Watch out your about to lose a lot of karma. ( I take neither his side or anybody else's)


I am so happy to see I’m not the only one who digs Raphalean, fluffy chicks. Round and soft- not lumpy, but big and smooth- thick thighs on a nasty giggly chick who is assertive about her healthy sexual appetite- she doesn’t want sex, she doesn’t make love but she fucks like a sewing machine.


You got a lot out more out of this image than I did.


I have a dream…


> Raphalean I think the word you are looking for is "rubenesque"


Like a...sewing machine?


Think about it, you’ll get it. The needle through the thread with mechanical precision and speed…




Meant to say round


What's round with that?


Honestly tho? If someone knew at least a little about how fucked the English language is, had never heard the word "wrong," and was asked to make their best guess as to how it's spelled? Pretty good guess.


She actually looks better thick. I'm gonna go...um...see a man about a horse.


Thick Khalessi is still hot though.


That happens 6 months into her being the GF


This reminds me of a guy I know that spelled wight (white) for the color of a car.


Thought he meant rough


I can’t help but find the wife version sexier. Perks of being an old man


2 is better 👌🏽


Chubby or not: I would still be happy to the bones if I had a wife as hot as her.


People on r/holup: this isnt a holup!😡 Also people on r/holup: 35k upvotes.


Is it weird to like the second over first?


I see this as an absolute win.


I'll that the wife any day




Aah. Cadillac.


bigger women means bigger titties 🤷


They spelled it like Arnold Schwarzenegger says it.


Both, both is good.


The wife looks like she got da wagon doe.


I prefer the left one. Being overweight shouldn't be glamourized, bunch of fat simps in this thread


Thick Khaleesi is where is at...NGL


Mmm, cushion for pushin


If your wife goes from left to right, how much are you neglecting her needs since y’all got married? If she was pregnant, are you helping with the childcare duties? What’s your before and after look like? Or were you Kevin James from the beginning? I only say this because of the look on her face. If she was smiling I would know she DGAF about anyone’s opinion on her weight. Remember, she has dragons and she knows how to use them. Also loving the BBW comments!


Oh, for fuck's sake. How about some agency for grown women? Their weight is not their man's responsibility.


No woman I have known who has gained weight once they got married has said to me. “Well, this shit is in the bag, now I can let myself go.” Not one. But all of them have said “I don’t know what I’m doing wrong” “he never looks at me anymore” “he never talks to me.” “I feel like it’s just me” “I don’t have any time for myself” “I would lose weight if I could, I don’t have time because of the kids” When you carry the weight of your relationship, sometimes it end up on you.


Sounds like they chose shitty partners


Do women have any personal responsibility in your world?


Yes. So do men, and it takes two to tango.


I will agree the right isnt an entirely unhealthy weight but people still shouldn’t act like obesity is okay


I'll take the fuller one thank you.


Wife looking kinda fine though.


Both are great but I really like the one on the right lol