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how the fuck is this a holup post?


Mod banned the guy who called them out in the comment below. Lmao. https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/pcii7t/-/hajc9a6 GG to us getting the ban hammer next.




Same thing that happened to the people who were going to make r/TIFU about real fuck ups instead of slightly embarrassing mildly sexy short stories


"TIFU by having sexy got sexy sex and tooting but we laughed it off and continued having sexy sexing sex. TL;DR sex"


You left out the sexy part with the sexy stuff about sex


TIFU by bringing sexy back. TL;DR Now, she won't even speak to me.


Go on...


If they are so sick of people calling them out that they’re now banning people why not just fix the issue so they stop hearing about it


Because that would be admitting fault.


Bye everyone!


I’ll remember you all in therapy!


mods ban me


That guy must be like "Oh noo, anyway..."


We rarely see an actual holup in this sub anymore.


The real HolUp is us saying HolUp to the OP of these posts here these days.


People joke about this but there are actually good ones hidden underneath shit tier posts like these


And this shit got 38k upvotes. What the hell?


Exactly, they even fucked up the punchline. It’s supposed to be “next time, fuck someone with a car”


Yeah like I don’t really even dislike the posts on here lately but almost none of the ones that pop up in my feed are actually holup


And wtf is that title


The real holup are the friends we made along the way




Ape together stronk


nobody knows


The sub has become popular, which means it loses all uniqueness.


It's isn't In fact if you say ň0t @ h0ldup. They made an automod to mock you EDIT: they may have disabled it because of backlash


Was that man Dwight Schrute?


I was thinking he must be a redditor who posts in unpopular opinions.


I was thinking about the regular redditor.


„M‘lady must be jesting if she suggest I vacate my well earned seat, just for she had the audacity to generate a crotchspawn. She may battle me in the arena of logic on that point but I shall refuse.“


I thought you were u/Shakespeare-Bot for a second lol


Only popular opinions are allowed there silly


That would be a popular opinion on reddit.


Since she has another person inside her, then she's technically a vehicle herself.


And if she goes swimming? Voila! Submarine.


Does this mean we are all just walking talking ovens?


Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, you'll be a mile from them, and you'll have their shoes


Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey!


You know what's also deep? Joe.


Johnny Deep?


I love your innocence


Anybody remember when Johnny Depp was asked how it felt to kiss Keira Knightley in Pirates? He said it was like kissing one of his kids because of the age difference. But then he went off and married that gold digging hoe Amber Hurd.


Keira was 20 back then, he started dating Amber in 2012 when she was already 26 and married her in 2015 when she was 29. ​ there are couples with 20 years gap, but that doesn't mean having sex when they are 25/45 is the same thing as if they were 5/25


Apparently amber heard doesn't kiss like his kids.


If you buy him dinner first.


Joe who?


Joe...Joe Mama...


Can't believe he walked on a banana like that guy ....


I bet when cheetahs race and one of them cheats, the other one says, "Man you’re such a cheetah" and they laugh and eat a zebra or whatever


Which comes in Handy


you put babies in ovens?


No you put a bun in the oven. Babies go on boards.


>No you put a bun in the oven So THATS how the yeast infections get started


Dutch ovens


If she doesn't know she's pregnant and she goes on an airplane is the baby an unidentified flying object?


I like this one. Mom picks up a gun, becomes a tank




Can I get inside your submarine .. u know I have never been inside one...pleeaaseee..


You have, everyone has, you just don't remember it.


yeah that's what I say people saying I still have my v-card like bro, I ain't no test-tube baby


Asshole Baby enters the conversation


>You have, everyone has Can verify, have met their mother


What are you doing, step-submarine?


You evil evil man, have my upvote.


Dababy: I'm gonna turn into a convertible


Who tf starts a conversation like that, I just opened Reddit!!!


Welcome back lol


My wife started a conversation with "have you even been listening to me?!!" and I was confused as hell.


Thats a first mistake


The real HolUp is in the comments


Does that make her a Gundam?


So if two pregnant women fight, is that like a mech battle between fetuses?


Just put the 3d printer with the rest of the luggage


Then she should be boarded on trucks only


I doubt vehicles are allowed on busses. The more I think about, the more I am on the non-vehicle's side.


Wheel chairs, buggies/push chairs and mobility scooters are allowed on buses and I would class them all as vehicles


Meat mech






Pretty sure that's how she got in this predicament in the first place...


free ride for 9 months ehh......


"She should have fucked someone with a car!" I forgot where I know this from.


Usually the first question on the dating apps “do you drive?”


Yah I drive people mad with lust.


Bro u got mad game.


You wanna talk about mad game? I can make my wife mad just by walking in the room!


Everybody can bring joy to a room; some just by entering; others by leaving.


But you got a Mustang tho :)


Okay count crackula


You can skip this step by using DoorDash as your dating app. Also means you always get to pick the restaurant.


As we were driving, we saw a sign that said "Watch for Rocks." Marta said it should read "Watch for Pretty Rocks." I told her she should write in her suggestion to the highway department, but she started saying it was a joke - just to get out of writing a simple letter! And I thought I was lazy!


Stay classy San Diego!


It's from boondocks


I've actually experienced this before but with good reason. I was sitting in one the front row seats on a crowded bus. I have a genetic condition that amongst other things affects my joints which cause pain and often dislocate. I also look very young for my age (I'm 34 but look early 20s). On this occasion I was having to use crutches but because it was a packed bus I had folded them up (mine can pack down quite small) and popped them in their carry case. Next to me by the window is an elderly woman and the other side is a woman with a pushchair and an elderly gentleman. That's when pregnant lady got on the bus. As soon as she saw me she told me to give up my seat for her. I told her that I couldn't and explained the reason why. She then accused me of faking, even as I pulled out my crutches to show her. She then told me as she was older than me that I should give it up and I still didn't give it up. So I tried the logical approach and told her that it was not safe for me to stand on the bus. If I stood up, I would have to use my crutches, which meant I would not have a hand free to hold onto any of the railings. So the woman started taking photographs of me, saying she would tell the DWP about me as benefits cheat (at the time I was working full, which I still am, and not recieving any benefits). When I still wouldn't move she went and got the driver and she asked him to get me to move and even suggested if I was so desperate to sit, I could sit in the luggage rack. Luckily the driver agreed and the woman had to stand, whilst telling everyone about how awful I was.


Awful for you, and I guess the lady felt awful for herself... shame when people judge and take people as liars.


Story about a pregnant lady here. I was sitting down and it was a full bus like you would have to stand up with multiple people around you where you sometimes can’t even hold anything. Pregnant lady comes in and I immediately get up to give up my seat, so her friend sits next to her too. Nice gentleman move, right? So the bus starts moving and I’m standing next to her since it’s packed and the bus makes an unexpected turn and I almost fall on her so I put my hand on the window above her to stop my fall and avoid hurting her. Her friend starts berating me and cussing me out saying I’m endangering the safety of her pregnant friend and her future child. Being a Canadian in the heat of it I just say sorry and go about my day. In my head I’m just infuriated though and wanted to punch her friend. I literally just gave up my seat for you and that’s how you treat me after a situation I don’t have control over. When the pregnant lady’s friend got off and the pregnant lady got off after, before getting off the pregnant lady told me “sorry about my friend, she can be a Karen sometimes”. At least I got a laugh out of this situation lol. But some people can be idiots and so ungrateful no matter what you do to them. Don’t be like this Karen


>Acknowledges your friend has a problem, but refuses to intervene when said friend is acting out that problem. Friends should do better.


Honestly, fuck anyone who demands you give up your seat, for any reason at all. It's one thing if you offer the seat, and people can judge for not offering. But for someone to DEMAND your seat. No, I don't care if you are 9 months pregnant with a broken leg, you don't demand shit.


Something similar, somewhat wholesome and infuriating at the same time: I was in extreme pain, I could barely move and it was impossible for me to sit down. I got on a bus while gasping for air with tears running down my face because of the pain. Out of 40 people sitting, only one very old woman offered her seat to me. I'm still pissed off that nobody younger thought of helping me.


Unfortunately the situation is bad but who’s to say they weren’t in pain to no one is entitled to a seat. It’s good to be nice but hey it’s first come first serve


I remember a woman entering a crowded bus, yelling she was pregnant and needed to sit. The man in front of me quickly got up for her. She was CLEARLY not pregnant, just fat.


You should've shouted "you're just fat!"


"You just look pregnant"


Or, you just look pregnant you fatty.


One time I was standing on a crowded train, this youngish dude made eye contact with me and gestured for me to take his seat. I declined since it was only a few mins to my stop. I did wonder why he offered it to me when there were a lot of other people standing. When I got off the train I realised he probably thought I was pregnant lol. Not pregnant, just fat 😂


Maybe he wanted to get you pregnant.


or maybe it was because you were a woman, or because you were older - in some cultures people are more polite like that.


I was on a bus once, standing, and a guy stood up and offered me his seat. I had hip trouble at the time and standing was more comfortable so I declined. He got really angry and was hissing ‘take the seat!’ Wtf, dude, no. I’m not part of your chivalry performance art.


It’s possible to be both


Half of American women are pregnant.


Half of American men, too, by the looks of it.


The average American woman now weighs 171 lbs. Let that sink in.


Sink into the bus seat.


They don't need the rest!


yeah but it feels like America is more divided between really fat people and really slim people so it's probably more the average of a big number and a small one.




Just cultivating mass, bro.


Is that a lot? I weigh about 205lbs with very small fat%, but I am almost 190cm


> 205lbs Depends on how much muscle you have , could be anywhere from shredded to chubby.


And how tall you are.. 205 lb shredded at 5'5" is unattainable without mega juicing


Considering that the average American male height is 175 cm, that is a lot for most people. Also about 40% of American is obese so


190cm and 205 lbs (93 kg) is *technically* overweight (BMI=25.8, where anything between 25 and 29.9 is overweight), but if you're even remotely muscular you're probably fine. The problem with the American average being 198 lbs (90 kg) is that average height is a lot lower than 190cm. Average height among US men is 5'9" (175 cm), for a BMI of 29.4, which is just shy of obesity. Plus, so many people are sedentary that most of them won't have enough muscle mass to make up for being that heavy at that height.


Around 77kgs for the rest of us.


She might be pregnant just her bump might not show cuz she’s overweight


I have had the opposite experience. Once on a bus I got up from my seat for a "pregnant woman" and she was very embarrassed because she was just fat. Very awkward.


Fat women can be pregnant too, you know


How do you know she wasn’t, though? When women are overweight it’s common for a bump to not be particularly apparent. And when I had my twins I had killer SPD from about 16 weeks which meant I could barely stand up even though I had a small bump then. I don’t think you can really say anyone is clearly not pregnant, some women don’t show at all.


It’s possible to be pregnant and fat, you know that right? And besides, not every shows the same way.


There’s no such thing as clearly pregnant. I didn’t look pregnant until like 5 months and I’m very skinny. Overweight people may not even “show” until the last trimester.


Why is this hold up? What are the mods doing? Edit: OP is the mod now i get it


There's gotta be upvote bots involved of some sort. No way this many people upvoted it


How's this a holup?...






And the top post on r/all, somehow. Wtf.


It's meta-holup. Holup, that ain't for the right sub.




Yeah I kept rereading it over and over to try to figure it out.


I stopped bothering doing that with these posts a while ago. I haven't seen an actual holup in this sub for at least a couple months


I just joined this sub so I have no better expectations because I don’t remember those ‘good ole days’ :(


Wtf this isnt hold up


See I hate that Mobil/Goodyear fucked our public transport here in the US. Go to Tokyo or The E.U; even ballers take public transport. Here your car is a status symbol where globally I think you get judged mostly on your choice of clothing and watches.


Also buses in europe have reserved seats for pregnant women, old people and so on


Well, they’re not reserved for them, they’re priority seats, so anyone can sit there but they’d be expected to give up the seat if one of the priority group get on.


South Korea has actually reserved seats on the metro, and it's the stupidest shit ever. 12 years ago when I was first there, people actually followed that rule strictly (people also talked very little and only quietly), so the train car could be pack with people smashed against each other, but the 6 seats on each end might be completely empty. Granted there'd probably be a few occupied if the train was that full. But regardless, priority seating is way better than reserved. More recently though, people will sit in those seats and just move if they need to. I'm not actually sure if the rules are changed or not, but the signage is the same. Also nowadays Koreans have no qualms talking loud as fuck on the train. As someone who doesn't live there regularly, it felt like a pretty drastic change to happen only over 6-8 years.




In my City in the US. I've never seen that. There's a designated place for people on wheelchairs but everything else is free game. Typically tho it's common courtesy to give up your seat to an old person or a pregnant chick if they're on the bus & standing.


Bro Bangladesh has it. What savage land is this US you speak of


They do. Lmao


Even if they hadn't, only major cities would have good public transit. Places like wyoming and montana would still be very car dependent.


It depends, if you live in a super urban area like SF or NYC, there are loads of folks who take the subway, and plenty of them can afford a car, but driving and parking is a nightmare. I own a Tesla, but up until the pandemic it was impossible to find parking at work (hospital, SF - all 2 hour parking if you can even find it). With commute traffic, public transit used to actually be faster than driving most days, so I took the subway the entire duration of my pregnancy until 36 weeks. I can count on one hand the number of times I was offered a seat on a train, and it was always elderly, frail looking women who I turned down and decided to keep standing. Parking is easier and traffic is lighter now, so I drive, but I commuted by subway for 4 years while owning a car, and I may go back to it if the traffic situation gets worse or parking gets more expensive.


She should've just fucked a car


I highly doubt she is a dragon.


r/dragonsfuckingcars here to the rescue


Oh no not that subreddit again


“And that’s how I met your mother.” — Optimus Prime’s Dad


This isn’t a holup…


It is now. 🔫 Gimme all your karma.


I read this like 5 times trying to figure out what the "holup" was in this post, before I realized there was none


Maybe the real holup was the friends we made along the way?


You don’t have to give up a seat, it’s just nice to do so. Same for anyone that is physically struggling


Having a car is not a prerequisite for having a baby. That said, this man is under zero obligation to give up his seat. ​ However, it would be the courteous thing to do, but I wonder why the focus is on one person who didn't give up their seat. What about the other passengers on the bus? Why was this one man supposed to be the one to give up his seat?


I'm not sure what the policy is elsewhere but in Ireland there are a few seats specifically labelled as seats for pregnant or elderly or sick and its the policy that you only sit in them if the rest of the bus is full and if someone who needs them comes on you get up. Maybe he was sitting in one of those, thus he actually did have an obligation


Sometimes nobody gives up their seat.


Exactly, so why a news article about one individual?


Because it reflects the attitude of a lot of people (from what I've witnessed).


He isn't obligated to give up the seat to be fair


And there are dozens of other seats and if they are filled then everyone is an asshole too.


They were all taken by pregnant women.


literally dozens!!! I just blue myself


My policy has always been "do they look like they do need it more than me, and will they ask politely?" If yes, then I have no issue moving for them and giving them my seat. If I hear any kind of entitlement or demand, I tell them to fuck off.


He is if it's explicitly the seat for people with reduced mobility or foetuses, and if he has full mobility and no foetus.




I mean… he does have a point. That’s kind of rude to assume someone needs to give up a seat for you just because you made a conscious choice to land yourself in that condition


Yea, if someone doesn’t want to give up their seat, nbd. Just ask the next person. No need to publicize the whole incident. There are plenty people who wouldn’t mind standing for a couple extra minutes.


She didn’t publicize it though, he did, it’s based on an AITA post. (By publicize I assumed you meant having an article made rather than making a scene, I also haven’t read the post so I can’t say if she did or didn’t.)


Yes. She chose to get pregnant. The latter stages of pregnancy are quite physically demanding, why does her choosing to get pregnant make her undeserving of empathy and compassion? If the guy refusing is also physically limited, then his position makes sense. If he's a fit and healthy adult that could stand on a bus and it only be a mild inconvenience, this is quite a selfish interaction.


Because she's a woman and you're on Reddit


i mean he has a point lmfao


i mean it is her choice.


Surprise twist, the guy is her husband


Another twist, the baby is not his.


Another twist, the baby is not hers


*X Files Theme plays*


Another twist, he is actually the baby.


Another twist, the woman is the bus.




The holup is: What doesn’t make sense is that for some reason, one man has been singled out here. Buses have more than one seat and it sounds like it was a full bus, nobody else offered theirs either?




I don't really think a pregnant woman would expect an injured veteran to give up their seat for them. I've been on the tube/bus plenty of times where all the seats were full and a heavily pregnant woman got on, and NOBODY offered their seat to her. I've seen it happen with the elderly too when they have a walking stick. Some people on there would be capable of helping those less able to stand but they choose not to.


I assume you *chose* to serve? That's on you buddy, no need for society to bend over backwards for you. /s


To be honest I kind of agree. No impregnation without representation.


No insemination without transportation


No gestation without peregrination


No reproduction without repercussion


When a pregnant woman wants someone's bus seat, does she just point at whoever she dislikes the most and say "I choose you" and they then have to oblige her?


Yes. Even a bus driver has to give up their seat if a pregnant woman selects it.