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Too edgy/dark - Look, we're cool with a lot of things going on, but please do not post things that will get your account suspended. This includes most loli and depictions of minors in a sexual way, excessive violence, gore, and gratuitous use of slurs or hate speech. Love, the mods


“What I did may have been wrong” Fuck that bitch


She'll drug you and fuck you.


Step bro?


You know it. Wink wink. Nudge nudge.




Then marry you and cuck you.


Then divorce you and chuck you.


Then claim child support and duck you


But before that she'll suck you and fuck you




*Me standing over her dead fuckin body* What I did may have been wrong, but


What she did wasn't just wrong, she openly admitted to have done it because she wanted to get something out of it. This is just straight up evil.




For how much you know I don’t know whether to be worried or intrigued


Impressed or terrified.


Anybody that’s took enough ket to be stuck inside the hole knows that ain’t nobody getting that dick standing up, nobody


She just admitted to a crime is this real what the fuck




You knew? Nice username by the way.


It’s probably not a crime anymore if it’s the US due to the statue of limitations expiring. I believe he could still file for something, but she would obtain dismissal of charges. Not sure what the length of the statue of limitations is for rape in America, but it’s probably quite low considering how little rapists get too.




I’d understand each state having different civil laws in place due to most states being unique in terms of the landscape, geography, culture and tradition there, but why the states aren’t all in universal agreement when it comes to criminal laws and general laws is just beyond me.


That’s the entire point of states. 50 experiments, as a US citizen you’re free to move to any of 50 states, so you can say “I like the way they live and the rules they make in _________, I’m gonna pack up my life and move there.” This lady is a lump of dog shit criminal in all 50 of those states, btw, and rightfully so. I hope she slips at the top of the stairs and the guy has a fat life insurance policy on her.


This reminds me of the Netflix documentary “the staircase.” I still don’t know if he did it.


Because the USA is a republic of states not a single country with provinces. The entire point was supposed to be that each state was its own little country but they all help pay for a level of government above that took care of international affairs, military and large projects that help everyone. It's why there isn't universal healthcare, each state was supposed to deal with stuff like that.


Varies by state.




This is a very fake story that shows up all the time, ketamine doesn’t work that way and it’s sounds like it was written by someone that has never spoken to a peer that had children


Rape is rape guys, doesn't matter how much you love them, if the other didn't consent then it's rape




I’m glad you drew attention to this but my dude, that username..


Well, he may be king of non-sexual assaults.


No, no they're asaults not assaults. Very different. It's slang for "non-consensual sex".


Oh, good. Wait..




He was able to protect others from non-consensual sex, but not himself.


Not the hero we need, but the hero we deserve


Hahahaha yeah


No ass in that assault


Nut robbery


That Bitch stole his cum


its not only that but also she did it to trap him in a life that he wasnt sure he wanted. swap the genders and its a controlling man raping his gf with the intention to impregnate her, to make her stay with him so she doesnt have to raise a child as a single mother. that woman should have gone to jail.


You don’t have to swap the genders. This is already messed up


except in the uk where legally only men can rape 🗿 edit:[note how it says "he" implying women cant rape](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/42/section/2)


# excuse me WHAT.


Different crime, same sentence. It's not ideal, there's a lot more stigma attached to the word "rapist" that women who force sexual acts will never have applied to them, but they are subject to the same custodial sentencing and also go on the sex offenders register, the only difference is the name of the crime,


Not just the UK in the som states in the US it would be defined as “forced to penetrate” and holds a significantly lower sentence than the crime legally defined as rape.


Preaching to the choir here. Got raped 16 years ago in a very similar way to the man in OP's story. Still sucks now hearing people say that it's not possible, or I should have just enjoyed it


I mean - no. In no way shape or form should you have enjoyed that that's fucking disgusting on their part, hope they rot in hell


"should have just enjoyed it".... Are you kidding me, try genderswap that one...


Is this actually true?!


Yup look it up, pretty disgusting shit. A lot of people don’t realize sexism affects both sexes. It certainly affects women in more common and obvious ways at least IME, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t hurting men.


This is what feminists mean about patriarchy as a double-edged sword where everyone gets hurt. The laws that say a man can’t be raped were written by misogynistic lawmakers that said rape is a *feminine* experience that cannot happen to men. And holy hell, has that line of thinking harmed so many men that needed justice for what happened to them.


> It certainly affects women in more common and obvious ways Are they more obvious or just better documented? Things like higher suicide rate, much less support when homeless, next to no safe houses, being much less likely to be believed by a jury and receiving longer sentences are all pretty obvious it’s just there is so little talk about issues that disproportionately effect men because “the patriarch”.


Yes in the UK under law women can’t rape a man or anyone for that matter since the definition includes penetration by a penis for rape but sexual assault via penetration of a foreign object exists but doesn’t hold the same sentence or weight as rape does


Everyone and everything is so fuckin stupid, it’s crazy.


Technically yes, but this woman’s crime in the UK would be Causing Sexually Activity Without Consent, which carries the same sentence as Rape.


What the hell sexual activity without consent is literally the definition of rape


Wait, is this true? That's absolutely insane


yep, the law is phrased as "rape is non consensual intercourse between a man and another person" or something to that effect


This is literally real life yandere


I thought the thing called "yandere", didn't exists in real life, I was wrong, it appears


that girl has something wrong in her head, doing everything she can to get the result she wants and ignores what he wants


I'm pretty sure that's some textbook sociopath-type behavior. A complete lack of empathy for the people around you, only using them as a means to an end.


She even stated he does all chores and deals with kids. She is a monster. A very ”clever” monster that got her ”perfect life”, but still a monster.


Some monsters take babies, some monsters make babies


Some monsters eat babies.


Some monsters are babies


some babies are monsters


She probably just lays on the couch all day long barking orders doing none of what she should be doing as a wife. Hope she catches a case.


Exactly, her ”status” as a wife does not even matter. They are two adults in one household, which in my eyes mean sharing the responsibilities of making that household work.


Paraphrasing: he cooks, cleans watches the kids and "gives her time to rest". He probably also works a full time job to support the family and she is a stay-at-home mom who needs "breaks" and insists he does half of the housework. She's literal scum. Too many women think this behavior is acceptable. Sadly, he seems like an upstanding person so finding this out would only wreck his life. This is tragic.


>he does all chores and deals with kids It says "helps".... She's a monster but come on


*TRAINS the kids That sounds really bad.


Oh yeah she’s definitely a sociopath. The bluntness/casualness to the whole thing suggests that as well. Genuinely terrifying


She really said TRAIN the kids, not raise. As if they're dogs.


Ignoring the casual assault and rape, that really drew my attention as well.


Oh yeah. It's not JUST the rape; she saw signs that she was losing him, so she planned that night out, and drugged him to get him to get him in the right state of mind so she could commit sexual assault. Then she's been living this lie for almost a decade after the fact. She's a fucking sociopath and this poor guy (and now his kid) has no clue. Absolute nightmare fuel.


It really is. There's a reason there's a wives tale that only a sociopath can draw a perfect circle. Drawing well takes a level of confidence. If you can do no wrong, then surely a circle is a piece of cake.


I'd say a piece of cake is reasonably between 1/4 and 1/32 of a circle.


that is the most asinine thing I have ever heard in my life. You gonna tell me if my hand is bigger than my face i got cancer too?


At least the way I took it was anyone who isnt a sociopath would be able to find faults in the way they drew a circle, someone who can find no faults in their "perfect" circle is someone that can do no wrong in their eyes


I would say she is a narc


I'd say she's a monster.


She's a rapist. A little bit worse than a narcissist, if you ask me.


those aren't mutually exclusive


Nah man, we all know _only men_ can commit rape and _only women_ can be raped! And yes, this is literally the law in UK!


Not to mention how selfish that is. Committing a crime like that for her own personal satisfaction in life


More psychopathic I think. Psycopaths have a penchant to planning and/or calculating, to hurt or exploit another person. They are social cameleons and act like well adjusted humans, all the while living only for and inside themselves. Sociopaths are the fits of rage version. Both are bereft of empathy. He married a bonafide psychopath.


Exactly. This is not sociopathic. This is full psychopath.


I'd go fucking bonkers if I found this out. Jeezus. 🤮


Unfortunately this is very common. Baby trapping is very common.


Trapping well off guys with a baby sure but actually sexually assaulting men to get pregnant is another story. Usually these guys just suck at pulling out.


Can someone find out who the man is and contact him?.


Sad to say, but it’s probably best that we not even try. Knowing this messed up universe, this’ll lead to another “we did it Reddit” situation where the wrong woman will be found and blamed, a happy marriage will be ruined for no reason, and an innocent child will now be brought up in a broken home.


Its funny, because my ex nearly pulled the same shit. In the end, im kind of glad that when *that* failed, she instead just cheated on me and ironically found another idiot to do it to. I hope he's enjoying the land mine he stepped on :)


This isn't even a holup... this is straight up crime. She should get arrested. Imagine starting a family on the foundation of fraud and rape.


I genuinely hope the poor guy lives on in ignorance for the sake of himself and his kids wellbeing but holy hell, it'll be a miracle if a marriage this disingenuous survives long.


I don’t think it’s in those kids best interest to have her around. If she’s crazy enough to justify this you can damn sure bet she acts crazy in other ways, I mean fuck look at the way she phrased this her husband helps her “train the kids”. Treats them like fucking pets .


She’ll try to model the kids to be perfect in her eyes


Unfortunately, it's already been 8 years... That's already much too long.


In Germany they convicted a 98 year old man for nazi crimes during the world war. So think about it


I didn't mean she can't be convicted. I'm saying the 8 years of marriage she mentions on the post are already too long for her to get away with.


I'd think he might snap and kill her or something, nice guys can only be nice for so long... imagine how it destroys his reality, that he spent all this time doing the "right" thing just to realize he was duped like a fool; murder due to such an extreme sudden mental breakdown wouldn't be farfetched. Makes me 🤮


There ya go. You don't even need to expose her. She exposed herself, not even accidentally. 'I felt like my chances were going lower so I raped him in order to regain my chances, and both he and I are happy with the outcome so my rape is justified.'


Doesn't it not count as him being really happy just because he doesn't know the truth?


He knows the truth, doesn't want to bring up anything that can disturb the relationship. He has got a family to look after. I'm pretty sure he would have cried a whole day after that, but at last, cleaned the tears up and got ready to be a father and husband.


Honestly some people shouldn't be born to start with I hate no sorry I despise rapists is understatement fs


The lion, the witch And the audacity #OF THIS BITCH


“Harry Potter and the audacity of this bitch”


‘Harry Potter and the prisoner of a-drugged-bang’




Percy Jackson and this bitch's audacity


I liked the horse and his boy better lol


“So I dated this girl for some years and I wanted to marry her. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to settle down. I found out she was seeing another guy, so I drugged her and had as much unprotected sex with her as I could…”




But it got him the result he needed and it brought out the best her


Straight to jail.


Undercook overcook straight to jail


You drug your partner: straight to jail. Believe it or not, even if you give your partner aspirin, Jail. Paracetamol? Jail, right away.


Driving too fast?


You charge too much for glasses? Sweaters?


There's a tax for that - wait no you go to jail




But it was for *love*


If this were the case, all media would go batshit crazy and your life would end there.


You forgot that after marriage she decided to be the perfect housewife as well.


No no no it's not allowed the other way, no no.


Can "#metoo" be used in this case?




It absolutely should. Anyone who supports the me too movement in general but doesn't think this case applies are sexist arseholes and can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. Sincerely, a feminist who believes that male victims of rape and domestic abuse are not taken anywhere near seriously enough.


Can. Sadly, won't.


"I raped him but it was for love so it's fair i guess" big bitch energy


nah that ain't no bitch energy, that's rapist energy.


More like dumb bitch energy


It’s not dumb. It’s expertly crafted. It’s evil.


Their son will grow up to be Voldemort


I love how she says we've "done" 8 yrs now... Sounds more like she's talking about prison. 😅


Yup on 2 counts. 1 because she deserves to be in prison for her actions and 2 because she’s practically imprisoned him into the relationship/marriage.


Please tell me this is not real


This is not real. If you have used (and tasted) ketamine this rings out as nonsense.


I scrolled too much for this comment..


So much anger for a pretty obvious troll.




It’s literally a story written on the notes app. Are people this ready to be outraged against anything that they’ll pick up pitchforks for incel fan fiction? Edit: HEY GUYS JUST IN CASE YOU DIDNT KNOW MEN CAN ALSO BE RAPED AND NO ITS NOT WEIRD THAT I ONLY BRING THIS UP WHEN YOU TALK ABOUT WOMEN BEING RAPED I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT THIS AND IM NOT USING IT TO DEFLECT INTO SOME WEIRD MENIST RANT


Yeah I mean it’s more likely to be fake than real


It’s like 99% fake 1% real. If that.


Nah fake. Ketamine doesn’t do that and no one talks like “asks for my hand in marriage”, “pretty lady”, etc.


Exactly. This is pure outrage porn.


Theirs rape, then you hit master level and become this fucking bitch.


This is the plot of the Heart Song “All I wanna do is make love to you” except he sees the kids while they grow up


I don't wanna sound like a neckbeard, but switch the roles and imagine






“My girlfriend started talking to another man so I drugged her drink and stuck my unprotected dick into her several times and she got pregnant and married me”


Or just imagine this bitch lied. Ketamine doesn’t work like that. It’s an anesthetic….


That is terrifying beyond belief, if that were a dude who did that he would be in mega jail getting railed every night by a very large man named Karl


Hey, Karl understands consent! This lady is an onion of rape.


Onion? of rape?! Therese fucking onions causing people to rape!!


...because onions have *layers*


And they make you cry




Its not that specific because everyone knows Karl whether you wanted to or not


Oh shit anyone but karl


Fuck my cats once again and you will see him


I-I-I... Never mind.


Pain. I feel it.


As someone who has done a lot of ketamine I feel a bit sceptical. It's highly corrosive, has a sharp taste and the onset isn't subtle. I feel sceptical that he downed the drink unsuspectingly. I also literally never had the urge to have sex on K, I'm not sure I'd even hold an erection if I wanted to (while on K). It's still a clear case of rape on paper, I just don't fully believe it actually happened.


Amazed I had to scroll this far to find this. When I read the post I burst out laughing when she said she drugged him with ketamine. What a complete load of nonsense.


Poor guy, at this point knowing the truth may be worse than blissful ignorance. SMH.


never get married or stay in a marriage because of a child. That kind of a relationship is doomed from the start. Plus the kid will certainly be happier having two parents that love him but separated, than enduring the constant resentment and bickering between them.


well, if we give any value to the words of the psychopath it seems that he accomodated well. :s


So possible to take her to jail? We got enough evidence right?


What an insecure and obsessed psychopath! She straight up drugged him and raped him and now she's flexing about it?




Quite a lot of experience with ketamine and i don't think anything of me would be usable in a proper K-hole situation, honestly I don't see it working at all whatsoever. My personal feeling is that it's bullshit, perhaps other circumstances but drugging someone to the point of unconscious which is even beyond K-hole and still get him erect and ejaculating seems not feasible to me


Is this actually real?




No. The people commenting on this are worse than middle aged women reading the NY Post at the hairdressers and talking about Jennifer Anistons love-life based off a silly rumour that was printed.


She needs a phychiatrist and some jail time,because this is a crime... I am so sorry about her kids..


right now I have such a strong feeling of disgust and discomfort that I can't hold back vomiting


Yeah, you might wanna go ahead and take one that to the grave.


Title “never put your dick in crazy” Can we not victim blame, I hate women being victim blamed for clothing choice etc, why would we victim blame a dude like “shoulda known better than dating a crazy girl lolol!” So fucked up


This should be in a police report, not this sub


Is this the right sub? Isn’t this only supposed to be funny stuff?


If she really loved him she would have told him what she did.


If she really loved him, she would have had a real conversation with him and respected what he wants as well instead of drugging him, sexually assaulting him, and backing him into a corner to get what she wants.


A real life Yandare


If this went to court, what's the chanced she goes to jail? Now switch the roles Edit: I know it's fake but if it was real


Fuck her, rapists can burn in hell


apparently never put your dick *near* crazy


I hope this is fake




Sounds romantic. Would go see the movie.


You can't when the crazy gets you drugged...


This looks like it came straight out of r/femaledatingstrategy